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0. An indubitably Mayan codex

Original Introduction by Giordano Rodriguez

(Published by Gente Nueva, Habana Cuba, March, 1978, “Año del XI Festival”)

Not without profound concern do I expose to you this strange story, taken textually from a Mayan
document unknown until this time.

As much as the painter-scribes of such an exotic, complex and sufficiently unknown pre-
Columbian civilization have written, only three of their painted books have come down to us,
written in hieroglyphics of a beautiful symbology: the Dresden manuscript, that of Paris and that
of Madrid, existing in these European capitols without it being by whom nor how nor when they
were taken to these places. Also by the same unknown manner has arrived in our hands a fourth
original book: The Testimony of the Ancient One, Chac-Le.

This unusual event occurred precisely the day I returned from our last archeological expedition to
the Mayan territory. On our work table and next to some notebooks, photos and little sculptural
pieces and fragments, we saw with astonishment a codex, indubitably Mayan, and its translation,
indubitably ancient. Notwithstanding, while we read with various companions this incredible
text, we were divided as to its authenticity. But several years of tests and investigations have
passed and now for us there exists no doubt: the codex is authentic and its translation was
completed at the end of the sixteenth or beginning of the seventeenth century.

We have attempted to find out the translator by comparing the style and the calligraphy with all
of the chroniclers of that era, but this has been in vain. In two or three names the specialists
have coincided, yet we prefer not to repeat these in order to avoid major future confusions.
Already sufficiently arguable is the document in itself. And for a better understanding, in this
same interest of clarity, we have transcribed the translation with certain actualization with
regard to its grammar, and its expression is maintained, respecting the paragraphs which, with
another construction, would lose the enchantment, the ingenious beauty and expressive and
spiritual force of the author.

And now that we have referred to the author, we wish, concerning this unknown person, who
calls himself the Ancient One Chac-Le, to explain that, definitively and accordingly as expressed
in the posthumous and touching humanity of his message, he is no other than the debated and
mysterious Quetzalcoatl or Plumed Serpent of the Toltecs, Mayas, Quiches and other peoples and
prehispanic civilizations.

To be certain the version of this document (I believe firmly in it) is to be clarified, but until the
present, the interrogators among the archeologists, historians and scientists have not responded
to such a passionate phenomenon that has loomed up from the past. But in its time, it will open
new and much more extraordinary unknown factors whose answers seem to approach us slowly,
but scientifically, at the speed of the cosmic complexes which have begun to analyze and
investigate our unexplored galactic forest. And all civilized mankind ought to arise in this new
mystery with the breadth of spirit that its cosmic century demands.

Cleared up now are some aspects for us of the essential and expressed concerns, and, with no
more preamble, we will let this story be - allowing you to meditate upon it, reason with it, and at
the same time to extract different and interesting conclusions.

1. It is my will
I, the Ancient One, Chac-le, Gagavitz, Gucumatz, Nacxitl, Topiltzin, Talhuizcalpantecuhtli,
Ehecatl, Kukulcan: Quetzalcoatl, child of distant Tulan; child in its time of the star Tau of the
constellation Serpent (actually Ceti, the Whale). I, the Ancient Chac-Le, brother of Ho-Merotz the
blind, singer of my realm, lost now, I don’t know where; Ho-Merotz the poet; brother of of Zitz-
Hartha; of Xezuh-Naz-Aretz; of Tmah-Homatz, and of so many, many others, definitively
shipwrecked on this island (of space), however beautiful it may be. Today, at the point of
disappearing, I bequeath to humanity my testament and my story.

It is my will that I let this be for you my children, brothers of my children, children of them ... My
children! I leave this for you, for It might not be completed tomorrow...

As much as I have done, how much could I have done yesterday to improve the life of the humans
of this world; and how much have my brothers done, those who, waiting with me, arrived, to
occupy with another light the depths of the human being. It has not been in vain. But much is
lacking still to get moving, and my legs are sleeping and the message does not arrive, nor have
arrived those (from space) who ought to have received our call.

{Commentary: Votan was very struck by the use of Quetzalcoatl's different names as well as by
specific use of four other identities: Homer, Siddhartha(Buddha), Jesus, and Muhammad. In 1966
Votan specifically went to the beach on Corfu where Homer’s shipwrecked Ulysses’ Odyssey
begins; in Earth Ascending only three names appear in the history maps - Buddha, Jesus,
Muhammad. These are the three messengers of the awakening in the Telektonon. The star Tau is
actually Tau Ceti, 12 light years from Earth, of which Tulan is a planet, the home of the original
Tollan of the Starborn elders.}

2. Arrived was the hour of descent

We left from Tulan, and we were not one hundred nor two hundred. And another ship was
supposed to leave five katuns after our ship - 36 000 days according to the measure of time we
established on your planet, whose diverse characteristics it was not possible to fully determine
before our disaster.

