Sie sind auf Seite 1von 19


-- Table structure for table `lum_category`


CREATE TABLE `lum_category` (

`CategoryID` int(2) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`Description` text,
`Priority` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`CategoryID`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_category`

INSERT INTO `lum_category` (`CategoryID`, `Name`, `Description`, `Priority`)

(1, 'General', 'General discussions go in here...', 7);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_categoryblock`

CREATE TABLE `lum_categoryblock` (

`CategoryID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`UserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Blocked` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`CategoryID`,`UserID`),
KEY `cat_block_user` (`UserID`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_categoryblock`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_categoryroleblock`

CREATE TABLE `lum_categoryroleblock` (

`CategoryID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`RoleID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Blocked` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `cat_roleblock_cat` (`CategoryID`),
KEY `cat_roleblock_role` (`RoleID`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_categoryroleblock`
-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_comment`

CREATE TABLE `lum_comment` (

`CommentID` int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`DiscussionID` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`AuthUserID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`DateCreated` datetime default NULL,
`EditUserID` int(10) default NULL,
`DateEdited` datetime default NULL,
`WhisperUserID` int(11) default NULL,
`Body` text,
`FormatType` varchar(20) default NULL,
`Deleted` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
`DateDeleted` datetime default NULL,
`DeleteUserID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`RemoteIp` varchar(100) default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`CommentID`,`DiscussionID`),
KEY `comment_user` (`AuthUserID`),
KEY `comment_whisper` (`WhisperUserID`),
KEY `comment_discussion` (`DiscussionID`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_comment`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_discussion`

CREATE TABLE `lum_discussion` (

`DiscussionID` int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`AuthUserID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`WhisperUserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`FirstCommentID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`LastUserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Active` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '1',
`Closed` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
`Sticky` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
`Sink` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
`Name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`DateCreated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`DateLastActive` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`CountComments` int(4) NOT NULL default '1',
`CategoryID` int(11) default NULL,
`WhisperToLastUserID` int(11) default NULL,
`WhisperFromLastUserID` int(11) default NULL,
`DateLastWhisper` datetime default NULL,
`TotalWhisperCount` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`DiscussionID`),
KEY `discussion_user` (`AuthUserID`),
KEY `discussion_whisperuser` (`WhisperUserID`),
KEY `discussion_first` (`FirstCommentID`),
KEY `discussion_last` (`LastUserID`),
KEY `discussion_category` (`CategoryID`),
KEY `discussion_dateactive` (`DateLastActive`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_discussion`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_discussionuserwhisperfrom`

CREATE TABLE `lum_discussionuserwhisperfrom` (

`DiscussionID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`WhisperFromUserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`LastUserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`CountWhispers` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DateLastActive` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
PRIMARY KEY (`DiscussionID`,`WhisperFromUserID`),
KEY `discussion_user_whisper_lastuser` (`LastUserID`),
KEY `discussion_user_whisper_lastactive` (`DateLastActive`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_discussionuserwhisperfrom`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_discussionuserwhisperto`

CREATE TABLE `lum_discussionuserwhisperto` (

`DiscussionID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`WhisperToUserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`LastUserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`CountWhispers` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DateLastActive` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
PRIMARY KEY (`DiscussionID`,`WhisperToUserID`),
KEY `discussion_user_whisperto_lastuser` (`LastUserID`),
KEY `discussion_user_whisperto_lastactive` (`DateLastActive`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_discussionuserwhisperto`

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `lum_iphistory`

CREATE TABLE `lum_iphistory` (

`IpHistoryID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`RemoteIp` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
`UserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`DateLogged` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

-- Dumping data for table `lum_iphistory`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_role`

CREATE TABLE `lum_role` (

`RoleID` int(2) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`Icon` varchar(155) NOT NULL default '',
`Description` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
`Active` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '1',
`PERMISSION_SIGN_IN` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
`PERMISSION_HTML_ALLOWED` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
`Permissions` text,
`Priority` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`UnAuthenticated` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',

-- Dumping data for table `lum_role`

INSERT INTO `lum_role` (`RoleID`, `Name`, `Icon`, `Description`, `Active`,

`UnAuthenticated`) VALUES
(1, 'Unauthenticated', '', '', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'a:32:
(2, 'Banned', '', '', '1', '0', '0', '0', 'a:32:
(3, 'Member', '', '', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'a:33:
P";N;}', 2, '0'),
(4, 'Administrator', '', '', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'a:34:
ABASE_CLEANUP";i:1;}', 4, '0');

