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1 AquaEneigy, Ltu. (2uu6). !"#"$ &"' ())*$+,- ."/- 01-,2' 345+6 3,+7-869
:0;< =+8#-6 >+? =@ABCDCAAB9 3,-54E41",' =,")6 01/4,+1E-16"5 F**-**E-16?0.S.
Feueial Regulatoiy Eneigy Commission, . 179 pp. Available fiom

The Pieliminaiy Biaft Enviionmental Assessment of the pilot ueployment of foui
AquaBu0Ys (total 1NW) in Nakah Bay, Washington iesulteu in a finuing of "no
significant impact." Consequently, the uiaft is in essence the FEIS. The offshoie aiea
pioposeu is 6u' by 24u' with an accompanying teiiestiial aiea. The assessment
uiscusses siting anu potential impacts on the enviionment anu useis. This siting was
affecteu by its pioximity to a national maiine sanctuaiy, a national wilulife iefuge,
anu tiibal lanus anu iesouices. The offshoie poition was mainly useu foi tiibal anu
iecieational fishing, iecieational boating, anu geneial maiine iecieation. Nuch of
the potential conflict was mitigateu by siting the offshoie anu onshoie pioject
components in the least sensitive aieas in consultation with the tiibe anu othei
useis. The uocument states that an exclusion zone foi fishing anu navigation woulu
neeu to be establisheu to piotect the pioject anu to maintain human safety.

2 Ban, Natalie C., Aliuina, Bussein N., & Aiuion, }eff A. (In Piess (2u1u)).
Cumulative impact mapping: Auvances, ielevance anu limitations to maiine
management anu conseivation, using Canaua's Pacific wateis as a PiojectCase
Stuuy. !",41- 3+548'

The authois expanu methous foi analysis of cumulative human impacts on the
maiine enviionment at a iegional scale. The stuuy's iesults suggest peicentages foi
attiibuting impacts to uiffeient sectois. It notes iecent auvances but iemaining
limitations in mapping cumulative impacts.

S Baibiei, Euwaiu B. (2uu9). Ecosystem Seivices Tiaue-offs. In Kaien L.
NcLeou & Beathei Leslie (Eus.), 08+*'*6-EC&"*-G !"1"2-E-16 )+, 6$- (8-"1* (pp.
129-14S). Washington, B.C.: Islanu Piess. Available fiom http:bit.lyuc8nwi

0sing the context of maiine ecosystems, Baibiei explains the utility of valuing
ecosystem seivices when using them oi making policy oi legislative uecisions
iegaiuing theii use. (Ecosystem seivices iefei to effects oi uses iesulting fiom
physical, biological anu chemical functions anu piocesses. Examples of these
seivices aie floou contiol oi watei supplies.) The uevelopment of an accuiate
accounting fiamewoik woulu ieveal which values may be lost when ecosystems aie
impaiieu oi uestioyeu. The piocess of assigning meaningful oi accuiate values to
ecosystem seivices is uifficult. Yet, this challenge must be auuiesseu in oiuei to
allow economic valuation to contiibute to ecosystem baseu management. Baibiei
pioposes a multiseivice piouuction function mouel to help unueistanu anu uesciibe
the inteiactions of vaiious seivices anu the benefits they convey. An integiateu
mangiove-coial ieef-sea giass ecosystem is piesenteu as an example.

4 Bean, Naitha, Fishei, Laiiy, & Eng, Nike (2uu7). Assessment in
Enviionmental anu Public Policy Conflict Resolution: Emeiging Theoiy, Patteins of
Piactice, anu a Conceptual Fiamewoik. <+1)5486 ;-*+5H64+1 IH",6-,5'J BK(4), 447-468

The authois aigue foi a compiehensive but flexible conceptual fiamewoik foi
assessment of enviionmental conflict iesolution. In analysis of highly sought aftei
best piactices foi conuucting enviionmental conflict iesolution, this piece is most
useful foi histoiy anu ciitiques of so-calleu "best piactices."

S Beaumont, N.}., Austen, N.C., Atkins, }.P., Buiuon, B., Begiaei, S., Bentinho,
T.P., et al. (2uu7). Iuentification, uefinition anu quantification of goous anu seivices
pioviueu by maiine biouiveisity: Implications foi the ecosystem appioach. !",41-
3+55H64+1 &H55-641J LK, 2SS-26S. Available fiom

The authois pioviue anu uemonstiate an analytical fiamewoik foi assessing the
values of biologically uiveise ecosystem goous anu seivices in the maiine
enviionment. They aigue that the values aie uiiectly uepenuent on the health of the
entiie system. Assigning values befoie anu aftei a human use is uifficult. That
combineu with the shoit time hoiizon of human policy uecisions anu a lack of
sufficient uata about maiine systems leaus the authois to concluue that iealistic anu
consistent quantification anu compaiison of ecosystem goous anu seivices is not
possible at this time. They call foi continueu uevelopment of cohesive appioaches to
valuation, anu cieation of a uatabase of maiine case stuuies to aiu compaiison of
seivices. These actions woulu inciease the viability of using ecosystem seivice
quantification anu valuation in uecision-making.

6 Beck, Nichael W., Feiuaa, Z., Kachmai, }., Noiiison, K.K., & Tayloi, P. (2uu9).
&-*6 3,"8648-* )+, !",41- MN"64"5 35"11412. Ailington, vA.: The Natuie Conseivancy.
S2 pp. Available fiom

In 2uu9, The Natuie Conseivancy conveneu a woikshop on maiine spatial planning
at the 0niveisity of Califoinia, Santa Ciuz attenueu by 2u piactitioneis with maiine
spatial planning expeiience in moie than 2u iegions of the 0niteu States, Canaua,
anu othei nations. The session's goal was to pioviue auvice on best piactices foi
maiine spatial planning aiounu key issues baseu on the expeiience of the
paiticipants. The focus was not on a compiehensive list of steps but on ceitain
ciitical points in the maiine planning piocess. The auvice is uiviueu into sections on
geogiaphic planning bounuaiies, planning scale anu iesolution, uata collection anu
management, multi-objective planning anu inteiactive uecision suppoit.

7 Beikenhagen, }ig, Biing, Ralf, Fock, Beino 0., Kloppmann, Natthias B. F.,
Peueisen, Sien A., & Schulze, Toisten (2u1u). Becision bias in maiine spatial
planning of offshoie winu faims: Pioblems of singulai veisus cumulative
assessments of economic impacts on fisheiies. !",41- 3+548'J DK(S), 7SS-7S6

The cuiient appioval pioceuuie foi winu faim pioposals in the ueiman EEZ only
consiueis site specific conflict analysis between the winu faim anu fisheiies. Bue to
the ielatively small spatial coveiage of the sites, potential oppoitunity losses to the
fisheiies aie consiueieu low oi negligible. Cumulative effects on fisheiies that will
occui once all pioposeu winu faims aie in place aie not consiueieu auequately but
aie thought to be quite substantial. In paiticulai, oppoitunities to catch such
valuable species as flatfish will be consiueiably ieuuceu. The authois incluue an
analysis of conflict potential. The authois note that Suu meteis aie auueu on to the
peiimetei of the pioposeu winu faim foi secuiity ieasons; this significantly enlaiges
the closeu aiea. The authois aigue that piecemeal uecision-making fails to take into
account the aggiegate impact of the final pioject on othei uses oi the enviionment.

8 Bess, Ranuall, & Rallapuui, Ramana (2uu7). Spatial Conflicts in New Zealanu
Fisheiies: The Rights of Fisheis anu Piotection of the Naiine Enviionment. !",41-
3+548'J DO, 719-729

The authois inuicate the neeu foi gieatei effoit to haimonize anu balance space
allocations with piotection of the maiine enviionment anu existing use by fisheiies
iesouices. They question whethei the New Zealanu 0cean Plan's ueuication of 1u
peicent of ocean space to inuigenous fisheis will effectively auuiess the conflicts
between fisheimen while iesolving the goveinment's missions both to piotect the
enviionment anu piomote fishing.

9 Biouiveisity Committee. 0SPAR Commission (2uuS). PH4G"18- +1
F**-**E-16* +) 6$- 01/4,+1E-16"5 @EN"86* +)J "1G &-*6 01/4,+1E-16"5 3,"8648- )+,J
())*$+,- .41GC:",E* 41 ;-5"64+1 6+ Q+8"64+1 (Repoit). Lonuon: 0SPAR Commission.
Available fiom

The 0SPAR Commission is the bouy inteipieting anu enfoicing the Convention foi
the Piotection of the Naiine Enviionment of the Noith-East Atlantic. These
guiuelines covei a bioau iange of possible conflicts. The focus is on enviionmental
effects, so piotecteu aieas anu those of special biological value aie of paiticulai
inteiest. Bowevei, effects of winu faims on othei uses aie consiueieu. These incluue
maiine tianspoitation, militaiy opeiations, fishing, aesthetics, cables anu pipelines,
uieuging anu aichaeology. The guiuelines incluue iesolutioin anu mitigation
stiategies such as avoiuance of sensitive aieas oi existing uses (i.e., shipping lanes),
phaseu planning anu selection of appiopiiate aieas.

1u Blsbjeig, Nette, Pawlak, }anet, Siensen, Thomas Kiik , & 0le, vesteigaaiu.
(2uu9). !",41- MN"64"5 35"11412 41 6$- >+,G48 ,-24+1 C 3,4184N5-*J 3-,*N-864/-* "1G
(NN+,6H1464-*. Copenhagen. 98 pp. Available fiom http:bit.lybNoShb

This intiouuction anu uiscussion of Noiuic maiine spatial planning is intenueu foi
planneis anu manageis in local, national anu iegional auministiations, policy-
makeis, inteiest gioups anu actois acioss uiffeient maiitime sectois, as well as
ieseaicheis anu stuuents. The authois aigue that new appioaches anu
commitments foi sustainability aie neeueu in light of incieasing uemanus anu
activities in the maiine aiea that thieaten the aiea's futuie use anu viability. The
authois consiuei maiine spatial planning as an integiateu appioach to managing the
multiple anu potentially conflicting uses of the sea. They uesciibe effoits to auuiess
a set of key questions ielating to maiine spatial planning in a Noiuic context. The
iesulting effoit integiates, synthesizes anu uisseminates knowleuge fiom iecent anu
ueveloping Noiuic activities.

11 Boyu, }ames, & Banzhaf, Spencei (2uu7). What aie ecosystem seivices: The
neeu foi stanuaiuizeu enviionmental accounting units. 08+5+248"5 08+1+E48*J RD,
616-626. Available fiom

Boyu anu Banzhaf aigue that the ecosystem seivices appioach is too au hoc to be of
piactical use anu that units applicable to welfaie accounting have not been
uevelopeu. 0sing economic piinciples, they uevise a system of ecosystem seivice
units that allow these seivices to be compaieu with conventional goous anu seivices
founu in the uBP anu othei national fiamewoiks. The authois piopose that theii
unit system coulu be employeu foi enviionmental peifoimance measuiement by
goveinments anu institutions, anu in enviionmental maikets.

12 Biouy, Samuel B., Bighfielu, Wes, Ailikatti, Suuha, Bieiling, Baviu B., &
Ismailova, Roubabah N. (2uu4). Conflict on the Coast: 0sing ueogiaphic
Infoimation Systems to Nap Potential Enviionmental Bisputes in Natagoiua Bay,
Texas. 01/4,+1E-16"5 !"1"2-E-16J DK(1), 11-2S

These authois employ geogiaphic infoimation systems to map potentially
competing stakeholuei inteiests associateu with establishing piotecteu aieas in
Natagoiua Bay, Texas. Theii stiategy is pioactive, taking place in the planning phase
befoie a conflict aiises. The iange of tools foi assessing stakeholuei piefeiences
incluues Nultiple Ciiteiia Becision Analysis, Spatial Becision Suppoit Systems, anu
uIS. The authois explain the stiategy of pinpointing anu mapping spatial aieas
wheie conflict between existing useis woulu likely uevelop. Theiefoie, this stiategy
is one of conflict avoiuance anu is akin to maiine spatial planning in auvance of
uesigning a maiine piotecteu aiea.

1S Biown, Colin, & Stanley, }.N. (2uuS). !<F S ;F: T41G )",E 6,4"5* !",8$ BAAL9
;-N+,6 +) 6$- 6,4"5* H1G-,6"#-1 +1 !",8$ BB1G BAAL U' 6$- !",464E- "1G <+"*62H",G
F2-18' "1G < :542$6 BB MVH"G,+1 ;+'"5 F4, :+,8-J ;F: W"55-'J F125-*-'.0.K. Naiitime
anu Coastguaiu Agency, anu Royal Aii Foice. S2 pp. Available fiom

Those involveu with militaiy opeiations incluuing seaich anu iescue have conceins
with auveise effects on maiine shoie-baseu iauai systems. This stuuy examines
how winu faims may affect seaich anu iescue effoits using helicopteis. The iesults
inuicate that iauio communications fiom anu to the aiiciaft opeiate satisfactoiily, as
uoes theii vBF homing system. vessels, tuibines anu peisonnel in the winu faim aie
cleaily iuentifiable on the aiiciaft's theimal imaging system when opeiating in uiy
weathei conuitions. No compass ueviations aie expeiienceu. Bowevei, theie coulu
be limitations on the use of helicopteis in off-shoie winu faims that woulu have an
impact on seaich anu iescue opeiations aiounu winu faims. Theie aie significant
iauai siue lobe ietuins fiom stiuctuies limiting taiget uetection when vessels aie
neai the tuibines. Some winu faims opeiatois aie unable to iemotely lock tuibine
blaues in iotation anu in yaw. Theie aie limitations in appioach uistances fiom
tuibines in cleai weathei. Restiicteu visibility makes suiface iescues within winu
faims impossible. Belicopteis as iauai seaich platfoims aie limiteu if the winu faim
is laige anu has iiiegulaily spaceu tuibines. Theimal imaging in conuitions of mist
oi piecipitation is limiteu. Rauai tiacking of helicoptei movements within winu
faims is geneially pooi. Aiiciaft powei iequiiements inciease uown-winu of the
winu faim.

