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Visual Art Advertising

Final Exam
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1. Visual Art and Design deal with representation. How can representation be defined?

a. The production of meaning through language
b. The production of style and aesthetic
c. The consumption of visual images
d. The consumption of photographs, drawings and paintings

2. Roland Barthes referred to signs as cultural materials. He moved from a linguistic level to a wider cultural
one. What does it mean when analyzing signs in this way?

a. That the signifieds have universal meaning
b. That the signifiers are no longer needed
c. That new signifieds arise based on ideology, knowledge or history
d. All of the above

3. Semiotics concerns itself with the study of signs and its interpretation. How are signs divided into?

a. Studium and Punctum signs
b. Modern and Postmodern signs. Some scholars include Symbolic signs as well
c. High and Low signs
d. Iconic and Indexical signs. Some scholars include Symbolic signs as well

4. In 1977 Roland Barthes wrote about the Death of the Author in his book Image, Music, Text. What is the
main idea behind this essay?

a. After Modernism all important painters died unexpectedly
b. The notion of how culture is produced
c. Cubism is the most important movement inside Modernism
d. The end of the Postmodern era

5. The act of representation involves different elements. What are those elements and which is their

a. Denotation and connotation. First level of signification and second level of signification
b. Signifier and signified unite in the form of a visual sign. Signs stand exclusively for the things they
c. Things, concepts and signs. Signs stand for the concepts and conceptual relations between them that
make up the meaning-systems of a specific culture
d. All of the above

6. How did Rachel try to reaffirm her human condition in Blade Runner?

a. She passed the Voight-Kampff test
b. She wears womans clothes
c. She showed Deckard her photographs
d. She speaks city, the common language

7. Which of these statements is true about the Gestalt Theory:

a. Gestalt theories deal with Postmodern theory
b. Gestalt theories deal with visual perception
c. Gestalt is not a theory but a Modernist style
d. Gestalt is the same as Constructivism

8. Postmodernism represented a challenge to the beliefs, norms and values to western culture as a whole.
Is this statement true?

a. Yes. Nihilism, intertextuality and how culture is produced are features of Postmodernity
b. Yes. The individual artistic expression, the autonomy of art and the belief in scientific knowledge are
features of Postmodernity
c. No. Postmodernism never challenged western culture
d. No. Postmodernism took place outside western culture

9. Which of these can function as a sign?

a. A photograph
b. A song
c. Clothes
d. All of the above

10. Postmodernism represents a kind of art characterized as "nihilism without anxiety. What does it mean?

a. That the viewer becomes a passive contemplator of aesthetic
b. The belief that life is meaningless
c. That our access to reality is always mediated
d. That art functions as a social sign intertwined with other signs and aspects of life

11. Which of these belong to the Gestalt principles of perception?

a. Postmodernism
b. Daguerreotype
c. Pastiche
d. Similarity

12. Postmodernism and Pastiche are related concepts. How is Pastiche defined?

a. To make photographs instead of paintings as artistic practice
b. To understand images as signs within language
c. To imitate the style of an artist or work of art
d. To perceive the simplest form within a group of forms

13. Which characteristics define best the movie Blade Runner?

a. Drama, pop art aesthetic and modernism
b. Film Noir aesthetic, Pastiche and Postmodernism
c. Comedy, purity of style and aesthetic
d. Critical realism, documentary style and truth

14. According to , thought, reason, and observation are considered to be dependent on
language as a mediating system

a. Postmodernism
b. Cave Painting
c. Semiotics
d. Modernism

15. What is the functionality of the photographic image in Blade Runner?

a. They are incidental artifacts. The director included photos because they are nice
b. They are implanted dreams in the Humans minds
c. They are substitutes for memories in the Replicants minds
d. There are no photographic images in the movie

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