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2 February 1999

CE Refereed Peer Review

Thrombocythemia in
★The diagnosis of essential
thrombocythemia (ET) must
Dogs and Cats. Part I.
be made by ruling out other
myeloproliferative disorders Auburn University
and more common causes of Alexandra Chisholm-Chait, VMD
an elevated platelet count, such
as inflammatory disease or ABSTRACT: Essential thrombocythemia is a rare type of myeloproliferative disorder that must
infection. be differentiated from other causes of excessive circulating platelets. In cases of essential
thrombocythemia, the elevated platelet count is caused by clonal expansion of megakaryocyte
precursors; in addition, platelets and megakaryocytes are often morphologically and function-
KEY FACTS ally abnormal. This article reviews several distinguishing features and the terminology used to
describe myeloproliferative disorders and other causes of thrombocytosis, with respect to dif-
■ Diagnostic criteria developed in ferentiating between these diseases.
the field of human oncology are

the best guidelines with which ssential, or primary, thrombocythemia (ET) is an uncommon chronic
to establish a diagnosis of ET in myeloproliferative disease (MPD) typically characterized by excessive gen-
dogs and cats. eration of morphologically and functionally abnormal platelets and/or
megakaryocytes (MKs). This augmented platelet production is derived from
■ Reactive causes of clonal expansion of megakaryocytic precursors in the bone marrow (Figure 1).1,2
thrombocytosis are considerably Hematopoietic progenitors of the platelet lineage (and other lineages as well)
more common than are may undergo clonal amplification when genetic mutations render them more
myeloproliferative causes and sensitive to stimulatory cytokines or less sensitive to inhibitory cytokines that
should therefore be aggressively regulate thrombopoiesis (see Cytokines that Play a Role in the Regulation of
ruled out before considering a Thrombopoiesis).3–6
diagnosis of ET. Essential thrombocythemia must be distinguished from other causes of exces-
sive circulating platelets because overexuberant platelet release is more common-
■ The presence of megakaryocytic ly a nonpathologic secondary reaction to overall bone marrow stimulation, as
hyperplasia on bone marrow might be expected during rebound hematopoiesis following chemotherapy. This
cytology or histopathology is type of thrombocytosis results from cytokine-induced hematopoiesis and typi-
recommended as an additional cally does not require specific treatment. Conversely, myeloproliferative causes of
diagnostic criterion by many augmented platelet production do warrant therapy and regular monitoring. If
oncologists treating human thrombocytosis is associated with an underlying MPD, it is helpful to determine
patients with ET. the primary cell type involved because some classes of MPD may be more re-
sponsive to therapy than others are. Although ET is rare in dogs and cats, multi-
■ Other significant supportive ple reports in the veterinary literature document MPDs with abnormal numbers
criteria for diagnosis include of circulating platelets,7–20 several of which are consistent with primary thrombo-
splenomegaly, abnormal platelet cythemia.14–18
or megakaryocyte morphology, Part I of this two-part presentation provides a brief review of the classifications
and platelet dysfunction. and terminology used to describe MPDs and other causes of thrombocytosis—
which may help to clarify the distinguishing features between these diseases; di-
Compendium February 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

