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Greetings and Farewells

Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good night.
Goodbye, sir.
Hi, Sir.
Goodbye, Ma'am.
Good night, Miss.


I'm the nurse.
My name is John.
What's your name?
Nice to meet you.
Please sit down.
This is the nurse's aide.
This is the doctor.
Do you need an interpreter?
Close this window

Social Pleasantries and Courtesy

Thank you.
You're welcome.
I'm sorry.
How're you feeling today?
Are you feeling better?
Have a good day.
Excuse me.

Visiting Hours

Visiting hours are from 10:00am until 8:00pm.
Your room number is 202.
Only four visitors are allowed at a time.
The others can wait outside.
Your husband is waiting outside.
Your mother is waiting outside.
Your family is waiting outside.
I'm going to look for him.

Strategies for Better Communications

Do you speak English?
I don't speak Spanish.
I only speak a little Spanish.
Do you understand?
I don't understand.
Repeat that, please.
Please, only answer "yes" or "no."
Speak very slowly, please.

Talking About Family

Are you married?
Do you have children?
What's your relation to Mr. Gomez?
Are you his son? Are you his daughter?
Are you her husband?
Are you his wife?
Is he your brother.
Is she your sister.

Patient Orientation

This is your room.
This is your bed.
This button will raise and lower the bed.
Please keep the siderails up.
Push this button if you need a nurse.
The telephone is here.
Here's the control for the television.
I'll show you the bathroom.

Pain and Discomfort

Are you in pain?
Where does it hurt?
Touch the spot where it hurts.
Is the pain sharp?
Is the pain dull?
Is the pain constant?
Is the pain throbbing?
Is the pain crushing?

Patient Comfort

Are you having trouble breathing?
Did you sleep okay?
Are you cold?
Are you hot?
Do you need another blanket?
Do you need a bedpan?
Would you like another pillow?
I'm going to put the bedpan here.

Good Cheer

You're going to be fine!
Everything will be okay!
You'll be going home soon!
You have a wonderful family!
Don't worry!
You're doing great!
Sleep tight!
You're looking much better!

Taking Vitals

I'm going to take your blood pressure.
Roll up your sleeve.
I'm going to take your temperature.
I'm going to take your pulse.
I'm going to listen to your lungs.
Breathe deeply, please.
I'm going to listen to your heart.
Everything is normal.

Blood Draw

I need a blood sample.
Please sit down and roll up your sleeve.
Give me your arm.
Make a fist.
You will feel a stick.
You can relax your hand now.
Press this against your arm.
Raise your arm above your head.

Pre Operative

You can't eat anything for eight hours before surgery.
You can't drink anything for 5 hours before surgery.
Are you chewing gum?
Are you wearing contact lenses?
Do you have any dental work that can be removed?
Are you wearing any jewelry?
When did you last eat?
When was the last time you drank anything?

Post Operative

Your surgery is over.
Do you need medication for the pain?
I'm going to give you medicine for the pain now.
Try to rest now.
I'm going to check your incision.
You need to stay in bed.
I'm going to change your dressing.
I will get your husband in a few minutes.


I'm going to help you get into the chair.Hold on to me.
I want you to stand up.
Grasp the walker.
Let's walk down the hallway.
I won't let you fall.
Don't get out of bed without a nurse.
You can't walk by yourself.

Basic Commands

Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Cough, please.
Take this medicine.
Listen to me.
Wake up.
Lie down.
Be careful.
Watch me, please.
Do this.
Swallow, please.
Open your mouth.
Please, don't move.
Pay attention.
Try to urinate.


Turn on your right side.
Turn on your left side.
Turn onto your stomach.
Turn onto your back.
Sit up.
Sit on the side of the bed.
Stand up, please.
Bend over.

Did you wet yourself?
Did you have a bowel movement?
I'm going to clean you.
I'm going to change your diaper.
I'm going to change the sheets.
I'm going to bathe you.
Can you raise your arms?
We're almost done.

Food and Drink

Are you hungry?
Are you thirsty?
Do you have problems chewing?
Do you have problems swallowing?
I'm going to help you eat.
Here's your breakfast.
Here's your lunch.
Here's your dinner.


Are you allergic to any medicines?
Are you currently taking any medications?
Take this pill.
Take one pill at a time.
This is for the pain.
You need an antibiotic.
I'm going to give you a shot.
There will be a little stick.