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `lum_style`

CREATE TABLE `lum_style` (

`StyleID` int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`AuthUserID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`Url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`PreviewImage` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',

-- Dumping data for table `lum_style`

INSERT INTO `lum_style` (`StyleID`, `AuthUserID`, `Name`, `Url`, `PreviewImage`)

(1, 0, 'Vanilla',
'/GauharAnalytica/discussionForum/themes/vanilla/styles/default/', '');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_user`

CREATE TABLE `lum_user` (

`UserID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`RoleID` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
`StyleID` int(3) NOT NULL default '1',
`CustomStyle` varchar(255) default NULL,
`FirstName` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`LastName` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`Name` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`Password` varchar(32) default NULL,
`VerificationKey` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`EmailVerificationKey` varchar(50) default NULL,
`Email` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
`UtilizeEmail` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
`ShowName` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '1',
`Icon` varchar(255) default NULL,
`Picture` varchar(255) default NULL,
`Attributes` text,
`CountVisit` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`CountDiscussions` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`CountComments` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`DateFirstVisit` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`DateLastActive` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`RemoteIp` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`LastDiscussionPost` datetime default NULL,
`DiscussionSpamCheck` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`LastCommentPost` datetime default NULL,
`CommentSpamCheck` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`UserBlocksCategories` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
`DefaultFormatType` varchar(20) default NULL,
`Discovery` text,
`Preferences` text,
`SendNewApplicantNotifications` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `user_role` (`RoleID`),
KEY `user_style` (`StyleID`),
KEY `user_name` (`Name`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_user`

INSERT INTO `lum_user` (`UserID`, `RoleID`, `StyleID`, `CustomStyle`, `FirstName`,

`LastName`, `Name`, `Password`, `VerificationKey`, `EmailVerificationKey`,
`Email`, `UtilizeEmail`, `ShowName`, `Icon`, `Picture`, `Attributes`,
`CountVisit`, `CountDiscussions`, `CountComments`, `DateFirstVisit`,
`DateLastActive`, `RemoteIp`, `LastDiscussionPost`, `DiscussionSpamCheck`,
`LastCommentPost`, `CommentSpamCheck`, `UserBlocksCategories`,
`DefaultFormatType`, `Discovery`, `Preferences`, `SendNewApplicantNotifications`)
(1, 4, 1, NULL, 'Administrative', 'User', 'Gauhar',
'd74eea4899a61f9fcbc527ef988ea0ff', '', NULL, '', '0', '1',
NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, '2008-11-26 16:38:29', '2008-11-26 16:38:29',
'', NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0'),
(2, 0, 0, NULL, '', '', 'naveed.ahmed', 'd74eea4899a61f9fcbc527ef988ea0ff', '',
NULL, '', '0', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, '2008-11-26
17:47:06', '2008-11-26 17:47:06', '', NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '0', NULL, NULL,
NULL, '0'),
(3, 0, 0, NULL, '', '', 'saeed', 'd74eea4899a61f9fcbc527ef988ea0ff', '', NULL,
'', '0', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, '2008-11-26 18:16:11',
'2008-11-26 18:16:11', '', NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0'),
(4, 0, 0, NULL, '', '', 'naveed', 'd74eea4899a61f9fcbc527ef988ea0ff', '', NULL,
'', '0', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, '2008-11-27 16:41:07',
'2008-11-27 16:41:07', '', NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_userbookmark`

CREATE TABLE `lum_userbookmark` (

`UserID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`DiscussionID` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`UserID`,`DiscussionID`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_userbookmark`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_userdiscussionwatch`
CREATE TABLE `lum_userdiscussionwatch` (
`UserID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`DiscussionID` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`CountComments` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`LastViewed` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
PRIMARY KEY (`UserID`,`DiscussionID`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_userdiscussionwatch`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lum_userrolehistory`

CREATE TABLE `lum_userrolehistory` (

`UserID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`RoleID` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`AdminUserID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`Notes` varchar(200) default NULL,
`RemoteIp` varchar(100) default NULL,
KEY `UserID` (`UserID`)