Classification of Myeloproliferative
Disorders in Dogs and Catsa
Disorder Predominant Cell Clone
Granulocytic leukemia Neutrophils
Monocytic leukemia Monocytes
Myelomonocytic leukemia Neutrophils
and monocytes
Eosinophilic leukemia Eosinophils
Basophilic leukemia Basophils
Polycythemia vera Erythrocytes
(primary erythrocytosis)
Figure 1—Committed megakaryocyte (MK ) progenitors and Erythroleukemia complex Erythroid and
progeny. Essential thrombocythemia results when one of granulocytic series
these cell types undergoes neoplastic transformation and Thrombocythemia Platelets
clonal proliferation (BFU-MK = burst-forming unit–mega-
karyocyte; CFU-MK = colony-forming unit–megakaryocyte; Megakaryocytic or Megakaryocytes and
IL = interleukin; LD-CFU-MK = light density–colony-form- megakaryoblastic leukemia megakaryoblasts
ing unit–megakaryocyte; Pro-MK-blast = promegakaryoblast). Myelofibrosis or Marrow stromal cellsb
myelosclerosis (e.g., fibroblasts)
Smoldering (aleukemic) Any aberrant clone
Cytokines that Play a Role in leukemia that is not found in
the Regulation of Thrombopoiesis circulation and does
Stimulatory Cytokines Inhibitory Cytokines not suppress normal
Granulocyte/monocyte– Transforming growth hematopoiesis
colony-stimulating factor–β a
Adapted from Evans RJ, Gorman NT: Myeloproliferative
factor Platelet-released disease in the dog and cat: Definition, aetiology, and
classification. Vet Rec 121:437–443, 1987.
Interleukin-3 glycoprotein b
Although fibroblasts may be derived from one clone, most
Interleukin-6 Platelet factor 4 studies suggest that fibroblasts involved in myelofibrosis are
Interleukin-11 Interferon-α polyclonal and produce collagen in response to stimulation
by hematopoietic clones.23
Thrombopoietin Interferon-γ
leukemias (Figure 2B) are associated with a preponder-
ance of blast forms.21 These cells may be confined to
agnosis of ET is also discussed. Part II discusses the his- the bone marrow, detectable in circulation, and/or dis-
tory, clinicopathologic findings, and treatment of ET seminated throughout the body.15
and reviews recent advances in diagnostic methods in- Although most chronic MPDs are characterized by
vestigated in human patients. the dominance of a particular cell line, such as chronic
granulocytic leukemia, peripheral blood counts often
MYELOPROLIFERATIVE DISEASES confound diagnosis because two or more cell types may
An MPD is any neoplastic disorder characterized by be excessively represented. Categories of MPDs report-
autonomous clonal expansion of nonlymphoid he- ed in small animals include PV (clonal production of
matopoietic stem cells (Table I). MPDs are classified as erythrocytes, distinct from primary erythrocytosis de-
acute or chronic myeloid leukemias (the terms acute scribed in humans), myelomonocytic leukemia (clonal
and chronic do not refer to the duration of disease but production of neutrophils and monocytes), eryth-
rather to the maturity of the autonomous clone). Chron- roleukemia complex (expansion of erythroid and gran-
ic MPDs (Figure 2A) encompass several distinct and ulocytic clones), leukemia (basophilic, granulocytic, or
overlapping clinical conditions characterized by the ex- monocytic), ET, myelofibrosis, and aplastic ane-
uberant production of more differentiated hematopoiet- mia.12,21,22 MPDs may include intermediate or mixed
ic clones, as in polycythemia vera (PV) or ET. Acute forms or may undergo transformation from one form


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium February 1999

Figure 2A Figure 2B
Figure 2—(A) Chronic myeloproliferative disorders: expansion of well-differentiated neoplastic clones (yellow and
green hatched cells). (B) Acute myeloproliferative disorders: clonal proliferation of blast or poorly differentiated neo-
plastic cells (solid yellow cells).

to another over time (e.g., may start out as basophilic

leukemia but transform to a less-differentiated, acute
myeloid leukemia).12 Dysplasias of stromal cells may re-
sult in myelofibrosis, although overexuberant collagen
production more often occurs secondary to stimulation
by cytokines produced by transformed hematopoietic
clones.23 Terminology often overlaps and reflects the
subtle differences in the morphology and differentia-
tion of the clonal cell. More detailed classifications in
veterinary medicine may be found elsewhere.21,24 A re-
view of the basic hierarchy of hematopoiesis is helpful
in understanding why multiple cell lines may be aber-
rant simultaneously (Figure 3).
Figure 3— Normal hematopoiesis (Ba = basophil; BFU =
The progenitor known as colony-forming unit– blast-forming unit; CFU = colony-forming unit; CSF =
GEMM (CFU–GEMM; GEMM being loosely descrip- colony-stimulating factor; E = erythrocyte; Eo = eosinophil;
tive of the cell types into which progeny cells may dif- EPO = erythropoietin; G = granulocyte; Gemm = granulo-
ferentiate [i.e., granulocyte, erythrocyte, monocyte, and cyte, erythrocyte, monocyte, megakaryocyte; GM = granulo-
megakaryocyte]) is a myeloid stem cell capable of limit- cyte monocyte; IL = interleukin; M = monocyte; Meg =
ed self-replication and differentiation into daughter megakaryocyte; TPO = thrombopoietin).
cells. These progeny and, in turn, their subsequent
progeny have progressively narrower spectrums of dif-
ferentiation potential until they are finally “unipoten- and, in fact, are not morphologically recognizable with
tial.” Unipotential cells can only differentiate into one light microscopy. For the most part, these pluripoten-
specific cell type, which we recognize on a blood smear. tial cells exist in a quiescent state and enter the cell cy-
Examples of unipotential progenitors include colony- cle only when the demand for hematopoiesis exceeds
forming unit–eosinophil (CFU-Eo), burst-forming the ability of more differentiated CFUs to supply
unit–erythrocyte (BFU-E), CFU-G, CFU-M, and CFU- cells,12 such as would be expected following total body
Meg, which respectively differentiate into eosinophils, irradiation or chemotherapy toxicosis. Which commit-
erythrocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, and MKs (then ted progeny predominates depends on the local envi-
platelets). ronment of stimulatory and inhibitory cytokines.
As expected, pluripotential stem cells represent a Why animals develop MPD remains poorly under-
much smaller proportion (less than 0.01%) of stood. There is a clear association between infection with
hematopoietic progenitors. They are much less distin- the leukemia virus and development of subsequent neo-
guishable than are their more differentiated progeny plastic and dysplastic marrow disease in cats; however, no


