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---------------******* ImageTextEdit *******------------------------

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.Utils;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Drawing;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Registrator;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.ViewInfo;
namespace ImageTextEdit
public class RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit : RepositoryItemTextEdit, IIconS
private object imageList;
private int imageIndex;
static RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit()
public RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit()
imageList = null;
imageIndex = -1;
public const string CustomIconTextEditName = "CustomIconTextEdit";
public override string EditorTypeName
get { return CustomIconTextEditName; }
public static void RegisterCustomIconTextEdit()
EditorRegistrationInfo.Default.Editors.Add(new EditorClassInfo(CustomIconT
typeof(CustomIconTextEdit), typeof(RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit),
typeof(TextEditViewInfo), new TextEditPainter(), true));
public override void Assign(RepositoryItem item)
var source = item as RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit;
Events.AddHandler(_iconClick, source.Events[_iconClick]);
Events.AddHandler(_onIconSelection, source.Events[_onIconSelection]);
this.imageList = source.ImageList;
this.imageIndex = source.ImageIndex;
private static readonly object _iconClick = new object();
private static readonly object _onIconSelection = new object();
public event IconClickEventHandler IconClick
add { this.Events.AddHandler(_iconClick, value); }
remove { this.Events.RemoveHandler(_iconClick, value); }
protected internal virtual void RaiseIconClick(MouseEventArgs e)
var handler = (IconClickEventHandler)Events[_iconClick];
if (handler != null) handler(GetEventSender(), e);
internal bool CanRaiseBeforeEditValueLoaded
get { return (IconClickEventHandler)Events[_iconClick] != null; }
public event OnIconSelectionEventHandler OnIconSelection
add { this.Events.AddHandler(_onIconSelection, value); }
remove { this.Events.RemoveHandler(_onIconSelection, value); }
protected internal virtual void RaiseOnIconSelection(OnIconSelectionEventArg
s e)
var handler = (OnIconSelectionEventHandler)Events[_onIconSelection];
if (handler != null) handler(GetEventSender(), e);
[Description("Gets or sets the source of images to be displayed within the e
public virtual object ImageList
get { return imageList; }
if (ImageList == value) return;
imageList = value;
[Description("Gets or sets the index of the image displayed on the editor.")
[Editor(typeof(DevExpress.Utils.Design.ImageIndexesEditor), typeof(System.Dr
public virtual int ImageIndex
get { return imageIndex; }
if (ImageIndex == value) return;
imageIndex = value;
public override BaseEditViewInfo CreateViewInfo()
return new CustomIconTextEditViewInfo(this);
public override BaseEditPainter CreatePainter()
return new CustomIconTextEditPainter();
public delegate void IconClickEventHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e);
public delegate void OnIconSelectionEventHandler(object sender, OnIconSelectio
nEventArgs e);
public class OnIconSelectionEventArgs : EventArgs
private int imageIndex;
private readonly object imageList;
public OnIconSelectionEventArgs(object iconCollection, int iconIndex)
this.imageList = iconCollection;
this.imageIndex = iconIndex;
public virtual int ImageIndex
get { return imageIndex; }
set { imageIndex = value; }
public virtual object ImageList
get { return imageList; }
//set { imageList = value; }
public class CustomIconTextEdit : TextEdit
static CustomIconTextEdit()
public override string EditorTypeName
get { return RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit.CustomIconTextEditName; }
public new RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit Properties
get { return base.Properties as RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit; }
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
var vi = ViewInfo as CustomIconTextEditViewInfo;
if (vi.IsIconClick(e.Location))
int newX = e.X - vi.IconRect.Left;
int newY = e.Y - vi.IconRect.Top;
var ee = new MouseEventArgs(e.Button, e.Clicks, newX, newY, e.Delta);
public event IconClickEventHandler IconClick
add { this.Properties.IconClick += value; }
remove { this.Properties.IconClick -= value; }
public class CustomIconTextEditViewInfo : TextEditViewInfo
private Rectangle fIconRect;
private int SeparatorWidth = 3;
public CustomIconTextEditViewInfo(RepositoryItem item)
: base(item)
fIconRect = Rectangle.Empty;
protected internal virtual bool IsIconClick(Point p)
if (p.X > IconRect.Left && p.X < IconRect.Right && p.Y > IconRect.Top && p
.Y < IconRect.Bottom) return true;
else return false;
public object ImageList
get { return Item.ImageList; }
public int ImageIndex
get { return Item.ImageIndex; }
public new virtual RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit Item
get { return base.Item as RepositoryItemCustomIconTextEdit; }
protected override void Assign(BaseControlViewInfo info)
var be = info as CustomIconTextEditViewInfo;
if (be == null) return;
this.fIconRect = be.fIconRect;
public override Size CalcBestFit(Graphics g)
Size s = base.CalcBestFit(g);
s.Width = s.Width + SeparatorWidth * 2 + GetImageSize().Width;
return s;
protected internal virtual Rectangle IconRect
get { return fIconRect; }
set { fIconRect = value; }
public override void Offset(int x, int y)
base.Offset(x, y);
if (!fIconRect.IsEmpty)
this.fIconRect.Offset(x, y);
protected override Rectangle CalcMaskBoxRect(Rectangle content)
Rectangle r = base.CalcMaskBoxRect(content);
r.Width = r.Width - GetImageSize().Width - SeparatorWidth;
r.Location = new Point(r.Location.X + GetImageSize().Width + SeparatorWi
dth, r.Location.Y);
return r;
protected override void CalcContentRect(Rectangle bounds)
this.fIconRect = CalcIconRect(ContentRect);
protected virtual Rectangle CalcIconRect(Rectangle content)
Rectangle r = fMaskBoxRect;
r.Size = GetImageSize();
r.Location = new Point(SeparatorWidth, SeparatorWidth);
return r;
protected Size GetImageSize()
var ic = ImageList as ImageCollection;
if (ic != null)
return ic.ImageSize;
return new Size(0, 0);
protected override int CalcMinHeightCore(Graphics g)
int imageHeight = 0;
if (ImageList != null)
imageHeight = GetImageSize().Height;
if (AllowDrawFocusRect)
imageHeight += (FocusRectThin + 1) * 2;
int fontHeight = base.CalcMinHeightCore(g);
return (imageHeight > fontHeight) ? imageHeight : fontHeight;
public class CustomIconTextEditPainter : TextEditPainter
protected override void DrawContent(ControlGraphicsInfoArgs info)
protected virtual void DrawIcon(ControlGraphicsInfoArgs info)
var vi = info.ViewInfo as CustomIconTextEditViewInfo;
var e = new OnIconSelectionEventArgs(vi.ImageList, vi.ImageIndex);
if (e.ImageList != null && e.ImageIndex != -1)
info.Cache.Paint.DrawImage(info.Cache, e.ImageList, e.ImageIndex, vi.Ico
nRect, true);
info.Graphics.FillRectangle(info.Cache.GetSolidBrush(Color.White), vi.Ic
public interface IIconSelector
event OnIconSelectionEventHandler OnIconSelection;

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