-- Dumping data for table `lum_userrolehistory`

INSERT INTO `lum_userrolehistory` (`UserID`, `RoleID`, `Date`, `AdminUserID`,

`Notes`, `RemoteIp`) VALUES
(1, 4, '2008-11-26 16:38:29', 1, 'Initial administrative account created',
(2, 0, '2008-11-26 17:47:06', 0, 'Registration pending administrative approval.',
(3, 0, '2008-11-26 18:16:11', 0, 'Registration pending administrative approval.',
(4, 0, '2008-11-27 16:41:07', 0, 'Registration pending administrative approval.',

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_admin`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_admin` (

`pkid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`pkid`)
-- Dumping data for table `tbl_admin`

INSERT INTO `tbl_admin` (`pkid`, `username`, `password`) VALUES

(1, 'admin', 'a');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_articles`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_articles` (

`article_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`pkid` int(11) default NULL,
`contributor_id` int(11) default '0',
`article_title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`article_desc` text,
`article_date` date default NULL,
`article_newspaper` varchar(255) default NULL,
`article_upload_date` date default NULL,
`article_subscription` varchar(255) default NULL,
`article_archive` varchar(255) default NULL,
`fileupload` varchar(255) default NULL,
`status` tinyint(1) default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`article_id`)

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_articles`

INSERT INTO `tbl_articles` (`article_id`, `pkid`, `contributor_id`,

`article_title`, `article_desc`, `article_date`, `article_newspaper`,
`article_upload_date`, `article_subscription`, `article_archive`, `fileupload`,
`status`) VALUES
(3, 4, NULL, 'Six principles for making new things', '<p>The fiery reaction to the
release of Arc had an unexpected consequence: it made me realize I had a design
philosophy. The main complaint of the more articulate critics was that Arc seemed
so flimsy. After years of working on it, all I had to show for myself were a few
thousand lines of macros? Why hadn''t I worked on more substantial problems? As I
was mulling over these remarks it struck me how familiar they seemed. This was
exactly the kind of thing people said at first about Viaweb, and Y Combinator, and
most of my essays.</p>', '2008-10-23', 'Newspapar', '2008-10-28', 'Subscription',
'Archive', 'sunrise.jpg', 1),
(4, 4, NULL, 'Cognitive Disabilities Part 1: We Still Know Too Little, and We Do
Even Less', 'Cognitive disabilities are the least understood and least discussed
type of disability among web developers. As a result, developers rarely design web
content to be accessible to people with cognitive disabilities. This is unlikely
to change overnight, because the amount of research related to the accessibility
of web content is relatively scarce. Without a large body of research, the
information about designing for people with cognitive disabilities is more
speculative, more vague, and more difficult to implement. To complicate matters,
many cognitive disabilities are ill-defined domains for research. Such
disabilities are sometimes difficult to diagnose and characterize because of the
wide variance between the characteristics of people who have similar cognitive
disabilities.\r\n\r\nIn light of the problematic nature of defining and
categorizing cognitive disabilities it should come as no surprise that the
cognitive disability sciences have not yet yielded a well-defined set of
recommendations for web developers. This isn''t to say that no recommendations
exist. Some recommendations have been incorporated into the W3C''s Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines. Others have been suggested elsewhere. The problem is
that the scarcity of supporting research for these recommendations casts a shadow
of doubt on their accuracy and completeness.\r\n\r\nThe first purpose of this
brief article is to encourage more research in the field of content design for
people with cognitive disabilities.\r\n\r\nThe second purpose of this article is
to encourage developers to consider users with cognitive disabilities more
seriously. There are far more users with cognitive disabilities than all the other
types of disabilities combined (when you include learning disabilities, reading
disorders, attention deficit disorders, and other common conditions).\r\n\r\nThe
third purpose of this article is to publish and ask for feedback on a tentative
list of recommendations.\r\n\r\nThe list of recommendations that follows is not
definitive nor comprehensive. Not all of these recommendations are easy to
implement, nor even necessary in all circumstances. Not all of these
recommendations are equally applicable to all kinds of cognitive disabilities. To
complicate matters, some of these recommendations may appear to conflict with
other accessibility recommendations. These conflicts may be real or not, depending
on how the recommendations are implemented. Finally, not everyone in the cognitive
disability field is likely to agree on the validity or accuracy of these
recommendations. These recommendations are based on a combination of existing
research, commonly-assumed best practices, and thoughtful speculation.', '2008-10-
30', 'Dawn', '2008-10-31', 'Subscription', 'Archive', NULL, 1),
(5, 4, NULL, 'Online Study Tips - 6 To-do Tasks in First Week of Study', '<p>After
you have enrolled into an online education program, the next thing to do is
preparing yourself to attend online classes. Your first week in an online class
can be a little disorienting as you may not familiar with the online learning
system used by the school. You need to learn how to navigate a virtual
&ldquo;classroom&rdquo;, interact with peers and professors through online system
and familiar yourself with the online learning environment. Here are 6 online
study tips that you can do in the first week of your online learning: 1. Review
the course requirement Once you received the course requirements for every
subject, go through the requirements carefully to ensure you can really handle the
workload. Many online students tend to dropout half-way of the course after they
find out that can&rsquo;t cope for the course. Don&rsquo;t let this happen to you,
if you find out the course is not suitable for you after reviewing the course
requirements, and you decide to dropout the course, do it before the
school&rsquo;s withdrawal deadline so that you can get a full or partial refund of
your payment. 2. Buy text books and other materials Buy all the textbooks and
other course materials early so that you won&rsquo;t fall behind on your online
