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Truman College

Department of Biology
Syllabus for Biology 121 AB2
Fall 2014
Harry Sdralis
Offie 2!2!
"#one$ %%&'(0%'4&(4
)*mail$ #sdralis+'edu
Office/Tutoring Hours: By appointment or ,- 11$00A,*12$00", and 12$.0",*1$.0",/ TH
NOTE$ All ommuniation 0it# me must be t#roug# t#e use email' Do not use t#e p#one to rea# me'
Course Description:
Cellular and moleular biology of t#e ell' 1ntrodution to bio#emistry/ moleular
genetis/ ell struture/ funtion and proesses' T#e aademi ob2eti3es for t#e ourse an be found in t#e ourse
information setion of ,asteringbiology'om' T#ese mig#t ser3e you as study guide'
Course Goals:
a' T#e student s#all demonstrate 4no0ledge of ommon biologial terms/ fats and priniples t#roug# e5ams/
disussion/ and 0ritten assignments'
b' T#e student s#all demonstrate an understanding of t#e 6sientifi approa#7 by its appliation in lass
disussions/ 0ritten responses to problems and interpretations of data obtained in laboratory in3estigations'
' T#e student s#all de3elop s4ills in general laboratory te#ni8ues su# as #andling and are of t#e mirosope/
preparing mirosope slides/ onduting 8ualitati3e and 8uantitati3e tests/ and ompleting general laboratory
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes:
1' Students s#ould be able to remember/ define and desribe 4ey biologial terminologies 0it# respet to 4ey
onepts and priniples'
2' Students s#ould be able to demonstrate/ appraise and e3aluate proper use of t#e sientifi met#od for
in3estigation of biologial onepts and problems'
&' Students s#ould be able to demonstrate ompetene in performing laboratory ati3ities/ analysis and
interpretation of data/ and report 0riting'
4' Students s#ould be able to de3elop t#e understanding of biologial priniples 3erbally and in 0ritten form'
cti!e "ursuit:
Students 0#o do 9OT meet t#e instrutor:s riteria for ati3e pursuit 0ill reei3e AD- as t#e mid*term grade'
T#e riteria for ati3e pursuit 0ill inlude$
1' Attending at least %0; of t#e lass sessions 0it# ati3e partiipation/
2' Completing at least %0; of t#e lab ati3ities and report 0riting/
&' Ta4ing %0; of e5ams and 8ui<<es 0it# a passing grade'
cademic Ob#ecti!es$
a' demonstrate ompetene in$ 4no0ledge of biologial terms/ fats and priniples as t#ey pertain to t#e funtion of
ells and to multiultural organisms
b' de3elop an appreiation of t#e use of siene in e3eryday life'
' formulate a life plan in #armony 0it# #is=#er abilities/ interests and beliefs'
d' ompare and ontrast se3eral #arateristis t#at distinguis# li3ing organisms from non*li3ing t#ings/ and e5plain
#o0t#e properties of life emerge from omple5 organi<ation'
e' list t#e four ma2or lasses of maromoleules/ and 1dentify t#e emergent properties of ea# lass mo3ing from
monomers to polymers of t#e maromoleules''
f' desribe t#e basi struture and funtion of D9A/ and e5plain t#e importane of t#is maromoleule to all ot#er
found in a ell'
g' e5plain t#e role of ataboli and anaboli pat#0ays in ellular metabolism'
#' desribe t#e funtion of en<ymes in biologial systems'
i' name t#e t#ree stages of ellular respiration and state t#e region of t#e eu4aryoti ell 0#ere ea# stage ours'
4' desribe t#e t0o main stages of p#otosynt#esis in general terms'
l' list and briefly define t#e t#ree stages of ell signaling'
m' desribe t#e ma2or e3ents of ell di3ision t#at enable t#e genome of one ell to be passed on to t0o daug#ter
n' e5plain #o0 independent assortment/ rossing o3er/ and random fertili<ation ontribute to geneti 3ariation in
se5ually reproduing organisms'
Student "olic$ Manual:
