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Vol. 22, No.

11 November 2000

CE Refereed Peer Review

Mechanisms of
★Thrombocytopenia can be a
common sequela of several kinds
of neoplasia; understanding the
pathophysiologic mechanisms of
in Dogs with Cancer
paraneoplastic thrombocytopenia Auburn University
is helpful in characterizing and
Alexandra Chisholm-Chait, VMD
treating the condition in veterinary
oncologic patients.
ABSTRACT: The mechanisms of paraneoplastic thrombocytopenia fall into several categories:
decreased production of platelets, platelet destruction, accelerated platelet consumption,
KEY FACTS platelet loss through hemorrhage, and sequestration. Dogs with lymphoproliferative neo-
plasms, myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic disorders, and hemangiosarcoma are at increased
■ Lymphoproliferative cancers risk for developing thrombocytopenia. This article describes the pathogenesis of thrombocy-
represent the greatest proportion topenia in dogs with cancer.
of malignancies accompanied by

n the past few decades, veterinary medicine has experienced an unprecedent-
■ Thrombocytopenia is documented ed increase in the number of pet owners electing to pursue diagnosis and
in at least 50% of dogs with treatment of their pets with cancer. In turn, this trend toward more aggres-
hemangiosarcoma. sive intervention has provided many opportunities to better characterize the
hematologic disturbances accompanying these malignancies. The incidence of
■ Thrombocytopenia in marrow- clinical and subclinical coagulation abnormalities in humans and dogs with can-
infiltrating tumors can be caused cer is surprisingly high (98%1 and 83%,2 respectively). It is difficult to determine
by myelophthisis or hematopoietic whether these high percentages are a reflection of older data acquired when co-
suppression mediated by changes agulation testing was limited to patients with evidence of a bleeding diathesis.
in the marrow microenvironment Despite the paucity of more contemporary veterinary literature in this area,
induced by the presence of the few recent studies appear to corroborate earlier human and veterinary data.
infiltrating malignant cells. For example, an older study documented 10% to 30% of human cancer patients
as having concurrent thrombocytopenia.3 Several studies published from 1980
■ Platelet life span is shortened to 1994 have documented similar incidences of thrombocytopenia in dogs diag-
in dogs with such tumors as nosed with neoplasia; all report that low platelet counts are the most common
adenocarcinomas, lymphomas, hemostatic abnormality, with the incidence ranging from 10% to 36%.2,4,5 The
and sarcomas. range of these percentages may reflect the specific tumor types represented, with
earlier studies characterizing primarily large, invasive neoplasias.2 Nevertheless,
■ At least 50% of dogs with the studies do concur about which tumor categories represent particularly high
hemangiosarcoma have risk factors for the development of thrombocytopenia.
compensated or fulminant Lymphoproliferative cancers represent the greatest proportion of neoplasms
disseminated intravascular accompanied by thrombocytopenia; approximately 35% to 50% of dogs with
coagulation. lymphoproliferative neoplasms are reported to be thrombocytopenic.4,6 Throm-
bocytopenia is also reported to occur more frequently in dogs with carcinomas,
Compendium November 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