study. Many schools have their own online bookstore or a recommended list of
bookstore where you can purchase the course textbooks and other materials. 3.
Upgrade computer hardware and install required software Is your computer meeting
the online system requirements? Most online learning system can be accessed
directly from general internet browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla
Firefox, but those online learning system may only run well in certain minimum
version of internet browser such as IE 6.0 or Firefox 2.0, then you need to
upgrade it if yours is an earlier version. The school may requires you to install
their software on to your computer, make sure you read the software requirements
and upgrade your computer if necessary before you install the software. 4. Get to
known each other with your teachers and peers Your online teachers may never get
to know you if you are in an online course with a lot of students. Take an
initiative to briefly introduce yourself by using online course message board to
let your teachers aware about you. A teacher who knows a little bit about you will
be more likely to help you through the course. Establish yourself as an active
member in the online class, take the initiative to get to know your peers and
trade your email or other online communication accounts with them. You will your
life in online study much easier if you have made up your network between teachers
and peers. 5. Plan your learning schedule You should always balance your family,
career (if any) and your online study life. The life balances can only be achieved
with a proper time management. Establish a regular study schedule and stick to it
with your best efforts. Let your friends know that you are unavailable during
these times and plan your family time to fit your study schedule so that it
won&rsquo;t crash with each other. 6. Marks the tests and assignment schedule on
your calendar One of the key factors for success online students is &ldquo;self-
motivation&rdquo;, nobody will look at your back and remind you on your assignment
due date, and the tests schedule. You should be self-motivate enough to record all
of the assignments, test, essays and project on your personal calendar once you
receive a syllabus, which normally will be given out at the beginning of the
online course.</p>', '2008-10-30', 'The News', '2008-10-31', 'Subscription',
'Archive', NULL, 1),
(6, 4, NULL, 'Tips for starting an Online Fashion Store', '<p>Are you interested
in starting an online fashion store? You might be thinking that it is a good way
to make money online, or you might be thinking that, while there is potential to
make money, it is just too difficult. Although there area definitely some
difficulties and obstacles to starting any online business, including an online
fashion store, it is still certainly possible. You have multiple options with
running a fashion store. You could have a traditional brick and mortar store. You
could run a store online. You could combine the two. In this day and age, it might
be easier to start an online store. There can be a significantly lower start up
cost, since you will only need inventory space, or you could even use a reputable
drop shipper. However, securing a prime location for a traditional store could
make promoting awareness of your fashion store that much easier. You should also
take into consideration that many more people are doing their shopping online
these days. You will need to determine what types of products you plan to sell in
your fashion store. Most stores focus on a particular niche, and target
demographic. Do you want to sell upscale, high fashion, or everyday casual wear?
Is your target market older or younger? Are they wealthier, or of more modest
income? You could sell work uniforms, athletic gear, baby clothes, teen fashions,
big and tall, men&rsquo;s clothes, women&rsquo;s clothes. Mix and match the
various consumer fashion needs that you would like to fill. The possibilities are
almost endless. You will also need to determine which designers you would like to
sell. You could even sell your own designs if you have that sort of talent. Even
if you do design your own clothing or accessories, you will want to consider
selling clothes and accessories of other fashion designers. You should be able to
find clothing designers that sell to at wholesale prices, since you are a business
owner. There will probably be minimum quantities of each item that you need to buy
in order to maintain the wholesale discount.</p>', '2008-10-30', 'The Dawn',
'2008-10-31', 'Subscription', 'Archive', NULL, 1),
(7, NULL, 1, 'Data table accessibility', '<p>There are three principles involved
in making data tables accessible to screen reader users: 1. Designate table
headers 2. Assign a scope to row and/or column headers 3. For complex tables,
assign headers and id attributes to header and data table cells. Dreamweaver''s
visual interface supports option 1 (designating headers), partially supports
option 2 (assigning scope), and does not support option 3. Dreamweaver supports
designating table headers in two ways. First, if the table already exists, you can
identify table headers by selecting a table cell, row, or column, then selecting
or deselecting the Header option on the Properties panel.</p>', '2008-11-07', 'The
Dawn', '2008-11-09', 'Subscription', 'Archive', 'natural.jpg', 1),
(8, NULL, 2, 'Accessibility Techniques for Versions 3 and 4', 'If you are using a
version of Dreamweaver that predates MX, you have probably noticed that many of
the accessibility features mentioned so far are either not available or not as
complete. If you use Dreamweaver regularly, you may want to consider upgrading to
a newer version. Still, there are some things you can do to make older versions of
Dreamweaver more accessible.The default blank page that comes with Dreamweaver is
not inaccessible per se, but it is incomplete as far as valid HTML is concerned.
To update the default blank page, you must exit out of Dreamweaver, then find the
folder on your computer where Dreamweaver resides. Inside of that folder should be
another folder called configuration, inside of which should be another folder
called templates. The path to this folder is probably something like "C:\\Program
Files\\Macromedia\\Dreamweaver 4\\Configuration\\Templates," although it may be
different on your computer. Inside of the templates folder is a document called
default.', '2008-11-07', 'Google 2', '2008-11-10', 'Subscrioption Google',
'Archive Google', NULL, 0),
(9, NULL, 1, 'Install an accessibility validator extension', '<p>The programmers
at have put together another accessibility validator, which they
have called the &quot;508 Accessibility Suite Extension.&quot; This extension
