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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Yajur Vedi Avani Avitta Manthras 2014

Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the
year 2014*
Avani Avittam 10-8-2014(Sunday
(!om"iled #y $%&%&ama'hander
1%Ya(no"a veetha dharana manthra
( Manthra for wearing Poonal)
a.Aachaana!"hu#laa $haradhara%%%. "antha&e
'.( $hoo%%%%..$hoor'havaswaro
c.Mao )atha saastha duritha #sh&a dwara sri )aaeshwara )reeth&artha
"routha sartha vihitha sadachara nith&a #araanushtanaa &og&atha
sidh&artha 'rha teja a'hivrud&artha &agno)aveetha dharana #arish&e.
d.Yagno)aveetha dharana aha anthras&a
Para'rha rishi(*ouch forehead)
*rushtu) chanda (touch 'elow nose)
Paraatha devatha (touch heart)
e.Yagno)aveetha dharane vini&oga
+ear Poonal one '& one '& reciting()oonal should 'e held '& 'oth hands, the
tie in the )oonal 'eing held a'ove '& the right hand facing u)wards)
Yagno)aveetha )araa )avithra )raja )athe,
Yat sahaja )urasthad aa&ush&a
Agri&a )rathi uncha shu'ra &agno)aveetha 'alaasthu theja.
f.After wearing all )oonals one '& one do Aachaana
g.-eove the old )oonals and 'rea# the to )ieces '& reciting
.)aveetha 'hinna thanthu jeerna #asala dooshitha, visrujai na hi
'raha/varcho deergha&urastu e
h.0o aachaana.

"uar& eaning! 1 wear the white &agno)avitha that is )urif&ing , which
was 'orn along with 'raha, which is ca)a'le of increasing life .1 a sure this
would give glor& and strength to e.1 a destro&ing the dirt& , soiled
&asgno)avita .
2%)amo *ar+het Ja"am 10-8-2014 mornin(
a.Aaachaana!"hu#laa $haradhara%%."antha&e
'.( $hoo
c.Mao )atha/// Preeth&artha
*adeva lagna sudhina tadaiva, tharaa 'ala chandra 'ala thadaiva ,
vidh&a 'ala daiva 'ala tadaiva, "ri 2a#shi )athe aangri&uga saraaai
A)avithra )avithro vaa sarvaavasthaa gatho)i vaa , &a sareth )undari
#a#sha, sa'ah&anthara suchi , anasa vaachi#a )aa)a , #aranaa
"au)arjitha, sri -aa saranenaiva v&o)ahathi na sasa&a ."ree raa -aa
*idhir Vishnu, *atha vaara, na#shatra Vishnu reva cha
Yogascha #arana chaiva sarva Vishnu a&a 3agat ,
"ri 4ovinda , 4ovinda, 4ovinda
Aadh&a sri 'agavatha ahaa )urushas&a Vishnor Agna&a , Pravarthaanas&a ,
Aadh&a 'rhana , dweethi&a )arardhe, swetha varaha #al)e, , Vaivaswatha
anvanthare, ashta visathi thae, #ali &uge, )rathae )adhe, 3a'oo dwee)e,
$haratha varshe , $haratha #ande, Mero da#shine )arswe. Asin varthaane ,
v&avahari#e )ra'havaadheena sashti savatsaranaa adh&e , ja&a naa
savatsare, 0a#shinaa&ane, greesha rithou, 5ada#a ase, shu#la )a#she,
aadh&a )ournaas&a shu'ha thidou, $hanu vasara &u#tha&a, "ravana 66
na#shatra &u#tha&a, shu'ha&oga, shu'ha #arana eva guna, viseshana
visishtaa&a, as&a )ournaaas&a shu'ha thidou, taish&aa
)ournaaas&a6 adh&ot sarjana a#arana )raa&aschithartha , savatsara
)raa&aschithartha, cha ashtothara satha sa#h&aa 7#ao #arsheth an&ura
#arsheth8 ithi aha anthra ja)a #arish&e.
d.*hen chant 75ao #arsheth an&ura #arsheth 8 109 ties
e.Afterwards )erfor Aachaana and sa&85aa an&u u)asthana #arish&e8 ,
( tat sat 'rahaar)ana asthu.
6(n 10/9/2014 , Pournai is u) to 11.40 P.M. , and Prathaa is u) to :.4; PM
of 11/9/2014 1"* 66 "ravana <a#shatra is u) to 10.40 PM 1"* on 10=9=2014
and dhanishta <a#shatra afterwards according to the Panchanga.., $efore &ou
do the .)a#ara , )lease calculate corres)onding 1"* and ta#e the )ro)er
*hidhi and <a#shatra. *his is also a))lica'le to antras of Maha "an#al)a
given 'elow.
"uar& eaning!*he $rahin first )ra&s 4od that the tie of doing whatever
it a& 'e should 'ecoe hol& and this he is sure is achieved '& )ra&er to
4od.*hen he tells when he is doing this ja)a, for e>a)le which &ear, which
season, which da& and so on.And he sa&s that this ja)a is 'eing done as a
re)entance for his not )erforning various religious duties during the &ear that
he ought to have )erfored.*he ain anthra is a )ra&er to )ardon the la)ses
which were due to 5aa()assion) #rodha(anger) and lo)a(avarice)
,%-aha Sam*al"am
(10/9/2014 after Madh&aani#a and $raha &agna)
'."hu#la 'aradhara%%..