hematopoietic tumors, and he- Myelophthisis (i.e., crowd-

mangiosarcoma.4 ing out of normal marrow
Studies investigating the in- constituents by tumor cells) is
cidence of thrombocytopenia characterized by peripheral
within specific tumor cate- pancytopenias. Specific sup-
gories showed that approx- pression of thrombopoiesis
imately 50% of dogs with has been attributed to re-
hemangiosarcoma were throm- duced blood supply caused by
bocytopenic compared with occlusive tumor thrombi
37% of dogs with lymphoma, within the marrow vascula-
25% of dogs with pulmonary ture, competition for nutri-
carcinomas, and 19% of dogs ents between tumor and nor-
with nasal adenocarcinoma.4 Figure 1—Bone marrow cytology showing marrow infil- mal myeloid cells, lysis and
Dogs with melanoma were tration with lymphosarcoma cells. phagocytosis of marrow cells
also reported to be at risk for by adjacent tumor cells, and
developing thrombocytopenia paracrine suppression of
(35%), but this risk was partially attributed to the cy- thrombopoiesis by substances produced by the infiltrat-
toreductive therapy these dogs received.4 In other stud- ing malignancy.9–11
ies, thrombocytopenia was documented in as many as Earlier reports implicated acidic lactoferritins in
75% of dogs with hemangiosarcoma in various loca- leukemic cell extracts and conditioned media in the
tions7 and 91% of dogs with cutaneous vascular tu- suppression of myeloid colony formation in short-term
mors.8 One quarter (6 of 24) of the dogs with heman- cultures.9,12 More recent studies, however, show strong
giosarcoma died as a direct result of their hemostatic evidence that the suppressive influence of tumor cells
abnormalities.7 on marrow hematopoiesis lies in some intrinsic quality
The lowest platelet counts were associated with he- of the malignant cell itself and not in the secretion of
mangiosarcoma and melanoma (87,000 ± 41,000 and humoral factors.13 In fact, in vitro analysis of cells from
97,000 ± 56,000 platelets/µl, respectively). Mean human patients with childhood acute lymphoblastic
platelet counts in patients with lymphoma and pul- leukemia revealed that radiation-induced loss of blast
monary adenocarcinoma were moderately low cell viability did not attenuate the suppressive effects on
(120,193 ± 58,000 and 121,400 ± 55,000 platelets/µl, adjacent progenitor cell growth.13 Furthermore, control
respectively). lymphoblasts isolated from patients with lymphoblastic
Although boxers and golden retrievers were at in- leukemia in which peripheral pancytopenia was not
creased risk for developing neoplasia, the latter were present did not exert suppressive effects on progenitor
particularly at risk for developing thrombocytopenia.4 hematopoiesis when subjected to the same experimen-
In general, large breeds represented the greatest propor- tal protocol; however, this study did not eliminate the
tion of dogs with concurrent neoplasia and thrombocy- possibility that inhibition of hematopoiesis was exerted
topenia (55%) compared with medium (25%) or small by normal accessory cells present in the progenitor cell
(20%) canine breeds.4 cultures.13
The mechanisms of paraneoplastic thrombocytope- Regardless of the exact mechanism, most researchers
nia fall into several main categories: decreased platelet concur that hematopoietic suppression is mediated by
production, platelet destruction, accelerated platelet some change in the marrow microenvironment induced
consumption, platelet loss through hemorrhage, and se- by the presence of infiltrating malignant cells.14 Al-
questration. The historically nonstandardized approach though many dogs with lymphosarcoma (20%) have
to the characterization and therapy of paraneoplastic bone marrow infiltration without peripheral pancytope-
thrombocytopenia precludes an accurate determination nia,10 lymphoproliferative disorders (e.g., lymphosarco-
of the relative role each mechanism plays in the animal ma [Figure 1], acute leukemias,15 multiple myelomas15)
population; however, all have been documented. may result in myelophthisis as part of the natural disease
course (Figure 2).10,11 Thrombocytopenia was evident in
DECREASED THROMBOPOIESIS a dog with myelophthisic disease associated with
Attenuated thrombopoiesis has been reported in dogs megakaryocytic leukemia.16 Nonlymphoid metastatic
with myelophthisic disease, myelodysplasia, Sertoli cell neoplasias, including mammary, prostatic, and nasal
tumors or other estrogen-secreting neoplasias, and adenocarcinomas, have been associated with myeloph-
chemotherapy-associated marrow suppression. thisis in humans and infrequently in dogs.10,11


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium November 2000

Figure 2—Bone marrow cytology showing significant marrow Figure 3—Peripheral blood smear showing giant platelets.
infiltration with neoplastic plasma cells, easily identifiable by
their distinctive perinuclear “halo.” Although occasional neu-
trophils and nucleated erythrocytes are present, the particle is
hypercellular and more than 80% of nucleated cells are neo-

