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Anson Police Department

Employment Manual
Prepared By: Chief David Moore
Employment Manual Version Control
Date Author Change Description
Revised 04/01/2014 Chief David
See Policy Manual
Note The content of a manual does not constitute nor should it be construed as a
romise of emloyment or as a contract bet!een "nson Police Deartment and
any of its emloyees#
"nson Police Deartment at its otion$ may chan%e$ delete$ susend$ or
discontinue arts or the olicy in its entirety$ at any time !ithout rior notice#
Tale of Contents
! "ntroduction######################
!$! %elcome#######################$$$
!$& Anson Police Department Mission 'tatement#######
!$( Value 'tatement####################$$
!$) Changes in Policy###################$
!$* +ole and +esponsiility################$
& Employee Definition and 'tatus#############$
&$! Employment Classification###############$$
&$& +espect of 'uperior ,fficer###############$
&$( +espect of 'uordinates################$
&$) Chain of Command###################
&$* Proationary Period for Ne- Employees#########$
( Employment Policies##################$

($! E.ual Employment ,pportunity#############$
($& Affirmative Action /Diversity###############
($( Americans -ith Disailities Act#############$$
($) "mmigration 0a- Compliance##############$$
($* Employee Bac1ground Chec1##############$
($2 Criminal 3istory####################$$
($4 Anniversary Date###################$$
($5 Ne- Employee ,rientation###############$
($6 Personnel +ecords and Administration#########$$
($!7 Personal "nformation##################
($!! Advertising#########################
($!& Testing#######$###################$$
($!( "ntervie- and 'election######$$############$$
($!) +e8Employment ## ####################$
($!* Drivers 0icense#######################
($!2 Motor Vehicle +ecord Chec1s################$
($!4 Building 'ecurity$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$################$$
($!5 Personal Property #$####################
($!6 3ealth8+elated "ssues#$$##################
($&7 Employee +e.uiring Medical Attention#$$$##########
($&! Visitors in the %or1 Place#################$$$
($&& Civilian +iders in Patrol Vehicles##############$
($&( 9raterni:ation Prohiited##################
($&) %eather8related and emergency8related duty########$$
) 'tandards of Conduct
)$! ;eneral ;uidelines###################
)$& Chief of Police Notification###############$
)$( Attendance and Punctuality############$$$$$$$$$$$
)$) %or1 'chedule###$#################$$
)$* Asence and 0ateness$$#################
)$2 Prior Appointment ###################$
)$4 <o Aandonment$$###################
)$5 "nsuordination ####################$$
)$6 Meal and Brea1 Periods$$################$$
)$!7 3arassment Policy###########$$########
)$!! 'e=ual 3arassment Policy###############$$
)$!& Violence in the %or1place$$###############$$
)$!( Confidential "nformation and Nondisclosure#######$$$
)$!) Authority and +esponsiility of '-orn Personnel#####$
)$!* ,pen +ecords Act$$$###################
)$!2 Code of Conduct####################$$
)$!4 Code of Ethics#####################$$
)$!5 +acial Profiling######$$$##############$$
)$!6 Duty to ;ive 'tatement during ,fficial "nvestigation####
)$&7 Pulic Appearances####$$##############$$
)$&! >se of Discretion#####################$$
)$&& 0a- Enforcement "dentification##############$$$
)$&( Dress Code#######################$$$
)$&) Court/ Administrative Appearances$############$
)$&* <udicial Proceeding Participation#############$$
)$&2 9irearms in Court#########$$###########$$
)$&4 >se of E.uipment$$###################$#
)$&5 >se of Computer? Phone? and Mail$$$$############
)$&6 Acceptale use of Computer################
)$(7 >se of "nternet######################$$
)$(! 'ecurity and Proprietary "nformation############
)$(& 'ystem and Net-or1 Activities###############
)$(( >se of Computer 'oft-are#################$
)$() Email and Communications Activities############
)$(* Blogging and 'ocial Media#################$
)$(2 %or1station 'ecurity Policy################$$
)$(4 'mo1ing Policy######################$
)$(5 ;ames of Chance/ ;amling################$
)$(6 Alcohol and 'ustance Ause###############$
)$)7 ;ifts###########################$
)$)! 'olicitations and Distriutions##############$$$$
)$)& Conduct >necoming of an ,fficer#############$
)$)( Personal Conduct#####################$
)$)) Association -ith 'uspects/9elons#############$$
)$)* Complaint / ;rievance Procedure##############
)$)2 Corrective Procedure##################$$$
)$)4 Crisis 'uspension####################
)$)5 "nvolvement in 0aor Disputes##############$
)$)6 0aor ,rgani:ation Memership#############$$
)$*7 >se of Position for Private ;ain#############$$
)$*! ;eneral +ules for '-orn Personnel############
)$*& Attention to Duty####################$$
)$*( Call out +esponses###################$
)$*) Civil Process Prohiition#################
)$** >nusual "ncident Notification###############$
)$*2 Neighorhood Disputes##################$
)$*4 Personal "nvolvement in Police +elated Cases#######$$
)$*5 +e.uirement to Ta1e Action################$
)$*6 City 0imit +esponsiilities#################
)$27 9alse 'tatements? +ecords? etc##############$$
)$2! Political Activity in >niform################$
)$2& Courtesy#########################
)$2( +ecording########################$
)$2) Discrimination######################
)$2* Competent Discharge of Duties##############$
)$22 Co-ardice########################$
)$24 3andling Monies and Property###############
)$25 Derogatory +emar1s or Acts################
)$26 Criticism$$########################$$
)$47 ;ossip#########################$$$
)$4! ,utside Employment####################
)$4& Employment Termination/+esignation############$
)$4( E=it "ntervie-########################
)$4) +eturn of Department Property###############$$
* Compensation Policies
*$! Base Compensation####################$$
*$& Time1eeping Procedures##################$
*$( ,vertime Pay#######################$$
*$) Payroll and Paydays###################$$$$$
*$* Demotion/+eduction in Pay#################
*$2 Performance and 'alary +evie-s##############$
*$4 ,pportunities for Advancement8 Progression and Promotion#$
2 ;roup 3ealth and related Benefits
2$! Benefits 'ummaries and Eligiility#############$
2$& 3ealth "nsurance#####################$$
2$( Dental "nsurance#####################$$
2$) Cora Notification#####################
2$* %or1er@s Compensation##################
2$2 'ocial 'ecurity######################$$
2$4 +etirement Plans######################$$
2$5 Training and Professional Development###########$$$
4 Time off Benefits
4$! 3oliday Pay#########################$
4$& Vacation Pay########################$$
4$( 'ic1 0eave#########################$$
4$) 0eave %ithout Pay#####################$$$
4$* Bereavement 0eave#####################$
4$2 <ury Duty#########################$$$$
4$4 Military +eserves or National ;uard 0eaves of Asence####$$
4$5 9amily/Medical 0eaves of Asence##############$$
4$6 E=tended Disaility 0eaves##################
4$!7 0eave Entitlement######################
4$!! Pay during 0eave######################$
4$!& "ntermittent or +educed 0eave 'chedule###########$
4$!( Continuation of Benefits###################
4$!) Employees %ho Terminate on family and Medical 0eave####
4$!* +eturn to %or1#######################$
4$!2 <o 'tatus upon +eturn from 9amily or Medical 0eave#####
4$!4 Employee not +eturning to %or1###############
4$!5 >niformed 'ervices Employment and +eemployment#####$
4$!6 Personal 0eaves of Asence################$$$
4$&7 ;rievance Procedure####################$$
5 E=penses
5$! "ntroduction########################$$$
5$& Department 'upplies? ,ther E=penditures##########$$$
6 Employee Communications
6$! ,pen Communication##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
6$& 'taff Meetings########################
6$( 'uggestions#########################
6$) Closing 'tatement#####################$$$$
!7 Ac1no-ledgment
!! Appendices
!!$! >se of 9orce Policy/Manual##################
!!$& Taser 3andling and Deployment###############$

! "NT+,D>CT",N
This document has been develoed by Chief David &# Moore in order to
familiari'e emloyees !ith "nson Police Deartment and rovide
information about !or(in% conditions$ (ey olicies$ rocedures$ and benefits
affectin% emloyment at The "nson Police Deartment#
)t is the olicy of the "nson Police Deartment to mana%e its
officers/emloyees and recourses in a manner that ma*imi'es oerational
efficiency and service to our citi'ens !ithin the constraints set forth by
+ederal and State la!s and Municial ,rdinances#
!$! %elcome
-elcome to "nson Police Deartment. -e are hay to have you as a ne!
member of our family.
!$& Anson Police Department Mission 'tatement
The "nson Deartment is committed to !or(in% in artnershi !ith our
community to imrove the /uality of life in our city#
-e are dedicated to solvin% community roblems$ the reduction of crime$
the rotection of life and roerty$ reservation of la!s$ ordinances and the
constitutional ri%hts of all ersons !ithin our 0urisdiction#
!$( Value 'tatement
1# The members of the "nson Police Deartment are committed to a set
of values that %uide the !or( of the or%ani'ation and thus$ hel
contribute to the /uality of life for all citi'ens of the community#
These include1
a# Dedicated to achievin% the "nson Police Deartment2s Mission#
b# Positive contributions and innovations are suorted and
encoura%ed in the achievement of or%ani'ational %oals#
c# 3mo!erin% emloyees to ma(e decisions to solve community
d# ,r%ani'ational ride and resect for oneself and others !ill
ensure rofessional %ro!th and team!or(#
e# Strive for e*cellence throu%h aroriate trainin% and lannin%$
and utili'ation of available resources#
f# Professional develoment of each member of the or%ani'ation#
2# The adherence to and belief in these values and the romotions of
rofessional la! enforcement !ill distin%uish the "nson Police
Deartment as a truly e*cetional olice or%ani'ation#
!$! Changes in Policy
This manual suersedes all revious emloyee manuals and directives#
-hile every effort is made to (ee the contents of this document current$
"nson Police Deartment reserves the ri%ht to modify$ susend$ or terminate
any of the olicies$ rocedures$ and/or benefits described in the manual !ith
or !ithout rior notice to emloyees#
!$& +ole and +esponsiility
1# 4oals and ,b0ectives# The "nson Police Deartment shall establish %oals
and ob0ectives$ and rovide /uarterly udates$ to ensure that the direction of
the "nson Police Deartment is consistent !ith its Mission Statement#
a# "lon% !ith their annual bud%et re/uest submittal each
or%ani'ational comonent of the "nson Police Deartment
shall formulate !ritten %oal and ob0ectives !ith the
b# ,nce the %oals and ob0ectives are established for each
year they !ill be made available to all affected ersonnel#
c# The %oals and ob0ectives shall tie into the resective
bud%et re/uest submissions$ !ith imact statements outlinin%
the conse/uences on the level of customer service#
d# Personnel at all levels of the "nson Police Deartment
shall be consulted to rovide inut durin% the develoment
sta%e of the %oals and ob0ectives and shall be advised of the
final selection of %oals and ob0ectives !hich !ill be osted at
the "nson Police Deartment#
e# Deartment %oals and ob0ectives shall be submitted to the
Chief of Police in con0unction !ith their resective annual
bud%et re/uests#
516 "dditionally$ a status of the current fiscal year7s
%oals and ob0ectives shall recede this submission$
outlinin% the ro%ress made on each$ and the roosed
%oals for the annual oeratin% bud%et#
526 This !ill be comleted by each Deartmental
Division !ithin the "nson Police Deartment#
f# ,nce aroved$ each Division shall ma(e their individual
%oals and ob0ectives available !ithin their !or( area and !ith
the City of "nson2s City Council Members#
2# Recruitment and Certification of S!orn Personnel1 The "nson Police
Deartment shall maintain a coy of the current Te*as Commission of
&a! 3nforcement Standards and 3ducation 5TC&3,S36 standards
for certification of s!orn ersonnel#
a. Durin% the initial recruitin% rocess$ The "nson Police Deartment shall
revie! each candidate7s documentation to determine if it reveals
anythin% that is contrary to the minimum TC&3,S3 certification
b. The "nson Police Deartment shall ensure that all re/uired forms and
aer!or( are submitted to TC&3,S3 !ithin the re/uired time frames#
c. Prior to assumin% s!orn status$ all "nson Police Deartment
Personnel shall ta(e an ,ath of ,ffice to enforce the la!s and uhold
the constitution of the 8nited States and the State of Te*as# The ,ath
of ,ffice is administered durin% the robationary eriod#
"n 9emloyee: of the "nson Police Deartment is a s!orn eace officer or a
erson !ho re%ularly !or(s for the "nson Police Deartment on a !a%e or
salary basis#
&$! Employment Classification
3mloyees of the "nson Police Deartment are classified as either 9e*emt:
or 9non;e*emt#: This is necessary because$ by la!$ emloyees in certain
tyes of 0obs are entitled to overtime ay for hours !or(ed in e*cess of forty
5406 hours er !or(!ee(#
)n addition to the above overtime classifications$ every emloyee is assi%ned
an emloyment status classification1 re%ular full;time$ re%ular art;time$
temorary 5full;time or art;time6$ re%ular hourly$ contin%ent hourly$ etc#
&$& +espect of 'uperior ,fficer
Employees shall be respectful of superiors at all times, recognizing their rank and
obeying their lawful orders.
Employees shall not use contemptuous words towards any superior officer.
&$( +espect of 'uordinates
Supervisory personnel shall be respectful of subordinate personnel at all times,
recognizing their position with the department and their personal dignity.
Supervisors shall not use contemptuous words towards any subordinate.
&$) Chain of Command
!$ ,rgani:ational 'tructure/Chart:
The "nson Police Deartment or%ani'ational structure is deicted on the
"nson Police Deartment or%ani'ational chart# The office of the Chief of
Police distributes and udates the or%ani'ational chart# The or%ani'ational
chart is attached to this olicy and available on the deartment !eb a%e#
&$ 9unction:
(a) The Chief of Police directly supervises the Lieutenant, Sergeant, Full-!e
"#cers, Part-!e "#cers, $eserve "#cers, %ni!al Control "#cers, Code
&nforce!ent "#cer and %d!inistrave %ssistants.
(b) Lieutenant 'ill be responsible for(
1#1# Personnel
1#2# +T, Trainin%
1#<# "ssi%nin% cases for investi%ation
1#4# Patrol Suervision
1#=# Crime Prevention 8nit
1#># Secial 3vents
1#?# Recruitin%
1#@# Procurement and 3vidence Mana%ement
1#A# &ost and +ound
1#10# Code 3nforcement
1#11# Schedulin%
($ +an1 / Classifications:
5a6 Chief of Police:
1# The Chief of Police is aointed by the City Council and as
e*ecutive officer of this deartment$ shall be a s!orn eace
officer of the State of Te*as#
2# Sub0ect to ertinent la!s$ City ,rdinances$ "nson Police
Deartment olicy and rocedure$ the Chief of Police has
authority over all members of the "nson Police Deartment#
+irst Priority1 To al!ays serve and rotect the citi'ens of
"nson# This includes the safety and care of victims and
assistin% a%encies such as 3MS and the +ire Deartment#
Second Priority1 To loo( after the !elfare of his ,fficers$
insurin% they are !ell e/uied and trained to accomlish the
first riority$ and stren%then camaraderie and build morale
amon% the officers#
<# The Chief of Police may romul%ate to the deartment
such orders or instructions$ !ritten or oral$ !hich are not
inconsistent !ith the la! or any orders or instructions of the
City Council of "nson# Directives and/or other means of
conveyin% olicies and commands may be issued in one of
the follo!in% formats1 olice re%ulationsB %eneral ordersB
secial ordersB memorandumsB oliciesB roceduresB
manualsB bulletinsB or verbal orders# To erform his duties in
a rofessional manner$ bein% the finest e*amle of la!
enforcement officer to his eers$ subordinates and the
citi'ens of "nson#
4# The Chief of Police is resonsible to the City Council of
"nson for emloyee services for the e*ecution of the olice
mission# The Chief of Police shall romtly e*ecute all la!ful
orders and observe all re%ulations rescribed by the City
Council of the City of "nson and shall be resonsible that all
such orders and re%ulations are in accordance !ith the la!
and are obeyed and carried out# The Chief of Police shall be
directly and ersonally resonsible to the City Council of the
City of "nson for the disciline$ trainin%$ efficiency$ and
morale of the deartment# The Chief of Police shall (ee their
office oen and staffed durin% times rescribed by the City
Council of the City of "nson#
=# The Chief of Police shall ma(e certain that the oeration of
all divisions and secial units under their control mutually
suort one another in all matters re/uirin% suort and that
a hi%h de%ree of lateral cooeration and e*chan%e of
information is maintained#
># The Chief of Police shall institute a study of factors !hich
mi%ht revent the deartment from functionin% efficiently$
includin% any ossible morale;destroyin% situations or
influences# The Chief of Police shall ascertain that all boo(s
and records are (et in accordance !ith the re/uirements of
the deartment#
?# The Chief of Police shall cause a %eneral insection to be
made of all members of the deartment at least once a
month and shall establish such other systems of insections
and control as may be necessary to ensure the efficient
administration of the deartment#
@# The Chief of Police shall re%ulate his office so that at all
times !hen they are absent$ it shall be under the command
of the &ieutenant or a senior officer$ desi%nated by the Chief#
This officer !hile in temorary command shall be re%arded
as the reresentative of the Chief and their commands shall
be obeyed throu%hout the deartment# )n the event no
suerior is desi%nated durin% such absence$ the senior
commander shall so act#
A# The Chief of Police !hile on duty shall dress accordin%ly to
an aroved olice deartment uniform# "roved uniform
consists of a clean and ressed deartment issued class 5a6
or 5b6 uniform# -hile attendin% business a!ay from the City$
at school$ or testifyin% in court the Chief of Police may dress
in clean ressed business attire#
10# The Chief of Police re%ular duty hours !ill coincide !ith
City Call$ and !hile on duty 100D of his/her attention !ill be
directed to!ards the duties and resonsibilities of the
osition of the Police Chief of "nson# The Chief of Police
shall not emloyee himself/herself outside of the City of
"nson in a manner that !ill interfere !ith the role of
overseein% daily olice oerations# -ill maintain the !or(in%
relationshis !ith la! enforcement a%encies !ithin the City of
"nson and the County of Eones$ !hether they are local$ state
or federal a%encies#
11# The Chief of Police shall be resonsible for all oen
record re/uests ertainin% to olice ersonnel$ olice
investi%ations$ code enforcement$ animal control$ and
emer%ency mana%ement# "ll ,en record re/uests shall be
for!arded by the Chief of Police to the City "ttorney for
revie! and resonse# "ny actions and directives of the city
council shall suersede this manual$ and deference shall be
%iven to the actions for the City Council#
12# The Chief of Police shall be resonsible for all media
releases ertainin% to any matter of the olice deartment or
its ersonnel$ !hich includes investi%ations$ code
enforcement$ animal control$ emer%ency mana%ement and
the deartment2s ersonnel#
1<# 4oals and ,b0ectives1 "t the be%innin% of each fiscal
year the Chief of Police shall resent to the City Council a
memorandum describin% a%ency %oals and ob0ectives# This
memorandum shall include the follo!in%1
a#i#1# The or%ani'ational chart#
a#i#2# Mission statement and motto#
a#i#<# Stren%ths and !ea(nesses#
a#i#4# Strate%ic %oals and ob0ectives#
5b6 0ieutenant:
1# &ieutenants e*ercise line command over the emloyees of
their assi%ned sections# They rovide advice and %uidance to
the ersonnel assi%ned and is resonsible for (eein% the
resective commander informed about the activities and
accomlishments of their officers#
2# The &ieutenant shall serve and shall be a s!orn eace officer
for the State of Te*as#
<# The &ieutenant$ in the normal course of their duties$ is directly
resonsible for the suervision of the +ield ,erations Division
and the Suort Services Division#
4# Durin% the absence of the Chief of Police$ the &ieutenant may
romul%ate to the deartment such orders or instructions$ !ritten
or oral$ !hich are not inconsistent !ith the la!$ !ritten directives$
or any orders or instructions of the Mayor of the City of "nson#
,rders to the deartment shall be issued by the Chief of Police#
Directives and/or other means of conveyin% olicies and
commands may be issued in one of the follo!in% formats1 olice
re%ulationsB %eneral ordersB secial ordersB memorandumsB
oliciesB roceduresB manualsB bulletinsB or verbal orders#
BcC 'ergeant
Ser%eants are resonsible for all cases assi%ned for follo!;u
investi%ations# Ser%eants !ill have an advanced (no!led%e of
olice investi%ations and evidence collections# Ser%eants are
sub0ect to all and any other duties assi%ned by the &ieutenant
or Chief of Police# 'ergeants may e=cise line of command
over employees in the asences of the 0ieutenant and or
the Chief of Police$
BdC Police ,fficer

