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Surveys: Shelby County Schools

May 2014
All-Teacher Survey
Research questions

Teachers who serve in a leadership capacity (as a Learning Coach, Master Teacher, or PLC Lead Teacher):
1. What attitudes do teacher-leaders (Learning Coaches, Master Teachers, PLC Lead Teachers) have toward the
SCS support model? What is their sense of evaluation and coaching as well-defined PD tools?
2. How are teacher-leaders allocating time in their support role?
3. What key levers are teacher-leaders using to push teacher performance?
4. What do teacher-leaders need in order to be strong coaches of teachers? (i.e., What is their response to
training and support theyre getting from the District to date?)
5. What % of teacher-leaders feel that their leadership role is growing their practice as an instructor?
Teachers on support:
1. What attitudes do teachers have toward the support available in their buildings? What is their sense of
evaluation and coaching as well-defined PD tools?
2. What types of support do teachers credit for any performance growth they have experienced? What is their
response to training and support they have received from Learning Coaches, PAR CTs, Master Teachers, PLC
Lead Teachers/Coaches, and/or District- and School-wide PD to date?
3. What % of teachers feel the support available to them is effective at growing their practice?
4. What else do teachers need in order to experience performance growth?
Teachers not on support:
1. What attitudes do teachers have toward the support available in their buildings? What is their sense of
evaluation and coaching as well-defined PD tools?
2. What types of support do teachers credit for any performance growth they have experienced? What is their
response to PD they have experienced to date?
3. What % of teachers feel the support available to them is effective at growing their practice?
4. What else do teachers need in order to experience performance growth?

All-Teacher Survey
May 2014
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, which is being sent to all teachers in Shelby County Schools. It
should take you no more than 20 minutes. We hope to give you an opportunity to provide feedback and insight into
your experience of SCS professional development and teacher leadership opportunities.
All responses are confidential and will be shared only in the aggregate. SCS will not share any information that
identifies you as an individual. We truly appreciate your time and willingness to share your perspective with us. Your
feedback will help improve professional development. Thank you for your honest input.


1. Please select your school. [Drop-down menu] [IF TIERED COACHING SCHOOL, PROCEED TO QUESTION 2; IF

2. Are you a Learning Coach, PLC Coach, PLC Lead Teacher, or Master Teacher? [Drop-down menu: Yes; No] [IF

3. Are you a PAR CT or PLC Coach? [Drop-down menu: Yes; No] [IF YES, PROCEED TO QUESTION 60; IF NO,

4. Do you receive Learning Coach or Master Teacher support? [Drop-down menu: Yes; No] [IF YES, PROCEED

5. Do you receive PAR CT support? [Drop-down menu: Yes; No] [IF YES, PROCEED TO QUESTION 115; IF NO,



6. Please indicate your current teacher-leadership role. (IF MASTER TEACHER, PLC COACH, OR PLC LT,
Learning Coach
Master Teacher
PLC Coach
PLC Lead Teacher


7. What is the primary subject that you teach? Please select one.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5
English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

8. What grade(s) do you teach? Please check all that apply. [Drop-down menu: Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12;

9. What subject(s) do the educators whom you support teach? Please check all that apply.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5
English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

10. What grade(s) do the educators whom you support teach? Please check all that apply. [Drop-down menu:
Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12; Other]

11. How many years have you worked as a Learning Coach, Master Teacher, PLC Coach or PLC Lead Teacher?
1 (Only the CURRENT school year 2013-14)
2 (School years 2012-13 and 2013-14)
More than two years

12. Not including this school year, how many years [Drop-down menu: 0-30, More than 30]
(a) Have you been employed in either legacy Memphis City Schools or legacy Shelby County
(b) Have you been employed at the district level?
(c) Have you been employed as a classroom teacher?
(d) Have you been employed as a Principal or Assistant Principal?
(e) Have you been employed as instructional support staff/ESP?
(f) Have you been employed in a support services role (e.g., psychologist, speech therapist,
guidance counselor, intervention specialist, etc.)

13. Not including this school year, how many years have you spent as any kind of instructional coach or mentor?
[Drop-down menu: This is my first year, 0-30, More than 30] [If 1+, PROCEED TO QUESTION 14; IF NO, SKIP

14. Please specify the type of instructional coach or mentor role in which you have previously worked, whether
in legacy SCS/MCS or in another district or capacity. [Open response].

15. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the instructional staff at your school?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Very effective

16. Please indicate your overall effectiveness rating (TEM or TEAM score) from the 2012-13 school year.
1 Significantly Below Expectations
2 Below Expectations
3 Meeting Expectations
4 Above Expectations
5 Significantly Above Expectations
I was not in a role that received a TEM or TEAM score in 2012-13.
17. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Tiered Coaching Model as a method of teacher development? [Very
dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

18. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Overall, the Tiered Coaching model helps new teachers improve teaching practice.
Overall, the Tiered Coaching model helps veteran teachers improve their teaching practice.
The feedback teachers receive through Learning Coaches helps them identify strengths in their
The feedback teachers receive through Learning Coaches helps them identify weaknesses in their

The feedback teachers receive through Master Teachers helps them identify strengths in their
The feedback teachers receive through Master Teachers helps them identify weaknesses in their
The feedback teachers receive through PLC Coaches/LTs helps them identify strengths in their
The feedback teachers receive through PLC Coaches/LTs helps them identify weaknesses in their
The feedback teachers receive through Principals and Assistant Principals helps them identify
strengths in their teaching.
The feedback teachers receive through Principals and Assistant Principals helps them identify
weaknesses in their teaching.

19. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
My school is committed to improving instructional practice.
The expectations for effective teaching are clearly defined within my school.
PIT Crew shares a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
Learning Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
Master Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
PLC Coaches/LTs at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teaching looks like.
Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.

20. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The vision for effective teacher support and development is clearly defined within my school.
PIT Crew shares a common vision of what effective teacher support and development looks like.
Learning Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
Master Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
PLC Coaches/LTs at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teacher development looks like.

21. Overall, how satisfied are you with professional development provided to your teacher-leadership role (e.g.,
PD provided to Learning Coaches, Master Teachers, etc)? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

22. Please rate your levels of confidence, in your personal ability to implement effectively the following teacher
supports. (For the purposes of this question, please do not consider time as a factor, but rather your
confidence level in carry out these components.) [6 pt confidence scale: Not at all confident, Not confident,
Not so confident, Somewhat confident, Confident, Very confident]

a. Conduct formal observations and assign TEM 3.0 rubric ratings to teachers based on evidence
from classroom observations

b. Conduct informal observations to determine areas of strength and weakness for the purpose
of coaching
c. Conduct effective coaching conversations with teachers
d. Deliver verbal feedback that improves teacher practice
e. Model teaching
f. Provide resources to teachers
g. Identify meaningful professional development opportunities for teachers based on their
strengths and weaknesses
h. Interpret student achievement data with teachers

23. Please indicate your levels of confidence, in your personal ability to use data to make decisions about the
following: [6 pt confidence scale: Not at all confident, Not confident, Not so confident, Somewhat confident,
Confident, Very confident]
a. Teacher performance ratings
b. Teacher PD needs
c. Teacher support needs

24. Please describe your approach to using data to drive support for the teachers on your caseload. [Open

25. What else can the Division of Talent Management do to support you with the improvement of teacher
practice? [Comment box]


26. In your opinion, of the choices below, what are the most important areas of work that you need to develop
in order to support teachers and increase student achievement? Please rank these choices.
a. Data management/analysis
b. Goal setting
c. Providing verbal feedback
d. Co-planning lessons with teachers
e. Model teaching
f. Co-teaching
g. Practice
h. Using reflective/video technology
i. Knowledge of TLAC strategies
j. Conducting informal observations
k. Prioritization and time management
l. Providing content-specific strategies

27. Who, in your opinion, is best suited for providing you with the support you need to be an effective coach in
your building? (Check all that apply)
a. PIT Crew
b. PD Department Staff
c. Principals / Assistant Principals
d. Learning Coaches
e. PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers
f. Master Teachers
g. Content Advisors
h. Federal Programs Advisors
i. Other - If other, please specify:

28. Which of the following methods would be most helpful for providing additional professional development
opportunities? Please rank the choices below.
a. Webinars
b. In-person trainings, led by district staff
c. In-person trainings, led by peers
d. Additional time to meet as professional learning communities
e. Additional options in PD360
f. Exemplar videos of other teachers
g. Enhanced use of reflective practice technology for independent study
h. Additional coaching opportunities
i. Manuals or guidelines
j. Additional time with PIT Crew
k. Additional time with Master Teachers
l. Additional time with PLC Coaches
m. Other (If other, please specify):

29. Overall, how satisfied are you with the TEM 3.0 evaluation model? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

30. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Overall, the TEM 3.0 evaluation model helps teachers improve their teaching.
Formal observers who evaluate teacher performance have an accurate perception of effective
classroom practice.
At my school, evaluation ratings are accurate reflections of teacher effectiveness.
Teachers get enough feedback on their instructional practice.
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is fair.

31. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is an effective tool for professional development.
The TEM 3.0 Rubrics are effective tools for providing feedback to teachers.

32. Overall, how satisfied are you with your teacher-leader role as a Learning Coach, Master Teacher or PLC
Coach/Lead Teacher? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied;
Very satisfied]



33. What is the primary subject that you teach? Please select one.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5

English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

34. What grade(s) do you teach? Please check all that apply. [Drop-down menu: Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12;

35. What subject(s) do the educators whom you support teach? Please check all that apply.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5
English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

36. What grade(s) do the educators whom you support teach? Please check all that apply. [Drop-down menu:
Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12; Other]

37. How many years have you worked as a Learning Coach, Master Teacher, PLC Coach or PLC Lead Teacher?
1 (Only the CURRENT school year 2013-14)
2 (School years 2012-13 and 2013-14)
More than two years

38. Not including this school year, how many years [Drop-down menu: 0-30, More than 30]
(g) Have you been employed in either legacy Memphis City Schools or legacy Shelby County
(h) Have you been employed at the district level?
(i) Have you been employed as a classroom teacher?
(j) Have you been employed as a Principal or Assistant Principal?
(k) Have you been employed as Instructional Support Staff/ESP?

(l) Have you been employed in a support services role (e.g., psychologist, speech therapist,
guidance counselor, intervention specialist, etc.)

39. Not including this school year, how many years have you spent as any kind of instructional coach or mentor?
[Drop-down menu: This is my first year, 0-30, More than 30] [If 1+, PROCEED TO QUESTION 10; IF NO, SKIP

40. Please specify the type of instructional coach or mentor role in which you have previously worked, whether
in legacy SCS/MCS or in another district or capacity. [Open response].

41. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the instructional staff at your school?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Very effective

42. Please indicate your overall effectiveness rating (TEM score) from the 2012-13 school year.
1 Significantly Below Expectations
2 Below Expectations
3 Meeting Expectations
4 Above Expectations
5 Significantly Above Expectations
I was not in a role that received a TEM or TEAM score in 2012-13.
43. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Tiered Coaching Model as a method of teacher development? [Very
dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

44. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Overall, the Tiered Coaching model helps new teachers improve teaching practice.
Overall, the Tiered Coaching model helps veteran teachers improve their teaching practice.
The feedback teachers receive through Learning Coaches helps them identify strengths in their
The feedback teachers receive through Learning Coaches helps them identify weaknesses in their
The feedback teachers receive through Master Teachers helps them identify strengths in their
The feedback teachers receive through Master Teachers helps them identify weaknesses in their
The feedback teachers receive through PLC Coaches/LTs helps them identify strengths in their
The feedback teachers receive through PLC Coaches/LTs helps them identify weaknesses in their
The feedback teachers receive through Principals and Assistant Principals helps them identify
strengths in their teaching.
The feedback teachers receive through Principals and Assistant Principals helps them identify
weaknesses in their teaching.

45. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
My school is committed to improving instructional practice.

The expectations for effective teaching are clearly defined within my school.
PIT Crew shares a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
Learning Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
Master Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
PLC Coaches/LTs at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teaching looks like.
Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.

46. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The vision for effective teacher support and development is clearly defined within my school.
PIT Crew shares a common vision of what effective teacher support and development looks like.
Learning Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
Master Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
PLC Coaches/LTs at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teacher development looks like.

47. Overall, how satisfied are you with professional development provided to your teacher-leadership role (e.g.,
PD provided to Learning Coaches, Master Teachers, etc)? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

48. Please rate your levels of confidence, in your personal ability to implement effectively the following teacher
supports. (For the purposes of this question, please do not consider time as a factor, but rather your
confidence level in carry out these components.) [6 pt confidence scale: Not at all confident, Not confident,
Not so confident, Somewhat confident, Confident, Very confident]

a. Conduct informal observations to determine areas of strength and weakness for the purpose
of coaching
b. Conduct effective coaching conversations with teachers
c. Deliver verbal feedback that improves teacher practice
d. Model teaching
e. Provide resources to teachers
f. Identify meaningful professional development opportunities for teachers based on their
strengths and weaknesses
g. Interpret student achievement data with teachers

49. Please indicate your levels of confidence, in your personal ability to use data to make decisions about the
following: [6 pt confidence scale: Not at all confident, Not confident, Not so confident, Somewhat confident,
Confident, Very confident]
a. Teacher performance ratings
b. Teacher PD needs
c. Teacher support needs

50. Please describe your approach to using data to drive support for the teachers on your caseload. [Open

51. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
a. My PIT Crew is committed to improving my coach practice.
b. My PIT Crew provides me with strategies, techniques, and other resources to help me develop new
c. My PIT Crew provides me with strategies, techniques, and other resources to help me develop
struggling veteran teachers.
d. My PIT Crew gives me concrete feedback on my strategy, materials and approach for improving
teacher practice.
e. My PIT Crew gives me concrete feedback on teacher observations and TEM 3.0 rubric ratings.

52. What else can the Division of Talent Management do to support you with the improvement of teacher
practice? [Comment box]

53. In your opinion, of the choices below, what are the most important areas of work that you need to develop
in order to support teachers and increase student achievement? Please rank these choices.
a. Data management/analysis
b. Goal setting
c. Providing verbal feedback
d. Co-planning lessons with teachers
e. Model teaching
f. Co-teaching
g. Practice
h. Using reflective/video technology
i. Knowledge of TLAC strategies
j. Conducting informal observations
k. Prioritization and time management
l. Providing content-specific strategies

54. Who, in your opinion, is best suited for providing you with the support you need to be an effective coach in
your building? (Check all that apply)
a. PIT Crew
b. PD Department Staff
c. Principals / Assistant Principals
d. Learning Coaches
e. PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers
f. Master Teachers
g. Content Advisors
h. Federal Programs Advisors
i. Other - If other, please specify:

55. Which of the following methods would be most helpful for providing additional professional development
opportunities? Please rank the choices below.
a. Webinars
b. In-person trainings, led by district staff
c. In-person trainings, led by peers
d. Additional time to meet as professional learning communities
e. Additional options in PD360
f. Exemplar videos of other teachers
g. Enhanced use of reflective practice technology for independent study

h. Additional coaching opportunities
i. Manuals or guidelines
j. Additional time with PIT Crew
k. Additional time with Master Teachers
l. Additional time with PLC Coaches
m. Other (If other, please specify):

56. Overall, how satisfied are you with the TEM 3.0 evaluation model? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

57. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Overall, the TEM 3.0 evaluation model helps teachers improve their teaching.
Formal observers who evaluate teacher performance have an accurate perception of effective
classroom practice.
At my school, evaluation ratings are accurate reflections of teacher effectiveness.
Teachers get enough feedback on their instructional practice.
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is fair.

58. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is an effective tool for professional development.
The TEM 3.0 Rubrics are effective tools for providing feedback to teachers.

59. Overall, how satisfied are you with your role as a Learning Coach, Master Teacher or PLC Coach/Lead
Teacher? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]



60. Please indicate your current teacher-leadership role.
PLC Coach

61. How many years have you worked as a PAR CT or PLC Coach?
1 (Only the CURRENT school year 2013-14)
2 (School years 2012-13 and 2013-14)
More than two years

62. Not including this school year, how many years [Drop-down menu: 0-30, More than 30]
(m) Have you been employed in either legacy Memphis City Schools or legacy Shelby County
(n) Have you been employed at the district level?
(o) Have you been employed as a classroom teacher?
(p) Have you been employed as a Principal or Assistant Principal?
(q) Have you been employed as instructional support staff/ESP?

(r) Have you been employed in a support services role (e.g., psychologist, speech therapist,
guidance counselor, intervention specialist, etc.)