Myelodysplastic syndromes are considered “preleu-

kemic” and are characterized by an arrested or aberrant
maturation sequence resulting in the release of blastlike
or otherwise morphologically abnormal marrow cells
into the circulation. This condition has been described
in dogs,17 cats,18,19 and horses20 but is best characterized
in humans.21 As with myelophthisis, peripheral blood
parameters reveal anemia, neutropenia, and thrombo-
cytopenia.18 Peripheral platelets may be large and ab- Figure 4A
normally shaped and/or have atypical granule con-
tent 10,18,22 (Figure 3). Marrow aspirates may reveal
normo- or hypercellularity, but abnormal progenitor
cells of any or all lineages are a consistent finding10
(Figure 4).
Estrogen toxicity is one of the more common causes
of bone marrow aplasia in veterinary medicine. Throm-
bocytopenia associated with estrogen secretion has been
documented in animals with Sertoli23 and granulosa
cell 24 tumors. Although all lineages are suppressed,
megakaryocyte progenitors are the ones most severely
affected by exogenous estrogen administration. 25,26
Myelofibrosis is a possible sequela to prolonged hyper-
estrogenism. Marrow aplasia is often refractory to treat- Figure 4B
ment despite complete tumor excision and normaliza-
Figure 4—(A) Bone marrow cytology showing megakaryocyt-
tion of estrogen levels23 (Figure 5). ic dysplasia. Megakaryocytes are normally much larger than
Although therapy-induced thrombocytopenia is doc- they appear here and have nuclei with a considerably more
umented in the treatment of canine neoplasia, chemo- lobulated appearance. Compare the two megakaryocytes in
therapy regimens employed in veterinary medicine are this figure with normal megakaryocytes (B).
not as aggressive as are those used to treat human ma-
lignancies and thus result in neutropenia far more often
than thrombocytopenia. This disparity in suppressive is exerted on predominantly committed progenitors
effects on one marrow line versus another suggests that rather than on earlier pluripotent cells.27 Differences in
hematopoietic inhibition by chemotherapeutic agents lineage sensitivities to cytotoxic agents are also implied.27


Compendium November 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

Drugs reported to cause sig- myeloma cells, may predis-

nificant thrombocytopenia pose platelets to immune-me-
include dacarbazine, cytosine diated destruction. However,
arabinoside, cisplatin, bleo- immune-mediated destruc-
mycin, vinblastine,10 and in tion is difficult to definitively
my experience, lomustine. The demonstrate because there are
nadir is typically 9 to 10 days no highly sensitive and specif-
after administration, which ic tests to identify opsonized
reflects the average life span platelets.
of platelets (6 to 10 days); re- Sample handling may ex-
covery occurs 7 to 10 days pose antigens to which im-
later. Other more commonly munoglobulins subsequently
used drugs, such as cyclo- Figure 5—Bone marrow histopathology showing marrow bind, increasing the risk for
phosphamide and doxoru- aplasia secondary to estrogen toxicity. false-positive results. Further-
bicin, rarely cause significant more, patients with anti-
reductions in platelet count. platelet autoantibodies may
In fact, certain chemotherapeutic agents (e.g., vin- not show hematologic evidence of platelet destruction34
cristine) can cause thrombocytosis through the prema- (e.g., thrombocytopenia, elevated mean platelet vol-
ture release of marrow platelets. ume, marrow megakaryocytic hyperplasia), raising
questions regarding the significance of such test results.
PLATELET DESTRUCTION A bone marrow assessment for supportive evidence is
Another major mechanism of thrombocytopenia is further obfuscated because platelets and megakaryo-
immune-mediated destruction of platelets induced by cytes share many of the same antigens35; lack of an ac-
the presence of malignant cells. Although more com- celerated marrow response to thrombocytopenia may
monly associated with hematopoietic malignancies, the result from an immune-mediated response directed
syndrome has been documented in humans28 and dogs against megakaryocytes.36,37
with solid tumors, including mammary adenocarcino- Diagnosis must be predicated on a combination of
ma, mast cell tumor, hemangiosarcoma, nasal adeno- consistent findings, such as positive immunofluores-
carcinoma, and fibrosarcoma. 29 In these cases, the cence studies,38 anti-nuclear antibody assays and/or lu-
pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia was characterized by pus erythematosus preparations,4 supportive clinical
positive direct immunofluorescence staining of mega- hematology (thrombocytopenia, elevated mean platelet
karyocytes using rabbit anti–canine globulin fluores- volume, the presence of spherocytes and/or agglutina-
cein-conjugated antibodies. 29 Although assays for tion if accompanied by anemia) and consistent marrow
platelet factor 3 were also performed, this test is much cytology (megakaryocytic hyperplasia), and response to
less sensitive and failed to uniformly identify immune- immunosuppressive therapy or splenectomy. The pres-
mediated thrombocytopenia in patients otherwise diag- ence of schistocytes, for example, may be evidence of
nosed as positive. One proposed mechanism of im- non–immune-mediated destruction of erythrocytes and
mune-mediated platelet destruction is opsonization possibly platelets. In one study assessing 214 tumor-
secondary to platelet membrane damage caused by pas- bearing dogs with thrombocytopenia, none were diag-
sage through aberrant tumor vasculature. Abnormal nosed with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. 4
microvascularization has been described in heman- Very few studies have analyzed a significant number of
giosarcomas and widespread carcinomas.30 dogs with cancer and suspected immune-mediated
Other proposed mechanisms include direct produc- thrombocytopenia using multiple parameters as evi-
tion of anti-platelet antibodies by neoplastic cells them- dence of immune-mediated disease.
selves, tumor-induced production of antibodies that Non–immune-mediated platelet destruction includes
cross-react with platelet antigens,29,31 and nonspecific microangiopathic thrombocytopenia or damage caused
coating of platelets with circulating tumor antigen or by the presence of tumor thrombi or associated lesions
immune complexes and subsequent phagocytosis by within vascular channels.39,40 Marrow-infiltrating2,6 or
monocytes. In dogs with solid tumors, the concentra- large tumors with abnormally small or tortuous blood
tion of circulating immune complexes was significantly vessels (e.g., hemangiosarcoma, hepatic or splenic ma-
greater in untreated dogs than in the same dogs after lignancies) cause fragmentation of erythrocytes and
they were in remission.33 Alternatively, any proteins platelets passing through their vascular beds.3,41 Platelets
that coat platelets, such as those produced by multiple may be destroyed by shearing or may be activated and


