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What does the acronym UMTS stand for?

Universal Mobile Telephone System.

What is UMTS?
UMTS is one of the Third Generation (3G) mobile systems being developed within the ITU's
IMT!""" framewor#. It is a realisation of a new generation of broadband m$ltimedia mobile
tele%omm$ni%ations te%hnology. The %overage area of servi%e provision is to be world wide in
the form of &'MTS (&$t$re 'and Mobile Tele%omm$ni%ations Servi%es and now %alled
IMT!"""). The %overage will be provided by a %ombination of %ell si(es ranging from 'in
b$ilding' )i%o *ells to Global *ells provided by satellite+ giving servi%e to the remote regions of
the world. The UMTS is not a repla%ement of !nd generation te%hnologies (e.g. GSM+ ,*S-.""+
*,M/+ ,0*T et%.)+ whi%h will %ontin$e to evolve to their f$ll potential.
What are the different types of 3G networks?
ITU 1e%ommendation ITU1 M.-234 spe%ifies five types of 3G radio interfa%es5
IMT!""" *,M/ ,ire%t Spread+ also #nown as UT1/ &,, in%l$ding 6*,M/ in 7apan+
/1I8 9 ,o*oMo re%ommendation. UMTS is developed by 3G)).
IMT!""" *,M/ M$lti%arrier+ also #nown as *dma!""" (3:) developed by 3G))!. IMT
!""" *,M/!""" in%l$des -: %omponents+ li#e %dma!""" -: 0;,<.
IMT!""" *,M/ T,,+ also #nown as UT1/ T,, and T,S*,M/. T,S*,M/ is
developed in *hina and s$pported by T,S*,M/ &or$m
IMT!""" T,M/ Single *arrier+ also #nown as U6*-3= ( 0dge) s$pported by U6**
IMT!""" ,0*T s$pported by ,0*T &or$m.
&or more information abo$t 3G air interfa%es+ download ITU >6hat is IMT!"""> presentation
(!.3Mb?). @ote that page 3 does not %lassify *,M/!""" -: as 3G+ b$t page = does.
Some !.3G systems (GSM G)1S+ IS A38 and *,M/!""" -: (B)) will be able to deliver 3G
servi%es+ so it will be diffi%$lt for $sers to see the differen%e.
What are the different types of 3G core networks?
The IMT!""" family of 3G systems in%l$des three types of *ore @etwor# te%hnology5
GSM based ($sing Mobile /ppli%ation )art (M/)) proto%ols on top of SS4 proto%ols for
/@SI2- based (IS=32 proto%ols for signalling)
Internet )roto%ol based (in f$t$re+ to be spe%ified)
What is the difference between cdma2000 and UMTS?
*dma!""" and UMTS were developed separately and are ! separate ITU approved 3G
standards. *dma!""" -C1TT+ %dma!""" -C0;,< (0;ol$tion+ ,ata <nly) and f$t$re %dma!"""
3C were developed to be ba%#ward %ompatible with %dma<ne. 8oth -C types have the same
bandwidth+ %hip rate and it %an be $sed in any eCisting %dma<ne freD$en%y band and networ#.
8a%#ward %ompatibility was a reD$irement for s$%%essf$l deployment for US/ mar#et. It is easy
to implement be%a$se operators do not need new freD$en%ies. Emore abo$t %dma!"""F
UMTS was developed mainly for %o$ntries with GSM networ#s+ be%a$se these %o$ntries have
agreed to free new freD$en%y ranges for UMTS networ#s. 8e%a$se it is a new te%hnology and in
a new freD$en%y band+ whole new radio a%%ess networ# has to be b$ild. The advantage is that
new freD$en%y range gives plenty of new %apa%ity for operators. 3G)) is overseeing the standard
development and has wisely #ept the %ore networ# as %lose to GSM %ore networ# as possible.
UMTS phones are not meant to be ba%#ward %ompatible with GSM systems. (b$t s$bs%riptions
(GSIM %ard) %an be+ and d$al mode phone will solve the %ompatibility problems+ hopef$lly).
UMTS also has ! flavors &,, (will be implemented first) and T,,.
Some harmonisation has been done between systems (li#e %hip rate and pilot iss$es)
What are 1G, 2G, 2!G, 3G and "G?
Te%hni%ally generations are defined5
-G networ#s (@MT+ *@ets+ /M)S+ T/*S) are %onsidered to be the first analog %ell$lar
systems+ whi%h started early -A."s. There were radio telephone systems even before that.