63. Not including this school year, how many years have you spent as any kind of instructional coach or mentor?
[Drop-down menu: This is my first year, 0-30, More than 30] [If 1+, PROCEED TO QUESTION 28; IF NO, SKIP

64. Please specify the type of instructional coach or mentor role in which you have previously worked, whether
in legacy SCS/MCS or in another district or capacity. [Open response].

65. What subject(s) do the educators whom you support teach? Please check all that apply.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5
English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

66. What grade(s) do the educators whom you support teach? Please check all that apply. [Drop-down menu:
Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12; Other]

67. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the instructional staff at your school(s)?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Very effective

68. Please indicate your overall effectiveness rating (TEM or TEAM score) from the 2012-13 school year.
1 Significantly Below Expectations
2 Below Expectations
3 Meeting Expectations
4 Above Expectations
5 Significantly Above Expectations
I was not in a role that received a TEM or TEAM score in 2012-13.

69. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Peer Assistance & Review (PAR) Model as a method of teacher
development? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very

70. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Overall, the PAR model helps new teachers improve teaching practice.
Overall, the PAR model helps veteran teachers improve their teaching practice.
The feedback teachers receive through PAR CTs helps them identify strengths in their teaching.
The feedback teachers receive through PAR CTs helps them identify weaknesses in their teaching.
The feedback teachers receive through PLC Coaches helps them identify strengths in their
The feedback teachers receive through PLC Coaches helps them identify weaknesses in their
The feedback teachers receive through Principals and Assistant Principals helps them identify
strengths in their teaching.
The feedback teachers receive through Principals and Assistant Principals helps them identify
weaknesses in their teaching.

71. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
My school is committed to improving instructional practice.
The expectations for effective teaching are clearly defined within my school.
PAR CTs share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
PLC Coaches share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teaching looks like.
Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.

72. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The vision for effective teacher support and development is clearly defined within my school.
PAR CTs share a common vision of what effective teacher support and development looks like.
PLC Coaches share a common vision of what effective teacher support and development looks
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teacher support and development looks like.

73. Overall, how satisfied are you with professional development provided to your teacher-leadership role (PAR
CTs or PLC Coaches)? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied;
Very satisfied]

74. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
a. My manager is committed to improving my coach practice.
b. My manager provides me with strategies, techniques, and other resources to help me develop new
c. My manager provides me with strategies, techniques, and other resources to help me develop
veteran teachers.
d. My manager gives me concrete feedback on my strategy, materials and approach for improving
teacher practice.
e. My manager gives me concrete feedback on teacher observations and TEM 3.0 rubric ratings.

75. Please rate your levels of confidence, in your personal ability to implement effectively the following teacher
supports. (For the purposes of this question, please do not consider time as a factor, but rather your
confidence level in carry out these components.) [6 pt confidence scale: Not at all confident, Not confident,
Not so confident, Somewhat confident, Confident, Very confident]

a. Conduct formal observations and assign TEM 3.0 rubric ratings to teachers based on evidence
from classroom observations
b. Conduct informal observations to determine areas of strength and weakness for the purpose
of coaching
c. Conduct effective coaching conversations with teachers
d. Deliver verbal feedback that improves teacher practice
e. Model teaching
f. Provide resources to teachers
g. Identify meaningful professional development opportunities for teachers based on their
strengths and weaknesses
h. Interpret student achievement data with teachers

76. Please indicate your levels of confidence, in your personal ability to use data to make decisions about the
following: [6 pt confidence scale: Not at all confident, Not confident, Not so confident, Somewhat confident,
Confident, Very confident]
a. Teacher performance ratings
b. Teacher PD needs
c. Teacher support needs

77. Please describe your approach to using data to drive support for the teachers on your caseload. [Open

78. What else can the Division of Talent Management do to support you with the improvement of teacher
practice? [Comment box]


79. In your opinion, of the choices below, what are the most important areas of work that you need to develop
in order to support teachers and increase student achievement? Please rank these choices.
a. Data management/analysis
b. Goal setting
c. Providing verbal feedback
d. Co-planning lessons with teachers
e. Model teaching
f. Co-teaching
g. Practice
h. Using reflective technology
i. Knowledge of TLAC strategies
j. Conducting informal observations
k. Prioritization and time management
l. Providing content-specific strategies

80. Who, in your opinion, is best suited for providing you with the support you need to be an effective coach in
your building? (Check all that apply)
a. PD Department Staff
b. Principals / Assistant Principals
c. PAR Consulting Teachers

d. PLC Coaches
e. Content Advisors
f. Federal Programs Advisors
g. Other - If other, please specify:

81. Which of the following methods would be most helpful for providing additional professional development
opportunities? Please rank the choices below. [Most important, Second most important, Third most
important, etc]
a. Webinars
b. In-person trainings, led by district-staff
c. In-person trainings, led by peers
d. Additional time to meet as professional learning communities
e. Additional options in PD360
f. Exemplar videos of other teachers
g. Enhanced use of reflective practice technology for independent study
h. Additional coaching opportunities
i. Manuals or guidelines
j. Additional time with PAR CTs
k. Additional time with PLC Coaches
l. Other (If other, please specify):

82. Overall, how satisfied are you with the TEM 3.0 evaluation model? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

83. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Overall, the TEM 3.0 evaluation model helps teachers improve their teaching.
Formal observers who evaluate teacher performance have an accurate perception of effective
classroom practice.
At my school(s), evaluation ratings are accurate reflections of teacher effectiveness.
Teachers get enough feedback on their instructional practice.
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is fair.

84. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is an effective tool for professional development.
The TEM 3.0 Rubrics are effective tools for providing feedback to teachers.

85. Overall, how satisfied are you with your role as a PAR CT or PLC Coach? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied;
Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]



86. How many years have you been employed as a full-time teacher in legacy Memphis City Schools, legacy
Shelby County Schools, and/or the unified Shelby County Schools?

