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Verbs Exercise 2

1) Look at the underlined words in this paragraph.

2) What is the meaning of the word shall!" #a$e %ou seen it before"
&'aken from ()*E +,1.,-2../ p. 20)
Chapter I
Scope and Definitions
(b) Responsibilities
(1) Owner. The owner of a piping installation shall have
overall responsibility for compliance with this Code, and
for establishing the requirements for design, construction,
examination, inspection, and testing which shall govern the
entire fluid handling or process installation of which the
piping is a part. The owner is also responsible for
designating piping in certain fluid services and for
determining if a specific Quality System is to be employed.
[See paras. !!"d#"$#, "d#"%#, "e#, and &ppendix Q.'
En los textos tcnicos, el uso de shall es muy
frecuente. Antiguamente se usaba como futuro
(en lugar de ill!, "ero ha ca#do en desuso $
en la actualidad, %hall indica una obligaci&n,
un deber. %e "uede traducir como debe'
(or e)em"o, The valve shall be closed
La vlvula debe ser cerrada
1) Work in groups. 1nderline the phrases with shall
2) 'r% to translate them with the help of a dictionar%.
,) 2ind all other $erbs in the sentences and sa% whether the% are regular3 irregular3 in
the present3 past3 future.
4) 5omplete the en$elopes.
6) 7ow underline all the nouns and noun phrases. 'ranslate them. #ow man% complete
sentences can %ou understand"
&'aken from 8)9E:95;<946.9E7 p. =)
1 3.3 Approval of alternative painting systems
(or SUPPLI!S already approved as per &ppendix ), new systems can
be submitted for approval to C*+,&-. at any time and at S/,,0123S
expenses. 1n that case, a full qualification programme shall be
submitted to C*+,&-., with sufficient time to allow for the
testing to be carried out, for approval together with the name of
the third party and independent laboratory which is proposed to
perform the test programme. C*+,&-. reserves the right to amend
the qualification programme proposed and to witness testing at any
stage. &ccelerated corrosion testing shall be carried out
according to the latest version of 1S* 4!$! b"t #ith 3mm ma$im"m
corrosion from scribe line for all paint systems to be %"alified
for C&' atmospheres. *ther testing may be required depending on
the specific industrial application.
1n parallel, C*-T3&CT*3 shall present a full contingency plan
describing all the painting systems to be used, should
qualification tests fail. Qualification of alternative systems
will not be considered by C*+,&-. unless the contingency plan is
1n &ny case, if C*-T3&CT*3 wishes to use any painting system which
is not listed in the present 5eneral Specification, a formal
derogation shall be requested from T6*7T2C7C*3, outlining the
reasons for a new painting system to be used, as well as the steps
to be ta8en, including planning, to qualify the alternative
system. 1f C*-T3&CT*3 eventually fails to fulfil its qualification
programme in time, then the proposed painting system will be
refused by C*+,&-. without any further discussion, and the
contingency plan will be used.

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