!G networ#s (GSM+ %dma<ne+ ,/M)S) are the first digital %ell$lar systems la$n%hed early
!.3G networ#s (G)1S+ %dma!""" -C) are the enhan%ed versions of !G networ#s with data
rates $p to abo$t -22#bit9s.
3G networ#s (UMTS &,, and T,,+ %dma!""" -C 0;,<+ %dma!""" 3C+ T,S*,M/+
/rib 6*,M/+ 0,G0+ IMT!""" ,0*T) are the latest %ell$lar networ#s that have data rates
3.2#bit9s and more.
2G is mainly a mar#eting b$((word at the moment. Some basi% 2G resear%h is being done+
b$t no freD$en%ies have been allo%ated. The &orth Generation %o$ld be ready for implementation
aro$nd !"-!.
What ha#e been the ma$or mi%estones in 3G de#e%opment and specification?
Here is a list of maIor 3G development milestones.
What are a%% the different internationa% or&anisations doin&?
0$ropean Tele%omm$ni%ations Standards Instit$te (0TSI) is wor#ing in 0$rope to develop
te%hni%al standards for UMTS. 3rdGeneration )artnership )roIe%t (3G))) is a %ooperation
between international standards bodies will ma#e UMTS and third generation mobile telephony
te%hni%al spe%ifi%ations. The fo$nding members are5 /1I8 and TT* of 7apan+ 0TSI of 0$rope+
T- (/@SI) of the U.S. and TT/ of Jorea. The wor# of these organisations will be anno$n%ed
globally by the International Tele%omm$ni%ation Union (ITU). ITU %oordinate worldwide
spe%tr$m and IMT!""" standardisation+ harmonises regional reg$latory poli%ies and is a
fo$ndation and framewor# for 3G %onvergen%e a%ross regions and te%hnologies. UMTS &or$m
represents the opinions and views of the tele%omm$ni%ation ind$stry and operators and GSM
/sso%iates is a mobile operator organisation. 0$ropean 1adio%omm$ni%ations *ommittee (0*1)
in 0$ropean *onferen%e of )ostal and Tele%omm$ni%ations /dministration (*0)T) handles
0$ropean radio freD$en%y related iss$es. 0$ropean Union (0U) harmonises its -3 members
UMTS implementation.
'ow is UMTS different from c(rrent second &eneration networks?
Higher spee%h D$ality that %$rrent networ#s /ddition to spee%h traffi% UMTS+ together with
advan%ed data and information servi%es+ will be a m$ltimedia networ#.
UMTS is above !G mobile systems for its potential to s$pport !Mbit9s data rates.
UMTS is a real global system+ %omprising both terrestrial and satellite %omponents.
*onsistent servi%e environment even when roaming via >;irt$al Home 0nvironment> (;H0). /
person roaming from his networ# to other UMTS operators+ $ser will eCperien%e a %onsistent set
of servi%es th$s >feeling> on his home networ#+ independent of the lo%ation or a%%ess mode
(satellite or terrestrial)
Why is W)*M+ ca%%ed ,Wideband,?
3G 6*,M/ systems have 3MH( bandwidth (one dire%tion). 3MH( is neither wide nor narrowK
it is I$st the bandwidth. @ew 3G 6*,M/ systems have wider bandwidth than eCisting !G %dma
systems (%dma<ne -.!3MH()+ that's why the >Wide>. There are %ommer%ial %dma systems with
!"MH( bandwidth.
+re GSM-G./S networks compatib%e with UMTS networks?
UMTS networ#s %an be operated with GSM9G)1S networ#s. Systems $se different freD$en%y
bands+ so 8TSs and mobiles will (sho$ld) not interfere with ea%h other. Some vendors %laim their
%ore networ# (MS*9H'19SGS@ e%t) and 8S*91@* are UMTS %ompatible+ b$t most operators
will prefer to b$ild a totally separate9independent UMTS networ#. Some of the latest GSM 8TSs
%an also have UMTS radio parts and share the same ra%#.
UMTS spe%ifi%ation is design so that there is maCim$m %ompatibility between GSM and UMTS
systems. 'ate !""! there will also be d$al9m$lti band phones that %an be $sed in GSM and
UMTS networ#s. 0vent$ally phones will be able to do handovers between networ#s.
0s there a transition period between UMTS and the present system?