c.( 'hoo
d.Maha sa#al)a
A)avithra )avithro vaa sarvaavasthaa gatho)i vaa , &a sareth )undari
#a#sha, sa'ah&anthara suchi , anasa vaachi#a )aa)a , #aranaa
"au)arjitha, sri -aa saranenaiva v&o)ahathi na sasa&a ."ree raa -aa
*idhir Vishnu, *atha vaara, na#shatra Vishnu reva cha
Yogascha #arana chaiva sarva Vishnu a&a 3agat ,
"ri 4ovinda , 4ovinda, 4ovinda
Aad&a sri 'hagawatha, Aadi vishno, Aadinara&anas&a achinth&a&a , a)ariitha&a,
sa#th&aa, 'ri&aaanas&a, ahaa jaloughas&a adh&e,
)ari'rhaatha ane#a #oti 'rhaandana adh&e, e#a thae, )rith&a
a)tejo va&va#aasaa ahan#aradhi /ahada v&a#thai/aavaranair/ aavruthe/ asin
ahathi 'raanda/#aranda#a/adh&e aadhara sa#thi ?#ooraa nandathi ashta
diggajo)ari )rathishtithas&a , athala/vithala/suthala/rasaathala/thalaa thala/
ahaathala/)athala#&ai lo#a sa)tha#as&a u)ari thale, )un&a #ruthaa
nivaasa'huthe 'hoor ?'huvar/suvar/ahar/janarr/tha)a/sat&aa#h&ai lo#a
shat#as&a adho 'hage ahaa nala&aana )hani raja seshas&a sahasra )hanaa
ani andala andithe, dighdanthi/shunda dhanda/utta'hithe, )anchasath
#oti &ojana vistheerne, lo#alo#a ?achalena vala&ithe lavaneshu/sura/sar)i/
dhadhi/#sheera/uda#aarnavischa )arivruthe, ja'hu/)la#sha/sa#a/salali/#usa/
#rouncha/)ush#ara#h&a sa)tha dwee)anaa adh&e, 3a'oo dwee)e, $haratha
varshe, 'haratha #ande, )rajaa)athi #shetre danda#aaran&a/chaa)a#aaran&a/
vindh&aaran&a/vee#shaaran&a/vedaarana&aadhi, ane#a )un&a aaran&aana
Madh&a )radeshe, #ara 'hooou, raa ?sethu/#edhara&oo ad&a
)radaeshe , $haageerathi/4outhai/5rishna veni/Yauna/<aradaa/
*hunga'adhraa/*riveni/Malaa)ahaarini/#averi/ ith&adi , aane#a )un&a nadhi
viraajithe, 1ndra)rastha/Yaa)rastha/Aavanthi#aa)uri/@asthinaa)uri/A&odh&aa
)uri/Maa&aa )uri/5asi )uri/5anchi )uri/0wara#aa aadi ane#a )un&a )uree
viraajithe "a#ala jagat srushta, )arardha dwa&a jeevana, 'raana dweethi&a
)arardhe, Pancha satha'dhou, )rathae varshe, )rathae ase, )rathae
)a#she, )rathae divasae, aahni, dweethi&e &ae, trithi&e uhurthe,
swa&a'huva/swarochisha/uthaa/thaasa/raivatha/cha#shu sha#heshu,
shatsu anusha atheetheshu, sa)thae vaivaswathe anvanthare, aashta
visathi thae, #ali &uge, )rathae )adhe, 3a'oo dwee)e, $haratha varshe ,
$haratha #ande, Mero da#shine )arswe. Asin varthaane , v&avahari#e
)ra'havaadheena sasht&a savatsaranaa adh&e ja&a naa savatsare,
0a#shinaa&ane, 4reesha rithou, 5ada#a ase, shu#la )a#she, aadh&a
)ournaas&a shu'ha thidou, $hanu vasara &u#tha&a, "ravana 66 na#shatra
&u#tha&a, shu'ha&oga, shu'ha #arana eva guna, viseshana visishtaa&a,
as&a )ournaaas&a shu'ha thidou , anaadh&a vidh&a )ravarthaane
asin ahathi sasara cha#re vichitra'hi #ara gathi'hi vichitrasu &onishu
)una )una ane#adha janithwa #ena)i )un&a #ara viseshena idhaanithana
anush&e dwijana visesha )ra)thavatho aa jjana'h&asa jjanaa
)ra'ruthi ethath #shana )ar&antha , 'aal&e, va&asi #auare &owane
vaardha#e cha jagrath swa)na sushu)th&a avasthasu ano va# #a&a
#arendri&a jnanendri&a v&a)arai #aa/#rodha/lo'ha/oha/adha/
athsar&aadhi sa'havithaana iha janani jananthare cha jnana ajnana
#ruthaana aha )atha#anaa ahaa )atatha#anuanthratwadeena ,
saa)atha#aanaa u)a)aatha#aanaa alini #aranaana nindhitha dhana
dhaano u)a jeevanaadeena aa)athri#arananaa jathi 'rasa #araana
vihitha #ara th&aagaaadeena jnanadha sa#ruth #ruthanaa ajnanatha
asa#ruth #ruthaana sarveeshaa )a)aana sadh&a aa)anodhanartha
aswatha nara&ana sannidhou/deva 'rahana sannidhou/tr&aa trisath #oti
devathaa sannidhou/sri visaala#shi saetha visweswara swai sannidhou/
ahaa gana)athi sannidhou/seetha la#shana 'haratha sathrugna/hanut
saedha sri raa chandra swai sannidhou/sri ru#ani sath&a'haa saedha
sri go)ala 5rishna swai sannidhou/hari hara )uthra swai sannidhou/sri
la#shi nara&ana swai sannidhou sraavan&aa )ournaas&aa
adh&o)a#raa #ara #arish&e.*hadanga sravanee )ournaasi )un&a#ale
sareera shudharta shuddhodha#a snana aha #arish&e
Athi #rura aha #a&a, #al)anthahano)aa,
$airava&a naasthu'h&a anujna dathu arhasi
A $raha Yagna Manthras are given at the end.
6(n 10/9/2014 , Pournai is u) to 11.40 P.M. , and Prathaa is u) to :.4; PM
of 11/9/2014 1"* 66 "ravana <a#shatra is u) to 10.40 PM 1"* on 10=9=2014
and dhanishta <a#shatra afterwards according to the Panchanga.., $efore &ou
do the .)a#ara , )lease calculate corres)onding 1"* and ta#e the )ro)er
*hidhi and <a#shatra. *his is also a))lica'le to antras of Maha "an#al)a
given 'elow.