Police officers ma(e u the ma0ority of the deartment2s s!orn ersonnel and
often are the first to ma(e contact !ith the ublic# "ssi%nments vary in content
but %enerally include atrol and community interaction# They are resonsible for
(eein% their suervisors informed about their activities and accomlishments
BeC >nity of Command:
1# 3ach comonent of the Deartment is normally under the direct
command of one suervisor# -ithin each established chain;of;
command$ the aroriate suervisor is resonsible and accountable
for the erformance of emloyees under their control#
2# )n routine oerations$ each emloyee is normally accountable to
only one suervisor at any %iven time# Situations may e*ist !here
suervisors issue commands to emloyees outside the chain;of;
command# ,n scene suervisors !ill be resonsible for control and
command of subordinates at those incidents#
BfC 'uccession of Command1
1# The Chief of Police shall have the authority to desi%nate a erson to
act in his lace as Deartment head on any occasion !hen lans
re/uire them to be absent from duty$ or other!ise unavailable to
erform the duties of office#
2# Should the Chief of Police become incaacitated throu%h illness$
death$ or any other reason$ or should they be absent from duty$ or
other!ise unavailable to erform the duties of office !ithout havin%
desi%nated a erson to command the Deartment durin% the absence$
&ieutenant !ill assume command unless other!ise the Mayor and or
City Council aoints another /ualified Peace ,fficer# )f the &ieutenant
is unable to command$ the duty shall move to a Senior ,fficer unless
other!ise the Mayor and or City Council aoint another /ualified
Peace ,fficer#
BgC Delegated Authority:
1# "t all levels of the Deartment$ authority !ill be dele%ated to
emloyees to ma(e decisions necessary for the effective e*ecution of
their resonsibilities#
2# 3mloyees are accountable for the use of$ or the failure to use$
dele%ated authority#
BhC +outine Command Protocol:
1# "t the scene of any olice incident$ the ran(in% officer$ or senior
officer if of the same ran($ shall assume command of the scene and
oerations until relieved by a suervisor$ or until the conclusion of the
2# Crime scene suervision is normally conducted by the senior
officer resent# This officer has the authority to direct and oversee the
rocessin% of a scene unless relieved by a suervisor or detective#
<# "t the scene of olice incidents involvin% more than one se%ment
of the Deartment$ the ran(in% suervisor shall assume command of
the scene and oerations#
BiC MaDor "ncident Command Protocol:
a# "t ma0or incidents !hich field oerations initially resonds to$
such as hosta%e/barricaded sub0ect situations$ cro!d control
situations$ or other lar%e scale emer%encies$ a atrol suervisor
!ill be desi%nated to assume and maintain immediate control#
,verall control !ill be assumed by a shift Ser%eant#
b# This Deartment suorts and !ill adhere to the Eones County
Multi;"%ency )ncident Command System# The fundamental
rincile of )CS is that of 9unified command: at certain lar%e scale
incidents re/uirin% multi;a%ency coordination#
&$* Proationary Period for Ne- Employees
"nson Police Deartment monitors and evaluates every ne! emloyee2s
erformance for three months 5A0 days6 to determine !hether further
emloyment in a secific osition or !ith "nson Police Deartment is
($! E.ual Employment ,pportunity
"nson Police Deartment is an e/ual emloyment oortunity emloyer#
3mloyment decisions are based on merit and the needs of the deartment$
and not on race$ color$ citi'enshi status$ national ori%in$ ancestry$ %ender$
se*ual orientation$ a%e$ !ei%ht$ reli%ion$ creed$ hysical or mental disability$
marital status$ veteran status$ olitical affiliation$ or any other factor
rotected by la!#
($& Affirmative Action/Diversity
"nson Police Deartment is committed to affirmative action2s that !ill build
on the stren%ths of our current !or(force and continually enhance the
diversity of our or%ani'ation#
($( Americans -ith Disailities Act
a# )t is the olicy of "nson Police Deartment to comly !ith all the
relevant and alicable rovisions of the "mericans !ith Disabilities "ct
5"D"6# "nson Police Deartment !ill not discriminate a%ainst any
/ualified emloyee or 0ob alicant !ith resect to any terms$ rivile%es$
or conditions of emloyment because of a erson2s hysical or mental
b# ,fficers/emloyees shall be %ranted all rotection rovided under the
"mericans !ith Disabilities "ct and the Te*as Civil Ri%hts &a!s# )n
!or(in% !ith officers/emloyees !ho are ta(in% medication that may
imact their 0ob erformance of essential discrimination rovisions of the
($) "mmigration 0a- Compliance
"ll offers of emloyment are contin%ent on verification of the candidate2s
ri%ht to !or( in the 8nited States# ,n the first day of !or($ every ne!
emloyee !ill be as(ed to rovide ori%inal documents verifyin% his or her
ri%ht to !or( and$ as re/uired by federal la!$ to si%n +ederal +orm );A$
3mloyment 3li%ibility Ferification +orm#
($* Employee Bac1ground Chec1
Prior to ma(in% an offer of emloyment$ "nson Police Deartment shall
conduct a bac(%round investi%ation# " comrehensive bac(%round
investi%ation shall consist of rior emloyment verification$ rofessional
reference chec(s$ education confirmation$ criminal history verification$ and
fin%er rintin%#
($2 Criminal 3istory
Criminal Cistory verifications !ill be conducted to abide by TC&3,S3 rules#
" coy of the criminal history bac(%round !ill be (et in an emloyee2s
ermanent emloyee file#
($4 Anniversary Date
The date an emloyee or eace officers is aointed$ is his or her official
anniversary date# This anniversary date is used to comute the follo!in%
Sic( &eave
($5 Ne- Employee ,rientation
The formal !elcomin% rocess$ or 9emloyee/ officer orientation$: is
conducted by the Chief of olice$ and includes an overvie! of the
($6 Personnel +ecords and Administration
The tas( of handlin% ersonnel records and related administration functions
at "nson Police Deartment is the duty of Chief of olice# Personnel files
shall be (et confidential at all times# Personnel files !ill also remain
roerty of the "nson Police Deartment and T3C&,S at no time shall be
removed by any emloyee or ersonnel# The ersonnel files include all of
the follo!in% documents1
a# "ll TC&3,S3 records and forms
b# +ire arm /ualifications
c# 3ducation records
d# Criminal Cistory bac(%rounds
e# Coies of Driver license and social security cards
f# Trainin% certificates
%# +in%er rint Cards
h# +;= and +;=R2s
i# Disciline
"ll medical records$ if any$ !ill be (et in a searate confidential file#
($!7 Personal "nformation
The "nson Police Deartment shall have the correct name$ current residential address$
and telehone number of every emloyee# "nson Police Deartment must (no! !hom
to notify in case of an emer%ency# 3mloyees !ill notify their immediate suervisor in
!ritin% no later than the first !or( day follo!in% the date of any chan%e to the follo!in%1
a# "ddress
b# Telehone number
c# Marital Status
e# Deendant chan%e
f# )nsurance beneficiaries
%# Ta* !ithholdin%s e*emtions
"ll "nson Police Deartment emloyees shall maintain a !or(in%
telehone that allo!s for contact at their lace of residence#
($!! Advertising Vacancies
The Chief of Police is resonsible for emloyment ads and for ostin%
vacancies in City of "nson Police Deartment$ !ith local a%encies$ or other
recruitment sources#
"ll vacant ositions must be osted to either City emloyees only or the
%eneral ublic at City Call#
Co!ever$ if a deartment emloyee !ithin the Police Deartment meets the
0ob /ualifications$ he or she may be romoted to the osition !ithout
advertisin%# )nterested City emloyees should aly to the Chief of Police#
"lications are acceted in the Chief of Police2s office# )f a closin% date is
osted$ alications !ill not be acceted after that date
($!& Testing
The City reserves the ri%ht to administer certain re;emloyment testin%
durin% the alication rocess based uon the criteria established in the 0ob
descrition# "licants alyin% for secified osition5s6 may be re/uired to
demonstrate the necessary cometency levels to include$ but not be limited
to$ a comuter (eyboard$ and/or tyin% test# Go other re;emloyment
testin% shall be administered !ithout the secific aroval of the Chief of
($!( "ntervie- and 'election
The Chief of Police shall revie! all alications for the secified vacant
osition5s6 and shall retain all alications !hich meet the stated minimum
/ualifications# The Chief of Police !ill notify alicants !ho are selected for
intervie! of the desi%nated date and location of the scheduled meetin% time#
The Chief of Police shall$ uon candidate selection$ retain intervie!
documentation and any re/uired bac(%round reference chec(s# The Chief
of Police !ill e*tend the emloyment offer to the candidate 5!hether the offer
is conditional is sub0ect to the established ost;offer testin% re/uirements
such as safety sensitive and/or hi%h ris( cate%ory relevant to the osted
osition6 and schedule ne! hire rocessin% !hich includes comletion of the
re/uired emloyment forms as !ell as initial benefits enrollment information#
,nly alicants !ho !ere intervie!ed !ill be notified by the Chief of Police
that the osition has been filled#
($!) +e8Employment
+ormer emloyees in %ood standin% are eli%ible for reemloyment and !ill
be considered for emloyment as other e*ternal alicants# Suervisors
must obtain aroval from the Chief of Police rior to rehirin% a former
3mloyees !ho are rehired are eli%ible for benefits 0ust as any ne! hire#
($!* Driver 0icense
"ll officers are sub0ect to this olicy !ill maintain a current$ valid$ and
aroriate license at all times# 8nder no circumstances shall an
,ccuational Driver7s &icense or similar license be deemed aroriate#
"# "ny emloyee !ho$ as a art of their duties !ith the City of "nson$
oerates a city o!ned$ rented$ or leased Commercial Motor Fehicle$
must maintain a current and valid Te*as Commercial Driver7s &icense$
!ith all alicable endorsements# "lso$ emloyees must notify the
City and their State7s motor vehicle licensin%$ a%ency !ithin thirty 5<06
days of a conviction for any traffic violation 5e*cet ar(in% violations6
even if the violation did not occur !hile oeratin% a commercial
vehicle# The form titled HGotification of Traffic Fiolation#H 5+ound in the
forms section of this manual6 should be used for such notifications#
I# 3mloyees !ho do not oerate a Commercial Motor Fehicle$ but
drive a City o!ned$ rented$ or leased vehicle$ must maintain a current
and valid Te*as Deartment of Public Safety Driver7s &icense#
C# 3mloyees !ho drive a ersonal vehicle on behalf of the City$ to
further the business of the City and/or receive milea%e reimbursement
or vehicle allo!ance or stiend$ must maintain a current and valid
Te*as Deartment of Public Safety Driver7s &icense# 3mloyees in
this cate%ory must comly !ith all alicable State Traffic &a!s
includin% usin% seatbelts and maintainin% financial resonsibility
5liability insurance6#
2# "ny officer !ho is sub0ect to this olicy and has their license susended$
revo(ed$ canceled$ or !hose license e*ires !ithout rene!al$ or !ho is
issued an ,ccuational Driver7s &icense or similar license$ shall immediately
cease oeration of any vehicle and notify their suervisor by the end of the
ne*t !or(in% day# )t shall be the sole resonsibility of the emloyee to reort
any susension$ revocation$ cancellation$ or e*iration of their license$ as
!ell as the suervisor of any chan%e in drivin% status$ such as the issuance
of an ,ccuational Driver2s &icense or similar license# +ailure to reort such
information by the end of the ne*t !or(in% day shall result in discilinary
action u to and includin% termination#
<# "ny suervisor !ho is notified by an emloyee of an event covered under
Procedure J2 above shall immediately remove the emloyee from any
duties that re/uire the oeration of a vehicle and notify the Chief of Police#
"# "ny emloyee !ho no lon%er has a current$ valid$ and aroriate
license$ and !hose essential 0ob duties involve the oeration of a
vehicle$ Commercial or other$ shall be removed from drivin% status
and may be reassi%ned at the discretion of the Chief of Police$ and
only if it is in the best interest of the City to do so#
I# "n emloyee !ho is not reassi%ned !ill be terminated#
($!2 Motor Vehicle +ecord Chec1s
a# )t is ultimately the resonsibility of the Deartment to ensure
comliance !ith this olicy# To hel identify those emloyees !ho may
have a susended$ revo(ed$ canceled$ or e*ired license$ or !ho may
have been issued an ,ccuational Driver2s &icense or similar license$ the
office of the Chief of Police !ill conduct Motor Fehicle Record chec(s on
all emloyees sub0ect to this olicy# These chec(s !ill be erformed
b# 3mloyees !ho are found to have a susended$ revo(ed$ cancelled$
or e*ired license$ or !ho have been issued an ,ccuational Driver2s
&icense or similar license$ and !ho have not reviously reorted this
information to their suervisor$ !ill be sub0ect to discilinary action u to
and includin% termination#
($!4 Building 'ecurity
3ach and every emloyee must follo! the buildin% security rules and
re%ulations listed here1
The Police )epart!ent shall be *ept secure, 'hen not occupied.
($!5 Personal Property
The "nson Police Deartment assumes no ris( for any loss or dama%e to
ersonal roerty used by officers and or emloyee2s$ and recommends that
all emloyees have ersonal insurance olicies coverin% the loss of ersonal
roerty used and left at the office/or in a atrol vehicle#
($!6 3ealth8related "ssues
3mloyees !ho become a!are of any health;related issue should notify the
Chief of Police of their health status as soon as ossible#
($&7 Employee +e.uiring Medical Attention
3mloyees should reort all !or(;related in0uries and accidents immediately
to their suervisor$ in the event that the suervisor is not available$ the Chief
of Police !ill be notified and then follo! these stes1
a# See( medical attention
b# +ollo! u !ith suervisor and inform them of in0ury status#
($&! Visitors in the %or1place
Fisitors are allo!ed in the !or(lace# Co!ever$ officers are not ermitted to
allo! visitors in a atrol vehicle !hile on duty# " eace officer may submit a
re/uest in !ritin% for a rider to accomany an officer on duty# ,nly under
certain circumstances !ill individuals !ill be aroved to accomany an
officer !hile on duty$ this aroval must be obtained by the Chief of Police#
($&& Civilian +iders in Patrol Vehicles
"ll ride outs shall be aroved by the Chief of Police 24 hours rior to the date and
time of the ride out# The follo!in% are aroved riders1
a# " certified Peace ,fficer from another a%ency
b# "n individual see(in% a la! enforcement career 5this is a onetime ride
c# " souse or %irlfriend/boyfriend attendin% a sortin% event or a city
d# " child may be droed off or ic(ed u from an ")SD School in the
City of "nson re%ular school hours$ or to a sortin% event the child is
articiatin% in#