There will probably not be a >transition> period in that sense+ be%a$se GSM systems will #eep on
operating at least neCt ten years. (some old -G networ#s are still r$nning ro$nd the world). <nly
limitations for operators are the GSM li%ense terms and %$stomer preferen%es. UMTS networ#s
will I$st be added to mobile lands%ape.
My GSM operator did not &et a 3G %icense What is &oin& on?
Several GSM operators (li#e in UJ+ Sweden+ ,enmar# and &ran%e) failed 9 did not want 9 missed
initially to get an UMTS li%ense+ b$t do not %o$nt them o$t yet. 0Cisting operators have great
assets li#e %$stomer base+ image+ retail networ#+ 8TS site lo%ations+ transmission system et%.+
whi%h help them to ma#e deals with 3G li%ense holders. H$t%hison 3G in UJ and Telia with Tele
! in Sweden are good eCamples.
What is the 3G stat(s in the US+?
Some operators have ta#en the path %dma<ne %dma!""" -C %dma!""" -C 0;,<
%dma!""" 3C some ,/M), 0,G0 and some have %hosen a GSM-A"" 0,G0 ( possible
UMTS) ro$te. @ew %ell$lar freD$en%ies allo%ations have been postponed+ so operators will have
to $se their eCisting freD$en%ies+ whi%h nat$rally limits the available %apa%ity. 1ead more abo$t
the US/ 3G sit$ation.
What is the 3G stat(s in the )hina?
*hina has been testing the T,S*,M/ 3G system. 'i%ense allo%ation and possible adaptation of
other 3G te%hnologies are still open. 1ead more abo$t the *hina's 3G sit$ation.
What is the ,1ea(ty )ontest, when 3G %icenses are iss(ed? and Why?
8ea$ty *ontest means that the government as#s all appli%ants to provide a plan how to b$ild a
networ# and manage their f$t$re 3G b$siness. / plan typi%ally in%l$des things li#e5 How many
new Iobs are %reated+ what #ind of servi%es will be available and when+ how m$%h domesti%
prod$%ts are $sed+ how will less developed areas (r$ral areas) benefit from this+ what #ind of
finan%ial plan is in pla%e to g$arantee the s$%%ess and avoid ban#r$pts et%. So government wants
to de%ide what is best for the %o$ntry+ not who is willing to pay most. (In US/ and /$stralia
some highest bidding operators have gone ban#r$pt and government has to pay $nemployment
et% payments and it is also embarrassing for the government).
8y %harging high li%ense fee government imposes an indire%t taC whi%h mobile $ses have to bear
by paying more for ma#ing %alls. 8y giving >free> li%enses government %an %reate a good
environment for te%hnology start $p %ompanies+ be%a$se operator has more money to invest and
less $pfront fees.
Which network #endors can b(i%d a t(rn key 3G network?
@o networ# vendor %an s$pply all eD$ipment and %omponents to the f$ll a 3G networ#+ b$t D$ite
a few %an be a main %ontra%tor to b$ild a t$rn#ey 3G networ#. @ormally networ# vendors %an
bring in partners li#e servi%e and appli%ations providers+ hand set man$fa%t$res+ %ivil wor# and
a%D$isition %ompanies et%.
*$rrent short list of main vendors for t$rn#ey UMTS networ#s5
*$rrent short list of main vendors for t$rn#ey %dma!""" networ#s5
'G 0le%troni%s
Who m(ch does 3G network cost to b(i%d?
Good so$r%e of information is to %ontra%t anno$n%ements and ann$al reports. Those $s$ally tell
how m$%h money an operator will spend on infrastr$%t$re. In every %o$ntry ea%h %arrier has to
spend aro$nd same amo$nt of money to b$ild a same si(e 3G networ#+ so if yo$ see one of the
operator's spending fig$res+ all other operators $se similar s$ms of money per s$bs%riber.
Sometimes spending fig$res in%l$de servi%es (planning+ logisti%s+ %ommissioning+ integration+
testing et%.)+ b$t almost never %ivil wor#s on base station sites. )ress reports %laim that operators
in 0$rope have spend aro$nd =3" e$ro per 3G s$bs%riber for infrastr$%t$re L planning servi%es L
site %ivil wor#s+ this fig$re sho$ld drop to aro$nd 2"" e$ros within %o$ple of years.
Infrastr$%t$re %ost are only small part of total networ# related %ost and operators also have
li%ense fees+ finan%ing fees+ %ost of r$nning the organisation+ sales and mar#eting %osts et%.
