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Good evening;

Respected Principal, Managing Trustees,

Distinguished dignitaries on the Dais,
Dear Teachers & Parents,
May I take this opportunity to welcome you all, and to etend a !urther word o!
welcome to everyone here this evening"
The #nnual Day o! our $chool $RI %RI$&'## M#TRI()*#TI+' &IG&,R
$,(+'D#R- $(&++* is certainly a moment that we should all savour and en.oy"
I! you take a /uick look around you, I0m sure you will all agree that our $chool has
come a long way in the last !ew years"
It all started as a dream" +ur 1eloved (orrespondent envisioned the dream o!
esta1lishing a world class educational institution; a $chool that would mould and
guide !uture generations o! enlightened minds"
2e would like to etend our gratitude and thanks to all the role players that have
made it possi1le !or the dream to 1ecome a reality" Tonight marks this occasion 3 the
4i!th #nnual Day (eremony o! our $chool"
-ou are all most welcome to stay here this evening" I hope you en.oy the rest o! the
evening0s program and thank you !or sharing this special event with us"

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