We orbited around your globe during four tuns, and we saw with our eyes, and our crew
confirmed how much liquid and how much solid zones were contained in it, and with what
perfect equilibrium it was all distributed!

Various explorers descended at this time. These were a variety of mechanical men who
communicated details to us which permitted them to complete the data we were lacking: We
would be able to breathe your atmosphere; we were given assurance of being able to eat and
drink in a brief time the necessary foods in the solid zones and also in the waters where our
informants had been able to penetrate. Only one most difficult element could worry us: The
beings closest to us were primitives. They devoured by killing infinite beings, as much one
another as all else between them. And the things devoured were monsters unknown in our world
of Tulan. So said Naz-Aretz one of the greatest among our physicians.

Ended was the time of our waiting, and we met in the great hall of our ship, and our Supreme
Captain spoke to us. With his words he explained that the moment had arrived and it was exact
time for our descent. This he said to us. And with the assurance of provisions and the respiration
of air, we descended.

{In the narrative, no mention is specifically made of the crash that now occurs. It is only alluded
3. Since we were not one hundred, nor two hundred

From the time we left Tulan, until we arrived here, the crew had increased in numbers. I was
born in space, along with many others. Very young, we arrived on your planet: Not more than 150
of us were no more than 300 years old, the youngest of us who were born in space.

We descended into a firm zone of high mountains. And such was the Earth in which we planted
our feet. We pursued asking our brother, the Supreme Captain. “What will we do now?” This is
what we asked. “Since we are not one hundred nor two hundred.” This is what he said to us.
“Since there are many solid zones on this planet, we will form four groups, and three will go to a
distance. “Thus said to us our brother the Supreme Captain.

4. This word we later invented

The group where I was remained, and established itself in the place where we had descended. A
group went toward the north; a group went away toward the east; yet another group went
towards the south: all looking for larger zones of the Earth.

{Note: This is similar to the Popul Vuh when Balm Quitze, Balam Agab, Mahacutah and iqi Balam
go in the four directions; and also in the Hopi creation of the fourth world, when arriving from
the Sipapu, Kokopeli sends emissaries to the four directions.}

And thus we were left. The Supreme Captain went toward the south; Xezuh-Naz-Aretz, our major
physician, went with the group toward the east. In truth each group took at least one physician
and diverse artists and scientists with very scant resources; only the sustenance of wisdom was
plentiful. And so they left us, hoping that they might see us again; but we separated forever.
Already Ho-Merotz went blind, the singer of my realm; the sweet poet, lost, I know not where.
And Zyt-Hartap became sad; this word we invented later. And other words for things we once
knew not, like shipwrecked and solitude and abandoned and never more and ... hate.

5. And his words were spoken ... by this form

And we considered the last advice of our Supreme Captain, in his gentle words he spoke to us, he
said to us: “As we, all of us have the facility and we are able to comprehend foreign languages by
the pantological method, we must be careful about imposing our own idiom. Our obligation will
be to order, to make methodical, to establish within the native languages we encounter, the
system which is necessary and which corresponds best to the level of development of each
people, beginning by being in conformity to the cultural degree of each one of them.”
{Pantological, having the key to the knowledge of all languages.}

So spoke to us our brother, the Supreme Captain. And Kuk-Ulcan, his immediate helper spoke to
us the same. And his words were spoken about this, and of this was his manner: “However much
the human constructs for the welfare of the human, that ought to be respected and never
destroyed.” Thus he spoke, and he told us as well, “Only acceptable is to improve the deeds, to
enrich, to enlarge, and to make superior from each form in each time, and thus to teach to
however many we may encounter, who may not yet know nor understand. And let no man ever
augment his own means by inconveniencing any other man by it, something that would be against
nature...” Kuk-Ulcan, who spoke little with few words; for all that he always had his eyes on a
distant horizon, and the flow of his beard was like a waterfall of honey. The deep philosophy
remained with us ...

