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Dewey Decimal Categories

by broad topics (hundreds) and more specific topics (tens)

000 Generalities
010 Bibliography
020 Library & information sciences
030 General encyclopedic works
040 Special topics
00 General serials & their inde!es
0"0 General organi#ations & m$se$ms
0%0 &ew media' (o$rnalism' p$blishing
0)0 General collections
0*0 +an$scripts & rare books
100 Philosophy & psychology
110 +etaphysics
120 ,pistemology' ca$sation' h$mankind
130 -aranormal phenomena
140 Specific philosophical schools
10 -sychology
1"0 Logic
1%0 ,thics .moral philosophy/
1)0 0ncient' medie1al' oriental philosophy
1*0 +odern western philosophy
200 eligion
210 &at$ral theology
220 Bible
230 2hristian theology
240 2hristian moral & de1otional theology
20 2hristian orders & local ch$rches
2"0 2hristian social theology
2%0 2hristian ch$rch history
2)0 2hristian denominations & sects
2*0 3ther & comparati1e religions
!00 "ocial "cience
310 General statistics
320 -olitical science
330 ,conomics
340 Law
30 -$blic administration
3"0 Social problems & ser1ices
3%0 ,d$cation
3)0 2ommerce' comm$nications' transport
3*0 2$stoms' eti4$ette' folklore
#00 $anguage
410 Ling$istics
420 ,nglish & 0nglo5Sa!on lang$ages
430 Germanic lang$ages .German/
440 6omance lang$ages .7rench/
40 8talian' 6omanian' 6haeto56omanic
4"0 Spanish & -ort$g$ese lang$ages
4%0 8talic lang$ages .Latin/
4)0 9ellenic lang$ages .2lassical Greek/
4*0 3ther lang$ages
%00 &atural science & mathematics
10 +athematics
20 0stronomy & allied sciences
30 -hysics
40 2hemistry & allied sciences
0 ,arth sciences
"0 -aleontology & -aleo#oology
%0 Life sciences
)0 Botanical sciences
*0 :oological sciences
'00 (echnology (applied sciences)
"10 +edical sciences .+edicine' -sychiatry/
"20 ,ngineering
"30 0gric$lt$re
"40 9ome economics & family li1ing
"0 +anagement
""0 2hemical engineering
"%0 +an$fact$ring
")0 +an$fact$re for specific $se
"*0 B$ildings
)00 (he arts
%10 2i1ic & landscape art
%20 0rchitect$re
%30 Sc$lpt$re
%40 ;rawings & decorati1e arts
%0 -aintings & painters
%"0 Graphic arts .-rintmaking & prints/
%%0 -hotography
%)0 +$sic
%*0 6ecreational & performing arts
*00 $iterature & rhetoric
)10 0merican literat$re in ,nglish
)20 ,nglish literat$re
)30 Literat$re of Germanic lang$age
)40 Literat$res of 6omance lang$age
)0 8talian' 6omanian' 6haeto56omanic
)"0 Spanish & -ort$g$ese literat$res
)%0 8talic literat$res .Latin/
))0 9ellenic literat$res .2lassical Greek/
)*0 Literat$res of other lang$ages
+00 Geography & history
*10 Geography & tra1el
*20 Biography' genealogy' insignia
*30 9istory of the ancient world
*40 General history of ,$rope
*0 General history of 0sia .7ar ,ast/
*"0 General history of 0frica
*%0 General history of &orth 0merica
*)0 General history of So$th 0merica
**0 General history of other areas

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