0 am doin& a 3G report abo(t 222, where can 0 &et e#en more info?
/fter yo$ %an have %he%#ed5
UMTS 6orld web site
6here %an I find additional reliable 3G information abo$t ... B answers
3G)) web site
Sear%h 0ngines
Mo$ %an try other information so$r%es5
3G 9 GSM operators web sites+ press releases+ ann$al report (see how they spend their
money)+ *0<s %omments et%.
@ational <ffi%e of Tele%omm$ni%ation (or other government organisation) information
servi%es (or web pages)
Mo$r %ompany's offi%es ro$nd the world and espe%ially %ompetitive intelligent department
Mo$r $niversity's library or their %onta%ts or even lo%al library
Get boo#s+ seminar reports and visit other 3G related web sites
I000 has ;TS+ that might help yo$ to find te%hni%al do%$ments.
Sear%h UMTS &or$m and ITU sites
If yo$ still did not find+ email5 infoN$mtsworld.%om after reading the *ontra%t $s page. @o
g$arantees+ b$t we will try to help.
Te%% me abo(t UMTS - 3G e%ectroma&netic radiation safety
&irst thing is to get yo$r hands on to the latest government 0M1 (ele%tromagneti% radiation)
standard. *he%# yo$ government web site. E'in#sF
Mo$r government pages sho$ld have more information and %onta%t information where to order a
boo#let that gives g$idelines at least of5
6hat is the safety (one ro$nd the mobile and transmission antennas.
How the %ombined radiation field val$es is %al%$lated from different antennas on a same
'o%al g$idelines how antenna sho$ld be pla%ed.
)ower levels of indoor antennas.
How all 0M1 %al%$lations are done.
'o%al %ity %o$n%ils might also have their own additional g$idelines+ %he%# those.
Governments $s$ally do not state eCa%t val$es what is safe and what is not safe+ for legal
reasons. 0U %o$ntries normally iss$e >g$idelines> that are bit to$gher than 0U standards. In
US/ &,/ has a %lear statement5 >Th$s+ the available s%ien%e does not allow $s to %on%l$de that
mobile phones are absol$tely safe+ or that they are $nsafe. However+ the available s%ientifi%
eviden%e does not Eemphasis &,/'sF demonstrate any adverse health effe%ts asso%iated with the
$se of mobile phones.> See5 &,/ Mobile )hones page
In most %o$ntries operators are reD$ired by law to %al%$late these safety (ones. /s# yo$r mobile
operator if they %an provide safety %al%$lations.
/%%ording to re%ent news arti%les there have been over 4"" st$dies related to 0M1 witho$t a
final %on%l$sion+ so don't hold yo$r breath to get a final answer in a near f$t$re. )eople always
forget that mobile antennas radiate abo$t 2"6 power+ b$t T; and radio towers $se #ilowatts of
power and even a hair drier generates a ni%e 0M1 field from -"""6 li#e a #it%hen mi%rowave
6*,M/ transmitter spread the !"2"6 power over 3MH(+ while GSM 2"6 transmitter $ses
!""#H( band+ b$t GSM 8TS need more radios to serve an area. 8oth systems $se similar types
of antennas+ so 0M1 levels are similar. 8oth 8TSs normally $se power %ontrol to minimi(e the
$sed power.
0M1 1eso$r%es5
6H< fa%t sheet
0M1 @etwor#
&,/ Mobile )hones page
/nother &/O
&** G$idelines
/11' reso$r%es
*6TI reso$r%es
0Cample download site from /$stralia
Google Sear%h
0 want to b(y a 3G - UMTS book Which one sho(%d 0 b(y?
See o$r boo# sele%tion page. 8$t before yo$ b$y+ yo$ sho$ld st$dy a bit 3G 9 UMTS. 1ead o$r
te%hnology se%tion. Then download 3G)) spe%ifi%ations %ontent page and sele%t the first
spe%ifi%ations of ea%h series li#e ::.""-+ ::.""! or ::.M"-+ for eCample5
!3.""! @etwor# /r%hite%t$re
!3.2"- UT1/@ <verall ,es%ription
23.""- )hysi%al 'ayer on the 1adio )ath (General ,es%ription)
<n%e yo$ #now the basi%s well eno$gh+ yo$ %an b$y the boo# that has the right te%hni%al level
for yo$. Mo$ will also noti%e how some of the boo#s have %opied most of the %ontent from the
3G)) spe%#s. If yo$ read a boo# from o$r list+ please send $s a !"3" word opinion9des%ription
of it+ and will add that to the boo#s page. If yo$ find a 3G related boo# that is not on the list+
email5 infoN$mtsworld.%om.
