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MADE BY: Wildeman Cardenas
TEACHER: Armado Lpez
Architecture has been changing along the years, it is an ancient discipline that
humans have used to design their houses, and their places, since they has the
needing to distribute their space, and create amazing structures that represent
them per years. The professional in Architecture is called Architect, and he is who
design, and mae the floor planes of the building that he and his team are going to
create, as ! mentioned before, Architecture has changed, because now Architects
made the buildings depending what the consumers need, in order that we live in
the consumers age.
"o, based on this, how we can establish an architectonical style in #ogot$ %.C.&
'irstly, we can see, that #ogot$ is a city that have had an interesting growing, and
each year the population is bigger, and bigger, but, architecturally speaing, the
city is terrible, and the new constructions damage the syline that we can see, for
e(ample at the %owntown, that modern buildings appear ne(t to old houses, and it
loos bad, This city has an important problem, and it is, that the )overnment
shouldn*t allowed licenses for construction to determinate places, because it create
a scene of contrast between two eras.
'or e(ample, Luis Angel Arango library, located at La Candelaria neighbourhood,is
a representative building of the city, but, it is so contemporaneous, and La
Candelaria, is one of the oldest places in #ogot$, so, when that library was
designed it needed to be in the same condition that the other buildings at that
neighbourhood at the e(terior, it means, that the facade of Luis Angel Arango+s
library need a design that be similar to the colonial houses and important buildings
that there are. !n addition when you go there, you immediately establish a
difference between the ancient buildings or structures, and the redesigned library
that has big windows, and the use of big lines in it design that show the modern
"econdly, the mayor part of the city that you visit, you can see that has lot of new
buildings, and as we have new neighbourhoods, we can find others that aren+t new,
and in booth places, are modern towers and pro,ects, because houses are being
demolished, in fact that is better for constructors made a tower, where lot of
families can live, than a house, that reduce the possibility, because here ma(imum
two groups can live, if it is a Two family pro,ect in one site. That situation generates
that the city hasn+t an architecture defined, and all the old style is disappearing.
-n the other hand, is important to preserve our Architecture in the city, and stop
the construction of a building, if it hasn+t the same or a similar architecture with the
place where is going to be located, changing those things, the city can be a
beautiful place, with specific zones, for e(ample, the modern buildings, and all the
pro,ects as syscrapers, has one location, and the downtown, that has an
architecture, hold it, in particular, the north part of the city should has those ind of
new buildings, and create an specific new financial district, where companies has
their offices.
Also, Architects can wor better, because, they can innovate, and show amazing
ideas on a building, maintaining a relation between the place where they are going
to situate their construction or building, and the design itself, it can increase the
opportunity to has a beautiful syline in #ogota, where the visitors can get involved
on a city, with a history, and with a carefully design.
'or the aforementioned reasons, the things that Architects, companies, builders
and the government need to wor, is how to improve the re.uirements for the
construction of new buildings, depending it Architecture design, because currently,
the new housing is what Colombians are interests, so an Architect can create with
all his nowledge, a perfect structure, that contrasts positively with the
neighbourhood, if it is old, historical, contemporaneous, classical etc.

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