creates an entirely new menu item called Accessibility . This extension is more
customizable, and has more functionality than Macromedia''s extension. You can
check a single web page at a time, or you can check entire sites at a time. It
should be mentioned that checking the whole site at a time can take a VERY long
time. In addition, the sheer quantity of feedback about all of the pages is almost
completely unmanageable. When used on a single page, however, this can be a useful
tool and a starting point for accessibility.</p>', '2008-11-07', '',
'2008-11-10', 'WEBAIM Subscription', 'WEBAIM archive', NULL, 0),
(11, NULL, 3, 'osCommerce Philosophy', '<p>Open Source software provides an
opportunity for people to work on software with others that share the same
interest, exchanging ideas, knowledge, and work with one another, to expand and
improve the solution. The motivation for working on Open Source software
originates at different sources, which include working on the software for fun as
a hobby, to make the software meet own requirements, and to bring commercial
interest into the software. It is this combination of motivations that has brought
together a team of developers to successfully make what osCommerce is today - and
what it will be in the future - and an active and growing community, with each
person having their own unique requirements but ultimately sharing the same goal:
to use the software and to make it a better solution.</p>', '2008-11-08',
'osCommerce Philosophy', '2008-11-11', 'osCommerce Subscription', 'osCommerce
archive', NULL, 1),
(12, NULL, 1, 'End the Central Bank', '<p>originally conceived of this talk
&mdash; a case for abolishing the central bank &mdash; as an applied update to my
1995 lecture at the Heritage Foundation on &quot;Why Austrian Economics
Matters.&quot; That''s because so many of the policy ideas suggested within the
Austrian framework can be subsumed under the need to abolish the central bank. The
Austrian school has been battling the central bank since 1913 and before. Right
now, the writings of our tradition are more prominent than ever before, thanks to
our great predecessors, our faculty, our students, our donors, our publishing
programs, our electronic media, and the desperate search on the part of people all
over the world for an explanation of the current crisis, and a new way out. Never
have the ideas of the Austrian tradition reached</p>', '2008-11-12', 'Dawn',
'2008-11-14', 'Subscription', 'Archive', NULL, 1),
(13, NULL, NULL, 'Breaking Barriers or Dividing Society?', '<p>Among those who are
bemoaning the election results, one must ask supporters of liberty: given the
choices, what would have been a good outcome? We''ve lived through eight years of
what might possibly be the worst executive-driven meltdown of human liberty
outside civil or world war in American history, and this is true regarding
domestic policy and foreign policy. A McCain victory would have been perceived at
home and abroad as a ratification of the past eight years, and it is hard to
imagine a worse course of events than that. The Obama victory symbolizes a well-
deserved repudiation of this ghastly experience. Of course, the Obama victory
elicits its own spin, which is also highly dangerous. The main message concerns
race. All the headlines blared that a racial barrier had been broken. The subtext
here is impossible to miss: heretofore America has been a hopelessly racist
country that put up barriers to the advance of people of color.</p>', '2008-11-
12', 'Dawn', '2008-11-15', 'Subscription', 'Archive', NULL, 1),
(14, 6, NULL, 'Is the Supreme Court Supreme?', '<p>Courts and Congress defends a
revolutionary thesis. If asked, who has the final say in our government on the
meaning of the Constitution, most people would say, the Supreme Court. The Court
itself agrees: in the famous Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) decision, it
declared that it could not consider reversing Roe v. Wade (1973), because the
American people had come to look to the Court as their guide. William Quirk, one
of the most original Constitutional theorists of our time, challenges this view.
[1] No, he does not challenge judicial review, the power of the Court to find laws
unconstitutional: this he finds solidly based. He criticizes the Court for abuses
of interpretation; but so long as the Court sticks to the language of the
document, all is well. So far, you may ask, what is original about that? Do not
many other critics of the Court attack its at-times-bizarre interpretive methods?
Quirk''s originality rests in his taking literally, and emphasizing, a part of the
Constitution that most writers ignore. According to Article III, Section 2, the
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court lies almost totally up to Congress. The Court
has original jurisdiction only in cases involving disputes among the states and in
cases where foreign diplomats are a party. Its appellate jurisdiction is subject
to whatever &quot;rules and exceptions&quot; Congress chooses to make. So far as
lower federal courts are concerned, they stand completely at the mercy of
Congress. If it wished to do so, Congress could abolish the lower federal courts
altogether.</p>', '2008-11-12', 'Dawn', '2008-11-18', 'Subscription', 'Archive',
NULL, 1),
(15, 6, 0, 'The Corrupt Origins of Central Banking', 'Central banking has been a
corrupt, mercantilist scheme and an engine of corporate welfare from its very
beginning in the late 18th century. The first central bank, the Bank of North
America, was "driven through the Continental Congress by [congressman and
financier] Robert Morris in the Spring of 1781," wrote Murray Rothbard in The
Mystery of Banking (p. 191). The Philadelphia businessman Morris had been a
defense contractor during the Revolutionary War who "siphoned off millions from
the public treasury into contracts to his own � firm and to those of his
associates." He was also "leader of the powerful Nationalist forces" in the new
country.\r\n\r\nThe main objective of the Nationalists, who were also known as
Federalists, was essentially to establish an American version of the British
mercantilist system, the very system that the Revolution had been fought against.
Indeed, it was this system that the ancestors of the Revolutionaries had fled from
when they came to America. \r\n', '2008-11-12', 'Dawn', '2008-11-18',
'Subscription', 'Archive', NULL, 0);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_audio`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_audio` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`keywords` varchar(255) default NULL,
`fileupload` varchar(255) default NULL,
`description` text,