Where can 0 find additiona% re%iab%e 3G information abo(t ?
8est thing is to read the 3G spe%ifi%ations. It is a%t$ally easier to read than yo$ might thin#.
&rom 3G)) page http599www.3gpp.org9spe%s9titlesn$mbers.htm yo$ %an see spe%ifi%ations titles
and versions. &or eCample if yo$ want to #now abo$t USIM+ following titles %an be seen5
!-.--- USIM and I* %ard reD$irements
!!."3. USIM9SIM /ppli%ation Tool#it (US/T9S/T)K Servi%e des%riptionK Stage -
!!.--! USIM tool#it interpreterK Stage -
3-.-"! *hara%teristi%s of the USIM /ppli%ation
3-.--- USIM /ppli%ation Tool#it (US/T)
3-.-!- UI**terminal interfa%eK USIM appli%ation test spe%ifi%ation
3-.-!! USIM %onforman%e test spe%ifi%ation
3-.A"" SIM9USIM internal and eCternal interwor#ing aspe%ts
Mo$ need to &T) them for eCample from ftp599ftp.3gpp.org9spe%s9latest9 . Mo$ %an also type that
to I03." or later or $se &T) program. If yo$ $se I03." sele%t &ile *opy to &older from the top
men$ to %opy file so yo$r %omp$ter.
&ollow the folders and then for eCample5
ftp599ftp.3gpp.org9spe%s9latest91el39!-Pseries9 has the latest !-.--- spe%ifi%ations. (7$n !""!)
The Se%ond best thing is to sear%h Google+ b$t then again the Internet is f$ll of misinformation.
Google Search
Search WWW Search UMTS World
Where can 0 find detai%s of UMTS ca%% set (p proced(re?
,ownload 3G)) spe%ifi%ation5
TS !3.33- 1adio 1eso$r%e *ontrol (11*) proto%ol spe%ifi%ation
TS !3.3"2 U0 )ro%ed$res in Idle Mode and )ro%ed$res for *ell
1esele%tion in *onne%ted Mode Those do%$ments have all the details.
*li%# the th$mbnail on the right for more detail
Te%% me abo(t W3+4 and 3G interoperabi%ity
;endor as b$sy showing their 6'/@3G %apabilities+ roaming and networ# handovers are the
hot topi%s. '$%ent Te%hnologies anno$n%ed demonstration of 3G highspeed mobile data and
voi%e %apabilities+ @o#ia shows the 6'/@ implementation and 8ritish Tele%om has anno$n%ed
the 6'/@ hot spot implementation.
3G)) spe%s show two related do%s5
!!.!32 (reserved for f$t$re 6'/@ I9w stage -)+ not available yet and
!!.A32 &easibility st$dy on 3G)) system to 6ireless 'o%al /rea @etwor# (6'/@)
Mo$ %an download !!.A32 from5 ftp599ftp.3gpp.org9spe%s9'atestdrafts9
0arlier &/O /nswer gives yo$ some help how to download those
<ther pla%e to loo# te%hni%al data is I000 ."!.-- Gro$p and sear%h for >3G> et%.
Mo$ %an find do%$ments li#e5
and sear%h for 3G in that do%$ment and yo$ see the %$rrent stat$s.
6'/@ 1eso$r%es5
."!-- )lanet
Wi%% the f(t(re 3G handsets be compatib%e with 2G systems and .)s?
Some of the 3G mobiles will be d$alband UMTS9GSM handsets (available late !""!B) and will
be able to perform UMTSGSM handovers. *$rrent GSM phones will not wor# in 3G networ#s.
Several SIM %ard man$fa%t$rers now offer %ards %ompatible with !G and 3G systems.
*ell$lar3G+ for eCample+ will offer )*M*I/ 6*,M/ 3Gmodem %ards for )*s.
3G %dma!""" phones will be ba%#ward %ompatible and will wor# in %dma<ne networ#s.
/irprime+ for eCample+ offers *,M/!""" -C0;,< )* %ards for 3G networ#s.
'ow many 1ase Stations are needed for an UMTS network?