Dosage and Instructions

one teaspoon
one tablespoon
1/2 tablet
1 capsule
In the morning
At night
With food
On an empty stomach

Lab Tests

I need a blood sample.
I need a urine sample.
Put the sample in the container.
I need a stool specimen.
We need to take an x-ray.
We need to do an EKG.
You need a CAT scan.
You need an MRI.


We'll be discharging you tomorrow morning.
You'll need to urinate before you can go home.
You can't drive.
Do you have somebody to take you home?
Is there anyone at home who can help you?
Can you stay with family or friends?
The social worker will arrange for your home health care.
Call the doctor if you have any problems.


Are you having contractions?
Did your water break?
Do you want an epidural?
Don't push.
You need a C-section.
Congratulations, it's a girl!
Congratulations, it's a boy!

Describing aches and pains

If your head hurts: "I've got a headache." or "My head aches."
If your stomach hurts: "I've got stomach ache." or "My stomach aches."
If your back hurts: "I've got backache." or "My back aches."
If your neck hurts: "I've got neckache." or ""My neck aches."
If other body parts hurt: "I've got a pain in my arm / leg etc."


abdomen (bdomen) - vientre
ankle (nkl) - tobillo
appendix (apndix) - apndice
arm (arm) - brazo
armpit (armpit) - axila
artery (rteri) - arteria
back (bk) - espalda
beard (berd) - barba
belly (bli) - panza
bladder (blder) - vejiga
blood (blad) - sangre
bones (buns) - huesos
bottom (btom) - trasero
bowels (buels) - entraas
brain (brin) - cerebro
breasts (brsts) - mamas
bust (bst) - busto
buttocks (btoks) - nalgas
calf (kaf) - pantorrilla
cheekbones (chikbuns) - pmulos
cheeks (chiks) - mejillas
chest (chst) - pecho
chin (chn) - mentn
ears (ars) - orejas
elbow (lbou) - codo
eyebrows (ibrus) - cejas
eyelashes (ilshis) - pestaas
eyelids (ilids) - prpados
eyes (is) - ojos
face (fis) - cara, rostro
feet (fit) - pies
fingers (fnguers) - dedos
fist (fist) - puo
flesh (flesh) - carne
foot (ft) - pie
forearm (forrm) - antebrazo
forehead (fr hed) - frente
genitals (dchnitals) - genitales
hair (her) - cabello
hand (hnd) - mano
head (hd) - cabeza
heart (hrt) - corazn
heel (hil) - taln
hips (hips) - caderas
instep (nstep) - empeine
intestines (intstins) - intestinos
jaw (Llo) - mandbula
kidneys (kdnis) - riones
knee (ni) - rodilla
knuckles (nkls) - nudillos
leg (leg) - pierna
limbs (limbs) - extremidades
lips (lips) - labios
liver (lver) - hgado
lungs (lngs) - pulmones
moustache (mostsh) - bigote
mouth (muz) - boca
muscles (msls) - msculos
nails (nils) - uas
nape (nip) - nuca
navel (nivl) - ombligo
neck (nk) - cuello
nipples (npls) - pezones, tetillas
organs (rgans) - rganos
palm (pam) - palma
pancreas (pnkrias) - pncreas
pelvis (plvis) - plvis
penis (pnis) - pene
rib (rib) - costilla
shin (shn) - espinilla, canilla
shoulder (shulder) - hombro
sideburns (sidbrns) - patillas
skeleton (skleton) - esqueleto
skin (skin) - piel
skull (skl) - crneo
sole (sul) - planta
spine (spin) - columna vertebral
stomach (stmak) - estmago
teeth (tiz) - dientes
temples (tmpls) - sienes
thigh (zi) - muslo
thorax (zrax) - trax
throat (zrut) - garganta
toes (tus) - dedos (del pie)
tongue (tng) - lengua
tooth (tuz) - diente
torso (trsou) - torso
trunk (trnk) - tronco
vagina (vadchina) - vagina
vein (vin) - vena
waist (uist) - cintura
wrinkles (rnkls) - arrugas
wrist (rst) - mueca


Radiographer: takes X-Rays. Tcnico de radiodiagnstico.