Compendium February 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

such associations have been confirmed in dogs. As MPDs

are diagnosed and characterized more fully in the pet pop- Causes of Reactive Thrombocytosis
ulation, definitive patterns of genetic or viral influence are According to Duration of
likely to emerge. At this Elevated Platelet Counta
Causes of time, diagnostic criteria de- Acute/Transient Chronic
Thrombocytosis veloped in the field of hu-
man oncology, modified to Lasting minutes to ■ Iron deficiency
Reactive thrombocytosis accommodate the different hours (chronic blood loss)
■ Infection laboratory parameters ap- ■ Epinephrine
propriate to veterinary pa- — Gastrointestinal/
■ Inflammation ■ Vincristine cutaneous
tients, are the best guidelines
■ Iron deficiency with which to categorize ■ Exercise parasitism
■ Hemorrhage MPDs in dogs and cats. — Chronic
■ Surgery Furthermore, use of these Lasting hours to days
■ Hyperadrenocorticism standardized guidelines ■ Acute hemorrhage
bowel disease
or exogenous should help to establish a ■ Recovery from acute
nomenclature that can be ■ Chronic inflammatory
glucocorticoids infection
used to search the current disease
■ Release from storage ■ Postthrombocytopenia
and future veterinary litera- ■ Hyperadrenocorticism
sites (splenectomy, (rebound)
ture effectively and compre- ■ Chronic infectious
lung lobectomy, hensively using narrow and — Post–immune
splenic contraction) specific terms. mediated
— Toxoplasmosis
■ Nonspecific bone As MPDs become better — Postchemo-
described within the veteri- — Hepatozoonosis
marrow stimulation therapeutic
nary curriculum, we may ■ Neoplasia (may
or stimulation of other find that more astute recog- elaborate hemato-
marrow lineages nition of these conditions poietic cytokines)
(secondary results in prevalence rates ■ Hemolytic anemia
polycythemia) higher than we now appreci-
■ Splenectomy (mild
■ Metastatic carcinoma ate. More importantly, the
increasing availability of in- thrombocytosis may
house hematology equip- persist indefinitely)
thrombocytosis ment may improve the aAdapted from Frenkel EP: The clinical spectrum of
recognition of earlier stages thrombocytosis and thrombocythemia. Am J Med Sci
■ Myelodysplasia 301(1):69–80, 1991.
of MPDs (i.e., before ani-
■ Myeloid metaplasia mals become symptomatic),
■ Polycythemia vera particularly as more veteri- describe conditions in which excessive numbers of
■ Essential narians perform bloodwork platelets are produced by dysplastic clonal MK precur-
thrombocythemia as part of routine geriatric sors. The term thrombocytosis (see Causes of Thrombo-
screens and preoperative as- cytosis) is more appropriately used to describe excessive
sessments. Preleukemic con- thrombopoiesis secondary to infection, acute or chron-
ditions may be detected by unexplained macrocytosis, nu- ic inflammation, iron deficiency, hemorrhage, surgery,
cleated erythrocytes, and large or excessively granulated and nonspecific bone marrow stimulation (i.e., reactive
platelets present in circulation.12 Once excessive or abnor- thrombocytosis [RT]).25,26
mal platelets are discovered, understanding the difference Thrombocytosis also describes the elevation in the
between thrombocytosis and ET becomes paramount. number of circulating platelets caused by sudden re-
lease from major sites of storage. Organs with extensive
MYELOPROLIFERATIVE THROMBOCYTOSIS sinusoidal blood flow (e.g., the spleen) may sequester
VERSUS REACTIVE THROMBOCYTOSIS one third or more of the body’s platelets; splenic con-
Much of the current human and veterinary literature traction induced by exercise, stress, or acute hemor-
is unfortunately peppered with inconsistent terminolo- rhage may cause a significant increase in the platelet
gy. For example, the term primary thrombocytosis is count without altering the total body platelet comple-
sometimes used instead of essential thrombocythemia to ment. RT may also occur as part of “rebound” hema-


