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Lesson Plan
Trainee: Melisa Parodi
School: Escuela EGB n2 Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Course: 4 EGB
Date on which the plan is presented: 11/08/2014
Date on which the lesson will be delivered: 22/08/2014
Title of the unit: What is that?
Subtitle: Food
Lesson objective: During the lesson students will develop their ability to understand and say vocabulary about food.


1 5 Warm-up:
a) Teacher enters the classroom and greets the students as they enter the classroom and
gesture for them to sit down. When everyone has sat down and is ready, the teacher
introduces herself by saying, "My name is ..." and gives her name. Before class she
prepares some name tags with each student's name written on it. She gives these out to
-Name tags Vocabulary items: egg, apple, ice
cream, orange

2 10 b) Teacher brings a small box with plastic food inside, open the box and pull out an object.
She says: Im hungry and mimes biting the food and chewing, and then say "Yummy!"
Then hold the food in front of students to let them take an imaginary bite. Encourage
them to say "yummy!"
c) Teacher elicits the name of the food and students repeat after her.
d) Teacher sticks on the whiteboard pictures of food and play with the cards by touching
one by one and asks students to repeat after her the names of the food all together and
then individually in rows. Teacher focuses on pronunciation.
-Plastic food
or real items.

3 5 a) Listen and show me: Teacher gives out students 1 flashcard of food per student. Teacher
says one of the food items (e.g. "apple") and the students holding that flashcard
have to raise their hands and say the name of the food.
b) Listen and repeat: Teacher asks each student to listen to her when she says the
name of the food each student has and repeat after her.
4 10 a) Listen and touch: Teacher writes on one side of the whiteboard the names of the food
and on the other side draws the food. She asks to listen to her when she says the name
of one food and match the pictures with their names by touching them on the
whiteboard. (She first models the activity with one voluntee)
5 10-15 a) Teacher gives students worksheets in which they have to do a wordsearch. On the
worksheet, students will have to find a list of vocabulary (food) on the wordsearch and
then they will have to match the names of the food with their corresponding pictures.
6 10 a) Look and say activity: This activity will be done in pairs. Teacher asks a student to hold
up a picture and his/her partner has to say the name of the food. If his/her answer is
correct, the other student has to turn the flashcard and show the name of the food that
is written behind.





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