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States of Consciousness
o Consciousnessawareness of ourselves and the environment.
Awareness reuires our attention.
!a"in# consciousness is where our thou#hts are clear
o Alternative states of consciousness ha$$en naturall% &slee$' or (e artificiall%
induced &h%$nosis & dru#s'
o !e s$end )*+ of our lives aslee$, (ut there-s no real reason wh% we slee$ or
.iolo#ical /h%thms
o Circadian rh%thms&rou#hl%' 01 hour c%cle
includes sleep & wa"efulness
controlled (% h%$othalamus
a"a 2.iolo#ical cloc"3
can (e altered with artificial li#ht
Circadian rh%thms are li"e neurotransmitters &the% are released in the
4elatonin is released in the (lood and ma"es a $erson slee$%
melatonin sto$s secretin# when someone wa"es
o Sta#es of Slee$
!e move from awa"e & alert awa"e (ut rela5ed aslee$
6he five sta#es are (ased on the amount of (rain activit%
Com$osed of theta, al$ha, (eta, and delta waves
A(out ever% 78 minutes, we $ass throu#h a c%cle of 9 sta#es of slee$.
Sta#e )
Sta#e 0
Sta#e +
Sta#e 1
o Awa"e & Alert
!hen mentall% en#a#es, the (rain #ives off low am$litude, fast and
irre#ular .E6A !A:ES
Awa"e $eo$le involved in conversation show (eta activit%
.eta waves are small, fast, and are inconsistent $atterned.
o Awa"e (ut /ela5ed
!hen an individual closes his e%es (ut remains awa"e, their (rain activit%
slows to a lar#e am$litude and slow, re#ular ALP;A !A:ES.
4editators e5hi(it al$ha (rain activit%
o Sta#e ) & 0earl% li#ht slee$
.rain enters hi#h<am$litude, slow, re#ular wave &6;E6A !A:ES'
=a% dreamers show theta activit%
Sta#e )a #radual sta#e. If awo"en, $eo$le don-t even "now the% were
A"a 26wili#ht time3usuall% lasts )8 minutes
=urin# sta#e ), $eo$le sometimes e5$erience ;>PNO?O?IC
SENSA6IONS or ;>PNIC @E/ASthese are ima#es resem(lin#
hallucinations, ha$$enin# without a sensor% stimulus
o No one "nows wh% this ha$$ens, (ut $eo$le thin" %our
muscles rela5 and %our (rain thin"s %ou-re fallin#.
o 6his ha$$ens more often to $eo$le with fati#ue and an5iet%
Sta#e 0harder slee$ that usuall% lasts a(out 08 minutes
o Sta#e + & 1dee$est slee$
.rain activit% slows down
Lar#e<am$litude, slow =EL6A !A:ES
Sta#e +(e#innin# of dee$ slee$B +8<19 minutes after %ou fall aslee$
Sta#e 1(od% is at lowest level of functionin#.
If awo"en, %ou will (e in a sta#e of o(livion, #ro##iness, and
o Sta#e 9C /E4 Slee$
/E4D /a$id E%e 4ovement
EEEAfter sta#e 1, slee$ #oes (ac" to +, 0, and )EEE
Our minds (ecome more active78F of our dreams ta"e $lace in /E4
slee$. 6he% seem more vivid & seem to last lon#er.
Our muscles are more rela5ed
.rain en#a#es in low<am$litude, fast and re#ular .E6A !A:ESmuch
li"e an awa"e<aroused state
78<minute C%cles durin# slee$
o !ith each 78<minute c%cle, sta#e 1 decreases & the duration of /E4 slee$
!h% do we slee$G
o 6heories for slee$C
). Slee$ Protectsslee$in# in the dar" when $redators were out
$rotected our ancestors from harm.
0. Slee$ /ecu$eratesslee$ hel$s restore and re$air (rain tissue
&chemicals that are used u$ durin# the da% are re$lenished and re$aired'
+. Slee$ hel$s remem(erin#slee$ restores and re(uilds our fadin#
1. Slee$ & ?rowthwhile %ou-re aslee$, the $ituitar% #land releases a
#rowth hormone. 6his ha$$ens more in children &which is wh% the% need
more slee$' than in older $eo$le &who tend to slee$ lessthat-s wh% %our
#rand$arents are alwa%s u$ so earl%'.
If we don-t slee$...
o /esults of slee$ de$rivationC
Hati#ue and su(seuent death.
Im$aired concentration.
Emotional Irrita(ilit%
=e$ressed Immune S%stem
?reater chance to (e o(ese.