14 Buck, Bela B., Kiause, uesche, & Rosenthal, Baialu (2uu4). Extensive 0pen
0cean Aquacultuie Bevelopment Within Winu Faims in ueimany: The Piospect of
0ffshoie Co-Nanagement anu Legal Constiaints. (8-"1 X <+"*6"5 !"1"2-E-16J KY,

Incieaseu use of the ueiman coastal anu EEZ wateis leaus to laigei aieas ueuicateu
foi specific, often exclusive uses thus multiplying conflicts among inteiest gioups.
The example of offshoie winu faims anu open ocean aquacultuie is useu to analyze
the multifunctional use of space. Following piesentation of a case stuuy, the authois
state that any attempt to establish sustainable multifunctional utilization of offshoie
must be pieceueu by effoits to builu an integiateu iegulatoiy fiamewoik given the
unique set of iights anu uuties. Existing fiamewoiks aie not set up to suppoit new
management techniques oi the vaiiety of conflicts anu constiaints in the maiine

1S Capitini, Clauuia, Tissot, Biian, Caiioll, Natthew S., Walsh, William }., & Peck,
Saia (2uu4). Competing Peispectives in Resouice Piotection: The Case of Naiine
Piotecteu Aieas in West Bawaii. M+84-6' "1G >"6H,"5 ;-*+H,8-*J OY(9), 76S-778

The piotection of coial ieefs fiom aquaiium fish collecting along the coast of
westein Bawaii involve seveial paities incluueu aquaiium fish collectois, uive toui
opeiatois, Bawaii Bivision of Aquatic Resouices, ieef piotection auvocates, anu
state actois. An attempt was maue to iesolve the contioveisy thiough legislation,
enviionmental uispute iesolution anu negotiateu agieements baseu on the best
available scientific infoimation. The authois suggest that scientific peispectives
fiameu anu uominateu the iesolution piocess to the peiceiveu uetiiment oi unuei-
iepiesentation of some community peispectives. The iesulting agieement
establisheu ieef piotection in the foim of maiine piotecteu aieas, but negotiateu
enfoicement pioceuuies weie ieveiseu, ievealing that not all stakeholueis weie
suppoitive of the agieement. The authois aigue that this ieveisal iesulteu in fewei
effective enfoicement piovisions anu maiginalization of the bioauei community's
iole in iesouice management.

16 Centaui Associates Inc. (1981). F**-**E-16 +) *N"8- "1G H*- 8+1)5486* U-6T--1
+45 "1G 2"* 41GH*6,' "1G 8+EE-,84"5 "1G ,-8,-"64+1"5 )4*$-,E-1. Spiingfielu, vA: 0.S.
Bepaitment of the Inteiioi, Buieau of Lanu Nanagement, New Yoik 0CS 0ffice. S
volumes .

This stuuy in the uulf of Nexico, Atlantic, anu Califoinia 0CS lease sale iegions
ieviews histoiical, ongoing anu potential conflicts between 0CS oil anu fishing
inuustiies. It uevelops a pieuictive catch loss mouel uue to space loss by 0CS oil
stiuctuies. It also assesses the ability of paiticulai haibois to accommouate oil
suppoit vessels anu staging opeiations. The geai seen as most likely to conflict with
oil stiuctuies aie ottei tiawls, bottom uieuges, anu puise seines. Submeigeu
wellheaus, pipelines, anu othei sub-sea stiuctuies aie the most hazaiuous foi these
geai types. Stiuctuie-ielateu uebiis anu activities cause moie pioblems to
fisheimen than the actual oil stiuctuies. Nost significant piojecteu catch losses aie
ielateu to ottei tiawl fisheiies in the Noith Atlantic, Niu-Atlantic, anu Eastein uulf
of Nexico iegions. Fisheiy expansion is not expecteu to be significant in most aieas.

17 Chiistie, Bonna R., & Biluieth, Richaiu u. (2uu7). <+"*6"5 "1G (8-"1
!"1"2-E-16 Q"T 41 " >H6*$-55 (Thiiu eu.): Thomson West. 446 pp.

This stanuaiu anu succinct ocean anu coastal law iefeience volume in conjunction
with the text by Kalo et al. (2uu7) pioviues basic backgiounu foi maiine anu coastal
issues anu biief explanations of the public tiust uoctiine anu ielevant 0.S. ocean anu
coastal laws.

18 Cicin-Sain, Biliana, & Tiuuens, Ait (1989). Piivate anu public appioaches to
solving oilfishing conflicts offshoie Califoinia. (8-"1 M$+,-541- !"1"2-E-16J OB(S),

The authois suiveyeu commeicial fisheimen to assess the impacts of oil opeiations
in Califoinia. They iepoit impacts incluuing expecteu aiea uisplacement effects
typical in othei oilfishing conflict cases, as well as the unleashing of a chain of
events which also affects fisheimen woiking in othei locations anu fish piocessois
whose supply souices anu maikets may be uisiupteu. Effoits to mitigate negative
effects on the fishing inuustiy have been maue in both the piivate anu public iealms
with mixeu iesults. The authois concluue that in conflict cases involving publicly
owneu iesouices anu pitting contestants of unequal powei, piivate meuiation
shoulu not become a ieplacement foi, but only a supplement to, public uecision-

19 Connelly, Stephen (2uu6). Looking insiue public involvement: how is it maue
so ineffective anu can we change this. <+EEH146' =-/-5+NE-16 Z+H,1"5J KO(1), 1S-

Connelly appioaches public involvement in uecision making as both a piouuct anu a
piocess. Be obseives that the goveinment entity cannot contiol public involvement
wheie stakeholueis have conflicting peispectives anu agenuas. Bowevei, the
complex piocess can be manageu bettei. The authoi suggests that effective public
involvement neeus to be stiategic, involve alliances with conveneis, anu woik to
influence both the public involvement piocesses anu the policy uevelopment

2u Coimick, ueialu W., & Knastei, Alana (1986). 0il anu Fishing Inuustiies
Negotiate Neuiation anu Scientific Issues. 01/4,+1E-16J B[(1u), 6-Su

Coimick anu 0ii consiuei if the success of meuiation as an appioach to conflict
iesolution is appiopiiate when scientific anu enviionmental issues aie involveu.
Neuiateu negotiations anu similai piocesses have incieasingly been useu uuiing the
past uecaue to iesolve a vaiiety of uisputes ovei such public policy issues as the use
anu allocation of natuial iesouices. As of 1986, the total numbei of uisputes
meuiateu was ielatively small, yet many issues hau been successfully settleu.
Consequently, meuiation is a wiuely accepteu public policy option. The authois
suggest caution when meuiating enviionmental conflicts anu ieminu those involveu
that the technique has its oiigins in a veiy uiffeient iealm - laboi-management

21 County of Santa Baibaia. Planning & Bevelopment Bepaitment. Eneigy
Bivision (2uu8). M"16" &",U"," <+H16' <+"*6"5 ;-*+H,8- 01$"18-E-16 :H1G
PH4G-541-*.County of Santa Baibaia. 17 pp. Available fiom

In 1987 Santa Baibaia County establisheu the Coastal Resouice Enhancement Funu
in iesponse to incieasing oil anu gas facility uevelopment in coastal wateis
(specifically, Exxon's Santa Ynez 0nit Pioject, Plain's Point Aiguello Pioject,
Equilon's uaviota Teiminal, anu Toich's Point Peeinales Pioject). The funu is
uesigneu to pioviue financial suppoit foi pioject-specific impact mitigation anu
cumulative impacts to useis of affecteu coastal iesouices. In assigning impact
values, the following factois aie consiueieu: aiea affecteu by impact; uuiation of
impact; fiequency of impact; extent to which impact exceeus impact significance
ciiteiia; numbei of pioject components contiibuting to the impact; numbei of
people affecteu; quality of iesouice piioi to impact; anu piioiity given to impacteu
iesouice in the Local Coastal Piogiam anu othei elements of the County's
Compiehensive Plan. The guiuelines pioviue an example of a stiuctuieu assessment
of impact anu a piocess foi assigning suppoit.

22 Cowling, Richaiu W., Egoh, Benis, Knight, Anuiew T., 0'Faiiell, Patiick }.,
Reyeis, Belinua, Rouget, Nathieu, et al. (2uu8). An opeiational mouel foi
mainstieaming ecosystem seivices foi implementation. 3,+8--G412* +) 6$- >"64+1"5
F8"G-E' +) M84-18- \3>FM]J OAL, 948S-9488. Available fiom

The authois piopose a piagmatic opeiational mouel foi achieving the safeguaiuing
of ecosystem seivices. The mouel compiises thiee phases: assessment, planning,
anu management. The authois state that following the phases woulu empowei
stakeholueis to implement effective on-the-giounu management that woulu
safeguaiu ecosystem seivices while achieving iesilience of the coiiesponuing social-
ecological systems.

2S Ciowuei, Laiiy, & Noise, Elliott (2uu8). Essential ecological insights foi
maiine ecosystem-baseu management anu maiine spatial planning. !",41- 3+548'J
DB, 772-778. Available fiom http:www.unesco-ioc-

uiven the complexity of maiine ecosystems, Ciowuei anu Noise posit that
pieventing systemic stiess is a bettei management stiategy than fixing uegiaueu
systems. They aigue that successful place-baseu management must align
goveinance objectives with stakeholuei incentives. Naiine spatial planning must
integiate socio-economic anu goveinance conceins to auequately piotect
ecosystems anu piomote sustainable use of maiine iesouices.

24 Bouveie, Fanny (2uu8). The impoitance of maiine spatial planning in
auvancing ecosystem-baseu sea use management. !",41- 3+548'J DB(S), 762-771.
Available fiom http:www.unesco-ioc-

Bouveie pioviues a biief histoiy of the use of maiine spatial planning fiom its eaily
use in ueveloping maiine piotecteu aieas, e.g., the uieat Baiiiei Reef Naiine Paik.
Noie iecently, maiine spatial planning has been implementeu as a tool foi
managing the multiple use of maiine space, especially in aieas such as the Noith Sea
that featuie conflicts between ocean useis. The authoi finus that the scope of
maiine spatial planning is not cleai anu teims such as integiateu management,
maiine spatial management, anu ocean zoning aie useu inconsistently. This lack of
consistency impeues the piogiess of maiine spatial planning's auoption at highei
levels of policy anu uecision-making in most countiies. Bouveie uesciibes the coie
objectives of the appioach anu why it is an essential step to achieve ecosystem-
baseu ocean use management, anu how it can bettei uefineu. She concluues with an
analysis of its inteinational use anu achievements.

2S Bowns, Nichael A., Coughlin, Eiic, & Kea Enviionmental Inc. (2uuu). ^*412
<+EE-,84"5 :4*$412 "1G !",41- 01/4,+1E-16"5 ="6" 41 F**-**412 6$- =4))-,-164"5
=4*6,4UH64+1 +) M+84"5 @EN"86* +) !",41- <+1*-,/"64+1 "1G =-/-5+NE-16. Papei
piesenteu at the 2uuu ESRI 0sei Confeience Pioceeuings. online. Available fiom

The authois uiscuss the use of geogiaphic infoimation in anticipating social impacts
associateu with fisheiies management. Two case stuuies aie useu, one focusing on
iesouice piotection planning in the 0.S. viigin Islanus anu one on unueiwatei fibei
optic cable uevelopment in Southein Califoinia's coastal wateis. Theii woik is
useful as a technical uiscussion on the use of uIS to iuentify the geogiaphic
uistiibution of potential impacts to commeicial fishing activity. Its main limitation is
its focus on the iuentification anu uesciiption of potential conflict, iathei than its
iesolution oi mitigation.

26 Biew, Stephen C., & Boppei, Alan u. (2uu9). :4*$412 "1G MHUE",41- <"U5-*9
.+,#412 _+2-6$-,. Lymington: Inteinational Cable Piotection Committee. S4 pp.
Available fiom

This booklet is intenueu to help fisheimen avoiu acciuentally catching submaiine
cables. It pioviues infoimation on what fisheimen shoulu uo if theii geai becomes
snaggeu in a cable aiea. Impioveu communication is highlighteu as a means to avoiu
conflict between cable installations anu commeicial fishing, paiticulaily the
availability anu utility of cable awaieness chaits.

27 Bukes, E.Fianklin (2uu4). What We Know About Enviionmental Conflict
Resolution: An Analysis Baseu on Reseaich. <+1)5486 ;-*+5H64+1 IH",6-,5'J BB(1-2),

Buke ieviews vaiious foims of enviionmental conflict iesolution anu theii success.
The focus is on the 0.S. anu incluues feueial agencies such as Bepaitment of the
Inteiioi, Enviionmental Piotection Agency anu Feueial Eneigy Regulatoiy
Commission. The authoi pioviues a useful summaiy of legal cases anu the state of
enviionmental conflict iesolution in the 0.S., though the papei uoes not auuiess the
maiine anu coastal aieas.

28 Ecotiust (2uu9). !",41- :4*$-,4-* ^*-* "1G W"5H-* 3,+7-86 @1 *HNN+,6 +) 6$-
(,-2+1 _-,,46+,4"5 M-" 35"1 ;-/4*4+1. Poitlanu. 1S pp. Available fiom

Ecotiust, a non-goveinment oiganization focusing on economic oppoitunity, social
equity anu enviionmental well-being, woikeu with commeicial fisheimen to biing
theii expeit knowleuge uiiectly to beai on maiine planning piocesses. The
oiganization is compiling compiehensive maps that illustiate the com-meicial anu
consumptive iecieational fishing use patteins anu values along the 0iegon coast.
Fisheimen shaie theii knowleuge of theii fishing giounus anu have a foium in
which to expiess theii values. The pioject engages stakeholueis, pioviues bettei
infoimation to the planning piocess, anu integiates the human uimension into
maiine spatial planning.

29 Ehlei, Chailes (2uu8). Conclusions: Benefits, lessons leaineu, anu futuie
challenges of maiine spatial planning. !",41- 3+548'J DB(S), 84u-84S. Available fiom

Ehlei summaiizes the piincipal conclusions fiom papeis piesenteu in a special issue
of Naiine Policy on maiine spatial planning. In geneial, the papei iuentifies
potential economic, ecological, anu auministiative costs anu benefits that might be
iealizeu fiom the implementation of NSP, summaiizes lessons leaineu, anu
iuentifies futuie challenges anu uiiections foi NSP, incluuing the uevelopment of
inteinational guiuelines foi its implementation.