($&( 9raterni:ation Prohiited
a# "nson Police Deartment is leased to consider for emloyment
/ualified alicants !ho are related to emloyees# -hen "nson Police
Deartment emloys more than one member of a family$ one family
member may not suervise the other nor can they !or( the same shift#
b# # 3mloyees shall not fraterni'e !ith$ en%a%e the services of$ accet
services from$ or do favors for any erson bein% investi%ated or arrested
by the "nson Police Deartment for a felony offense$ e*cet as set forth
in !ritin% by the Chief of Police#
c# # 3mloyees shall not associate socially or fraterni'e !ith the souse
of any erson bein% investi%ated for a felony offense or arrested by the
"nson Police Deartment#
d# # Go emloyee shall date or be romantically involved !ith another
emloyee of the City of "nson#
($&) %eather8related and Emergency8related duty
)n times of emer%encies such as severe !eather$ fires$ o!er failures or any
other emer%ency all s!orn officers shall be available for call out#
) 'TANDA+D' ,9 C,ND>CT
)$! ;eneral ;uidelines
"ll emloyees are ur%ed to become familiar !ith "nson Police Deartment2s
rules and standards of conduct and are e*ected to follo! these rules and
standards faithfully in doin% their 0obs and conductin% the deartment2s
)$& Chief of Police Notification
The Chief of Police shall be notified as soon as ractical under the follo!in%
a. The death of a police officer, either on or off duty.
b. The injury of a police officer by firearm or knife.
c. The injury of a police officer by other means requiring hospitalization.
d. n accident involving a fleet vehicle belonging to the !ity.
e. The injury of a citizen by an officer"s use of a firearm.
f. ny use of force by an officer that requires a hospitalization of a
g. The arrest of a police officer of another jurisdiction by a city police
h. The arrest of an nson police officer
i. $obilization of off duty personnel to handle a sentinel event.
j. %isasters causing e&tensive damage and or loss of live.
k. ny incident judged to be severe enough by the senior ranking officer
on duty to warrant notification.
)n the event the Chief of Police cannot be contacted immediately$ the
rocedure !ill be to notify the Chief of Police as soon as ossible#
)$( Attendance and Punctuality
a# "nson Police Deartment e*ects emloyees to be ready to !or( at the
be%innin% of assi%ned duty shiftB no emloyee shall leave their shift !ithout
roerly bein% relieved#
b# "ll emloyees shall be unctual in reortin% for duty at the time and lace
desi%nated by their suervisor$ or as indicated on deartment schedules#
c# +ailure to notify their aroriate suervisor of any absences or delays
rior to the
Start of the scheduled duty shi+ by telephone, or person to person contact shall be
considered neglect of duty.
d# "t no time$ shall an officer/ emloyee be absent from his or her duty ost
!ithout roer ermission#
e# ,fficer/emloyees !ill not at anytime leave their assi%ned duty ost or 0ob
assi%nment !ithout rior suervisory aroval#
)$) %or1 'chedule
Duty schedules are laced in each officer2s bo* no later than the last day of
each month$ in addition a coy of the duty schedule is (et on the bulletin
board in the s/uad room# )t is the resonsibility of each officer to chec( their
schedule for chan%es in schedulin%#
)$* Asence and 0ateness
a# +rom time to time$ it may be necessary for an emloyee to be late or
absent from !or(# "nson Police Deartment is a!are that emer%encies$
illnesses$ or ressin% ersonal business that cannot be scheduled
outside !or( hours may arise# )t is the resonsibility of all emloyees to
contact their suervisor$ if they are unable to contact their suervisor$ the
chief of olice must be contacted#
b# 3mloyees !ho e*ect to be absent from duty or tardy for any reason
shall notify their suervisor or the Chief of Police$ statin% the reason for
the absence$ as soon as ossible K normally no later than their
scheduled time for be%innin% !or(# )n addition$ emloyees are e*ected
to (ee their suervisor and or the chief of Police informed daily of
e*tended absences# 3mloyees !ho are absent from duty due to illness
or in0ury may be re/uired$ at the discretion of the suervisor$ to resent a
doctor7s statement on the nature of the illness or in0ury#
c. Voice mail messages or messages via text are not acceptable
forms of communication.
d# ,fficers/emloyees are re/uired to be at !or( on a consistent basis at
the established startin% time# ,fficers/emloyees !ith three 5<6
absences or tardiness instances !ithin a 12;month eriod should be
discilined by their suervisor/the chief of olice# Per recommendation
of the suervisor$ the Chief of Police may ta(e discilinary action u to
and includin% termination# Counselin% and discilinary action should be
e# 3*cessive absenteeism or tardiness is %rounds for corrective action$
includin% dismissal#
)$2 Prior Appointments BDoctor or Dentist Visits ect$C
&!ployees are e,pected to schedule !edical appoint!ents so that there 'ill be
!ini!al disrupon to the 'or* areas. For regularly scheduled appoint!ents,
e!ployees are to give the supervisor as !uch noce as possible of the upco!ing
)$4 <o Aandonment
"n emloyee !ho has not reorted his or her absence after three 5<6
consecutive !or( days is considered to have abandoned the 0ob and
resi%ned !ithout notice#
)$5 "nsuordination
a. The failure by an employee to perform a task or comply with an order given
by a supervisor shall result in corrective action and#or discipline.
b. ll employees shall obey and properly e&ecute any lawful order emanating
from a superior or a supervisor whether oral or written.
c. The term lawful order shall be construed as an order in keeping with the
performance of any duty prescribed by law or rule of the nson 'olice
%epartment, or for the preservation of order, efficiency, and proper
d. ny employee whose speech or conduct to a superior or supervisor is
discourteous, abusive, profane, or threatening shall be deemed to be
e. Supervisors are required to ensure that their orders and direction are clear
and understandable and within the guidelines of the regulations, policies,
procedures, and practices of the !ity of nson and the nson 'olice
f. Supervisors shall ensure that specific orders and directions are not given as a
suggestion or advice.
g. Employees that disagree with an order or direction of a superior shall
immediately obey the order and may question or grieve the order through the
appropriate venue in a timely manner, which shall not interfere with the safe
or efficient operation of the nson 'olice %epartment.
h. (n matters that are deemed or termed as insubordination, supervisors shall
evaluate each case on its own merits.
i. ll of the facts will be evaluated to determine the degree or level of
insubordination that occurred.
j. (f conflicting lawful orders are given or received, refer to nson 'olice
%epartment 'olicy
)$6 Meal and Brea1 Periods
a# -hen time ermits officers are allo!ed to ta(e brea( eriods and meal
brea(s$ ho!ever$ if an officer is disatched to a call for service he or she
shall resond !ithout delay#
b# ,fficer are allo!ed 516 one hour meal brea( er shift and are allo!ed
526 fifteen minute brea( eriods er shift as time ermits#
)$!7 3arassment Policy
"nson Police Deartment does not tolerate !or(lace harassment#
-or(lace harassment can ta(e many forms# )t may be$ but is not limited to$
!ords$ si%ns$ offensive 0o(es$ cartoons$ ictures$ osters$ e;mail 0o(es or
statements$ ran(s$ intimidation$ hysical assaults or contact$ or violence#
)$!! 'e=ual 3arassment Policy
"nson Police Deartment does not tolerate se*ual harassment Se*ual
harassment may include un!elcome se*ual advances$ re/uests for se*ual
favors$ or other un!elcome verbal or hysical contact of a se*ual nature
!hen such conduct creates an offensive$ hostile$ and intimidatin% !or(in%
environment and revents an individual from effectively erformin% the
duties of their osition#
)$!& Violence in the %or1place
"nson Police Deartment has adoted a olicy rohibitin% !or(lace
violence# Consistent !ith this olicy$ acts or threats of hysical violence$
includin% intimidation$ harassment$ and/or coercion$ !hich involve or affect
emloyee of the city of "nson or !hich occur on any roerty belon%in% to
the city of "nson !ill not be tolerated#
)$!( Confidential "nformation and Nondisclosure
a# Go "nson Police Deartment emloyee$ re%ardless of ran( or osition$ !ill release
any confidential information$ "nson Police Deartment confidential business or
investi%ation or circumstance$ to any erson or or%ani'ation unless that erson or
or%ani'ation is authori'ed by la! to receive such$ and has an established and aroved
need to (no!#
Preleasin% such information to unauthori'ed individuals or or%ani'ations !ill be
considered ne%lect of duty and a ossible violation of la!#
)$!) Authority and +esponsiility of '-orn Personnel
a# )n accordance !ith the la!s of the State of Te*as and the City of
"nson the
City of "nson is emo!ered to establish a Police Deartment
consistin% of a Chief of Police and such other ersonnel as may be
b# 8nder the direction of the Chief of Police$ the "nson Police
Deartment7s s!orn ersonnel have the follo!in% resonsibilities1
a# To enforce the "nson City Code and the statutes of the
State of Te*as !ithin 0urisdictional limits as conferred by la!
and to arrest and char%e the violators thereof#
b# To ta(e char%e of all risoners delivered to the "nson Police
Deartment by order of any court#
c# To deliver any ersons !ho may be confined uon
conviction of a crime committed under the 0urisdiction of the
court to any community service ro%ram authori'ed by the City
of "nson#
d# To render such account of the "nson Police Deartment$ its
duties$ and receits as may be re/uired by the City Council
and (ee records of the office$ e*cet those e*emted by la!$
oen to insection by the City Council at any time#
e# To direct traffic and ensure the orderly flo! thereof and
investi%ate and ma(e reorts on traffic accidents !ithin the
0urisdiction of the City#
f# To erform such additional duties as may be re/uired by City
)$!* ,pen +ecords Act
Policy 'tatement
)t is the intent of the City of "nson to comly !ith all Public )nformation "ct
re/uirements set out in the Te*as 4overnment Code Chater ==2 and other state
and federal statutes#
;uidelines and Procedures
Got!ithstandin% anythin% else to the contrary as stated in this manual$ the City of
"nson !ill comly !ith all re/uirements of the Public )nformation "ct set out in the
Te*as 4overnment Code Chater ==2 and other state and federal statutes
re%ardin% ublic information#
All open records re.uests involving investigations? animal control? code
enforcement? police officers? and or the Police Department shall e handled
y the Chief of Police$ Any future actions and directives of the City Council
shall supersede this manual? and deference shall e given to the actions for
the City Council#
)$!2 Code of Conduct
The emloyees of the "nson Police Deartment are committed to a code of
conduct that %uides behavior and erformance to ensure our
rofessionalism is reflected in the activities and oeration of the a%ency# "s
such$ the "nson Police Deartment emloyees led%e to1
a. %l'ays re!e!ber 'e e,ist to serve the public.
b. Treat the public 'ith dignity, respect, and understanding, 'ithout regard to race,
naonal origin, ci-enship, religion, ethnicity, age, gender, or se,ual orientaon,
and assist the! in a pro!pt, courteous !anner during all public contacts
.. Tra#c contacts,
/. Field contacts, and
0. 1n asset sei-ure and forfeiture e2orts.
3. Pro4ling of another based on race, naonal origin, ci-enship, religion, ethnicity,
age, gender, or se,ual orientaon is prohibited.
5. 6aintain the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and i!parality in the
perfor!ance of daily dues.
7. %bide by all Federal and State la's, rules and regulaons, local ordinances,
%nson Police )epart!ent policies, and %nson %d!inistrave $egulaons.
8. Conduct ourselves in a !anner that shall never bring discredit or
e!barrass!ent to the City of %nson or the %nson Police )epart!ent.
9. &nsure open lines of co!!unicaon 'ith all !e!bers of the %nson Police
:. &,tend professional courtesy and respect to every %nson Police )epart!ent and
City of %nson e!ployee and every ci-en 'ith 'ho! 'e co!e in contact.
.;. 6aintain con4denality of infor!aon and never co!pro!ise our posions
'ith the %nson Police )epart!ent.
... Pracce and pro!ote tea!'or* and cooperaon in all dealings 'ith %nson
Police )epart!ent and City personnel.
)$!4 Code of Ethics
a# "nson Police Deartment insists on the hi%hest ethical standards in
conductin% its business# Doin% the ri%ht thin% and actin% !ith inte%rity are
the t!o drivin% forces behind "nson Police Deartment2s %reat success#
-hen faced !ith ethical issues$ officers are e*ected to ma(e the ri%ht
rofessional decision consistent !ith "nson Police Deartment2s
rinciles and standards#
b# "ll s!orn officers shall abide by the follo!in% Code of 3thics for the duration of their
c# 9"s a la! enforcement officer$ my fundamental duty is to serve man(indB to safe%uard
lives and roertyB to rotect the innocent a%ainst oression or intimidation$ and the
eaceful a%ainst violence or disorderB and to resect the constitutional ri%hts of all men
to liberty$ e/uality$ and 0ustice# ) !ill (ee my rivate life unsullied as an e*amle to allB
maintain coura%eous calm in the face of dan%er$ scorn$ or ridiculeB develo self;
restraintB and be constantly mindful of the !elfare of others# Conest in thou%ht and deed
in both my ersonal and official life$ ) !ill be e*emlary in obeyin% the la!s of the land
and the re%ulations of my deartment# -hatever ) see or hear of a confidential nature or
that is confided to me in my official caacity !ill be (et ever secret unless revelation is
necessary in the erformance of my duty#
) !ill never act officiously or ermit ersonal feelin%s$ re0udices$ animosities$ or
friendshis to influence my decisions# -ith no comromise for crime and !ith
relentless rosecution of criminals$ ) !ill enforce the la! courteously and
aroriately !ithout fear or favor$ malice or ill !ill$ never emloyin% unnecessary
force or violence and never accetin% %ratuities#
) reco%ni'e the bad%e of my office as a symbol of ublic faith$ and ) accet it as a
ublic trust to be held so lon% as ) am true to the ethics of the olice service# ) !ill
constantly strive to achieve these ob0ectives and ideals$ dedicatin% myself before
4od to my chosen rofession ; &a! 3nforcement#:
d# "ny emloyee of the "nson Police Deartment shall notify the Chief of
Police$ in !ritin%$ of any violation of TC&3,S3 standards as soon as it
becomes (no!n#
)$!5 +acial Profiling
Racial Profilin% is defined as the use of an individual2s race or ethnicity by la!
enforcement ersonnel as a (ey factor in decidin% !hether to en%a%e in
enforcement 5e#%# ma(e a traffic sto or arrest6# "nson Police Deartment strictly
rohibits Peace ,fficers from en%a%in% in racial rofilin% and any officer found
%uilty of articiatin% in any tye of racial rofilin% !ill be dismissed from their
)t is the olicy of the "nson Police Deartment to atrol in a roactive manner$ to
a%%ressively investi%ate susicious ersons and circumstances$ and to actively
enforce Te*as motor vehicle la!s$ !hile insistin% that citi'ens !ill only be stoed or
detained !hen there e*ists reasonable susicion to believe they have committed$ are
committin%$ or are about to commit$ an infraction of the la!#
Pulic "nformation
3ducation amhlets on racial rofilin% !ill be available for the ublic in the lobby of
city hallB each officer !ill also carry the educational amhlets in their vehicles for
Complaint Process
" citi'en my file a comlaint in !ritin% accordin% to the Te*as &a! 5&ocal 4ovt#
Code >14#0226 re/uires that for a formal investi%ation to be conducted$ a comlaint
must be in !ritin% and si%ned by the comlainant# Te*as la! 5&ocal 4ovt# Code
>14#02<6 also re/uires that the concerned emloyee be furnished !ith a coy of
the !ritten comlaint in order to resond to the alle%ations# " full and timely
investi%ation !ill be conducted uon any officer !ho has any tye of racial rofilin%
comlaint filed a%ainst him/her#
"ll comlaints received by the deartment are rocessed by the chief of Police#
-hen a comlaint is received$ it is revie!ed to determine the nature of the
alle%ations# The most serious tye of comlaints are investi%ated by the Chief of
Police# These comlaints involvin% alle%ations such as e*cessive force$ any
dischar%e of firearms$ or criminal activities such as theft are also revie!ed by the
Chief of Police# Comlaints comaratively less serious in nature$ such as rude
behavior or imroer rocedure$ are for!arded also to the Chief of Police for
revie!# )n every case$ the erson ma(in% the comlaint !ill be contacted durin% the
investi%ation for additional information$ and !ill be notified by mail of the final
Data +eporting
The Chief of Police !ill comile and lace into a reort format all incidents
concernin% racial rofilin%# The Chief of Police shall disseminate this data as
re/uired by statute#
Complaint Process
The deartment shall accet comlaints from any erson !ho believes he or she
has been stoed$ searched$ or inaroriately tic(eted or arrested based on
racial$ ethnic$ or national ori%in rofilin%# Go erson shall be discoura%ed$
intimidated$ or coerced from filin% such a comlaint$ or discriminated a%ainst
because he or she filed such a comlaint# 3mloyees and suervisors shall reort
any racial rofilin% ractice they observe# The ublic has the ri%ht to receive fair$
efficient$ and imartial la! enforcement# "ny misconduct by deartment ersonnel
must be detected$ thorou%hly investi%ated$ and roerly ad0udicated to assure the
maintenance of this ri%ht#
Protection of the Department
The deartment is often evaluated and 0ud%ed by the conduct of its individual
emloyees# )t is imerative that the !hole or%ani'ation not be critici'ed because of
the misconduct of a fe!# "n informed ublic must have confidence that its olice
deartment honestly and fairly investi%ates and ad0udicates all alle%ations of
misconduct a%ainst its emloyees#
Protection of the Employee
3mloyees must be rotected a%ainst false or misinformed alle%ations of
misconduct# This can only be accomlished throu%h a consistently thorou%h
investi%ative rocess#

)$!6 Duty to ;ive 'tatement during ,fficial "nvestigation
Durin% the course of any official investi%ation by the "nson Police
Deartment$ all emloyees evolved in the investi%ation shall %ive a full$
comlete and truthful !ritten resonse and/or oral statement$ to the Chief of
Police if re/uested#
)$&7 Pulic Appearances
a. nson 'olice %epartment employees shall not make public appearances in
which the nson 'olice %epartment, its employees or departmental policy
will be the topic of discussion without obtaining prior authorization from the
!hief of 'olice or designee.
b. E&ceptions)
.. %aily police activities to the press, radio, or television. (nquiries of
this type shall be referred to the nson 'olice !hief.
)$&! >se of Discretion
a# "nson Police Deartment olicies and rocedures are based on
the re/uirements imosed by city$ state$ and federal %overnments and
other la! enforcement facts of la!$ as !ell as the time tested
e*eriences of "nson Police Deartment#
b# )t is the resonsibility of suervisors to direct subordinates to
erform their 0ob duties !ithin the arameters of established olicies
and rocedures and to use roer 0ud%ment and discretion in
situations not secifically covered in manuals#
c# ,rders that deviate from e*istin% !ritten olicies/rocedures$ etc#$
may be issued by a suervisor in an emer%ency situation# Co!ever$
all such instances !ill be 0ustified and reorted in !ritin% as soon as
the emer%ency has been brou%ht under control#
)$&& 0a- Enforcement "dentification:
a. ll police employees will carry their nson 'olice %epartment issued
'olice !ommission#(dentification cards on their person at all times while on*
duty. +'ersonnel working in an undercover capacity shall be e&empt from
carrying 'olice issued (%"s if doing so would compromise the officer and#or
the assignment.,
ll uniformed personnel working e&tra*duty shall not wear an nson 'olice
%epartment issued 'olice !ommission#(dentification cards in their
possession. 'lain clothed, e&tra*duty employees working in a law
enforcement or security capacity shall carry their nson 'olice %epartment
issued 'olice !ommission#(dentification cards.
Sworn officers of the nson 'olice %epartment that are off*duty, not
employed in an e&tra*duty capacity, and not in possession of an off*duty
firearm, are not required to carry their nson 'olice %epartment issued
cards, however, may do so at their discretion. +.ff*duty sworn personnel in
possession of an authorized off*duty firearm are required to carry their
nson 'olice %epartment issued cards.,
E&cept when impractical or where identity is obvious, sworn personnel shall
identify themselves as 'olice .fficers by displaying their cards and badges.
ll on*duty employees shall courteously provide their names, employee
numbers, and#or other forms of police identification upon the request of a
)$&( Dress Code
3mloyees of "nson Police Deartment are e*ected to resent a clean and
rofessional aearance !hile on duty# Dressin% in a fashion that is clearly
unrofessional$ that is deemed unsafe$ or that ne%atively affects "nson
Police Deartment2s reutation or ima%e is not accetable#
(1.a)Court atre
Proer attire for court is described as a clean$ ressed class " uniform#
)$&) Court / Administrative Appearances
a# 3mloyees shall be unctual in all court attendance and
administrative hearin% roceedin%s in !hich a suboena or an
aearance re/uest has been roerly issued and received#
b# 3mloyees !ill return all telehone calls received from rosecutin%
attorneys or attorneys reresentin% the City of "nson in a timely
manner$ as directed by a suervisor and in no case later than the end
of the first !or(in% day follo!in% receit of the messa%e#
c# Proer Prearation Re/uired# 3mloyees !ill be roerly reared
for all roceedin%s and !ill brin% all of the necessary or re/uested
evidence and/or aer!or( to their scheduled aearance#
d# Proer "ttire Re/uired# 3mloyees shall !ear roer attire durin% all
re; lanned court roceedin%s#
516 3mloyees should consult !ith the rosecutin% a%ency as
to !hich attire !ould be most aroriate for the roceedin%#
e# Professional Conduct Re/uired# 3mloyees !ill conduct themselves
in a rofessional and truthful manner !hen %ivin% testimony in any
administrative hearin% or court roceedin%#
)$&* <udicial Proceeding Participation
a. -nless specifically asked by the prosecuting agency, employees shall not
recommend punishment or reduction of sentence for any offense unless the
employee is the arresting officer, the primary victim, or a witness to the
b. Such recommendations will be accomplished only as a means of cooperation
with the prosecuting agency in the interest of justice.
)$&2 9irearms in Court
a. Employees will abide by the respective court"s rules regarding firearms
inside the courtroom.
b. (f officers are not permitted to carry their weapon into the courtroom they
must place the weapon inside a secure court approved lock bo& along with
their vehicle keys. !ourt approved lock bo&es are generally located in the
near the secured entrance.
c. /eapons are usually permitted inside 0ones !ounty, nson $unicipal and
0ustice !ourts provided the officer is on*duty and in possession of their
badge and commission approved identification card.
d. /eapons are not permitted inside the courtroom on personal off*duty
)$&4 >se of E.uipment
"nson Police Deartment !ill rovide emloyees !ith the e/uiment
needed to do their 0ob# Gone of this e/uiment should be used for ersonal
(a) Vehicles
"ll vehicles are to be (et clean inside and out$ free from clutter and debris#
There is to be nothin% on the dash or han%in% from the revie! mirror# "
suervisor !ill conduct random insections of vehicle and e/uiment

