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Private or community owned and managed micro-hydropower (MHP) schemes are now
accepted as viable and least-cost options for manual under-developed and inaccessible mountain
areas of Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region; where local entrepreneurs and/or community
people are liely to initiate! manage! operate and maintain such plants" #he technology is simple
and low cost and the implementers/surveyors! designers! manufacturers! installers! etc"! are
usually not fully $ualified having e%pertise of desirable level in their respective fields" #herefore!
institutional arrangements and properly designed and implemented inputs are needed for these
groups of professionals (both implementers and operators/managers) in the form of training!
manuals and guidelines! bac-stopping! maintenance/repair facilities and now-how" &ithout
such interventions the performance and viability of many such plants may not be optimal"
Keeping in view the above needs! '('M)* has endeavored to develop and disseminate a series
of five information manuals on; site survey and layout design! manufacture! -installation!
management and operation and maintenance and repairs" #he manuals have been prepared
under a pro+ect titled ,(apacity -uilding for Mini- and Micro-hydropower *evelopment in the
.elected countries of Hindu Kush-Himalayan /egion! Phase 00," #he pro+ect has been
benevolently supported by the 1orwegian 2overnment lie its predecessor the first phase; and is
designed and implemented by '('M)* in the HKH region of Paistan! 'ndia and 1epal! in
collaboration with suitable focal agencies in each country"
#he current manual focuses on the installation! commissioning and handing over of such plants
to the owner-!managers" .ince the educational and technical $ualifications of the installers of
these plants are liely to be $uite low! this manual has been ept simple and short" #his
approach inevitably leads to a dilemma as to what to cover and to what depth" 1evertheless! an
attempt has been made to reach a correct trade off"
#he original version of the manual was prepared by *(.-#echnology *evelopment -utwal!
1epal; which was e%tensively revised by me and two short-term consultants! Mr" 3+oy Kari and
Mr" 2irish Kharel of Kathmandu" #he revision is based on recommendations of the 4%perts5
(onsultation organised by '('M)* in 6ebruary 0778 and also on some suggestions of other
e%perts" *(. did a very good +ob in collecting the basic information and compiling it in one
place; while the consultants rewrote some chapters to improve the contents and cover some
additional topics" ' myself as well as '('M)* are grateful to *(. and the consultants for their
#his manual is probably first of it5s ind on the sub+ect! &hile every effort is made to mae it
useful for the target group! ie; installers or supervisors of installation process; there is always
some room for improvement" #herefore! comments are earnestly solicited in due course from
e%perts! implementing agencies and users so that the ne%t edition can be improved"
3nwar 3" 9une+o
(oordinator MMHP Pro+ect
'('M)*! 75 1ovember! 0778
Chapter 1: Introduction 0
0"0 3bout this Manual 0
Chapter 2: Planning Preparation for In!tallation :
;"0 #ools and )ther Materials for the .ite <
Chapter ": Tran!portation of E#uip$ent to Site =
:"0 .torage at the .ite >
Chapter %: Ci&il Con!truction ?
<"0 .ite 'nspection and Preparation ?
<"; (onstruction .e$uence ?
<": Machine 6oundation! Powerhouse and #ailrace 8
<":"0 (onstruction of Machine 6oundation 8
<":"; Preparation of (oncrete 7
<":": Powerhouse (onstruction 00
<"< (ivil &ors for Penstoc 00
<"<"0 Penstoc Pipe 'nstallation 00
<"<"; (ement Masonry &or 0;
<"<": 3nchor -locs 0;
<"= 6orebay 0:
<"> Headrace (anal 0<
<">"0 .etting )ut the (anal 0<
<">"; Preparation of the -ench 0<
<">": 6i%ing the 4%cavation lines 0=
<">"< 4%cavation of the (anal 0>
<">"= (onstruction of the (anal @ining 0>
<"? .etting -asins and .pillways 0?
<"8 'ntae &ors 0?
<"7 /etaining .tructures and .tabiliAation 08
Chapter ': In!talling Electro($echanical E#uip$ent ;B
="0 Machine 6oundations ;B
="; Machinery 'nstallation ;B
=": 3lignment ;B
=":"0 *irect drive ;0
=":"; -elt drives ;;
="< 'nstallation Procedure for Penstoc ;:
="<"0 H*P4 Penstoc ;<
="<"; -uried Penstoc ;=
="<": 6i%ing Penstoc in .upport Piers and 3nchor -locs ;>
="<"< 'nstalling 4%pansion 9oints ;>
="<"<"0 Positioning the Pipe in the 4%pansion 9oint ;8
="<"<"; 'nstalling the Pacing ;7
="= (ontrols and 'nstrumentation ;7
Chapter ): In!tallation of Tran!$i!!ion Line! :B
>"0 .teps before 'nstalling #ransmission @ines :B
>"; 'nstallation Procedure :B
>": 'nstallation of *istribution and .ervice @ines :<
>"< 4arthing :<
>"<"0 4arth electrodes :=
>"= @ightning 3rrestors :?
Chapter *: Co$$i!!ioning and Te!ting :7
?"0 (ommissioning Procedure :7
?"0"0 (leaning the Penstoc :7
?"0"; (hecs -efore .tarting :7
?"; (ommissioning and Performance #ests <;
?";"0 Performance #est <;
?": /ectifying 6aults <:
?":"0 .erious Problems <:
?":"; )rdinary Problems <:
?"< 4ndurance #est <<
Chapter +: Training ,anager! Operator! <=
Chapter -: .andling O&er the Plant <>
7"0 (ompletion (ertificate <>
7"; 2uarantees <>
Many areas in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region are least developed and inaccessible;
and the inhabitants live under difficult conditions involving drudgery! deprivation and
degradation of e%isting resources and environment" 4nergy! particularly useful forms of energy
such as electricity! considered to be the crucial ingredient for development both social as well as
economic! is in short supply" #o develop such areas! appropriate energy resources and systems!
along with improved access would be crucial" -ecause of difficulties associated with
transportation! it is preferable to develop and use local resources of energy which can be
initiated and managed/operated by the locals themselves"
Power/energy of flowing or falling water! which is usually available in most remote and under-
developed mountain areas! in the micro-hydropower (MHP) range of B"; to about 0BB &! can
meet the local needs amicably and cheaply; provided appropriate inputs and methodologies are
adopted and implemented" 4%perience in many developing countries has clearly e%hibited the
viability of this renewable and environment-friendly resource for such areas" However! it has
also been learned that properly designed and implemented inputs such as training! manuals on
various aspects and bac-stopping are vital for the success of such programmes" 3nother
important prere$uisite is involvement! infect lead role by the communities/beneficiaries in the
whole process of planning! fund raising and decision maing; survey; installation and
management and operation" &ithout this complete involvement of the beneficiaries! the chances
of success of the plant in the long run are not bright"
101 A1out thi! ,anual
3fter e%tensive studies consultations and analysis of the current situation in the HKH region!
'('M)* decided to develop five manuals listed below and three training programmes mainly for
the implementing professionals involved in such private MHP schemes at the grassroots level"
#hese manuals mainly cover the following aspects of private/community owned MHP plants in
the remote areas"
.ite .urvey and @ayout *esign and Manufacture
Management and )peration
/epair C Maintenance
#his manual is part of the above series and covers all aspects of installation starting from
pacing and transportation of the e$uipment to the site! to commissioning and handing over the
plant to the owner-manager(s)" #he intended target group is the private sector installers who
may have some e%perience of installation but by using the current manual they should be able to
improve the installation process and deal with the problems and other aspects in a better way" 't
is e%pected that such an installer is at least capable of reading and understanding this manual;
however! he should preferably have some technical $ualification; say! certificate or diploma in a
relevant engineering trade"
)bviously! it is impossible to cover all the aspects for all types of different sites and e$uipment"
However! an effort has been made to cover most installation aspects for the micro-siAed plants
especially up to =B & capacity" .ome plants may also have agro processing or other e$uipment
within the powerhouse" However! installation of such an e$uipment has not been covered in this
manual since it is a separate sub+ect" 3lso! instructions are usually provided with such e$uipment
with regard to installation and commissioning"
't is hoped that the information provided in this manual would assist in improving the capabilities
of the installers! without having to undergo e%tensive training; although! there is no doubt that
actual and proper training would further enhance their capacities"
'n addition to pacing and transporting the e$uipment safely to the site! there are three main
components of installation process; ie"! civil construction including weir! intae! canal! forebay!
powerhouse and tailrace; electromechanical installation of turbine! generator! valve(s) and
penstoc; and installation of transmission lines" #hus! this manual mainly covers these
components and their testing and commissioning"
Planning Preparation! for In!tallation
(onsiderable planning and preparations have to be made! information gathered and e$uipment
identified which is to be taen to the site" Most probably! this would not be the first visit of the
installers to the site" 3t least one or more of the team members should have travelled to the site
and the main village before! where the team has to stay" (ontacts with the local lead persons
should also e%ist" #herefore! travelling to the site should not pose a problem" However! the
route for transporting the e$uipment may be somewhat different than for the personnel; some
e$uipment may have to be airlifted and then manually transported! for e%ample" 3lso! the time
of travel and transportation of e$uipment has to be given due thought and suitable choices made"
)bviously! a rainy season! harvesting time! festival time or very cold/hot season would not be
suitable for woring at the site" 't may also tae between two wees to si% months to complete
the installation; depending upon the siAe of the plant! site remoteness! and whether it is an easy
or a difficult scheme"
-riefly! the installation process would include the following"
Pacing and transporting e$uipment and materials to the site and storing it there"
6inalisation of the sites for weir! intae! power canal and its sub-components (eg"! desilting
basins! spillways! crossings! etc)! forebay! penstoc and powerhouse; already demarcated
during the surveys"
Measurement and minor ad+ustment of locations of some components such as the base of
turbine" forebay or intae mouth"
(onstruction of all components of civil wors including foundations for the turbine!