[Drop-down menu: 1 (Only the CURRENT school year 2013-14); 2 - 30, More than 30]

87. Not including this school year, how many years [Drop-down menu: 0-30, More than 30]
(a) Have you been employed as a classroom teacher, in any school district?
(b) Have you been employed in any capacity in either legacy Memphis City Schools or legacy
Shelby County Schools?
(c) Have you been employed at the district level?
(d) Have you been employed as a Principal or Assistant Principal?
(e) Have you been employed as instructional support staff/ESP?
(f) Have you been employed in a support services role (e.g., psychologist, speech therapist,
guidance counselor, intervention specialist, etc.)?

88. What subject do you teach? Please select the primary subject if you teach more than one.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5
English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

89. What grade(s) do you teach? Please check all that apply. [Drop-down menu: Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12;

90. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the instructional staff at your school?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Very effective

91. Please indicate your overall effectiveness rating (TEM or TEAM score) from the 2012-13 school year.
1 Significantly Below Expectations
2 Below Expectations
3 Meeting Expectations
4 Above Expectations
5 Significantly Above Expectations
I was not in a role that received a TEM or TEAM effectiveness score in 2012-13.


92. What was the best or most helpful piece of feedback you have received to date? [Open response]

93. In your opinion, of the resources listed below, which contribute most significantly to your growth as a
teacher? Please rank your choices.
a. Observing other teachers in my building
b. Planning with other teachers
c. Watching video of other teachers
d. Watching video of my own practice
e. School-level PD
f. District-level PD
g. Feedback I receive through the formal observation process
h. Feedback I receive through the informal observation process
i. PD360
j. Other

94. In your opinion, of the human resources listed below, which contribute most significantly to your growth as a
teacher? Please rank your choices.
a. My Principal
b. My PIT Crew member
c. My Learning Coach
d. My PLC Coach
e. Master Teacher in my building
f. Content Advisor
g. My PLC team
h. My peers
i. Other

95. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your Learning
Coach? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

96. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your PIT Crew?
[Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied; I did not
receive coaching and/or support from a PIT Crew member]

97. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your Principal?
[Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied; I did not
receive coaching and/or support from a Master Teacher]

98. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your PLC
Coach/Lead Teacher? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied;
Very satisfied]

99. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your Principal?
[Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied; I did not
receive coaching and/or support from my Principal]

100. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your
Assistant/Vice Principal? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied;
Very satisfied; I did not receive coaching and/or support from my Assistant/Vice Principal]

101. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Learning Coaches are equipped to conduct/provide:
a. Informal teacher observations
b. Coaching conversations

c. Co-teaching
d. Co-planning lessons with teachers
e. Practice of teaching techniques
f. Coaching, modeling, and practicing of Teach Like a Champion (TLAC) strategies
g. Review of student achievement/teacher performance data
h. Goal-setting with teachers on support
i. Data-driven recommendations for teacher development

102. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Master Teachers are equipped to conduct/provide:
j. Formal teacher observations
k. Informal teacher observations
l. Coaching conversations
m. Co-teaching
n. Co-planning lessons with teachers
o. Practice of teaching techniques
p. Modeling and practicing of Teach Like a Champion (TLAC) strategies
q. Review of student achievement data with teachers
r. Data-driven recommendations for teacher development
103. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly Agree]
PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers are equipped to conduct/provide:
s. Formal teacher observations
t. Informal teacher observations
u. Co-planning lessons with teachers
v. Review of student achievement data with teachers
w. Goal-setting with teachers
x. Data-driven recommendations for teacher development

104. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
a. My Learning Coach is committed to improving my practice.
b. My Learning Coach provides me with strategies, techniques, and other resources to help me
develop my practice.
c. My Learning Coach provides me with concrete feedback on my teacher practice.
d. My Learning Coach informally observes me to identify which TEM 3.0 indicators are areas for my
e. I am a more effective teacher as a result of my coachs work.

105. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree; N/A]
a. I am a more effective teacher as a result of my Master Teachers work.
b. I am a more effective teacher as a result of my PLC Coach/Lead Teachers work.

106. What else can the instructional support staff available to you do to support the improvement of your
practice? [Open response]

107. Overall, how satisfied are you with Tiered Coaching Model as a method of teacher development? [Very
dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

108. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Overall, the Tiered Coaching Model helps new teachers improve teaching practice.
Overall, the Tiered Coaching Model helps veteran teachers improve teaching practice.
The feedback teachers receive through PIT Crew measurably improves teachers' classroom
The feedback teachers receive through Learning Coaches measurably improves teachers'
classroom performance.
The feedback teachers receive through Master Teachers measurably improves teachers' classroom
The feedback teachers receive through PLC Coaches/PLC Lead Teachers measurably improves
teachers' classroom performance.
The feedback teachers receive through Principals/Assistant Principals measurably improves
teachers' classroom performance.
The feedback teachers receive through school- and district-wide PD measurably improves
teachers' classroom performance.

109. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
My school is committed to improving instructional practice.
The expectations for effective teaching are clearly defined within my school.
PIT Crew shares a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
Learning Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
Master Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
PAR CTs at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
PLC Coaches/PLC Lead Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching
looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teaching looks like.
Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.

110. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The expectations for effective teacher support and development are clearly defined within my
PIT Crew shares a common vision of what effective teacher support and development looks like.
Learning Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
Master Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher
support and development looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teacher support and development looks like.

111. Overall, how satisfied are you with the TEM 3.0 evaluation model? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

112. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is fair.
Teachers get enough feedback on their instructional practice.
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is an effective tool for professional development.
The TEM 3.0 Rubrics are effective tools for providing feedback to teachers.


