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Axial skeleton The axial skeleton consists of the bones along the central axis of an organism.

humans, it consists of 80 bones and is composed of six parts; the skull bones, the ossiclesof the middle
ear, the hyoid bone of the throat, the rib
Appendicular skeleton - a part that is oined to something larger. !unctionally it is in"ol"ed in
locomotion #lo$er limbs% of theaxial skeletonand manipulation of obects in the en"ironment #upper
Skeletal system &ystem of bones that allo$ for the support of and shaping of a li"ing organism
Compact bone - , is one of the t$o types of osseous tissue that form bones. 'ortical bone facilitates
bone(s main functions) to support the $hole body, protect organs, pro"ide le"ers for mo"ement, and
store and release chemical elements, mainly calcium. *s its name implies, cortical bone forms the
cortex, or outer shell, of most bones
Spongy bone or cancellous bone ,compared to compact bone, cancellous bone has a higher surface
area to mass ratio because it is less dense.
Long bones - are those that are longer than they are $ide
Short bones - bones that are as $ide as they are long

Flat bones bones $hose principal function is either extensi"e protection or the pro"ision of broad
surfaces for muscular attachment
Irregular bone - bones $hich, from their peculiar form, cannot be grouped as long bone, short bone,
flat boneor sesamoid bone
Diaphysis - is the main or midsection #shaft% of a long bone #di t$o%
Periosteum - is a membrane that co"ers the outer surface of all bones #peri surrounding%
epiphysis - is the rounded end of a long bone, at its oint$ith adacent bone #epi upon%
Articular cartilage - is a type of cartilage found on many oint surfaces
Epiphyseal plate - #orepiphysial plate,physis, or gro$th plate% is a hyaline cartilage plate in
themetaphysis at each end of a long bone. #epi upon%
Yello marro - bone marro$ that is yello$ $ith fat; found at the ends of long bones in adults
!ed marro - bone marro$ of children and some adult bones that is re+uired for the formation of red
blood cells
"steocytes - a star shaped cell, is the most commonly found cell in mature bone, and can li"e as long
as the organism itself. #oste bone%
Lacunae - an unfilled space or inter"al; a gap. #lac -$ide%
Lamellae ,ings of bone-ca salt deposits
Central canals a space running longitudinally through the centre of an osteon, containing blood
"essels, lymphatic "essels, and ner"es
"steon - the basic structural unit of compact bone; consists of central canal, lamellae #rings%, lacunae,
osteocytes and canaliculi. # oste bone%
Canaliculi - are microscopic canals bet$een the lacunae of ossified bone
Per#orating canals - canals in bone through $hich blood "essels pass.
"ssi#ication - is the process of laying do$n ne$ bone material by cells called osteoblasts. #oste bone%
"steoblasts - .steoblasts are cells $ith single nuclei that synthesi/e bone #oste bone, blast
"steoclast * osteoclast is a type of bone cell that reabsorbs boney tissue #oste bone, clast broken%
$one remodeling 0one remodeling is a lifelong process $here mature bone tissue is remo"ed from
the skeleton #a process called bone resorption% and ne$ bone tissue is formed #a process called
ossification or ne$ bone formation%
Closed %simple& #racture - * bone fracture that causes little or no damage to the surrounding soft
"pen %compound& #racture - * fracture in $hich broken bone fragments lacerate soft tissue and
protrude through an open $ound in the skin.
Closed reduction - a procedure to set #reduce% a broken bone $ithout surgery
"pen reduction - the method $herein the fracture fragments are exposed surgically by dissecting the
haematoma haematoma, is a locali/ed collection of blood outside the blood "essels, usually in li+uid
form $ithin the tissue #think bruise%
Firbocartilage callus - is a temporary formation of fibroblasts and chondroblasts $hich forms at the
area of a bone fracture as the bone attempts to heal itself
$ony callus - The bony deposit formed bet$een and around the broken ends of a fractured bone during
normal healing.
Fontanel - is an anatomical feature on an infant(s skull comprising any of the soft membranous gaps
bet$een the incompletely formed cranial bones of afoetus or an infant
primary cur'atures - the "entrally conca"e cur"e of the fetal "ertebral column, retained in the
thoracic and sacral regions as the thoracic and sacral kyphoses.
Secondary cur'atures - The cer"ical and lumbar cur"es are considered secondary cur"es
(oint %articulation& - is the location at $hich bones connect

Synarthroses - * form of articulation in $hich the bones are rigidly oined by fibrous tissue. *lso
called synarthrodia
Amphiarthrosis - is a type of continuous, slightly mo"able oint.

Diarthrosis *ny of se"eral types of bone articulation permitting free motion in a oint, as that of the
shoulder or hip. #di - t$o%
Fibrous )oints are oints connected by dense connecti"e tissue, consisting mainly of collagen
Cartilaginous )oints are oints connected entirely by cartilage
Syno'ial )oints - also kno$n as a diarthrosis, is the most common and most mo"able type of oint in
the body of a mammal
"steoarthritis .steoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis #oste bone%
!heumatoid arthritis - is an autoimmune diseasethat results in a chronic, systemic inflammatory
disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks flexible #syno"ial% oints
*outy arthritis %gout& - is a medical condition usually characteri/ed by recurrent attacks of acute
inflammatory arthritis
"steoporosis is a progressi"e bone disease that is characterised by a decrease in bone mass and
density and that leads to an increased risk of fracture. #oste bone, poros - pore%

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