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_audio`
INSERT INTO `tbl_audio` (`id`, `title`, `keywords`, `fileupload`, `description`)
(9, 'Audio Title', 'Keywords', 'new.mp3', '<p>Description</p>');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_books`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_books` (

`book_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`pkid` int(11) default NULL,
`book_title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`book_description` text,
`book_medium` varchar(255) default NULL,
`book_price` varchar(255) default NULL,
`fileupload` varchar(255) default NULL,
`book_isbn` varchar(255) default NULL,
`book_publish_date` date default NULL,
`book_upload_date` date default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`book_id`)

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_books`

INSERT INTO `tbl_books` (`book_id`, `pkid`, `book_title`, `book_description`,

`book_medium`, `book_price`, `fileupload`, `book_isbn`, `book_publish_date`,
`book_upload_date`) VALUES
(4, 4, 'Title', '<p>Description</p>', 'English', '800', 'component-helloworld-
tutorial-guide-en.pdf', '123456789', '2008-10-23', '2008-11-28'),
(7, 6, 'dgdgd', 'dgdgdsd', 'dgdgdg', '535', 'books/osCommerce.docx', '3535',
'2008-11-25', '2008-11-28'),
(9, 6, 'Book Title', 'Book Description', 'English', '900', 'books/free torrents
for download books.txt', '123456', '2008-11-25', '2008-11-28'),
(11, 6, 'fdhfhd', '<p>dfhdfhhfdh</p>', 'fdhfh', '6464',
'', '46464', '1984-03-25', '2008-