6. And then we began to construct where we lived

And the second ship that would come with our wisdom, that would come with our tools, our
equipment, all of our assistance, as much as we were informed that was needed, was now
delayed ten katuns. And then we began to build where we were staying with the very poor
resources available to us. Phit-A-Joratz, with fine and wet Earth made very good plans and
models with good outlines in order to make things. And to this our first house we gave the name

And to Tulan, our house, arrived afterwards native men of the four places. (In the Annals of the
Cakchiquels, the four places are: Tulan of the West, Tulan of the East, Tulan of Xibalba, and
Tulan of the heavens - Tau Ceti). And of the natives we found that there were some good people,
well disposed, and they had for defense no other arms than their arrows and bows and lances,
and they are extremely skilled and could kill infinite numbers of creatures ... And there were
other native men with ear plugs and their noses pierced through from one part to another. And
some there are some who had both ears pierced, and we did not ever know of their intention of
doing harm or not.

A great number of people we encountered, and a great diversity of languages; and with all of
them, because we knew of the manner of doing so, they always understood us. And so we asked
them questions and they answered, as if they spoke our language or we spoke their languages,
which were for certain quite alien. And they spoke to us as frightened children. And we spoke to
them and told them many things, that we came from very far away in space, from heaven, they
said, in order that we might help them in what was necessary because all of them and all of us
and everybody from everywhere were nothing if not brothers to one another ...

7. Arrived at their people, we were much astonished

And we were taken with contentment, because the languages were all the same, wherever there
were people. And it came to us that we were very astonishing to them: There were our
mechanical explorers, but now made out of stones with very few differences. And we saw many,
very many of them who acknowledged the water, acknowledged the earth, acknowledged the air.

And then a group of natives came to Tulan with us, however not without strife and cases against
each other, because all wanted to be allied to us and they did not want to be separated without
learning. And we told them things about things that they could not ask us.

“There are works which you will not comprehend for some time; because you carry answers to
questions not yet formulated. And because, in the same manner, it happens with your questions,
but more with answers which will arrive later, terribly much later than the questions ...” So
spoke Kuk-Ulcan: “The Universe shows us each day millions of answers to things we have not
known to ask about, because we do not know the total idiom, the only idiom of the universe, nor
do we know how to formulate them, nor know why ...” And he told them:

“The Universe is quite a living being, latent, and a single body; and it is happy with your
harmony, and it suffers when in any of its parts there is no such harmony, such as if a bird does
not fly because it is injured, or if a fruit of a tree is torn off while it is still green; this because
the universe is diverse and single ...”

So he said to us, so he spoke, Oh my children Oh our children! You ought to understand this today
and forever.

8. We remained ... those who were there

Until this moment the natives of this planet understood as if in reverse, or not very directly,
some of our teachings. And they confused us with unreal beings, which in their languages they
called gods. And taking this for certain, they agreed among themselves to adore us. And we
rejected this confusion. And they converted into rituals of an unreal, religious character in their
languages all of our intentions to communicate with our world, with our planet of Tulan. Usually
we attempted this at the most propitious times where we installed the great transmission device
that we were able to save from the disaster. And without any of us having noted nor having had
knowledge of the difficult and laborious art of the manipulation of the great transmission device,
we all just remained there.

One thorough technician, one only, had been able to restore and make it function, because his
brain had the exact power and his words were pronounced with the right intonation, and arrived
at the perfect equilibrium to function, but only up to the sensitive point in our story which due to
our lack of knowledge, as I said above, that the device was little by little destroyed, with the
terrible help of time and an inclement climate and high temperature. And finally not one thing
did we have among us that was needed, nor who knew anything, in order to be able to work on
it, in order to attain other communications.

The only technician among us surviving the disaster, disposed himself as well as time passed,
finally arriving at an opportunity to communicate. And we urged them then, to proceed with the
necessary help of the second expedition. But the (radio) waves crossed and mixed up the words
as if they were begin spoken in languages impossible to comprehend; and we only knew that they
would leave, or might already have left. And that in the ship would come Phrom-Ekteo, and
Xzhat-Zlhomotn and Atharz-Xhiash and others that were more than two hundred, and more than
three hundred ...{There are records in the great Hittite archive, Boghaz-Kevi, Turkey of a ruler
named Atarshiyash, ca. BC. 1365-1200}

But this did not reunite us at all, and we were not more than twenty nor ten before the great
communication apparatus. And we concentrated and pronounced the words with the same
unisonic modulations, and then we awaited for the longed for answer which never returned, that
we might not have to repeat the words, never more.