"uar& eaning!@ere again a)art fro locating oneself with reference to tie ,
one locates hiself with reference to )lace also.+e are su))osed to live in 3a'u
0wee)a, $haratha 5anda which is south of the great ountain Maha eru.*hen
again this $hasratha 5anda is 'lessed with an& hol& rivers and hol& )laces.*hen
)ra&er is done to 4od to )ardon sins coitted '& word, thought and deed,
'ecause this was done ins)ite of his great grace which ade us 'e 'orn as huan
'eings after several wheels of 'irth.Also the sins )erfored during several ages in
life is highlighted."oe of the sins s)ecificall& entioned are those done while
earning one& without conscience, giving one& to i)ro)er )eo)le, actions
which did not suit the caste we are 'orn in, sins due to non )erforance of
actions which ought to have 'een done and so on. +e )ra& 4od and tell hi that
we would ta#e 'ath in hol& )ure water and then start the veda )ara&anas which is
our dut& as $rahin.
4%Ya(no"a veetha dharana manthra
After 'ath again change )oonal '& reciting anthra as given in s.<o.1.Please
note that now a da&s ver& rarel& )eo)le ta#e 'ath after ahaa san#al)a 'ut do
)ro#shana snana i.e 'ath '& s)rin#ling of water on the head.
.%)anda &i+hi /har"anam
2,"h#laaa 'aradhara
B.( 'hoo
4.Mao )atha saastha durida #sh&a dwara sri )araeshwata
)reeth&artha sravan&aa )ournaaas&a adh&o&a)a#raa #aranga
#anda rishi thar)ana #arish&e.
+ear )oonal as garland and do thar)ana using water i>ed with thil ('lac#
gingel&) and a#shatha
Cach anthra has to 'e chanted thrice and thar)ana done.
1.Praja)athi #anda rishi thar)a&ai
2,"oa #anda rishi thar)a&ai
B.Agni #anda rishi thar)a&ai
4.Viswaan devaan #anda rishi thar)a&aai
D."aahin#eer devatha u)anishadha thar)a&ai
;.Yagnigeer devatha u)anishadha thar)a&aai
:.Vaaruneer devatha u)anishadha thar)a&ai
9.$rhaanagu swa&u'huva thar)a&aai
E."adasas)athi thar)a&ai
wear )oonal in the noral fashion and then do aachaana.
"uar& eaning!*har)ana eans reall& satisf&ing.$& this thar)ana we
satisf& the rishi(sages) of "oa(oon), Agni(fire), Viswaan devan(all gods
loo#ing after earth), etc.
*hough these are essential )art of Avani avitta , 1 a not giving this 'ecause
Vedic anthraas are ver& difficult to transliterate in to Cnglish and reading the
wrongl& would 'e counter )roductive.
;.4aa&athri ja)a (11/9/201B)
For Yajur, -ig and "aa Vedis
2,"hu#laa 'aradhara
B.( 'hoo
4.Mao )atha saastha duritha #sh&a dwara sri )araeshwara )reeth&artha
*adeva lagna sudhina tadaiva, tharaa 'ala chandra 'ala thadaiva , vidh&a
'ala daiva 'ala tadaiva, "ri 2a#shi )athe aangri&uga saraaai
A)avithra )avithro vaa sarvaavasthaa gatho)i vaa , &a sareth )undari
#a#sha, sa'ah&anthara suchi , anasa vaachi#a )aa)a , #aranaa
"au)arjitha, sri -aa saranenaiva v&o)ahathi na sasa&a ."ree raa -aa
"hu'he "ho'ane uhurthe ad&a $rahana dwitee&a )aradhe , "wetha varaha
#al)e, Vaivaswatha Manvanthare, Ashtavisathi thae , 5ali &uge, Prathae
)ade, 3a'hu 0wi)e, $haratha Varshe,$hartaha 5ande, Mero 0a#shine Parswe,
"a#a'dhe, Asin Varthaane V&avahari#e, Pra'havadhi "ashti
"aavathsaranaa Madh&e, ja&a naa "avathsare , 0a#shina&ane, 4reesha
-ithou, 5ada#a ase 5rishna )a#she aadh&a )rathaaa&a6 shu'ha thidou
1ndu vaasara &u#tha&aa sravishta 66 na#shatra &u#thaa&a shu'ha &oga
shu'ha #arana eva guna viseshana visisishtaa&a as&aa )rathaaa&a
shu'ha thidou ith&aa theetha )ra&aschittartha ashtothara sahasra sa#&a
ga&atri aha anthra ja)a #arish&e.
"tart fro Pravas&a -ishi 'raha%. followed '& aa&athith anuvagas&a% and
then chant the ga&thri anthra 1009 ties.
Go)lete with A'hivaada&e and then co)lete with
5a&ena vacha%%.
6Prathaa u) to :.4; PM on 11/9/2014 and then 0withee&a .
66"ravishta <a#shatra is u) to :.BD PM on 11=9=2014 1"* , afterwards
"atha'isha# <a#shatra &u#tha&a .
Please co)are the tie when &ou are doing ja)a to 1"* and do corrections
A))endi> $raha Yagna.
1. Perfor Achaana
2. Face eastern direction and do 7"hu#la 'aradara%.8 Followed '&
)rana&aa 7o $hoo%8
B. Mao)atha saastha duritha #sh&a dwara sri Paraeshwara
)reeth&artha $raha Yagna #arish&e. $raha &agnena Ya#sh&e.
4. Ghant and clean the hands with water
Vidh&udasi )aa)ana vidh&a e )aa)ana aruthath "ath&a u)aie
And then chant
( $hooo tatsa vithurvaren&a
( $huva $hargo devas&a 0heeahi
(gu suva 0hi&o &ona )rachoda&ath
( $hooo *atsa vithurvaren&a $hargo devas&a dheeahi
( $huva 0hi&o &ona )rachoda&ath
(gu "uva *atsa vithurvaren&a $hargo devas&a 0heeahi 0hi&o
&ona )rachotha&ath
D. Ghant Vedic anthras
( Agnieele )urohitha Yagnas&a 0heva ruthvija, hothara -athna
( 1she *woje *hwa va&avastha)a&avastha 0evo vassavitha )rar)a&athu
sreshtathaa&a #arane
( Agna Aa&ahi veetha&e grunano hav&adatha&e, ni hotha sadhsi 'harhishi
( sanno devira'heeshta&a Aa)o )eetha&e sa &ora'hisravanthu na
After this recite if )ossi'le vedic anthras that &ou #now li#e -udra,
Ghaa#a etc
;. ")rin#le water round the head '& reciting
"ath&a *ha)a sradha&a juhoi
:. -ecite three ties with folded hands
( nao 'rahane naosthwagna&e naa )ruthw&ai naa oshadhee'h&a
nao vaache nao vaachas)atha&e nao vishnave 'ruhathe #aroi.