113. Which of the following methods would be most helpful for providing additional professional development
opportunities? Please rank the choices below.
a. Webinars
b. In-person trainings, led by district staff
c. In-person trainings, led by teacher-leaders/coaches
d. In-person trainings, led by peers
e. Additional time to meet as professional learning communities
f. Additional options in PD360
g. Exemplar videos of other teachers
h. Enhanced use of reflective practice technology for independent study
i. Additional coaching opportunities
j. Manuals or guidelines
k. Additional opportunities to coach others
l. Additional time with PLC Coaches
m. Additional time with Learning Coaches
n. Other

114. In your opinion, what are the THREE most important areas of work you need to develop in order to grow as
a teacher and increase student achievement? Please include as much detail as you like. [Open response].



115. How many years have you been employed as a full-time teacher in legacy Memphis City Schools, legacy
Shelby County Schools, and/or the unified Shelby County Schools?
[Drop-down menu: 1 (Only the CURRENT school year 2013-14); 2 - 30, More than 30]

116. Not including this school year, how many years [Drop-down menu: 0-30, More than 30]
(g) Have you been employed as a classroom teacher, in any school district?
(h) Have you been employed in any capacity in either legacy Memphis City Schools or legacy
Shelby County Schools?
(i) Have you been employed at the district level?
(j) Have you been employed as a Principal or Assistant Principal?
(k) Have you been employed as Instructional Support Staff/ESP?
(l) Have you been employed in a support services role (e.g., psychologist, speech therapist,
guidance counselor, intervention specialist, etc.)?

117. What subject do you teach? Please select the primary subject if you teach more than one.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5

English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

118. What grade do you teach? Please check all that apply. [Drop-down menu: Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12; Other]

119. Please indicate your overall effectiveness rating (TEM or TEAM score) from the 2012-13 school year.
1 Significantly Below Expectations
2 Below Expectations
3 Meeting Expectations
4 Above Expectations
5 Significantly Above Expectations
I was not in a role that received a TEM or TEAM effectiveness score in 2012-13.

120. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the instructional staff at your school?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Very effective
121. What was the best or most helpful piece of feedback you have received to date? [Open response]

122. In your opinion, of the human resources listed below, which contribute most significantly to your growth as a
teacher? Please force rank the choices below.
a. My Principal
b. My PIT Crew member
c. My Learning Coach
d. My PLC Coach
e. Master Teacher in my building
f. Content Advisor
g. My PLC team
h. My peers
i. Other

123. In your opinion, of the resources listed below, which contribute most significantly to your growth as a
teacher? Please rank the choices below. [Most important, Second most important, Third most important, etc]
a. Observing other teachers in my building
b. Planning with other teachers
c. Watching video of other teachers
d. Watching video of my own practice

e. School-level PD
f. District-level PD
g. Feedback I receive through the formal observation process
h. Feedback I receive through the informal observation process
i. PD360
j. Other

124. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your PAR CT?
[Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

125. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your PLC Coach?
[Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

126. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your Principal?
[Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied; I did not
receive coaching and/or support from my Principal]

127. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coaching and/or support you have received through your
Assistant/Vice Principal? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied;
Very satisfied; I did not receive coaching and/or support from my Assistant/Vice Principal]

128. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
PAR CTs are equipped to conduct/provide:
y. Formal teacher observations
z. Informal teacher observations
aa. Coaching conversations
bb. Co-teaching
cc. Co-planning lessons with teachers
dd. Practice of teaching techniques
ee. Coaching, modeling, and practicing of Teach Like a Champion (TLAC) strategies
ff. Review of student achievement/teacher performance data
gg. Goal-setting for mentees
hh. Data-driven recommendations for teacher development
129. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
PLC Coaches are equipped to conduct/provide:
ii. Formal teacher observations
jj. Informal teacher observations
kk. Co-planning lessons with teachers
ll. Review of student achievement data with teachers
mm. Goal-setting with teachers
nn. Data-driven recommendations for teacher development

130. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
a. My PAR CT is committed to improving my practice.
b. My PAR CT provides me with strategies, techniques, and other resources to help me develop my
c. My PAR CT gives me concrete feedback on my teacher practice.

d. My PAR CT informally observes me to identify which TEM 3.0 indicators are areas for my
e. I am a more effective teacher as a result of my coachs work.

131. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
a. I am a more effective teacher as a result of my PLC Coachs work.

132. What else can the instructional support staff in your building do to support the improvement of your
practice? [Open response]
133. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Peer Assistance & Review (PAR) as a method of teacher
development? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very

134. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
Overall, the PAR model helps new teachers improve teaching practice.
Overall, the PAR model helps veteran teachers improve teaching practice.
The feedback teachers receive through PAR CTs measurably improves teachers' classroom
The feedback teachers receive through PLC Coaches measurably improves teachers' classroom
The feedback teachers receive through Principals/Assistant Principals measurably improves
teachers' classroom performance.
The feedback teachers receive through school- and district-wide PD measurably improves teachers'
classroom performance.

135. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
My school is committed to improving instructional practice.
The expectations for effective teaching are clearly defined within my school.
PAR CTs at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
PLC Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teaching looks like.
Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.

136. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The expectations for effective teacher support and development are clearly defined within my
PAR CTs at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
PLC Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
support and development looks like.


137. Overall, how satisfied are you with the TEM 3.0 evaluation model? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

138. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is fair.
Teachers get enough feedback on their instructional practice.
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is an effective tool for professional development.
The TEM 3.0 Rubrics are effective tools for providing feedback to teachers.

