Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3


1). Translate these sentences:
1- Yo no estoy muy interesado en las artes marciales
2- Ella est interesada en la !oto"ra!#a
$- T% ests muy interesado en el ciclismo
&- 'e "ustan los animales
(- ) ti *erdaderamente te "ustan los *ideo+ue"os
,- -l no est metida en el arte
.- Nosotros estamos metidos en li/ros de animales
0- Ellos estn interesados en chatear 1or internet
2- Ellas no estn interesadas en *er la tele
13- Yo 1re!iero 4uedar con ami"os
2). Com1lete the sentences a/out you.
a. I li5e /oo5s a/out 6 .
/. 7ne o! my interests is 6 .
c. I8m not mad a/out 6 .
d. I8m "ood at 6 .
e. I8m a 666666.. !an.
$). Com1lete the sentences.
I8*e "ot 8s ha*en8t "ot 8*e hasn8t They She8s
Tony hasnt "ot a 1et.
1 9e 6. "ot t:o do"s.
2 6 a 1oster o! ;ohnny <e11.
$ 'y mum 6 "ot t:o cars.
& 6 "ot a =errari.
( I 6 a camera.
, 6 8*e "ot a com1uter.
&). >oo5 at the in!ormation. 9rite a!!irmati*e and ne"ati*e sentences usin"
have got.
Possessions Peter Susan
a camera x
a 1et x x
a com1uter
a /oo5 x
a <?< x
Susan @ a camera Susan has got a camera.
1 Aeter @ a camera
2 Susan @ a /oo5
3 Susan and Aeter @ a 1et
4 Aeter @ a <?<
5 Susan and Aeter @ a com1uter
6 Susan @ a <?<
().9rite 4uestions. Then :rite your ans:ers.
1 your teacher @ a helmetB
2 your 1arents @ a carB
$ your sister @ a 1etB
& your school @ a !oot/all teamB
( you @ a com1uterB
,). Com1lete :ith the correct 1re1osition: o!C /yC a/out and :rite sentences.
EDam1le: . Ee @ a /oo5@ art. -- Ee hasn8t "ot a /oo5 a/out art
1. She @ a cd@ Aa/lo )l/orn
2. They@ a 1oster@ their !a*ourite /and
$. 9e@ a 1hoto@ =lorida
&. You@ a /oo5@ music
(. I@ a cd@ 'adonna
,. 'ary@ a 1oster@ 'anchester United team
.. Your cousins@ a <?<@ art
0. Your !riend@ a 1hoto@ Ne: Yor5
.)Classi!y e*ery :ord in its "rou1: 'USIC SA7FT T? )N< CINE')
Fe""ae actor hea*y metal email "rou1 1layer
team <?< mouse !ilm hand/all cric5et soa1 o1era
drummer 1rinter re!eree
horror match actress :e/site hi1 ho1 1ro"ramme
0). Com1lete :ith the correct 4uestion :ord and ans:er the 4uestions a/out
9hen ho: many :here :ho ho: old :hat :hy
1 666.. are you !romB
2 666are youB
$ 666..8s your /irthdayB
& 666.are your !a*ourite actorsB
( 666.8s your !a*ourite !ilm or T? 1ro"rammeB
, 666. C<s ha*e you "otB
. 666.8s your !a*ourite s1orts starB
0 he your !a*ourite s1orts starB
2) Com1lete the sentences :ith andC /utC or.
1 I8m into tennis 66 /as5et/all.
2 I8m "ood at tennis ... 6 I8m not "ood at /as5et/all.
3 <o you 1re!er dancin" 6.6 1hoto"ra1hyB
4 I8*e "ot a camera 66.6 I ha*en8t "ot a la1to1.
13) 9rite sentences usin" demonstrati*e 1ronouns and add a 4uestion.
those @ comics Gman"aB)
Those are cool comics. Are you into manga?
1 these @ /oo5s GanimalsB)
2 this @ son" Ghi1 ho1B)
3 that @ camera G1hoto"ra1hyB)
4 those @ dra:in"s GartB)
5 this @ <?< Gmartial artsB)
6 that @ shirt G!oot/allB)
13. /. Translate:
This: These: That:

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