9.Glean the hands again with water '& reciting 7vrushtirasi vruschae
)aa)anaaruthath sath&au)aaga8
0o aachaana
9. Ghant 7shu#la 'aradara%.8
E. 0o Prana&aa, 7o $hoo%8
10. Mao)atha saastha duritha #sha&a dwara sri )araeshwra
)reeth&artha deva/rishi/)ithru thar)ana #arish&e.
11. *ouch water and clean &our hands
12. 0o deva thar)ana through the ti) of fingers
1.$raoda&a &e deva thaan devaan thar)a&ai
2."arvaan devaan thar)a&ai
B. "arva deva ganaan thar)a&ai
4."arva deva )athnis thara)a&ai
D."arva deva gana)athnis thar)a&ai
1B, 0o rishi thar)ana '& wearing &agno)aveetha as garland and )ouring out
water fro the liitle finger
1,5rishna dwai)a&ana&a &e risha&a thaan rishin thar)a&ai
2. "arvaan risheen thar)a&ai
B."arva rishi ganaan thar)a&ai
4. "arve rishi )athnis thar)a&ai
D,"arva rishi gana )athnisthar)a&ai
;. Praja)athi #anda rishi thar)a&ai
:. "oa #anda rishi thar)a&ai
9. Agni #anda rishi thar)a&ai
Put the Yagno)aveetha in noral fashion and )our water fro the ti)s of
E. Viswan devan #anda rishin thar)a&ai
10. "aihithir devatha u)anishada thar)a&ai
11. Yagnigir devatha u)anishada thar)a&ai
12.Varuneer devatha u)anishada thar)a&ai
Put the Yagno)aveetha and )our water '& towards the left
1B. @av&avaha thar)a&ai
14.Viswaan devaan #anda rishin thar)a&aai
Pour water '& the 'otto of the )al towards self
1D.$rahana swa&a'huva thar)a&ai
1;.Viswan devan #andarishin thar)a&ai
1:.Arunan #andarishin thar)a&ai
Put the Yagno)aveetha in noral fashion and )our water fro the ti)s of
19."adasas)athi thar)a&ai
1E.-ig veda thar)a&ai
20.Yajur Veda thar)a&ai
21. "aa Veda thar)a&ai
22. Atharvana Veda thar)a&ai
2B. 1thihasa )urana thar)a&ai
24. 5al)a thar)a&ai
14.(nl& those who have lost their father (others go to ste) 1D)do Pithru
thar)ana wearing the &agno)aveetha on the right shoulder )ouring water
'etween the thu'. And inde> finger.
1."oa )ithruan &ao angiraswan agni #av&avahana ith&ada&a &e
thaan )ithrun thar)a&ai,
2. "arvaan )ithrun thar)a&ai
B. "arva )ithru ganan thar)a&ai
4. "arva )ithru )athnisthar)a&ai
D. "arva )ithru gana)anthnisthar)a&ai
;.oorja vahanthi arutha grutha )a&a #eelaala )arisru&atha
swadaastha thar)a&atha e )ithrun tru)&atha, tru)&atha,
:.Aa'raha stha'ha )ar&antha jagat tru)&athu
1D.Put the &agno)aveetha in the noral fashion
Pour water sa&ing ( *hat sat $rahar)anaasthu
And then do aachaana.
$raha &agna(sacrifice to $raha) is the o'lation offered to satisf& 0evas,
-ishis(sages) and Pithrus(ancestors). 1t is su))osed to 'e )erfored dail& after
Madh&anni#a, $ut nowada&s it is done ainl& on avani avitta da&s.
"Aa Vedi Avani Avitta Manthras 2014 (2E/9/
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2014
(Compiled by P!!ama"ha#der)
$# the "a%e of Sama Veda& 'he (pa )arma prayogam i% *ery e+te#%i*e a#d differ% *ery m("h
from the Upakarma prayoga of !ig a#d ,a-(r Vedi%'hey al.ay% do it i# /a%tha 0ak%htra of
the )a#ya 1a%a $t e%%e#tially "o#%i%t% of te# %tep% i# the follo.i#g order
1Pa#"haga*ya %ammela#am
2S#a#a 1aha%a#kalpam
4!i%hipoo-a(Uth%ar-a# )arma)
56e*a&ri%hi& Pithr( 'harpa#am (254712)
89hata Poo-ai
0at(rally the%e ha*e to be do#e .ith the i#%tr("tio# of a 9(r( b(t i# moder# time%
.he# people are %"attered all o*er the .orld a#d al%o be"a(%e .ell lear#ed Sama Vedi
P(rohitha% are *ery %"ar"e& ma#y people are for"ed to do it i# their home depe#di#g o# %ome
ha#do(t% Si#"e mo%t of the abo*e %tep% are le#gthy a#d i#*ol*e proper "ha#ti#g of Sama
Veda 1a#tra%&they do o#ly three %tep% of the abo*e 10 'hey are
1S#a#a maha Sa#kalpam&
2&3rahma ,ag#am
2,ag#opa*eetha dhara#am

:#gli%h i% a *ery i#ade;(ate la#g(age to type o(t Sa#%krit ma#thra% 3(t $ ha*e made
a# effort to pre%e#t the #eeded ma#tra% for the abo*e %tep% for the year 2088 be"a(%e $ feel
that o(r yo(#g%ter% are more at home i# :#gli%h rather tha# i# their mother to(#g(e or
Sa#%krit Si#"e $ am #ot a Sama Vedi# $ depe#d for the ma#tra% o# 3ook p(bli%hed by
CSa#kara '!ama Sa%tri(1945) Sama Veda Upakrama prayoga p(bli%hed by Sri
3alama#orama pre%%& 1adra% $ ha*e al%o got my typi#g read thro(gh a#d to "ertai# e+te#t
edited by SriP<<#a#tharama#$ am gratef(l to him&
-aha Sam*al"am
a.Aachaana, wear Pavithra.