generator! agro-processing e$uipment! etc; and construct-'on of support piers! anchor
blocs! etc"
'nstallation of the penstoc pipe and accessories"
'nstallation of turbine! generator! agro-processing units (if provided)D5 and coupling/drive
'nstallation of transmission and distribution wiring systems"
#esting C commissioning (starting! testing! measuring output! removing defects)" #raining
the managers and operators"
Handing over the plant and certification"
.ometimes! most of the civil wors would have been completed before the arrival of e$uipment
at the site" 'n other cases! however! it may be convenient to complete the civil wors as well as
installation of the electromechanical e$uipment and transmission system simultaneously and in a
prescribed se$uence"
'f for some reason the installation wor has to be discontinued! ade$uate planning would be
necessary to prevent damage to the installed/constructed components and to the remaining
e$uipment and materials to be stored! including the cement; which can be easily spoiled due to
rain/water or humidity" .imilarly! newly constructed civil wors such as earthen canal may have
to be protected from damage during the monsoon rains or other mishaps"
Esually! two or three persons may travel to the site who collectively possess the re$uisite
e%pertise" However! all may not stay there all the time" #he main e%pertise needed would be in
the field ofF
.ite assessment and survey (to assess geophysical features! changes since last survey and
some measurements of distances! etc");
(ivil construction;
'nstallation of electromechanical e$uipment including penstoc;
@aying transmission lines;
(ommissioning and testing"
'nformation should also be collected and verified regarding availability and costs of silled and
unsilled labour! constriction materials! etc" 'n addition! locations of a nearest but ade$uate
worshop (say! having welding facilities or other tools)! health care centre and communications
facilities should also be identified in advance! if possible"
201 Tool! and Other ,aterial! for the Site
3 comprehensive list of tools and instruments to be carried to the site! which may be needed
during the installation must be prepared! preferably in the form of a checlist" #he list should
also include materials to be transported (an indicative chec list is given in 3nne%" ;" 0)"
3dditionally! all the drawings of the parts/components and their installation instructions must
also be carried to the site; for! weir! intae! canal! forebay! penstoc route! powerhouse! the
mechanical components (eg"! trash racs! e%pansion +oints! etc")! plus specifications and
construction details for various foundations" #he decisions regarding construction materials as
to what needs to be carried and what could be ac$uired aG the site should also be made in
advance (eg"! doors and windows! corrugated iron sheets! wooden beams! steel bars! etc")" .ome
such material can be easily provided or ac$uired by the communities" 'n fact! completion of
most of the civil wors can be and should be the responsibility of the beneficiary communities or
the entrepreneur"
't is usual that some land/length measurements may also have to be carried out again; eg"! more
e%act measurement of the length of the penstoc" )r! sometimes! ad+ustment of the penstoc
length by a few centimeters becomes necessary; for which the base of the turbine or the forebay
may have to be raised/lowered; and this can only be done by measuring the length" .imilarly!
some survey tools such as 3bney or *umpy level would be needed to mar and construct the
power canal! intae and the weir"
Tran!portation of E#uip$ent to Site
3ctual transportation of the e$uipment is usually not the responsibility of the installers" However!
they may! sometimes! be called upon to advise" #ransportation of the e$uipment to the site also
includes its proper pacing and planning the transportation as well as storage at the site till it is
properly installed" Pacing is an important endeavour to; protect the e$uipment from weather
elements! avoid pilferage/loss/damage during transportation/storage and to mae it easy tc) carry"
'n most instances! the e$uipment may have to be carried manually! for a few meter distance or
$uite a few ilometres (eg"! in 1epal! it may be a few day5s wal)" #herefore! the pacages have
to be of appropriate siAe and weight" 3n e%perienced and trained porter can carry upto >B g for
long hauls on a mountainous trail; while a horse or mule can carry upto 8B g" -ut this would
also depend on how difficult or dangerous the trail is (eg"! steepness and its width! slipperyness!
etc")" Many components (eg" penstoc pipe sections) need not be wrapped while in other cases
(eg" generator) they have to be wrapped in Polythene sheets or similar material to protect them
from rain water" .ome smaller items would have to be paced together while others (eg" turbine)
may have to be disassembled and paced; otherwise! it may be too heavy to carry manually" #he
penstoc or other long items of more than : meter lengths! may also be difficult to carry" 3ll these
aspects should be given due consideration while" planning the pacaging and transportation" Parts
of some items! which have to be assembled latter! may have to be mared so that they are
correctly reassembled"
Pacing larger units such as a generator C turbine in wooden cartons is usually e%pensive and
inconvenient to carry" However! smaller and delicate items such as electrical instruments! 4@(!
switches! insulators for transmission! may be paced in card board or wooden cartons! using
ade$uate anti-impact material such as foam and rain protecting material such as plastic sheets" 'n
some countries such as 1epal! the traditional method of carrying a heavy load is on the bac;
whereas in Paistan for e%ample! people carry the pacages on their head" #herefore! the
following ma%imum dimensions of the pacage are suggested for each of these methods"
Carr2ing $ethod Per$i!!i1le 3i$en!ion! 4c$5
Length 6idth .eight
)n the bac =B =B 0;B
)n head =B =B <B
)bviously! pacages having more weight and siAe can be carried on the bac if silled/e%perienced
porters can be found" .ometimes! heavier items can also be carried by two or more persons by
fastening them to a wooden pole of appropriate thicness and carrying it on the shoulders" 'n this
way! more heavier loads (upto 0BB g) can be carried by two people" #able ;"0 below! gives the
siAes and weights which can be carried by a single person or other transport systems"
Ta1le 201 Per$i!!i1le 6eight! for Tran!portation of 7ood!
,ode of Tran!port Carr2ing Capacit2 /e$ar8!
Man >B-8B g )n bac
Horse >B g :B g each side
Mule <B->B g :B g each side
#ruc 8-0B ton Ep to = ton units if crane available for
Helicopter B"=-< *epends on type
Plane ;-0B ton for hilly areas *epends on type
"01 Storage at the Site
Esually! it is necessary for e$uipment and other materials (eg" cement)! which has been transported
to the site to be stored there for sometime" 6or this purpose! an appropriate location has to be
found" .ome items must be stored indoors under loc and ey! while other heavier e$uipment can
be ept outside but properly covered" 'tems! such as penstoc pipe lengths (flanged or unflanged)
can be stored outside but preferably covered with waterproof sheets" 'f possible and safe! the
heavier e$uipment may actually be stored at the site (eg"! penstoc! turbine! generator! trash
racs); while other lighter! more delicate and e%pensive items should be stored at another place in-
doors (eg" 4@(/control panel! transmission wires! insulators! etc") in a house! school! etc" .pecial
attention should be paid to the storage of cement since it can go hard in a few days due to
e%cessive humidity even" #herefore! it should be wrapped properly in plastic sheets during
transportation and in-door storage" )ther factors to be considered for selecting a storage site and
storing the e$uipment/materials! are the following"
3de$uate space is available both out-doors and in-doors"
#he place is as near to the actual site of installation as possible; to avoid e%tra e%penditure
and probability of damage due to repacaging and transportation"
#here is no possibility of pilferage and/or damage by trespassers! rain! snow! animals!