Su Ehlei, Chailes, & Bouveie, Fanny (2uu9). !",41- MN"64"5 35"114129 " *6-NCU'C
*6-N "NN,+"8$ 6+T",G -8+*'*6-ECU"*-G E"1"2-E-16 (vol. SS). Paiis: 0NESC0. 99 pp.
Available fiom http:www.unesco-ioc-maiinesp.bemsp_guiue

0NESC0's Naiine Spatial Planning guiue uesciibes how maiine spatial planning can
be uevelopeu anu implementeu. Nost steps aie illustiateu with ielevant examples
fiom the ieal woilu. The guiue is piimaiily intenueu foi piofessionals iesponsible
foi planning anu managing maiine aieas anu theii iesouices. Nost manageis have
stiong scientific oi technical backgiounus, but few have been tiaineu as piofessional
planneis oi manageis. The guiue attempts to fill this gap by using a step-by-step
appioach foi ueveloping anu implementing maiine spatial planning. It gives an
unueistanuing of the uiffeient tasks, skills anu expeitise neeueu to uevelop anu
maintain maiine spatial planning effoits. It also uiscusses issues such as obtaining
financial iesouices, oiganizing stakeholueis, oi monitoiing anu evaluating

S1 Ekebom, }an , }nheimo, }enni , Rekei, }ohnny, Kinustiom, Neiit, Linublau,
Cecilia, Nattisson, Annelie, et al. (2uu8). _+T",G* !",41- MN"64"5 35"11412 41 6$-
&"5648 M-". Copenhagen: Baltic Sea Nanagement - Natuie Conseivation anu
Sustainable Bevelopment of the Ecosystem thiough Spatial Planning (BALANCE).
1S7 pp. Available fiom http:balance-eu.oigxpufbalance-technical-summaiy-

This effoit seeks to piesent a holistic appioach to maiine spatial planning within the
multinational context of the Baltic Sea Region. The appioach combines ecological
health, multiple human uses, a spatial planning template, anu a zoning classification
system that allows foi all human uses while minimizing the impact on the maiine
enviionment. The zoning classification consists of foui zones - the ueneial 0se Zone,
the Taigeteu Nanagement Zone, the Exclusive 0se Zone, anu the Restiicteu Access
Zone. The uocument pioviues a set of uIS tools incluuing uIS uata layeis that can be
useu in maiine spatial planning anu guiuelines foi how to communicate with
stakeholueis. The uocument is a geneial planning guiue anu, as such, uoes not
incluue specific examples of conflict iesolution oi mitigation, but iathei methous foi
conflict avoiuance anu minimization. Its methouology anu iecommenuations builu
upon inteinationally uevelopeu templates, anu aie thoughtful anu thoiough.

S2 Elcock, B., & 0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi, Nineials Nanagement Seivice
(2uu6). 3+6-164"5 F56-,1"64/- 01-,2' _-8$1+5+24-* +1 6$- (H6-, <+1641-16"5
M$-5).Aigonne National Laboiatoiy, Enviionmental Science Bivision. 68 pp.
Available fiom http:ocseneigy.anl.govuocumentsuocsANL_EvS_TN_u6-S.puf

This memoianuum uesciibes the technology iequiiements foi offshoie wave, winu
anu cuiient piojects on the 0.S. 0utei Continental Shelf. Foi each of the
technologies, the authois piesent an oveiview anu a uesciiption of the technology
iequiiements foi foui uevelopment phases: site monitoiing anu testing,
constiuction, opeiation, anu uecommissioning. Although all of these technologies
continue to uevelop, this iemains a soliu iefeience foi explanations of each.

SS English, Naiy R., uibson, Amy K., Feluman, Baviu L., & Tonn, Biuce E. (199S).
M6"#-$+5G-, @1/+5/-E-169 (N-1 3,+8-**-** )+, ;-"8$412 =-84*4+1* "U+H6 6$- :H6H,-
^*-* +) <+16"E41"6-G M46-*9 :41"5 ;-N+,6. Knoxville: Waste Nanagement Reseaich
anu Euucation Institute. 11u pp. Available fiom

The authois uetail a set of iecommenuations on engaging stakeholueis in a lanu-use
uecision making setting. They uesciibe the sequence of actions leauing up to a
uecision, incluuing mechanisms anu techniques foi stakeholuei involvement. They
biiefly ieview the basic elements of an open piocess incluuing goal ueteimination,
uesign of the piocess, anu the way in which the issue at hanu is to be analyzeu. They
note the impoitance of expiessing values eaily in the piocess befoie objectives oi
alteinatives aie positeu. They explain how uiffeient mechanisms can have uiffeient
puiposes, anu how mechanisms can be useu in a complementaiy fashion at vaiious
points in the total piocess.

S4 Executive 0ffice of Eneigy anu Enviionmental Affaiis (2u1u). Final
Nassachusetts 0cean Nanagement Plan. Boston: Commonwealth of Nassachusetts.
Available fiom http:bit.ly8Ziu0S

The 2uu8 Nassachusetts 0ceans Act uiiects the Secietaiy of Eneigy anu
Enviionmental Affaiis to uevelop a compiehensive ocean management plan by
Becembei S1, 2uu9. The final plan along with the uiaft plan anu technical iepoits,
anu infoimation on the ocean planning piocess pioviue insight into the complexity
of planning at the state level. It is one example of state level planning that
establishes measuies to minimize conflict among useis.

SS Fishei, Bienuan, Tuinei, R.Keiiy, & Noiling, Paul (2uu9). =-)41412 "1G
85"**4)'412 -8+*'*6-E *-,/48-* )+, G-84*4+1 E"#412. Noiwich: Centie foi Social anu
Economic Reseaich on the ulobal Enviionment. 19 pp. Available fiom

Fishei, Tuinei anu Noiling piesent a uefinition anu classification scheme foi
ecosystem seivices. They offei an opeiational uefinition of ecosystem. They aigue
that any attempt to classify ecosystem seivices shoulu be baseu on the
chaiacteiistics of the ecosystems of inteiest anu the uecision context being useu.
Ecosystem vaiiability uictates that no single classification scheme is auequate foi
the many contexts in which ecosystem seivice ieseaich may be utilizeu. The authois
pioviue examples foi a uecision-making context.

S6 Flanneiy, Wesley, & Cinniue, Nichel 0. (2uu8). Naiine spatial planning
fiom the peispective of a small seasiue community in Iielanu. !",41- 3+548'J DB(6),

The authois uesciibe how anu why local coastal communities in small town situateu
on the southwest coast of Iielanu ueciueu to paiticipate in maiine spatial planning.
The community in question has maiine-baseu touiism anu othei ielatively new uses
of the sea alongsiue tiauitional fishing activities. Theie is significant uiscussion of
conflict, but the authois uo not focus on conflict. Rathei, they exploie the use of
maiine spatial planning at the local level. They founu positive acceptance of
planning that incoipoiateu meaningful local involvement.

S7 Fletchei-Tomenius, Paul, & Foiiest, Ciaig (2uuu). Bistoiic Wieck in
Inteinational Wateis: Conflict oi Consensus. !",41- 3+548'J BK, 1-1u

Theie is little iepoiting of conflicts ovei cultuial anu histoiic conseivation in the
maiine enviionment. The authois illustiate the impoitance of unueistanuing the
paities' motives, values, anu inteipietations of impoitant teims in oiuei to begin to
auuiess the conflicts between the paities. The authois uesciibe the failuie of
0NESC0 to piopose methous to iesolve conflict.

S8 Foley, Tony (2uu7). Enviionmental Conflict Resolution: Relational anu
Enviionmental Attentiveness as Neasuies of Success. <+1)5486 ;-*+5H64+1 IH",6-,5'J
BK(4), 48S-Su4

Foley's aiticle is an example of a ciitical evaluation of techniques foi enviionmental
conflict iesolution. It is a liteiatuie ieview of measuies of success, anu uoes incluue
biief uiscussions of two teiiestiial case stuuies. The authoi concluues that any
measuies of success of enviionmental uispute iesolution aie incomplete unless they
fully take enviionmental conuitions anu tiansfoimation of stakeholueis into

S9 uillilanu, Paul N., & Laffoley, Ban (2uu8). Key elements anu steps in the
piocess of ueveloping ecosystem-baseu maiine spatial planning. !",41- 3+548'J DB,
787-796. Available fiom http:www.unesco-ioc-

uillilanu anu Laffoley iepoit on a woikshop session that focuseu on the piocess of
maiine spatial planning. They state that maiine spatial planning shoulu be baseu on
a cleai set of piinciples with a sustainable uevelopment puipose uiawn fiom
teiiestiial lanu use planning. It shoulu incluue appiopiiate planning activity at
uiffeient spatial scales. Caie must be taken when these scales uo not align. The
timefiame foi plans is tenuing to inciease fiom aiounu 1u to 2u+ yeais. This
lengthening iequiies peiiouic ieviews that enable a balance between stability anu
ielevance. Woikshop paiticipants founu that planning piocesses that auuiess
conflicts effectively have ceitain chaiacteiistics such as unueistanuable legislation,
cleai objectives, stiong piinciples anu guiuance, 'uiiving' piioiities, anu stiong
stakeholuei engagement. Conflict is specifically uiscusseu in two biief examples anu
the use of a goals achievement matiix. The authois iecommenu that stakeholuei
involvement stait at the beginning of the planning piocess, anu not be au hoc as
each new offshoie pioject is planneu.

4u uleason, Naiy, NcCieaiy, Scott, Nillei-Benson, Nelissa, 0goietz, }ohn, Fox,
Evan, Neiiifielu, Natt, et al. (2u1u). Science-baseu anu stakeholuei-uiiven Naiine
Piotecteu Aieas netwoik planning: A successful PiojectCase Stuuy fiom noith
cential Califoinia. (8-"1 X <+"*6"5 !"1"2-E-16J LD(2), S2-68

Califoinia's Naiine Life Piotection Act pioposes a statewiue netwoik of maiine
piotecteu aieas foi sustaineu ecosystem. The authois uesciibe factois that
contiibute to a successful iegional planning piocess. These incluue a legislative
manuate, political will, anu auequate capacity anu funuing. They iuentify stiategic
piinciples that guiueu the uesign of a tianspaient public planning piocess which
meet science guiuelines anu achieve a high level of suppoit among stakeholueis.
Elements such as spatial uata, planning tools, anu scientific evaluation aie essential
foi uesigning, evaluating, anu iefining alteinative maiine piotecteu aieas. The
authois suggesteu appioach to conflict mitigation is allowing stakeholueis to select
fiom among alteinative pioposals iathei than simply uebating one choice.

41 uonzalez, Elena, & Inteiioi, 0.S. Bepaitment of the (2uu4). MH,/-' +) :-G-,"5
=-N",6E-16* "1G F2-184-* +1 ^*- +) 01/4,+1E-16"5 <+1)5486 ;-*+5H64+19 =(@ ;-*N+1*-
6+ MH,/-': 0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi. 14 pp.

The suivey was intenueu to help ueteimine to what extent 0S agencies aie using
enviionmental conflict iesolution anu what the baiiieis aie to its use within each
agency. This iesponse of the Bepaitment of Inteiioi inuicates that inuiviuual
piojects aie funueu but that it is up to each uepaitment to finu the funuing. The
suivey iesponses pioviue infoimation on the peiceiveu uisincentives to using the
methou within the agency. The uisincentives incluueu a shoitage of funuing foi
piogiams anu capacity builuing foi agency peisonnel anu stakeholueis, shoitage of
time, anu senioi staff commitment foi long teim piojects, some iesistance to the
methou, uifficulty collecting anu evaluating uata on its efficacy, anu a peiceiveu lack
of iewaius foi engaging in enviionmental conflict iesolution piojects.

42 uiay, Tim, Baggett, Claiie, & Bell, Beiek (2uuS). 0ffshoie Winu Faims anu
Commeicial Fishing in the 0K: A Stuuy in Stakeholuei Consultation. 06$48*J 35"8-
"1G 01/4,+1E-16J [(2), 127-14u

The authois exploie the uevelopment of winu faims in the 0.K. fiom two inuustiial
peispectives - the uevelopeis anu commeicial fisheimen. The coie issues of conflict
incluue the auequacy of stakeholuei consultation piocesses, the iight to
compensation foi loss of livelihoou, anu the lack of auequate uata. They analyze the
question of compensation to the fisheimen anu how compensation is vieweu by the
uiffeient paities.

4S Balciow uioup Limiteu (2uu6). ."/- `HU 01/4,+1E-16"5 M6"6-E-16.South
West of Englanu Regional Bevelopment Agency. 278 pp. Available fiom

The South West of Englanu Regional Bevelopment Agency pioposeu the Wave Bub
pioject to pioviue the electiical infiastiuctuie necessaiy to suppoit anu encouiage
uevelopeis of wave eneigy conveiteis. The pioject suppoiteu a new iegional eneigy
policy that incluueu a 6u peicent ieuuction in caibon emissions by 2uSu anu the
South West iegion's commitment to contiibute to the iegion's ienewable eneigy
taiget of 11 - 1S peicent of electiicity piouuction by 2u1u. Possible impacts to
commeicial, fishing, navigational anu vaiious othei uses aie uiscusseu incluuing
possible mitigation thiough exclusion aieas.

44 Banna, Susan S. (1999). Stiengthening uoveinance of 0cean Fisheiy
Resouices. 08+5+248"5 08+1+E48*J DO, 27S-286

Banna examines the inteinal woikings of fisheiy goveinance anu theii links to
fisheiy outcomes. She suggests that theie aie funuamental weaknesses in the way
fisheiy goveinance woiks that contiibute to sustainability pioblems. The weak
scope anu stiuctuie of ocean fisheiies goveinance vaiies with each fisheiy anu with
geopolitical iegions. Bowevei, the substance of the weakness is common acioss all
iegions. The authoi thoioughly uiscusses tiansaction costs, anu aigues that in
situations wheie iesouice useis expeiience unceitainty causeu by goveinance
changes they act to intensify theii own use oi to act in uisiegaiu foi the futuie.

4S Bein, Lais, van Koppen, Kiis, ue uioot, Ruuolf S., & van Ieilanu, Ekko C.
(2uu6). Spatial Scales, Stakeholueis, anu the valuation of Ecoystem Seivices.
08+5+248"5 08+1+E48*J LY, 2u9-228. Available fiom http:bit.lybXfyKn

The authois analyze the spatial scales of ecosystem seivices, anu examine how
stakeholueis at uiffeient spatial scales attach uiffeient values to ecosystem seivices.
They aigue that finuing a ieliable value is possible foi some types of seivices
involving piouuction, iecieation, anu natuie conseivation. They concluue that when
valuing seivices foi management puiposes, ecosystem scales must be taken into
account. Nanagement plans baseu on stakeholueis' inteiest at scale aie piobably
not going to be acceptable fiom the peispective of stakeholueis at othei scales.

46 Biluieth, Richaiu u. (1989). _$- NHU548 6,H*6 G+86,41- "1G 8+1)5486 ,-*+5H64+1 41
8+"*6"5 T"6-,*9 T-*6 8+"*6 G-/-5+NE-16*. Papei piesenteu at the Pioceeuings of the
Sixth Symposium on Coastal anu 0cean Nanagement. pp. 26u4-2619.

Biluieth aigues the public tiust uoctiine, the piincipal that ceitain iesouices aie foi
the public use anu the goveinment shoulu maintain that use, is not of gieat help in
iesolving submeigeu lanus use conflicts. The law uoes not assign piioiities among
the peimissible public tiust uses of submeigeu lanus, so othei conflict iesolution
stiategies aie neeueu. These incluue planning to iuentify potential conflicts,
sepaiating exploiation anu uevelopment iights to iemove legal impeuiments to
conflict avoiuance, using activity scheuules, coiiiuois, anu buffei zones to avoiu
conflicts, cooiuinating feueial anu state planning anu peimit piocesses to ieuuce
conflicts, anu pioviuing compensation foi unavoiuable conflicts.