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium February 1999

Figure 4—Bone marrow cytology showing a normal mega- Figure 5A


topoiesis following nutritional, immune, or toxic causes

of bone marrow suppression or peripheral platelet con-
sumption.27 The duration of thrombocytosis may help
to develop a differential diagnosis list of that should be
investigated before considering the possibility of ET
(see Causes of Reactive Thrombocytosis According to
Duration of Elevated Platelet Count).
The term thrombocytosis is also used to describe condi-
tions in which the augmented platelet count occurs sec-
ondary to other MPDs or myeloid dysplasias. These con-
ditions are characterized by dysplastic hematopoietic
clones that are not of the megakaryocytic lineage but in
Figure 5B
some way stimulate appurtenant platelet production
(i.e., myeloproliferative thrombocytosis).19 Some authors Figure 5—(A and B) Bone marrow cytology showing
use thrombocythemia to refer to platelet elevations associ- megakaryocytic dysplasia. Compared with a normal
ated with any MPD 27; however, the term essential throm- megakaryocyte (see Figure 4), these are morphologically
abnormal with a reduced nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio and
bocythemia is more appropriately reserved for those
abnormal nuclear ploidy.
MPDs characterized by clonal expansion of a trans-
formed cell of the megakaryocytic lineage only.
The clinical syndromes of RT and ET are consider- Thrombopoiesis in ET occurs independent of the in-
ably different despite the similar finding of high plate- fluences of acute phase reactants and other regulatory cy-
let counts. RT is characterized by production of func- tokines. The role of thrombopoietin and its receptor,
tionally and morphologically normal platelets and MKs however, has yet to be fully elucidated and is currently
(Figure 4) and is not typically associated with an in- under investigation. Buccal mucosal bleeding time and/or
creased risk of hemostatic complications.25,27 Recent assays of platelet aggregation in response to agonists such
studies suggest the excessive thrombopoiesis character- as thrombin or platelet-activating factor are useful tests
istic of RT results from the elaboration of interleukins (when available) of platelet function in cases in which an
(IL)-1β, -4, and -6, cytokines that influence MK and MPD is suspected. Interestingly, the elevated platelet
pre-MK stages of platelet production.28,29 IL-6, an acute count associated with ET does not always predicate a ten-
phase reactant released during stress or inflammation dency toward thrombosis, although thrombotic events are
(see Causes of Reactive Thrombocytosis According to common in humans, particularly within the splenic,
Duration of Elevated Platelet Count), is especially in- mesenteric, and portal vasculature.32,33 Quite the contrary,
fluential in the production of normal platelets in RT.29 veterinary patients with ET appear to have a greater
Conversely, the hallmark of ET is abnormal platelet propensity toward excessive hemorrhage, as evidenced by
and/or MK morphology30 (Figures 5A and 5B) and/or ecchymosis, petechiation, hematochezia, melena, or
platelet dysfunction.31–33 hematuria.31 It should be noted that any thrombocytosis