Biology by Campbell and >eese? (t# edition 0it# aess to 000'pearsonmastering'om? Ben2amin=Cummins' A
speial ustomi<ed 3ersion of t#e boo4 #as been speially produed for Truman College' 1t an be pur#ased at t#e
ampus boo4store @A4ademosA' T#is 3ersion ontains only t#e #apters to be o3ered in t#e ourse' 1t omes 0it#
t#e aess pa4age for 000'pearsonmastering'om' Anot#er/ per#aps more eonomial option/ is t#e 6stand*alone*
edition7 t#at gi3es aess to 000'pearsonmastering'om' Bou may buy t#is eit#er in t#e boo4store or on*line
diretly from t#e publis#er' Ho0e3er you must #a3e a te5tboo4 e3en if it is of a pre3ious edition' Additional
readings 0ill be assigned by instrutor eit#er in eletroni or printed form' 1t is also neessary to buy t#e laboratory
manual' T#is #as been ustomi<ed for Truman' 1t an be pur#ased in t#e boo4 store' Bou must #a3e aess to
Bou must also buy t#e lab manual for t#is lass as 0ell' 6Cab ,anual for Deneral Biology 1 &rd )dition7 1SB9$
Course re'uirements:
Attendane 0ill not be formally part of t#e grade' Ho0e3er/ attendane and daily partiipation in lass disussions
and ati3ities 0ill be ta4en into aount by t#e professor to raise you midterm=final grade in ase your sore is lose
to a #ig#er one @no more t#an 2 pointsA' Students are e5peted to ome to lass #a3ing t#oroug#ly read t#e assigned
materials for t#at session and be prepared to ati3ely partiipate in lass disussion and ati3ities' 1n some instanes
you may find useful to re*read diffiult material a seond time' Ho0e3er/ you 0ill not be e5peted to ome to lass
#a3ing fully mastered t#e material and all t#e nuanes of t#e ontent=arguments' Coming to lass 0it# speifi
8uestions about a partiular topi or t#e steps in one partiular argument is a plus' T#e lass 0ill be fast paed/ t#us
is reommended t#at you 4eep up 0it# t#e information and assignments' T#is 0ill greatly inrease t#e li4eli#ood of
your suess' Last date for student initiated (it)dra(als is No!ember *+t) ,-*.'
"earsonmastering'om is a 3ery important pedagogial tool in t#is lass' All ommuniation/ announements/
assignments/ deadliness/ and e5ams 0ill be posted t#ere' 1t is of t#e most importane t#at you gain aess to it in t#e
first t0o 0ee4 of t#e semester' 1f grades are missing from t#is omission/ you 0ill #a3e no possibility of ma4ing
t#em up' S#ould you #a3e any problems registering or aessing "earsonmastering'om you s#ould get in ontat
0it# t#e te#nial department of t#e publis#er' T#e lin4 to t#e site an be found in t#e slee3e of t#e ourse ompass*
1t is of t#e outmost importane t#at 0#en you register in ourse ompass you enter t)e email address t)at $ou use
most often' T#is 0ould ensure your reei3ing all of t#e information' Also/ please read your email before oming to
lass for last minute announements' T#e ourse 1D for t#is 0ebsite is
0esearc) "aper:
1n t#e first term part of t#e semester/ prior to t#e 1st midterm e5am/ you 0ill be re8uired to 0rite one resear# paper'
T#e readings and t#e topi 0ill be pro3ided by t#e professor' T#e paper must be . pages in lengt# @not inluding
bibliograp#y or grap#isA' Bou may furt#er del3e in t#e topi by resear#ing additional reputable bibliograp#i
soures but it is not neessary' Bou are not to restate read information only pro3ide a s#ort summery of t#e positions
of t#e aut#ors' Subse8uently you 0ill de3elop your stane in t#e disussion' -#at you are re8uired to 0rite is an
artiulated disussion about your position/ supporting or #allenging t#e main and seondary @supportingA idea @sA of
t#e reading' T#us/ you must identify and reflet on t#e main and seondary ideas presented by t#e aut#or @sA' T#e
