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Part 1 (estimated working time 30 mins.

1. How would you outline the main principles of Task!ased Teaching"
Task-based teaching stresses the idea that students are as likely to learn language if they
are thinking about a non-linguistic problem as when they are concentrating on particular
language forms. Students are presented with a task they have to perform, therefore the
focus is on the task, not on the structure.
#ould you descri$e any teaching techni%ues characteristic for the Task!ased
The first step is pre-task, when the students are getting introduced to the topic
(listening., pictures). During task, they are grouped, so group work is very important in
task-based teaching.

&. Please list some ad'antages and disad'antages of Task!ased Teaching(
students become very familiar with the topic
they use a certain language structure without knowing it, therefore it is all induced to
them, it comes naturally
students discuss and eamine specific features of certain language forms, so they
discover the information
its applicability to lower learning levels is !uestionable
"t is not appropriate to base the whole lesson on this method
Students do not use the specific language for discussions, debate, social interaction
3. Please list some ad'antages and disad'antages of the following classroom
management techni%ues.
#lass outline )d'antages *isad'antages
- it reinforces the sense of belonging
among the group members
-it is suitable for activities when the
teacher is the controller
-it is a good way for the teacher to
understand the student#s progress
-it favours the group, rather than the
-many students do not want to
participate, being afraid of public
-it involvs the transmission of
knowledge, not research
-it increases the amount of talking
-it encourages cooperation and
-students make their own decisions
-it can be noisy
-some students may dominate, some
may be passive
-it takes longer time to organi$e
-encourages cooperation
-almost all of them participate
-some students may feel they are left
-some information may be wrongly
+. ,hat is the role of the teacher in the following classroom management situations"
#lassroom m.
Teacher-s role
%rontal teaching &ontroller, resource, observer
'roup-work (rganiser, prompter, participant, resource, observer
"ndividual work (bserver, resource
.. ,hat is the difference $etween /mistake0 and /error0"
)n *error# occurs when students cannot correct themselves and therefore they need
eplanation, while *mistakes# students can correct themselves, once they have been
pointed out to them.
,hat errorcorrection techni%ue would you use in the following situations(
1ituation 2rrorcorrection techni%ue
%ree fluency practice +one ot gentle correction
'rammar consolidation
,epeating, peer correction, self-correction, echoing
'roup-work feedback encouragement
3. ,hich listening4reading skill is re%uired $y the following te5ttypes" ,hy"
Te5ttype 6istening skill ,hy"
Traffic info on the
-eople talking about
./ o#clock news
,adio talk-show radio interview
Te5ttype 7eading skill ,hy"
0ob advert
"nstructions leaflet
+ewspaper article

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