falling rocs! landslides! etc"
Ci&il Con!truction
%01 Site In!pection and Preparation
-ased on the detailed design! the locations of various MHP structures should be verified and then
clearly mared at the site" #his includes placing centre line pegs along the headrace and penstoc
routes and along the boundary of other structures such as the settling basins! forebay! anchor
blocs and the powerhouse"
3t this stage the layout design should be well finalised and additional changes should be
unwarranted" However! a final survey should be carried out to verify that there have been no
changes in the site since the design phase to necessitate relocation of structures" #he layout
should only be changed if there are ma+or geological changes such as landslides along the
headrace or penstoc routes"
#he site preparation should include clearing the route from the intae to the tailrace" .hrubs and
other vegetation should be uprooted if they can obstruct the construction wor" .imilarly! if some
structures are located along cultivated fields! such fields should be left barren prior to
commencing the construction wor" 't should be noted that a larger area will be re$uired during
the construction phase than the actual area that various MHP structures will eventually occupy"
#his is because ade$uate space would be needed for labourers to wor freely! for storing
construction materials such as stones and sand and for dumping e%cavated soil"
%02 Con!truction Se#uence
#he construction of the scheme should be started from the most critical location; i"e"! where a
slight misalignment or improper orientation may result in significant e%penditure for remedial
measures" Esually the machine foundation in the powerhouse is the most critical location" #his is
because once the machine foundation anchor bolts are set in concrete! the turbine and the
generator locations cannot be read+usted" #herefore! first the machine foundation should be
constructed" #hen wor should commence on the installation of the penstoc pipe from the
machine foundation to the forebay" 4%cept for their final :BB mm height! support piers can be
constructed as the penstoc installation wor progresses upstream including e%pansion +oints at
given locations as per design" #he final height should be ad+usted once the entire pipe length has
been installed which has been supported by temporary stonewor! wooden plans! or other similar
materials! in order to achieve proper alignment of penstoc pipe and avoid bending stresses while
reaching the end point in the forebay" #he anchor blocs should also be completed after the entire
penstoc pipe length has been installed" #his is because once anchor blocs are constructed! the
penstoc pipe cannot be read+usted"
#he forebay is usually located on an elevated terrace (flat area) at a steep slope above the
penstoc" .ometimes e%cavation on the location is re$uired to provide sufficient area for the
forebay" #hus! some ad+ustment is usually possible of the penstoc pipe length; if the actual
length of the penstoc and the distance at the location do not match" Hence! the forebay should
be constructed after the penstoc pipe reaches this structure"
)nce the machine foundation! penstoc and the forebay have been constructed! the logical
se$uence is to continue the construction wor upstream until the location of the intae is reached"
'f the construction wor is commenced in this se$uence! there will be less chances of
misalignment or errors ;"n the elevation of the structures" However! if the survey wor has been
accurate enough and staff at site are well e%perienced! some construction wor can also
commence concurrently" 6or e%ample! different portions of the headrace canal and the settling
basins can be constructed concurrently" However! it should be noted that in this approach if the
elevations of the headrace canal do not match and the downstream section is higher! remedial
measures will be costly"
(onstruction wor at the intae and specially the diversion weir should normally start when all
other structures are completed" #his is because the flow can not be diverted for power generation
until all other structures are completed" 6urthermore! there can be additional riss from floods if
the wor at the intae and weir is completed prior to the onset of monsoon but other structures
are still incomplete" .ome retaining wor along the intae ban can still be carried out
concurrently with other structures! provided that the MHP scheme can be commissioned prior to
the onset of monsoon rains"
%0" ,achine Foundation9 Po:erhou!e and Tailrace
%0"01 Con!truction of ,achine Foundation
#he machine foundation should be constructed as follows"
*emarcate the floor area of the powerhouse and the location of the machine foundation as
per the design"
4%cavate the machine foundation pit (as per design) until the re$uired depth is reached and
compact the floor using a manual ram" 'f the pit base is not a roc! then a ;=B mm stone
soling should be provided above it"
4%cavate the tailrace section inside the powerhouse before commencing the machine
foundation concrete wor" #his prevents any misalignment between the machine foundation
and the tailrace" 1ote that if the tailrace is e%cavated at a later stage there needs to be a gap
of about a wee after the construction of the machine foundation for the concrete to cure"
3lso once the machine foundation and the tailrace section in the powerhouse are completed!
wor on the powerhouse walls and roof can commence" *ue to confined space! it may not
be feasible to construct the powerhouse structure! machine foundation and the tailrace
section concurrently"
Place formwor at the periphery of the e%cavation and arrange the reinforcement and
anchor bars for the base frame as specified in the design" #ile threaded ends of the anchor
bars should be greased and then covered with clean pieces of cloth or plastic sheets so that
they are not damaged while pouring concrete" .ometimes! the base frame can also be
welded to the reinforcement bars and cast into the foundation"
)nce the formwor and reinforcement of the machine foundation have been placed! prepare
the concrete mi% at the re$uired ratio (usually 0F0"=F:) and then pour it up to the
generator/turbine base frame level" (oncreting wor is discussed further in the ne%t section"
Manually compact/vibrate the poured concrete using long steel rods" )nce the re$uired
level is reached! place the base frame for the machines on the concrete so that it fits snugly
over the anchor bars (holes in the base frame are in line with the anchor bars)" #hen tighten
the anchor bolts" #he base frame level should be constantly checed (using a ,spirit level,)
while tightening the bolts" 1ote that the level of the base frame can be ad+usted only while
the concrete is still wet"
Protect the newly poured concrete structure from direct sun and rain for at least ;< hours"
;< hours after the construction of the machine foundation! curing should start by eeping it
moist for at least a wee" #his is usually done by gently pouring water on the concrete
structure" 3n uncured concrete structure will not gain full strength" *uring hot and dry
weather poring water on the concrete structures may be re$uired twice a day (mornings and
afternoons) to ensure that they gain full strength"
/emove the formwors from the machine foundation only seven days after completion of
construction" 1ote that if wood is e%pensive! dry stone walls can also be used for the
formwor" 3lso unlie wooden formwor! such dry stone walls need not be removed" 3
typical machine foundation pit with the reinforcement bars is shown below in 6igure <"0
%0"02 Preparation of Concrete
#he $uality of cement! sand and aggregates for concrete wor should be as follows"
(ement used for concrete and masonry wor should be fresh and preferably less than si%
months from the date of manufacture" (ement that has been stored over a long period
losses strength significantly"
#he sand $uality for concrete wor should be granular! clean and free from organic
materials and soils" .and mi%ed with soil and other organic material should be thoroughly
washed before use to remove such and other water soluble materials"
#he aggregates re$uired for concrete wor should either be collected from $uarries! river
beds! or prepared by crushing stones" 3ggregates need to be hard! angular and non
(oncrete should never be mi%ed directly on the ground" #his should be done on a clean
and water tight platform (such as tightly paved stone surface)! or some other ade$uate
#he process of mi%ing concrete is as follows
Mi% dry cement and sand thoroughly till a uniform colour is visible"
3dd the re$uired volume of coarse aggregates on top of the cement-sand pile and mi% the
entire mass again so that the aggregates are uniformly distributed"
6inally! gently pour the re$uired amount of water on the dry concrete and turn the mi%
thoroughly" 4nsure that water does not seep away from the mi%" 4%cess water weaens
the concrete! produces shrinage cracs and decreases the density" #herefore! a water
cement ratio of B"= (;= liters of water per =B g of cement) should be used for manually
mi%ed concrete"
3lso note that! the concrete mi% should be poured on the structure within a few hours
after its preparation" (oncrete stored over-night looses significant strength and should not
be used at all"
6ig" <"; illustrates the correct and wrong methods of pouring concrete or masonry on structures"
(ancrete should not be prepared in separate lumps or poured from high above the under
construction structure"
%0"0" Po:erhou!e Con!truction
3s discussed in the layout design manual! a powerhouse structure should be similar to other local
houses in the area! since it would be much easier to construct" #he construction of the
powerhouse structure is as follows"
*emarcate the plan of the powerhouse at the proposed site as specified in the design"
#hen mar the e%cavation lines for the constriction of the foundation and the walls" #his is
done by placing pegs at the inside and outside wall edges of the powerhouse" #hese pegs
should then be +oined with powdered lime! ashes or thin ropes" 1ote that to optimiAe the
space in the powerhouse! the length or width should be at right angles to the final length
of the penstoc pipe"
4%cavate along the lines prepared above for the wall foundation to the desired level
(usually 0 in) and compact the ground using a manual ram"
(onstruct the three walls of the powerhouse" 2enerally the bac wall involving the
penstoc should be constructed after the penstoc installation is completed so that there is
no interference between these activities" 6urthermore! it will also be easy to bring in
electromechanical e$uipment such as the turbine and the generator from this open space"
Esually a <=B mm thic stone masonry in mud mortar is used to construct walls of local
houses" *uring the construction phase the walls should often be checed with a plumb to
ensure that they are vertical" *oors and windows should be placed at appropriate
(onstruct the bac wall after the turbine and the generator have been fi%ed on the machine
foundation and the installation of penstoc has been completed "
)nce the powerhouse walls have reached the desired height (about ;"= m)! place the
wooden trusses and roof as per design; e"g"! with corrugated galvaniAed iron ((2') sheets"
Ese only seasoned wood for doors! windows and trusses"
%0% Ci&il 6or8! for Pen!toc8
%0%01 Pen!toc8 Pipe In!tallation
#he civil wors for penstoc involves installing the pipe and constructing the support piers and
anchor blocs as specified in the design layout" -oth of these must be located on original firm soil
and not on bacfill"5 #he procedure is as follows
(lear all vegetation along the penstoc route and mar the centre line by fi%ing a tight
string" 3lso mar e%cavation lines for the support piers and anchor blocs"
6i% the turbine along with the manifold and gate/valve (if provided) to the machine
.tart the installation of the penstoc from the machine foundation by connecting the first
lin of penstoc (usually a bend) to the turbine manifold and proceed upstream! which is
usually more convenient method" #his avoids any misalignment between the penstoc and
the turbine housing" .ince the turbine needs to be firmly fi%ed to the machine foundation!
there is almost no tolerance at this end after the machine foundation has been constructed"
6urthermore! the pipe sections below the e%pansion +oints can slide down if installation
proceeds downstream from the forebay" 3lso as discussed earlier! minor pipe deviation
can be ad+usted at the forebay wall" -however! such ad+ustment is not feasible at the
machine foundation"
'nstall the e%pansion +oints at the re$uired locations as specified in the design layout (i"e"!
downstream of the forebay and anchor bloc locations)" #ightly pac +ute (or similar
fibre) inside the e%pansion +oint during the installation process to prevent leaage during
the operational phase"
3s the pipe installation wor progresses upstream! construct the support piers at the
re$uired locations"" However! it is recommended that the last 0=B mm to :BB mm height
of the pier be constructed only after the entire penstoc pipe has been installed" #his
allows for some ad+ustment of the pipe till the end" *uring the installation process!
temporary dry stone walls can be used on top of the unfinished support piers"
#he construction of the support piers first involves e%cavating the ground to the re$uired shape as
per the drawings" )nce the re$uired foundation depth is reached (usually :BB mm at the
downstream face and depth varies according to the slope at the upstream face5 the earth should be
compacted using a manual ram" #hen the piers should be constructed in stone masonry in 0F>
cement mortar as discussed belowF
%0%02 Ce$ent ,a!onr2 6or8
6or stone masonry in cement mortar! the following is recommended"
.tones should be washed and ept immersed in water for a day prior to construction" *ry
stones do not adhere well on cement mortar and therefore the masonry will have less
#he ratio of the mortar should not be less than 0F> cement/sand for the construction of
support piers"
Ese good $uality sand and cement as described in sections <":"0 and <":";" 3lso follow
other relevant instructions in these sections regarding pouring time! protection from
sunlight and curing"
%0%0" Anchor Bloc8!