paper s#ould be submitted by t#e date indiated by t#e professor as a )ard cop$? not doing so 0ill result in a lo0er
grade and on Bla4board'om' 1t must be formatted aording to t#e Standard Amerian )nglis# norms' Cate papers
0ill be aepted before t#e midterm e5am' Ho0e3er t#ere 0ill be a redution of 20 points' S#ould you #a3e any
diffiulty in 0riting t#e reation papers/ 1 strongly reommend using t#e resoures of t#e tutoring enter' 1
enourage disussions of t#e topi among students' Ho0e3er/ ea# student must 0rite a personal refletion of t#e
topi' "LG101SM 0ill not be tolerated and 0ill result in an F grade for t#e paper
Students 0ill arry out E or more laboratories during t#e s#ool semester' Caboratories 0ill be onduted in groups
of no more t#an ! students' One report is to be produed by ea# indi3idual and must be turned in eletronially on
Bla4board'om/ usually one 0ee4 after arrying it out' 9o late reports 0ill be aepted e5epting e5traordinary
irumstanes' Anybody not attending lass during laboratory session days 0ill not reei3e laboratory redit' During
t#e first 4 lass sessions/ students in ea# group are to loo4 for a formal siene lab report format 0#i# is to be
appro3ed t#e professor' Due to time onstrains laboratory 0or4 0ill be di3ided bet0een group members' T#us/ data
#a3e to be onsolidated' T#e report s#ould be 0ritten in t#e formal siene report form' 1f you #a3e problems in
t#is regard/ 1 0ould strongly reommend t#e resoures of t#e tutoring enter'
E%ams and 2ui33es:
2ui33es$ T#ere 0ill be a number of pearsonmastering'om 8ui<<es? one 8ui< for ea# #apter o3ered' 1
ST>O9DCB reommend t#at before ta4ing t#e 8ui<<es you study t#e material/ and ta4e ad3antage of pratie
8ui<<es and ati3ities pro3ided by t#e pearsonmastering'om publis#er' )a# 8ui< 0ill onsist of &0 8uestions
randomly seleted from a large pool' Bou 0ill #a3e &0 minutes to 0rite t#e 8ui< @one minute per 8uestionA' T#e
8ui<<es 0ill be aessible to be 0ritten from -ednesday e3ening to Sunday nig#t @10$00 ",A' NO MAKE-UP
"ersonmastering/com Midterm and 4inal E%ams$ T#ere 0ill be multiple "earsonmastering'om e5ams' )a# one
0ill enompass of t#e material o3ered in lass up to t#e time of t#e e5am' 9ote t#at t#e final e5am 0ill not be
ompre#ensi3e' For e5ample/ t#e final e5am 0ill be based on t#e ontent from t#e midterm to t#e end of t#e ourse'
T#e e5ams 0ill onsist of 100 8uestions randomly seleted' T#e e5ams 0ill onsist of multiple #oie/ fill in t#e
blan4/ s#ort ans0er and True=False' T#ere 0ill be ONL5 ONE O""O0T6N1T5 TO 701TE THE E8MS'
Ho0e3er/ ea# 8uestion 0ill be allo0ed F1'. minutes ea#' NO MAKE-UP TESTS
1n9Class E%ams$ T#ere 0ill be & or more in*lass e5ams' T#e e5ams 0ill onsist of s#ort ans0er 8uestions' An
e5ample of t#ese types of 8uestions 0ill be plaed in t#e ourse information folder' NO MAKE-UP TESTS
Grade (eig)t and distribution:
"earsonmastering/com 8ui<<es 2.;
)5ams 4.;
Caboratory reports 1.;
>esear# papers .;
"artiipation 10;
Letter Grade "oint Distribution:
A G (2 to 100;
B G E0 to (1;
C G %0 to %(;
D G !0 to !(;
F G .(; and bello0
Student Ser!ices:
Tutoring Center/ For students 0#o need #elp 0it# t#eir assignments$ room
1%%/ %%&*(0%*4%E./ 000'trumanollege'edu=studentser3ies=tutoring'
Student Success and Leaders)ip 1nstitute :SSL1;' For students 0#o need
3arious ot#er support ser3ies to a#ie3e t#eir eduational goals$ room 14&./
%%&*(0%*4%14/ 000'trumanollege'edu=studentser3ies=ssli'
T01O Student Support Ser!ices' For lo0*inome students/ first generation
ollege students/ or students 0it# disabilities 0#o need aademi support$
room 14&./ %%&*(0%*4%(%/ 000'trumanollege'edu=trio' >egistration is
re8uired at t#e start of ea# semester'