(b) Firearms
1#"ll deartment issued firearms shall be (et clean and in !or(in%
condition at all times#
2# "ll deartment issued comuters shall be loc(ed in their doc(in%
station at all times# Comuters shall be (et clean and in !or(in%
condition$ if a roblem should arise notify you suervisor immediately#
5See technolo%y olicy6
<# "ll city issued e/uiment !ill be (et in !or(in% condition
BcC 0oss or damage of City e.uipment
1# ,fficers !ill reort any dama%es or loss of e/uiment to their
suervisor immediately#
2# "ny officer/emloyee resonsible for dama%in% City roerty may be
re/uired$ at the discretion of the Chief of Police$ to reair or relace such
<# ,fficer2s/ emloyee !ho are found to have !illfully ne%lected City
e/uiment may also be sub0ect to discilinary action#
)$&5 >se of Computer? Phone? and Mail
"nson Police Deartment2s roerty$ includin% comuters$ hones$ and
electronic mail$ should be used only for conductin% comany business#
)ncidental and occasional ersonal use of comany comuters$ hones$ and
electronic mail systems is ermitted$ but information and messa%es stored in
these systems !ill be treated no differently from other business;related
information and messa%es#
5Please see the technolo%y olicy for further instructions6
a# 3mloyees are not ermitted to use any !or(station for non;service
related use at any time#
b# 3mloyees are not allo!ed to install any unauthori'ed
soft!are/ro%rams on any !or(station#
c# 3mloyees may not allo! any unauthori'ed users access to the
)nternet/)ntranet/3*tranet;related related systems or !or(stations#
d# 3mloyees usin% vehicle !or(stations$ must secure and loc( the
!or(station to rotect sensitive data !hen absent from the vehicle#
e# Lee ass!ords secure and do not share accounts# "uthori'ed users
are resonsible for the security of their ass!ords and accounts# System
level ass!ords should be chan%ed every A0 days#
f# 3mloyees are not ermitted to ost ictures of any "nson Police
Deartment vehicles$ uniformed officers$ bad%es or lo%os to any social
media !ebsite#
%# 3mloyees may not aly or install soft!are udates !ithout rior
aroval by the administrator#
h# -hile the "nson Police deartment7s net!or( administration desires to
rovide a reasonable level of rivacy$ users should be a!are that the data
they create on the systems remains the roerty of the "nson Police
Deartment# Iecause of the need to rotect the "nson Police
deartment7s net!or($ mana%ement cannot %uarantee the confidentiality of
information stored on any net!or( device residin% on or belon%in% to the
"nson Police Deartment#
i# "ny information that users consider sensitive or vulnerable shall be
encryted or other!ise handled in a rotected manner aroved by the
"nson Police Deartment#
0# +or security and net!or( maintenance uroses$ authori'ed individuals
!ithin the "nson Police
)$&6 Acceptale use of Computer
The urose of this olicy is to outline the accetable use of comuter
e/uiment at the "nson Police Deartment# These rules are in lace
to rotect the emloyee and the "nson Police Deartment#
)naroriate use e*oses the "nson Police Deartment to ris(s
includin% virus attac(s$ comromise of net!or( systems and services$
financial ris( of loss$ and le%al issues# Deartment may monitor
e/uiment$ systems and net!or( traffic at any time$ er the
administrator7s "udit Policy# The "nson Police Deartment reserves the
ri%ht to audit net!or(s and systems on a eriodic basis to ensure
comliance !ith this olicy
)$(7 >se of "nternet
3mloyees are resonsible for usin% the )nternet in a manner that is ethical
and la!ful# 8se of the )nternet must solely be for business uroses and
must not interfere !ith emloyee roductivity#
)$(! 'ecurity and Proprietary "nformation
a# "ll PCs$ latos and !or(stations should be secured !ith a ass!ord;
rotected screensaver !ith the automatic activation feature set at 10
minutes or less$ or by lo%%in%;off !hen the host !ill be unattended#
b# )nformation contained on ortable comuters is esecially vulnerable$
secial care should be e*ercised# &atos$ Smart Phones$ and other
ortable devices !ill not be authori'ed for any use on the "nson Police
deartment2s )nternet/)ntranet/3*tranet ;related systems !ithout e*ress
ermission beforehand#
c# Postin% to any social media outlets about any "nson Police Deartment
business$ events$ or rivile%ed information is strictly rohibited !ithout rior
authori'ation and aroval#
d# "ll hosts used by the emloyee that are connected to the "nson Police
deartment7s )nternet/)ntranet/3*tranet$ !hether o!ned by the emloyee or
the "nson Police Deartment $ shall be continually e*ecutin% aroved
virus;scannin% soft!are !ith a current virus database unless overridden by
rior authori'ation#
e# 3mloyees must use e*treme caution !hen oenin% e;mail attachments
received from un(no!n senders$ !hich may contain viruses$ e;mail bombs$
or Tro0an horse code#
)$(& 'ystem and Net-or1 Activities
The follo!in% activities are strictly rohibited$ !ith no e*cetions1
a# Fiolations of the ri%hts of any erson or comany rotected by coyri%ht$
trade secret$ atent or other intellectual roerty$ or similar la!s or re%ulations$
includin%$ but not limited to$ the installation or distribution of HiratedH or other
soft!are roducts that are not aroriately licensed for use by the "nson
Police Deartment#
b# 8nauthori'ed coyin% of coyri%hted material includin%$ but not limited to$
di%iti'ation and distribution of hoto%rahs from ma%a'ines$ boo(s or other
coyri%hted sources$ coyri%hted music$ and the installation of any
coyri%hted soft!are for !hich the "nson Police Deartment or the end user
does not have an active license is strictly rohibited #
c# 3*ortin% soft!are$ technical information$ encrytion soft!are or
technolo%y$ in violation of international or re%ional e*ort control la!s$ is
ille%al# The aroriate mana%ement should be consulted rior to e*ort of
any material that is in /uestion#
d# )ntroduction of malicious ro%rams into the net!or( or server 5e#%#$ viruses$
!orms$ Tro0an horses$ 3;mail bombs$ etc#6#
e# Revealin% your account ass!ord to others or allo!in% use of your account by
others# This includes family and other household members !hen !or( is bein%
done at home#
f# 8sin% an "nson Police Deartment comutin% asset to actively en%a%e in
rocurin% or transmittin% material that is in violation of se*ual harassment or
hostile !or(lace la!s in the user7s local 0urisdiction#
%# Ma(in% fraudulent offers of roducts$ items$ or services ori%inatin% from any
"nson Police Deartment account#
h# 3ffectin% security breaches or disrutions of net!or( communication# Security
include$ are not limited to$ accessin% data of !hich the emloyee is not an intended
reciient or lo%%in% into a server or account that the emloyee is not e*ressly
authori'ed to access$ unless these duties are !ithin the scoe of re%ular duties#
+or uroses of this section$ HdisrutionH includes$ but is not limited to$ net!or(
sniffin%$ in%ed floods$ ac(et soofin%$ denial of service$ and for%ed routin%
information for malicious uroses #
i# Port scannin% or security scannin% is e*ressly rohibited unless rior
notification to the administrator is made#
E #3*ecutin% any form of net!or( monitorin% !hich !ill intercet data rot
intended for the emloyee7s host$ unless this activity is a art of the
emloyee7s normal 0ob/duty#
(# Circumventin% user authentication or security of any host$ net!or( or
l# )nterferin% !ith or denyin% service to any user other than the emloyee7s host
5for e*amle$ denial of service attac(6#
m# 8sin% any ro%ram/scri t/command$ or sendin% messa%es of any (ind$
!ith the intent to interfere !ith$ or disable$ a user7s terminal session$ via any
means$ locally or via the )nternet/)ntranet/3*tranet#
n# Providin% information about$ or lists of$ the "nson Police deartment7s
emloyees to arties outside the "nson Police Deartment#
)$(( >se of Computer 'oft-are
a# "nson Police Deartment does not condone the ille%al dulication of
soft!are# The coyri%ht la! is clear# The coyri%ht holder is %iven certain
e*clusive ri%hts$ includin% the ri%ht to ma(e and distribute coies# Title 1? of
the 8#S# Code states that 9it is ille%al to ma(e or distribute coies of
coyri%hted material !ithout authori'ation: 5Section 10>6# The only
e*cetion is the user2s ri%ht to ma(e a bac(u coy for archival uroses
5Section 11?6#
b# "ll officers are to be lo%%ed into C,PSMGC once they are on duty#
c# "ll officers are to lo% "&& calls into C,PSMGC as you are disatched to
calls for service# 4ive a brief synosis of the action ta(en for each call#
)$() Email and Communications Activities
a# Sendin% unsolicited email messa%es$ includin% the sendin% of 90un( mailH
or other advertisin% material to individuals !ho did not secifically re/uest
such material 5email sam6#
b# "ny form of harassment via email$ telehone or a%in%$ !hether throu%h
lan%ua%e$ fre/uency$ or si'e of messa%es#
c# 8nauthori'ed use$ or for%in%$ of email header information#
d# Solicitation of email for any other email address$ other than that of the
oster7s account$ !ith the intent to harass or to collect relies#
e# Creatin% or for!ardin% Hchain lettersH$ HPon'iH or other HyramidH
schemes of any tye#
f# 8se of unsolicited email ori%inatin% from !ithin the "nson Police
deartment 7s net!or(s of other )nternet/)ntranet/3*tranet service
roviders on behalf of$ or to advertise$ any service hosted by the "nson
Police Deartment or connected via the "nson Police deartment 7s
%# Postin% the same or similar non;business;related messa%es to lar%e
numbers of 8senet ne!s%rous 5Ge!s%rou sam6#
)$(* Blogging and 'ocial Media
a# "ny use of Ilo%%in% and Social Media by emloyees$ !hether usin% the
"nson Police deartment7s roerty and systems or ersonal comuter
systems$ is also sub0ect to the terms and restrictions set forth in this Policy#
b# &imited and occasional use of the "nson Police deartment7s systems to
en%a%e in blo%%in% is accetable if alicable to normal !or( duties$ rovided
that it is done in a rofessional and resonsible manner$ does not other!ise
violate the "nson Police deartment2s olicy$ is not detrimental to the "nson
Police deartment2s best interests$ and does not interfere !ith an emloyee7s
re%ular !or( duties#
c# Ilo%%in% and Social Media from the "nson Police deartment2s systems are
also sub0ect to monitorin%#
d# The "nson Police deartment2s confidential information olicy also
alies to blo%%in% and social media# "s such$ 3mloyees are rohibited
from revealin% any of the "nson Police deartment7s confidential or
rorietary information$ trade secrets or any other material covered by the
"nson Police deartment7s Confidential )nformation olicy !hen en%a%ed
in blo%%in%#
e# 3mloyees shall not en%a%e in any blo%%in% and social media that may
harm or tarnish the ima%e$ reutation and/or %ood!ill of the "nson Police
Deartment and/or any of its emloyees# 3mloyees are also rohibited
from ma(in% any discriminatory$ disara%in%$ defamatory or harassin%
comments !hen blo%%in% or other!ise en%a%in% in any conduct rohibited
by the "nson Police Deartment#
f# 3mloyees may also not attribute ersonal statements$ oinions or
beliefs to the "nson Police Deartment !hen en%a%ed in blo%%in% or
ostin% on social media# )f an emloyee is e*ressin% his or her beliefs
and/or oinions in blo%s$ the emloyee may not$ e*ressly or imlicitly$
reresent themselves as an emloyee or reresentative of the "nson
Police Deartment# 3mloyees assume any and all ris( associated !ith
blo%%in% and social media use#
%# "art from follo!in% all la!s ertainin% to the handlin% and disclosure of
coyri%hted or e*ort controlled materials$ the "nson Police deartment7s
trademar(s$ lo%os and any other "nson Police Deartment intellectual
roerty may also not be used in connection !ith any blo%%in% activity or
social media ostin%#
)$(2 %or1station 'ecurity Policy
"roriate measures must be ta(en !hen usin% !or(stations to ensure the
confidentiality$ inte%rity and availability of sensitive information$ includin%
rotected information and that access to sensitive information is restricted to
authori'ed users#
a# -or(force members usin% !or(stations shall consider the sensitivity
of the information$ includin% rotected information that may be
accessed am minimi'e the ossibility of unauthori'ed access#
b# The "nson Police Deartment !ill imlement hysical and technical
safe%uards for all !or(stations that access electronic rotected
information to restrict access to only authori'ed users#
c# "roriate measures include1
1 1# Restrictin% hysical access to !or(stations to only authori'ed
1 2# Securin% !or(stations 5screen loc( or lo%out6 rior to leavin% area to
revent unauthori'ed access#
1 <# 3nablin% a ass!ord;rotected screen saver !ith a short
timeout eriod to ensure that !or(stations that !ere left
unattended !ill be rotected
1 4# Comlyin% !ith all alicable ass!ord olicies and rocedures#
1 =# 3nsurin% !or(stations are used for authori'ed business urose s
1 ># Gever installin% unauthori'ed soft!are on !or(stations#
1 ?# Leein% food and drin( a!ay from !or(stations in order to avoid
accidental sills#
1 @# Securin% latos that contain sensitive information by usin%
cable loc(s or loc(in% latos u in dra!ers or cabinets#
1 A# Comlyin% !ith the administrator2s aroved security standards#
1 10# 3nsurin% that monitors are ositioned a!ay from ublic vie!#
)f necessary$ install rivacy screen filters or other hysical barriers
to ublic vie!in%#
1 11# 3nsurin% !or(stations are left on but lo%%ed off in order to
facilitate after;hours udates# 3*it runnin% alications and
close oen documents
1 12# 3nsurin% that all !or(stations use a sur%e rotector 5not
0ust a o!er stri6 or a 8PS 5battery bac(u6#
1 1<# )f !ireless net!or( access is used $ ensure access is
secure by follo!in% the administrator7s aroved standard
)$(4 'mo1ing Policy
Go smo(in% of any (ind is ermitted inside any City of "nson office$ vehicle$
or roerty or in the vie! of ublic#
)$(5 ;ames of Chance/;amling
Police emloyees !ill not en%a%e in %ames of chance !hile on;duty$ e*cet
!ith the aroval of a suervisin% officer and in con0unction !ith an official
)$(6 Alcohol and 'ustance Ause
a# )t is the olicy of the "nson Police Deartment that the !or(lace be
free of illicit dru%s and alcoholic bevera%es$ and free of their use# The
consumtion of alcohol and or illicit dru%s could have tra%ic
conse/uences !here demandin% or stressful !or( situations call for
/uic( and sound decisions to be made# ,fficers/emloyees on or off duty
should reco%ni'e that e*cessive consumtion of alcohol resultin% in
disorderly conduct or drivin% !hile into*icated violates State and local
b# "ny off duty officer and or emloyee of the "nson Police Deartment
may not consume any tye of alcoholic bevera%e from an establishment
that sells alcohol and shall not fre/uent any such establishments !ithin
the "nson Police Deartments 0urisdiction$ or !ithin Eones County$ due to
the conflict of interest#
c# ,fficers/emloyees$ on or off duty$ !ill not intentionally abuse any
controlled substance that !ould imair them to such a state that !ould
discredit the "nson Police Deartment#
d# ,fficers/emloyees$ !hile in uniform or !earin% any identifiable art of
the uniform$ re%ardless of ran( or osition$ !ill not taste$ drin( or
urchase alcoholic bevera%es nor !ill they consume bevera%es !hich
aro*imate the aearance or smell of an into*icatin% bevera%e# Plain
clothes officers may consume alcohol or non;alcohol beer or !ine
substitute on;duty !hile actin% in an undercover caacity !ith roer
aroval from their suervisor#
e# ,fficers/emloyees !ill not reort to duty !hile imaired to any de%ree
by the use of alcohol or !ith the blood alcohol content %reater than #001#
f# ,fficers/emloyees !ill not use or ossess for use any controlled
substance$ narcotic or dan%erous dru% in violation of any +ederal$ State$
or &ocal la!s# The only e*cetion is for official la! enforcement
uroses$ i#e# imound$ destruction$ ect#
%# ,fficers/emloyees ta(in% dru%s or medications !hich may interfere
!ith the erformance of his or her 0ob duties shall not reort for duty#
,fficers/emloyees should follo! the olicy re%ardin% sic( leave in this
h# ,fficers/emloyees shall be %ranted all rotection rovided under the
"mericans !ith Disabilities "ct and the Te*as Civil Ri%hts &a!s# )n
!or(in% !ith officers/emloyees !ho are ta(in% medication that may
imact their 0ob erformance of essential discrimination rovisions of the
"$ Driving %hile "nto=icated8 BD%"C
1# ,fficers/3mloyees !ill not oerate any vehicle !hile into*icated#
2# )f arrested for D-) by any la! enforcement a%ency$ the
officer/emloyee !ill notify their suervisor immediately#
<# "n administrative investi%ation !ill be conducted alon% !ith any
criminal investi%ation#
4# The minimum disciline recommendation for an officer/emloyee
arrested for D-) !ill be 40 !or(in% hours susension# Termination !ill
follo! any D-) conviction#
)$)7 ;ifts
a# ,fficers/emloyees of the "nson Police Deartment !ill not solicit nor
as($ either directly or indirectly$ for re!ards for erformance of duties and
!ill not as( for %ratuities$ or use their osition to see( favors of any (ind#
b# ,fficers/emloyees are not restricted from usin% couons or discount
cards that are available to the %eneral ublic or art of a business
c# ,fficers/emloyees !ill not en%a%e in "GM business transaction !ith a
erson in custody#
)$)! 'olicitations and Distriutions
"nson Police Deartment emloyees !ill not solicit membershi or other!ise
conduct emloyee or%ani'ation activities durin% !or(in% hours$ e*cet as
rovided in the alicable Memorandum of 8nderstandin% bet!een the
emloyee or%ani'ation and the City#
)$)& Conduct >necoming of an ,fficer
a. nson 'olice %epartment employees will not engage in any conduct
unbecoming of a sworn officer or a civilian employee of the nson 'olice
%epartment while on or off*duty.
b. !onduct unbecoming is limited to, and defined as, any violation of Statute,
2aw, !ity .rdinance, !ity of nson dministrative 3egulations, nson
'olice %epartment 'olicy, and#or issued written procedure.
)$)( Personal Conduct
3mloyees shall not en%a%e in acts !hich are subversive to the %ood order
and disciline of the "nson Police Deartment$ or acts !hich tend to brin%
discredit to the "nson Police Deartment$ even thou%h such conduct is not
secifically set forth in these rules#
)$)) Association -ith 'uspects/9elons
"nson Police Deartment emloyees shall not associate !ith any erson5s6
or or%ani'ations5s6 !hich is 5or is6
a# Ielieved to be under investi%ation for a felony offense$ bein% sou%ht by a la!
enforcement a%ency or is a (no!n convicted felon or a member of a (no!n criminal
b# "ssociate means to fre/uently have contact !ith a erson5s6 and/or or%ani'ation5s6
as described#
)$)* Complaint / ;rievance Procedure
To be considered$ the rocedural stes listed belo! must be follo!ed after
the challen%ed action has occurred#
a# ,ral Presentation ; "ll %rievances and comlaints shall be initially
resented orally to the a%%rieved emloyee7s immediate suervisor# The
suervisor should ma(e every effort to resolve emloyee concerns as they
arise# 3fforts on the art of the suervisor may include e*lanations$
discussion$ or counselin%# The suervisor may ma(e reasonable
ad0ustments !ithin his or her authority level# 3very effort should be made to
resolve the matter to the mutual satisfaction of both emloyee and
suervisor# Should this informal first ste be considered unsatisfactory$ the
a%%rieved emloyee shall have the ri%ht to then file a formal !ritten
%rievance or comlaint as set out belo!#
b# -ritten Presentation ; )f the oral resentation as rovided for in the
first ste fails to resolve the matter$ the emloyee shall have the ri%ht !ithin
five 5=6 !or(in% days after the discussion !ith the immediate suervisor$ to
file a formal !ritten %rievance or comlaint !ith the Chief of Police#
The time limit for filin% may only be e*tended in e*treme cases in !hich the
emloyee can sho! that circumstances beyond his/her control revented the
filin% of a !ritten %rievance or comlaint#
)n resentin% the !ritten %rievance or comlaint$ the follo!in% information
must be stated !ith reasonable clearness the nature of the matter$ the e*act
date 5or if uncertain$ the aro*imate date6# The identity of the emloyee
!ho claims to be harmed$ the identity of the arty or arties alle%ed to have
caused the roblem$ and the remedy !hich is sou%ht#
-ithin five 5=6 !or(in% days of receit of the !ritten %rievance or comlaint$
the Chief of Police shall meet !ith the emloyee and the emloyee7s
immediate suervisor to discuss the matter# The %rievance or comlaint at
this ste shall be fully and thorou%hly discussed by all arties involved in the
effort to resolve the roblem# The decision by the Chief of Police$ !hether
reached durin% this discussion or after!ard$ shall be resented in !ritin% to
the emloyee !ithin five 5=6 !or(in% days of the meetin%# Should the
decision of the Chief of Police be considered unsatisfactory$ the emloyee
shall then have the ri%ht to aeal that decision as set out in the follo!in%
c# "eal to City Council ; )f the Chief of Police7s decision concernin%
the %rievance or comlaint is not satisfactory to the emloyee$ the emloyee
may$ !ithin five 5=6 !or(in% days after receivin% notification of the decision$
submit the matter in !ritin% to the City Secretary to be laced on the a%enda
for the City Council#

Durin% the ne*t re%ular meetin% of the City Council$ the Council shall meet
!ith the a%%rieved emloyee and the emloyee7s suervisor to fully and
thorou%hly discuss the %rievance or comlaint !ith all arties# The decision
by the City Council is final#
)$)2 Corrective Procedure
8naccetable behavior that does not lead to immediate dismissal may be
dealt !ith in any of the follo!in% manners1 5a6 ,ral Reminder$ 5b6 -ritten
-arnin%$ 5c6 Decision;Ma(in% Paid &eave/Counselin% Session$ or 5d6
"lthou%h the City of "nson is an at;!ill emloyer$ it is our ractice to attemt
to correct roblems or imrove 0ob erformance by alyin% a consistent
aroach of counselin% and !arnin% rocedures# "ny corrective action or
counselin% should be fully documented# Certain acts of misconduct may
re/uire more direct discilinary action#
Suervisors shall not discuss any asect of any endin% discilinary action
a%ainst an emloyee !ith anyone other than another suervisory or
mana%ement emloyee$ the City2s le%al counsel$ or an authori'ed emloyee
The follo!in% are recommended %uidelines for corrective action1
.. %ct Pro!ptly - <hile it is i!portant that a decision on disciplinary acon not be !ade in
haste, it is e=ually i!portant that the supervisor ta*e acon as soon as it beco!es
apparent that a violaon has occurred.
/. >et %ll of the Facts - >e?ng all of the facts as soon as possible is essenal. The supervisor
!ust invesgate early and thoroughly to deter!ine that @ust cause e,ists for correcve
0. 1ntervie' the &!ployee - The e!ployee should be given an opportunity to e,plain his or
her acons. The e!ployeeAs e,planaons should be veri4ed and ta*en into consideraon
before correcve acon is ta*en.
4# Determine a Course of "ction " decision on the course of action should not
be made !ithout sufficient revie! of all the facts# The follo!in% factors should
be considered1
a# Consider the nature of the violation# Co! serious !as the offenseN
b# Revie! any revious discilinary actions in the emloyee7s record#
-hat is the emloyee2s revious recordN Penalties should become
more severe for each instance of misconduct#
c# Consider the eriod of time since the last corrective action# )s the
emloyee unable or un!illin% to correct behavior or erform
satisfactory !or(N " lon% eriod of %ood conduct follo!in% corrective
action should be considered because it reresents the aim of the
corrective disciline#
d# Consider any miti%atin% or a%%ravatin% circumstances such as
medical roblems suorted by a doctor7s statement# )t may 0ustify a
lesser enalty# "%%ravatin% circumstances$ such as rior violations
for the same rule$ 0ustify a more severe enalty#
e# Consider !hether the action is consistent !ith action a%ainst other
emloyees in similar circumstances#