There are several fa%tors5
1eD$ired %overage areas a%%ording to a li%ense agreement (lin# b$dget will determine the %ell
1eD$ired %apa%ity a%%ording to li%ense agreement and initial %$stomer and operator demands.
/mo$nt of freD$en%ies %arries have. (More freD$en%ies+ less interferen%e+ longer %ell spa%ing)
/bility to get 8TS site lo%ations. (@ormally %olo%ation reD$irements with $sed !G sites)
&inan%ing available for networ# b$ild.
0%onomi%al fa%tor to b$ild sites.
,esign opinions and eCperien%e of %ompanies and people bidding for the design Iob and
event$ally implementing the plan.
/nd probably in a long r$n the %apa%ity+ servi%e+ and %overage reD$irement from %$stomers.
1ollo$t will be very similar to !G networ# rollo$ts. &irst phase of rollo$ts in UJ si(e mar#et will
probably be -""" base station in $rban areas. 6ithin 3 year abo$t site %o$nt will in%rease to 3"""
sites and event$ally $p to -"""" sites depending how s$%%essf$l the b$siness is.
'ow to ca%c(%ate a W)*M+ %ink b(d&et?
To %al%$late it yo$ need to #now5
Type of servi%e (data type and speed)
Type of environment (terrain+ b$ilding penetration)
8ehavio$r and type of mobiles (speed+ maC power level)
System %onfig$ration (8TS antennas+ 8TS power+ %able losses+ handover gain)
1eD$ired %overage probability
)lease see an eCample on 'in# 8$dget page
What are the UMTS fre5(encies and channe% spacin&?
-A""-A!" and !"-"!"!3 MH( Time ,ivision ,$pleC (T,,+ T,9*,M/) Unpaired+ %hannel
spa%ing is 3 MH( and raster is !"" #H(. TC and 1C are not separated in freD$en%y
-A!"-A." and !--"!-4" MH( &reD$en%y ,ivision ,$pleC (&,,+ 6*,M/) )aired $plin#
and downlin#+ %hannel spa%ing is 3 MH( and raster is !"" #H(. /n <perator needs 3 2 %hannels
(!C-3 or !C!" MH() to be able to b$ild a highspeed+ high%apa%ity networ#.
-A."!"-" and !-4"!!"" MH( Satellite $plin# and downlin#
What are the UMTS air interface %o&ica% channe%s?
8road%ast *ontrol *hannel (8**H)
)aging *ontrol *hannel ()**H)
,edi%ated *ontrol *hannel (,**H)
*ommon *ontrol *hannel (***H)
,edi%ated Traffi% *hannel (,T*H)
*ommon Traffi% *hannel (*T*H)
&or %omplete listing of logi%al+ transport and physi%al %hannels in%l$ding dire%tions and mapping
see UMTS *hannels page
What are the UMTS data rates of the ser#ices?
!."2.Mb9s for pi%o%ell (and mi%ro%ell) appli%ations.
3.2#b9s for medi$m si(e %ells. (mi%ro and small ma%ro %ells)
-22#b9s and =2#b9s for large %ell appli%ations. ('arge ma%ro %ells)
-2.2#b9s for %ontin$o$s low speed data appli%ations in very large %ells.
-!.!#b9s for spee%h (2.43#b9s -!.!#b9s)
A.=#b9s globally (satellite)
'ow does UMTS pa&in& work?
&irst+ get the latest 3G)) spe%ifi%ations !3!--+ !33"2 and !333-
)I G )aging Indi%ator (val$e %al%$lated by higher layers)
)D G )aging Indi%ator (indi%ator set by physi%al layer)
!33"2 *hapter . shows how )aging <%%asion and )I is %al%$lated5
.a&in& 6ccasion G Q(IMSI div J) mod (,1: %y%le length div )8))R S )8) L n S ,1: %y%le
length L &rame <ffset 6here n G "+-+!T as long as S&@ is below its maCim$m val$e.
.0 G ,1: IndeC mod @p 6here ,1: IndeC G IMSI div .-A!
'In &,, mode+ @p G (-.+3=+4!+-22) is the n$mber of )age Indi%ators per frame+ and is given in I0 >@$mber of )I
per frame>+ part of system information in &,, mode.'
!3!-- (&,,) *hapter 3.3.3.-" shows how )D is %al%$lated for %hannel mapping+ the str$%t$re of
paging indi%ator %hannel and the mapping of paging indi%ators )D to )I*H bits.