Laboratory technician: someone whose occupation involves training in some technical
processes in the laboratory, test specimens of urine, blood, sputum, etc. Tcnico de

Physiotherapist: person who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other
physical treatments of the disorder. Fisioterapueta.

Dietitian or dietician: person who specializes in food and nutrition. Diestista

Pharmacist: prepares and dispenses medications. Farmacetico.

Social worker: helps people to solve their social problems. Trabajador social.

Psychologist: a scientist trained in psychology. Psiclogo.

Medical secretary: person who provides secretarial support in clinics and hospitals.
Secretaria mdica.

Ambulance man/woman: drives the ambulance. Conductor de ambulancia.

Receptionist: they are responsible for the initial patient contact, making appointments,
filing and scanning documents into patient records, etc. Recepcionistas.

Watchman/watchwoman or orderly: Celador.


alcohol (lkohol) - alcohol
analgesic (analdchsik) - analgsico
antacid tablets (antcid tblets) - pastillas anticidas
anti-inflammatory (anti-inflmatori) - antiinflamatorio
anti-itch cream (anti-itch krm) - crema contra la picazn
antibiotic (anti-baitik) - antibitico
antiseptic (anti-sptik) - antisptico
Band-Aid (bnd-id) - Tirita
bandage (bndidch) - venda
barbiturate (barbtiurit) - barbitrico
bottle of aspirin (btl ov spirin) - frasco de aspirinas
calcium (klsiom) - calsio
cold tablets (kuld tblets) - comprimidos para el resfro
compound (kmpaund) - compuesto
cotton wool (kton ul) - algodn
cough drops (kf drops) - comprimidos para la tos
disinfectant (disinfktant) - desinfectante
dose (dus) - dsis
drugstore (drgstor) - farmacia
eye drops (i drops) - gotas para los ojos
first-aid box (frst-id boks) - caja de primeros auxilios
gauze (gos) - gasa
hormone (hrmoun) - hormona
injection (indchkshon) - inyeccin
insulin (nsiulin) - insulina
iodine (iodain) - yodo
lab (lab) - laboratorio
laxative (lxativ) - laxante
medicine (mdisin) - medicamento
needle (nidl) - aguja
ointment (intment) - pomada
painkiller (pin kiler) - calmante para el dolor
peroxide (proksid) - agua oxigenada
prescription (priskrpshn) - receta
remedy (rmedi) - remedio
sedative (sdativ) - sedante, calmante
skin cream (skn krm) - crema para la piel
sleeping pills (slipin pils) - pastillas para dormir
sunburn cream (snbern krim) - crema para quemaduras de sol
suppository (supositri) - supositorio
syringe (srndsh) - jeringa
syrup (srop) - jarabe
thermometer (zermomter) - termmetro
throat spray (zrut spri) - spray para la garganta
tissues (tshus) - pauelos de papel
toothbrush (tzbrash) - cepillo de dientes
tube of ointment (tib ov-intment) - tubo de pomada
vitamin C (vitamin s) - vitamina C

acne (kni) - acn
Aids (idss) - sida
allergy (lerdchi) - alergia
anemia (anmia) - anemia
appendicitis (apendisitis) - apendicitis
asthma (zma) - asma
backache (bk-ik) - dolor de espalda
bleeding (bliding) - prdida de sangre
blister (blster) - ampolla
broken leg (bruken leg) - pierna rota
bruise (brus) - moretn
bump (bamp) - chichn
burn (brn) - quemadura
cancer (cncer) - cncer
chickenpox (chkenpox) - varicela
cold (kuld) - resfro
concussion (konkshon) - conmocin cerebral
constipation (konstipishn) - estreimiento
corn (krn) - callo
cough (kf) - tos
cut (cat) - corte
depression (diprshon) - depresin
diarrhea (dairra) - diarrea
disease (disss) - enfermedad
dry skin (dri skn) - piel reseca
earache (ar-ik) - dolor de odo
epidemic (epidmik) - epidemia
fever (fver) - fiebre
fracture (frkcher) - fractura
headache (hd-ik) - dolor de cabeza
heart attack (hrt atk) - ataque cardaco
hemorrhage (hmo-ridch) - hemorragia
hiccups (hkaps) - hipo
illness (lnes) - enfermedad
infection (infkshon) - infeccin, contagio
inflammation (inflamishon) - inflamacin
injury (ndchuri) - herida
insect bite (nsekt bit) - picadura de insecto
insomnia (insmnia) - insomnio
itch (tch) - picazn
jaundice (dchndis) - ictericia
leprosy (lprosi) - lepra
leukemia (lukmina) - leucemia
measles (msls) - sarampin
miscarriage (miskrridch) - aborto espontneo
mumps (mmps) - paperas
rabies (ribiiss) - rabia
rash (rsh) - sarpullido
scar (skr) - cicatriz
scratch (skrach) - rasguo
smallpox (smlpox) - viruela
sore throat (sr zrut) - garganta inflamada
sprain (sprin) - torcedura
stomachache (stmak-ik) - dolor de estmago
stress (strs) - estrs
stroke (struk) - ataque, apopleja
sunburn (sn-brn) - quemadura de sol
sunstroke (snstruk) - insolacin
swelling (suling) - hinchazn
the flu (de fl) - gripe
toothache (tz-ik) - dolor de dientes
ulcer (lcer) - lcera
vomit (vmit) - vmito
wound (wund) - herida