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium November 2000

subsequently consumed by tissue spectively, versus 5.4 days in con-

factor exposed when the integrity trol animals.5 Platelet life span was
of endothelium is disrupted by tu- uniformly, albeit not significantly,
mor cell aggregates.30 Alternative- shorter in dogs with metastatic dis-
ly, endothelial integrity in some ease than in their counterparts with
tumors (hemangiosarcoma) is in- localized malignancies of the same
herently aberrant and may predis- histopathologic classification (3.2
pose to platelet activation and fi- versus 4.4 days). Overall, tumors
brin deposition. Platelets in dogs associated with the fastest platelet
with cancer may already be in a turnover included advanced lym-
partially activated state,42 increas- phoma (1.2 days) and metastatic
ing the risk for thrombus and fi- adenocarcinoma (2.7 days).5 In hu-
brin formation. Platelet activation mans, remission was accompanied
may in turn play a role in the de- by a return to normal platelet life
velopment of localized and dis- span.3 Mechanisms proposed to ex-
seminated intravascular coagula- plain the reduced platelet life span
tion (DIC). in dogs with cancer include phago-
Microangiopathic hemolytic cytosis of platelet aggregates result-
anemia and thrombocytopenia in ing from direct platelet–tumor cell
dogs are best documented in pa- interactions,10,45 platelet adherence
tients with heavy tumor burdens to newly and incompletely en-
or tumors infiltrating the bone dothelialized vasculature,10,46 and
marrow, liver, or spleen (e.g., lym- phagocytosis of platelets with ac-
phoproliferative malignancies, 6 Figure 6— Hemangiosarcoma nodules in the quired membrane alterations
hemangiosarcomas2,7,43; Figure 6). spleen and omentum of a dog. caused by adsorption of tumor-as-
A recent prospective analysis of 24 sociated soluble proteins.10,47
dogs with hemangiosarcoma reported that nearly half Although more attention is being directed to the
displayed evidence of microangiopathic thrombocy- study of direct tumor cell–platelet interactions and
topenia.7 Although DIC played a role in platelet con- their role in metastasis, intravascular coagulation, re-
sumption in many of these dogs, this study document- gardless of origin, remains the most common cause of
ed microangiopathic hemolytic anemia without DIC in accelerated platelet consumption in cancer patients.2,7,10
12% of 24 dogs with hemangiosarcoma. More recent literature defines DIC as a clinical syn-
drome of thrombosis and hemorrhage in which three of
PLATELET CONSUMPTION AND LOSS the following five criteria are met: thrombocytopenia,
Consumptive coagulopathy, the third main mecha- prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time and/or
nism of neoplasia-induced thrombocytopenia, is a com- prolonged prothrombin time, decreased fibrinogen
mon and devastating consequence of many malignan- concentration, elevated fibrin degradation products,
cies. Platelet consumption may be part of an overall and the presence of schistocytes on a blood smear.7 Ma-
syndrome of activation and depletion of hemostatic lignancy is the most common cause of DIC in dogs.48
substances, either locally (local intravascular coagula- In 214 dogs with cancer, up to 90% with specific tu-
tion) or systemically (DIC). Alternatively, platelet ag- mor types had hemostatic abnormalities consistent with
gregates may form and be removed from circulation DIC.4 The prevalence of DIC in dogs with heman-
without inducing significant involvement or imbalance giosarcoma is especially high, with 50%7 to 90%4 of
of the clotting cascade. dogs affected. DIC was least documented in dogs with
Shortened platelet survival has been documented in brain tumors (0%).4
44 5
humans and dogs with malignancy. In a study analyz- Localized intravascular coagulation has recently been
ing platelet kinetics in dogs with cancer, 6 of 15 dogs described in dogs with cutaneous hemangiosarcomas49
(40%) with localized tumors and 30 of 35 dogs (80%) and may resemble Kasabach–Merrit syndrome in hu-
with disseminated disease had accelerated platelet mans with large cavernous hemangiomas. This syn-
turnover.5 In this study, histologic diagnosis and extent of drome is characterized by tumor sequestration and de-
disease were determinants of platelet survival time; dogs pletion of platelets and fibrinogen,50 consumption of
with adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, and sarcoma had coagulation factors and resultant prolongation of clot-
mean platelet survival times of 3.1, 3.2, and 3.7 days, re- ting times, and microangiopathic hemolysis induced by