3s described earlier also! anchor blocs should only be completed once the penstoc pipe
installation wor is completed" #he following procedure should be used to construct the anchor
.imilar to the support pier! first e%cavate the around as per the design" )nce the re$uired
foundation depth is reached! compact the earth using a manual ram" 1ote that the
e%cavation and compaction wor should be done as the pipe installation proceeds""
Prepare the concrete (usually 0F:F> with <BH plums) by mi%ing cement! sand aggregates
and water at the re$uired ratio as discussed earlier and place the specified siAe and number
of reinforcement bars (usually : bars of 0B nun diameter) as shown in 6ig" <":"" #he
prepared concrete should be poured at the proposed anchor bloc location and the plums
should be placed evenly around the bloc" 4ither wooden plans or dry stone walls can be
used for the formwor depending on the availability of wood at site" )nce the concrete
wor has been completed! the blocs should be cured for about a wee" 't is
recommended that a final chec be done on the penstoc pipes and the e%pansion +oints to
ensure that there are no errors before pouring concrete"
%0' Fore1a2
2enerally the forebay should be constructed after the installation of the penstoc is completed
including the civil wors" #he construction of the forebay involves the following"
3t the proposed location! mar the e%cavation lines for this structure according to the
design as discussed earlier"
4%cavate the ground to the re$uired depth and shape" 1ote that it is important to chec
the floor elevation after e%cavation but before construction" 'f errors are found on the
elevation after construction wor has commenced (and the forebay is higher than the
headrace canal upstream)! remedial wor can be e%pensive"
(ompact the earth surface using a manual ram after completion of the e%cavation wor"
#hen construct the structure as per the design" #he forebay and other water retaining
structures are usually built using stone masonry in 0F< cement mortar"
(onstruction of cement masonry structure was covered earlier"
' f possible the inside faces (water retaining surfaces) should have dressed stones which
minimiAes the thicness of the plaster" 1ote that once the cement mortar has been
prepared it should be used within ;-: hours"
3s the masonry wor condenses! install the gates! flush pipes and spillways at the given
locations as per the design"
3fter completion of the gates and masonry wor! plaster the water retaining surface (i"e"
inside surface) of the forebay" 3bout 0; mm thic 0F; cement mortar is recommended for
the plaster"
)nce the construction of the forebay is completed it should be cured as described earlier"
'f there is a delay between the! masonry wor and the plaster then the structure should be
cured for another < days after completion of plaster"
%0) .eadrace Canal
)nce the! canal type (or types for different lengths) has been selected and the siAes wored out!
the actual construction procedure involves the following stages"
.etting out of the course of the canal and maring the centre line with pegs
Preparing the bench for the canal!
6i%ing the e%cavation lines!
4%cavating the canal!
(onstructing/lining the canal"
%0)01 Setting Out the Canal
-efore setting out the canal! the availability of the e$uipment and staff need to be ensured" #he
same e$uipment that was used for the detailed survey wor such as an 3bney level or a theodolite
and a tape is usually sufficient for the construction and setting the specified slope of the canal bed"
3 transparent water tube can also be useful in checing the levels of the canal bed at various
locations as the construction progresses"
#he setting out of the canal is done as follows
6irst place pegs along the headrace canal route0 *epending on the topography! such
pegs should generally be driven at =m to ;B in intervals along the route" Pegs should be
placed more closely at bends as well as at other important locations such as drops!
beginning and end of crossings! etc"
Place some intermediate pegs or reference pegs +ust outside the canal path using a
leveling instrument" &ith the use of this instrument! the differences in elevation between
these pegs can be calculated" .uch pegs will serve as reference levels for the e%cavation
wor" 3n alternative to this is to paint mars at e%posed rocs +ust outside the canal
path and calculate their relative elevations"
%0)02 Preparation of the Bench
#he bench of a canal is a strip of land of uniform and width and slope" 't is lie a road of
generally constant width and slope at the level of top of the canal" #he bench should be prepared
as follows"
4%cavate a strip of land of even width along the pegs placed earlier on the canal route"
'f there is a possibility of materials being washed down by rain from the slope above or
small land slips being deposited directly in the canal! increase the width of the bench such
that it is larger than the finished canal top width" #his e%tra width is called the berm; which
stops debris or water coining down the hillside and from entering the canal" .uch e%cess
water should be channelised away from the canal through a proper drainage system" 'f it is
not possible or practical to drain all the e%cess flow away! it may be allowed to enter the
canal at a predetermined and properly constructed location such as near a spillway" #he
berm can also be used as a walway for people or for worers during construction"
2enerally! a berm width of :BB mm to =BB mm is sufficient along the uphill side for people
to wal and for construction wor"
#he slope of the bench should be the same as @ine slope of the canal section" #herefore!
where there is a change in the canal slope (in the design) the bench slope should also change
accordingly" #he bed slope of the bench should be verified using a leveling instrument" #he
elevation of the canal at different locations can be calculated using the intermediate pegs that
were placed outside the canal path earlier"
)nce the initial elevation at the intae is fi%ed! the subse$uent elevations for the canal route can
be calculated based on the distances and bed slopes" #he initial elevation can be estimated based
on the contour maps of the area or by using an altimeter" 3nother method is to carry the
trigonometric 5points established by the survey department but this may re$uire more time and
#he absolute elevation figures need not be very accurate (i"e" the e%act elevation from the sea
level) but the differences between intermediate pegs should be accurate! since it is these
differences that determine the slope of the canal"
3n e%ample of an elevation calculation is presented below"
#he designer has recommended a slope of ;"BH for a certain canal section" #he topographical
map of the area indicates that the elevation at the intae is around 0<BB m above mean sea level
'n this case the first peg that is placed at the intae area can be assumed to be at a level of 0<BB m
3M.@" 'f the second peg is to be placed ;B m (horiAontal length) downstream! the bench
elevation here should be; ;B in % ;"B/0BB I B"<B m down from the intae or 0<BB in - B"<B m I
0:77"> in 3M.@"
#he subse$uent readings between intermediate pegs (i"e" reference points) can be noted in
se$uence with similar calculations"
%0)0" Fi;ing the E;ca&ation Line!
)nce the canal bench has been prepared! the e%cavation lines need to be set out as follows"
Place pegs along the centerline and the top and bottom widths of the canal (for trapeAoidal
sections)" 1ote that in case of lined canal! the top and bottom widths should include the
side wall thicness as well (i"e"! outside edges of the finished canal)"
9oin the pegs using thin ropes" #hen mar separate lines for the centre line and top and
bottom widths (for trapeAoidal sections) using powdered lime or ashes so that they are
indicated on the ground" 1ote that for rectangular sections! top and bottom width are e$ual
and three parallel lines are sufficient for the e%cavation wor"
(hec the dimensions against the design specifications continuously during this process"
%0)0% E;ca&ation of the Canal
#his consists of e%cavating the canal having the re$uired shape and slope according to the design
as described below""
6or rectangular canal! start the e%cavation from the sides down to the re$uired depth"
6or trapeAoidal sections! start the e%cavation at the central part without e%ceeding the
bottom width lines vertically down to the re$uired depth" #hen e%cavate the sloppy sides
without e%ceeding the top width and meeting the bottom width at the re$uired depth"
#hus! the re$uired trapeAoidal shape can be arrived at" #his method of e%cavation
minimises the use of construction materials and the need to bacfill" 3lso! note that side
walls of a trapeAoidal cement masonry canal are more liely to crac if constructed on
bacfill" 't is also helpful to prepare a wooden frame matching the cross sectional shape
of the canal to chec it continuously as the e%cavation progresses" #his involves
constructing a wooden frame of the re$uired trapeAoidal shape using rectangular stics"
(hec the canal bed slope fre$uently using a leveling instrument" 1ote that an
inaccurate slope can be very costly" 'f the slope is less than re$uired! the canal will not
have the capacity to convey the design flow" .imilarly! if the slope is steeper than
re$uired!" the velocity" may e%ceed the ma%imum value for the canal type and start
eroding it"
%0)0' Con!truction of the Canal Lining
)nce the e%cavation wor has been completed! the construction of the lining of the canal can
commence if provided for in the design" 'f an earthen canal has been chosen! all that is re$uired is
to trim the side walls and bottom width at some places where the e%cavation wor has been poor"
However! if a masonry lined canal has been chosen! then this will re$uire collecting stones!
dressing/siAing them and then placing them at the e%cavated surface according to the design"
6or stone masonry in cement mortar canals! the following is recommended"
#he minimum thicness for bed and side walls should be 0=B mm since thinner walls re$uire
more stone wor of the lining (dressing C siAing) and may not have the re$uired strength"
#his also applies to stone masonry in mud mortar canals"
.ince this is a water retaining structure! the ratio of the mortar should not be less than 0F<
Ese 0F; cement sand mortar for plaster wor in the headrace canal" #he thicness of "the
plaster should be about 0; mm (- 0/; inch)" Plastering is e%pensive and therefore it should
only be applied where really necessary; such as to prevent leaage"
)ther instructions suggested in .ections <":" 0 and <":"; for this type of construction should
also be followed"
%0* Settling Ba!in! and Spill:a2!