Mi nombre es: My name is
Soy su enfermera: I am your nurse.
No hablo ingls: I dont speak English.
Cmo est hoy? How are you today?
Indique dnde le duele: Point to where it hurts.
El dolor es leve, moderado o intenso?: Does it hurt mildly, moderately, or severly ?.
Ahora regreso: I will be right back.
Esta es una pldora para el dolor: This is a pain pill.
Voy a ponerle una inyeccin: I am going to give you an injection.
Le voy a dar una medicina: Im going to give you medicine.
Se siente mejor?: Are you feeling better?.
Oprima el botn si necesita cualquier cosa: Push the button if you need anything.
Necesita tomar muchos lquidos para sentirse mejor: You need to drink a lot of fluids
to help you get better.
No debe beber nada: You must not drink.
No debe comer nada: You must not eat.
Usted no debe fumar: You must not smoke.
Trate de comer: Try to eat.
Levntese. Stand up.
Incorprese: Sit up.
Acustese: Lie down.
Descanse: Relax.
Respire profundamente: Breathe deeply.
Tosa: Cough.
Grese de lado: Roll over on your side.
Grese al lado derecho: Turn to the right.
Grese al lado izquierdo: Turn to the left.
Vamos a levantarle con cuidado para que empiece a caminar de nuevo: We are going to
stand you up so you can walk again.
Le voy a tomar la tensin: I m going to take you lood pessue.
Es diabtico?: Are you diabetic?.
Es hipertenso?: Do you suffer from hypertension?.
Padece del corazn?: Do you suffer from your heart?.
Regrese a la cama: Go back to bed, please.
No camine descalzo: on t walk shoeless please.
Vamos a ponerle tratamiento: We are going to put you on a treatment.
Usted necesita suero (lnea intravenosa): You need an IV (intravenous line).
Le vamos a dar medicina por va intravenosa: We are going to give you an
intravenous medicine.
Necesito hacerle una prueba de sangre arterial: I need to do an arterial blood test.
Necesitamos intubarle: We need to intubate you.
Tiene neumona: You have pneumonia.
Intente dormir: Try to sleep.
Ha orinado?: Have you urinated?.
Por favor, deje orina en el frasco: Please, leave urine in the container.
Ha evacuado?: Have you had a bowel movement?.
Tiene diarrea?: Do you have diarrhea?.
Van a llevarlo a la sala de rayos X: You are going to x-ray.
Van a llevarlo al quirfano: You going to the operating room.
Voy a extraerle sangre: I m going to pull out some lood.
Es alrgico a algn medicamento?: Are you allergic to any drugs?.
Toma algn medicamento en la actualidad?: Are you taking any drugs/medicines at
the moment?.
El mdico pasar en breve para visitarle: The doctor will visit you in short.
El horario de visitas es de X a X: Visitors are allowed from X to X.
Le vamos a administrar un enema: We are going to give you an enema


Antes de irse, debe firmar el alta mdica: You must sign your discharge before

Si lo desea, puede irse despus de firmar el alta voluntaria: You can leave after signing
your discharge, if you wish.

Recuerde que tiene consulta con su mdico el da X a las X: Remember your surgery
is from X to X.

