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Communications Statement

It has been revealed that:

82 % of young adults consider watching Television as a leisure time
77% of young adults use Internet every day
Based on the above findings, the media exloited to better reach and aeal to female customers,
target will be:
!rint on free newsaers, sorts and car maga"ines#
$utdoor advertising: Billboards and advertisements on ublic transortation %buses,taxi
and underground stations&
'e will leverage social media and word of mouth for the vast ma(ority of our mar)eting
using latforms such as Twitter, *aceboo), $r)ut and +y,ace# These latforms are
widely used by the customers in our demograhic mar)et# 'e will ma)e announcements
via regular tweets and udates to our fan age on *aceboo)#
'e will also use our email mar)eting list which is comrised of eole who have
exressed interest in )nowing when we release new games# 'e have segmented our email
list so that we can send aroriate emails to media and different ones to actual gamers,
our customers#
To get these high level executives, we will develo an online ad camaign with landing
ages containing lead generation forms that visitors can fill out to get whiteaers on
using mobile gaming to attract customers# $ur white aers will include the concet of
embedding advertising within the games as well as examles of custom games created
(ust for a secific organi"ation#
'e also will networ) at ma(or trade shows and conferences, including obtaining sea)ing
engagements where we can discuss case studies to exose our concets and strategies to
the right level of buyer#
Marketing Implementation
Marketing Organization
As Yves Rocher requires current and future products require extensive preparation
care to match customers needs, it is necessary to organize the marketing function
by customer groups. This wi aow Yves Rocher to focus its marketing e!ort
excusivey on the needs and wants of each target customer segment. The
marketing e!ort wi be organized around the foowing groups" #ebsite $roups,
%ersona &eing group and 'ustomer Reation group. (ach group sha report to the
saes manager. (ach group is responsibe for the marketing of the product within
that customer segment. )n addition, each group wi have fu decisions that wi
better satisfy the customers.
These changes in marketing organization wi enabe Yves Rocher to be more
creative and *exibe in meeting customers need. +ikewise, these changes wi
overcome the current ack of diversi,cation in Yves Rocher product ines and
customer base. -inay, this new marketing organization wi give a better
opportunity to monitor the activities of the competitors.
Contingency Planning
The most ikey change in the marketing scheme is a ma.or increase in )nternet
website tra/c and the importance of website marketing. #e wi a keep a cose eye
on website deveopments and, if needed, increase our focus on website marketing.
As of this writing, we expect we can deveop our niche and focus without direct
competition from the name brand consuting companies.
Marketing and Promotions Team
A impementation activities are to begin as at the start of the next ,sca year on
0anuary 1234. 5ness speci,ed, a activities are the responsibiity of the director of
Yves rocher.
6n 0anuary 32, create three saes manager positions and the position of the
marketing director. The marketing director wi serve as pro.ect eader of a new
business anaysis team, to be composed of nine empoyees from a variety of
positions within the company.
7y 0anuary 34, assign three members of the anaysis team to each of the foowing
research potentia new product o!erings and cients,
anayze the current biing cyce and biing practices, and
design a customer survey pro.ect.
7y -ebraury 32, the three pro.ect groups wi report the resuts of their anayses. The
fu business anaysis team wi review a recommendations.
7y 8arch 92, deveop a marketing information system to monitor cient reorder
patterns and customer satisfaction.
7y Apri 34, ,naize a customer satisfaction survey for current cients and impement
the suggestions provided by the customers.
)t shoud be noted that impementing the marketing information system wi cost
around 42,222.
Marketing Budget
The marketing budget is as foows"
Resources Rs Usages Rs
&hort term oan
2 94: Advertising ;2222 94:
%artners <2222 92: =irect 8arketing <2222 14:
2 94: )ndirect 8arketing 92222 32:
8arket Research 92222 32:

8arketing )nformation
&ystem 42222 12:

