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Company: Ilocos Chicken Asado

Briands Chicken Asado

I. Introduction
The name of the business is Briands Chicken Asado. The
business will be ran and owned by my family. This business is a start
up type of business so operations will be home-based and will be
catering to seeral illages around !ue"on City# namely Blue $idge#
%aint Ignatius &illage# 'hite (lains# Corinthians# Acropolis#
)reenmeadows# &alle &erde. Although I will be focusing more on
targeting the Blue $idge area because that is where my operations are
based. The concept of the business initially started when a lot of my
relaties started to like our Chicken Asado. It is a family recipe created
by my grandmother. The recipe gies the person superior satisfaction
because of its taste# there is nothing like it out there in the market. It
has a certain "esty taste that will capture the taste buds of *ilipinos. %o
I decided why not make it into a business.
The +ature of the business is basically to supply people with
grade A ,uality food# specifically -.echon /anok.0 /y need is to supply
my customers urge for something different rather than what is out in
the market. But in the food business# satisfying needs isnt enough for
you to make it in this field. 'hy1 %imply because you are so many in
the industry# fine dinning restaurants 2Chinese# 3apanese# Italian# etc.4#
fast food chains# food stands 2hotdogs# fish balls4# etc. Thats why
there are a lot of segments in this industry. 'hat you want to do is
generate a certain demand or want for your product. 5ou hae to make
them want your product. Thats what I hae to do in regards to my
business. 'hy# because there are already established competitors in
the industry like Andoks /anok and Baliwag.
II. /arketing (lan
a. %egmentation of the market and specific wants and needs fulfilled
by my product
The si"e of the food industry is indeed big for in this industry
almost eery person is considered a consumer. The food industry is
really full of opportunities no matter what you sere or offer. 6n the
other hand the industry is also big so the industry is segmented to
other classifications. I chose to enter the .echon /anok industry. But
in this industry there are only a few# who you can say hae been there
from the start 2Andoks# Baliwag# etc4. I beliee that these companies
key success factor was of course the ,uality of their food and their
positioning. /eaning social class they targeted and where did they
locate their outlets.
As I said earlier# I chose to segment my product in the .echon
/anok Industry. Though the product is different from .echon /anok
the packaging and presentation is the same. The product can be
again# as I said earlier classified as part of the .echon /anok industry.
The industry is practically controlled by two ma7or players8 Andoks and
Baliwag .echon /anok. They control almost 9:; of the industry and
the other <:; by minor players like /amboks /anok. =espite the
huge domination of the two companies success is still ery much
possible in this industry. 'hy1 Because the deciding factor in this
business is not 7ust the taste but also the location# the aailability and
the conenience your product brings to the consumers# and the
appropriateness of your targeted market.
The needs I intend to satisfy are as follows. The people or
families who need home cooked meals in a hurry8 basically families
who are on the go. And eents like %hotgun parties and drinking
sessions. 6n the other hand the wants that I intend to satisfy are the
customers urge for something different than what is out in the market
and as I said earlier the conenience I bring to my customers because
of my accessibility.
b. Target /arket choice 7ustification
%ince Im starting small my target market is also not that big. I
plan to target my friends# relaties# the people who lie within my
neighborhood which are about >#?:: residents# and the neighboring
illages around Blue $idge 2Acropolis# %t. Ignatius# 'hite (lains#
)reenmeadows# Corinthians# &alle &erde4. A good network and good
public relations is indeed a critical need in terms of capturing my
customers. This is critical for me because some of my competitors are
already established in the industry.
An important need in this industry is the conenience the
company gies to its customers. In regards to my target market I really
bring customers this conenience. %ince a lot of my possible
customers are my neighbors and that the location of my illage is ery
accessible to my market# it wouldnt be a hassle for them to go and buy
.echon /anok from me rather than the competition. These needs are
currently not met by the competition because first# those endors dont
hae an established network with my neighbors and friends. %econd#
the nearest competitor is located at /urphy /arket Cubao# a ery busy
area meaning traffic# which is >-@ kilometers away from my residence.
And third they do not offer a deliery serice like I do.
c. Competition with in segments
The success in this kind of business could indeed be great# as
long as you locate the business properly and you position your product
properly. Threats of entrants may indeed come and go but if eentually
you hae established brand loyalty and create a certain demand for
your consumers# your window of opportunity could last for a lifetime.
6ne perfect eAample of this is Andoks manok.
The two ma7or players in the industry are Andoks and Baliwag
.echon /anok. They control at least 9:; of the entire market. /inor
players control the other <:;. /inor players like Benny $ogers
$oasters# $obinsons Choice baked chicken and %hopwises baked
chicken. All of these companies and brands are my direct competition.
/y indirect competition on the other hand# all chicken take out related
products# food stands 2rice meals to fishballs4, take-out food 2.ola
Idangs# .apids Chicaron# etc.4.
*or now the competition can satisfy customers needs through
the products taste and aailability. The competition 2Andoks4
penetrated the market through massie retailing of their product. By
making their product more aailable to their consumers. The nearest
Andoks from my market is located in /urphy Cubao# which prices their
product at (>CC. Dow1 By putting up small stalls on the streets. They
hae also standardi"ed their product ,uality. Andoks and Baliwag
already hae their own system of cooking .echon manok. They
already hae a standardi"ed system were their employees are trained
to cook and presere the product. In other words the products taste is
always consistent.
6n the other hand they also hae their weaknesses that I can
eAploit. 6ne of which is since I hae a segmented target market I could
focus more on my products presentation and ,uality more than my
competition. The competition does not hae this luAury why because
they are catering to a wide market. They cannot focus on the
customers demands more# rather than I can. Another is I can gie my
market more conenience than the competition because I can offer
deliery and they cant 2Andoks /urphy4.
If I can match up with the competitors strengths and eAploit
their weaknesses# I can go through the learning cure ,uickly and
hopefully capture ma7ority of the market.
d. Eni,ueness of the (roduct
A. (resent state
%ince my product is a family recipe. I can guarantee its
eAcellent taste and its readiness to be sold in the market.
B. (osition
The product has no preseraties. I can position my
product as a healthy product for health conscious people who
want healthy food but doesnt taste like one. These people are
always on the go# since they always run a tight schedule.
'hich is perfect because they are my target market.
C. Competitie Adantages
As I hae been emphasi"ing through the course of the
business plan# my main competitie adantage is my products
different taste. Dopefully its uni,ueness could attract the
market and eentually capture it. /y other competitie
adantage would be the again the conenience and
aailability I gie to my customers.