Compendium November 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

The Rapid
fibrin strands and intratumoral thrombi.49,51 Laborato-
ry analysis may make differentiating this syndrome
from DIC difficult; distinguishing features may be
limited to restricted localization of fibrin thrombi to
the tumor, preferential tumor uptake of indium-la-
I Publication
Veterinary Research
beled platelets and fibrinogen,50 or resolution of hemo-
static parameters after surgical resection of the mass or
occlusion of its blood supply.51 Localized intravascular
coagulation associated with vascular tumors may be
l Issue

caused by platelet activation in response to exposure of e 1, Numb

er 1 •


subendothelial tissue within the tumor, increased ma- -IN-CHIE

, DVM,

EDITOR M. Dowling

Veterin utics

lignant endothelial cell expression of tissue factor, plas-

Mark ,
tges, DV
W. Bar
Joseph M, DA

minogen activator or other procoagulants, or turbulent Bauer,

John rn, PhD
Blagbu , PhD

Byron , BS, MS DVM,
Blecha the,
Frank Boo
Merton CVIM,
Dawn , DA

blood flow and concomitant hemolysis and platelet ac- MPH,


wn, BA,
C. Bro
Wendy CVIM
PhD w, DV
ary M
J. Che M, MS
Dennis an, DV


tivation resulting from aberrant, tortuous vessel mor-

h in
h Cohen, DV M, MS

DeBowe DC
Linda M, DAV PhD,
John , 5

Susan lculus,
DAVDC que, Ca
lodor, Pla
DuPont n, VMD, PhD ntents Oral Ma
Ferguso of Co
Table oride on
Duncan M, DACVC MS ing
DACVI M, dro chl s T.H . Ew 17
ycin Hy h Periodontiti . Stookey, and
Primary changes in platelet function may play a key
d, DV
d B. For
Richar DVM, MSc wit G.K
Effect of vitis in Dogs T.D. Yonkers,
man, DVM,
Lisa Free ndship, ,
Frie M, MS ngi p,
Robert ry, DV and Gi . Inskee
in Gar
rrick, G.A 25
an, VM
J.M. Wa Dogs
sity in

role in the development of DIC; humans with various Larry


J. Ihrk
MA, DrP y, DVM
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D.E. Jew
Re du ces Adipo B.J. Novotny
ell, P.W
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Conditio Testing, and
drocor renal Function ritic Dogs
Hema tologi c and

of a 1%

neoplasms showed platelet hyperaggregability despite

G. CVECC, rs, Ad Pru 35
M, DA Effects cal Paramete in Normal and Harrison
BM, mi
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normal coagulograms and no evidence of excessive fi-