=# Documentation ; )t is critical that all facts and counselin% sessions be
documented# Documentation should contain the follo!in% information1
a) na!e of e!ployee
b) date and reference to previous discussions, if any
c) the speci4cs of the proble!
d) detail of correcve aconBspeci4c results to be achieved
e) conse=uences if results are not achieved
f) e!ployeeAs co!!ents
g) e!ployeeAs signature
h) supervisorAs signature
)$)4 Crisis 'uspension
"n emloyee !ho commits any serious violation of "nson Police Deartment
olicies at minimum !ill be susended !ithout ay endin% an investi%ation
of the situation# +ollo!in% the investi%ation$ the emloyee may be terminated
!ithout any revious discilinary action havin% been ta(en# Suervisors shall
not discuss any asect of any endin% discilinary action a%ainst an
emloyee !ith anyone other than another suervisory or mana%ement
emloyee$ the City2s le%al counsel$ or an authori'ed emloyee
)$)5 "nvolvement in 0aor Disputes
"ll emloyees of the "nson Police Deartment shall remain strictly imartial
!hile erformin% their assi%ned duties$ or !hile !earin% any uniform/clothin%
item identifyin% them as an "nson Police Deartment emloyee$ !hile at the
scene of a labor disute#
)$)6 0aor ,rgani:ation Memership
"ll "nson Police Deartment emloyees !ho are reco%ni'ed by "nson City
,rdinances may 0oin a labor or%ani'ation for the urose of enterin% into
collective bar%ainin% !ith the City for items such as !a%es$ benefits$ and
!or(in% conditions
)$*7 >se of Position for Private ;ain
4o employee shall use for private gain or advantage the badge, uniform, equipment,
prestige, or influence of his#her position with the nson 'olice %epartment.
)$*! ;eneral +ules for '-orn Personnel
"ll s!orn ersonnel$ re%ardless of ran($ !ill comly !ith the follo!in%1
5a6# ,fficers !ill1
1# Preserve the ublic eace$
2# Suress all tyes of crime 5includin% or%ani'ed and vice6$
<# Detect and arrest violators of the la!$
4# Protect life and roerty$ and
=# 3nforce the la!s of the State of Te*as and the ,rdinances of
the City of "nson#
5b6# S!orn suervisors may direct s!orn subordinates to carry out the
duties listed above# Co!ever$ this does not relieve or reclude a
s!orn suervisor from ta(in% aroriate action as a certified eace
officer for the State of Te*as#
5c6# Secific duty assi%nments and ran( !ill not alter an officer7s obli%ation
to ta(e olice action in situations re/uirin% immediate attention#
)$*& Attention to Duty
5a6# 3mloyees !ill maintain a rofessional aroach to their duties at all times#
3mloyees !ill not slee or read ne!saers or ma%a'ines !hile on;duty and
in ublic vie!$ unless such conduct is art of their assi%ned duties#
5b6# 3mloyees$ !hile on duty$ shall not have in their ossession$ 5e*cet in the
course of duty6$ read$ distribute$ dislay or circulate adult oriented literature
!hich is defined as boo(s$ ma%a'ines$ eriodicals or treatises characteri'ed by
an emhasis on secified se*ual activities#
(c)$embers of the nson 'olice %epartment are to conduct themselves in professional
and courteous manner at all times, remembering that we are here to serve our citizens
and that our charge is to manage conflict, so as to preserve the peace. lthough
confrontation is a tool in law enforcement to uncover the truth, employees are to use this
technique only when absolutely necessary and the application is reasonable.
5. Employees are to utilize their duty time in the furtherance of our mission and to enhance our law
enforcement effort, by remaining on the constant lookout for the criminal element in our community
and areas of assigned responsibility.
6. Employees shall limit any personal business, to include the use of personal cellular telephones and
pagers, to that which in no way interrupts the delivery of law enforcement and community service, as
well as the productivity of the individual employee.
7. Employees will check their e*mail, voice mail, !opsync messenger and physical mailbo&es at least
once during each tour of duty. They will return messages in an e&peditious manner.
8. Employees shall not disable either voice mail or e*mail without supervisory approval.
5. 'ersonal 'agers#!ell 'hones) -niformed employees are permitted to carry personal pagers and
cellular telephones. 9owever, while on*duty, the devices" ringer must be set to an inaudible mode for
incoming calls or left in the vehicle. /hile on a call or in contact with a citizen, personal calls and#or
pages will not be taken. .fficers assigned a %epartment cell phone shall have the phone on at ALL
times whether on or off duty.
:. $embers of the nson 'olice %epartment are required when on duty to have their laptop computers
on +(; ssigned,. $embers of the nson 'olice %epartment are required to be logged on to !opsync
software and have uto <ehicle 2ocator on at all times when on duty.
4.53 Call Out Responses
nson 'olice %epartment Employees who are =!alled*.ut> to perform duties at
crime scenes, serious traffic accidents, !anine usage or any similar investigation
will respond immediately, usually within one +5, hour.
4.54 Civil Process Prohibition
+a,. 4o employee will serve as a !ivil 'rocess Server while on duty, unless the
!ity of nson is a party to the action or the employee is acting in an official
capacity for the nson $unicipal !ourt unless approved by the !hief of 'olice.
+b,. This does not preclude a sworn officer from serving valid court orders, i.e.,
.rders of 'rotection or !onfinement, as long as the sworn officer has proper
jurisdiction and authority from the issuing court and the order is relevant to a
la! enforcement function#
)$** Unusual Incident oti!ication
ll nson 'olice %epartment employees shall advise their supervisors of any
unusual activity, situation, or problem with which the nson 'olice %epartment
would logically have an interest.
+a,. ny nson 'olice %epartment employee who receives a moving vehicle
citation or any employee, who is involved as a witness, victim, or suspect in any
situation under investigation by any law enforcement agency, shall make
notification, in writing, to their supervisor not later than the first work day
following the date they are aware of their involvement.
+b,. ll nson 'olice %epartment employees are to follow these rules of conduct
and to encourage other employees to comply with these standards of conduct in
the performance of their duties.
+c,Each employee has an ethical duty to report to their supervisors any unlawful
acts committed on or off*duty by an employee.
+d,ny nson 'olice %epartment employee sued for any act shall report this fact
in !ritin% to the ,ffice of the Chief of Police throu%h the chain of
command not later than the first !or( day follo!in% the date they are
a!are of their involvement#
4#=> ei"hborhood #isputes
+a,. Sworn officers of the nson 'olice %epartment shall not use their police
authority to become involved in neighborhood disputes while off*duty.
+b,. Such matters will be adjudicated by a disinterested party, including the
appropriate law enforcement agency.
+c,. Sworn officers shall not make arrests in their personal quarrels or those
of family members or neighbors unless such action is warranted by the
immediate threat of serious physical injury or e&cessive property damage.
4#=? Personal Involve$ent in Police Related Cases
+a,. Sworn officers will not apply for a warrant on a crime of any kind
committed against them or file a civil suit for damages involving a nson
'olice %epartment matter without first consulting with the .ffice of the
!hief of 'olice.
+b,. Sworn officers will not investigate, nor will they use any of the rights,
powers or privileges associated with their positions to further an
investigation into a crime where they, a family member, a friend or a
business acquaintance#associate are involved as a victim, witness, suspect or
investigative lead or have a personal or business interest in the investigation,
unless authorized by the !hief of 'olice.
4#=@ +e.uirement to Ta1e Action
+a,. .ff*duty sworn officers not in an .fficer*(n*Training +.(T, status will take
appropriate action on all felonies coming to their attention.
4#=A City 0imit +esponsiilities
"nson Police Deartment emloyees !ill G,T leave the city limits !hile on;
duty unless1
a. .n official business.
b. (n pursuit of a criminal or traffic violator,
c. /hen traversing from one part of the city to another,
d. /hen the shortest route is to pass temporarily through another city,
e. /hen prior authorization has been received by a supervisor.
f. distress call is made by 4? law enforcement officer in 0ones
4#>0 9alse 'tatements? +ecords? etc$
+a,. nson 'olice %epartment employees will not make false or
misleading statements, reports, records or cause to be recorded in any
report, performance evaluation, or nson 'olice %epartment book any
false or misleading statements.
+b,. This order does not preclude employees from including into a report
any information given to them by a suspect, witness, victim, etc., that the
employee believes to be false +i.e., suspect denies involvement in a crime
and the employee knows this to be false,.
4#>1 Political Activity in >niform
5a6# "nson 'olice %epartment employees shall not participate in any
political function and#or affair while in or wearing any uniform#clothing
item identifying them as a !ity of nson or nson 'olice %epartment
employee other than to cast a vote, unless the function and#or affair is
sanctioned or sponsored by the !ity of nson and the nson 'olice
%epartment, and prior written authorization is received from the !hief of
'olice or a Supervisor appointed by the !hief of 'olice.
+b,. 'rovisions regarding off*duty political activity will be addressed by
the nson !ity !ouncil.
8.:6 Courtesy
+a,. ll nson 'olice %epartment employees will be respectful,
courteous, and civil with the public and each other, and shall not use
coarse, profane, or insolent language toward any individual.
+b,. Sworn subordinate ranks and civilian employees will address sworn
superior ranks by their appropriate titles.
8.:7 +ecording
+a,. Employees#sworn personnel of the nson 'olice %epartment will only
audio#video record the statements of another !ity nson or nson 'olice
%epartment employee after advising the second or subsequent !ity of nson or
nson 'olice %epartment employee in the conversation that their statements are
being recorded.
+b,. This declaration must be made each time a new !ity of nson or nson
'olice %epartment employee becomes involved in the conversation.
+c,. This does not preclude the recording of conversations of any persons for
criminal investigation purposes.
+d,. The !hief of 'olice may authorize an employee or officer to record a !ity of
nson or nson 'olice %epartment employee without their consent when it is
deemed necessary according to the provisions listed below. (n the absence of the
!hief of 'olice, or during the tenure of an acting !hief of 'olice, such
authorization must come from The $ayor of the !ity of nson
+f.i.5, Such authorization must be issued in writing in
duplicate. .ne copy to be provided to the employee
authorized to make the recording, and the other copy
to be filed with the -nit files of the nson 'olice
+f.i.6, Such authorization will only be made in the
case of allegations of serious misconduct.
+f.i.7, The !hief of 'olice will provide annual
reporting for any uses of recording.
+f.i.8, ccounting of use, if any occurs during the
year, will be attached to the annual report of
dministrative and !itizen !omplaint investigations
and will list the number of incidents where such
recording+s, were authorized.
4#>4 Discrimination
3mloyees should reco%ni'e that the City of "nson is committed to a
culturally diverse !or( lace#
+a,. Employees shall not discriminate against or harass other employees or the
public on the basis of race, se&, ethnic background, disability, national origin,
religion, or se&ual orientation.
8.:@ Competent Discharge of Duties
"ll "nson Police Deartment emloyees shall erform their 0ob duties in a
rofessional and cometent manner as e*ected by the deartment based
uon any or all of the follo!in%1
a. ;ormal training.
b. (n*service#.n*the*job training.
c. 0ob specifications.
d. 'erformance standards.
e. 'ast established accepted practices.
f. Supervisory guidance and#or direction.
8.:: Co-ardice
+a,. 4o sworn police employee of the nson 'olice %epartment shall display
cowardice or fail to support their fellow officers in the performance of duty.
+b,. They shall act together and assist and protect each other in the maintenance
of law and order.
8.:A 3andling Monies and Property
+a,. Employees shall deliver to the proper custodian any monies or other
property coming into their possession which is not their own and make a
report of the transaction.
+b,. Employees shall not appropriate for their own use any evidence or lost,
found, stolen, recovered, or !ity property.
+c,. $embers shall obtain permission from the !hief of 'olice or designee,
before duplicating any keys or other !ity property.
8.:B Derogatory +emar1s or Acts
+a,. Employees shall not speak, write, or act derogatorily to other
members or persons outside the nson 'olice %epartment about official
acts, orders, or instructions issued by a supervisor.
+b,. Employees shall not willfully, by written or spoken word, or by an act
+e&cept through the authorized grievance procedure,, subvert or
undermine the !ity of nson, the nson 'olice %epartment or its
members, or any directive of the nson 'olice %epartment.
+c,. Employees shall be subject to disciplinary action for misconduct,
neglect of duty, conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline or
conduct unbecoming an officer#civilian employee.
8.:C Criticism
"n emloyee shall not destructively critici'e the "nson Police Deartment or
its olicies$ ro%rams$ actions$ fello! officers$ or suerior officers$ or ma(e
any statements !hich tend to interfere !ith the reasonable mana%ement and
disciline of the "nson Police Deartment#
4#?0 ;ossip
3mloyees shall refrain from discussin% the ersonal conduct or character of
another emloyee to his/her discredit#
)$4! ,utside Employment
(a) Chief of Police
The Chief of Police may not ta(e an outside 0ob$ either for ay or as a
donation of his or her ersonal time$ nor may the Chief of Police do !or( on
their o!n if it interferes in any !ay !ith the role of overseein% daily olice
oerations of the "nson Police Deartment#
(b) Ofcers
1t is the policy of this depart!ent to allo' all regular o#cers to parcipate in part !e
'or* for addional inco!e as long as it does not interfere 'ith the o#cerCs duty.
There !ust be no conDict of interest in regards to TCL&"S& rules and regulaons.
"ll aid emloyees of this deartment are emloyed by and
comensated by the City of "nson#
5. ll officers of the police department are required to inform the !hief
of 'olice of any other employment they maintain that requires them to
act as a law enforcement official.
6. 'olice officer that engages in employment for an outside employer
as an e&tra*duty assignment and is compensated by the department is
considered on*duty with the department.
7. 'olice officer performing an e&tra*duty assignment shall adhere to
the same departmental rules, regulations, policies, and procedures as if
the officer were on duty with the department.
8. .fficers wishing to work off*duty for a private nson employer in
uniform must have the assignment approved by the !hief of 'olice. (t is
suggested that police officers outline up front with the employer that the
!ity of nson will not be responsible for their worker"s compensation
@. .nly officers who are non*probationary may work outside
employment in uniform within the !ity of nson.
:. 'olice officers are considered to be professionals and are prohibited
from accepting or engaging in outside business or employment that
might conflict with the law enforcement purposes of the department.
E&amples of such conflicting employment within the !ity of nson and
the surrounding area would include)
+a,+5,. Services such as working for a collection agency or
+b,+6,. 'erforming services for a bail bond agency
+c,+7,. .wning or participating in partnership in a
business that sells, manufactures, or transports alcoholic
+d,+8,. Employment such as a civil process server, pre*
employment investigator or legal case preparation
+e,+@,. .wning or participation in a business that
participates in the sale of pornographic literature, videos,
or se&ual devices.
A. The approval of work off duty in uniform for a private employer
within the !ity of nson may be revoked at any time by the !hief of
B. This policy does not apply to cases where the officer participates in
volunteer work for charitable purposes and is not compensated.
C. 4o 'olice officer shall be eligible to engage in off*duty employment
unless they are in good standing with satisfactory performance with the
5D. 3egular hour requirements for part*time, full*time and reserve
officers take precedence over off*duty hours in uniform.
55. police officer may use the officer"s department uniform, approved
sidearm, and radio when engaging in off*duty employment within the
nson city limits. police officer may 4.T wear or use the
departmental equipment in any off*duty employment outside the city
56. police officer shall not act as an employment agency.
)$4& Employment Termination/+esignation
"fter the alication of discilinary stes$ if it is determined by the chief of
Police that an officer/emloyee2s erformance does not imrove$ or if the
emloyee is a%ain in violation of "nson Police Deartment2s ractices$ rules$
or standards of conduct$ follo!in% a Decision;Ma(in% &eave$ emloyment
!ith "nson Police Deartment !ill be terminated#
"roval from the Chief of Police is re/uired to terminate an
emloyee/,fficer# Should the suervisor become convinced that dischar%e of
an emloyee/officer is necessaryB the suervisor shall confer !ith the Chief
of Police efore initiatin% action to terminate the emloyee/officer7s
emloyment# The Chief of Police may terminate an emloyee#
Certain acts of misconduct re/uire the immediate termination of an
emloyee/officer# Such acts of misconduct should be discussed !ith the
Chief of Police#
)$4( E=it "ntervie-
)n a voluntary searation situation$ "nson Police Deartment !ould li(e to
conduct an e*it intervie! to discuss the emloyee2s reasons for leavin% and
any other imressions that the emloyee may have about the "nson Police
)$4) +eturn of Department Property
"ny "nson Police Deartment roerty issued to ,fficer/emloyee$ such as
comuter e/uiment$ (eys$ or comany credit card$ must be returned to the
"nson Police Deartment at the time of termination or resi%nation# ,fficers/
emloyees !ill be resonsible for any lost or dama%ed items#
* C,MPEN'AT",N P,0"C"E'
*$! Base Compensation
)t is "nson Police Deartment2s desire to ay all emloyees !a%es or
salaries that are cometitive !ith other a%encies and in a !ay that !ill be
motivational$ fair$ and e/uitable# Comensation may vary based on roles and
resonsibilities$ individual erformance$ and in comliance !ith all alicable
*$& Time1eeping Procedures
+or salary and record uroses$ an emloyee2s time must be recorded on a
time;sheets to reflect any absences durin% the !or( !ee( in !hich the
absences occur#
*$( ,vertime Pay
,vertime comensation is aid to non;e*emt emloyees in accordance
!ith federal and state !a%e and hour restrictions# "ll overtime !or(
erformed must receive the suervisor2s rior authori'ation#
*$) Payroll and Paydays
Pay Periods
3mloyees are aid t!ice 5bi6 !ee(ly$ every other +riday of the month# )f a
ayday occurs on a holiday$ the City !ill ma(e every effort to ay emloyees
on the recedin% !or( day#
Pay Computation
Salaries for re%ular full;time emloyees are set and advertised at a yearly
rate# "n hourly emloyee is advertised for and aid based on an hourly rate#
To calculate the bi;!ee(ly ay rate for salaried emloyees simly divide the
annual rate by t!enty;si* 52>6#
E=ample 8 E!*?777 Annual salary
E!*?777 / &2 F E*42$77 Bi8 -ee1ly rateC
To calculate the ay for an hourly emloyee the City uses @0 hrs as the bi;
!ee(ly re%ular hours# Since emloyees are aid 2> times annually$ it is
necessary to use @0 hours as the base ay rate for hourly emloyees# This
rate !as calculated as follo!s1
)7 hours/-ee1 G *& -ee1sH per year F &757 hours/year
&757 hours / &2 pay periods F 57$7 hours/pay period
Temorary and art;time emloyees are aid the same !ay as hourly
*$* Demotion/+eduction in Pay
Certain ersonnel actions !hich may result in demotion or reduction in ay are
lo! erformance ratin%$ transfer$ reclassification$ voluntary demotion$ or
discilinary action# The follo!in% %uidelines aly#
5a6# Reduction in ay shall corresond !ith the ran%es in the ay
5b6# The ne! salary !ill become effective on the be%innin% of a ay
5c6# Go reduction shall derive an emloyee of consideration for ay
increases at a later date
.. The e!ployee a2ected by a reducon in pay shall be given a Personnel %con For!
e,plaining the reason(s) for the acon
/. %n e!ployee 'hose pay is reduced shall have the right to appeal, as outlined in the
>rievance and Co!plaint Procedures secon of this policy !anual.
*$2 Performance and 'alary +evie-s
"nson Police Deartment !ants to hel emloyees to succeed in their 0obs
and to %ro!# )n an effort to suort this %ro!th and success$ "nson Police
Deartment has an annual rocess for rovidin% formal erformance
feedbac(# +eedbac( includes a Performance 3valuation$ <>0;De%ree
"ssessment$ and an 3*tra Mile contribution araisal# Deendin% on the
emloyee anniversary date$ the erformance revie! is held durin% either the
"ril or the ,ctober revie! cycle#
Salary/!a%e revie!s tyically occur in con0unction !ith the annual
erformance revie! rocess# The calculation and imlementation of chan%es
in base salary/!a%e deend on both the city and ersonal erformance and
!ill tyically occur in either "ril or ,ctoberB !hichever most closely follo!s
the revie! cycle#
*$4 ,pportunities for AdvancementIProgression and Promotion
"nson Police Deartment !ould li(e to rovide emloyees !ith every
oortunity for advancin% to other ositions or oortunities !ithin the
or%ani'ation# "roval of ro%ression moves or romotions deends lar%ely
uon trainin%$ e*erience$ !or( record$ and need !ithin the or%ani'ation#
Co!ever$ "nson Police Deartment reserves the ri%ht to loo( outside the
comany for otential emloyees as !ell#
2 ;+,>P 3EA0T3 AND +E0ATED BENE9"T'
2$! Benefits 'ummaries and Eligiility
"nson Police Deartment sonsors a comrehensive benefits ro%ram for
eli%ible emloyees$ and each benefit lan has secific eli%ibility conditions#
The benefits are summari'ed in searate boo(lets called 9summary lan
descritions$: !hich are rovided to all eli%ible emloyees# The details of
each benefit are contained in searate le%al documents (no!n as the 9lan
documents$: !hich ta(e recedence over anythin% contradictory in the
"ll full;time emloyees !ill en0oy all of the benefits described in this olicy
and the individual lan summaries as soon as they meet all of the eli%ibility
re/uirements for each articular benefit# Part;time emloyees are not eli%ible
for any benefits#
2$& 3ealth "nsurance
4rou medical insurance$ includin% hositali'ation$ is available to re%ular
full;time emloyees and their deendents# 4rou life insurance is available
to re%ular$ full;time emloyees only#
4rou covera%e be%ins on the !
of the month after A0 days of
emloyment# 3mloyee costs for articiation are aid by the City#
Particiation costs for the emloyees deendents are the resonsibility of
the emloyee and are aid throu%h ayroll deductions from emloyee7s
Detailed insurance information is rovided to emloyees as they become
eli%ible for benefits# Secific information concernin% covera%e is contained
in the handboo( furnished by the insurance comany and rovided to each
emloyee# "dditional information is available uon re/uest from the Chief
of Police#
2$( Dental "nsurance
The City of "nson has made every effort to find a comrehensive dental lan
that !ill meet the needs of both families and individuals# " detailed
e*lanation of benefits and ho! to use the insurance is available !ith the
City Secretary#
2$) C,B+A Notification
"ccordin% to the federal Consolidated ,mnibus Iud%et Reconciliation "ct
5C,IR"6 of 1A@=$ in the event of your termination of emloyment !ith
"nson Police Deartment or loss of eli%ibility to remain covered under The
City of "nson2s %rou health insurance ro%ram$ emloyees and their eli%ible
deendents may have the ri%ht to continued covera%e under "nson Police
Deartment2s %rou health insurance ro%ram for a limited eriod of time at
their o!n e*ense# Consult the Ienefits "dministrator for details#
2$* %or1er@s Compensation
"ll emloyees are entitled to -or(ers2 Comensation benefits aid by The
City of "nson# This covera%e is automatic and immediate and rotects
emloyees from !or(;related in0ury or illness# )f an emloyee cannot !or(
due to a !or(;related in0ury or illness$ -or(ers2 Comensation insurance
ays his or her medical bills and rovides a ortion of his or her income until
he or she can return to !or(#
2$2 'ocial 'ecurity
The 8nited States 4overnment oerates a system of mandated insurance
(no!n as Social Security# "s a !a%e earner$ emloyees are re/uired by la!
to contribute a set amount of !ee(ly !a%es to the trust fund from !hich
benefits are aid# "s emloyer$ The City of "nson is re/uired to deduct this
amount from each aychec( an emloyee receives# )n addition$ The City of
"nson matches emloyee contribution dollar for dollar$ thereby ayin% one;
half of the cost of emloyee Social Security benefits#
2$4 +etirement Plans
Re%ular full;time and art;time emloyees of the City$ e*cet firefi%hters and art;
time emloyees !ho !or( less than 1000 hours er year$ are members of the
Te*as Municial Retirement System 5TMRS6
3mloyees contribute five ercent 5=D6 of %ross salary to TMRS# The City
matches employee contriutions at various levels to e revie-ed periodically$
3mloyee contributions are deducted from ay chec(s each ay eriod on a before
ta* basis#
The vestin% eriod is ten 5=6 years# 3mloyees !ho !or( for at least five years and
leave the City have the otion to leave their money in the system and receive a
retirement benefit at an a%e set by TMRS#
Details and secifications concernin% the TMRS are covered in the Candboo( of
)nformation rovided to each eli%ible emloyee by the TMRS# "dditional
information is available uon re/uest from the Chief of Police#
Employee Benefits
3mloyees anticiatin% retirement should ma(e alication !ith the Chief of Police
at least thirty 5<06 days rior to the effective date of retirement in order to allo!
roer time for rocessin%#
2$5 Training and Professional Development
" secific schedule of basic trainin% and orientation has been established for
0ob and emloyment classifications# Coachin%/Mentorin% System rovides
%uidance in rofessional develoment and the "nson olice Deartment
encoura%es all interested emloyees to ta(e advanta%e of the continuin%
education initiative and further 0ob secific trainin%# "ll courses must be
aroved by a suervisor and a Cuman Resources reresentative#
4 T"ME8,99 BENE9"T'
4$! 3oliday Policy
"ll "nson Police Deartment emloyees of re%ular status are eli%ible for
holiday ay# Coliday ay !ill be based on the emloyment status of the
emloyee$ i#e#$ full;time emloyees !ill be credited !ith @ hours of holiday
ay$ er holiday# )f an officer !or(s a holiday they are comensated at time
and half# "nson Police Deartment reco%ni'es the follo!in% holidays as aid
Ge! Mear2s Day
M&L Day
President2s Day
4ood +riday
Memorial Day
)ndeendence Day
&abor Day
Columbus Day
Feterans Day
4$& Vacation Time
Accrual J Entitlement
Employees must egin regular full8time employment on or efore the !*th of
the month to earn vacation time for that month# Facation time is based on the
anniversary date and is accrued monthly# Facation time cannot be used for at least
1 year$ unless secifically authori'ed by the Chief of Police#
Re%ular full;time emloyees$ !ho have comleted one year to five years of
continuous service !ith the City$ earn t!elve 5126 days of vacation !ith ay er
year# Facation is accrued at the rate of @ hours$ or 1 day for each full calendar
+egular full8time employees? -ho have completed five B*C years to ten B!7C
years of continuous service -ith the City? earn fifteen B!*C days of vacation
-ith pay per year$ Vacation is accrued at the rate of !$7 days for each
calendar month? or 5$7 hours per month$
4enerally$ vacation leave shall not be advanced to emloyees#
An employee -ho is on leave -ithout pay for a full calendar month -ill not
accrue vacation time$
3mloyees are re/uired to submit their referred vacation schedule to their
suervisor as far in advance as ossible# "ll vacation leave re/uests must be
aroved by the suervisor# 3mloyees may ta(e no more than ten 5106
consecutive days of vacation at one time !ithout the rior aroval of the
Suervisors are resonsible for schedulin% annual vacation leave for their
emloyees# -henever ossible$ vacation leaves !ill be scheduled to the
convenience of the emloyees# Co!ever$ suervisors have the resonsibility to
assure that vacations do not interfere !ith the normal oerations#
Accumulated Vacation 0eave
Facation leave shall not be allo!ed to accumulate in e*cess of thirty 5<06 days in
the emloyee7s anniversary month# Days in e*cess of thirty 5<06 must be ta(en no
later than durin% the second ay eriod of the anniversary month# "ny days in
e*cess of the allo!able accumulation shall be converted to sic( leave#
Vacation Pay Eligiility
3mloyees not on family medical leave !ho are absent from !or( due to in0ury or
illness on the day before or the day after a scheduled vacation may be re/uired$ at
the discretion of the Chief of Police$ to resent a doctor7s statement on the nature of
the in0ury or illness in order to receive sic( ay# )f a holiday falls !ithin an
emloyee7s vacation leave$ the holiday !ill not be char%ed as vacation#