9. Concerning the manner of moving very large stones

The natives began to imitate us. They reproduced in stones our devices. And they added to them
the design of their fantasy which was very much; and before these stones which they erected
they reverently repeated our words exactly, in almost the same manner as we did. And they said
that they ought to pray to gods just as we ourselves were doing. And this was not in truth what
we were practicing, but they were not able to understand this. And they decided to learn with
us, the priests as they were called, and their number was the same number as the members of
our group. And they only did, always the same, teaching it then as knowledge to others who then
superseded them.

So we saw born and the grow old and die many generations of people.

Infinite times they repeated our great apparatus in stones. And in separate fragments,
transforming them each time more, until they were unrecognizable.

Then we taught them the manner of moving very large stones concentrating the force of the
brain of four humans, and touching them in unison at points previously marked that were
oriented toward the north, south, east and west. And it appeared then that the stones weighed
nothing. And they repeated in many ways, many times that we were gods, that we were unreal
because our wisdom came from heaven.
And with the help of some of the native men we constructed other houses and cities in distinct
places. Some to observe space ... waiting, always, always. And it was all very difficult for the
great amount of vegetation and hills covered with many trees and very good wood, as there
remained very few from our world of Tulan. And we ate less than them and worked as much as
them, such that it scared them away to see this.

10. And in everything they showed themselves to be very clever

Undoubtedly most of these people were capable builders of great artifices to whom we owed the
teaching of our culture. From the beginning, in order to give them all of our knowledge, we
awaited the second ship that would bring all of our knowledge and wisdom and the means to
transmit it. For this reason we began by teaching them the measure of time that assured the
success of their crops, and also we taught them how to put this knowledge into practice. And to
write, in the most simple manner for them, all of these things. And we began by a very primitive
means that they might know some of the ancient history of our planet, and that they could write
with drawings on paper. And we already knew that paper was completely forgotten in distant

And as we could not produce good paper, we taught them to write on special leaves cut from
trees and cured and dressed in the form of a parchment. Or we dressed and tanned the skin of
animals. And so they began making these things and showed themselves to be very clever and
skilled at it.

Hunab-ku, Itzam-Na, Yum-Kax, Chac Uayeb and others taught them to cultivate seeds in the
Earth and other arts and industries. And especially one of the seeds of which we brought from
Tulan in the ship, took quickly and was marvelous for them and for us, and it was mha-itz
(maize). And from this they made and came to be very skilled at many things. And since they
learned it was so good, it became their principle maintenance, harvesting the mha-itz. And they
learned as well to be very used to going and working in the fields from the morning to the
evening without getting tired nor resting.

11. And so they learned to make war

But the native men of this world did not learn how to live without contention and cases against
each other. Because they learned to cultivate the Earth, to measure time, to build cities and to
decorate them with great beauty, they were attacked and at times conquered by warrior tribes
without their being able to help themselves and many of us found from the past to defend
ourselves with arrows, which however were also good arms; but they were not sufficient to resist
being destroyed; because the tribes, as said above, were very many and skilled with the lance,
the arrow, and stones, and they did so with much fierceness and killing very many of the people.
And considering all of this we agreed to teach them the manner of defending themselves well,
and we gave this knowledge of the art of defense which they valued very much. And so they
learned to make war well, however yet being good artisans and good cultivators and good
builders, industrious and very good men.

And, in the end, throughout all of these lands, those who had wars with the others, they then
became brothers in order to come to salute us and adorn us, as they say in their languages, and
to learn with us and bring from us whatever they could. And in this manner we were leaving this
land in peace.

And we said to them that all men in the universe, and we were signifying to them the Earth and
space, were brothers; and that of all things, the most important thing for men was to work in
industry and art, that they might know and teach others, and learn more of everything that they
did not know in order to make things better. That other men would arrive from the sea and there
would arrive the day that they would have to see themselves and live as brothers. And that as
ourselves, other men and creatures would also be going in space, and one day they would also
arrive in this world, as we ourselves had arrived.

12. I, Chac-Le, the last of my group

And we began to count the days since our descent, there were already eight baktuns. And past
was the time, and I had to leave in search of them who arrived with me and who departed then
from diverse directions. And this I write in the manner of the native peoples, on the skin of
animals and on the stones of a house in extreme beauty, in order that it will not be destroyed
soon. And these that must be found will be found. And those that ought to be understood without
error or doubt, will be understood.

And because I leave for afar, I say to the native men that some day in which they celebrate my
birth according to the calendar which they know how to write and conserve and verify, I shall
return and I do not have the certainty that I shall return. Oh my children! I, the ancient Chac-le,
brother of Ho-Merotz the blind, the lost singer of my lost realm; I the brother of Zit-Harthap, the
pure heart of infinite softness; of Xezuh-Naz Aretz, he of the very clean voice and very clear
language; and of Mha-Homatz; and of one hundred or two hundred, already forever departed; but
we are remaking ourselves in a new manner in the will and intelligence of the very good native
peoples, and very much better than the world of today, of now, of tomorrow.