Michae hrop,
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Clinton DACVIM - Tw o Canine n Pin
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Efficacy eiler and Dober odies
Love, tib ations
in Rottw ly Derived An al Prepar
CVS BVSc, o Topic
Marks, Maternal ity of Tw

brinolysis.53 This same study concluded that the consis- DVM, ne ial Activ
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DACVI thews, M.J. Coy timicrob the Do
Ann Ma CC the An r Infections in 49
in, n in Vitro of of Ea
uld tio ent
, DVM,
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tently elevated β-thrombomodulin levels in cancer pa-

McGuirk M, MS the Ma port Viral Va
n E. Mic
hel, DV
PhD Used in and A.I. Lam ltivalent
Kathry , DVM, MS, yd led Mu
Paul S.
Morley M, D.H. Llo e and Kil Cows
bitt, DV 59
H. Nes ied Liv rtl
M, MS to Modif Fresh Dairy r, and J.A. He
DACVD ves, DV c Response Vaccinated, nne
Ann Nie
, DVM,
gul arl y hn, M.A. Bru
ich MS Re . Grö

tients compared with those in controls were further

Pap M,
Mark ers, DV DVM, bovi, Y.T tz 2
a Pow illard, E.J. Du n Study and D. Pankra
a L. Rem otectio
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evidence of exaggerated platelet activity.53 Michae


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William ,
Call for

A recent study compared the results of three assays DACVA


a L. Voi
M. Wa
th, DV

M, PhD

, DV
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(platelet coagulant activity, total thrombin formation, DABVP M,

ite, DV
D. Wh

and lag time to thrombin formation) among three

groups of humans patients, each having one of the fol-
lowing diseases: myeloproliferative disorders, idiopathic
Presenting applied medical
marrow aplasia, or immune-mediated thrombocytope- information across all species
nia.54 Platelet coagulant activity is the negatively charged
surface of the activated platelet membrane providing a
and practice specialty lines
substrate for the assembly of clotting factors through
cross-linkage with calcium. This anionic charge is not ■ Canine to food animal to exotics
expressed in unactivated platelets. In the process of acti- ■ Dermatology to internal medicine
vation, however, platelets express enzymes that “flip- to behavior
flop” the membrane layers, exposing the negatively
charged surface for clotting factor adsorption. Total
thrombin formation and the time to thrombin forma-
tion are indirect measurements of platelet coagulant ac- IT’S NOT JUST
tivity. Even when corrected for size variations, platelets
from patients with myeloproliferative disorders formed THERAPEUTICS!
significantly greater thrombin, in both activated and in-
activated (basal) states, than did those from controls.54
This study corroborates earlier suppositions that
platelets in patients with neoplastic disease have tumor-
induced acquired functional changes.55 CALL 800-426-9119
Other proposed mechanisms of platelet hyperaggrega-
bility in humans with cancer include tissue release of
procoagulants and fibrinolytic enzymes into the circula-
tion and decreased antithrombin III levels caused by de- Veterinary Therapeutics is published
fective synthesis resulting from hepatic infiltration by by Veterinary Learning Systems
tumor cells or loss through renal disease.56 Furthermore, 275 Phillips Blvd, Trenton, NJ 08618-1496.
Price is in US dollars and is subject to change.