'."hu#la 'aradhara%%..
c.( 'hoo
d.Maha sa#al)a
A)avithra )avithro vaa sarvaavasthaa gatho)i vaa , &a sareth )undari
#a#sha, sa'ah&anthara suchi , anasa vaachi#a )aa)a , #aranaa
"au)arjitha, sri -aa saranenaiva v&o)ahathi na sasa&a ."ree raa -aa
*idhir Vishnu, *atha vaara, na#shatra Vishnu reva cha
Yogascha #arana chaiva sarva Vishnu a&a 3agat ,
"ri 4ovinda , 4ovinda, 4ovinda
Aad&a sri 'hagawatha, Aadi vishno, Aadinara&anas&a achinth&a&a , a)ariitha&a,
sa#th&aa, 'ri&aaanas&a, ahaa jalou ghas&a adh&e,
Pari'rhaa aanaana ane#a #oti 'rhaandana adh&e, e#a
thae,av&a#tha ahadahan#ara )ruthiv&a a)tejo va&va#aasaa ahan#aradhii
/aavaranair/ aavruthe/ asin ahathi 'raanda/#aranda/adale/ aadhara
sa#thi ? aadhi #ooraa nandathi ashta diggajo)ari )rathishtithas&a u)arithale
/"ath&adhi lo#a shad#as&a adho 'hage, ahaa nala&aana )hani raja seshas&a
sahasra )hanaa ani andala andithe, lolaalo#achalena )arivruthe/
dighdanthi/shunda dhanda/utta'hithe, lavaneshu suraa sar)ee dhadhee
dugdha sudhodha#rnavii )arivruthe , ja'hu/)la#sha/sa#a/salali/#usa/
#rouncha/)ush#ara#h&a sa)tha dwee)a dhee)ithe, 1ndra dhee)a #aseru thara
ga'hasthi naga sou&a gandharwa chaarana 'haratha#h&a nava gandatha#e
/Maha eru giri #arna#o)etha aha saroruha&aana )ancha sath #oti &ojana
vistheerna 'hoo andale/ sueru nishadha hea#oota hiachala al&avath
)ari&athra#a gandhaadhana #ailasa vindh&achaladhi, aha shailadhishtithe,
2avana "audhra udhrithe, $haratha 5i)urusha @ari 1lavrutha -a&a#a
@irana&a 5uru$hadrascha 5ethuala#h&a nava varsho)asho'ithe, , 3a'oo
dwee)e, $haratha varshe, 'haratha #ande, Mero 0a#shine Parswe, 5ara
$hooou / "wa&avanthii #uru #shethraadhi saa 'hoo Madh&a re#ha&a
)oorva dig $hage, Vindhachalas&a 0a#shina dig $hage , 0anda#aran&e , "a#ala
3agat "rushta )arardha dwa&a jeewino $rahana Pradhae Parardhe Pancha
sadha'dhathi#e Aatheethe, 0withee&a )arardhe, Panchasada'dhou, Pradhae
Varshe, Pradahe ase , Pradhae Pa#she, Pradhae divase, AAhani
dwithee&e &ae , trithee&e uhurthe, swa&a'huva/swarochisha/uthaa/
thaasa/raivatha/cha#shuha#heshu, shatsu anusha v&atheetheshu, sa)thae
vaivaswatha anvanthare, aashta visathi thae, varthaane #ali &uge,
)rathae )adhe, , "halivahana sha#a'dhe, Ghanrda savanna souradhi aana
'raithe , )ra'havaadheena sashti savatsaranaa adh&e , ja&a naa
savatsare, 0a#shinaa&ane, Varsha rithou, "iha ase, "hu#la )a#she,
aadh&a chathurth&aa 6 shu'ha thidou, 'hrugu vasara &u#tha&a,
hastha 66 na#shatra &u#tha&a, shu'ha&oga, shu'ha #arana eva guna,
viseshana visishtaa&a, as&a chathurth&a 6 shu'ha thidou, "arva Pa)a
@arana ni)una sri Paraeswara )reeth&artha, Anaadh&a vidh&aa vaasana&a
)ravarthaane , Asin ahathi "asara Gha#re, Vichithra'h #ara gathi'hi/
vichithrasu &onishu , )una )unarane#adha janithwa, 5enaa)i )un&a #ara
viseshena idhaaneentha aanush&e dwija jana visesha )ra)thavatho aa,
iha janani )oorva janasu a&a #ruthaana 'raha hath&adhi
/swarnaasthe&a ?suraa)ana/ guruthal)agaana,/ aha )atha#a chathushta&a,
v&atheeri#thaanaa , thath sasargaanaa, theshaa )atha#anaa,
ni#shi)tha&a, saranaagathaa&a, , )athivrutha&a sangaa niithana, nishidha
sashtraa'hi gaanaadheenaa, vidwad 'rahana )an#thi 'hedhacharana ,
vaardha#ee /vidhawa ves&a vrushal&aadhi sasarga niithaanaa, 'al&e va&si
#auare &ouvane vaardha#e, jagrath swa)na sush)th&avasthasu, ano vaa#
#a&a #arendri&a v&a)aarai, jnanendri&a v&a)aaraischa, sasarga
niithaanaa, 'hoo&o 'hoo&o aa'h&asthanaa, thathra thathra gar'hoth)athi
niithanaa, thath saha 'hojana thad uchishta 'ha#shana, aswa &oni, )aswadhi
&oniretha s#halitha niithaana, govadha )aswadhi )rani vadha
niithaana, sthree shoodhra vita #shatri&a vadha nithaanaa, aa&u#tha
lavana )a#vanna adhu #sheera thila thaila aaa oola )hala ,
saa#a ra#tha vasa suvarna, #a'alaadhi vi#ra&a niithaanaa, aswadhi vahana
, i#shu #anda dathana, )araa)avaadana, 'radha#adh&a)ana, asad )rathi grahana,
vru#shschedana, dhaan&a rou)&a )asusthe&a, vaardushi #arana shudhra seva,
shudra )resh&a , heena jathi )rathigraha, heena sa#h&a, )an#thi 'hedana, )a#a
'hedana, )araa anna 'hojana, asachasthra la)a, )raadhi #ara, atadhi#ara,
)ourohith&a, )aree#sha )a#sha )atha#a, thata#aaraa vi#ra&a, thata#a
vichedhanadhi saa )aatha#aanaa, jnantha sa#ruth #ruthaanaa, aajnatha
asa#ruth #ruthaanaa, jnanatho aajanathaascha a'h&ashaana,
ath&antha'h&asthaana, niranthara'h&asthaanaa, san#ari #aranaanaa,