Effect of Vacation Pay on ,vertime
Vacation time is not considered time worked during a given week for
purposes of computing overtime.
Vacation at Time of Termination
Go emloyee shall be aid for vacation leave if the emloyee leaves the service of
the City for any reason durin% the first year of emloyment# Co!ever$ an emloyee
!ho has comleted one year of continuous service !ill be aid for all unused
accrued vacation leave uon termination# 3mloyees !ho retire under rovisions
of the City7s retirement ro%ram shall receive in a lum; sum ayment the full
amount of their salary for the eriod of their accumulated vacation leave u to thirty
5<06 days#
"ny e*cetions to the Facation &eave Policy re/uire the rior aroval of the Chief
of Police#
4$( 'ic1 0eave
Sic( leave is to rovide an emloyee !ith income durin% time lost due to ersonal
illness or in0ury$ or illness or in0ury of a member of the emloyee7s immediate family
livin% !ithin the same household#
3mloyees !ho are absent from !or( due to illness or in0ury shall notify their
suervisor as soon as ossible$ normally no later than their scheduled time for
be%innin% !or(# 3mloyees !ho fail to reort their illness may be enali'ed by not
receivin% sic( leave for the time absent from duty#
-henever a suervisor has reason to believe an emloyee is abusin% sic( leave$
the suervisor may re/uire the emloyee to resent a doctor7s statement before
allo!in% the emloyee to receive sic( ay or to return to !or(#
3mloyees on duty !ho$ at the discretion of the suervisor$ are deemed unable to
satisfactorily erform their 0ob due to illness or in0ury$ or !ho may affect the
erformance of other !or(ers$ may be sent home by the suervisor#
Re%ular +ull;time emloyees earn sic( leave at the rate of @ hours for each month
emloyed;;a total of A> hours er year# The control date for calculatin% earned sic(
leave shall be the emloyee7s anniversary# 3li%ible emloyees may ta(e sic( leave
for sic(ness as it is earned# Sic( leave is earned at the end of the month#
"ccumulation of sic( leave is limited to <> days# Sic( leave not used may be
carried over into the ne*t year and accumulated for the emloyee7s future use$ D,
A9TE+ 9"+'T AEA+L ,N <AN !
"n emloyee !ho is on leave !ithout ay for a full calendar month !ill not accrue
sic( time#
'ic1 0eave and Vacation 0eave
"n emloyee !ho becomes )))$ in0ured$ or other!ise temorarily disabled durin% a
vacation may re/uest that the vacation leave be terminated and the time absent be
char%ed to sic( leave#
E=tended 0eaves
"ny in0ury$ illness$ or temorary disability that is e*ected to e*tend more than t!o
526 !ee(s must be accomanied by a doctor7s statement certifyin% the estimated
commencement date of disability and the estimated date the emloyee !ill be able
to resume normal duties# -henever ossible$ the doctor7s statement should be
submitted to the suervisor at least t!o 526 !ee(s rior to the time the emloyee is
not hysically at !or(# The suervisor must for!ard a coy of the doctor7s
statement to the Chief of Police#
Employees Not +eturning to %or1
)f emloyees are not lannin% to return to !or( follo!in% an e*tended sic( leave$
they must notify their suervisor or the Chief of Police rior to the e*iration of the
leave 5as defined by the doctor7s statement6# "n emloyee !ho does not return to
!or( !ithin the time frame secified by the doctor !ill be sub0ect to discilinary
Donation of Accumulated Vacation or 'ic1 0eave for Catastrophic "llness
8nder secial circumstances emloyees may donate accrued vacation or sic(
leave to other emloyees !ith the City 3ach re/uest !ill be considered on an
individual basis# The follo!in% %uidelines aly1
.. $e=uests to be allo'ed to donate leave are iniated by a !e!o fro! the supervisor to the
Chief of Police. The !e!o should contain the parcular circu!stances surrounding an
e!ployeeAs !edical condion 'ith an es!aon of 'hen the e!ployee !ay be able to
return to 'or*. The !e!o should also address 'hy the e!ployeeAs o'n personal leave
!e is e,hausted
/. 1f a donaon is approved by the Chief of Police, a !e!o fro! the Chief of Police is
sub!iEed to the City Council. This !e!o shall contain e!ployeesA na!es 'ho 'ish to
donate, the e!ployeesC nu!bers, the nu!ber of days they are donang, and the
e!ployeeAs (donorAs) signature indicang his or her approval % copy of this !e!o is placed
in each donorAs personnel 4le.
0. $ecipients of the donated leave !ust have e,hausted all of their o'n sic* leave, vacaon
leave, holiday leave, co!pensatory !e, and any other leave 'ith pay that !ay be
3. $ecipients of the donated leave !ust be su2ering fro! a !a@or or catastrophic personal
illness that prevents the! fro! acve e!ploy!ent. The Chief of Police and the City
Council shall deter!ine 'hether or not an illness is FcatastrophicF. This deter!inaon
shall be !ade on a case-by-case basis. >enerally, a catastrophic illness is one that is life-
threatening andBor ter!inal. The Chief of Police shall deter!ine 'ho is eligible to receive
donated !e
5. "nce an e!ployee donates leave, the donaon constutes an irrevocable gi+ that cannot
be returned to the donor e!ployee but re!ains 'ith the recipient, or passes to his or her
bene4ciary in the case of death of the e!ployee. % !a,i!u! of ninety (:;) days shall be
passed to the bene4ciary.
7. Gacaon and sic* days are !aintained in the payroll syste! and shall be deducted fro! the
donorAs leave balance and added to the recipientAs sic* leave balance.
8. 1n all cases, donaon of leave shall be strictly voluntary and e!ployees shall not be coerced
in any !anner.