#he construction of the settling basin is similar to that of the forebay" .ince the function of the
settling basin is to remove the sediment from the flow! more than one of these structures may be
re$uired if the headrace canal is long (say more than :BB m) and unlined" #he flow in a long
unlined canal can erode the bed and side walls and increase the sediment load which then needs to
be removed"
2eneral !y at least two spillways are re$uired for a MHP scheme" #he first one should be located
immediately after the intae to divert e%cess flow during the floods" 'f there are any chances of
the headrace canal being bloced by landslides from above! intermediate spillways should be
provided along the canal route" )ne spillway should always be incorporated at the forebay to
divert the design flow in case of valve closure at the powerhouse (such as during emergencies)" 3
spillway may also be re$uired at the settling basin if there is a possibility of e%cess flow reaching
this structure during the floods"
.pillways are constructed as part of other structures such as settling basin or the forebay; or! they
may be independent structures +ust for spilling the (e%cess) flow" #hey are simply openings (with
or without a gate) at the top wall sections of these structures that divert any e%cess flows"
#he construction of the settling basin is sunariAed below"
3t the proposed settling basin location! demarcate the e%cavation lines for this structure
according to the design and then e%cavate the ground"
(ompact the earth surface using a manual ram after completion of the e%cavation wor"
#hen construct the structure as per the design" #he settling basin is usually built using
stone masonry in 0F< cement mortar" (onstruction of cement masonry structure was
covered earlier"
'f possible the inside faces (water retaining surfaces) should have dressed stones which
minimiAes the thicness of the plaster"
3s the masonry wor commences! install the gates! flush pipes and spillways at the
re$uired location"
3fter completion of the gates and masonry wor! plaster the water retaining surface using
0; mm thic 0F; cement- mortar"
)nce the construction of the settling basin is completed! the channel that diverts the flows
from the spillway should also be constructed if re$uired"
6ollow other instructions provided in .ections <":"0 and <":"; for similar construction"
%0+ Inta8e 6or8!
3t the intae! construction of the flood protection walls and the mouth should commence first
according to the detailed drawings" .uch wor may re$uire diverting the flow towards the
opposite river ban" #he weir should be constructed only when all other wor at the intae is
completed" *epending on the design flow and the nature of the weir (temporary or permanent)
this too may re$uire temporarily diverting the river flow towards the opposite ban" #he
construction wor is easier when the water level in the river is low and the water temperature is
also not too low"
%0- /etaining Structure! and Sta1ili<ation
.mall potential landslide prone slopes can be stabiliAed by dry stone walls! masonry walls or
gabions" 2abions are usually most suitable and economical for stabiliAing slopes on MHP
pro+ects" #he construction of gabions re$uires a silled person who is able to weave the bo%es
using 2' wires" 2abion bo%es can be made in different siAes depending on the re$uirement"
#he following wire siAes are recommended for gabion wors for MHP"
Mesh siAe F 8B mm % 0BB mm
Mesh wire F 7 .&2 (:">> nun)
.elvedge wire F > .&2 (<"88 mm)
-inding wire F 00 .&2 (;"7= mm)
#he assembled gabion bo% should be tightly paced with stones" Preferably! dressed stones
should be used on the outside surfaces of the gabions" )nce the bo%es are filled! the cover should
be closed and tied using the selvedge wire" 1ote that gabions should be placed in such a way that
the lengths are parallel to the flow"
#able <"0 along with 6ig" <"< can be used as a guideline for selecting the width of the gabion wall
for the height of soil that it needs to retain"
Ta1le %01 7a1ion Section! for /etaining 6all!
6all height re#uired9 . 4$5 6idth9 6 4$5
0 0
; 0"=
: 0"=
< ;
= ;
> ;"=
#erracing and plantation are also suitable methods for stabiliAing small areas prone to landslides
on hillsides at MHP sites" 3s can be seen in 6ig" <"=! this involves constructing terraces on the
landslide area having overall slope of less than :B," #he dry stone walls should be used for the
vertical face of the terraces as shown in 6ig" <"=" .uch dry stone walls retain the soil behind and
allow the surface water to drain out"
#erraces also help to reduce the surface erosion since the surface water can be diverted by
constructing small" drains" 1ote that dry slopes are more stable than saturated ones and landslides
generally occur on wet slopes"
Planting grass or shrubs that have deep root systems (such as bamboo or 1apier grass) on
terraces also contribute towards the stability of slopes" However! note that fast growing trees that
do not have intense root systems should be avoided since they may fall due to their own weight
during storms"
In!talling Electro($echanical E#uip$ent
'01 ,achine Foundation!
*epending on the design! separate machine foundations may be constructed for each machine or
one foundation platform may be sufficient for all the machines" 6or smaller electricity generation
units a single foundation bloc is usually built for both the turbine and generator! which are fitted
on to a single baseframe" #he baseframe is then fitted to the anchor bolts cast in the foundation
6or MHPs with milling machinery! it is cheaper to have separate foundations for each machine
since the machines are more spread out and having a single foundation bloc for all of them would
not be practical" (onstruction of foundations for the machinery has been described in (hapter <"
'02 ,achiner2 In!tallation
)nce the concrete has fully cured the machines should be fitted to the baseframe on the
foundation bloc" #he installed machines should be level and be checed by using a spirit level on
the machine shaft" 'f the machine is not level then place shims under the footplates to raise the
appropriate part of the baseframe or the machine until it is level"
'0" Align$ent
#he power from the turbine is transmitted to the generator or other machinery by direct coupling
or belt drives (6igs" ="0 C =";)" -efore the machines are run! the pulleys (for belt drive) and the
shafts (for direct coupling)! must be aligned properly"
'ncorrect alignment will lead to loss of power! belt slippage! vibration! and reduced life of
bearings" 'n e%treme cases! the shaft could also brea due to e%cessive metal fatigue"
'0"01 3irect dri&e
6or direct drive systems the shafts of the turbine and generator (or other machines) should have
minimum positional or angular misalignment (6ig" =":)"
#o ad+ust the alignment some generators are provided with ad+usting screws which can be used to
reposition the generator until the re$uired level of alignment is reached"
6or the initial alignment a straight edge placed on one of the shafts can be used to chec the
alignment (6ig" ="<)" 3ny gaps between the two shafts will indicate how the shafts are misaligned
and the machine can be moved in the appropriate direction to achieve alignment"
3d+ustments in height are made by adding or removing shims between the generator feet and the
baseframe" &hile some angular or horiAontal misalignment can be removed by repositioning one
or both machines; it i! usually not possible to remove all the misalignment" #herefore! $uality
fle%ible couplings should be used to accommodate some residual misalignment" 1evertheless!
every effort should be made to minimise it"
'0"02 Belt dri&e!
6or belt drives the alignment is simpler! since only angular misalignment needs to be rectified; i"e!
the two shafts should be parallel" #he alignment is checed by stretching a thin string also the
edges of the turbine and generator pulleys as shown in 6ig ="="
#he machines are moved in the appropriate directions until both the pulleys are in line"
'0% In!tallation Procedure for Pen!toc8
Penstoc installation is usually carried out from the powerhouse to the forebay" 3fter the turbine
has been installed! the adaptor noAAle/manifold is assembled" #hen the valve (if fitted) is attached"
#he valve! since it is heavy! will need to be supported" .ubse$uently! the first piece of penstoc
(usually a bend) is attached to the valve while firmly supporting them both"
#he first anchor bloc is normally built +ust outside the powerhouse wall enclosing the first piece
(the bend)" .ections of penstoc pipe are then connected one after the other up to the forebay
(6ig" =">)"
#here is usually some discrepancy between the initial measurements and the actual length of the
penstoc; depending on how accurately the initial measurements were made"
3d+ustments in the penstoc length are made by! casting the bends or penstoc pipes in the
concrete of the anchor blocs as the penstoc is being laid" 'f the bends or pipe sections to be
embedded are cast in before the penstoc pipe is laid; then it becomes difficult to mae any
ad+ustments (/efer to (hapter <)"
#he penstoc lengths are +oined together at the flanges until the location of the second anchor
bloc is reached" #he section or bend to be embedded is then attached to the penstoc while
providing temporary supports" 'n this way! the whole penstoc may be +oined to reach the
location of the entry into forebay! while being propped up by temporary supports" #hen the
support piers and anchor blocs should be completed ((hapt <)"
#he forebay may be constructed after the penstoc has been laid and the supports completed"
#his will mae it possible to shift its position in order to accommodate any small differences in
penstoc length or alignment"
.teel penstoc lengths are +oined together by bolting the flanges on the lengths" 3 flat rubber
gaset! at least = mm thic! or an B-ring gaset is used to mae the +oint leaproof" 'n some rare
cases penstoc lengths may also be welded together if ade$uate e$uipment and $ualified
welders are available at the site"
'0%01 .3PE Pen!toc8!