alini #arananaa, aa)athri #aranaanaa, jathi 'rasa #aranaana, aavihitha
#araaacharana, vihitha #ara th&agaadheenaa, )ra#eerni#aanaa u)a
)atha#aanaa, aha )atha#aanaa, aathi )aatha#aanaa, eva navaana
nava vidhaanaa, 'ahoonaa 'ahuvidhaanaa sarveshaa )a)a
naa)anodhana dwara, aa&aj&a &aajanaasath )rathi grahaa 'a#sh&a
'ha#shanaa 'hoj&a 'hojanaa )e&a )aanaadhi saastha )a)a #sh&artha,
aswatha nara&ana sannidhou/deva 'rahana sannidhou/tr&aa trisath #oti
devathaa sannidhou/sri visaala#shi saetha visweswara swai sannidhou/
ahaa gana)athi sannidhou/seetha la#shana 'haratha sathrugna/hanuat
saedha sri raa chandra swai sannidhou/sri ru#ani sath&a'haa saedha
sri go)ala5rishna swai sannidhou/hari hara )uthra swai sannidhou/sri
la#shi nara&ana swai sannidhou
Maa saastha )a)a #sh&artha )roshta )adh&a hastharshe adh&a &oth
sarjana #aranga aadh&ahni#a snaanaaha #arish&e, aadh&ahni#a
snaanaaha #arish&e.
Aathi #roora aha #a&a #al)antha dahano)aa,
$hairava&a naasthu'h&a aanugnaa dhathu arhasi.
0ur'hojana duraalaa)a dush )rathigraha sa'hava,
Paa)a hara aa #shi)ra sah&a#an&e naosthuthe.
*riraathra jahnavi theere )ancha rathra thu &aaune,
"adh&a )unathu #aaveri )a)a aaaranthi#a.
4anga gangethi &o 'roo&aadh &o janaanaa shatai ra)i,
Much&athe sarva )aa)e'h&o Vishnu lo#a sa gachathi. (ta#e 'ath thus)
After 'ath (<owada&s )eo)le onl& ta#e "an#ala "nana '& s)rin#ling water)
ta#e Pancha 4av&a chanting
Yathavagasthi gatha )a)a dehe thishtathi aaa#e,
Praasana )ancha gav&as&a dahathwagni rivendana.
*a#e 'ath again, wear dr& cloths, )ut on caste ar#s, do regular dail& duties and
then do $raha Yagna.
6Ghathurthi is u) to B.44 A of B0H9/2014 afterwards Panchai
@astha <a#shatra is u) to 1.D2 PM on B0/9/2014 , afterwards G@ithra
<a#shatra. Ghange according to &our local tie after co)aring it to 1"*.
"uar& eaning!@ere again a)art fro locating oneself with reference to tie ,
one locates hiself with reference to )lace also.+e are su))osed to live in 3a'u
0wee)a, $haratha 5anda which is south of the great ountain Maha eru.*hen
again this $hasratha 5anda is 'lessed with an& hol& rivers and hol& )laces.*hen
)ra&er is done to 4od to )ardon sins coitted '& word, thought and deed,
'ecause this was done ins)ite of his great grace which ade us 'e 'orn as huan
'eings after several wheels of 'irth.Also the sins )erfored during several ages in
life is highlighted."oe of the sins s)ecificall& entioned are those done while
earning one& without conscience, giving one& to i)ro)er )eo)le, actions
which did not suit the caste we are 'orn in, cutting of tree, s)oiling a la#e , trading
of several 'anned coodities such as salt , 'lan#et, eat, root , fruit etc, sins
due to non )erforance of actions which ought to have 'een done and so on. +e
)ra& 4od and tell hi that we would ta#e 'ath in hol& )ure water and then start
the veda )ara&anas which is our dut& as a $rahin.
2.$raha Yagna.
1. Perfor Achaana
2. Face eastern direction and do 7"hu#la 'aradara%.8 Followed '&
)rana&aa 7o $hoo%8
B. Mao)atha saastha duritha #sh&a dwara sri Paraeshwara
)reeth&artha $raha Yagna #arish&e. $raha &agnena Ya#sh&e.
4. Ghant and clean the hands with water
Vidh&udasi )aa)ana vidh&a e )aa)ana aruthath "ath&a u)aie
And then chant
( $hor'avassuva
( tatsa vithurvaren&a.
( $hargo devas&a 0heeahi
( 0hi&o &ona )rachoda&ath
( *atsa vithurvaren&a $hargo devas&a dheeahi
( 0hi&o &ona )rachoda&ath
( $hoo, ( $huva, ( "uva, ( "ath&a,( Purusha
( $hoo, 'hoo., hoi 'hoo, @oi 'hoo @aa aavu vaa a, suvarj&othi aa
( $huvaa, $huva, @oi $huva, @oi $huva, @aa aavu vaa a,suvarj&othi aa
( "uvaa , "uva, @oi $huva, @oi $huva, @aa aavu vaa a,suvarj&othi aa
( "ath&a , "ath&a, @oi $huva, @oi $huva, @aa aavu vaa a,suvarj&othi aa
( Purushaa , Purusha, @oi $huva, @oi $huva, @aa aavu vaa a,suvarj&othi aa
( *hatsa vithurvaren&a , 'hargo devas&a dheeahi, dhi&o &oo na Pracho
aa, hi , dha&o Aaa aa,
( Agnieele )urohitha Yagnas&a 0heva ruthvija, hothara
-athna 0hathaa
( 1she *worje *hwa ,va&avastha)a&avastha 0evo vassavitha )rar)a&athu
sreshtathaa&a #arane
( Agna Aa&ahi veetha&e grunano hav&adatha&e, ni hotha sadhsi 'harhishi
( sanno devira'heeshta&a Aa)o )eetha&e sa &ora'hisravanthu na
D. ")rin#le water round the head '& reciting
"ath&a *ha)a sradha&a juhoi
;. -ecite three ties with folded hands
( nao 'rahane naosthwagna&e naa )ruthw&ai naa oshadhee'h&a
nao vaache nao vaachas)atha&e nao vishnave 'ruhathe #aroi.