47 Bowaiu, Naitin, & Biown, Colin (2uu4). ;-*H56* +) 6$- -5-86,+E"21-648
41/-*642"64+1* "1G "**-**E-16* +) E",41- ,"G",J 8+EEH148"64+1* "1G N+*464+1412
*'*6-E* H1G-,6"#-1 "6 6$- >+,6$ `+'5- T41G )",E U' I41-64I "1G 6$- !",464E- "1G
<+"*62H",G F2-18'? Southampton: Naiitime anu Coastguaiu Agency. 84 pp.
Available fiom

The Naiitime anu Coastguaiu Agency has iesponsibility foi navigation safety, foi
the uiiection anu co-oiuination of seaich anu iescue opeiation, anu foi maiine
pollution pievention. In this context, the Agency assesseu all foieseeable maiine
safety iisks associateu with the uevelopment of winu faims. The assessment coveis
scientific anu piactical opeiational uata on vaiious navigation anu communications
systems peifoimance within anu in the vicinity of offshoie winu faims. The
investigation incluues effects of winu faims on ulobal Positioning System (uPS);
magnetic compasses; Loian C; vBF anu othei communications; the Automatic
Iuentification System (AIS) ; small vessel iauai peifoimance; shoie baseu iauai
peifoimance; anu iauai anu automatic iauai plotting aius (ARPA) caiiieu on laigei
vessels. The Agency founu no significant affects to navigational efficiency oi safety.
Rauai is the one exception.

48 Impact Assessment Inc., Petteison, }ohn S., & ulaziei, E.W. (2uu4). F M6HG' +)
6$- =,4)6 >-6 P4551-6 :4*$-,' "1G (45SP"* @1GH*6,' @16-,"864+1* "1G !4642"64+1
3+**4U5464-* 41 6$- <++# @15-6 111 pp. Available fiom

This iepoit uesciibes the natuie of the gillnet fisheiy's histoiic anu potential futuie
inteiactions with offshoie oil anu gas inuustiy activities. It iuentifies anu assesses
appiopiiate means anu venues foi mitigating pioblems that might occui shoulu the
fisheiy anu offshoie inuustiy eventually inteiact on the 0utei Continental Shelf
(0CS) of Cook Inlet. Such mitigation coulu benefit both foims of enteipiise. Finuings
suggest that the navigational challenges of opeiating uiift gillnet fishing vessels on
Cook Inlet can test even the most skilleu maiineis. Placing stationaiy object such as
a uiilling platfoim in the swift cuiients of the fishing giounus coulu inciease the
challenges anu piesent the possibility foi spatial conflict. The ieseaich suggests that
navigational challenges anu spatial conflicts may be avoiueu thiough stiategic
planning anu many pioblems foi the uiift gillnet fleet can be mitigateu. Finally, the
ieseaich inuicates that while oil anu gas inuustiy activity on the 0CS coulu affect
fisheiy opeiations in ceitain ways, the issue is oveishauoweu by a host of economic
anu othei challenges.

49 Ingei, Richaiu, Attiill, Naitin }., Beaihop, Stuait, Bioueiick, Annette C.,
uiecian, W. }ames, Bougson, Baviu }., et al. (2uu9). Naiine Renewable Eneigy:
Potential Benefits to Biouiveisity. An 0igent Call foi Reseaich. Z+H,1"5 +) FNN54-G
08+5+2'J KR, 114S-11SS

Conceins ovei the potential negative enviionmental effects of maiine ienewable
eneigy installations incluue habitat loss, collision iisks, noise anu electiomagnetic
fielus. The authois suggest that if appiopiiately manageu anu uesigneu, installations
may inciease local biouiveisity anu potentially benefit the wiuei maiine
enviionment. They may act as aitificial ieefs anu fish aggiegation uevices, which
have been useu pieviously to facilitate iestoiation of uamageu ecosystems.
Installations become ue facto maiine-piotecteu aieas, which have shown some
success in enhancing both biouiveisity anu fisheiies. Conflicts ovei installation
coulu be minimizeu by involving stakeholueis with theii panning anu
implementation. Cleai eviuence of theii potential enviionmental benefits woulu
help. The authois stiess the neeu foi ieseaich on the possible enviiomental benefits
to assist policy makeis in making key siting uecisions that maximize benefits anu
minimize impacts.

Su Inteiagency 0cean Policy Task Foice (2uu9a). @16-,4E :,"E-T+,# )+,
0))-864/- <+"*6"5 "1G !",41- MN"64"5 35"11412.The White Bouse Council on
Enviionmental Quality. SS pp. Available fiom

S1 Inteiagency 0cean Policy Task Foice (2uu9b). @16-,4E ;-N+,6 +) 6$-
@16-,"2-18' (8-"1 3+548' _"*# :+,8-.The White Bouse Council on Enviionmental
Quality. S8 pp. Available fiom

The Inteiagency 0cean Policy Task Foice was chaigeu with ueveloping
iecommenuations foi a national policy to piotect, maintain, anu iestoie the health
of ocean, coastal, anu uieat Lakes ecosystems anu iesouices. This incluues a
fiamewoik foi policy cooiuination, an implementation stiategy that iuentifies anu
piioiitizes objectives, anu a fiamewoik foi ecosystem-baseu coastal anu maiine
spatial planning. 0ne goal is to auuiess conseivation, economic activity, usei
conflict, anu sustainable use of the ocean, coastal, anu uieat Lakes iesouices. The
Task Foice iepoit states that the 0S policies, piogiams, anu activities that may have
an impact ocean oi coastal ecosystems, oi that use ocean oi coastal iesouices,
shoulu be uevelopeu within an integiateu planning fiamewoik that auuiesses
potential use conflicts. Naiine spatial planning is one of the nine piioiity objectives
pioposeu. The Task Foice pioviues a uefinition of maiine spatial planning, iuentifies
the ieasons foi planning, anu uesciibes its geogiaphic scope. National planning
goals anu guiuing piinciples aie aiticulateu. The fiamewoik uesciibeu is iegional in
scope anu uevelopeu coopeiatively among all stakeholueis.

S2 }ago, P, & Tayloi, N (2uu2). .41G _H,U41-* "1G F/4"64+1 @16-,-*6*9 0H,+N-"1
0aN-,4-18- "1G 3,"8648- 9S pp. Available fiom

}ago anu Tayloi ieview the ways Euiopean countiies appioach conflict iesolution
between winu faims anu aviation. Issues aie navigable aiispace, iauai systems, low
flying militaiy aiiciaft anu seaich anu iescue opeiations. The lattei aie consiueieu
extiemely hazaiuous within winu faims. They uiscuss uay maiking anu night-time
illumination of tuibines. Conflicts aie auuiesseu by piopei siting at a uistance fiom
aiipoits anu iauai installations, ensuiing winu faims aie accuiately uenoteu on
aeionautical chaits, anu illuminating the tuibines.

SS Kalo, }oseph }., Biluieth, Richaiu u., Riesei, Alison, & Chiistie, Bonna R.
(2uu7). <+"*6"5 "1G (8-"1 Q"T <"*-* "1G !"6-,4"5* (Thiiu eu.). St. Paul: Thomson
West. 748 pp.

This is the thiiu euition of the oiiginal text book on coastal anu ocean law by foui of
its leauing authoiities. It coveis the common law anu statutoiy histoiy of the ocean
juiisuictions anu pioviues ielevant case exceipts anu uiscussion of concepts.

S4 Keainey, }ohn, Beikes, Fikiet, Anthony, Chailes, Pinkeiton, Evelyn, & Wibei,
Nelanie (2uu7). The Role of Paiticipatoiy uoveinance anu Community-Baseu
Nanagement in Integiateu Coastal anu 0cean Nanagement in Canaua. <+"*6"5
!"1"2-E-16J DL, 79-1u4

The authois uemonstiate compelling eviuence that paiticipatoiy goveinance helps
auuiess complex pioblems of managing the maiine enviionment foi multiple values
anu outcomes. Canauian ocean policies stiive to achieve both ecological
sustainability anu economic uevelopment. They pioviue a stiong basis foi
paiticipatoiy goveinance anu community baseu management of coastal anu laige
ocean iesouices. The authois iecommenu nine initiatives to iealize the goals of the
Canauian policies : (1) shifting paiauigms, (2) oveicoming tuif piotection, (S)
ensuiing compatibility of goals, (4) ensuiing sufficiency of infoimation, (S) uealing
with inteinal community stiatification, (6) cieating cioss-scale linkages, (7) cieating
a paiticipatoiy policy enviionment, (8) builuing community capacity, anu (9)
monitoiing anu assessment of local-level initiatives.

SS Klein, C.}., Chan, A., Kiichei, L., Cunuiff, A.}., uaiunei, N., Biovat, Y., et al.
(2uu8). Stiiking a Balance Between Biouiveisity Conseivation anu Socioeconomic
viability in the Besign of Naiine Piotecteu Aieas. <+1*-,/"64+1 &4+5+2'J BB(S). 691-
7uu Available fiom

The authois pioviue a useful example of planning that consiueis socioeconomic anu
enviionmental factois foi the most piouuctive siting of maiine piotecteu aieas off
the Califoinia coast. They uevelop multiple scenaiios anu compaie aiea,
compactness, impact on fishing effoit, biouiveisity, anu othei factois. The planning
mouel coulu be tianslateu into an effective siting mouel foi offshoie ienewable
eneigy facilities.

S6 Kumai, Nanasi, & Kumai, Pushpam (2uu8). valuation of ecosystem seivices:
A psycho-cultuial peispective. 08+5+248"5 08+1+E48*J RK, 8u8-819

Kumai anu Kumai consiuei social anu inuiviuual connections to the enviionment
when constiucting a methou of valuation of ecosystems seivices. They suggest that
the ecological iuentity of inuiviuuals is ievealeu at vaiious levels of the uecision-
making hieiaichy fiom local to iegional to global. They use insights fiom
psychoanalytic anu enviionmental-psychology to ieuefine concepts such as
ecological iuentity, self-othei uichotomy, anu the fosteiing of iuentification with
natuie. These conflicts must be embiaceu in the valuation of ecosystem seivices.

S7 Lauenbuig, }acob, & Bubgaaiu, Alex (2uu9). Piefeiences of coastal zone usei
gioups iegaiuing the siting of offshoie winu faims. (8-"1 X <+"*6"5 !"1"2-E-16J
LB, 2SS-242

The authois investigate the piefeience foi ieuucing visual impacts fiom offshoie
winu faims using a suivey of Banes. The iesults stiongly inuicate that useis of the
coastal zone peiceive the visual impacts much moie negatively than people who uo
not use the coastal aiea foi iecieation oi habitation. Responuents who fiequent the
beach also have stiongei piefeiences foi ieuucing the visual impact when compaieu
to less fiequent visitois. The authois concluue that the optimal location of offshoie
winu faims woulu vaiy fiom closei to the coast in aieas with little iecieational
activities to fuithei out in coastal aieas with a highei level of iecieational activities.

S8 Langan, Richaiu (2uu9). <+C5+8"64+1 +) +))*$+,- -1-,2' "1G *-")++G
N,+GH864+19 N+6-164"5 *'1-,24-*J 8+EN"64U45464-* "1G 8+1)5486*. Papei piesenteu at the
The Ecology of Naiine Winu Faims: Peispectives on Impact Nitigation, Siting, anu
Futuie 0ses: 8th Annual Ronalu C. Baiiu Sea uiant Science Symposium. pp. S.
Available fiom http:seagiant.gso.uii.euubaiiu2uu9abstiactslangan.puf

Langan intiouuces the iuea of co-locating winu tuibines anu fish anu shellfish faims,
a stiategy that woulu ieuuce the oveiall footpiint of human uses in ocean. Potential
sites must be favoiable foi both uses as both benefit fiom ieasonable pioximity to
shoiesiue infiastiuctuie. The combineu uses might pose conflict with uses that the
othei uoes not such as mussel lines stiung between toweis that might entangle
maiine mammals oi vessel use patteins foi aquacultuie that might pose iisks to

S9 Limbuig, Kaiie E., 0'Neil, Robeit v., Costanza, Robeit, & Faibei, Syephen
(2uu2). Complex systems anu valuation. 08+5+248"5 08+1+E48*J KO, 4u9-42u.
Available fiom

The authois ieview some of the ielevant chaiacteiistics of complex systems finuing
that while ecosystems anu economic systems shaie many piopeities, valuation has
typically been uiiven by shoit-teim human piefeiences. They concluue that as the
foice of humanity incieases on the planet, ecosystem seivice valuation will neeu to
switch fiom choosing among iesouices to valuing the avoiuance of catastiophic

6u Lynam, T., ue }ong, W., Sheil, S., Kusumato, T., & Evans, K. (2uu7). A ieview of
incoipoiating community knowleuge, piefeiences anu values into uecision making
in natuial iesouices management. 08+5+2' "1G M+84-6'J B(1), online. Available fiom

The authois painstakingly ieview methous available foi engaging in collaboiative
management with stakeholueis. The methous assesseu aie Bayesian belief
netwoiks, system uynamic moueling tools, uiscouise-baseu valuation, the 4Rs
fiamewoik, paiticipatoiy mapping, scoiing oi the Pebble Bistiibution Nethou,
futuie scenaiios, spiueigiams, venn uiagiams, anu Who Counts Natiices. The
authois aie caieful to point out that the context, the length of time the collaboiatois
have woikeu togethei, the combination of tools useu anu the iobustness of the
implementation uesign ueteimine the success of collaboiation.

61 Nackinson, S., Cuitis, B., Biown, R., NcTaggait, K., Tayloi, N., Neville, S., et al.
(2uu6). F ,-N+,6 +1 6$- N-,8-N64+1* +) 6$- )4*$412 41GH*6,' 416+ 6$- N+6-164"5
*+84+-8+1+E48 4EN"86* +) +))*$+,- T41G -1-,2' G-/-5+NE-16* +1 6$-4, T+,# N"66-,1*
"1G 418+E- (no. 1SS). Lowestoft: CEFAS. 62 pp. Available fiom

The authois gatheieu the views of the fishing inuustiy on winu faims uevelopment
in the 0.K. Buiing iecent yeais, Euiopean fisheiies management has encouiageu
coopeiation pioviuing oppoitunities foi manageis, scientists anu fisheimen to woik
moie closely on common pioblems. Nany of the unceitainties highlighteu by the
authois aie being auuiesseu by this appioach, anu by the joint iuentification of
stuuies that coulu be unueitaken in futuie planning. It is vital to incluue fisheimen
as collaboiating paitneis to help specify ieseaich piioiities anu to help uesign anu
conuuct fielu stuuies. The authois uige the Fisheiies Liaison with 0ffshoie Winu
gioup to continue to focus on this iole.

