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Reg.No.120/67, Ambaam!ga, "o#$% & 6'2 (02
Affiliated to I N T U C

The Chairman & Managing Director
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
Bharat Bhavan, Ballard Estate
4 & 6, Currimbho !oad
Mumbai " 4## ##$

Dear Sir,

Problems %aced b the &or'men o% (! " )ee'ing CMD*s intervention+

As you are aware, the Long Term Settement o! "#CL$%o&hi Re!inery was
signe' on (0.).201( *etween the +nions an' ,anagement in the -resen&e o!
Regiona La*our Commissioner .Centra/. 0owe1er, a!ter im-ementation o!
the same, the ,anagement has uniateray ma'e some &hanges in the
-ayment o! aowan&es/*ene!its &ontrary to the &on'itions o! the LTS. This has
resute' in 'rawing o! in!erior amount o! saary *y the wor2men o! "#CL$%R
when &om-are' to other S"+s o! "#CL. 3t may aso *e note' that 3n'ian 4i
Cor-oration Lt'. aso has signe' the LTS as -er the D#E gui'eines an' the
saary an' aowan&es -ai' to the wor2men in 34C is mu&h higher than that o!
"#CL. "e&ause o! this, the em-oyees o! "#CL$%R are 1ery mu&h

5e are gi1ing this etter !or see2ing your imme'iate inter1ention in ami&a*y
so1ing some o! the main issues !a&e' *y the wor2men o! "#CL$%R.

$, Pa -nomal o% emploees .oined bet/een 0ul $112 & 0ul 3##3+

Regar'ing -ay anomay, a se-arate memoran'um signe' *y the em-oyees
o! "#CL 6 %R is en&ose' with this etter, the &o1ering etter o! whi&h is se!

2) Unilateral introduction of Medical Policy:

Without prior intimation to the employees, the management has
introduced a medical policy which is in no way helpful to the
workmen category. A letter showing our protest against
introduction of the new policy was given to ED (KR on
!".#$.%#!&, a copy of which was marked to '()D also. We are
enclosing a copy of the same along with this representation.

*ou may note that the hitherto e+isting medical policy we
en,oyed was more or less similar to that of the o-cers and
reim.ursement was granted against medical .ills and
prescriptions. /owever after the introduction of the new medical
policy, the e+isting pattern of reim.ursement was continued in
the case of o-cers, whereas a .arrier was made in the case of
workmen. 0he introduction of such a change has adversely
a1ected the employees especially those who are undergoing
treatment for diseases of continuing nature.

2uch un,ust and discriminative attitude of the management is
3uite unaccepta.le. 0herefore your urgent intervention is
essential to restore our earlier medical facility.

2, Disproportionate deduction o% amount to/ards Ca%eteria %or dependent parents* Medical in
BPCL " (!+

8i1en *eow is the &om-arison o! -er&entage o! *asi& -ay 'e'u&te' !rom the
'i!!erent &ategories o! em-oyees towar's &a!eteria.

45 3#$46$7 Dependent
)pouse, children
%R .4!!i&ers/ 6.1 9 1.) 9 :.6 9
%R .5or2men/ :.1 9 1.) 9 ;.6 9
"#CL 6 ,R ).(< 9 1.) 9 6.;< 9
"#CL .,ar2eting/ 1.( 9 1.) 9 2.; 9

45 3#$46$7 Dependent Parents, Emploees,
)pouse, children, 8olida 8ome
Club and Picnic
34C $+7 9 onl 1.) 9

4, Conveance -llo/ance:

3n "#CL$ %R, the wor2men are getting Rs. 1,100/$ as Con1eyan&e aowan&e.
This entire amount is 'e'u&te' !or Ca!eteria &a&uation. 5here as in 34C,
ony Rs. <00/$ is 'e'u&te' towar's &a!eteria an' the *aan&e amount on
a&&ount o! Con1eyan&e Aowan&e is -ai' to em-oyees e1ery month.
Con1eyan&e aowan&e o! 34C 5or2men is as un'er=

;<CL &or'men
8ra'e ,onthy
Con1eyan&e Aowan&e
>et amount #ai'
1 $ ) 166( <00 =62
6 1;)6 <00 176
: 21(4 <00 $324

Same way, !or the 4!!i&ers in "#CL, a sma amount is 'e'u&te' towar's
Ca!eteria !rom &on1eyan&e aowan&e an' the *aan&e amount is -ai' e1ery

BPCL <%%icers

8ra'e ,onthy ?ue
E7-ense.@ Rs.
:2.<; -er itre/
,aintenan&e Tota Ca!eteria
>et amount
A 4(:< :00 )0:< 12)0 2>31
" 6)6; 1000 :)6; 1)00 6#6>
C 6<(( 1100 ;0(( 1:00 6222
D ;(<( 1200 <)<( 2000 =712
E <4;: 1(00 10:;: 2200 >7>=
? 1021: 1400 1161: 2()0 136=
8 10<4: 1)00 1244: 2)00 114=
5here as in the &ase o! 5or2men in "#CL ony a sma amount is gi1en as
Con1eyan&e Aowan&e Rs. 1,100/$ an' the whoe amount is 'e'u&te'
towar's Ca!eteria.