9.Glean the hands again with water '& reciting 7vrushtirasi vruschae
)aa)anaaruthath sath&au)aaga8
0evarshi Pithru thar)ana 5arish&e
E.0o deva thar)ana through the ti) of fingers
1.$raoda&a &e deva thaan devaan thar)a&ai
2."arvaan devaan thar)a&ai
B. "arva deva ganaan thar)a&ai
4."arva deva )athnis thara)a&ai
D."arva deva gana)athnis thar)a&ai
;."arva deva )uthaa sthar)a&ai
:."arva deva gana )uthasthar)a&ai
10. 0o rishi thar)ana(each twice) '& wearing &agno)aveetha as garland and
)ouring out water fro the little finger
1,5rishna dwai)a&ana&a &e risha&a thaan rishin thar)a&ai
2. "arvaan risheen thar)a&ai
B."arva rishi ganaan thar)a&ai
4. "arve rishi )athnis thar)a&ai
D,"arva rishi gana )athnisthar)a&ai
;."arva rishi )uthrasthar)a&ai
:."rava rishi gana )uthrasthar)a&ai
11.Put the Yagno)aveetha in noral fashion and )our water fro the ti)s of
1.-ig veda thar)a&ai
2.Yajur Veda thar)a&ai
B. "aa Veda thar)a&ai
4. Atharva Veda thar)a&ai
D. 1thihasa )urana thar)a&ai
12.(nl& those who have lost their father (others go to ste) 1B)do Pithru
thar)ana wearing the &agno)aveetha on the right shoulder )ouring water
'etween the thu'. And inde> finger(thrice).
1."oa )ithruan &ao angiraswan agni #av&avahana ith&ada&a &e
thaan )ithrun thar)a&ai,
2. "arvaan )ithrun thar)a&ai
B. "arva )ithru ganan thar)a&ai
4. "arva )ithru )athnisthar)a&ai
D. "arva )ithru gana)anthnisthar)a&ai
;."arva Pithru )uthrasthar)a&ai
:."arva )ithru gana )uthraasthar)a&ai
9.oorja vahanthi arutha grutha )a&a #eelaala )arisru&atha
swadaastha thar)a&atha e )ithrun
1B.Put the Yagno)a Vita in the <oral fashion and do Aachaana
$raha &agna(sacrifice to $raha) is the o'lation offered to satisf& 0evas,
-ishis(sages) and Pithrus(ancestors). 1t is su))osed to 'e )erfored dail& after
Madh&anni#a, $ut nowada&s it is done ainl& on avani avitta da&s.
,%Ya(no"a veetha dharana manthra
( Manthra for wearing Poonal)
a.Aachaana!"hu#laa $haradhara%%%. "antha&e
'.( $hoo%%%%..$hoor'havaswaro
c.Mao )atha saastha duritha #sh&a dwara sri )aaeshwara )reeth&artha
"routha sartha vihitha sadachara nith&a #araanushtanaa &og&atha
sidh&artha 'rha teja a'hivrud&artha &agno)aveetha dharana #arish&e.
d.Yagno)aveetha dharana aha anthras&a
Para'rha rishi(*ouch forehead)
*rushtu) chanda (touch 'elow nose)
Paraatha devatha (touch heart)
e.Yagno)aveetha dharane vini&oga
+ear Poonal one '& one '& reciting()oonal should 'e held '& 'oth hands, the
tie in the )oonal 'eing held a'ove '& the right hand facing u)wards)
Yagno)aveetha )araa )avithra )raja )athe,
Yat sahaja )urasthad aa&ush&a
Agri&a )rathi uncha shu'ra &agno)aveetha 'alaasthu theja.
f.After wearing all )oonals one '& one do Aachaana
g.-eove the old )oonals and 'rea# the to )ieces '& reciting
.)aveetha 'hinna thanthu jeerna #asala dooshitha, .visrujai na hi
'raha/varcho deergha&urastu e
h.0o aachaana.

"uar& eaning! 1 wear the white &agno)avitha that is )urif&ing , which
was 'orn along with 'raha, which is ca)a'le of increasing life .1 a sure this
would give glor& and strength to e.1 a destro&ing the dirt& , soiled &agno)avita
;.4aa&athri ja)a (11/9/2014)
For Yajur, -ig and "aa Vedis
2,"hu#laa 'aradhara
B.( 'hoo
4.Mao )atha saastha duritha #sh&a dwara sri )araeshwara )reeth&artha
*adeva lagna sudhina tadaiva, tharaa 'ala chandra 'ala thadaiva , vidh&a
'ala daiva 'ala tadaiva, "ri 2a#shi )athe aangri&uga saraaai
A)avithra )avithro vaa sarvaavasthaa gatho)i vaa , &a sareth )undari
#a#sha, sa'ah&anthara suchi , anasa vaachi#a )aa)a , #aranaa
"au)arjitha, sri -aa saranenaiva v&o)ahathi na sasa&a ."ree raa -aa
"hu'he "ho'ane uhurthe ad&a $rahana dwitee&a )aradhe , "wetha varaha
#al)e, Vaivaswatha Manvanthare, Ashtavisathi thae , 5ali &uge, Prathae
)ade, 3a'hu 0wi)e, $haratha Varshe,$hartaha 5ande, Mero 0a#shine Parswe,
"a#a'dhe, Asin Varthaane V&avahari#e, Pra'havadhi "ashti
"aavathsaranaa Madh&e, ja&a naa "avathsare , 0a#shina&ane,
4reesha -ithou, 5ada#a ase 5rishna )a#she aadh&a )rathaaa&a6
shu'ha thidou 1ndu vaasara &u#tha&aa sravishta 66 na#shatra &u#thaa&a
shu'ha &oga shu'ha #arana eva guna viseshana visisishtaa&a as&aa
)rathaaa&a shu'ha thidou ith&aa theetha )ra&aschittartha ashtothara
sahasra sa#&a ga&atri aha anthra ja)a #arish&e.