H*P4 penstocs are +oined together by butt welding the pipe ends" 3 hot plate is Esed to melt
the ends and +oin them together" #he following is a step by step procedure for +oining H*P4
penstoc lengths"
#he ends of the pipes are cut at right angles with a hacsaw and smoothed and levelled
using a flat file" &hen the two ends are placed face to face the gap at any point should not
be greater than one millimeter" 'f the gap is larger the ends must be smoothed until the
gaps are reduced"
#he hot plate is heated to about ;;B (" #o determine if the correct temperature has been
achieved a white thermo-chrom crayon is used" &hen the hot plate is mared with the
crayon the mar should turn brown in about = seconds" 'f it taes longer! the plate is not
hot enough" 'f it is too hot it will turn brown more $uicly"
#he hot plate is then slipped into a #eflon envelope (the #eflon envelop prevents the
H*P4 from sticing to the plate)" #he plate is held between the pipe ends which are
firmly pressed against it (6ig" ="?)" &hen the pipe is properly heated there will be a lip of
molten plastic around the perimeter of the pipe ends" #his lip should be of the same siAe
all around the pipe"
#he pipe ends are removed from the heating plate and then +oined together" &hile +oining
the contact must be even and the alignment perpendicular" )nce the melted ends touch
each other they must not be separated and realigned" #he pipe ends are pressed firmly but
not e%cessively (6ig" ="8)" 't should then! be laid on level ground without causing any
stress to the +oints for about 0= minutes" 'f necessary some supporting pacings should be
laid "B
0B"underneath the pipe at appropriate locations to maintain alignment and reduce stresses"
#he +oint is tested by fle%ing it" 't is also e%amined visually to ensure that there are no
cracs or discontinuities" 3 proper +oint is as strong as the rest of the pipe and cannot be
craced or broen apart" 3fter +oining a convenient length of pipe it is lowered into the
trench and carefully +oined with the pipe already in the trench"
'0%02 Butted Pen!toc8!
6or buried penstocs it is not necessary to build support piers" 3dditional anchor blocs after the
first bloc are usually not needed since the weight of the bacfill is sufficient to restrain the
#he penstoc route is finalised and mared out using pegs driven into the ground and the
penstoc trench dug" #he penstoc trench must be even! without any protruding stones" The
bottom should be filled with a layer of sand or fine soil around 0BB mm deep" #he penstoc"!- is
then laid along the trench" 't is then tested" #hen the trench is bacfilled as shown in 6ig ="7"
H*P4 pipes should also be buried since ultraviolet rays from surflight speed up its deterioration
and thus decrease its useful life"
'0%0" Fi;ing Pen!toc8 in Support Pier! and Anchor Bloc8!
(onstruct5 the support pier masonry until it reaches the level of the penstoc" #he base plate and
anchor bolts should be cast into concrete or plastered into the top of the support pier" 3t least 0/:
of the pipe diameter should submerge in the support pier" #o prevent damage to the pipe a
bitumen sheet is placed between the penstoc pipe and the metallic base plate fi%ed to the support
3nchor blocs are normally made of concrete unlie the support piers which are normally built of
stone masonry" #he concrete should be poured in the form after the bend or other part of
penstoc has been properly positioned" #he centre of the bend should be at the centre of the
anchor bloc" (hec that the correct bend is used and that the alignment is correct" #he bend
should have steel rods of 0; mm diameter welded to it in order to improve bonding to the
'0%0% In!talling E;pan!ion =oint!
3n e%pansion +oint is designed to tae up the e%pansion of the penstoc caused by variations in
temperature" 3 typical e%pansion +oint is shown in 6ig" ="00" 4%pansion +oints are usually placed
+ust below anchor blocs" 1ormally! one e%pansion +oint is provided between two anchor blocs"
&hile installing an e%pansion +oint! its temperature at the time must be taen into consideration so
that a minimum gap is maintained when the pipe e%pands fully due to highest possible temperature
rise and a ma%imum gap is not e%ceeded when the pipe contracts fully (6ig" ="0;)" 1ote that the
temperature of the penstoc may be higher or lower than the ambient temperature! e"g" when the
sun is shining directly on the penstoc" #herefore! the gap (2) at the time of allation of e%pansion
+oint should correspond to the penstoc temperature and its e%tent of e%pansion"
6or e%ample5 if the e%pansion +oint is installed at a time when the ambient temperature is the
highest e%pected then it must be assembled in the fully e%panded position" #his will allow the pipe
to contract when the weather gets colder"
6or temperatures in between! the position of the pipe should be set in proportion to its deviation
from the minimum or ma%imum temperatures" 6or e%ample! if the surface temperature is halfway
between the ma%imum and minimum temperatures then the +oint should also be set in mid
position" #he following e%ample e%plains the procedure further"
(onsider a site where the ma%imum temperature reaches := degrees and the minimum is minus 0B
degrees (elsius" 3t installation time the pipe surface temperature is 0= degrees" #he ma%imum
e%pansion that the +oint can accommodate is =B mm" 3 minimum gap of 0B mm must be
maintained under all conditions" @ength of the pipe between two anchor blocs is <B in"
.ince the pipe temperature at present is 0= degrees the gap (2) set between the two pipe ends
must be such that it maintains allowable 2ma% and 2min at lowest and highest temperatures
(6ig"="0;)" #his value of 2 is determined as shown below"
2min I 0B mm
2ma% I 0B G (:= J (-0B)) % ( % @
I 0B G <= % 0; % 0B
% <B % 0BBB
I 0B G ;0>BB % 0B
I 0B G ;0"> I :0"> mm where ( is coefficient of e%pansion for mild steel
I 07"> mm where #a is ambient temperature of penstoc"
#herefore! the gap between the pipe ends should be about ;B mm when the e%pansion +oint -is
being installed"
'0%0%01 Po!itioning the Pipe in the E;pan!ion =oint
#he procedures for setting the e%pansion +oints while installing it are different for a bolted type
design and a welded type design"
Bolted t2pe de!ign
.ince the distance between the flange of e%pansion +oint and the pipe end is small; the gap is
accessible and can be measured easily (6ig" ="0:)" 3fter the correct gap has been set by moving
the pipes a%ially! the pacing is placed and the stay ring tightened" #he ne%t length of penstoc
pipe is then bolted on to the e%pansion +oint"
6elded t2pe de!ign
'n a welded design the setting is more difficult because the gap is not accessible and it cannot be
measured directly" 3s shown in 6ig" ="0< the gap ,2, is the difference between the ends of
lengths ,3, and ,-," #he pipe is mared at the re$uired length before fitting the stay ring" #he
e%pansion +oint flange is then positioned over the i-nar and the stay ring tightened"
'0%0%02 In!talling the Pac8ing
4nsure that the place where the pacing will be placed is clean and greased or oiled" .$ueeAe one
end of the pacing rope into the gap between the inner and outer sleeves" Mar this point so that
the number of turns of pacing can be counted" #he pacing should be pushed firmly with a
suitably siAed piece of wood until it reaches the retaining ring" (ontinue placing the first round of
pacing firmly against the retaining ring" /epeat until about five turns have been completed and
then cut it" Place the stay ring against the pacing and tighten the bolts"
'0' Control! and In!tru$entation
'f an 4lectronic @oad (ontroller (4@() is fitted the controls and instrumentations are an integral
part of the 4@( panel" 3ll the meters should be ad+usted to Aero" 3ll connections should be
checed to ensure that they are tight and correctly done" #he ballast load should be ;B H more
than the ma%imum output of the generator and its resistance should be checed to ensure that it is
functioning properly and that there are no short circuits"
In!tallation of Tran!$i!!ion Line!
)01 Step! 1efore In!talling Tran!$i!!ion Line!
't is usually necessary to resurvey the transmission route and plan for difficult features and
obstructions! eg"! landslide Aone! gulley crossings! trees! ground clearance! cultivated land! etc"
#he following should be the main consideration while finalising the routes"
(hoose short C straight route"
(alculate the re$uired number of poles! for the given length and use pegs for maring the
location of pole pit"
'f the wooden poles are proposed in design then select hard wood straight poles"
#he depth of pole length should be about one meter underground and bitumen paint
should be applied to the buried portion to prevent rotting"
#he poles should have siAes indicated in #able >"0 below"
Ta1le )01 Si<e! of 6ooden Pole!
6ooden Pole Single Pha!e 22>? Three Pha!e 11 8?