139. Which of the following methods would be most helpful for providing additional professional development
opportunities? Please rank the choices below. [Forced ranking: Most important, Second most important,
Third most important, etc]
a. Webinars
b. In-person trainings, led by district staff
c. In-person trainings, led by teacher-leaders/coaches
d. In-person trainings, led by peers
e. Additional time to meet as Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
f. Additional options in PD360
g. Exemplar videos of other teachers
h. Enhanced use of reflective practice technology for independent study
i. Manuals or guidelines
j. Additional coaching opportunities
k. Additional time with PAR CTs
l. Additional time with PLC Coaches
m. Additional time with Learning Coaches
n. Other (If other, please specify):

140. In your opinion, what are the THREE most important areas of work you need to develop in order to grow as
a teacher and increase student achievement? Please include as much detail as you like. [Open response].



141. How many years have you been employed as a full-time teacher in legacy Memphis City Schools, legacy
Shelby County Schools, and/or the unified Shelby County Schools?
[Drop-down menu: 1 (Only the CURRENT school year 2013-14); 2 - 30, More than 30]

142. Not including this school year, how many years [Drop-down menu: 0-30, More than 30]
(m) Have you been employed as a classroom teacher, in any school district?
(n) Have you been employed in any capacity in either legacy Memphis City Schools or legacy
Shelby County Schools?
(o) Have you been employed at the district level?
(p) Have you been employed as a Principal or Assistant Principal?
(q) Have you been employed as instructional support staff/ESP?
(r) Have you been employed in a support services role (e.g., psychologist, speech therapist,
guidance counselor, intervention specialist, etc.)?

143. What subject do you teach? Please select the primary subject if you teach more than one.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5
English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

144. What grade(s) do you teach? [Drop-down menu: Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12; Other]

145. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the instructional staff at your school?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Very effective

146. Please indicate your overall effectiveness rating (TEM or TEAM score) from the 2012-13 school year.
1 Significantly Below Expectations
2 Below Expectations
3 Meeting Expectations
4 Above Expectations
5 Significantly Above Expectations
I was not in a role that received a TEM or TEAM effectiveness score in 2012-13.
147. During the 2013-14 school year, how often did you engage with the following types of support? [Scale: Daily,
Weekly, Monthly, Every two months, Once or twice, I never engaged with this type of support]
a. School-wide PD
b. District-wide PD
c. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
d. Reflective technology (video) and/or Teachscape
e. Master Teacher
f. PD 360
g. Asking a fellow teacher for feedback on my practice
h. Other (if other, please specify):

148. In your opinion, of the resources listed below, which contribute most significantly to your growth as a
teacher? Please rank your choices.
a. Observing other teachers in my building
b. Planning with other teachers
c. Watching video of other teachers

d. Watching video of my own practice
e. School-level PD
f. District-level PD
g. Feedback I receive through the observation process
h. Feedback I receive through the informal observation process
i. PD360
j. Other

149. What was the best or most helpful piece of feedback you have received to date? [Open response]

150. In your opinion, of the human resources listed below, which contribute most significantly to your growth as a
teacher? Please rank your choices
a. My Principal
b. My PIT Crew member
c. My PLC Coach
d. My PLC team
e. A Master Teacher in my building
f. A Learning Coach in my building
g. A Content Advisor
h. My peers
i. Other

151. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
My school is committed to improving instructional practice.
The expectations for effective teaching are clearly defined within my school.
PIT Crew shares a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
Learning Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
Master Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teaching looks like. All
Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like. All

152. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The expectations for effective teacher support and development are clearly defined within my
PIT Crew shares a common vision of what effective teacher support and development looks like.
Learning Coaches at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
Master Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support and
development looks like.
PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support
and development looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teacher support and development looks like.

153. Overall, how satisfied are you with the professional development you have received to date? [Very
dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

154. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching as a method of teacher development? [Very dissatisfied;
Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

155. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching and/or support you have received through your Master
Teacher? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied; I
did not receive coaching and/or support from a Master Teacher]

156. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching and/or support you have received through your PLC
Coach/Lead Teacher? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied;
Very satisfied]

157. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching and/or support you have received through your Principal? [Very
dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied; I did not receive
coaching and/or support from my Principal]

158. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching and/or support you have received through your Assistant/Vice
Principal? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied;
I did not receive coaching and/or support from my Assistant/Vice Principal]

159. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
a. The professional development available to me this year has provided me with strategies,
techniques, and other resources to help me develop my practice.
b. I have received concrete feedback on my teacher practice.
c. I have been informally observed to identify which TEM 3.0 indicators are areas for my development.
d. I am a more effective teacher as a result of my professional development.

160. Overall, how satisfied are you with the TEM 3.0 evaluation model? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

161. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is fair.
Teachers get enough feedback on their instructional practice.
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is an effective tool for professional development.
The TEM 3.0 Rubrics are effective tools for providing feedback to teachers.

162. Who, in your opinion, is best suited for providing you with the support you need to be an effective teacher?
(Check all that apply)
a. Learning Coaches
b. PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers
c. Master Teachers
d. PIT Crew members
e. Content Advisors
f. Principals / Assistant Principals
g. Fellow teachers
h. Other - If other, please specify:

163. Which of the following methods would be most helpful for providing additional professional development
opportunities? Please rank the choices below.
a. Webinars
b. In-person trainings, led by district-staff
c. In-person trainings, led by teacher-leaders/coaches
d. In-person trainings, led by peers
e. Additional time to meet as professional learning communities
f. Additional options in PD360
g. Exemplar videos of other teachers
h. Enhanced use of reflective practice technology for independent study
i. Additional coaching opportunities
j. Manuals or guidelines
k. Additional time with PLC Coaches
l. Additional time with Learning Coaches
m. Other (If other, please specify):

164. In your opinion, what are the THREE most important areas of work you need to develop in order to grow as
a teacher and increase student achievement? Please include as much detail as you like. [Open response].