Vuelva al hospital si tiene dolor en el pecho con falta de aire, dolor en el pecho con
nusea, vmitos o sudor, presin en el pecho, o mareos con dolor en el pecho: Return
to the hospital if you have chest pain with shortness of breath, chest pain with
nausea, vomiting or sweating, pressure in your chest, dizziness with chest pain.

Si tiene dolor tome una pastilla debajo de la lengua cada cinco minutos: If you have
chest pain, put a pill under your tongue every five minutes.

Si no se le quita el dolor despus de tomar las pastillas, regrese al hospital: If the pain
does not go away after taking pills, you should return to the hospital.


Desde cundo le falta el aire?: Since when have you been short of breath?.

Empez la falta de aire poco a poco?: Did the shortness of breath start little by

Empez la falta de aire de repente?: Did the shortness of breath start suddenly?.

Cuntas manzanas puede caminar sin tener falta de aire?: How many blocks can you
walk without feeling short of breath?.

Poda caminar ms lejos la semana pasada?: Were you able to walk farther last

Cuntas manzanas poda caminar?: How many blocks were you able to walk?.

Siente falta de aire al caminar o subir escaleras?: Do you feel short of breath when
you walk of go upstairs?.

Ha tenido insuficiencia cardaca?: Have you had congestive heart failure?.

Ha tenido lquido en los pulmones?: Have you had fluid in the lungs?. Toma usted
diurticos?: Do you take diuretics?.

Cundo fue la ltima vez que tom su medicina?: When was the last time you took
your medicine?.

La tom hoy? La tom ayer?: Did you take it today? Yesterday?.

Usted necesita una radiografa del pecho: You need a chest X-ray.

Usted necesita un electrocardiograma: You need an EKG.

Necesito ponerle una sonda en la vejiga: I need to put a catheter in your bladder.

Le voy a inyectar un diurtico en vena: I am going to give you an intravenous

Usted tiene mucho lquido en los pulmones: You have a lot of fluid in the lungs.


Mustreme dnde tiene el dolor: Show me where the pain is.

Le voy a examinar el corazn: I am going to examine your heart.

Le voy a examinar los pulmones: I am going to examine your lungs.

Respire profundamente: Take a deep breath.

Inspire profundamente y mantenga el aire: Take a deep breath and hold it.

Usted tiene angina de pecho. You have angina.

Usted tuvo un ataque cardiaco (infarto): You had a heart attack (an infarction).

Usted tiene un problema cardaco: You have a heart failure.

Usted tiene agua en los pulmones: You have water in the lungs.

Usted tiene neumona: You have pneumonia.

Necesitamos hacerle un electrocardiograma: We need to do an electrocardiogram.

Necesitamos hacerle anlisis de sangre: We need to do blood tests.

Vamos a internarlo en el hospital: We need to admit you to the hospital.

Vamos a internarlo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos: We need to admit you to the
intensive care unit.

Voy a darle una medicina para poner bajo la lengua: You should put this medicine
Im going to give you unde you tongue.

Dgame si le quita el dolor: Tell me if the pain goes away.

Voy a darle una medicina para disolver los bloqueos de las arterias de su corazn: I am
going to give you medicine to dissolve the blockage in the arteries of your heart.

Apunte donde tiene el dolor, por favor: Point to where the pain is, please.

Tiene dolor en mitad del pecho?: Do you have pain in the middle of your chest?.

Tiene dolor en el lado derecho/izquierdo) del pecho?: Do you have pain in the
right/left side of your chest?.

Tiene dolor en la boca del estmago?: Do you have pain in the pit of your stomach?.

Tiene dolor en todo el pecho?: Do you have pain over the entire chest?.

Cundo comenz el dolor?: When did the pain start?.

Hace (x) minutos?: (x) minutes ago?. Hace (x) horas?: (x) hours ago?. Hace (x)
das?: (x) days ago?.

Ha tenido este tipo de dolor antes?: Have you had this type of pain before?.

Qu tiempo le dura el dolor?: How long does the pain last?.

Es constante?: Is it constant?. (x) segundos?: (x) seconds?. (x) minutos?: (x)
minutes?. (x) horas?: (x) hours?.

Cuntas veces le da el dolor al da?: How many times a day do you get the pain?.

Le viaja el dolor al hombro izquierdo?: Does the pain go to your left shoulder?

Le viaja el dolor al cuello?: Does the pain go to the neck?.