Height of pole > m ? m 8 m
*iameter of pole 0;= mm 0=B nun 0?= mm
2round clearance <"= m = m >": m
.pacing of poles
- 6or transmission :B - := m :B - := m =B m
- 6or distribution ;= m ;= m
)02 In!tallation Procedure
(lear the path of transmission route"
*ig holes in the ground and fi% accessories (*-iron clamp! insulator! etc") on selected
wooden pole" #he distance between the insulators is shown in 6ig" >" 0"
'nsert the pole base in the pit; ensuring that after erection the pole should be in line with
other poles and vertical; chec verticality with plum bob"
6ill up the pit with earth C stones and compact well"
'nstall stay wires on the poles at every bend! first and last pole and on the pole having a +umper
(6ig" >":)
.tart to unroll wire and lift the end up to the pole carefully; the wire should not be over lapped
during pulling (6ig" >"<)
2enerally pulling of wire can be started from the powerhouse; but if it is in a valley and the route
is up hill (vertical slope); then pulling may be started from up hill to the powerhouse"
@ines are generally pulled using portable and manual wire puller machines having a
capacity of ; tons"
&hile pulling wires! mae them tight enough so that they do not sag heavily or swing
and touch another wire" #he space between the wires should be uniform" 1ormally! that
should be about B"= m per =B m pole spacing"
3t the same time! sag of wire should be observed visually from some distance (about =B
meters); the e%tent of sag should be the same between all poles (6ig >"=)" #he sag in the
cable can be measured by level instrument but it is not possible in all cases"
4%cessive tension on the conductor should be avoided which may cause it to brea"
*uring installation of transmission lines! the ends of two wires may be connected using
the following procedure (see also 6ig" >">)"
)pen all strains of both ends of the conductors"
-ring two ends together! overlapping by at least :BB mm and twist each strain
with another from the opposing conductor"
&rap the remaining length of strands around the +oint and pass the last position
underneath another strand to give the +oint a smooth! tight and unbreaable
*uring installation of transmission lines! safety belts should be used and necessary
information regarding the safety aspects should be provided to the installers"
3fter completing erection of transmission lines all routes should be checed! for ground
clearance! road clearance! compaction of pole pits! stay wires! etc" 3nticlimbing devices
and 5*anger5 boards should be installed on each pole"
)0" In!tallation of 3i!tri1ution and Ser&ice Line!
*istribution lines bring power from the transmission line to service wires supplying the
consumers" #he installation procedure for distribution lines is similar as for transmission lines"
'f these lines are to pass through a village! appropriate ground clearance! and distance from the
houses should be provided and stay wires installed wherever necessary"
#he service line brings electrical power from distribution line to the premises of individual
consumers" 't can be pulled by hand from pole to each house" 1ormally flat twin sheathed solid
aluminium conductors are used! so e%cessive tension in the wire should be avoided" #he wire
should be fi%ed to the pole and connected to the distribution line by wrapping around it three
four times" 't may also be tied to the pole to avoid e%cessive stress at the +oint"
)0% Earthing
4arthing is the process of providing path to e%cessive electricity and voltage caused by short
circuit or lightning to earth and preventing damage to e$uipment and personnel" 't may be
classified into the following two systems"
.ystem earthing means connecting the neutral points of generators and transformers to the mass
of earth" 4$uipment earthing mean s connecting the outer casing or supporting structure of all
live electrical e$uipment to the general mass of earth"
4arth connections should be provided at the following points"
1eutral of the all power systems such as generators! transformers! etc"
4arth terminals of each lightning arrestor"
#he frame of generator! motor! 4@(! ballast! transformer! control/instrument panel! etc"
3ll metal casings or coverings containing or protecting any electric supply or apparatus
#he armouring of underground cable"
#he metallic poles and towers of overhead lines"
#he system and e$uipment earthing should be made separated by minimum distance of ten
3 good earthing should have very low resistance; it should thus be made in an area! where the
earth is normally moist; for e%ample! near a canal" .alt and coal are used to further reduce earth
)0%01 Earth electrode!
3 plate or pipe of copper or 2' driven into the ground and connected to an electrical system or
e$uipment is called the earth electrode" 5#he number and type of earth electrodes re$uired per
installation depend upon the factors such asF type of soil! the type and capacity of the installation
or e$uipment! the value of the re$uired earth resistance! etc" /oughly! following siAes of earth
electrodes are recommended for MHP installations"
Ta1le )02 /eco$$ended Si<e! of Earth Electrode!
(onductor #ype (#o be buried vertically) .iAe (mm)
(opper plate >BB long % >BB wide % :"0= thic
2' plate 7BB long % 7BB wide % :"0= thic
2' pipe :8 dia" K ;=BB long
't is recommended to use copper wire for copper electrodes and 2' wire for 2' electrodes
having the 8 .&2 siAe (<"B> mm diameter)"
Pipe Electrode!
Pipe electrodes should not be smaller than :8-mm internal diameter if made of galvanised iron or
steel and 0B mm" internal diameter if made of cast iron" 3 general arrangement is shown in 6ig"
#he rod and pipe -electrodes should not be less than ;"=B m in length and driven in the ground
fully" &here roc is encountered at a depth of less than ;"=B m! the electrodes may be buried
inclined to the vertical having same length and inclination should not be more than :B degrees
with the vertical"
Pipes or rods should be one piece" 'f it is necessary to reduce the depth of burial of an
electrode! this must be done without increasing the resistance" #his is achieved by using a
number of rods or pipes and connecting them together in parallel" #he distance between two
electrodes in such cases should preferably be not less than twice the length of the electrode"
#he earth wire should now be +oined at the top of the pipe by drilling a hole in the pipe and the
earth wire should be tightened there with a brass nut and bolt" -efore doing so! the copper earth
wire should be scraped in order to mae good contact between the wire and the pipe"
Plate Electrode!
Plate electrodes may be made of galvanised iron or steel having the minimum siAes as shown in
#able >";" Plate electrodes should be buried such that the top edge is at a depth of not less than
0"=B m" below the surface of the ground"
&hen resistance of one plate electrode is higher than the re$uired value! two or more plates
should be used in parallel! the two plates being separated from each other by not less than eight
#he plates should preferably be set vertically" Plate electrodes should be used only when the
current carrying capacity is the main consideration! as for e%ample in the power house"
#he earth wire should now be +oined at the top of the plate by drilling a hole there and the earth
wire should be tightened there with a brass nut and bolt" -efore doing so! the copper earth wire
should be properly scraped (6ig" >"8)"
)0' Lightning Arre!tor!
*uring storms! high voltage of lightning can come in contact with transmission and distribution
lines! which would transmit across the coils of generator and its body! causing a short circuit and
damage" #herefore! earthing needs to be provided for this high voltage to discharge before - it
gets to generator! via a lightning arrestor! which is connected between phase and earth" 'n case
of three-phase transmission! separate arrestor is needed for each phase and earth as shown in 6ig
>"7" 6or low-tension transmission B"= L lightning arrestor will do the +ob but higher voltage
rating is re$uired for high-tension transmission"
#he lightning arrestor should be installed as close to generator as possible! usually at the first
pole outside the powerhouse" 'f the transmission line is more than a ilometer long! one
lightning arrestor should be installed for every ilometer"
In!tallation Procedure
(hec whether the lightening arrestor is as per the specification"
Mount a frame on the pole and fi% lightening arrestor on it (6ig" >"7)" 'f more than one
lightning arrestors are to be used! the distance between two arrestors should be at least
0BB mm"
Co$$i!!ioning and Te!ting
(ommissioning and testing of a MHP provides a system for checing that all the components of
the MHP are functioning properly as per the design and/or specified by the supplier" #he
commissioning and testing procedure also provides a record of the operational status of the
plant at startup which is a useful reference for the future" More practically! some problems may
be encountered when the plant is operated for the first time" #hese problems! whether in the
civil wors or in the electromechanical e$uipment! must be removed completely! before the plant
is put into normal operation"
*01 Co$$i!!ioning Procedure
#he commissioning procedure should begin )1@M after all the installation wor has been
completed and checed" #he commissioning report must have a list of all the items to be
checed or tested" 3longside the items! their condition and whether this condition is satisfactory
or whether it needs to be rectified! must be mentioned" @iewise! with the test results! the data
obtained! calculation of results (eg"! efficiency) must be noted along with whether or riot this
meets the specifications"
*0101 Cleaning the Pen!tor8
*uring penstoc installation some debris would inevitably have been dropped into the penstoc
while it was being assembled" #his debris must be removed before running the turbine otherwise
the turbine will be damaged"
#he penstoc valve should be closed and the penstoc partly filled with water in order to flush
the debris to the bottom from where it can easily be removed" #he debris -will collect behind the
#he water should then be drained by opening the valve or turbine vane +ust enough to allow the
water to drain very slowly" 3fter the water has drained out the debris can be removed in the
following ways"
'f a gate valve is installed; by removing the top half which houses the spindle and gate"
-y removing the valve (in case of butterfly valve) and/or turbine adaptor"
-y removing the turbine cover"
*0102 Chec8! Before Starting
-efore starting the plant the whole system from the weir and intae to the end of the
transmission line must be inspected to ensure that there is no damage or possibility of breaup!
especially in the canal" #he following must be checed and/or carried out to ensure as follows"
'ntae and trashrac are clean"
#he intae gate operates properly"
#he canal is cleared of stones and dirt"
#here are no cracs or drainage to the canal" /epair cracs or damage if any"
#he flushing valve opens and closes properly"
*esilting basin is cleared of all debris"
#hey operate properly"
Pen!toc8 Support!@anchor!