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium November 2000

many malignant tissues express and release thrombo- Cancer procoagulant, a cysteine proteinase that acti-
plastin-like activity, which in turn activates platelets; vates factor X directly, is present in tumor cell extracts
whether ensuing intravascular coagulation is localized or but not in cells of normal differentiated tissue.69,70 Cir-
disseminated may depend on whether the release of this culating cancer procoagulant is significantly elevated in
thromboplastin-like activity is confined to the bound- 85% of cancer patients compared with non–tumor-
aries of the tumor or circulates systemically.56 bearing patients.71,72 The expression of marrow cell can-
Some tumor types produce factors that favor either cer procoagulant activity can be serially assessed to
thrombosis or hemorrhage. Hemostatic abnormalities monitor the course of the disease because expression
were primarily manifested as thrombosis in 40% to rises during relapse from remission even before neoplas-
50% of humans with such solid tumors as mucinous tic cells reappear.67,73 As with other procoagulants, the
carcinomas, 57,58 although the overall incidence of excessive formation of thrombin results in fibrin forma-
thrombosis in malignancy is only 15%.57,59,60 In patients tion and platelet activation. Other tumor-specific pro-
with mucinous adenocarcinomas, the mucin secreted coagulants (e.g., albumin-associated fatty acids, mucin
by tumor cells contains a sialic acid moiety that nonen- from adenocarcinomas, procoagulant activity/platelet
zymatically activates factor X.61,62 Another significantly activity–factor X activator) have been described, but ac-
prothrombotic malignancy is pancreatic carcinoma tivities have not been confirmed.67
(particularly of the body and tail, where outflow is not Cancer procoagulants are also released when tumor
obstructed); this tumor releases systemic trypsin, a cells are lysed or become necrotic. Patients with heavy
powerful activator of intravascular coagulation. As tumor burdens undergoing aggressive chemotherapy or
many as half of all patients with pancreatic carcinoma radiation therapy may be predisposed to thrombosis and
have thrombotic events.57,59,60 subsequent DIC resulting from the release of thrombo-
Conversely, hemorrhage is the primary hemostatic plastin-like substances from necrotic tumor cells.67 Ves-
derangement in patients with such other neoplasms as sel derangement may also result in excessive exposure of
prostatic carcinomas or acute leukemias.56 Prostatic procoagulants and increased vascular permeability,
adenocarcinoma can activate both the procoagulant sys- which may allow localized procoagulants to gain access
tems (which in turn activate fibrinolysis) and fibrino- to the systemic circulation. This phenomenon may oc-
lytic systems independently, thereby tipping the deli- cur during vascular invasion by leukemic cells, in tu-
cate balance between the two in favor of hemorrhage. mors with primary endothelial dysplasias (hemangiosar-
Hemorrhage may result not only from overexuberant coma), in foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis within
fibrinolysis but also from consumptive thrombocytope- vessel walls, and in hyperviscosity syndromes (multiple
nia and/or platelet dysfunction. Significant hemorrhage myeloma), in which paraprotein precipitates damage the
occurs in as many as 40% to 70% of humans with acute microvasculature.56,57,74
leukemias; the excessive fibrinolysis documented in this Although thrombosis is significantly more common in
malignancy is often accompanied by defects in platelet humans with malignant tumors than in dogs with can-
function, including abnormal release of platelet factor cer, the incidence in animals may be underreported ow-
3, and a decreased aggregation response to thrombin, ing to lack of follow-up after unexplained deaths or may
ADP, epinephrine, and collegen.56,63,64 Hemorrhage is be overshadowed by development of DIC. Nevertheless,
the primary cause of death in 40% of patients with thrombosis of the iliac arteries in dogs with gastrointesti-
acute leukemias65; excessive platelet consumption with nal lymphomas—without any other hematologic disor-
subsequent thrombocytopenia is the most common un- ders—has been described in the veterinary literature.75
derlying risk factor.57,66
Specific procoagulant substances expressed by or as a PLATELET LOSS THROUGH HEMORRHAGE
result of malignancies include tissue factor, tissue fac- Hemorrhage other than that associated with a con-
tor–factor VII complex, and cancer procoagulant. Tis- sumptive coagulopathy is another mechanism predispos-
sue factor, a membrane glycoprotein expressed in many ing tumor-bearing animals to thrombocytopenia.10,76
normal and malignant tissues, serves as the site for fac- Blood loss may occur through aberrant endothelialization
tor VII activation.67 Circulating tissue factor has been (as with hemangiosarcoma), chronic oozing from the tu-
measured in the serum and urine of cancer patients67,68 mor surface, or infiltration of the vasculature. In these
and is well documented to induce hypercoagulability. cases, when bone marrow is functioning normally, the
Once activated, tissue factor–factor VIIa complex acti- marrow regenerative response tends to render peripheral
vates factor IX and the cascade continues, resulting in thrombocytopenia mild or unremarkable. However,
the formation of thrombin, a powerful platelet activa- thrombocytopenia resulting from acute or severe hemor-
tor and fibrin former.67 rhage associated with tumor rupture may be moderate to