'ontro 7odies
#e have set 1 contro committees"
3. 8arketing budget committee" meetings monthy
1. 'ustomer committee >customer satisfaction, brand image, evoution the
number of cients?" meetings every two weeks.
Control Tools
3. 'ustomer satisfaction survey
1. %ositioning >did we reach the desired position on the market@?
9. 'ompetitors anaysis >new competitors on the doAitAyoursef heathy
Control by Milestones
8arch Bth " #omen =ay" &peci,c cares for women in the )nstitute >argie faceA
0une 12th " D-Ete de a natureF >Gature =ay?" 32: discount on the =oAitAyoursef
products and distribution of sma *yers describing our products and the origin of
the raw materias.
-rom Govember 12th to =ecember 1Hth " 'hristmas campaign" %ropose specia
D'hristmas packsF containing doAitAyoursef products and diverse accessories
shower or bath.
Criteria of success
&urvey of %aris inhabitants" ask which -rench cosmetic brand is the most natura for
them. +ess than 4: shoud answer another brand than YR.
Monitoring Procedures
To analy"e the effectiveness of the mar)eting lan, it is necessary to comare its actual erformance
with lan ob(ectives# To facilitate this analysis, monitoring rocedures should be develoed for the
various activities re-uired to bring the mar)eting lan to fruition# These rocedures include, but are
not limitedto, the following:
!ro(ect management concet will be used to evaluate the imlementation of the mar)eting lan by
establishing time re-uirements, human resource needs, and financial or budgetary exenditures#
!eretual comarison of actual and lanned activities will be conducted on a monthly basis for the
first year and on a -uarterly basis after the initial imlementation hase# The business analysis team,
including the mar)eting manager, will reort their comarison of actual and lanned outcomes
directly to the comany director
.ach ro(ect team is resonsible for determining what changes must be made in rocedures, roduct
focus, or oerations as a result of the studies conducted in its area#
+/01.TI23 +I4
To increase the mar)et share of the current range of s)in care roducts its advisable to follow the
combination of the following strategies:
/5$2 ,1I2 6/0. !0$786T,
The appearance of the product
In line with the demands of the male mar)et, the roduct has to be affordable, simle and easy to
use# +ales do not really ay attention to the aesthetics of the ac)age, but loo) more on its
usability and its comfortability# The language has to be )et as simle as ossible, using
exressions such as wellness, health and longevity, shown to be successful to aeal to this
The function of the product
+en 9s s)in characteristics are very different from the female9s ones#
Their s)in is thic)er, firmer and denser# That is why an emhasi"e on the moisturi"ers effects and
benefits of the roducts must to be underlined#
'ith this strategy, the ob(ective is to become the lowest:cost roducer in the industry#
The 6ometitive ricing will be the strategy alied to increase the male target mar)et share#
Because of the massive cometition in ,)in care roduct and their wide success among this
target, the rice will be a bit below the cometitor9s ones#
Bundin! and "uantit# discounts
/n $ther way to attract more male customers are through bundling thought in the
following ways:
7iscount of the 2;% when the clients buy < same items at one time#
!romotions =ay one get two>
/ ull and ush romotional strategies will be used, in order to entirely rich the costumers
resonding to their needs and references#
The former exerts the sales force of the comany to create consumer desire for the roduct,
whereas the latter is aimed to sell directly to the consumer, maintaining the exciting direct
mar)eting strategy that characteri"ed /von 6osmetics#
6onsumer romotions:
? couons, discounts and free samles in order to have the oortunity to try and exeriencing the
roduct and urchase more#
Trade romotions:
? discounts, extra stoc), sale or return in order to re-uire more roducts
To ma)e s)in care line roducts extensively accessible to the consumers both direct and
indirect channels will be used#
,tore retailing: @ves 0ocher Booth
/ store retailing strategy, recisely a booth, that (ust sells all the @ves 0ocher beauty and
cosmetics, has been selected for the following
? / research on females reference on buying habits, has shown that females would rather
urchase cosmetics roducts in stores, malls and suermar)ets, then on line% only around A%&#
=$ver half of all womes9s grooming roducts globally are sold through grocery outlets#
,uerBhyermar)ets alone accounted for <2% of all womens9s grooming sales in 2;CC
/s the booth is laced in shoing centre, it is this a system that can hel to gain new customers
as the exclusive @ves 0ocher store will be accessible to more customers, attracted by the
innovative idea of @ves 0ocher comany and now able to try and test the -uality of its roducts#
? In home retailing %maintaining the existing direct selling model&
? Telemar)eting
? Internet % through /von 'ebsite and @ou/von#com, the 0eresentative 'eb site&

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