Le viaja el dolor a la mandbula?: Does the pain go to your jaw?.

Cmo es el dolor?: What is the pain like?..

Es agudo?: Is it acute?. Es severo?: Sharp?. Es punzante?: Is it severe?.

Es como cuchillo?: Is it like a knife?. Es opresivo?: Is it like a pressure?.

Es quemante?: Does it burn?. Es palpitante?: Does it throb?.

Siente el dolor cuando est sentado o acostado?: Does the pain occur when you are
sitting or lying down?.

Le mejora el dolor si se inclina hacia delante?: Does the pain get better if you lean

Le empeora el dolor si se acuesta?: Does the pain get worse if you lie down?.

Le da el dolor cuando camina?: Do you have the pain when you walk?.

Despus de caminar cuntas manzanas le da el dolor?: After walking how many
blocks do you get the pain?.

Si le da el dolor cuando camina, Sigue caminando?: If you get the pain when you
walk, do you keep walking?.

Se le quita el dolor despus de descansar?: Does the pain go away after you rest?.

Siente falta de aire cuando le da el dolor?: Do you feel short of breath when you
have the pain?.

Le da nauseas o vmitos cuando siente el dolor?: Do you get nausea or vomiting
when you have the pain?.

Suda con el dolor?: Do you sweat with the pain?.

Qu actividades o cosas le producen el dolor?: What gives you chest pain?.

Caminar en la calle?: Walking in the street?. Subir escaleras?: Going upstairs?.

Toser?: Coughing?. Respirar profundamente?: Taking a deep breath?.

La comida picante o frita?: Eating spicy or fried food?. El enojo emocional?:
Emotional upset?.

Ha tomado algo para el dolor?: Have you taken something for the pain?.

Ha tomado Nitroglicerina sublingual?, anticidos?: Have you taken: Sublingual
nitroglycerin?, Antiacids?.

Cuntas pastillas de nitroglicerina se ha tomado hoy?: How many nitroglycerin pills
did you take today?.

Se le quit el dolor despus de tomar la nitroglicerina?: Did your pain go away alter
taking nitroglycerin?.

Tiene angina de pecho?: Do you have angina?.

Tiene fiebre?: Do you have a fever?. Tiene tos?: Do you have a cough?.

Si tiene tos, Le sale flema?: If you have a cough, do you have phlegm?.

De qu color es la flema? Es clara? Es amarilla? Es verde? Es roja?: What color is
the phlegm? Is it clear? Is it yellow? Is it green? Is it red?.

Cuntas almohadas usa para dormir?: How many pillows do you use to sleep?. Se le
hinchan los pies o los tobillos?: Did your feet or ankles swell up?.

Se levanta por la noche por falta de aire?: Do you wake up at night because of
shortness of breath?.

Tiene usted la presin alta?: Do you have high blood pressure?.

Toma medicinas para la presin alta?: Do you take high blood pressure

Tiene usted diabetes?: Do you have diabetes?. Fuma usted?: Do you smoke?.

Algn miembro de su familia muri del corazn antes de los 50?: Did any member of
you family die of heart trouble before being 50?.

Cuntos cigarillos se fuma al da?: How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?.

Ha tenido un angiograma?: Have you had an angiogram?.

Le han dicho si usted tiene bloqueos en las arterias del corazn?: Have you been told
if you have a blockage in your coronary artery?.

Ha tenido ataque del corazn o infarto en el pasado?: Have you ever had a heart
attack or infarct in the past?.

Sabe si tiene el colesterol alto?: Do you know if you have high cholesterol?.

Ha tenido una prueba de esfuerzo?: Have you had a stress test?. Qu tiempo dur la
prueba?: How long did it take?.


Tiene tos?: Do you have a cough?.

Durante cuntos das ha tenido la tos?: How many days have you had the cough?.

Le sale flema cuando tose?: Do you have phlegm when you cough?.

De qu color es la flema? Es clara? Es amarilla? Es verde?: What color is the
phlegm? Is it clear? Is it yellow? Is it green?.

Tiene fiebre?: Do you have a fever?.

Siente dolor en el pecho cuando tose?: Do you have pain in your chest when you

Ha perdido peso? Cuntas libras?: Have you lost weight? How many pounds have
you lost?. Nota: 1 libra equivale a 0,40 kilogramos.