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_contributors`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_contributors` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`fname` varchar(255) default NULL,
`lname` varchar(255) default NULL,
`username` varchar(255) default NULL,
`password` varchar(255) default NULL,
`confirm_pw` varchar(255) default NULL,
`dob` date default NULL,
`email` varchar(255) default NULL,
`city` varchar(255) default NULL,
`country` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_contributors`

INSERT INTO `tbl_contributors` (`id`, `fname`, `lname`, `username`, `password`,

`confirm_pw`, `dob`, `email`, `city`, `country`) VALUES
(1, 'Naveed', 'Ahmed', 'naveed.metlo', 'ir', 'ir', '1985-03-25',
'', 'Islamabad', 'Pakistan'),
(2, 'saeed', 'ahmed', 'saeed.ahmed', 'ir', 'ir', '1982-10-10', '',
'Islamabad', 'Pakistan'),
(3, 'Naveed', 'Ahmed', 'naveed', 'ir', 'ir', '1984-03-25', '',
'Islamabad', 'Pakistan'),
(4, 'Naveed', 'Ahmed', 'naveedmetlo', '123', '123', '1984-03-25',
'', 'Larkana', 'Islamabad'),
(25, 'Naveed', 'Ahmed', 'naveed', '123', '123', '1984-03-25',
'', 'Larkana', 'Pakistan');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_gauhars`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_gauhars` (

`pkid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) default NULL,
`details` text,
`achievements` varchar(255) default NULL,
`fileupload` varchar(255) default NULL,
`mem_date` date default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`pkid`)

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_gauhars`

INSERT INTO `tbl_gauhars` (`pkid`, `name`, `details`, `achievements`,

`fileupload`, `mem_date`) VALUES
(4, 'Humayon', '<p>Details Here</p>', 'Awards', 'me.jpg', '2008-10-23'),
(6, 'Altaf', '<p>details here</p>', 'achievements here', 'me(1).jpg', '2008-11-

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_lectures`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_lectures` (

`lecture_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`pkid` int(11) NOT NULL,
`lecture_title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`lecture_description` text,
`lecture_type` varchar(255) default NULL,
`fileupload` varchar(255) default NULL,
`lecture_date` date default NULL,
`lecture_postdate` date default NULL,
`lecture_price` int(11) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`lecture_id`)

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_lectures`

INSERT INTO `tbl_lectures` (`lecture_id`, `pkid`, `lecture_title`,

`lecture_description`, `lecture_type`, `fileupload`, `lecture_date`,
`lecture_postdate`, `lecture_price`) VALUES
(4, 4, 'Latest web development features for Zend Framework', 'Latest Web
Development Features for Zend Framework, About Zend Framework, Advantages of using
Zend Framework, Zend framework based development / customization / solution. Zend
Framework is a simple, straightforward, object oriented, open-source software
framework developed by Zend. All components are fully object-oriented PHP5.\r\n',
'Text', 'oscommerce.docx', '2008-10-23', '2008-10-25', 500),
(5, 4, 'How to Create Recurring Income from Membership Sites?', 'Learning how to
produce recurring revenue is an internet marketer�s biggest challenge. A paid
membership site can be very lucrative in creating recurring income for the owner.
No longer, you will have to charge a customer, once for your product or service.
Now, you can charge them on a monthly (or sometimes bi-monthly) basis.', 'Text',
'sami_application.xls', '2008-11-06', '2008-11-08', 500),
(6, 4, 'What is the Reason that Many Great Deals Antique Auction?', 'An antique
auction is an auction where the things sold are very old. Usually, antique
auctions sell things that other collectors have offered or they sell antiques that
people have left behind after they died. Whatever the reason, there are many great
deals to be had at an antique auction. Antique auctions may be a little hard to
find. You can check your local newspaper or call the local antique.', 'Text ',
'sami_application(1).xls', '2008-11-06', '2008-11-08', 500),
(7, 4, 'Finding Something That Works', 'Starting your own business can be hard,
weather it is a home base business, or otherwise.You paitence and time. Sometimes
brain storming turns into head banging. You need to be committed, have paitence,
it can happen. Sometimes it just a feel: For example! I have been looking the
Internet over and trying to find data entry to do from home. I searched the
Internet high and low, did my research.', 'Text', 'sami_application(2).xls',
'2008-11-06', '2008-11-08', 1000),
(10, 0, 'The Myth of Good Government', '<p>One of the great and most persistent
errors of classical liberals is to believe in &quot;good government,&quot; a
government that does &quot;what it is supposed to do.&quot;</p>\r\n<p>There is
nothing the state can do, and which society needs done, that cannot be done far
better by the market. Another point that is just as telling: no state empowered to
do what is supposedly necessary will restrain itself to those things. It will
expand as much as public opinion will tolerate.</p>\r\n<p>Sometimes the point is
easier to see when looking at foreign governments, such as the tragic case of
China. The government is embarking on an explosive venture to dump $586 billion
into &quot;infrastructure&quot; over two years. The reason is the classic
Keynesian excuse: the spending is needed to stimulate investment. Never mind that
this trick has never worked in all of human history. This is instead a grand plan
to loot the private sector on behalf of the Communist Party, which will then spend
the money bolstering its power.</p>', 'Text', 'lectures/osCommerce.docx', '2008-
11-25', '2008-11-27', 900);