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium November 2000

severe, especially when concurrent be elaborated by tumors (e.g.,

consumptive processes exist (Fig- mast cell tumors) that inhibit
ure 7). thrombin formation and indirect-
Significant chronic hemorrhage ly attenuate platelet activation.
may result in thrombocytopenia
when it overwhelms the marrow’s SEQUESTRATION
compensatory efforts to replenish The last major mechanism of
consumed and lost platelets. Per- neoplasia-associated thrombocy-
sistent hemorrhage can be caused topenia is by sequestration.10 Ap-
by defects in platelet function or proximately one third of total body
acquired von Willebrand’s dis- platelets is stored in the spleen.10,25
ease. Although an in-depth re- Therefore, any condition that in-
view of platelet function defects is creases splenic blood pooling would
beyond the scope of this article, a result in enhanced sequestration of
brief discussion of neoplasia-asso- platelets. Infiltrative tumors caus-
ciated platelet dysfunction is war- ing hypersplenism can predispose
ranted because the resulting hem- to thrombocytopenia by this
orrhage may be exacerbated by mechanism; hemangiosarcoma,7,43
moderate thrombocytopenia. Ac- hemangioma43,88 (Figure 8), lym-
quired von Willebrand’s disease phoma,5,10 feline mast cell tumor,10
occurs in humans with multiple and a variety of other neoplasms89
myeloma, lymphoma, macroglob- have been reported to result in
ulinemia, and myeloproliferative thrombocytopenia. Hepatomeg-
disorders and is believed to be me- Figure 7—Thoracic radiograph of a dog with aly39,40 caused by large vascularized
diated by anti–von Willebrand’s significant hemorrhage caused by mediastinal tumors may also predispose to
factor antibodies. 77,78 Although hemangiosarcoma. platelet sequestration.10 Whereas
this condition has not been re- thrombocytopenia caused by de-
ported in the veterinary literature, decreased platelet struction, consumption, or hemorrhage induces bone
adhesiveness has been reported in dogs79 and horses80 marrow acceleration of thrombopoiesis and release of
with multiple myeloma caused by coating of platelets “stress” platelets, thrombocytopenia resulting from
with paraprotein. platelet sequestration often does not elicit the same mar-
In one study, one third of dogs with hyperviscosity row response; this may reflect the influence of throm-
caused by multiple myeloma, especially those which bopoietin (a cytokine produced by the kidneys and liver
elaborated IgA or IgM, manifested bleeding diatheses.81 that exerts its hematopoietic effect on megakaryocyte
The cause of the hemorrhage may have been multifac- progenitors) on platelet production. Although controver-
torial, including overdistention and mechanical rupture sial, many investigators hypothesize that thrombopoietin
of small vessels82 by paraprotein precipitates coating
vessels,56,74 decreased platelet aggregation56,57,76 and ad-
hesion resulting from adsorption of paraprotein to
platelet membranes,79 defective fibrin formation and
polymerization,83 and reduced availability of platelet
factor 3.3,10
Impaired aggregation represents the most commonly
reported platelet defect in humans with myeloprolifera-
tive or myelodysplastic syndromes.84 Other platelet de-
fects associated with these syndromes in humans and
animals include decreased adhesiveness, reduced platelet
factor 3 activity, and decreased granule stores.10,15,48,84,85
Platelets may not function normally in patients with
fulminant DIC (because of coating by fibrin degrada-
tion products) or in malignancy-associated liver and Figure 8—Large hemangioma with 65,000 platelets/µl in a
kidney failure (because of ammonia and ure- dog. The dog recovered well clinically and hematologically
56,75,84,86,87 following splenectomy and was still doing well 2 years later.
mia). Specific heparinlike anticoagulants may


Compendium November 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

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part series will describe strategies for diagnosis and 21. Galton DAG: The myelodysplastic syndromes. Scand J
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