D. %pecific Benefits of (roduct
'hat benefits will my clients get out of my product1
'ell first is the aailability and conenience I bring to my
customers. Because since I am catering to limited market#
which is my neighborhood# and my operations will be home
based# so it would be easier or less hassle for them to pick up
or to order the product. $ather than buying from the
competition# where they hae to go through the hassles of
traffic and waste gas.
Another benefit is customers can reheat the product if
not finished. Because according to the people who hae
tasted the product# it is still good een if you reheat it.
E. Ability to /eet +eeds
6ne of the more important needs I hae to satisfy in my
business is the customers craing for something new or
different from the ordinary .echon /anok. /y product can
totally satisfy this need obiously because of its uni,ue taste.
It is totally different form your ordinary .echon /anok.
F. (rice
>. Andoks F ( >CC
?. Baliwags F (>CC
<. Benny $ogers F (?G:
H. Briands Chicken Asado 2/y (roduct4 F (?G:
G. (romotions
As for my promotions I could maybe lower the price by
?: percent in my first month of operations and maybe offer a
pricing scheme that implies8 if you buy ? chickens the one is
half-off. I will adertise by word of mouth# by conducting a
mailing 2e-mail and written4 to my network and to my
neighbors since this are my initial target markets. By
distributing flyers to my neighboring illages. And also by
posting an ad in illage newspapers# like the Bridge.