I, the ancient Chac-Le, the last of my group, I bequeath to humanity my testimony, and in it my
story. Moreover, by all means, I shall return. We shall return, I shall return for all the natives of
this world who have true understanding. And it will be done as it is said above; and we shall all
have the wisdom of knowing not to kill; and all of that may be the manner of knowing that which
we do not know, which is very much of all manners and ways; and of constructing and of
respecting the construction of men, for the good of men ... and so tomorrow will be completed.

13. From Distant Tulan, testimony of the successor to Chac-Le

A photocopy of this little book fell into my hands on the Day out of Time, 1993. It was given to
me by Mother Tynetta Muhammad, who had received it from Ek Balam, who had told Mother
Tynetta to see to it that I received this book. Ek Balam is a Mayan healer, author of an enigmatic
text entitled The End of Planet “T” as well as a book on Mayan and Aztec Yoga. I had met him on
my last trip to Mexico early in 1992.

I did not open the book until the next morning, Kin 144, Yellow Magnetic Seed. Reading the first
paragraph of the testimony of Chac-le, I was thunderstruck - was this a memory of mine I was
reading? From this moment, began the decoding of the prophecy Telektonon. From Distant Tulan
provided as powerful a cosmic memory trigger as any I had known since I first witnessed the
photos of the face of Mars a decade earlier.

Of course, afterwards I wondered: Is this text real? Is it a hoax? Is it some clever science fiction
story or even some Cuban Sufi story? Is this really the basis of the Quetzalcoatl story, myths and
legends - most of which precede the historical Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl?

There was no way immediately available of finding out about Giordano Rodriguez, or where the
original manuscript and codex might be. And it didn’t matter. The story already impacted. Its
psychomythic potency had entered my cosmic memory channels and spun me through radial
tunnels into different time vectors simultaneously. I had already posed the extraterrestrial origins
of the Galactic Maya and of a distant Tulan in the Mayan Factor. Now, here was a text confirming
it. The shipwreck of the timeship from Tulan pierced me to the core and I also remembered
myself as Antonio Martinez in the Chilam Balam prophecy for the year 1692 - one thousand years
after and the sealing off of the stairs and chamber to the tomb of Pacal Votan.

Now, in the interest of my biography being written and compiled by my apprentice, Red Queen, I
have finally taken to translating this little text into English that others might consider this unique
tale of the Ancient One Chac-le. In so doing, I have opened myself up again to my extraterrestrial
origins. How did Ek Balam know that it was I who should receive this obscure text? Later in 1992,
Ek Balam had received a copy of the Spanish edition of the Dreamspell, and in reading the script
he most certainly must have noted the description of the planetary kin as time travelers lost in
space. For this reason, no doubt, he knew I should have this text, From Distant Tulan. Of course,
the Dreamspell script would not have come to me if I didn’t already have some memory of the
extraterrestrial origins of the Galactic Mayan knowledge base from which the Dreamspell is
derived. Why else, too, would I have written the Mayan Factor?

From Distant Tulan was the second text that came to me speaking of an extraterrestrial origin.
The first, Cosmic Science, arrived in my hands during the time I was writing the Mayan Factor, in
1986. Now came From Distant Tulan. Reading it again for translation, I find myself embedded in
its principal characterization, Chac-Le. In rereading Chac-Le’s testimony, a major theme is
awaiting the arrival of the second ship, and of Chac-le’s return. We are now at the end of the
cycle, and with certainty I can say that the next ship will finally be arriving. I am the one who
foretold it, the one who spent his first years on Calle Tula(n). I am the one who remembered this
long Mayan galactic tale. I am the one projected by Pacal Votan to remember his prophecy and
the Law of Time. I, Chac-le-Quetzalcoatl, am the one sent from distant Tollan of the Starborn
Elders to remember myself fully at last, and to prepare humanity for the coming of the second
ship. But we must be ready.

Read the story and ponder well its spiritual message. Absorption and activation of this spiritual
teaching is what is required for the coming of the second ship.

Valum Votan Closer of the Cycle

Messenger GM108X
Galactic Hawk Moon, Seli 9
Mannaz the Whole Human refines the Avatar
Kin 203 Blue Galactic Night
Blue Crystal Storm DS 17

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