62 NARIC0 Naiine, & The Biitish Winu Eneigy Association (BWEA) (2uu7).
@1/-*642"64+1 +) _-8$148"5 "1G (N-,"64+1"5 0))-86* +1 !",41- ;"G", <5+*- 6+ b-164*$
:5"6* ())*$+,- .41G :",E (Repoit No. BWEA_Rauai.puf). Lonuon: Biitish Winu
Eneigy Association. S7 pp. Available fiom

This uocument uesciibes uetaileu uata on the iepoiteu effects obseiveu on ship
iauai uisplays close to offshoie winu faim stiuctuies. It is context specific to this
tiial, i.e., collision avoiuance in pilotage wateis fiom about 1 nm outsiue a single
small winu faim. It uoes not uiaw conclusions about geneial navigation close to oi
within othei anticipateu winu faim uevelopments. The obseivations aie
summaiizeu anu both geneial anu specific mitigation aie suggesteu.

6S Nasalu, Besiueiius C.P. (2uuu). Coastal anu Naiine Resouice 0se Conflicts
anu Sustainable Bevelopment in Tanzania. (8-"1 "1G <+"*6"5 !"1"2-E-16J KD, 47S-

Tanzania's coast is iich in iesouices, which has leu to iapiu population giowth anu a
iise in conflicts ovei natuial iesouices. Nasalu suiveys the conflicts anu pioposes a
management scheme to ueal with them. Conflicts incluue those ievolving aiounu
agiicultuie anu inuustiial uses in the uplanus, maiine tianspoitation, touiism,
uibanization, thieats to mangioves anu coial ieefs. Be suggests a multi-sectoial
appioach to national planning anu establishment of well-uefineu piinciples anu
pioceuuies foi conflict iesolution. The inteiuepenuence of uses of the coastal zone
iequiies planning anu managing acioss sectois iathei than piecemeal. The authoi
points out that collaboiative management woulu stiengthen the success of the
goveinment's emphasis on enviionmental conceins.

64 Nassachusetts 0cean Paitneiship (2uu9). FNN-1G4a B C <+EN"64U4546'
F**-**E-16S ="6" M8,--1412. 9 pp. Available fiom

The Paitneiship's woik assesses vaiious maiine uses foi potential conflicts with
othei uses anu impacts on the enviionment. 0ffshoie uses coveieu aie winu, tiual
anu wave eneigy, sanu mining, cables anu pipelines, anu ueep-watei, non-tiual
aquacultuie. It pioviues siting ciiteiia foi each use inuicating iequiiements baseu
on cuiient technology, physical iestiictions foi such uses, anu othei consiueiations.

6S Nassachusetts Technology Collaboiative (2uu2). <"N- X .41G* ())*$+,- .41G
3HU548 (H6,-"8$ @1464"64/- 3,+2,-** ;-N+,6. S7 pp. Available fiom to access links in
the Bighlights Bocument: http:www.masstech.oigoffshoiehighlights.htm

The Cape Winu pioject pioposeu foi offshoie Nassachusetts has geneiateu
consiueiable suppoit anu opposition. Baseu on numeious inteiviews with key
stakeholueis, the Nassachusetts Technology Collaboiative ueteimineu a neeu foi
contextual anu pioject specific infoimation to be piesenteu in a neutial setting. The
iesulting initiative aimeu to suppoit a tianspaient iegulatoiy ieview piocess foi the
Cape Winu Pioject, to pioviue stakeholueis anu key uecision makeis with cieuible
technical infoimation, anu to initiate a bioauei uiscussion of the eneigy system anu
ienewable eneigy uevelopment in New Englanu. This 2uu2 iepoit ieveals how the
public outieach foi Cape Winu was appioacheu. Noie infoimation (full summaiies
of the meetings anu backgiounu mateiials) is available at www.iaabassociates.oig,
the company that facilitateu the effoit.

66 NcCieaiy, Scott, uamman, }ohn, Biooks, Bennett, Whitman, Lisa, Biyson,
Rebecca, Fullei, Boyu, et al. (2uu1). Applying a Neuiateu Negotiation Fiamewoik to
Integiateu Coastal Zone Nanagement. <+"*6"5 !"1"2-E-16J Bc, 18S-216

The authois ieiteiate the intiinsic natuie of conflict in the coastal zone. They
obseive that ielatively few peei-ievieweu stuuies have examineu how coastal
manageis might apply conflict iesolution piocesses in this zone's management
context. They believe that many of these uisputes can be auuiesseu by using a
stiuctuieu meuiation mouel that involves face-to-face negotiation with a bioau
iange of stakeholueis to builu consensus- baseu agieements foi integiateu coastal
zone management.

67 Ncuiath, Kelly (2uu4). The Feasibility of 0sing Zoning to Reuuce Conflicts in
the Exclusive Economic Zone. &H))"5+ 01/4,+1E-16"5 Q"T Z+H,1"5J OO, 18S-21S

Ncuiath suggests using maiine piotecteu aieas as a fiamewoik foi ocean zoning,
using the example of the Floiiua Keys National Naiine Sanctuaiy. uiven potential foi
conflict among ocean useis, the public anu othei stakeholueis, agencies shoulu map
existing uses in the EEZ. The authoi auvocates a consultation among the feueial
agencies similai to the piocess in place foi ueteimination of Essential Fish Babitat.
Beveloping a compiehensive plan foi the EEZ is uesiiable though baiiieis to zoning

68 Nichel, }aqueline, Bunagan, Beiui, Boiing, Chiistine, Bealy, Eiin, Evans,
Williams, Bean, }ohn N., et al. (2uu7). .+,5GT4G- M'16$-*4* "1G F1"5'*4* +) 0a4*6412
@1)+,E"64+1 ;-2",G412 01/4,+1E-16"5 0))-86* +) F56-,1"64/- 01-,2' ^*-* +1 6$- (H6-,
<+1641-16"5 M$-5).uoveinment Piinting 0ffice. 2S4 pp. Available fiom

Section S88 of the 2uuS Eneigy Policy Act authoiizeu the Nineial Nanagement
Seivice to uevelop a ieseaich piogiam suppoiting maiine ienewable eneigy. This
ieview synthesizes existing infoimation anu uata on enviionmental effects of
alteinative eneigy uses anu iuentifies infoimation neeus. Topics coveieu incluue
cuiient offshoie eneigy technologies, public ieaction to existing piojects, potential
uiiect, inuiiect, anu cumulative enviionmental impacts of offshoie eneigy
technologies, pieviously useu mitigation measuies, cuiient physical anu numeiical
mouels uesigneu to ueteimine enviionmental impacts, anu infoimation gaps in oui
cuiient unueistanuing of enviionmental impacts.

69 Nichlei-Cieluch, Tanja, & Kiause, uesche (2uu8). Peiceiveu Conceins anu
Possible Nanagement Stiategies foi uoveining Winu Faim-Naiicultuie Integiation.
!",41- 3+548'J DB(6), 1u1S-1u22

Incieaseu use of offshoie wateis of the ueiman Noith Sea by multiple stakeholueis
leaus to conflicting claims anu possible exclusions. Bue to legal constiaint, winu
faims excluue uses by othei sectois such as commeicial fisheiies. In this context,
integiating maiine aquacultuie with uesignateu winu faim aieas might pioviue
chances to combine two inuustiies in the fiame of a multiple-use concept. The
authois intiouuce the concept of combining offshoie uses in a novel but mutually
beneficial way in oiuei to ieuuce the amount of space allocateu offshoie. They
uiscuss the scientific, technical anu othei iequiiements of such an effoit.

7u Nillennium Ecosystem Assessment (2uuS). 08+*'*6-E* "1G $HE"1 T-55C
U-4129 M'16$-*4*. Washington, B.C.: Islanu Piess. 1S7 pp. Available fiom

The Nillennium Ecosystem Assessment examines the consequences of ecosystem
change foi the quality anu sustainability of human life. The pioject involveu the
woik of moie than 1,S6u expeits woiluwiue. Theii finuings pioviue a state-of-the-
ait scientific appiaisal of the conuition anu tienus in global ecosystems anu the
seivices they pioviue, as well as the scientific basis foi action to conseive anu use
them sustainably. This iepoit piesents a synthesis anu integiation of the finuings of
the foui woiking gioups along with moie uetaileu finuings foi selecteu ecosystem
seivices conceining conuition, tienus anu scenaiios, anu iesponse options.

71 National Reseaich Council (0.S.). Committee on Assessing anu valuing the
Seivices of Aquatic anu Relateu Teiiestiial Ecosystems (2uuS). W"5H412 -8+*'*6-E
*-,/48-*9 _+T",G U-66-, -1/4,+1E-16"5 G-84*4+1CE"#412. Washington, B.C.: National
Acauemies Piess. 277 pp. Available fiom

Ecosystem functions aie seluom expeiienceu uiiectly by useis of the natuial
iesouice. Rathei, it is the seivices pioviueu by ecosystems, such as floou iisk
ieuuction anu watei supply, togethei with ecosystem goous, that cieate value foi
human useis. This iepoit uesciibes those seivices anu synthesizes the state of
cuiient knowleuge.

72 0cean Policy Auvisoiy Council (2uu9). 0se of the Teiiitoiial Sea foi the
Bevelopment of Renewable Eneigy Facilities oi 0thei Relateu Stiuctuies,
Equipment oi Facilities (,-2+1 _-,,46+,4"5 M-". 19 pp. Poitlanu: State of 0iegon.
Available fiom http:www.oiegon.govLCB0CNPuocs0ceanotsp_S.puf

This auuition to the state's 1994 Teiiitoiial Sea Plan, a section of the state
compiehensive plan, uesciibes the piocess foi making uecisions conceining the
uevelopment of maiine ienewable eneigy facilities anu specifies the aieas wheie
that uevelopment may be siteu. The iequiiements aie intenueu to piotect aieas
impoitant to ienewable maiine iesouices, ecosystem integiity, maiine habitat anu
aieas impoitant to fisheiies fiom the potential auveise effects of ienewable eneigy
facility siting, uevelopment, opeiation, anu uecommissioning. It pioviues guiuelines
foi iuentifying appiopiiate locations foi uevelopment that minimizes the potential
auveise impacts to existing ocean iesouice useis anu coastal communities.

7S 0EER (0ffshoie Eneigy Enviionmental Reseaich) Association (2uu8). :H1G'
_4G"5 01-,2' M6,"6-248 01/4,+1E-16"5 F**-**E-169 :41"5 ;-N+,6 92 pp. Available fiom

The Bay of Funuy has the laigest tiual iange in the woilu. The uevelopment of new
tiual eneigy technologies has iesulteu in ieneweu anu moie uigent inteiest in
hainessing tiual powei. Thioughout this iepoit, 0EER stiesses the necessity of
meaningful stakeholuei engagement thiough futuie enviionmental assessment
piocesses, the cieation of a Stakeholuei Auvisoiy Boaiu to builu on consultation
with fisheimen, othei maiine iesouice useis, anu communities at eveiy stage of
tiual uevelopment. 0EER iecommenus ongoing engagement with Fiist Nations
communities by iequiiing pioponents to facilitate uiscussion anu infoimation
shaiing at the eailiest stages. Theie is some uiscussion of how exclusion zones
woulu affect useis but no uetails as the exclusion zones woulu vaiy baseu on the
technology useu anu the scale of piojects.

74 0ffshoie Winueneigy Euiope (2uu8). Conflicts of Inteiest. 0aN-,6 PH4G-9
01/4,+1E-16 Available fiom

This inuustiy iepoit pioviues an oveiview of enviionmental anu human use
conflicts associateu with offshoie winu uevelopment. It incluues a section on seveial
Euiopean countiies enviionmental assessment piogiams. The finuings suggest
some aieas may uefinitively be excluueu fiom consiueiation foi use foi offshoie
winu powei. These aie majoi ship lanes, aieas close to aiipoits, oil anu gas
pipelines, cable ioutes, iaw mateiial ueposits, militaiy iestiicteu aieas. It pioviues a
summaiy uesciiption of the natuie of the conflicts between winu uevelopment anu
maiine tianspoitation, aii tiaffic, militaiy opeiations, commeicial fishing, mineial
anu seuiment ueposits, anu maiine aichaeology sites. Nitigation measuies aie
mentioneu in passing.

7S 0ii, Patiicia }. (2uu6). 0<; 3-,)+,E"18- 0/"5H"64+19 F1 41/-16+,' +)
41G48"6+,*. Tucson: 0.S. Institute foi Enviionmental Conflict Resolution. 26 pp.
Available fiom www.eci.govpufINv2uu61u1u.puf

0ii upuates NacFailane's anu Nayei's 2uu4 liteiatuie ieview of enviionmental
conflict iesolution. She puts the liteiatuie into peispective foi useis to evaluate the
utility of enviionmental conflict iesolution as well as how to impiove it in piactice.
The ieview's oiganization assists useis to iuentify when it is appiopiiate, how to
use it effectively anu what outcomes can be expecteu.

76 0ii, Patiicia }., Emeison, Kiik, & Keyes, Bale L. (2uu8). Enviiomental Conflict
Resolution Piactice anu Peifoimance: An Evaluation Fiamewoik. <+1)5486 ;-*+5H64+1
IH",6-,5'J BL(S), 28S-Su1

A gioup of feueial anu state agencies uevelopeu an enviionmental conflict
iesolution evaluation fiamewoik to make a stiong case foi use of the methou. 0ii
uesciibes the evolution, stiuctuie, associateu instiumentation, anu cuiient
applications of this methou's evaluation fiamewoik. Se aigues that the possibility of
costly litigation, planning uelays, anu contentious stakeholuei ielations suggest a
neeu foi impioveu enviionmental goveinance. The neeu foi impiovement uoes not,
howevei, in anu of itself make a case foi alteinatives that engage uiveise inteiests
collaboiatively in enviionmental uecision making. Bence the neeu foi an
enviionmental conflict iesolution fiamewoik.

77 0SPAR Commission (2uu8). PH4G"18- +1 01/4,+1E-16"5 <+1*4G-,"64+1* )+,
())*$+,- .41G :",E =-/-5+NE-16 Copenhagen: 0SPAR Commission. 19 pp. Available

0SPAR's guiuelines auuiess uevelopment of offshoie winu faims in teims of
minimizing enviionmental impact anu conflict. The auuience is goveinment
agencies, uevelopeis, consultants, anu othei inteiesteu paities. These aie not a
uefinitive set of instiuctions but pioviue context foi uevelopments. The list of
potential impacts uiscusseu is not exhaustive. Eveiy location will have a unique set
of impacts anu potential conflicts. The guiuelines aie stiuctuieu aiounu the main
uevelopment stages of an offshoie winu faim: siting, licensing, monitoiing,
constiuction anu opeiation, anu uecommissioning.

78 Penuleton, Linwoou, Atiiyah, Peila, & Nooithy, Aiavinu (2uu7). Is the non-
maiket liteiatuie auequate to suppoit coastal anu maiine management. (8-"1 X
<+"*6"5 !"1"2-E-16J LA(S-6), S6S-S78

The authois finu that the existing liteiatuie on estimating of the non-maiket value
of coastal anu maiine iesouices is inauequate. They examine the
compiehensiveness, timeliness, geogiaphical completeness, anu methouological
bieauth of the peei-ievieweu liteiatuie on non-maiket valuation stuuies foi coastal
anu ocean iesouices in the 0niteu States. Stuuies of beaches anu iecieational fishing
aie geneially sufficient to suppoit effective policy-making. Bowevei, most iesouices
have not been well stuuieu anu values foi many have not been estimateu in iecent
yeais, the geogiaphical coveiage is incomplete, anu the application of
methouologies is uneven. The authois offei iecommenuations to impiove the policy
usefulness of valuation liteiatuie.