BPCL 6 (! &or'men

Con1eyan&e Aowan&e Ca!eteria 'e'u&tion >et amount -ai'

1100 1100 .!u amount/ ?;L

There!ore, your attention is in1ite' to &orre&t the a*o1e 'is&re-an&ies.

7, Directives o% DPE

Aou may note that as -er the D#E Dire&ti1es 4!!i&e ,emoran'um 4, >o.2
.:0//0;$D#E .5C/$8L$BC3/0; 'ate' 26
>o1em*er, 200;, 4, >o.2 .:0//0;$
D#E .5C/$8L$C33/0< 'ate' 2
A-ri, 200< an' 4, >o.2 .10//201($D#E
.5C/$8L$B333/1( 't. (0
A-ri, 201(.

.i/ the recurring e@penditure should be divided into t/o parts %or calculating the Ca%eteria
i+e+ total Basic Pa o% <%%icers and total Basic Pa o% &or'men in an organiAation+

.ii/ -lso the recurring e@penditure %or running in%rastructure %acilities shall be limited to $#
9 o% Basic Pa o% individual emploees.
.iii/ D4or the purpose o% /ageBpa revision, a CP)E is treated as a single entit and
conseCuentl, paB/age revision has to be based on the per%ormance Bpro%itabilit o% the
Compan as a /hole and not separatel %or each Dnit+ ;t means that di%%erent units /ithin the
same CP)E cannot have di%%erent /ageBpa structuresE+

Contrary to the a*o1e 4r'ers, in "#CL,

i/ the 5or2men are 'i1i'e' into three -arts 1iE. ,ar2eting, ,um*ai Re!inery an' %o&hi Re!inery whereas
the 4!!i&ers are treate' as a Singe #art throughout the Cor-oration. 3n 34C, the em-oyees are 'i1i'e' into two
-arts namey o!!i&ers an' wor2men. There!ore the &a!eteria -er&entage in 34C is same !or o!!i&ers an' wor2men
throughout the &or-oration.
ii/ the Ca!eteria amount .in -er&entage/ so !ar 'e'u&te' !rom ea&h in'i1i'ua !or maintaining in!rastru&ture
!a&iities goes u-to (0 9 as against 10 9 imite' *y D#E.
iii/ the 5ages, Aowan&es an' "ene!its are 'i!!erent in ea&h +nit in the &ase o! 5or2men whereas in the
&ase o! ,anagement sta!!, a o1er 3n'ia a&ross the Cor-oration the saaries an' *ene!its are the same.

6, Productivit ;ncentive )cheme FP;),

A!ter signing the LTS !or wor2men in "#CL 6 %R, the #3S !or the year 2012$1(
has not *een gi1en !uy. 4ny a um- sum amount as a'1an&e was gi1en !or
the year 2012$1(. ?or the year 201($14, no amount has *een gi1en as #3S.
3n *oth the a*o1e !inan&ia years the #ro'u&ti1ity an' #er!orman&e shown *y
this S"+ was e7&eent. There!ore, a the em-oyees wor2ing in "#CL$%R are
eigi*e to get the ma7imum -er&entage o! in&enti1e i.e.1)9. Aou may -ease
gi1e instru&tions to 'is*urse #3S without !urther 'eay.

=, -nnual 8olidas

A!ter signing the LTS on (0.0).201(, the management starte' &urtaiing a
ty-es o! !a&iities enFoye' *y em-oyees in %R, on the *asis that the +nions
ha' agree' to the syn&hroniEation o! *ene!its in ,R an' %R as a -art o! LTS.

0ere, we wou' i2e to -oint out that with regar' to hoi'ays, in ,R an' a the
,ar2eting Areas, 4!!i&ers an' 5or2men are enFoying 14 hoi'ays .12 G 2 R0/
in a year whereas in %R ony 4!!i&ers are getting 14 hoi'ays. 5or2men in %R
are getting ony 1( hoi'ays .10 G ( R0/. 5e 'o not un'erstan' the reason !or
not syn&hroniEing this *ene!it.

>, Discontinuation o% hal% Pa Leave, Blood Donation & 4uneral Leave+

The em-oyees o! "#CL$%R were enFoying 0a! #ay Lea1e 'uring -roonge'
si&2ness, ea1e !or 'onating *oo' an' !or atten'ing !unera o! !eow
em-oyees an' their 'e-en'ent -arents. 5ithout gi1ing *etter *ene!it to
su*stitute the a*o1e s&hemes, the management uniateray sto--e'/mo'i!ie'
the a*o1e ea1e !a&iities. The management has not shown a minimum
&ourtesy to either in!orm the +nions or -u*ish a noti&e !or in!ormation to the

Aou may *e aware that a*o1e ea1e !a&iities is a -art o! so&ia
se&urity/res-onsi*iity enFoye' *y the em-oyees !rom the in&e-tion o! the
Com-any. Aou may -ease 'ire&t the %R management to restore the a*o1e

E7-e&ting a !a1oura*e a&tion at the eariest.

Than2ing you,

Cery truy yours,
?or Cochin !e%ineries Emploees* -ssociation


-dv+ G+D+ )atheesan M+L+-

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