Increase in driver* eui$ment error
Slee$ =isorders
o Insomnia$ro(lems fallin# & sta%in# aslee$
Peo$le sufferin# from insomnia tend to slee$ less.
Slee$in# $ills & alcohol do not hel$
6he% reduce /E4
& re(ound insomnia
o Narcole$s%$eriodic & overwhelmin# slee$iness
Peo$le tend to fall strai#ht into /E4 slee$ and not the other sta#es
It-s ver% dan#erous for narcole$tics to drive (ecause the% can easil% fall
aslee$ at the wheel
o Slee$ A$neafreuent $eriods where $eo$le sto$ (reathin# in their slee$
Accom$anied (% snorin#
4ore common in o(ese $eo$le
Can lead to heart $ro(lems
o Ni#ht 6errors
4ostl% children
Occurs in sta#e 1 slee$
6he%-re not ni#htmares &(ecause the%-re not durin# /E4 slee$'
Peo$le ma% sit u$, wal" around, or tal" incoherentl%.
Ni#ht terrors dou(le %our heart rate & (reathin#, Iust li"e %ou do when
%ou-re terrified
Not man% $eo$le remem(er what ha$$ened, (ut the% "now it was scar%
o Slee$wal"in# &Somnam(ulism' & Slee$<tal"in#
Occurs in sta#e 1
08F of $eo$le do thismost commonl% %oun# (o%s
o HactsC
Almost an%one can (e h%$notiJed to some e5tent.
Peo$le can onl% (e h%$notiJed if the%-re alert, wa"e, and willin#.
;%$notiJed $eo$le are NO6 actin# a#ainst their will.
;%$nosis is NO6 useful for remem(erin# for#otten memories
.ut it can (e thera$eutic &hel$s some $eo$le rela5 &* alleviate
o 6heoriesC
=ivided Consciousness 6heor%
;%$nosis mi#ht (e a s$ecial case of dissociated &divided'
;%$nosis onl% ta"es over one $art of the mindB the other $art is
aware. &E5C li"e when %ou-re thin"in# a(out other thin#s while
drivin#%ou Jone out (ut %ou still #et to where %ou-re #oin#
(ecause of %our conscious mind'
Social Influence 6heor%
;%$notiJed $eo$le Iust #o alon# with it and act li"e the% are
Ps%choactive =ru#s
o =ru#s can affect us (ecause of their structure and sha$e allows them to attach to
rece$tors in our (rains that are meant for su(stances that the (od% $roduces
6hese dru#s enter our s%stems, #et filtered into our (lood, and are
eventuall% (rou#ht to the (rain where the% act on our rece$tors
A#onists & anta#onists
o Ps%choactive su(stancessu(stance that alters mood or (ehavior
Can ran#e from alcohol, to cocaine, to even chocolate
o Su(stance usemoderate use of su(stance that does not interfere with normal
o Su(stance into5ication$h%siolo#ical reaction to su(stance in#estion &the
feelin# one #ets when Kmessed u$-'
o =ru# =e$endence
Ph%sical de$endencecondition where the (od% (ecomes una(le to
function without a $articular dru#
6he $erson starts to crave the dru#
=ru# 6olerancewhen %ou need more of a dru# to feel the same
amount as %ou did with a little (it. 6his ha$$ens when $eo$le do
dru#s more often and the% (uild a tolerance for it.
!ithdrawalde$rivation of a dru# causes headaches, nausea,
cram$s, and an5iet%
Ps%cholo#ical de$endence(elief that a dru# is needed to continue %our
emotional*$s%cholo#ical well<(ein#
>ou thin" %ou need this dru#
o Su(stance cate#ories
=e$ressantsdecrease functionin# of nervous s%stem
/esult in (ehavioral sedation
o Alcohol
0+F Americans re$ort (in#e drin"in# &1<9 drin"s' in
the $ast month
10.1F colle#e students re$ort (in#e drin"in# in the
$ast month
)9 million US adults are alcohol de$endent
6he% drin" alone, drin" and re#ret, (lac"
out, etc.