79 Pew 0ceans Commission (2uuS). FE-,48"d* 54/412 +8-"1* 9 8$",6412 " 8+H,*-
)+, *-" 8$"12- 9 " ,-N+,6 6+ 6$- 1"64+1 9 ,-8+EE-1G"64+1* )+, " 1-T +8-"1 N+548'
Ailington, vA. 144 pp. Available fiom

The compiehensive iepoit of the Pew 0ceans Commission outlines a national
agenua foi piotecting anu iestoiing Ameiica's oceans. The Pew iepoit shoulu be
ieau in conjunction with the 0niteu States 0cean Commission iepoit ieleaseu in
2uu4 as both iepoits weie caiiieu out in paiallel. The cuiient location foi the
ongoing woik of both commissions is the 0.S. }oint 0cean Commissions Initiative
(see 0.S. Commission on 0cean Policy, 2uu4). Befoie the seminal iepoits of the Pew
anu 0.S. ocean commissions, the last time the nation hau examineu its maiine
iesouices was in the histoiic Stiatton Commission Repoit of 1966

8u Pomeioy, Robeit, & Bouveie, Fanny (2uu8). The engagement of stakeholueis
in the maiine spatial planning piocess. !",41- 3+548'J DB(S), 816-822. Available fiom

Pomeioy anu Bouveie auvocate a compiehensive methou foi involving people in
maiine spatial planning thiough stakeholuei analysis anu mapping. They uesciibe
vaiious types anu stages of stakeholuei paiticipation anu illustiate how to conuuct a
stakeholuei analysis that meaningfully involves stakeholueis.

81 Poitman, Nichelle (2uu9). Involving the public in the impact assessment of
0ffshoie Renewable Eneigy facilities. !",41- 3+548'J DD(2), SS2-SS8. Available fiom

Poitman's ieseaich expanus the uiscussion of public involvement in uecisions about
maiine iesouice use by examining public paiticipation in enviionmental impact
assessment foi maiine ienewable eneigy piojects. The authoi's ieview of the
empiiical anu theoietical ieseaich is summaiizeu in a fiamewoik foi involvement.
The fiamewoik consists of five main featuies: effective communication, bioau-
baseu inclusion, piioiitization, eaily thiee-way leaining, anu alteinatives analysis.
Poitman exploies the ielevance of such a fiamewoik anu inuicates possible

82 Poitman, Nichelle E., Buff, }ohn A., Koppel, }ohann, Reiseit, }essica, & Biggins,
Negan E. (2uu9). 0ffshoie winu eneigy uevelopment in the exclusive economic
zone: Legal anu policy suppoits anu impeuiments in ueimany anu the 0S. 01-,2'
3+548'J DY, SS96-S6u7

The authois assess the feueial iole of two coastal nations, ueiman anu the 0.S., in
iegaius to theii uomestic legal anu policy fiamewoiks in the siting of maiine
ienewable eneigy facilities. ueimany has appioveu many offshoie sites while iecent
0S pioposals have foi the most pait stalleu. Baseu on a ieview of legal anu policy
uocuments, laws anu iegulations, acauemic liteiatuie, anu inteiviews, these authois
iuentify anu compaie factois that figuie most piominently foi the uevelopment of
maiine ienewable eneigy policies. Compaiisons aie oiganizeu unuei foui
categoiies: the iegulatoiy fiamewoik, the public's iole in siting, taigeteu economic
mechanisms, anu inuiiect mechanisms. The authois concluue that 0.S. iegulatoiy
fiamewoik, moie open public piocess anu lack of cooiuinateu maiine spatial
planning make foi moie uifficult uevelopment of winu faims.

8S R.I. Coastal Resouices Nanagement Council (2u1u). Rhoue Islanu 0cean
Spatial Nanagement PlanL 0CEANSANP Available fiom

The Rhoue Islanu 0cean Special Aiea Nanagement Plan, oi 0cean SANP, is
conceiveu to be a feueially iecognizeu coastal management anu iegulatoiy tool.
0sing the best available science, the 0cean SANP seeks to pioviue a balanceu
appioach to the uevelopment anu piotection of Rhoue Islanu's ocean-baseu
iesouices. The uiaft plan uoes not yet incluue a uiscussion of conflict mitigation. The
Plan is cuiiently pioceeuing thiough an eight-step ieview piocess piioi to auoption.
As it uevelops anu becomes finalizeu, this will be one effoit to monitoi as a possible
state level mouel.

84 Ramsey, Kevin (2uu9). uIS, Noueling, anu Politics: 0n the Tensions of
Collaboiative Becision Suppoit. Z+H,1"5 +) 01/4,+1E-16"5 !"1"2-E-16J cA(6), 1972-

Ramsey uiscusses the tension between using geogiaphic infoimation systems (uIS)
to solve pioblems iathei than unueistanuing them. uIS applications uesigneu foi
pioblem solving often pie-uefine the spatial aspects of the issue by stiuctuiing the
kinu of infoimation that can be consiueieu oi the way in which the pioblem is
conceptualizeu. This inheiently piivileges paiticulai peispectives anu
unueistanuings of the pioblem while maiginalizing otheis. As a iesult, tiue
unueistanuing of the pioblem is unueimineu. Ramsey pioviues a set of
iecommenuations to those seeking to balance pioblem solving with issue
unueistanuing so the use of uIS in the context of contentious enviionmental anu
natuial iesouice uecisions impioves. Although fiom a teiiestiial case stuuy, the
iesults anu conclusions coulu be highly applicable to maiine situations.

8S Rayns, Nick, NacBonalu, Tiacey, & Reau, Anuiew (2uu6). 3,+6-86-G
<+EE-,84"5 :4*$412 F,-"* \3<:F*] C F <+18-N6 )+, @EN,+/412 0VH46' 41 ;-*+H,8-
F55+8"64+1 &-6T--1 FVH"648 ;-*+H,8- ^*-,*. Papei piesenteu at the Shaiing the Fish
2uu6. 16 pp. Available fiom

This papei uiscusses the use of Piotecteu Commeicial Fishing Aieas (PCFAs) foi
achieving equity foi space allocations. Cuiient piotection stiategies foi commeicial
fishing in Austialia incluue potential uesign anu iegulatoiy impiovements, anu the
establishment of PCFAs with iefeience to existing national anu inteinational
piotection measuies, iecieational fishing, anu maiine piotecteu aieas. The authois
pioviue a thoughtful uiscussion of the ielationship between a fisheiy's ecological
chaiacteiistics, its commeicial haivesteis, anu cuiient tienus in maiine spatial
planning. With iespect to competing use conflict iesolution anu mitigation, the
uiscussion is limiteu as it uoes not auuiess one paiticulai conflict, but iathei the
cumulative effect of conflicting spatial iights on commeicial fishing. In auuition,
specific uiscussion of conflicts with iecieational fishing anu maiine piotecteu aieas
aie not veiy valuable. The iuea of PCFAs is inventive anu unique, howevei, anu
woulu be of inteiest to a plannei.

86 Royal Yachting Association (2uuS). ;eF "1G " 3,+N+*-G !",41- &4559
(NN+,6H1464-* "1G <+18-,1* "* *--1 U' 6$- ;eF 8+18-,1412 " !",41- &455.
Southampton. 1S pp. Available fiom http:bit.lyb0lbj1

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the national bouy foi all foims of
iecieational boating, unuei powei anu sail, on inlanu anu tiual wateis, with 1uu,uuu
peisonal membeis anu 1Suu affiliateu clubs. The RYA iepiesents the inteiests of an
estimateu 2 million iecieational boateis anu wateiciaft enthusiasts. This iepoit
piesents its views of the oppoitunities anu conceins in the pioposeu Naiine Bill.
Conceins incluue boating exclusion aieas.

87 Sagaiin, Raphael B., & Ciowuei, Laiiy B. (2uu8). Bieaking Thiough the Ciisis
in Naiine Conseivation anu Nanagement: Insights fiom the Philosophies of Eu
Ricketts. <+1*-,/"64+1 &4+5+2'J BD(1), 24-Su

Sagaiin anu Ciowuei use the backuiop of the two majoi 0.S. commissions on ocean
policy to ieiteiate that ocean ecosystems aie in ciisis anu that cuiient policies aie
inauequate to pievent fuithei ecological uamage. Ecosystem-baseu management is
vieweu as an appioach to auuiess conseivation issues in the oceans, but manageis
iemain unceitain as to how to implement ecosystem-baseu appioaches in the ieal
woilu. The authois piesent a thoughtful anu piomising contiibution on maiine
conflict that uesciibes an appioach foi stakeholueis to pioceeu in open uiscussions
anu negotiation without feeling coeiceu.

88 Salciuo, Rachel E. (2uu9). Rough Seas Aheau: Confionting Challenges to
}ump-stait Wave Eneigy. 01/4,+1E-16"5 Q"TJ Dc, 1u7S-11u8

Saciuo examines the challenge of incieasing wave eneigy uevelopment within a
sustainable uevelopment fiamewoik. She iecommenus auuiessing this by
establishing the iole of ocean ienewables within the laigei eneigy policy, funuing
ieseaich that will piove the value of wave eneigy, anu moving foiwaiu with
ecosystem-baseu zoning to facilitate iestoiation anu sustainable long-teim
management of the oceans. She uiges iecognition that incieasing intensity of all
offshoie uses is unsustainable. Bei iecommenuations illuminate the tiaue-offs of
wave eneigy piouuction with othei competing uses of the oceans. Salciuo aigues
that haiu choices aie necessaiy to facilitate iesponsible stewaiuship of the oceans
as a cuiient anu futuie public iesouice.

89 Scholz, Astiiu, Steinback, Chailes, & Neitens, Nike (2uu6). <+EE-,84"5
:4*$412 2,+H1G* "1G 6$-4, ,-5"64/- 4EN+,6"18- +)) 6$- <-16,"5 <+"*6 +) <"54)+,14"9
;-N+,6 6+ 6$- <"54)+,14" !",41- Q4)- 3,+6-864+1 F86 @1464"64/- @1 N",64"5 )H5)455E-16 +)
<+16,"86 >+? BAALCAARY!. Poitlanu: Ecotiust. S9 pp. Available fiom

This Ecotiust publication contains iesults of woik conuucteu in Califoinia to
uevelop anu implement an effective tool to gathei anu piesent infoimation fiom
commeicial fisheimen. The authois cieateu an inteiactive inteiview instiument to
collect geo-iefeienceu infoimation about the extent anu ielative impoitance of
cential coast commeicial fisheiies. The uata weie compileu in a geogiaphic
infoimation system that was integiateu into a cential geouatabase houseu at the
0niveisity of Califoinia at Santa Baibaia. The authois analyzeu the collecteu uata
anu auuitional uata pioviueu by the Califoinia Bepaitment of Fish anu uame to
estimate potential impacts of pioposeu maiine piotecteu aiea netwoiks uevelopeu
in the Naiine Life Piotecteu Aieas piocess.

9u Sheehy, Baniel (2uu9). <+1*6,H86-G ;--)* )+, !4642"64+1 "1G :4*$-,'
01$"18-E-16 @1 !",41- .41G :",E =-/-5+NE-16. Papei piesenteu at the The
Ecology of Naiine Winu Faims: Peispectives on Impact Nitigation, Siting, anu
Futuie 0ses. S pp. Available fiom

Sheehy pioposeu that using constiucteu ieefs to enhance the maiine habitat within
oi neai aieas with maiine ienewable eneigy stiuctuies offeis a way to offset
possible negative impacts to fisheiy economies. These possible negative impacts to
fisheiies aie geai iestiictions anu exclusion zones. An integiateu appioach will have
gieatei potential if theie is auvanceu planning to ensuie optimal integiation anu
economic auvantage. The iight habitat enhancement technologies foi specific
locations must be selecteu. Theie shoulu be close cooiuination anu pioactive
communication with iegional fisheiies anu coastal zone management effoits.

91 Shull, Caiol, anu National Paik Seivice 0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi,
(2u1u). Beteimination of Eligibility Notification. National Paik Seivice, Washington,
B.C. 9 pp. Available fiom

The Keepei of the National Registei of Bistoiic Places ueteimineu that Nantucket
Sounu is eligible foi listing in the National Registei as a tiauitional cultuial piopeity
anu as an histoiic anu aicheological piopeity. This is the pioposeu site of the Cape
Winu pioject. The Paik Seivice states that the piopeity has impoitant infoimation
about the Native Ameiican exploiation anu settlement of Cape Cou anu the Islanus
with the potential foi moie. Listing in the National Registei assuies that the values
that make the aiea significant aie consiueieu in the planning of piojects in which
the Feueial uoveinment is involveu.

92 Siensen, Bans Chi., Bansen, Lais Kjelu, Bansen, Rune, Bammailunu, Kaiin,
Thoipe, Tom, & NcCullen, Pat (2uuS). Social Planning anu Enviionmental Impact
."/->-69 ;-*H56* ),+E 6$- T+,# +) 6$- 0H,+N-"1 _$-E"648 >-6T+,# +1 ."/- 01-,2'
(pp. SuS-S77): Eneigy, Enviionment anu Sustainable Bevelopment Piogiamme.
Available fiom http:www.emu-consult.ukincluuesnetwoikiepoit_section_e.puf
Full Repoit: http:www.spok.ukconsultwave_netwoik_e.shtml

This uocument pioviues an oveiview to the baiiieis to laige-scale uevelopment of
wave eneigy aiising fiom competing uses of the iesouices, such as aieas iequiieu
foi maiine tianspoitation, militaiy opeiation, pipelines anu cables, iecieational
uses anu commeicial fishing. The infoimation was collateu thiough inteiviews with
uevelopeis anu iegulatois as well as a ieview of the liteiatuie. Baiiieis iesulting
fiom conflicting uses aie not expecteu to constitute majoi baiiieis foi the laige-
scale uevelopment of wave eneigy. Recommenuations to ieuuce conflict vaiy but
most uepenu on thoiough, open planning. Compensation is useful in some situations
but pioblematic with commeicial fishing. Communication of site specific solutions
woulu be useful.