165. What else can the Division of Talent Management do to support the improvement of your practice? [Open



166. How many years have you been employed as a full-time teacher in legacy Memphis City Schools, legacy
Shelby County Schools, and/or the unified Shelby County Schools?
[Drop-down menu: 1 (Only the CURRENT school year 2013-14); 2 - 30, More than 30]

167. Not including this school year, how many years [Drop-down menu: 0-30, More than 30]
(s) Have you been employed as a classroom teacher, in any school district?
(t) Have you been employed in any capacity in either legacy Memphis City Schools or legacy
Shelby County Schools?
(u) Have you been employed at the district level?
(v) Have you been employed as a Principal or Assistant Principal?
(w) Have you been employed as instructional support staff/ESP?
(x) Have you been employed in a support services role (e.g., psychologist, speech therapist,
guidance counselor, intervention specialist, etc.)?

168. What subject do you teach? Please select the primary subject if you teach more than one.
Early Childhood
Elementary K-2
Elementary 3-5
English Language
English-Language Arts
Exceptional Children
Fine Arts
Social Studies

Theatre Arts
World Languages
Other (If other, please specify:)

169. What grade(s) do you teach? [Drop-down menu: Pre-K; Kindergarten; 1 12; Other]

170. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the instructional staff at your school?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Very effective

171. Please indicate your overall effectiveness rating (TEM or TEAM score) from the 2012-13 school year.
1 Significantly Below Expectations
2 Below Expectations
3 Meeting Expectations
4 Above Expectations
5 Significantly Above Expectations
I was not in a role that received a TEM or TEAM effectiveness score in 2012-13.
172. During the 2013-14 school year, how often did you engage with the following types of support? [Scale: Daily,
Weekly, Monthly, Every two months, Once or twice, I never engaged with this type of support]
a. School-wide PD
b. District-wide PD
c. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
d. Reflective technology (video) and/or Teachscape
e. PD 360
f. Asking a fellow teacher for feedback on my practice
g. Other (if other, please specify):

173. In your opinion, of the resources listed below, which contribute most significantly to your growth as a
teacher? Please rank your choices.
a. Observing other teachers in my building
b. Planning with other teachers
c. Watching video of other teachers
d. Watching video of my own practice
e. School-level PD
f. District-level PD
g. Feedback I receive through the observation process
h. Feedback I receive through the informal observation process
i. PD360
j. Other

174. What was the best or most helpful piece of feedback you have received to date? [Open response]

175. In your opinion, of the human resources listed below, which contribute most significantly to your growth as a
teacher? Please rank your choices.
a. My Principal

b. My PLC Coach
c. My PLC team
d. A Master Teacher in my building
e. A Learning Coach in my building
f. A Content Advisor
g. My peers
h. Other

176. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
My school is committed to improving instructional practice.
The expectations for effective teaching are clearly defined within my school.
PAR CTs shares a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.
PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teaching looks like. All
Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like. All

177. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The expectations for effective teacher support and development are clearly defined within my
PAR CTs shares a common vision of what effective teacher support and development looks like.
PLC Coaches/Lead Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teacher support
and development looks like.
The Principal and Assistant Principal(s) of my school share a common vision of what effective
teacher support and development looks like.

178. Overall, how satisfied are you with the professional development you have received to date? [Very
dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

179. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching as a method of teacher development? [Very dissatisfied;
Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

180. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching and/or support you have received through your PLC Coach?
[Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

181. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching and/or support you have received through your Principal? [Very
dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied; I did not receive
coaching and/or support from my Principal]

182. Overall, how satisfied are you with coaching and/or support you have received through your Assistant/Vice
Principal? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied;
I did not receive coaching and/or support from my Assistant/Vice Principal]

183. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
a. The professional development available to me this year has provided me with strategies,
techniques, and other resources to help me develop my practice.
b. I have received concrete feedback on my teacher practice.
c. I have been informally observed to identify which TEM 3.0 indicators are areas for my development.
d. I am a more effective teacher as a result of my professional development.

184. Overall, how satisfied are you with the TEM 3.0 evaluation model? [Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Somewhat
dissatisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Satisfied; Very satisfied]

185. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements: [Strongly disagree; Disagree;
Somewhat disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree]
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is fair.
Teachers get enough feedback on their instructional practice.
The TEM 3.0 evaluation system is an effective tool for professional development.
The TEM 3.0 Rubrics are effective tools for providing feedback to teachers.

186. Who, in your opinion, is best suited for providing you with the support you need to be an effective teacher?
(Check all that apply)
a. Principals / Assistant Principals
b. PAR CTs
c. PLC Coaches
d. Content Advisors
e. Fellow teachers
f. Other - If other, please specify:

187. Which of the following methods would be most helpful for providing additional professional development
opportunities? Please rank the choices below.
a. Webinars
b. In-person trainings, led by district-staff
c. In-person trainings, led by teacher-leaders/coaches
d. In-person trainings, led by peers
e. Additional time to meet as professional learning communities
f. Additional options in PD360
g. Exemplar videos of other teachers
h. Enhanced use of reflective practice technology for independent study
i. Additional coaching opportunities
j. Manuals or guidelines
k. Additional time with PAR CTs
l. Additional time with PLC Coaches
m. Other (If other, please specify):

188. In your opinion, what are the THREE most important areas of work you need to develop in order to grow as
a teacher and increase student achievement? Please include as much detail as you like. [Open response].

189. What else can the Division of Talent Management do to support the improvement of your practice? [Open

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