4$) 0eave -ithout Pay
3mloyees may be %ranted short;term leave !ithout ay for u to five 5=6
consecutive !or(days for 0ustifiable ersonal reasons# Such an absence is
left to the discretion of the Chief of Police# Re/uests for leave !ithout ay
for more than five 5=6 days must be aroved by the Chief of Police#
An employee -ho is on leave -ithout pay for a full calendar month -ill
not accrue sic1 or vacation time during that leave$
4$* Bereavement 0eave
Re%ular emloyees may be %ranted u to three 5<6 days off er year !ith
ay to arran%e or attend the funeral of a member of the immediate family#
"ny additional time off must be aroved by the Chief of Police and !ill be
deducted from vacation time#
+or the uroses of this olicy$ Himmediate familyH means an emloyee7s
souse$ Children$ arents$ arents;in;la!$ %randarents$ %randchildren$
brothers$ sisters$ or a member of the emloyee7s household#
Re/uest for funeral leave must be initiated and rocessed !ith the Chief of
4$2 <ury Duty
"nson Police Deartment is committed to suortin% the communities in
!hich "nson Police Deartment oerates$ includin% suortin% "nson Police
Deartment emloyees/officers in fulfillin% their resonsibilities to serve as
0urors !henever it is ossible# -hen an emloyee receives notification
re%ardin% ucomin% 0ury duty$ it is their resonsibility to notify their direct
suervisor and Cuman Resources !ithin one business day of receivin% the
4$4 Military +eserves or National ;uard 0eaves of Asence
Military &eave of "bsence is %ranted in accordance !ith the amended
8niversal Military Trainin% and Service "ct as it alies to emloyees !ho
leave their ositions to enter the armed forces )n addition$ the Reserve +orce
"ct of 1A== is follo!ed for all emloyees !ho enlist in the$ Ready Reserve of
the "rmy Reserve or Gaval Reserve# This olicy alies to draftees$
voluntary enlistees$ reservists$ and emloyees !ho are members of the
Gational 4uard#
)f an emloyee is a member of the Gational 4uard or a military reserve unit
of the 8nited States$ the emloyee !ill be %ranted u to fifteen 51=6 days off
er federal fiscal year 5!hich be%ins in ,ctober6 !ith ay to attend a re%ular
trainin% activity for the unit# 3mloyee2s rearin% to ta(e authori'ed military
leave shall furnish the Chief of Police !ith coies of their military orders or
other aroriate documents#
3mloyees ta(in% military leave of absence in e*cess of fifteen 51=6 days
may elect to use some or all of their vacation to sulement their military
ay# 3mloyees must indicate their re/uest in !ritin%#
'tatus during 0eave
3mloyees !ill be on inactive status for the duration of the leave and return
to their former osition or ositions !ith the same seniority$ status$ and ay#
Benefit Plans Participation
+or leaves of <0 days or less$ the emloyee7s articiation in the %rou
benefits !ill continue$ rovided that the emloyee ortion of any remiums is
aid# +or leaves e*ceedin% <0 days$ articiation in the %rou insurance
lans !ill he susended# Particiation !ill be reinstated uon the
emloyee7s return from leave$ accordin% to the rovisions of the lan#
4$5 9amily/Medical 0eaves of Asence
3mloyees !ho have comleted one year of service and have !or(ed 1$2=0
hours in the ast 12 months are eli%ible for family and medical leave in
accordance of the +amily and Medical &eave "ct of 1AA< 5+M&"6#
3li%ible emloyees are entitled to ta(e u to 12 !ee(s of leave in a 12;
month eriod in the follo!in% circumstances1
5a6# Durin% the first 12 months follo!in% the birth of a natural childB
5b6# durin% the 12 months follo!in% the lacement of a child !ith an
emloyee for adotion or foster careB or
5c6# +or the serious health condition of the emloyee or to care for the
emloyee7s souse$ child 5biolo%ical$ adoted or foster child$ ste child$ le%al
!ard$ or a child of a erson standin% in loco parentis6$ or arent 5biolo%ical or
!ho stands or stood in loco parentis6 !ho has a serious health condition#
" Hserious health conditionH is defined as an illness$ in0ury$ imairment$ or
hysical or mental condition that involves either of the follo!in%1
5d6# "ny eriod of incaacity or treatment connected !ith inatient care 5i#e#
e# an overni%ht stay6 in a hosital$ hosice$ or residential medical;care
+acility$ and any eriod of incaacity or subse/uent treatment in connection#
!ith such inatient care
5e6# Continuin% treatment by a health care rovider that includes any eriod
of incaacity c inability to !or($ attend school# or erform other re%ular daily
activities6 due to
1# " health condition 5includin% treatment therefor# or recovery
therefrom6 lastin% more than three consecutive days$ and any
subse/uent treatment or eriod of incaacity relatin% to the same
condition# that also includes treatment t!o or more times by or under
the suervision of a health care rovider$ or one treatment by a health
care rovider !ith a continuin% re%iment of treatment
2# Pre%nancy or renatal care# " visit to the health care rovider is
not necessary for each absence
<# " chronic serious health condition that continues over an e*tended
eriod of time re/uires eriodic visits to a health care rovider$
and may involve occasional eisodes of incaacity 5i#e#$ asthma$
diabetes6# " visit to a health care rovider is not necessary for each
4# " ermanent or lon%;term condition for !hich treatment may not be
effective 5i#e#$ "l'heimer7s$ a sever stro(e$ terminal cancer6# ,nly
suervision by a health care rovider is re/uired$ rather than active
=# "bsences to receive multile treatments for restorative sur%ery or
for a condition !hich !ould li(ely result in a eriod of incaacity of
more than three days if not treated 5i#e#$ chemotheray or radiation
treatments for cancer6#
HCealth care roviderH is defined as any of the follo!in%1
># Doctors of medicine or osteoathy authori'ed to ractice medicine or
sur%ery by the state in !hich the doctors racticeB
?# odiatrists$ dentists$ clinical sycholo%ists$ otometrists and
chiroractors 5limited to manual maniulation of the sine to correct a
sublu*ation as demonstrated by O;ray to e*ist6 authori'ed to ractice and
erformin% !ithin the scoe of their ractice under state la!B
@# Gurse ractitioners$ nurse;mid!ives$ and clinical social !or(ers
authori'ed to
Pracce and perfor!ing 'ithin the scope of their pracce as de4ned under state
A# Christian Science ractitioners listed !ith the +irst Church of Christ#
Scientist in Ioston$ Massachusetts$ andB
10# "ny health care rovider reco%ni'ed by the emloyer or the
emloyer7s %rou health lan benefits mana%er
3li%ible emloyees are re/uired to %ive <0 days2 advance notice for foreseeable
leaves# Secifically e*ected births or adotions and lanned medical treatments#
-hen conditions of circumstances chan%e une*ectedly$ the emloyee is re/uired
to %ive as much notice as ossible#
The leave must be aroved in !ritin%$ delineate the e*ected len%th of leave$ and
stiulate the anticiated return;to;!or( date# )n the case of a serious health
condition of a souse$ child$ or arent$ the health care rovider must certify the
need for the emloyee7s attendant care by comletin% a Re/uest for &eave under
the +amily and Medical &eave "ct# 3mloyees on family and medical leave !ho
are unable to !or( or are carin% for a souse$ child$ or arent may be re/uired to
obtain subse/uent medical recertification durin% the leave# The cost incurred in
obtainin% any certifications is the resonsibility of the emloyee# These forms
should e given to the Chief of Police$
4$6 E=tended Disaility 0eaves
3li%ible emloyees are entitled to ta(e u to 12 !ee(s of leave in a 12;month
eriod in the follo!in% circumstances1
5a6# Durin% the first 12 months follo!in% the birth of a natural childB
5b6# Durin% the 12 months follo!in% the lacement of a child !ith an emloyee
for adotion or foster careB or
5c6# +or the serious health condition of the emloyee or to care for the
emloyee7s souse$ child 5biolo%ical$ adoted or foster child$ ste child$ le%al
!ard$ or a child of a erson standin% in loco parentis6$ or arent 5biolo%ical or
!ho stands or stood in loco parentis6 !ho has a serious health condition#
" Hserious health conditionH is defined as an illness$ in0ury$ imairment$ or hysical
or mental condition that involves either of the follo!in%1
.. %ny period of incapacity or treat!ent connected 'ith inpaent care (i.e. e. an
overnight stay) in a hospital, hospice, or residenal !edical-care Facility, and any
period of incapacity or subse=uent treat!ent in connecon. 'ith such inpaent care
/. Connuing treat!ent by a health care provider that includes any period of incapacity c
inability to 'or*, aEend school. or perfor! other regular daily acvies) due to
<# " health condition 5includin% treatment therefor# or recovery
therefrom6 lastin% more than three consecutive days$ and any
subse/uent treatment or eriod of incaacity relatin% to the same
condition# that also includes treatment t!o or more times by or under
the suervision of a health care rovider$ or one treatment by a health
care rovider !ith a continuin% re%iment of treatment
4# Pre%nancy or renatal care# " visit to the health care rovider is
not necessary for each absence
=# " chronic serious health condition that continues over an e*tended
eriod of time re/uires eriodic visits to a health care rovider$ and
may involve occasional eisodes of incaacity 5i#e#$ asthma$
diabetes6# " visit to a health care rovider is not necessary for each
># " ermanent or lon%;term condition for !hich treatment may not be
effective 5i#e#$ "l'heimer7s$ a sever stro(e$ terminal cancer6# ,nly
suervision by a health care rovider is re/uired$ rather than active
?# "bsences to receive multile treatments for restorative sur%ery or
for a condition !hich !ould li(ely result in a eriod of incaacity of
more than three days if not treated 5i#e#$ chemotheray or radiation
treatments for cancer6#
HCealth care roviderH is defined as any of the follo!in%1
@# Doctors of medicine or osteoathy authori'ed to ractice medicine or
sur%ery by the state in !hich the doctors racticeB
A# odiatrists$ dentists$ clinical sycholo%ists$ otometrists and
chiroractors 5limited to manual maniulation of the sine to correct a
sublu*ation as demonstrated by O;ray to e*ist6 authori'ed to ractice and
erformin% !ithin the scoe of their ractice under state la!B
10# Gurse ractitioners$ nurse;mid!ives$ and clinical social !or(ers
authori'ed to
Pracce and perfor!ing 'ithin the scope of their pracce as de4ned under state la'H
.. Chrisan Science praconers listed 'ith the First Church of Christ. Scienst in
Ioston, 6assachuseEs, andH
/. %ny health care provider recogni-ed by the e!ployer or the e!ployerAs group
health plan bene4ts !anager
3li%ible emloyees are re/uired to %ive <0 days2 advance notice for foreseeable
leaves# Secifically e*ected births or adotions and lanned medical treatments#
-hen conditions of circumstances chan%e une*ectedly$ the emloyee is re/uired
to %ive as much notice as ossible#
The leave must be aroved in !ritin%$ delineate the e*ected len%th of leave$ and
stiulate the anticiated return;to;!or( date# )n the case of a serious health
condition of a souse$ child$ or arent$ the health care rovider must certify the
need for the emloyee7s attendant care by comletin% a Re/uest for &eave under
the +amily and Medical &eave "ct# 3mloyees on family and medical leave !ho
are unable to !or( or are carin% for a souse$ child$ or arent may be re/uired to
obtain subse/uent medical recertification durin% the leave# The cost incurred in
obtainin% any certifications is the resonsibility of the emloyee# These forms
should e given to the Chief of Police$
4$!7 0eave Entitlement
3li%ible emloyees may ta(e leave u to a total of 12 !ee(s in a rollin% 12;month
eriod of time for the birth of a child$ lacement of a child !ith an emloyee for
adotion or foster care$ care for a souse$ arent$ or child !ith a serious health
condition$ and/or the emloyee7s o!n serious illness or in0ury# " Hrollin%H year 12;
month eriod is measured bac(!ard from the date an emloyee uses family and
medical leave# )n other !ords$ each time an emloyee ta(es family and medical
leave$ the remainin% leave entitlement !ould be any balance of the 12 !ee(s that
has not been used durin% the immediately recedin% 12 months# +or e*amle$ if
an emloyee has ta(en ei%ht !ee(s of leave durin% the ast 12 months$ an
additional four !ee(s of leave could be ta(en$ if an emloyee used four !ee(s
be%innin% +ebruary 1$ 201<$ four !ee(s be%innin% Eune 1$ 201<$ and four !ee(s
be%innin% ,ctober 1$ 201<$ the emloyee !ould not be entitled to any additional
leave until +ebruary 1$ 2014# Co!ever$ on +ebruary 1$ 2014$ the emloyee !ould
be entitled to four !ee(s of leave$ on Eune 1$ 2014B the emloyee !ould be entitled
to an additional four !ee(s# etc#
4$!! Pay during 0eave
The City re.uires employees to use all paid sic1 leave? vacation time? and
comp time efore ta1ing unpaid leave under the 9M0A$
"ntermittent or +educed 0eave 'chedule
4$!& "ntermittent or +educed 0eave 'chedule
"n emloyee !ith a serious health condition or !ith a souse$ arent$ or child !ith
a serious health condition 5but not those ta(in% leave due to the birth or lacement
of a child6 is entitled to ta(e intermittent or reduced scheduled leave
"ntermittent 0eave is defined as leave ta(en in searate bloc(s of time due to a
sin%le illness or in0ury$ rather than for one continuous eriod of time$ and may
include leave for eriods from an hour or more to several !ee(s# 3*amles include
leave ta(en on an occasional basis for medical aointments or leave ta(en
several days at a time sread over a eriod of time$ such as for chemotheray#
+educed 0eave 'chedule is defined as a leave schedule that reduces an
emloyee7s usual number of !or(in% hours er !or(!ee( or hours er !or(day# )n
other !ords$ a reduced leave schedule is a chan%e in the emloyee7s schedule for
a eriod of time$ normally from full;time to an;time# This tye of leave mi%ht be
used$ for e*amle$ !hen an emloyee is recoverin% from a serious health condition
but is not stron% enou%h to !or( a full;time schedule#
The City may re/uire an emloyee !ho chooses this otion to transfer temorarily
to an alternative osition !hich better accommodates the City7s !or(flo!# The
emloyees !ill receive e/uivalent ay and benefits durin% the temorary transfer#
4$!( Continuation of Benefits
Cealth insurance covera%e !ill be continued for emloyees on leave on the same
terms such covera%e !ould have been rovided if the emloyee had continued
emloyment# The emloyee must ay the emloyee ortion of monthly remiums
in order to continue health insurance covera%e# 3mloyees !ho have e*hausted
their 12 !ee( eriod and continue to be off !or( on leave !ithout ay must ay
their ortion lus the City2s ortion of the health insurance to continue covera%e#
4$!) Employees %ho Terminate %hile on 9amily and Medical 0eave
"n emloyee !ill not be terminated durin% an aroved family and medical leave
unless the emloyee does one of the follo!in%1
5a6# %ives !ritten intent to voluntarily resi%n$
5b6# fails to return from the leave on the a%reed;uon date$
5c6# fails to rovide timely medical certification from the health care
rovider to
substantiate the continuation or e*tension of a family and medical leave$
5d6# !or(s at other emloyment !hile on the leave$ or
5e6# falsifies records and/or urose for the leave#
The Chief of Police must revie! the circumstances of any of these issues before
termination occurs#
4$!* +eturn to %or1
"n emloyee !ho is on medical leave is e*ected to return to !or(
immediately after bein% released by his or her health care rovider# The
emloyee must resent$ uon returnin% to !or($ a hysician7s statement
clearly stiulatin% that the emloyee is fit to resume his or her 0ob functions#
"n emloyee !ill not be allo!ed to return to !or( !ithout the aroriate
"n emloyee !ho is on a family leave to care for a souse$ child$ or arent
!ho has a serious health condition is e*ected to return to !or( !hen the
health condition no lon%er re/uires the attendant care of the emloyee# The
e*ected date of return is the !or( date that !as a%reed uon at the time
the Certification of Cealth Care Provider form !as comleted#
"n emloyee !ho is on a family leave for the birth of a child or adotion or
foster care lacement of a child is e*ected to return to !or( on the date
a%reed uon at the time the leave be%an#
4$!2 <o 'tatus upon +eturn from 9amily or Medical 0eave
"n emloyee !ho returns from leave in !hich the a%%re%ate leave time in a
rollin% 12;month eriod is 12 !ee(s or less !ill be returned to either the
same osition held !hen the leave be%an or to an e/uivalent osition$ !ith
e/uivalent benefits$ ay$ and other conditions of emloyment#
"n emloyee !ho returns from leave in !hich the a%%re%ate leave time in a
rollin% 12;month eriod is more than 12 !ee(s !ill not be %uaranteed re;
emloyment# )f this is the case and the osition he or she held has been
filled$ the emloyee !ill be considered as any other e*ternal candidate#
4$!4 Employee Not +eturning to %or1
3mloyees !ho fail to return to !or( from a leave on the date a%reed uon
or !hen released by their health care roviders are considered to have
voluntarily resi%ned#
4$!5 >niformed 'ervices Employment and +eemployment
"s an 3/ual ,ortunity 3mloyer$ "nson Police Deartment is committed
to rovidin% the basic emloyment and reemloyment services and suort
as set forth in the 8niformed Services 3mloyment and Reemloyment
Ri%hts "ct of 1AA4 58S3RR"6#
4$!6 Personal 0eaves of Asence
)n secial circumstances$ "nson Police Deartment may %rant a leave for a
ersonal reason$ but never for ta(in% emloyment else!here or becomin%
self;emloyed# Personal leaves of absence must be re/uested in !ritin% and
are sub0ect to the discretion of the Chief and The City of "nson City Council#
4$&7 ;rievance Procedure
To be considered$ the rocedural stes listed belo! must be follo!ed after
the challen%ed action has occurred#
1# ,ral Presentation ; "ll %rievances and comlaints shall be initially
resented orally to the a%%rieved emloyee7s immediate suervisor# The
suervisor should ma(e every effort to resolve emloyee concerns as they
arise# 3fforts on the art of the suervisor may include e*lanations$
discussion$ or counselin%# The suervisor may ma(e reasonable
ad0ustments !ithin his or her authority level# 3very effort should be made to
resolve the matter to the mutual satisfaction of both emloyee and
suervisor# Should this informal first ste be considered unsatisfactory$ the
a%%rieved emloyee shall have the ri%ht to then file a formal !ritten
%rievance or comlaint as set out belo!#
2# -ritten Presentation ; )f the oral resentation as rovided for in
the first ste fails to resolve the matter$ the emloyee shall have the ri%ht
!ithin five 5=6 !or(in% days after the discussion !ith the immediate
suervisor$ to file a formal !ritten %rievance or comlaint !ith the Chief of
The time limit for filin% may only be e*tended in e*treme cases in !hich the
emloyee can sho! that circumstances beyond his/her control revented the
filin% of a !ritten %rievance or comlaint#
)n resentin% the !ritten %rievance or comlaint$ the follo!in% information
must be stated !ith reasonable clearness the nature of the matter$ the e*act
date 5or if uncertain$ the aro*imate date6# The identity of the emloyee
!ho claims to be harmed$ the identity of the arty or arties alle%ed to have
caused the roblem$ and the remedy !hich is sou%ht#
-ithin five 5=6 !or(in% days of receit of the !ritten %rievance or comlaint$
the Chief of Police shall meet !ith the emloyee and the emloyee7s
immediate suervisor to discuss the matter# The %rievance or comlaint at
this ste shall be fully and thorou%hly discussed by all arties involved in the
effort to resolve the roblem# The decision by the Chief of Police$ !hether
reached durin% this discussion or after!ard$ shall be resented in !ritin% to
the emloyee !ithin five 5=6 !or(in% days of the meetin%# Should the
decision of the Chief of Police be considered unsatisfactory$ the emloyee
shall then have the ri%ht to aeal that decision as set out in the follo!in%
<# "eal to City Council ; )f the Chief of Police7s decision concernin%
the %rievance or comlaint is not satisfactory to the emloyee$ the emloyee
may$ !ithin five 5=6 !or(in% days after receivin% notification of the decision$
submit the matter in !ritin% to the City Secretary to be laced on the a%enda
for the City Council#

Durin% the ne*t re%ular meetin% of the City Council$ the Council shall meet
!ith the a%%rieved emloyee and the emloyee7s suervisor to fully and
thorou%hly discuss the %rievance or comlaint !ith all arties# The decision
by the City Council is final#
5$! "ntroduction
The follo!in% is a comrehensive %uide to the "nson Police Deartment
e*ense olicy and rocedures for the reortin% and reimbursement of
e*enses# "ny officer !ho aroves e*ense reorts should be familiar !ith
this olicyKauthori'in% an e*ense reort indicates to the City of "nson and
the "nson Police Deartment that the e*enses reorted are le%itimate$
reasonable$ and comly !ith the olicy#
5$& Department 'upplies? ,ther E=penditures
,nly authori'ed ersons may urchase sulies in the name of the "nson
Police Deartment# Go emloyee !hose re%ular duties do not include
urchasin% may incur any e*enses or shall establish any accounts on
behalf of the "nson Police Deartment or the City of "nson# Go emloyee
shall establish accounts or ma(e urchases for ersonal %ain or use the City
of "nson or "nson Police Deartment name and or address#
6$! ,pen Communication
"nson Police Deartment encoura%es emloyees to discuss any issues they
may have !ith a co;!or(er directly !ith that erson# )f a resolution is not
reached$ emloyees should arran%e a meetin% !ith their direct suervisor# )f
the concern$ roblem$ or issue is not roerly addressed$ emloyees should
contact the Cuman Resources Deartment# "ny information discussed in an
,en Communication meetin% is considered confidential$ to the e*tent
ossible !hile still allo!in% mana%ement to resond to the roblem#
Retaliation a%ainst any emloyee for aroriate usa%e of ,en
Communication channels is unaccetable#
6$& 'taff Meetings
)n order to (ee the communication channels oen$ "nson Police
Deartment imlements a Deartment;!ide staff meetin%#
,fficers/3mloyees receive communications from the Chief and/or Ser%eant
about the a%enda and discussion toics at the Chief of Police2s desecration#
Bulletin Boards
"nson Police Deartment has a bulletin board !here emloyees can find
or%ani'ational announcements$ ne!s/events$ and discussions about secific
toics# The emloyee is resonsible for readin% necessary information
osted on the bulletin boards#
6$( 'uggestions
"nson Police Deartment encoura%es all emloyees to brin% for!ard their
su%%estions and %ood ideas about ma(in% "nson Police Deartment a better
lace to !or( and enhancin% service to the community of "nson# "ny
emloyee !ho sees an oortunity for imrovement is encoura%ed to tal( it
over !ith their suervisor# Suervisors can hel brin% ideas to the attention
of the eole in the or%ani'ation that !ill be resonsible for ossibly
imlementin% them# "ll su%%estions are valued#
6$) Closing 'tatement
Successful !or(in% conditions and relationshis deend uon successful
communication# )t is imortant that emloyees stay a!are of chan%es in
rocedures$ olicies$ and %eneral information# )t is also imortant to
communicate ideas$ su%%estions$ ersonal %oals$ or roblems as they affect
!or( at "nson Police Deartment#
) ac(no!led%e that ) have received a coy of the "nson Police Deartment
3mloyment Policies$ and ) do commit to read and follo! these olicies#
) am a!are that if$ at any time$ ) have /uestions re%ardin% "nson Police
Deartment comany olicies ) should direct them to my mana%er or the
Cuman Resources Deartment#
) (no! that "nson Police Deartment comany olicies and other related
documents do not form a contract of emloyment and are not a %uarantee
by "nson Police Deartment of the conditions and benefits that are
described !ithin them# Gevertheless$ the rovisions of such "nson Police
Deartment comany olicies are incororated into the ac(no!led%ment$
and ) a%ree that ) shall abide by its rovisions#
) also am a!are that "nson Police Deartment$ at any time$ may on
reasonable notice$ chan%e$ add to$ or delete from the rovisions of the
comany olicies#
3mloyee2s Printed Game Position
3mloyee2s Si%nature Date
!!$! >se of 9orce Policy/ Manual
!!$& Taser 3andling and Deployment
>se of 9orce Policy
A$ The "nson Police Deartment authori'es its emloyees to use force in a olice action
!hen$ and to the e*tent it is ob0ectively reasonable#
Section 4@#011 Purose
The urose of this olicy is to rovide olice officers !ith %uidelines on the use of
deadly and non;deadly force#
Section 4@#021
The "nson olice Deartment reco%ni'e and resects the value and secial
inte%rity of each human life# )n vestin% olice officers !ith la!ful authority to use force to
rotect ublic !elfare$ a careful balancin% of all human interests is re/uired# Therefore$ it is
the olicy of this deartment that olice officers SC"&& use only that force that is
reasonable necessary to effectively brin% an incident under control$ !hile rotectin% the
lives of the officer or another#
Section 4@#0<1 Definitions
Deadly +orce1 "ny use of force that is li(ely to cause death or serious bodily in0ury#
Gon;Deadly +orce1 "ny use of force other than that !hich is considered deadly force#
Section 4@#041 Procedures
"# Parameters for use of deadly force1
1# Police ,fficers are authori'ed to fire their !eaons in order toB
a# Protect the olice officer or others from !hat is reasonably believed to
be an immediate threat of death or serious bodily in0ury#
b# Prevent the escae of a fleein% felon !hom the officer has robable
cause to believe !ill ose a si%nificant threat to human life should escae occur#
2# Iefore usin% a firearm$ olice officers SC"&& identify themselves and state
their intent to shoot$ !here feasible#
<# " olice officer may also dischar%e a !eaon under the follo!in%
a# Durin% ran%e ractice or cometitive sortin% events#
b# To destroy an animal that reresents a threat to ublic safety$ or as a
humanitarian measures !here the animal is seriously in0ured#
4# Police officers SC"&& adhere to the follo!in% restrictions !hen their
!eaon is e*hibited#
a# 3*cet for maintenance or durin% trainin%$ olice officers SC"&& not
dra! or e*hibit their firearm unless circumstances create reasonable cause to believe that
it may be necessary to use the !eaon in conformance of this olicy#
b# -arnin% shots SC"&& not be fired#
c# Police officers should not fire their !eaons at or a movin% vehicle#
d# +irearms SC"&& not be dischar%ed !hen it aears li(ely that an
innocent erson may be in0ured#

I# Parameters for use of force of non;deadly force1
1# -here deadly force is not authori'ed$ officers should assess the incident in
order to determine !hich non;deadly techni/ue or !eaon$ throu%h the use of force
continuum$ !ill best de;escalate the incident and brin% it under control in a safe manner#
2# Police officers are authori'ed to use deartment aroved non;deadly force
techni/ues and issued e/uiment for resolution of incidents$ as follo!sB
a# To rotect themselves or another from hysical harmB or
b# To restrain or subdue a resistant individualB or
c# To brin% an unla!ful situation safely and effectively under control#
C# Trainin% and Qualifications1

1# Deadly -eaons1
2# -hile on duty$ olice officers SC"&& carry the deartment
aroved firearm and ammunition and off duty$ olice officers SC"&& carry only !eaons
and ammunition authori'ed by and re%istered !ith this deartment#
<# "uthori'ed !eaons are those !ith the olice officer has /ualified
and received deartment trainin% on roer and safe usa%e$ and that are re%istered and
comly !ith deartmental secifications#