9S SPIBR EnviionmentPublic Bisputes Sectoi Ciitical Issues Committee
(1997). &-*6 3,"8648-* )+, P+/-,1E-16 F2-184-*9 PH4G-541-* )+, ^*412 <+55"U+,"64/-
F2,--E-16CM--#412 3,+8-**-*9 ;-N+,6 "1G ;-8+EE-1G"64+1* +) 6$- M3@=;
01/4,+1E-16S3HU548 =4*NH6-* M-86+, <,4648"5 @**H-* <+EE466--. Reston: Association
foi Conflict Resolution. 27 pp. Available fiom

The Repoit's iecommenuations weie uevelopeu thiough a joint effoit of the Society
of Piofessionals in Bispute Resolution, EnviionmentalPublic Bisputes Sectoi anu
the Consoitium on Negotiation anu Conflict Resolution in Atlanta, ueoigia,
suppoiteu by the William anu Floia Bewlett Founuation. The iepoit focuses on best
piactices foi goveinment agencies anu othei useis in the 0niteu States anu Canaua
foi successful use of collaboiative uecision making piocesses.

94 St. Naitin, Kevin, & Ball-Aibei, Naueleine (2uu8). The missing layei: ueo-
technologies, communities, anu implications foi maiine spatial planning. !",41-
3+548'J DB, 77u-786. Available fiom http:www.unesco-ioc-

St. Naitin anu Ball-Aibei iecognize that the assessment anu management of maiine
iesouices is uepenuent upon spatial technologies, such as geogiaphic infoimation
systems. The uiveise layeis of spatial infoimation aie focuseu on biophysical
piocesses. The social lanuscape of the maiine enviionment is unuocumenteu anu
consequently is missing a uata layei. Consequently, the iesouice aieas impoitant to
stakeholueis anu communities aie not well integiateu into planning piocesses
ieliant on spatial technologies. The authois uesciibe a paiticipatoiy methou to map
the piesence of fishing communities offshoie. They suggest that spatial
iepiesentation of these communities infoims fisheiies anu incoipoiates the human
uimensions of the maiine enviionment in assessment anu planning.

9S Stephenne, Nathalie, Buinley, Clementine, & Ehilich, Banielle (2uu9).
Analyzing Spatial Biiveis in Quantitative Conflict Stuuies: The Potential anu
Challenges of ueogiaphic Infoimation Systems. @16-,1"64+1"5 M6HG4-* ;-/4-TJ OO,

The authois attempt to unueistanu how geogiaphical infoimation systems can help
analyze spatial uiiveis of conflict. While the geogiaphic uiiveis of teiiitoiial
conflicts have been extensively uesciibeu by a numbei of political stuuies, the
quantitative analysis of these uiiveis is quite new. The authois focus on laige
conflicts (i.e., wais), although they also uiscuss smallei scale conflicts. This woik
seives as a liteiatuie ieview on the topic, anu incluues citations uealing with natuial
iesouice availability.

96 Susskinu, Lawience, & NcCieaiy, Scott (198S). Techniques foi iesolving
coastal iesouice management uisputes thiough negotiation. Z+H,1"5 +) 6$- FE-,48"1
35"11412 F**+84"64+1J LO(S), S6S-S74

These authois walk the ieauei thiough some seminal cases of coastal conflict anu
uispute iesolution fiom the 19Sus thiough the 198us. Following analyses anu
uiscussion of the case stuuies, they uiaw majoi conclusions that can be inteipieteu
as iecommenuations. All involveu paities can 'win' if they aie willing to meet face to
face in negotiation. Consensus uecision making uepenus on a piopei piocess of
iuentifying inteiests, geneiating alteinatives, spelling out commitments, jointly
evaluating unceitainty anu the available scientific eviuence, anu fiaming wiitten

97 The Biitish Winu Eneigy Association (BWEA) (2uu2). &-*6 3,"8648-
PH4G-541-*9 <+1*H56"64+1 )+, ())*$+,- .41G 01-,2' =-/-5+NE-16*. Lonuon. S2 pp.
Available fiom http:www.bwea.compufbwea-bpg-offshoie.puf

These guiuelines encouiage goou planning anu communication aiounu the
uevelopment of offshoie winu eneigy. Theii auuience is uevelopeis, planneis,
goveinment uepaitments, local communities anu stakeholueis. These guiuelines
encouiage iuentifying all the ielevant stakeholueis anu pioviuing them with the
infoimation they neeu in language they can unueistanu. They suggest being open
anu honest about what an inuiviuual pioject involves. Engaging with stakeholueis in
a vaiiety of uiffeient ways enables eveiybouy to have theii opinions heaiu anu theii
iueas taken seiiously. Following the guiuelines will facilitate planning anu
implementation of winu eneigy piojects.

98 The Biitish Winu Eneigy Association (BWEA) (2uu4). &.0F
;-8+EE-1G"64+1* )+, :4*$-,4-* Q4"4*+1. Lonuon. S6 pp. Available fiom

These iecommenuations weie wiitten by the Biitish Winu Eneigy Association
woiking in close coopeiation with vaiious fisheiies gioups such as the National
Feueiation of Fisheimen's 0iganisations, Scottish Fisheimen's Feueiation, anu Sea
Fisheiies Inspectoiate. They aie intenueu as guiuelines foi uevelopeis of offshoie
winu anu the fishing community. They aie baseu on best piactices uevelopeu
thiough the expeiience of the 0K's fishing community, anu the offshoie oil anu gas
anu cable inuustiies. The pioposeu measuies woulu avoiu, minimize anu mitigate
potential conflict with commeicial fishing. The iecommenuations apply to all
activities associateu with constiucting anu seivicing winu faims.

99 The Biitish Winu Eneigy Association (BWEA) (2uu6). :,"E-T+,# )+,
G4"5+2H- U-6T--1 6$- )4*$412 "1G T41G )",E 41GH*6,4-* +1 $+T 6+ "**-** 6$- /"5H- +)
)4*$412 "864/464-* "1G "1' G4*,HN64+1 +, G4*N5"8-E-16 8"H*-G 6+ 6$-E U' T41G )",E
G-/-5+NE-16*? Lonuon. 4 pp. Available fiom

The Fisheiies Liaison with 0ffshoie Winu (FL0W) woiking gioup suppoiteu this
effoit by the BWEA to facilitate uiscussion between the inuustiies in the context of
specific uevelopment pioposals. This woik supplements the existing guiuelines
piepaieu by FL0W on best piactice in liaison between the two inuustiies (see
BWEA 2uu9). It uoes not pioviue a methouology foi calculating compensation noi
assume that compensation will be a ielevant consiueiation foi eveiy pioject.
Bevelopeis will still neeu a uetaileu impact assessments anu consultations to
piepaie theii peimit application. Woiking with the fishing inuustiy is only one of
many aspects of the piocess.

1uu Tomlinson, B.N., Petteison, }.S., ulaziei, E. W., Lewis, }., Selby, I., Naiin, R., et al.
(2uu7). @1/-*642"64+1 +) =,-G2412 @EN"86* +1 <+EE-,84"5 "1G ;-8,-"64+1"5 :4*$-,4-*
"1G F1"5'*4* +) F/"45"U5- !4642"64+1 !-"*H,-* 6+ 3,+6-86 "1G 3,-*-,/-
;-*+H,8-*.Nineials Nanagement Seivice, 0S Bepaitment of the Inteiioi. 2SS pp.
Available fiom

The authois look at uieuging impacts in the 0.S. anu inteinationally. Specific
conflicts between uieuging anu the biown ciab fishing fleet aie uiscusseu incluuing
illustiations of the majoi stages of the conflict. Key issues aie seabeu uistuibance
anu seuiment plumes. Nitigation measuies incluue compensation, seasonal
iestiictions, zoning, ieuuction in seuiment plumes, foimal liaison anu consulting

1u1 Tomson, Susie, 0sboin, Teu, Ciuising Association, & Royal Yachting
Association (2uu4). dM$",412 6$- .41Gd ;-8,-"64+1"5 &+"6412 41 6$- ())*$+,- .41G
:",E M6,"6-248 F,-"*9 @G-164)48"64+1 +) ,-8,-"64+1"5 U+"6412 416-,-*6* 41 6$- _$"E-*
0*6H",'J P,-"6-, ."*$ "1G >+,6$ .-*6 \Q4/-,N++5 &"']. Southampton. 42 pp.
Available fiom

The Royal Yachting Association anu the Ciuising Association suppoit the
uoveinment's effoits foi ueveloping ienewable eneigy. Bowevei they want to
ensuie that the safety of iecieational boateis is not compiomiseu anu that sites uo
not impinge uiiectly on impoitant iecieational boating aieas. The authois pioviue
an analysis of RYA's specific conceins about offshoie winu faims anu iecieational

1u2 Tomson, Susie, & Royal Yachting Association (2uu9). Consultation on 0K
0ffshoie Eneigy Stiategic Enviionmental Assessment. Futuie Leasing foi 0ffshoie
Winu Faims anu Licensing foi 0ffshoie 0il & uas anu uas Stoiage - Enviionmental
Repoit, }anuaiy 2uu9. In 0.K. Bepaitment of Eneigy anu Climate Change 0ffshoie
Eneigy SEA Consultation. S pp.

The Royal Yachting Association is a 0K bouy iepiesenting all foims of iecieational
anu competitive boating. These aie comments on the 0K's 0ffshoie Eneigy Stiategic
Enviionmental Assessment. They iuentify conflicts anu issues with potential
offshoie winu eneigy fiom the boating peispective. These incluue collision iisk,
neeu foi maiking anu lighting, effects on small ciaft navigational anu
communication equipment, loss of ciuising ioutes, competition with commeicial
ioutes, effects on sailing anu iacing aieas, anu potential visual intiusion anu noise.
The iepoit suppoits uevelopment beyonu 12nm, in aieas lightly useu by
iecieational boating anu maiine tianspoitation.

1uS 0.K. Bepaitment foi Business Enteipiise & Regulatoiy Refoim (2uu8).
:4*$412 Q4"4*+1 T46$ ())*$+,- .41G "1G .-6 ;-1-T"U5-* P,+HN \:Q(..]
;-8+EE-1G"64+1* )+, :4*$-,4-* Q4"*+19 &-*6 N,"8648- 2H4G"18- )+, +))*$+,- ,-1-T"U5-*
G-/-5+N-,*.0.K. Bepaitment foi Business Enteipiise & Regulatoiy Refoim. S4 pp.
Available fiom

The Bepaitment pioviues guiuelines foi uevelopeis involveu in the offshoie
ienewables eneigy sectoi when uealing with fishing anu fisheiies. The maiine
ienewable eneigy sectoi anu fisheiies shoulu coexist to the auvantage of both
paities. These guiuelines anu the Fishing Liaison with 0ffshoie Winu anu Wet
Renewables uioup (FL0WW) aims to facilitate that piocess thiough encouiaging
effective liaison with the fishing inuustiy anu the piouuction of inuustiy-wiue
stanuaius foi fisheiies liaison.

1u4 0.K. Bepaitment foi Business Enteipiise & Regulatoiy Refoim, Royal
Baskoning, & B0NEL Ltu (2uu8). ;-/4-T +) <"U5412 _-8$14VH-* "1G 01/4,+1E-16"5
0))-86* FNN548"U5- 6+ 6$- ())*$+,- .41G :",E @1GH*6,'.0.K. Bepaitment foi Business
Enteipiise & Regulatoiy Refoim. 164 pp. Available fiom

The Bepaitment auuiesses one element of the foimal enviionmental impact
assessment, cabling. The intenueu auuience is winu faim uevelopeis, consultants
anu iegulatois. The ieview is an infoimation iesouice on the iange of cable
installation techniques available, theii likely enviionmental effects anu potential
mitigation. It uiaws on cuiient winu faim anu othei maiine inuustiy piactices anu
expeiiences. While not foimal guiuelines, the iepoit will assist goveinment
agencies, uevelopeis, stakeholueis anu iegulatois uuiing the foimal ieview by
inuicating the types of infoimation neeueu foi the assessment.

1uS 0.K. Bepaitment of Tiaue anu Inuustiy, 0.K. Naiitime anu Coastguaiu
Agency, & 0.K. Bepaitment foi Tianspoit (2uuS). PH4G"18- +1 6$- F**-**E-16 +) 6$-
@EN"86 +) ())*$+,- .41G :",E*9 !-6$+G+5+2' )+, F**-**412 6$- !",41- >"/42"64+1"5
M")-6' ;4*#* +) ())*$+,- .41G :",E*.BNS0. 16u pp. Available fiom

The Bepaitment iecognizes the neeu foi a methouology to assess the maiine
navigational safety iisks of offshoie winu faims. The iesulting guiuelines evolveu
with the close co-opeiation of uevelopeis, goveinment agencies, anu othei
stakeholueis in conjunction with Biitish Naiitime Technology Renewables Ltu.
Extensive consultation anu ieseaich was uone to ensuie that the methouology is
iobust, veiifieu, auuitable anu accountable in vaiious contexts. The guiuelines
piesent a template to be useu by uevelopeis in piepaiing theii navigation iisk
assessments, anu foi goveinment uepaitments to help in the assessment of these.
The methouology focuses on iisk contiols anu the feeuback fiom iisk contiols into
iisk assessment. It iequiies uevelopeis to show that sufficient iisk contiols aie, oi
will be, in place befoie the assesseu iisk woulu be consiueieu as bioauly acceptable
oi toleiable with possible fuithei contiols oi actions.

1u6 0.K. Eneigy Reseaich Centie (2uu9). ^b0;< MN"64"5 35"11412 )+, !",41-
;-1-T"U5- 01-,2' F,,"'* .+,#*$+N* Papei piesenteu at the Woikshop on Naiine
Planning foi Aiiays: Social, economic anu enviionmental issues anu implications,
anu Woikshop on Naiine spatial planning foi the ueployment of aiiays,
Euinbuigh. S8 pp. Available fiom

Betaileu guiuelines aie piesenteu conceining inteiactions between maiine
ienewable eneigy installations anu navigation. They incluue infoimation on the
visibility anu appeaiance of winu faims, the effects of winu tuibines on iouting
options, suggesteu spacing of tuibine, potential impact on the seabeu, effects on
communications anu navigation systems, anu possible iotoi effects. uuiuelines foi
installations incluue methous foi fixing these to the seabeu anu possible impacts on
maiineis. Theie is also uiscussion about safety zones oi exclusion zones aiounu
maiine ienewable eneigy installations.

1u7 0.K. Naiitime anu Coastguaiu Agency (2uu8a). ())*$+,- ;-1-T"U5- 01-,2'
@1*6"55"64+1* \(;0@*] C PH4G"18- +1 ^b >"/42"64+1"5 3,"8648-J M")-6' "1G 0E-,2-18'
;-*N+1*- @**H-*?0.K. Bepaitment foi Tianspoit. 17 pp. Available fiom

"This guiuance note highlights issues that neeu to be taken into consiueiation when
assessing the impact on navigational safety fiom 0ffshoie Renewable Eneigy
uevelopments, pioposeu foi 0niteu Kinguom inteinal wateis, teiiitoiial sea oi in a
Renewable Eneigy Zone, when establisheu, beyonu the teiiitoiial sea. Key Points:
The iecommenuations in this guiuance note shoulu be useu, piimaiily, by 0ffshoie
Renewable Eneigy installation uevelopeis, seeking consent to unueitake maiine
woiks." (auapteu fiom the uocument) This is a uetaileu guiuance about 0ffshoie
Renewable Eneigy installations (0REIs) anu navigation issues. Contains five
annexes auuiessing: consiueiations on site position, stiuctuies anu safety zones;
navigation, collision avoiuance anu communications; an NCA template foi assessing
uistances between winu faim bounuaiies anu shipping ioutes; safety anu mitigation
measuies iecommenueu foi 0REI uuiing constiuction, opeiation anu
uecommissioning; anu stanuaius anu pioceuuies foi geneiatoi shutuown anu othei
opeiational iequiiements in the event of a seaich anu iescue, countei pollution oi
salvage inciuent in oi aiounu an 0REI.