!333- is also worth reading.
Which mod(%ation scheme is bein& (sed in UMTS?
UMTS 6*,M/ mod$lation is O$adrat$re )hase Shift Jeying (O)SJ) with 1ootraised %osine
p$lse shaping filters (roll off G ".!!)
1ead more abo$t UMTS te%hni%al details from o$r UMTS 6*,M/ page
Where can 0 find information abo(t M+) and /3) protoco%s?
,ownload and read 3G)) do%$ments abo$t 1'*9M/*+ start with !3 series. ,o%$ments also
show message mapping to %hannels5
!3.3!- Medi$m /%%ess *ontrol (M/*) proto%ol spe%ifi%ation
!3.3!! 1adio 'in# *ontrol (1'*) proto%ol spe%ifi%ation
22."=" General )a%#et 1adio Servi%e (G)1S)K Mobile Station (MS) 8ase Station System
(8SS) interfa%eK 1adio 'in# *ontrol9 Medi$m /%%ess *ontrol (1'*9M/*) proto%ol
0arlier &/O /nswer gives yo$ some help how to download those
'ow is data compression done in UMTS?
;ideo and m$si% %ompression will be done in appli%ation level. 3G phone (and networ#
appli%ation servers) will have programs (or yo$ will be downloading them) that re%ords and
displays video or m$si%. Those programs have b$ildin data %ompression feat$res. Good
eCamples are M)3 and other m$si% programs. M)3 %ode% in%l$des data %ompression and most
%$rrent m$si% player $nderstands it. &or image and video there are several standards in%l$ding
7)0G+ M)0G2+ H.!=3+ Mi%rosoft media player et%. available.
&rom 3G)) !=.!32 4.2 ;ideo5
ITUT 1e%ommendation H.!=3 E!!F profile " level -" shall be s$pported. This is the mandatory
video de%oder for the )SS. In addition+ )SS sho$ld s$pport5
H.!=3 E!3F )rofile 3 'evel -" de%oderK
M)0G2 ;is$al Simple )rofile 'evel " de%oder+ E!2F and E!3F.
These two video de%oders are optional to implement.
@<T05 ITUT 1e%ommendation H.!=3 E!!F baseline has been mandated to ens$re that video
enabled )SS s$pport a minim$m baseline video %apability and interoperability %an be g$aranteed
(an H.!=3 E!!F baseline bit stream %an be de%oded by both H.!=3 E!!F and M)0G2 de%oders). It
also provides a simple $pgrade path for mandating more advan%ed de%oders in the f$t$re (from
both the ITUT and IS< M)0G).
1ead more abo$t video %oding5
*onsider downloading the latest releases 3 (Mar%h!""!) or release = (not yet fro(en) files.
0s there any interface from UMTS core network to other mobi%e networks?
UMTS spe%ifi%ations do not have any spe%ial interfa%e planned for other mobile networ#s+ b$t
all telephone networ#s %an be %onne%ted to UMTS %ore networ# with standard S4 (or other)
signalling system $sing 0-s or T-s. Than enables voi%e %alls to be made to all other telephone
networ#s. If other networ#s s$pport additional servi%es li#e >%all forwarding>+ >%alling line
identity>+ faC+ slowspeed data e%t+ te%hni%ally that is possible to implement this between
/ll telephone networ#s are designed to wor# with ea%h other and UMTS networ#s will $se
standard interfa%es towards all other networ#s. S4 and I) (internet proto%ol) will be the most
%ommonly $sed interfa%es standard+ b$t all UMTS vendors %an offer tens of different %o$ntry
spe%ifi% interfa%e proto%ols if reD$ired.
What wi%% be a 3G 7i%%er +pp%ication?
Most people have their own view what the 3G Jiller /ppli%ation(s) will be. Some say that there
will not be a single appli%ation+ b$t a palette of servi%es. Most li#ely there will not be only a
single appli%ation that be%omes very pop$lar and at the same time ma#es a lot of money to the
operator. 0mail+ voi%e(?)+ messaging+ m$si%9video streaming are pop$lar bets for money ma#ing
appli%ations. If yo$ loo# any reports abo$t 3G servi%es+ m%ommer%e and lo%ation based servi%es
are predi%ted to be%ome very pop$lar. Maybe the pri%ing will de%ide what will be a pop$lar
<ld phrase is >The easiest way to predi%t the f$t$re is to invent it> will apply here. <perators and
appli%ation providers have an opport$nity to %reate their own #iller appli%ations.