4# The olice deartment SC"&& schedule re%ular trainin% and
/ualification sessions for duty/off duty$ and seciali'ed !eaons$ !hich !ill be on a ass
and fail basis#

=# Police officers !ho fail to receive a assin% score !ith their duty
!eaon5s6 in accordance !ith deartmental testin% rocedures SC"&& be relieved of their
olice o!ers and immediately reassi%ned to non;enforcement duties until such time the
olice officer can re;/ualify !ith the !eaon5s6#

># " olice officer SC"&& not be ermitted to carry any !eaon !ith
!hich he/she has not been able to /ualify durin% the most recent /ualification eriod#
?# " olice officer !ho has ta(en an e*tended leave or suffered an illness
or in0ury that could affect their use of firearms ability !ill be re/uired to re/ualify before
returnin% to enforcement duties#

D# Gon;deadly force !eaons and methods1
1# " olice officer is not ermitted to use a non;deadly !eaon
unless /ualified in its roficient use as determined by trainin% rocedures#
2# The follo!in% non;deadly !eaons are authori'edB
a# "SP Iaton
b# ,leoresin Casicum 5,#C#6
c# T"R"R O2>
e# Iean Ia% Shot 4un Rounds$ Suervisor2s only
3# Reortin% uses of force1
1# " !ritten reort reared accordin% to deartmental rocedures
!ill be re/uired in the follo!in% situationsB
2# -hen a firearm is dischar%ed outside the firin% ran%e#
<# -hen the use of force results in death or in0ury#
4# -hen a sub0ect comlains that an in0ury has been inflicted#
+# Deartmental resonse1
1# Deadly force incident
a# -here a olice officer2s use of force causes death$ the officer
SC"&& be laced on aid administrative leave after comletin% all internal investi%ative
re/uirements$ and until it is determined by a mental health rofessional that the olice
officer is ready to return to !or(# I# The deartment SC"&& conduct an
administrative investi%ation of the incident$ and notify the Te*as Ran%ers and re/uest them
to conduct the criminal investi%ation of the incident#
2# "dministrative revie! of critical incidents1
a# "ll reorted uses of force !ill be revie!ed by the Chief of Police to
determine !hetherB
1# Deartmental rules$ olicy$ or rocedures !ere violated#
2# The relevant olicy !as clearly understandable and effective to
cover the situation# <# Deartmental trainin% is currently ade/uate#
b# "ny findin%s of olicy violations or trainin% inade/uacies SC"&& be
reorted to the Chief of Police for resolution or discilinary action# The Chief of Police !ill
ma(e the final decision on the resolution or discilinary action#
c# "ll use of force incident reorts SC"&& be retained as re/uired by
d# The Chief of Police !ill revie! use of force incidents to ascertain
trainin% and olicy needs#
This directive is for departmental use only and does not apply in any criminal or civil
proceedings$ The departmental policy should not e construed as a creation of
higher legal standard of safety or care in an evidentiary sense -ith respect to third
party claims$ Violations of this directive -ill only form the asis for departmental
administrative sanction$
. The nson 'olice %epartment authorizes its employees to use force in a
police action when, and to the e&tent, it is objectively reasonable.
E. (t is the policy of the nson 'olice %epartment that its employees will use
that force or threat of force that is objectively reasonable to affect a lawful
arrest, lawful detention, or in preventing or assisting in preventing a crime,
or assisting in preventing escape after arrest or detention, and#or to stop the
violent behavior of an individual. -se of e&cessive force in any situation is
!. /hile it is the ultimate objective of every employee to minimize injury to
themselves and#or another, nothing in this policy requires an employee to
actually sustain physical injury before applying force.
%. n employee"s use of force will be evaluated from the perspective of a
reasonable employee on the scene. The inquiry into every use of force
incident will be based upon the employee"s training and e&perience, and the
employee"s reasonable belief that the amount of force used was necessary
considering the circumstances confronting the employee at the time and not
through the 6D#6D vision of hindsight.
E. The nson 'olice %epartment recognizes that this policy is a guideline. (t is
understood that no set of policies or procedures can effectively cover every
possible scenario an employee may encounter. The nson 'olice %epartment
also recognizes that the judgment and discretion of the individual employee
involved govern much of the decision*making utilized in use of force
incidents. 9owever, to the e&tent the employee use of force deviates from
these guidelines, the employee must have a sound and articulable reason for
doing so as determined by the totality of the circumstances. These reasons
must be clearly articulated by the employee. ny deviations from these
guidelines for reasons that are not sound or articulable may subject the
employee involved to disciplinary action by the nson 'olice %epartment.
;. The nson 'olice %epartment recognizes that State and ;ederal law provide
direction for the use of force. The policy of the nson 'olice %epartment is
purposefully more restrictive and specific than current State or ;ederal law.
(t should be understood that compliance with State and#or ;ederal law does
not imply conformance with this policy.
""$ DE9"N"T",N'
. ccessible F firearm or less*lethal tool is on*scene, but not immediately
available +e.g., the tool is secured in a patrol car,, however, can be made
available if time and the situation permits.
E. vailable F The firearm or less*lethal tool is on hand and ready for
immediate use.
!. !overing ;ire F (ntentional discharge of a firearm directed at a =specific
target> threat or =threat area> +cognizant of background,, utilized to stop or
prevent deadly behavior caused by the suspect+s, when entering an e&posed
area to gain a tactical advantage, or entering an e&posed area to effect a
rescue#recovery, by making the suspect+s, seek cover.
%. 'olice response tactics must not place citizens at greater risk than the actions
of the suspect.
E. %eadly ;orce F That force that under the circumstances in which it is used is
readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.
;. %eployment F To station or place, in accordance with a plan, a firearm or
less*lethal tool for immediate application or discharge.
G. Employee F ;or purposes of the application of the use of force and nson
'olice %epartment policies, employee means all sworn police officers and
police services officers.
9. E&cessive ;orce F That force used during a police action which is greater
than that which is objectively reasonable to obtain lawful objectives under
the circumstances presented for each situation.
(. ;orce F ;orce shall be defined as the use of any weapon, instrument, device,
or physical power used to control or restrain a person, or to overcome
resistance. (t includes gaining control of a subject or overcoming resistance
through the use of physical strength, weaponless defense techniques, and
control techniques, to include defensive weapons or a combination thereof.
nytime force is used, the employee should apply a use of force option that
is reasonable for the situation.
0. .btainable F firearm or less*lethal tool is within the nson 'olice
%epartment"s inventory, but not on*scene and not immediately accessible or
H. 'olice ction F ny circumstance, on* or off*duty, during which an
employee e&ercises or attempts to e&ercise official authority.
2. 3easonable Eelief F The facts and#or circumstances the employee knows,
perceives, or should know, at the time that the decision to use force is made
and are such as to cause an ordinary and prudent employee to act and think
in a similar manner under similar circumstances. The -.S. Supreme !ourt in
Graham v. !onner, 8CD -.S. 7B: +5CBC,, has written that it is necessary to
evaluate the facts and circumstances confronting the employee at the time
force was used, rather than with the 6D#6D vision of hindsight.
$. 3esponse .ptions F !ontrol techniques, less*lethal weapons, and firearms
available to nson police employees to counter and#or control a resistive
4. Serious 'hysical (njury F 'hysical injury which creates a substantial risk of
death or which causes serious and protracted disfigurement, protracted
impairment of health, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any
bodily organ.
". /arning Shots F The intentional discharge of a firearm to warn or stop a
perpetrator in order to control a situation. +I% &'OUL# () O%)#
%'A% %'I& #)PAR%*)% +ILL O% U&) +ARI, &'O%&
U#)R A- CIRCU*&%AC)&)
Anson Police Department
Policy and Procedures
Taser Device
3andling and Deployment
This order sets forth the "nson Police Deartment rocedure re%ardin% the
trainin%$ handlin%$ and deloyment of the T"S3R#
SP3C)+)C ,IE3CT)F3 ,+ TC)S PR,C3D8R3 )S1
To inform and direct those officers !ho are authori'ed oerators of the T"S3R$ in a
uniform and rofessional manner$ the roer tactics and rocedures in deloyin%
the MP)D#
To rovide !ritten %uidelines for officers to follo! !hen deloyin% the T"S3R$ as
!ell as the documentation for a T"S3R deloyment#
The T"S3R is an additional olice tool and is not intended to relace verbal
roblem solvin% s(ills$ self;defense techni/ues$ or firearms# The T"S3R SC"&& be
deloyed only in circumstances !here it is deemed reasonably necessary to control
a dan%erous or violent sub0ect# The T"S3R SC"&& be deloyed !hen deadly force
does not aear to be 0ustified and/or necessary$ and attemts to subdue the
sub0ect by other conventional tactics have been or !ill li(ely be$ ineffective in the
situation at handB or there is a reasonable e*ectation that it !ill be unsafe for
officers to aroach !ithin contact ran%e of the sub0ect#
MP)D1 "G O;2> T"R3R is a less;lethal device !hich is desi%ned to roduce and
emit an electrical char%e# Personally o!ned MP)D are not authori'ed#
D3P&,MM3GT1 The activation of a T"S3R resultin% in the arcin% of the unit$ a
contact maneuver on a sub0ect or animal$ and/or the dischar%e of an air cartrid%e
!hether or not the robes stri(e their intended tar%et# The mere dislay of a T"S3R
is not a deloyment#
T"R3D1 The acceted !ord indicatin% that a erson or animal has received an
electrical char%e from a T"S3R#
M3D)C"& P3RS,GG3&1 )ncludes$ but not limited to$ Doctors$ Physicians$
"ssistant Gurses$ Paramedics$ and 3mer%ency Medical Technicians#
S8P3RF)S,R1 "n "nson Police Deartment Peace ,fficer above the ran( of
Patrol ,fficer$ the Chief of Police$ &ieutenant$ Ser%eant#
T"S3R SC"&& be issued to and handled or deloyed only by officers !ho have
comleted the Deartment2s MP)D trainin% ro%ram$ or a T"R3R trainin% ro%ram
from T"R3R )GT3RG"T),G"&# The T"S3R SC"&& be handled in the manner and
treated !ith the same de%ree of care and discretion as a firearm#
T"S3R SC"&& only be used as instructed in the trainin% course$ and only in
accordance !ith Deartmental Policy and State &a!# The deloyment of a MP)D is
considered a use of force one level %reater than verbal command and is on the
same use of force level as eer sray 5,leoresin Casicum6#
,nly roerly functionin% and char%ed T"S3R SC"&& be issued for field use# The
battery char%e SC"&& only be chec(ed rior to carryin% the T"S3R# The T"S3R
should be chec(ed !hen there is no air cartrid%e loaded in the T"S3R# The T"S3R
should be ointed in a safe direction !ith no air cartrid%e loaded in the unit for the
9test sar(:$ reformed !hen chec(in% the T"S3R out to test the battery char%e#
The T"S3R !ill be issued by the Chief of Police to each officer# The Chief of Police
SC"&& (ee a lo%$ !ith each unit2s serial number lo%%ed on the MP)D lo%#
"ny T"S3R or comonent thereof found to be defective or dama%ed SC"&& be
returned to the Chief of Police for reair or relacement$ !ith detailed e*lanation
of the malfunction or cause of dama%e# 3ach officer SC"&& be resonsible for the
T"S3R issued to them# "t no time SC"&& any officer let another officer have$
borro!$ or loan out their T"S3R issued to them to another officer#
"ll T"R3RS and associated e/uiment SC"&& be roerly secured !hen not in
use# -hen carried on atrol$ the ta'er SC"&& be carried in the deartments
aroved holster# The holster SC"&& be carried oosite of the officer2s sidearm#
3ach deloyment of the T"S3R SC"&& be investi%ated and documented in the
offense reort# This includes a contact deloyment$ as !ell as firin% of an air
cartrid%e or other deloyment resultin% in a sub0ect or animal receivin% an electrical
char%e from the T"S3R$ or !hen the T"S3R is activated 5SP"RL3D6 and the
sub0ect is subdued/controlled !ithout actually receivin% an electrical char%e from
the MP)D# "ny accidental dischar%e of a T"S3R air cartrid%e SC"&& be
documented in a Deartmental Corresondence addressed to the Chief of Police#
-henever a T"S3R is to be deloyed it is the resonsibility of the officer to ma(e
certain officers on scene understand that the T"S3R is bein% deloyed and not
lethal force$ rior to the deloyment of the MP)D if at all ossible# This SC"&& be
accomlished throu%h the !arnin% announcement 9T"R3R: to alert other officers$
as !ell as to rovide the sub0ect an additional oortunity to cease the conduct that
has %iven rise to the deloyment of the T"S3R#
-hen an officer aroaches a sub0ect !ith the intent to deloy the T"S3R an
additional officer should also aroach !henever ossible lethal cover should it
become necessary for the rotection of life# Ferbal commands should be used
constantly before 5!henever ractical6$ durin% and after the deloyment of the
T"S3R to !arn the sub0ect to cease his/her a%%ressive demeanor or action#
Sub0ects$ !ho have received an electrical char%e from the T"S3R unit or robes$
SC"&& be treated as follo!s1
,nce the sub0ect is safely secured and in custody$ the arrestin% officer SC"&&
notify disatch that the sub0ect has received an electrical char%e from the T"S3R#
The time !ill be lo%%ed on the disatch lo%# )f the robes enetrate the s(in$ the
uncture sites SC"&& be e*amined by the officer$ the robes !ill be removed by
the officer$ and the area cleaned !ith an alcohol s!ab and banda%ed if needed and
transorted to the Eones County Eail#
)f the sub0ect re/uest medical aid$ the sub0ect !ill be transorted to the emer%ency
room/hosital$ the transortin% officer !ill obtain a medical release from the medical
ersonnel before the sub0ect is transorted to 0ail#
,fficers must be a!are that one asect of ossible in0ury to a sub0ect receivin% an
electrical char%e from a T"S3R is that of fallin% from a standin% osition#
The sent air cartrid%e and robes SC"&& be collected and reserved as evidence#
Caution should be e*ercised in handlin% robes that have enetrated a sub0ect2s
s(in# Such robes SC"&& be ac(a%ed and handled !ith the same care as a
hyodermic needle$ and SC"&& be ac(a%ed in a suitable container to revent
accidental infection# The robes SC"&& be labeled as a bioha'ard !hen submitted
as evidence#
The deloyin% officer is resonsible for documentin% the deloyment of the T"S3R
by comletin% the incident reort and Deartmental Corresondence$ indicatin% the
T"S3R use in the reort$ as !ell as submittin% a detailed account of the robable
cause for deloyin% the T"S3R each time it is deloyed# )f the deloyin% officer is
not the rimary reortin% officer$ the deloyin% officer SC"&& submit a detailed
sulement to the case reort$ documentin% his/her role in the deloyment of the
The officer deloyin% the T"S3R SC"&& ensure hoto%rahs$ are ta(en of the
sub0ect receivin% an electrical char%e from the T"S3R$ 5contact or robes6$ if
ossible$ !ith secial attention to any area in0ured and !here the char%e !as
received# The officer SC"&& also include detailed documentation in the incident
reort of ho! the in0uries occurred# The deloyin% officer SC"&& notify his/her
suervisor$ Chief of Police$ &ieutenant$ or Ser%eant of the use of the T"S3R to
ensure a detailed revie! of deloyment#
The T"S3R that !as used SC"&& be turned into the Chief of Police or &ieutenant
at that time so a deloyment reort is do!nloaded from a T"S3R data ort# ,nce a
rinted reort is obtained$ the Ta'er may return to service# " coy of the rinted
deloyment reort SC"&& include the data rior to the deloyment$ the date of
deloyment on a sub0ect$ and the day after if available$ and then laced in the case
file folder#
S8P3RF)S,R R3SP,GS)I&))T)3S1
Receive$ insect$ and ensure the maintenance and relacement of the
deartment2s T"S3R devices and related e/uiment# 3stablish and maintain
systems to record issuance of e/uiment# Return defective or dama%ed T"S3R
and air cartrid%es to the suliers# ,btain service and/or relacement for defective
or dama%ed T"S3R comonents from the suliers# Revie! reorted uses of a
T"S3R by deartment ersonnel and establish a system for maintainin% statistic on
the erformance of the T"S3R# 3nsure basic certification and re;certification
trainin% on the T"S3R is rovided as needed$ as !ell as maintains a record of the
trainin%# "ll other duties as may become necessary for the emloyment$
maintenance$ and enhancement of the Deartment2s T"S3R ro%ram#

;eneral ,rders
,fficer Complaints
To insure the integrity of this 'olice %epartment by establishing procedures
for handling complaints against officers in a fair and impartial manner.
To establish a procedure for alleged and suspected violations of
departmental regulations, officer conduct, and the laws of the State of Te&as
or the -nited States.
Policy1 The Chief of Police !ill e*ercise staff suervision and authority over
incidents of reorted or unreorted infractions that are investi%ated
and may result on discilinary action#
. !omplaints against officers must be in writing and signed by the
complainant. .fficers will be notified at the time of the complaint
unless e&tenuating circumstances e&ist to prohibit such.
E. !omplaints relevant to differences of opinion between an officer and a
citizen over the issuance of a traffic citation will not be investigated
unless there is an allegation of a violation of law or department rules on
the part of the officer.
!. !omplaints relative to difference of opinion between a citizen and the
arresting officer regarding the guilt or innocence of that citizen will be
properly disposed of within the judicial system. (f the citizen can
furnish sufficient evidence that the arrest was malicious and#or illegal,
the complaint /(22 be investigated. This complaint may be referred to
the ;ederal Eureau of (nvestigation +;E(, if the complaint involved any
violation of civil rights.
%. !omplaints made against an officer will not be accepted more than
thirty +7D, days after the alleged incident, unless the incident involves a
criminal violation in which the criminal statute of limitations will
E. Each officer having knowledge of the reported incident shall submit a
statement of the facts of the case, as they observed it, to the !hief of
'olice. This statement should contain any and all information about the
incident by the officer, whether witnessed by or reported to the officer.
;. (n cases where the !hief of 'olice has initiated an investigation from a
written complaint against an officer, the investigation will end in one of
the following and be so noted in the officer"s permenant personnel file
attached to the complaint.
F.i... Un!ounded F llegation+s, is false or not factual
F.i./. ).onerated F (ncident complained on did occur
but was lawful and proper.
F.i.0. ot &ustained F (nsufficient evidence either to
prove or disprove the allegation+s,.
F.i.3. &ustained F llegation+s, is supported by
sufficient evidence to show the officer was improper in
action or deeds. %iscipline will be imposed on the
offending officer as determined by the !hief of 'olice.
>. fter receiving a Garrity /arning, an officer is required to answer
questions relating to his duties and he can be disciplined up to and
including dismissal for refusing to answer such questions.
9. n officer will not be permitted to have counsel present during an
interview regarding an investigation of non*criminal conduct. The si&th
amendment right to counsel does not apply to civil or administrative
(. The $iranda /arning will be given to an employee if the investigation
is in a criminal matter.
0. .fficers have no e&pectation of privacy regarding their assigned storage
area within the police department.
+eserve ,fficers
Purose1 To establish %uidelines and rocedures for "nson Police Reserve
Policy1)t is the olicy of this deartment that Reserve ,fficer must be /ualified the
same as a re%ular full;time or art;time officer# Reserve officers must
follo! the same olicies for re%ular officers !hen en%a%ed in their
official duties# Reserve officers are re/uired to follo! an additional set
of rocedures as outlined in this olicy#
Procedure1 Reserve ,fficers may or may not earn aid comensation for the
duties erformed !ith the "nson Police Deartment#
f#i#4#1# Reserve ,fficers must comlete a minimum of 40
hours of +ield Trainin% before !or(in% a shift alone#
f#i#4#2# Reserve ,fficers may not en%a%e in off duty
outside emloyment as an "nson Police ,fficer at
f#i#4#<# 3ncounterin% the ublic in an official caacity as
an "nson Police Reserve ,fficer !ill be limited life and
death situations only#
f#i#4#4# Reserve ,fficers are re/uired to !or( at least
one 12 hour shift er month#
f#i#4#=# Reserve officers are re/uired to arran%e
schedulin% !ith the &ieutenant rior to the 1
of every
month to be scheduled#
f#i#4#># "nson Reserve Police ,fficers are re/uired to
(ee u to date on all trainin% as re/uired and
mandated by TC&3,S3 at their o!n e*ense#
f#i#4#?# "nson Police Reserve officers are ermitted to
carry a !eaon off duty but not re/uired#
Effective 7!/7!/&7!(
"nson PD %eneral orders#doc
&ast rinted </<1/2014 4121100 PM

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