%ince my initial target market is my neighborhood. It
wont be hard for me to establish my public relations with my
potential clients. 'hy1 Because first# my illage has a ery
united association group# there are a lot of community
building-related actiities. 6ur community can be described as
an intact community. %o it would be easier for me to interact
and promote my product to my neighbors in actiities like
Dalloween parties# Christmas parties# and social gatherings
%econd I hae a position here in my illages council# I know
almost all the influential people here in the illage. I could
reach them immediately if I need help to promote my product.
Another is since I am a illage official 2%B Bagawad4 I can also
easily get access to my neighboring illages officials. They
can also help me promote my product. By haing these
adantages I can easily branch out to the neighboring illages#
by deeloping a network with my fellow officers of the
respectie illages.
H. %ustainability (Expansion)
>. =eelop more Chickens $ecipes
? current recipes
i. Chicken Asado
ii. Classic .echon /anok
?. IApansion of 6utlets
<. Add more (roducts to maintain the (.C 2product life
Inihaw na Baboy
Tuna (anga
H. IApand into a grill type restaurant
G. 6ffer a catering serice
III. 6perations (lan
a. 6rgani"ational Chart
A. Current
B. 6rg. 6b7ecties 2situation: < established branches4
>. To be able to achiee this 6rgani"ational %tructure
within G years.
?. 6n the third eApansion outlet. 6perations should
change from 6er the counter to a restaurant type of
operations something like .ola Idangs.
/ a r k e t i n g D e a d
( e r s o n n e l ( e r s o n n e l
B r a n c h / a n a g e r s
( e r s o n n e l ( e r s o n n e l
B r a n c h / a n g e r s
( e r s o n n e l ( e r s o n n e l
B r a n c h / a n g e r s
A c c o u n t a n t C r e a t i e D e a d
6 w n e r
( e r s o n n e l 2 & e n d o r 4 ( e r s o n n e l 2 C o o k 4
6 w n e r
b. 6b7ecties and *unctions of each position
A. 6wner F Das the last say and makes most of the decisions
regarding the business.
B. Internal $epresentaties
>. /arketing =epartment F Dandles the adertising and
promotions of the company
?. Creatie =epartment F In charge of imaging and
improing the product. *or eAample deeloping more
chicken recipes or adding more products to the /enu.
C. Accountant F The one assigned to do the inentory and
accounts of the business. De or %he will make sure that all
financials are in order.
D. Branch /anager F The one in charge of superising the
operations in each branch. De or she is also in charge of
operations in the said branch.
E. (ersonnel 2&endor and Cook4 F The one who cooks and
take orders from customers. The work horse of the
business in other words.
c. Budgets
A. Capital at least (G:#:::
>. %tore *iAturesJ
$otating 6en F (H:#:::
?. Costs
(roduct F (><H.G:
Chicken ( >::.::
%oy %auce >:.::
Calamansi >G.::
&etsin ?.::
.emon grass G.::
Banana leaes ?.::
(lastic bag :.G:
( ><H.G:
d. )eneral Business (rocess
A. .ead Times
>. Initial orders
If orders in the future reach the point were it is too
much to handle. It is time for me to resort to other
cooking techni,ues. %tocking is one option. I will stock
half cooked chickens in the free"er. %o when the orders
are booked the cooking time will be cut in half. The
customer can wait for the product upon ordering.
B. *low Charts
>. Actiities
+on =aily
i. (urchases
ii. *inancial 6perations
These actiities are done eeryday by the
personnel stated below. 6perations hae ? shifts
one starting at >::::am to ?::: pm# and another
starting at G:<:pm to >::<:pm.
i. 6rdering
ii. (ackaging
iii. 6pening
i. Closing
Non Daily Activities
Purchase supplies
Record in inventory (Mer. Inv Beg)

Check inventory for stock shortage (Mer. Inv End)
Purchase supplies
Purchase upplies
o !one "y one personnel. (Prefera"ly the cook)
o Buys the chicken# supplies and the ingredients fro$ the $arket.
Record in inventory
o !one "y the o%ner or "ranch $anager.
o &his is so everything is accounted for.

Check inventory for stock shortage
o !one "y the o%ner or "ranch $anger at the end of every %eek
o &his is so nothing %ill go to %aste. Everything is utili'ed.
*inancial 6perations: Done !onthly "y the acco#ntant
Collect %eekly Inventory fro$ Branch Manager
Check the records
Calculate for the $onthly Inco$e tate$ent (( copies)
Calculate for the $onthly &rial Balance (( copies)
Calculate for the $onthly Balance heet (( copies)
)ive one copy of each to the o%ner
o o that you can follo% the progress of the "usiness
Daily Activities
tock half cooked chickens
&ake the Order
Cook the half cooked chicken
Package the product
!elivery or Over the counter
tock half cooked chickens
o !one "y any of the personnel
&ake the Order
o !one "y the personnel# o%ner or "ranch $anager (vendor)
Cook the half cooked chicken
o !one "y the personnel (cook)
Package the product
o !one "y the personnel (vendor)
!elivery or Over the counter
o !one "y the personnel# o%ner or "ranch $anager (vendor)
Cooking: All operations are done "y the cook.
Clean Chicken
Make the sauce
Baste it %ith sauce
Put le$on grass inside
Bake product for * hour and +,$ins (half cooked)
tock half cooked chickens (%ait for order)
Cook again for +,$ins