What are the UMTS Mobi%e M(%timedia ser#ices?
UMTS &or$m's Mar#et /spe%ts Gro$p has identified seven %ommon lifestyle attrib$tes for
mobile m$ltimedia appli%ations. Here is a list of possible type of servi%es that will be available in
3G networ#s5
8(n9 666+ video+ post %ard+ snapshots+ teCt+ pi%t$re and m$ltimedia messaging+ data%ast+
personalisation appli%ations (ring tone+ s%reen saver+ des# top)+ I$#eboC+ virt$al %ompanion 9
pet ...
Work9 1i%h %all with image and data stream+ I) telephony+ 8!8 ordering and logisti%s+
information eC%hange+ personal information manager+ dairy+ s%hed$ler+ note pad+ !way video
%onferen%ing+ dire%tory servi%es+ travel assistan%e+ wor# gro$p+ telepresen%e+ &T)+ instant
voi%email+ %olo$r faC ...
Media9 )$sh newspaper and maga(ines+ advertising+ %lassified ...
Shoppin&9 0%ommer%e+ e%ash+ ewallet+ %redit %ard+ teleban#ing+ a$tomati% transa%tion+
a$%tion+ mi%robilling shopping ...
:ntertainment9 @ews+ sto%# mar#et+ sports+ games+ lottery+ gambling+ m$si%+ video+ %on%erts+
ad$lt %ontent ...
:d(cation9 <nline libraries+ sear%h engines+ remote attendan%e+ field resear%h ...
.eace of Mind9 1emote s$rveillan%e+ lo%ation tra%#ing+ emergen%y $se ...
'ea%th9 Telemedi%ine+ remote diagnose and heath monitoring ...
+(tomation9 Home a$tomation+ traffi% telemati%s+ ma%hinema%hine %omm$ni%ation (telemetry)
Tra#e%9 lo%ation sensitive information and g$idan%e+ eto$r+ lo%ation awareness+ time tables+ e
ti%#eting ...
+dd;on9 T;+ radio+ )*+ a%%ess to remote %omp$ter+ M)3 player+ %amera+ video %amera+ wat%h+
pager+ G)S+ remote %ontrol $nit ...
More abo$t 3G appli%ations
)an UMTS mobi%e %ocation be tracked?
The wideband nat$re of the UT1/9&,, fa%ilitates the high resol$tion in position lo%ation. The
d$ration of one %hip (3..2M%ps) %orrespond to approCimately 4. meters in propagation distan%e.
If the delay estimation operates on the a%%$ra%y of samples9%hip then the a%hievable maCim$m
a%%$ra%y is approCimately !" meters. There are other ina%%$ra%ies that will %a$se degradation to
the positioning b$t !" meters %an be %onsidered as best possible positioning performan%e. UMTS
spe%ifies that it will provide lo%ation information for mobiles to an a%%$ra%y of 3"m. 6ith G)S
assistan%e+ maybe even -" meter a%%$ra%y is possible.
When are the UMTS networks in ser#ice?
7apan and Jorea has 3G servi%es r$nning and in ,e%ember !""- two UMTS networ#s have been
la$n%hed+ b$t UMTS mobiles will arrive 3O9!""!. O$ite a few UMTS networ#s will be la$n%hed
in early !""3 in 0$rope.
See the list all live UMTS networ#s
Wi%% 2G - 2!G phones be ab%e to (se a%% UMTS< app%ications?
GSM (or other !G) phones will not be able to $se all feat$res+ be%a$se of data speed+ b$ild in
memory and appli%ations+ display te%hnology et%. /ppli%ation providers and operators are very
$nli#ely to try to implement %ompleC feat$re to GSM+ money is going to UMTS servi%es. G)1S
phone $sers will be able to $se most of the UMTS servi%esK probably only lo%ation based and
very high rate data servi%es %annot be implemented. 8$t all this it depends on if operators want
to implement those. /ll basi% servi%es li#e voi%e and messaging will flow between all systems.
Which %e#e% of UMTS standard wi%% the network be %a(nched in 2002?
/ll vendors have different software s%hed$les and development stat$s is a big se%ret. @ow it
loo#s li#e top vendors will probably have 3G)) 1elease 2 (with 7$ly !""- %orre%tion) level
software by the late !""! la$n%h date. (Some vendors were %onsidering la$n%hing with 'AA
release in !""!)

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