Suda por la noche?: Do you sweat during the night?.

Tiene escalofros?: Do you have chills?.

Sabe usted si ha estado en contacto con una persona con tuberculosis?: Do you know if
you have been in contact with a person with TB?.

Tiene falta de aire?: Do you have shortness of breath?.

Le falta la respiracin al caminar?: Do you get short of breath when walking?.

Padece de asma? Do you suffer from asthma?.

Cuntos aos hace que padece usted de asma?: How many years have you been
suffering from asthma?.

Cunto tiempo hace que padece de asma?: How long have you been suffering from

Toma usted algn medicamento?: Do you take any medicine?.

Es este ataque de asma peor que los otros?: Is this asthma attack worse than the

Cundo empez la falta de aire?: When did you start get- ting short of breath?.

Tiene tos?: Do you have a cough?.

Le duele el pecho cuando tose o respira profundo?: Does your chest hurt when you
cough or take a deep breath?.

Ha tomado medicina para el asma hoy?: Have you taken any medicine for asthma

Qu medicina toma, Teofilina, Prednisona, Azmacort, Ventoln?: What medicine do
you take, Theophylline, Prednisone, Azmacort, Ventoln?.

Usa inhalador?: Do you use inhaler?.

Cuntas veces al da usa su inhalador?: How many times do you use your inhaler?.

Ha tomado prednisona en el pasado?: Have you taken prednisone in the past?.

Cundo fue la ltima vez que utiliz prednisona?: When was the last time you took

Qu piensa usted le caus el ataque? (el clima, el polvo, el ejercicio, el humo del
cigarrillo, enojo emocional, otra cosa): What do you think caused the attack? (the
weather, the dust, the exercise, the cigarette smoke, an emo- tional upset, something

Cuntos ataques de asma ha tenido?: How often do you have an asthma attack?.
Cuntas veces lo han ingresado por asma?: How many times have you been admitted
for asthma?.

Lo han internado en cuidados intensivos por asma en el pasado?: Have you been
admitted to intensive care unit for asthma in the past?.

Fuma usted?: Do you smoke?.

Qu cantidad de cigarrillos fuma al da?: How many cigarretes do you smoke a day?.

Estaba alguien fumando cerca de usted cuando empez el ataque de asma?: Was
someone smoking next to you when the asthma attack started?.

Respire profundamente, por favor: Take a deep breath, please.

Pngase la mscara de oxgeno: Put on your oxygen mask.

Vamos a sacarle una radiografa del pecho: We are going to take a chest X-ray.

Necesita un anlisis de sangre: You need a blood test.

Vamos a sacarle sangre arterial a ver si necesita oxgeno: We are going to draw blood
from an artery to see if you need oxygen.

Necesitamos una muestra de flema: We need a sample of your phlegm.

Usted necesita tratamiento: You need treatment.

Usted tiene neumona: You have pneumonia.

Usted tiene gripe (catarro): You have the flu (a cold).

Usted tiene asma: You have asthma.

Usted tiene tuberculosis: You have tuberculosis.


Sabe usted si tiene presin alta?: Do you know if you have high blood pressure?.

Qu medicina toma?: What medicine do you take?.

Toma usted su medicina todos los das?: Do you take your medicine every day?.

Cundo fue la ltima vez que tom su medicina?: When was the last time you took
your medicine?.

Tiene dolor de cabeza?: Do you have a head-ache?.

Dnde siente el dolor?: Where do you feel the pain?.

Tiene nauseas o vmitos?: Do you have nausea or vomit- ing.

Tiene dolor en el abdomen?: Do you have abdominal pain?.

Tiene debilidad en la mano, el brazo, la pierna, la cara, etc.?: Do you have weakness in
your hand, arm, leg, face, etc?.

Tiene mareos?: Do you have dizzy spells?.

Tiene dificultad al hablar?: Do you have difficulty on talk- ing?.

Tiene la presin sangunea muy alta: Your blood pressure is very high.

Le vamos a dar medicamentos para bajarle la presin: We are going to give you
medicine to lower your blood pres- sure.

Usted necesita un electrocardiograma: You need an EKG.

Usted necesita un CT: You need a CT scan.

Usted necesita pruebas de sangre y orina: You need a blood and urine test.

Le vamos a ingresar: We are going to admit you.

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