"tart fro Pravas&a -ishi 'raha%. followed '& aa&athith anuvagas&a% and
then chant the ga&thri anthra 1009 ties.
Go)lete with A'hivaada&e and then co)lete with
5a&ena vacha%%.
6Prathaa u) to :.4; PM on 11/9/2014 and then 0withee&a .
66"ravishta <a#shatra is u) to :.BD PM on 11=9=2014 1"* , afterwards
"atha'isha# <a#shatra &u#tha&a .
Please co)are the tie when &ou are doing ja)a to 1"* and do corrections
A))endi> $raha Yagna.
1. Perfor Achaana
2. Face eastern direction and do 7"hu#la 'aradara%.8 Followed '&
)rana&aa 7o $hoo%8
B. Mao)atha saastha duritha #sh&a dwara sri Paraeshwara
)reeth&artha $raha Yagna #arish&e. $raha &agnena Ya#sh&e.
4. Ghant and clean the hands with water
Vidh&udasi )aa)ana vidh&a e )aa)ana aruthath "ath&a u)aie
And then chant
( $hooo tatsa vithurvaren&a
( $huva $hargo devas&a 0heeahi
(gu suva 0hi&o &ona )rachoda&ath
( $hooo *atsa vithurvaren&a $hargo devas&a dheeahi
( $huva 0hi&o &ona )rachoda&ath
(gu "uva *atsa vithurvaren&a $hargo devas&a 0heeahi 0hi&o
&ona )rachotha&ath
D. Ghant Vedic anthras
( Agnieele )urohitha Yagnas&a 0heva ruthvija, hothara -athna
( 1she *woje *hwa va&avastha)a&avastha 0evo vassavitha )rar)a&athu
sreshtathaa&a #arane
( Agna Aa&ahi veetha&e grunano hav&adatha&e, ni hotha sadhsi 'harhishi
( sanno devira'heeshta&a Aa)o )eetha&e sa &ora'hisravanthu na
After this recite if )ossi'le vedic anthras that &ou #now li#e -udra,
Ghaa#a etc
;. ")rin#le water round the head '& reciting
"ath&a *ha)a sradha&a juhoi
:. -ecite three ties with folded hands
( nao 'rahane naosthwagna&e naa )ruthw&ai naa oshadhee'h&a
nao vaache nao vaachas)atha&e nao vishnave 'ruhathe #aroi.
9.Glean the hands again with water '& reciting 7vrushtirasi vruschae
)aa)anaaruthath sath&au)aaga8
0o aachaana
9. Ghant 7shu#la 'aradara%.8
E. 0o Prana&aa, 7o $hoo%8
10. Mao)atha saastha duritha #sha&a dwara sri )araeshwra
)reeth&artha deva/rishi/)ithru thar)ana #arish&e.
11. *ouch water and clean &our hands
12. 0o deva thar)ana through the ti) of fingers
1.$raoda&a &e deva thaan devaan thar)a&ai
2."arvaan devaan thar)a&ai
B. "arva deva ganaan thar)a&ai
4."arva deva )athnis thara)a&ai
D."arva deva gana)athnis thar)a&ai
1B, 0o rishi thar)ana '& wearing &agno)aveetha as garland and )ouring out
water fro the liitle finger
1,5rishna dwai)a&ana&a &e risha&a thaan rishin thar)a&ai
2. "arvaan risheen thar)a&ai
B."arva rishi ganaan thar)a&ai
4. "arve rishi )athnis thar)a&ai
D,"arva rishi gana )athnisthar)a&ai
;. Praja)athi #anda rishi thar)a&ai
:. "oa #anda rishi thar)a&ai
9. Agni #anda rishi thar)a&ai
Put the Yagno)aveetha in noral fashion and )our water fro the ti)s of
E. Viswan devan #anda rishin thar)a&ai
10. "aihithir devatha u)anishada thar)a&ai
11. Yagnigir devatha u)anishada thar)a&ai
12.Varuneer devatha u)anishada thar)a&ai
Put the Yagno)aveetha and )our water '& towards the left
1B. @av&avaha thar)a&ai
14.Viswaan devaan #anda rishin thar)a&aai
Pour water '& the 'otto of the )al towards self
1D.$rahana swa&a'huva thar)a&ai
1;.Viswan devan #andarishin thar)a&ai
1:.Arunan #andarishin thar)a&ai
Put the Yagno)aveetha in noral fashion and )our water fro the ti)s of
19."adasas)athi thar)a&ai
1E.-ig veda thar)a&ai
20.Yajur Veda thar)a&ai
21. "aa Veda thar)a&ai
22. Atharvana Veda thar)a&ai
2B. 1thihasa )urana thar)a&ai
24. 5al)a thar)a&ai
14.(nl& those who have lost their father (others go to ste) 1D)do Pithru
thar)ana wearing the &agno)aveetha on the right shoulder )ouring water
'etween the thu'. And inde> finger.
1."oa )ithruan &ao angiraswan agni #av&avahana ith&ada&a &e
thaan )ithrun thar)a&ai,
2. "arvaan )ithrun thar)a&ai
B. "arva )ithru ganan thar)a&ai
4. "arva )ithru )athnisthar)a&ai
D. "arva )ithru gana)anthnisthar)a&ai
;.oorja vahanthi arutha grutha )a&a #eelaala )arisru&atha
swadaastha thar)a&atha e )ithrun tru)&atha, tru)&atha,
:.Aa'raha stha'ha )ar&antha jagat tru)&athu
1D.Put the &agno)aveetha in the noral fashion
Pour water sa&ing ( *hat sat $rahar)anaasthu
And then do aachaana.
$raha &agna(sacrifice to $raha) is the o'lation offered to satisf& 0evas,
-ishis(sages) and Pithrus(ancestors). 1t is su))osed to 'e )erfored dail& after
Madh&anni#a, $ut nowada&s it is done ainl& on avani avitta da&s.

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