Disabilit$ ccess Center' T#e Center 3erifies needs pursuant to t#e
Amerian Disabilities At @ADAA/ determines student aademi
aommodations/ and issues aommodation letters' T#e Disability Aess
Center pro3ides oordination and supporti3e ser3ies for students 0it#
doumented disabilities'
>oom 142E/ %%&*(0%*4%2./ 000'trumanollege'edu=studentser3ies=da'
>egistration is re8uired at t#e start of ea# semester'
1n aordane 0it# t#e Amerians 0it# Disabilities At and Setion .04 of
t#e Federal >e#abilitation At of 1(%&/ t#e City Colleges of C#iago @CCCA
ma4es e3ery effort to integrate students 0it# disabilities into all ourses and
programs' Aommodations/ based on t#e doumentation reei3ed and t#e
needs of t#e student/ are designed to ensure t#at students/ 0#o are ot#er0ise
8ualified/ reei3e e8ual aess to all of CCCHs programs and ser3ies' CCC
does not alter fundamental aademi re8uirements/ but it ma4es reasonable
aommodations for students 0it# doumented disabilities'
T#e Disability Aess Center @DACA at ea# ollege ser3es as CCCHs point
of ontat and oordination for students 0it# disabilities' T#e DAC pro3ides
a 0ide range of ser3ies and assistane to ensure students 0it# disabilities
are able to a#ie3e t#eir ma5imum potential' T#e s#ort*term goal is to #elp
students 0it# disabilities sueed in t#eir aademi pursuits' Cong*term/
DAC ser3ies are designed to assist students ma4e t#e transition from
ollege to 0or4'
7ellness Center
T#e Truman College -ellness Center pro3ides mental #ealt# and ot#er
soial ser3ies to support your personal 0ell*being and aademi suess'
Contat 1nformation
"#one$ @%%&A (0%*4%E!
114. -' -ilson A3e'
>oom 1(4!/ ,ain Building
C#iago/ 1C !0!40
"lagiarism and #eating 0ill result in automati fail grade for t#e term'
T#e lass assumes t#at you #a3e or are ta4ing )nglis# 101/ t#us you s#ould be profiient at 0riting
reation papers and reports' Furt#ermore/ t#is lass is about biology' T#e professor 0ill not tea#
reading or 0riting s4ills'
9o laboratory redit 0ill be assigned for t#ose students 0#o do not attend t#e session' 9o )5eptions'
No late papers or reports or 'ui33es or e%ams 0ill be aepted' T#is being t#e ase you 0ill not be
granted t#e orresponding grade' )5eption due to e5traordinary irumstanes 0ill be addressed in a
ase by ase basis'
9o food=drin4s or tobao produts are allo0ed in lassroom' After seating/ points 0ill be
deduted from t#e table members if anyone from t#at table brings food or drin4s to lassroom'
Tables must be leaned after finis#ing up laboratories' "oints 0ill be deduted from t#e table
members if tables are not leaned up'
9o ringing ell p#ones allo0ed in lassroom' 1f you need to #a3e t#em on/ please set t#em to
3ibrate and ta4e t#e all outside t#e lassroom' Bou do not #a3e to as4 for permission to do so'
Only do it 8uietly'
Lecture and Lab Schedule
7ee& *: introdution and #apter 1/ 2/ sientifi met#ods lab I metri measurement lab
7ee& ,: C#apter & and 4
7ee& =: C#apter/ . and ! mirosopy lab? online 8ui<<es C#ps 1/2/& due
7ee& .: C#apter !/ %/ and E and ell struture=funtion lab
7ee& >: e5am pre3ie0/ 1st in e5am @#apters 2*!A '
7ee& ?: C#apter E and (
7ee& +: C#apter 10 and 11 en<yme lab
7ee& @: C#apter 11' 2nd e5am @#apters !*(A
7ee& A: C#apter 12 and 1&
7ee& *-: "aper Due? e5am pre3ie0/
7ee& **: C#apter 14 and 1.
7ee& *,: #apters 1! and 1% ell di3ision lab &rd e5am @C#apter 10*14A
7ee& *=: #apters 1% and 1E
7ee& *.: C#apter 1E and D9A lab @tentati3eA? online 8ui<<es #apters 14/
7ee& *>: e5am pre3ie0/ 4t# 8uarter e5am @#apters 1.*1%A
7ee& *?: C#apters 1(*20 Final e5am @C#apters 1.*20A

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