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium February 1999

associated with a concurrent necessary for diagnosis (see

or underlying prothrombo- Diagnostic Criteria for Essential Diagnostic Criteria for Es-
embolic condition (e.g., pan- Thrombocythemia in Humansa sential Thrombocythemia in
creatitis or hypertension) may Humans). For instance, the
augment the underlying risk ■ Platelet count in excess of 600 x 109/Lb (>700 x upper limit of a normal
of thromboembolism. 10 9/L in veterinary patients) platelet count is more vari-
Unfortunately, platelet ■ Normal erythrocyte mass/hematocrit able in veterinary patients
count and function testing ■ Stainable iron in bone marrow or failure of iron than it is in humans; platelet
alone often fail to distinguish trial (iron supplementation for 1 month does not counts in excess of 600,000/
between ET and thrombocy- µl are well documented in
result in a significant rise in hemoglobin)
tosis occurring secondary to domestic animals that are
another underlying pathology, ■ No Philadelphia chromosome or bcr/abl gene otherwise healthy. As such, a
such as infection, inflamma- rearrangementb conservative approach to in-
tion, or hemorrhage. Conse- ■ Collagen fibrosis of bone marrow absent or vestigating thrombocytosis
quently, most practitioners in <1/3 of bone marrow biopsy area is fibrosed may more appropriately be-
human oncology and some and there is no evidence of splenomegaly and gin when the platelet count
veterinary practitioners have exceeds 700,000/µl, especially
leukoerythroblastic reaction
adopted a standardized ap- when there are no other ob-
proach to the diagnosis of ET ■ No cytogenetic or morphologic evidence for a vious physical examination or
using guidelines developed by myelodysplastic syndrome clinicopathologic abnormali-
the Polycythemia Vera Study ■ No known cause for reactive thrombocytosis (no ties. Regardless of the precise
Group.34,35 These guidelines evidence of inflammation, etc.) platelet number above which
list specific clinicopathologic aRecommendations from the Polycythemia Vera Study
to consider ET, thorough ex-
features that must be present 34
Group, 1986, updated in 1997. 35 clusion of other MPDs and
or absent before attributing an b These criteria are inappropriate for veterinary patients. RT remains paramount to
elevated platelet count to ET 34,35 diagnosis.
(see Diagnostic Criteria for First, hemoglobin and
Essential Thrombocythemia erythrocyte concentrations
in Humans). must not exceed certain
Over the last two decades, thresholds because clonal ex-
those diagnostic criteria have pansion of the erythroid lin-
been modified from empha- eage is often accompanied
sizing characteristics that by secondary thrombocyto-
rule out other causes of exu- sis. PV, as discussed here,
berant platelet production represents that MPD charac-
to emphasizing the impor- terized by increased erythro-
tance of several positive cytes, platelets, and usually
markers for the disease. De- leukocytes; hepatospleno-
spite the recent prolific de- megaly; and normal to low
velopment of in vivo and erythropoietin levels. Veteri-
in vitro tests that positively Figure 6—Bone marrow histopathology showing significant nary patients with expansion
identify patients with ET, replacement of normal marrow elements with fibrosis. of only the erythroid lin-
the guidelines for diagnosis eage, no increase in platelet
have come full circle to being mostly exclusionary in or leukocyte count, and no hepatosplenomegaly may be
nature while incorporating some of these newly identi- better classified as having primary erythrocytosis (if neo-
fied positive markers as supportive criteria. plastic in origin) or secondary erythrocytosis (if it repre-
sents normal compensatory response to hypoxemia).
DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES Another criterion, the presence of normal iron stores in
The diagnostic guidelines developed by the Poly- bone marrow, is also necessary to rule out PV. Patients
cythemia Vera Study Group warrant further examination with PV have unregulated, overexuberant production of
because some of the criteria are not currently relevant to erythrocytes that may eventually deplete iron stores. At
the veterinary population, whereas other criteria may be some point, this reduction in available iron may serve as
better interpreted as supportive rather than absolutely “brakes” on erythropoiesis, resulting in a “falsely” normal-


Compendium February 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

ENDIU ized packed cell volume. and other chromosomal abnormalities—as risk factors for
Therefore, the presence of particular myeloproliferative syndromes in animals. Other
20th M’

9 - 1
9 9 9 S normal marrow iron, or the gene aberrations in humans (e.g., bcr/abl rearrangement)
1 9 7