=rin"in# at an earl% a#e &))<)1' can later cause
alcohol use disorders
6he rate of which %our stomach a(sor(s the alcohol
de$ends on man% factors &food in %our stomach,
wei#ht, hei#ht, alcohol-s concentration'
Alcohol is meta(oliJed in liverB the liver can
meta(oliJe ) drin" $er hour
One drin"D
o )0 oJ. (eer &1<9F alcohol'
o 1 oJ. wine
o ) oJ. liuor
Short term effects include rela5ation, slurred
s$eech, lac" of coordination, and an
unstead% #ait
.lood Alcohol Content &.AC'D F of total alcohol in
.8+<.8L%ou feel eu$horic &ma% have
$ro(lems with Iud#ment, motor s"ills, and
$a%in# attention'
.87<.09%ou have sensor% $ro(lems &vision
#ets (lurr%', $oor Iud#ment, motor s"ills,
and can-t $a% attention
.)L<.+8confusion, diJJiness, a#itation
.09<.18state of stu$or, %our movement is
severel% im$aired, and %ou ma% la$se in &
out of consciousness
.+9<.98unconsciousness and $ossi(l%
Alcohol is commonl% mista"en as a stimulant
;ealth $ro(lems*lon# term effectsC
Liver disease
Cardiovascular disorders
.rain dama#e
Aorsa"off-s s%ndrome
Hetal Alcohol S%ndrome &HAS'$re#nant
women who drin"
!ithdrawal s%m$toms are ver% severe and
$otentiall% lethal
o Sedatives, ;%$notics, & An5iol%tics
?ive calmin# effects
Prescri(ed for slee$in# & an5iet% $ro(lems
Common t%$esC
.ar(ituratesmaIor tranuiliJerslee$in#
$ills, addictive
.enJodiaJe$inesminor tranuiliJer
common include 5ana5
Cause $eo$le to (e more active, alert, and ha$$ier
S$eeds u$ %our nervous s%stem, & %our heart rate increases
4ost commonl% used class of $s%choactive dru#s in US
o Am$hetamines
4ade in la(s, do not occur naturall%
Often hel$ $eo$le to lose wei#ht or sta% awa"e for
a lon# time
6a"en for various reasons
=ru#s includeC
Cr%stal 4eth
=iet $ills
6hese lift %our mood, (ut then %ou Kcrash- and
(ecome de$ressed or tired
S%m$tomsC Pu$il dilation, chills, nausea, confusion,
im$aired Iud#ment & functionin#, eu$horia,
6olerances (uild uic"l%
o Cocaine
Effects & s%m$toms similar to am$hetamines
Additional s%m$tomsC
Paranoia in 0*+ users
Irre#ular heart (eat
Short lived effects
Swin# into de$ression
E5treme a$ath% & (oredom
Cocaine was ori#inall% an in#redient in Coca<Cola
and was used for medication
o Nicotine
4OS6 A==IC6I:E
09F all Americans smo"e dail%
+L.9F adults a#es )L<01
Inhaled into the lun#s, enters (loodstream
M<)7 seconds later, nicotine enters the (rain
!ithdrawalC de$ression, insomnia, irrita(ilit%,
an5iet%, concentration $ro(lems, hun#er
)0)9 deaths dail% in US
ED to + M1M Iets crashin# a da%
)1,888 deaths dail% worldwide
ED to +8 M1M Iets crashin# dail%
N8<7LF of $eo$le who uit smo"in#
eventuall% smo"e a#ain
6he ur#e increases around $eo$le and
social functions
Nicotine is considered the easiest su(stance to #et
hoo"ed on and the hardest to uit
It-s more $owerful than heroin and more difficult to
o Caffeine
Hound in coffee (eans, soda, tea, etc.
78F Americans use caffeine
4ost commonl% used stimulant
Elevates mood, $revents fati#ue
!ithdrawalsC headache, drowsiness, #rum$%
Narcotics &o$iates'
=erived from o$ium &$lant'
Su$$resses $ain (% (indin# to and stimulatin# our endor$hins
Usuall% are inIected, (ut can (e smo"ed, snorted, or ta"en
throu#h the mouth
E5C 4or$hine, heroin
Immediate effectsC dreamli"e eu$horia
o =u$licates the actions of endor$hins
Lon#<term chan#es in mood & slee$
o 6he (od% sto$s $roducin# natural endor$hins
;i#h dosa#e can lead to comas &* convulsions
Increased ris" of AI=S, violence, and suicide
;allucino#enscause hallucinations
Ps%chedelic &mind<manifestin#' dru#s that distort $erce$tions and
evo"e sensor% ima#es in the a(sence of sensor% in$ut
Stron# chemical resem(lance to serotonin, achieves effects (%
interactin# with serotonin rece$tors
/es$onses to dru# ran#e from eu$horia to an5iet%*$anic
4a"e it hard to distin#uish (etween realit% and fiction
4anufactured hallucino#ensC
o LS=
o 4ost commonl% used ille#al dru#
o 6;Cactive in#redient
o Immediate effectsC rela5ation, ha$$iness, some feel
an5ious or $anic"%can cause short term memor%
o Can create $owerful $s%cholo#ical de$endence
o +
most common de$endenc% in US
o Currentl% ille#al in almost ever% countr% in world, (ut
sometimes decriminaliJed

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