o By having a standardi'ed cooking syste$# it $aintains the
products quality "ecause the taste is al%ays consistent.
o By also having a standardi'ed cooking syste$# everything is
al%ays in order. -nd at the sa$e ti$e I can $aintain a certain
degree of professionalism %ith $y custo$ers "y delivering $y
product on ti$e# .not $ore than +,$ins./
(ackaging: All operations are done "y the vendor.
)et finish product
0rap it %ith a Banana leaf
Put it in the "o1
Put it in the plastic "ag
o By having a packaging routine again the 2uality of $y product
increases "ecause of it is al%ays presented.
6pening: $ shi%ts (&' a! and ()'p!) Done "y the cook
Ready the supplies
Ready the e2uip$ent
!efrost the stocked half cooked chickens (-t least 3)
tock the defrosted half cook chickens (ready for cooking)
Closing: $ shi%ts ($p! and &')'p!) Done "y the vendor
hut4off e2uip$ent
Check and Match Inventory
tore supplies
tock e1cess products
Check and Match Inventory
o &o $onitor your stock after every operation
o &o $ake sure nothing is stolen
e. (olicies $egarding the process
A. Cash 6n =eliery
B. (reent stock shortages. To preent this update my
supplies at least once a week.
C. =elieries are re,uested upon ordering.
>. /inimum of 9G: worth of products
?. ?:; =eliery Charge
f. Control %ystems to monitor performance
A. Dae a weekly inentory to monitor the flow of accounts.
B. Dae a daily or at least weekly check up on your
C. Dae a standardi"ed cooking system so that the products
taste will remain consistent.
D. Bey result areas of each position
>. Accountant: Inentory should be accurate and should
be on time.
?. (ersonnel: %hould be trained on how the product is
properly cooked.
g. !uality K =eliery K (roductiity
A. !uality
The ,uality of my product can be maintained by haing
as I said earlier a standardi"ed system on cooking and
packaging. Because by haing these processes it maintains
your products taste and presentation respectiely. And it is
also through this processes your customers assess the your
product8 if the price is right for its taste and for its presentation#
and if they are willing to buy your product again.
Another way to maintain my products ,uality is by
presenting it through my market that my product is healthy and
has no preseraties. %ince people today are more conscious
about their looks and about what they eat# by positioning my
product that way they hae the perception that my product
high ,uality.
B. (roductiity
Because of haing a standardi"ed cooking and
packaging system productiity is increased. 'hy1 Because
eerything is in order therefore all actions are done smoothly.
C. =eliery
As I said earlier by haing a standardi"ed cooking
system# eerything is always in order and all actiities are
done promptly. Therefore I can maintain a certain degree of
professionalism with my customers by deliering my product
on time# -not more than <:mins.0 This deelops the certain
loyalty I need from my customers# which will make them
comeback for more.
I&. .ocation (lan
a. .eased or 6wned
A. 6wned8 for now because I am starting up my operations at
home and will be using the kitchen part.
B. *or my first eApansion step my location will still be owned#
because like my start-up I will be locating my outlet infront
of our property located at $a7ah /atanda st. (ro7ect H.
b. AmountK$ent
A. If I opt to rent a property or space the amount of that same
area I use# which is about >G s,. meters# would be at (hp
>H#::: a month.
c. Any $estrictions on $emodeling
A. +one as of now because again my family owns that
workspace that I will be using. And besides there is really
no need because all I need is a comfortable workspace. I
will only be running an oer the counter type of operations.
+one of my customers will be eating at my location.
B. IApansion L If eer there will be# it will only be minimal
because my outlets will only be the kiosk type of outlets.
Again there is no real need to remodel eAcept the signage
on the kiosk.
d. =escription of the space to be occupied
e. Any restrictions on posting signs
A. %ince Im located in a class > illage. %ign postings are
only within your property and on respectie bulletin boards.
If you plan on posting signs on walls and posts you hae to
inform the barangay.
f. .ocation Analysis
A. Traffic 2with in the illage4F Iery %unday mass
&. %tart-Ep (lan
a. .ogo
A. Colors
>. 5ellow F Dope
?. $ed F .oe or (assion for the product
b. By-.ine
c. .aunch (rogram
Date %eptember >9# ?::G
*ocation Blue $idge B. Barangay Dall
Event amusta!an "##$
+i!e Mpm - >:pm
,#rpose Inter my product as one of the main meal courses of the
said eent. (aid or free I 7ust want a chance to eApose my product
to my initial market.

d. Timetable
=one Canas for a
%upplies 2>
Buy a
)et a
=one B*A=
=one /ayors
=one BI$
=one =TI permit
-ept ( -ept

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