ANNIVERSARY unveiling of overexuberant also increase the risk of transformation from a more differ-
erythrocyte production when entiated MPD like ET to other, prognostically more dele-
A LookBack depleted iron stores are re-
plenished, is essential to fur-
terious classes of leukemia.35,36 Again, no such genetic de-
fects have been identified in dogs or cats.
The gene for thrombopoietin,
ther exclude PV as a cause of The absence of collagen in the bone marrow must be
thrombocytosis. Further- confirmed because the process of myelofibrosis may ac-
a hematopoietic cytokine
more, chronic hemorrhage company or result in intermittent surges in platelet produc-
influencing the development
(as occurs with heavy parasite tion and may also be suggestive of another underlying
and maturation of cells of the burdens) and concomitant MPD. If evidence of early fibrotic changes exists in the
megakaryocyte lineage, was iron deficiency may result marrow, it is important to rule out compensatory extra-
isolated and cloned by several in RT; short of identifying medullary hematopoiesis (which would most likely result
independent laboratories 5 years the source of blood loss, de- in splenomegaly) as a cause of thrombocytosis. It is equally
ago. Considerable research has pleted iron stores may be the important to realize that progressive myelofibrosis (Figure
since been done to elucidate its only evidence of chronic hem- 6) may occur as a late-stage sequela of many myeloprolifer-
role in bone marrow orrhage. Under these circum- ative diseases, including ET. Degranulation of MKs and
reconstitution following stances, normalization of the the subsequent elaboration of growth factors may stimulate
myeloablative therapy as well as platelet count following a pe- collagen production by adjacent marrow fibroblasts.a Conse-
that of it and its receptor
riod of trial iron supplemen- quently, the presence of even a small degree of myelofibro-
tation is evidence of a reac- sis mandates a particularly critical examination of other
(c-Mpl) in the pathogenesis of
tive cause of thrombocytosis. marrow constituents to differentiate among possible
essential thrombocythemia and
The absence of the Phil- MPDs. Finally, any other cause of thrombocytosis (see
other myeloproliferative adelphia chromosome is a cri- Causes of Thrombocytosis) must be excluded before a diag-
disorders. Bioassays and, more terion in humans because nosis of ET can be rendered.
recently, enzyme-linked those patients in whom this Later guidelines added both positive and more specif-
immunosorbent assays have chromosomal aberration is ic exclusionary criteria. For example, the Rotterdam
been developed to measure found are predisposed to the guideline for diagnosis of ET37 includes megakaryocytic
thrombopoietin levels in development of chronic mye- hyperplasia and splenomegaly as additional positive cri-
humans with platelet disorders. logenous leukemia.35 This de- teria. Furthermore, the presence of marrow osteosclero-
As more is discovered about the fect results from the translo- sis or any myelodysplastic features are considered addi-
biologic characteristics of the cation of the c-myc oncogene tional exclusionary criteria for diagnosis. Undefined
leukemic cell and the role of
to a position adjacent to an clinical parameters, such as splenic enlargement, have
immunoglobulin promoter been refined to include more objective methods of
thrombopoietin and other
gene. The c-myc oncogene is ascertaining spleen size using ultrasound, computed
cytokines in the pathogenesis of
consequently “turned on” con- tomography,37–39 and, more recently, nuclear scintigra-
myeloproliferative disease, gene siderably more often than it phy.40,41 Unfortunately, the vastly heterogeneous spec-
therapy and other more-focused should be, resulting in the ex- trum of breed conformations, sizes, and weights within
treatments may be used to cessive production of tran- our pet population precludes the development of nar-
target cancer at the molecular scriptional factors. The aug- row standardized ranges of spleen size. Nevertheless,
or genetic level. Vaccines mented platelet count in this splenomegaly, however determined, should be consid-
carrying gene vectors or tumor disorder is thought to rep- ered a supportive (as opposed to an absolute) positive
antigens may soon become a resent a myeloproliferative criteria for diagnosis of ET.
routine part of cancer therapy thrombocytosis rather than a
for the veterinary patient. true thrombocythemia. Al- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
though chronic myelogenous Special thanks to Clint D. Lothrop, William G.
leukemia has been reported in Brewer, Jr., and Mary K. Boudreaux for providing in-
small animals, the technical sightful comments and suggestions for this manuscript,
difficulty in karyotyping ca- Joseph S. Spano for cytology slides, and Jaime Modiano
nine and feline chromosomes for last minute consultation.
precludes identification of the a
Personal communication: Boudreaux M. Clinical pathology
Philadelphia chromosome— department, Auburn University, AL, 1998.


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium February 1999

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Compendium February 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

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40. Revesz P, Carneskog J, Wadenvik H, et al: Measurement of Dr. Chisholm-Chait is affiliated with the Small Animal
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Surgery and Medicine Department, College of Veterinary
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41. Carneskog J, Wadenvik H, Fjalling M, Kutti J: Assessment Medicine, Auburn University, Alabama.
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