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `tbl_members`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_members` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(255) default NULL,
`fname` varchar(255) default NULL,
`lname` varchar(255) default NULL,
`dob` date default NULL,
`email` varchar(255) default NULL,
`password` varchar(255) default NULL,
`confirm_pw` varchar(255) default NULL,
`city` varchar(255) default NULL,
`country` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_members`

INSERT INTO `tbl_members` (`id`, `username`, `fname`, `lname`, `dob`, `email`,

`password`, `confirm_pw`, `city`, `country`) VALUES
(6, 'sajid_umar', 'Sajid', 'umar', '1982-08-20', '', '12345',
'12345', 'Wah Cant', 'Pakistan'),
(12, 'naveed', 'Ahmed', 'Naveed', '1984-03-25', '', 'ir', 'ir',
'Islamabad', 'Pakistan'),
(13, 'naveed_gauhar', 'naveed', 'ahmed', '1984-03-25', '', 'ir',
'ir', 'Larkana', 'Pakistan'),
(17, 'naveed_gauhar', 'naveed', 'ahmed', '1984-03-25', '',
'123', '123', 'isb', 'Pakistan'),
(18, 'dsgdsg', 'dfgfdxg', 'dgdg', '1984-03-25', '', 'dgdg',
'dgdg', 'sdgds', 'dsgsd');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_ratings`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_ratings` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`articleid` int(11) default NULL,
`rating` int(11) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_ratings`

INSERT INTO `tbl_ratings` (`id`, `articleid`, `rating`) VALUES

(1, 3, 1),
(2, 5, 5),
(3, 13, 4),
(4, 15, 4),
(5, 13, 5),
(6, 13, 5),
(7, 7, 1),
(8, 6, 5),
(9, 4, 3),
(10, 10, 3),
(11, 12, 5),
(12, 11, 1),
(13, 11, 1),
(14, 6, 4),
(15, 14, 1),
(16, 14, 3),
(17, 14, 2);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_subscribers`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_subscribers` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) default NULL,
`email` varchar(255) default NULL,
`subscribe` tinyint(4) default '0',
`status` varchar(10) default NULL,
`activationkey` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_subscribers`

INSERT INTO `tbl_subscribers` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `subscribe`, `status`,

`activationkey`) VALUES
(1, 'Naveed', '', 1, 'activated', '');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_videos`

CREATE TABLE `tbl_videos` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`keywords` varchar(255) default NULL,
`fileupload` varchar(255) default NULL,
`description` text,

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_videos`

INSERT INTO `tbl_videos` (`id`, `title`, `keywords`, `fileupload`, `description`)

(7, 'dgdgdg', 'sdgdgdgdg', 'lecture.mp3', '<p>dsgdsgdsg</p>'),
(8, 'ggjgjg', 'gfjfgj', 'new.mp3', '<p>gfjgjgjgj</p>'),
(9, 'video title here', 'keywords here', 'video.mp3', '<p>Description here</p>');

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