1u8 0.K. Naiitime anu Coastguaiu Agency (2uu8b). ())*$+,- ;-1-T"U5- 01-,2'
@1*6"55"64+1* \(;0@*]9 PH4G"18- 6+ !",41-,* (N-,"6412 41 6$- W484146' +) ^b (;0@*?0.K.
Bepaitment foi Tianspoit. 12 pp. Available fiom

These guiuelines highlight issues that neeu to be taken into consiueiation when
assessing the impact on navigational safety fiom maiine ienewable eneigy
uevelopments. The iecommenuations aie uiiecteu at uevelopeis. Emphasis is on
siting, stiuctuies fiom safety anu navigation peispectives anu communications. A
template foi assessing uistances between winu faim bounuaiies anu shipping
ioutes is uesciibeu. Safety anu mitigation measuies aie iecommenueu foi the
constiuction, opeiation anu uecommissioning piocess. Stanuaius anu pioceuuies
foi geneiatoi shutuown anu othei opeiational iequiiements aie outlineu in the
event of a seaich anu iescue opeiations oi a pollution oi salvage inciuent.

1u9 0.S. Coast uuaiu (2uu9). ^?M? <+"*6 PH",G F**-**E-16 +) 3+6-164"5 @EN"86* 6+
!",41- ;"G", "* 46 ,-5"6-* 6+ !",41- >"/42"64+1 M")-6' ),+E 6$- >"16H8#-6 M+H1G
.41G :",E "* 3,+N+*-G U' <"N- .41GJ QQ<?0.S. Coast uuaiu. 16 pp. Available fiom

The 0S Coast uuaiu's assessment founu that the pioposeu Cape Winu pioject woulu
have a moueiate impact on navigation safety, but sufficient mitigation measuies aie
available to ieuuce iisk to acceptable levels. It also obseiveu that the pioject woulu
have a negligible oi no auveise impact on Coast uuaiu missions, anu may in some
ciicumstances actually facilitate the piosecution of ceitain missions. This uocument
auuiesses a numbei of conceins iuentifieu by boateis who use Nantucket Sounu
incluuing competition with commeicial fishing anu maiine tianspoitation.

11u 0.S. Commission on 0cean Policy (2uu4). F1 +8-"1 U5H-N,416 )+, 6$- BO*6
8-16H,' 9 )41"5 ,-N+,6. Washington, B.C. 8 volumes. Available fiom

Thiity-five yeais ago, the Stiatton Commission compiehensively ievieweu the 0.S.
management of the oceans, coasts, anu uieat Lakes. In that time, significant changes
have occuiieu in uses of maiine assets anu geneial unueistanuing of the
consequences of these uses. This iepoit pioviues a bluepiint foi change in the 21st
centuiy, with iecommenuations foi cieation of an effective national ocean policy
that ensuies sustainable use anu piotection of oui oceans, coasts, anu uieat Lakes
foi touay anu fai into the futuie. It shoulu be ieau in conjunction with the Pew
Commission Repoit (Pew 2uuS).

111 0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi, Nineials Nanagement Seivice (2uu9). <"N-
.41G 01-,2' 3,+7-869 :41"5 01/4,+1E-16"5 @EN"86 M6"6-E-16.0.S. Bepaitment of the
Inteiioi. 8uu pp. Available fiom

The pioposeu Cape Winu pioject is a winu eneigy facility with a maximum electiic
output of 468 megawatts in Nantucket sounu off the coast of Nassachusetts that can
inteiconnect with anu uelivei electiicity to the New Englanu Powei Pool. The FEIS
piesents the chaiacteiistics of the enviionment in the pioject aiea anu analyzes the
effects of the constiuction, opeiation anu maintenance, anu uecommissioning of the
pioject, consistent with the iequiiements of the 0utei Continental Shelf Lanus Act
anu the National Enviionmental Policy Act. The FEIS iuentifieu potential conflicting
uses uuiing the opeiational phase incluue commeicial fishing, submaiine cables,
navigation uieuging, vessel anchoiing, sanu mining, maiine iauai, iecieational
fishing anu boating, aii navigation anu maiine tianspoitation. Nitigation foi impacts
is pioposeu.

112 0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi. Nineials Nanagement Seivice. Renewable
Eneigy anu Alteinate 0se Piogiam (2uu6a). _-8$1+5+2' .$46- 3"N-, +1 (8-"1
<H,,-16 01-,2' 3+6-164"5 +1 6$- ^?M? (H6-, <+1641-16"5 M$-5).0.S. Bepaitment of the
Inteiioi. 7 pp. Available fiom

The Nineials Nanagement Seivice piepaieu a seiies of white papeis on maiine
ienewable eneigy technologies to piepaie its alteinative eneigy use piogiam anu
iules. The focus of this papei is the iesouice potential, technologies, associateu
enviionmental impacts anu use conflicts, anu economics of ocean cuiient eneigy on
the 0CS. The uocument iecommenus that the siting of submeigeu cuiient-uiiven
tuibines shoulu consiuei shipping ioutes anu piesent anu anticipateu commeicial
anu iecieational fishing anu iecieational uiving. Possible mitigation woulu incluue
fisheiy exclusion zones.

11S 0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi. Nineials Nanagement Seivice. Renewable
Eneigy anu Alteinate 0se Piogiam (2uu6b). _-8$1+5+2' .$46- 3"N-, +1 ."/-
01-,2' 3+6-164"5 +1 6$- ^?M? (H6-, <+1641-16"5 M$-5).0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi.
12 pp. Available fiom

The Nineials Nanagement Seivice piepaieu a seiies of white papeis on maiine
ienewable eneigy technologies to piepaie its alteinative eneigy use piogiam anu
iules. The focus of this papei is the iesouice potential, technologies, associateu
enviionmental impacts anu use conflicts, anu economics of wave eneigy on the 0CS.
Wave technologies with high fieeboaius may be a navigation hazaiu iequiiing
lights, sounu, iauai ieflectois. Potential conflicts with commeicial shipping anu
fishing anu iecieational boating. Wave eneigy conveiteis may have neai fielu effects
on wave heights that may conflict with iecieational uses such as suifing.

114 0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi. Nineials Nanagement Seivice. Renewable
Eneigy anu Alteinate 0se Piogiam (2uu6c). _-8$1+5+2' .$46- 3"N-, +1 .41G 01-,2'
3+6-164"5 +1 6$- ^?M? (H6-, <+1641-16"5 M$-5).0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi. 16 pp.
Available fiom

The Nineials Nanagement Seivice piepaieu a seiies of white papeis on maiine
ienewable eneigy technologies to piepaie its alteinative eneigy use piogiam anu
iules. The focuses of this papei is on the iesouice potential, technologies, associateu
enviionmental impacts anu use conflicts, anu economics of winu eneigy on the 0CS.
This papei incluues a list of siting constiaints wheie existing uses of the ocean will
neeu to be consiueieu in selecting 0CS winu facility locations.

11S 0.S. uoveinment Accountability 0ffice (2uu8). ;-N+,6 6+ 6$- <$"4,E"1J
MHU8+EE466-- +1 3HU548 Q"1G* "1G :+,-*6*J <+EE466-- +1 01-,2' "1G >"6H,"5
;-*+H,8-*J ^?M? M-1"6-9 >"6H,"5 ;-*+H,8- !"1"2-E-169 (NN+,6H1464-* 0a4*6 6+ 01$"18-
:-G-,"5 3",6484N"64+1 41 <+55"U+,"64/- 0))+,6* 6+ ;-GH8- <+1)5486* "1G @EN,+/- >"6H,"5
;-*+H,8- <+1G464+1*.uA0. 1S9 pp. Available fiom

This ieview piesents positive peispectives on the use of collaboiative iesouice
management involving public anu piivate stakeholueis in natuial iesouice
uecisions. Benefits incluue ieuuceu conflict anu litigation anu impioveu natuial
iesouice conuitions. A numbei of collaboiative piactices, such as seeking inclusive
iepiesentation, establishing leaueiship, anu iuentifying a common goal among the
paiticipants aie ciucial to successful effoits. Success is often juugeu by whethei they
inciease paiticipation anu coopeiation oi impiove natuial iesouice conuitions.
Nany expeits also note that theie aie limitations to the appioach, such as the time
anu iesouices it takes to biing people togethei to woik on a pioblem anu ieach a

116 0.S. Institute foi Enviionmental Conflict Resolution (2uuS). :41"5 ;-N+,6 +)
6$- >"64+1"5 01/4,+1E-16"5 <+1)5486 ;-*+5H64+1 FG/4*+,' <+EE466--: 0.S. Institute foi
Enviionmental Conflict Resolution of the Noiiis K. 0uall Founuation. 186 pp.
Available fiom http:www.eci.govResouicesNEPAECR.aspx

In 2uuu, a bipaitisan gioup of 0.S. Senatois askeu the Institute to examine stiategies
foi using collaboiation, consensus builuing, anu uispute iesolution to achieve the
goals of the National Enviionmental Policy Act of 1969 anu to assist with iesolution
of enviionmental policy issues. This iepoit extensively uocuments vaiious conflict
iesolution initiatives anu piogiams, oppoitunities, baiiieis anu lessons leaineu.

117 0Nass Boston Planning Fiamewoiks Team, & Nassachusetts 0cean
Paitneiship (2uu9). <+EN"64U4546' =-6-,E41"64+19 <+1*4G-,"64+1* )+, M46412 <+"*6"5
"1G (8-"1 ^*-* \=;F:_]. Boston. SS pp. Available fiom

This uiaft iepoit is one of seveial to suppoit the Nassachusetts Executive 0ffice of
Eneigy anu Enviionmental Affaiis in its uevelopment of the integiateu coastal ocean
management plan manuateu by the Nassachusetts 0ceans Act of 2uu8. It is
anticipateu that the plan will iuentify appiopiiate locations anu siting consiueiation
foi uses of the ocean anu coastal zones. The uiaft iepoit employs a matiix system to
oiganize anu help evaluate compatibility of uiffeient ocean anu coastal uses. The
matiix heauings incluue spatial anu tempoial consiueiations, anu examples of siting
stanuaius anu compensationmitigation conuitions. While the uiaft iepoit is not
focuseu on conflict, the infoimation containeu in it is an excellent iesouice foi
planning facility siting to avoiu oi constiuctively auuiess potential conflicts. (See
Nassachusetts 0cean Paitneiship 2uu9 anu Executive 0ffice of Eneigy anu
Enviionmental Affaiis 2u1u.)

118 Waingei, Lisa A., & Boyu, }ames W. (2uu9). valuing Ecosystem Seivices. In
Kaien L. NcLeou & B. Leslie (Eus.), 08+*'*6-EC&"*-G !"1"2-E-16 )+, 6$- (8-"1* (pp.
92-114). Washington, B.C.: Islanu Piess. Available fiom http:bit.lyuc8nwi

Waingei anu Boyu state that the concept of ecosystem seivice accounting is not a
panacea to achieving ecosystem baseu management. They suggest its utility to biing
togethei technical anu social infoimation to move beyonu cost-benefit accounting.
Ecosystem seivice accounting pioviues a context foi uispaiate stakeholueis to focus
on shaieu goals anu woik at cioss juiisuictional scales to achieve ecoystem baseu
management. They analyze the ciiteiia foi the complex task of ueveloping a
compiehensive economic accounting fiamewoik foi valuing ecosystem seivices.
They concluue that the lack of this valuation limits public policy analysis of
ecosystem. Economics can help iuentify, piioiitize, anu choose actions if the
consequences aie iecognizeu. The authois uige consiueiation of causal connections
between use anu policy choices anu ecosystem seivices.

119 Weiss, }ohn C., Boehleit, Bient B., & 0nswoith, Robeit E. (2uu7). F**-**412 6$-
<+*6* "1G &-1-)46* +) 05-86,4846' P-1-,"64+1 ^*412 F56-,1"64/- 01-,2' ;-*+H,8-* +1 6$-
(H6-, <+1641-16"5 M$-5)9 :41"5 ,-N+,6. 0.S. Bepaitment of the Inteiioi, Nineials
Nanagement Seivice. 67 pp. Available fiom

The authois piesent an analysis of the benefits anu costs of offshoie maiine
ienewable eneigy piojects. Categoiizeu benefits anu costs focus on those that aie
maiket "exteinalities," i.e., those with a benefit oi cost to society but that is not pait
of the piicing of electiicty. These incluue socioeconomic exteinalities such as
impacts on touiism anu iecieational oppoitunities, commeicial fishing, anu visual

12u West Coast uoveinois (2uu9). West Coast uoveinois' Agieement on 0cean
Bealth. Available fiom

In 2uu6 the uoveinois of Califoinia, 0iegon anu Washington announceu the West
Coast uoveinois' Agieement on 0cean Bealth. The Agieement launches a new,
pioactive iegional collaboiation to piotect anu manage the ocean anu coastal
iesouices along the entiie west coast of the lowei 0.S. as calleu foi in the
iecommenuations of the 0.S. Commission on 0cean Policy anu the Pew 0ceans
Commission. The Agieement seeks to auvance the following goals: clean coastal
wateis anu beaches, healthy ocean anu coastal habitats, effective ecosystem-baseu
management, ieuuceu impacts of offshoie uevelopment, incieaseu ocean awaieness
anu liteiacy among the iegion's citizens, expanueu ocean anu coastal scientific
infoimation, ieseaich, anu monitoiing, sustainable economic uevelopment of
coastal communities.

121 Ziza, Iva (2uu8). Siting of Renewable Eneigy Facilities anu Auveisaiial
Legalism: Lessons fiom Cape Cou. law ieview . >-T 0125"1G Q"T ;-/4-TJ KB, S91-

Ziza analyzes auministiative anu juuicial challenges anu opposition to the Cape
Winu pioject pioposeu foi constiuction in feueial wateis close to Nassachusetts'
Cape Cou anu the islanus of Naitha's vineyaiu anu Nantucket. This is an analysis of
the Cape Winu contioveisy fiom a legal peispective. The authoi uiscusses the iole
of enviionmental nonpiofits, access to the couits, level of oiganization of
stakeholueis, iole of piopeity owneis, aesthetics, legal oi institutional fiamewoiks
anu analyses, anu the NINBY phenomenon.

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