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The Seventh Day Part 2

Study Guide
Many sincere Christians today who love the Lord worship on Sunday, the first day of the week. In this study we
will look at every text in the New Testament that mentions Sunday, or the first day of the week. As Bible
students we will search to find anythin if there was a chane in the day of worship. !here are eiht te"ts.
John 20:19, "Then the same day at evening, being the __________day of the week, when the doors were
shut where the disci!es were assemb!ed for __________of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and
saith unto them, "eace be unto you#"
1$orinthians 1%:1, 2, "&ow concerning the co!!ection for the saints, as ' have given order to the churches of
(a!atia, even so do ye# )on the __________day of the week !et every one of you !ay by him in __________,
as (od hath rosered him, that there be no gatherings when ' come#"
Acts 20:7-12, "*nd uon the __________day of the week, when the disci!es came together to break bread,
"au! reached unto them, ready to deart on the morrow+ and continued his seech unti! __________# *nd
there were many !ights in the uer chamber, where they were gathered together# *nd there sat in a window
a certain young man named ,utychus, being fa!!en into a dee s!ee: and as "au! was !ong reaching# he
sunk down with s!ee, and fe!! down from the third !oft, and was taken u dead# *nd "au! went down, and
fe!! on him, and embracing him said, Troub!e not yourse!ves+ for his !ife is in him# -hen he therefore was
come u again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and ta!ked a !ong whi!e, ____________________so he
dearted# *nd they brought the young man a!ive, and were not a !itt!e comforted#"
.uke 2/:0%122:1, "*nd they returned, and reared sices and ointments+ and __________the sabbath day
according to the commandment# &ow uon the __________day of the week, very ear!y in the morning, they
came unto the seu!chre, bringing the sices which they had reared, and certain others with them#"
3ark 1%:112, "*nd when the sabbath was ast, 3ary 3agda!ene, and 3ary the mother of James, and
4a!ome, had brought sweet sices, that they might come and anoint him# *nd very ear!y in the morning the
__________day of the week, they came unto the seu!chre at the rising of the sun#"
3ark 1%:9, "&ow when Jesus was risen ear!y the __________day of the week, he aeared first to 3ary
3agda!ene, out of whom he had cast seven devi!s#"
3atthew 25:1, "'n the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the __________day of the week, came
3ary 3agda!ene and the other 3ary to see the seu!chre#"
The $onvert6s $atechism of $atho!ic 7octrine, p. #$%
&'. (hat is the !hird Commandment)
A. !he !hird Commandment is % *emember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day.
'. (hich is the Sabbath day)
A. Saturday is the Sabbath day.
'. (hy do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday)
A. (e observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to
'. (hy did the Catholic Church substitute Sunday for Saturday)
A. !he Church substituted Sunday for Saturday, because Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, and the +oly ,host
descended upon the apostles on a Sunday.&
Also notice the words of all mainline churches%
&!here was and is a commandment to keep holy the Sabbath day but that Sabbath day was not will be said,
however, and with some show of triumph, that the Sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the
week...(here can the record of such a transaction be found) -ot in the -ew !estament . absolutely not. !here is no
Scriptural evidence of the chane of the Sabbath institution from the seventh to the first day of the week.& /rom a paper
by 0r. 1dward !. +isco", author to The Baptist Manual.
&!here never was any chane of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. !here is not in any place in the Bible any
intimation of such a chane.& First-Day Observance, ps. 23,24.
&I do not believe that the Lord5s day came in the room of the 6ewish Sabbath, or that the Sabbath was chaned from the
seventh to the first day.& Ale"ander Campbell, Washington eporter, 7ctober 8, 2892.
&!he current notion that Christ and +is apostles authoritatively substituted the first day for the seventh, is absolutely
without authority in the -ew !estament.& 0r. Lyman Abbott, !hristian "nion, 6anuary 24, 2889.
&Is there any command in the -ew !estament to chane the day of weekly rest from Saturday to Sunday) -one.& Manual
o# !hristian Doctrine. :.293.
&!ake the matter of Sunday...there is no passae tellin Christians to keep that day, or to transfer the 6ewish Sabbath to
that day.& +arris /ranklin *all, !hristian $%vocate, 6uly 9, 28;9.
&!he observance of the Lord5s day <Sunday= is founded not on any command of ,od, but on the authority of the church.&
$ugsburg !on#ession o# Faith, >uoted in !atholic &abbath Manual, part 9, chapter 2, Section 2$.
&!he Christian Sabbath <Sunday= is not in the Scriptures, and was not by the primitive church called the Sabbath.&
Dwight's Theology, volume ;, p. ;$2.
Let5s enter into that rest as +ebrews ;%;, 3.22 invites us, &/or he spake in a certain place of the seventh %ay on this wise,
And ,od did rest the seventh day from all his works. Aain, he limiteth a certain day, sayin in 0avid, !o day, after so
lon a time? as it is said, To %ay i# ye will hear his voice, har%en not your hearts( /or if 6esus had iven them rest, then
would he not afterward have spoken of another day. !here remaineth therefore a rest to the people of ,od. /or he that is
entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as ,od did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into
that rest, lest any man fall after the same e"ample of unbelief.@

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