3ll nuts on the penstoc straps are tightened properly"
#here is no damage to supports/anchor blocs and the base of the anchor blocs/supports
have not been eroded" /epair as re$uired"
#he drainage arrangements around the anchor blocs/ supports are not bloced or
damaged" /epair as re$uired"
3ll bolts are tightened properly"
#he penstoc has not sagged at any point" /econstruct the affected support piers if
#he paint wor is intact" /epair as necessary"
#urbine is well mounted and in good condition"
(orrosion protection and painting are o"
#he ball bearings are well lubricated"
#he shaft is turning smoothly! there is no noise or vibration"
#urbine-alternator alignment is o"
3ll the nuts C bolts are properly tightened"
Po:er tran!$i!!ion
(oupling is aligned properly! no loose bolts
-elt is aligned and tightened to correct tension
3lternator is well mounted and in good condition"
(orrosion protection and painting is o"
#he ball bearings are well lubricated"
#he shaft is turning smoothly! there is no noise or vibration"
#urbine-alternator alignment is o"
1o loose or untightened bolts"
#he ventilation system is not bloced"
#he stator windings to terminal are properly connected"
3ll cabling is o" and fi%ed well
1ame plate has correct information"
'nsulation resistance is o"
(ontinuity of each grounding circuit throughout the system is o"
Control Panel!
Panels are properly fi%ed! doors and locs function properly"
Painting is o"
4arthing is done properly! screws and terminals are tight"
3ll cabling! connections! terminals and wiring are o" and there are no loose connections"
2eneral cabling layout is o and there is no damage"
@abels are well fi%ed! have correct e%pression and are readable"
&iring diagrams are available"
/esistance of all earthing systems is within limits (usually less than =B) #here is no
e%cessive sag of any section"
#he ground clearance of all transmission lines is satisfactory" #he lightning protection
system is in place"
#he connections to the transformer are properly tightened"
#he transmission line is clear of trees and branches" (ut off any branches or trees that
are too close (within ; meters of the transmission line)"
3ll service wires are properly connected"
3ll poles are undamaged! vertical and fi%ed properly" 3ll inflators are undamaged"
3ll connections to the insulators are properly made"
3ll +oints and splices in the transmission are properly made"
3fter all the checs have been completed! and are considered to be satisfactory! the waterways
should be filled slowly with water to test all overflow systems and for slippage or leaage" 3ll
gates! stoplogs! flushing valves must be operated in this situation to ensure that they function in
their normal operating condition" (hec to see whether the penstoc leas"
#his test should be carried out for a period of at least ;< hours while the canal remains full and
some flow is spilling from the forebay" *uring this time the system must be monitored to chec
for any leaages of water from the car-al and the forebay" 't must also be checed to see that no
damage has been caused by the overflowing water"
*02 Co$$i!!ioning and Perfor$ance Te!t!
3fter all the above tests have been carried out the system is ready for commissioning"
)pen the main valve or turbine valve .@)&@M to start rotating the turbine" #he turbine is
allowed to run at a low speed! with the generator connected! while ensuring that there are no
unusual sounds! vibrations or behaviour"
'f any unusal sound or odd behaviour is noticed then shut down immediately" #he problem(s)
should be investigated! identified and rectified before the tests are resumed (eg"! misalignment!
loose nuts/bolts! leaages! etc")"
'ncrease the turbine speed gradually until normal operating speed is attained" 3llow the turbine
to operate at this speed! with the generator e%citation )1 and with no load or a very small load!
for about two hours" *uring this time! constantly monitor the e$uipment particularly for
e%cessive temperature rises in the bearings and alternator windings"
'ncrease the load on the machines in steps of ;B per cent until ma%imum output is reached" 3t
every load step the system must be allowed to reach a steady state (ie" theme are no fluctuations
and flow as well as output is constant) and normal running condition before readings are taen"
&hile the machines are running! continue monitoring for unusual sounds! vibrations and odd
*0201 Perfor$ance Te!t
3fter- operating the machines at different loads as described above! a performance test should be
carried out by taing the readings of the machines and the outputs at different loads" 6ollowing
are recommended to be measured and recorded"
6low (if possible)! pressure at the penstoc outlet! turbine speed! bearing temperature! alternator
temperature at different points! alternator voltage and current on all phases! e%citer voltage and
current and voltage drop across transmission line lengths on each phase"
#he different readings should be taen at steps of ;BH increase of the rated power output of the
plant" 'n cases where an 4@( is installed the power output may be increased by increasing the
water flow" #he 4@( automatically switches on the ballast to maintain the correct speed" #he
tests can be continued using the ballast load but it is advisable to use an e%ternal load as it will
provide visible evidence to the customer that the re$uired output has been produced" 6or
e%ample in a 0B & plant! 0B one & heaters could be used; and for plants of 0-; &! 0B-;B
'))& bulbs could be used"
3 sample format of the test results is given in 3nne%" =" 1.
*0" /ectif2ing Fault!
*uring the commissioning -tests it is possible that! for various reasons! some problems are
encountered in the functioning of the plant! or! some faults are detected" #he severity of the
problem must be decided and action taen as one of the following"
*0"01 Seriou! Pro1le$!
.top further commissioning wor until the problem is fully rectified" .uch problems are broadly
of two types"
.afety related" 3ny conditions which! if not rectified and the e$uipment is operated! could lead
to in+ury! loss of life! or serious damage to the infrastructure and e$uipment of the plant"
'nade$uately built spillway which could cause erosion to anchor blocs/supports or to land"
#ransmission wires that can be touched by a person while standing on the ground"
3ny situation that causes electrical cables to overheat"
Operational #hese are cases which prevent the full output of the plant from being produced
and have an adverse effect on the plant life in the long term! if it is continued to be operated"
-loced or restricted canal which prevents the re$uired flow
/apid and high rise in temperature of bearings or generator windings
4%cessive vibration
/esonance speed that is close to the operating speed
*0"02 Ordinar2 Pro1le$!
#hese are the problems that can be rectified straight away or later and will not hinder the
commissioning wor which can continue"
Minor leaages of water from the canal or a pipe +oint"
Minor misalignment which can be ad+usted"
/epainting surfaces where the paint has been damaged"
3fter any rectification wor of a component! it must be tested before proceeding with the
*0% Endurance Te!t
3fter the performance tests have been completed the e$uipment should be run continuously for a
period of at least ;< hours at full load to find out if the machines are able to give (ontinuous and
trouble-free service" *uring this test the machinery should be continuously monitored for the
4%cessive vibration and noise"
)verheating of mechanical and electrical components"
@oss of output"
*eviations in fre$uency! voltage! current"
'f any of the above Problems occur then the cause of the problem must be found and rectified
before further tests are done or before the commissioning and handover is done"
3fter completing the endurance test successfully! the plant is almost ready to be handed over to
the owner-manager(s)" However! it would be advisable that the owner-manager and operators
continue operation of the plant for an additional ;-: days under supervision of the installers"
#he plant should be started! stopped! load(s) applied/removed and flow varied! while
continuously monitoring the output! instruments and overall behaviour (noise! temperature!
vibration! leaage)" #his would lead to more confidence about the performance of the
e$uipment and the plant operators would also have received some on-the-+ob training"
Training ,anager! Operator!
't is necessary that the manager and operators for an upcoming plant be selected/appointed by
the community/entrepreneur before the process of installation begins; so that these two or three
persons participate in the installation process fully" #his would increase their nowledge about
the names! shapes! characteristics and functions of various parts of the electromechanical
e$uipment in particular" #hey should be taught through actual practice instructions and
e%planations! the assembly and disassembly of various components (eg"! bearing housing to
chec/replace a bearint<)" #hey should also be informed/trained as to what would happen if a
unit was not handled or operated properly; or what are the signs of a inflammation" #he testing
and commissioning phase is especially very important since the installers would be starting and
operating the plant repeatedly looing for the faults or problems and removing them" #ile
manager and operator must be fully involved and instructed to carry out some operations
themselves (eg"! starting/stopping! disassembling a component! carrying out an alignment
chec)" 'nfact! some such operations may be repeated for the sole purpose of training these
worers during the testing and commissioning phase since it is probably the best opportunity"
#herefore! this training should be given due priority even if it may mean prolonging the process
of testing and commissioning" 3de$uate training of the managers and operators should also be
one of the clauses in the handing over certificate to be signed by the owner/community leader
taing over the possession of the plant"
#he following main features should be covered through this training
.tarting and stopping procedures including what to do if something goes wrong"
3pplying and removing the load (all aspects of operation)"
'dentification and names of various components! their functions! operational
characteristics! etc"
6amiliarity with most sections of operations and maintenance manual"
Maintenance of all parts"
-asic fault diagnosis and repairs"
(leanliness C safety"
-asic boo-eeping"
#he operator is almost lie a bus driver" 4ven a minor carelessness on his part may result in a
serious breadown and/or bodily harm" #herefore! the importance and conduct of this training
should be taen seriously by the all concerned"
.anding O&er the Plant
#he final step in the installation process is the handing over of the plant to the owners or the
manager C community representatives" #he installers must demonstrate to the recipients that
the installation as been completed satisfactorily in accordance with the specifications provided;
that the plant was producing the rated power and woring satisfactorily in all respects land that
it was liely to perform satisfactorily in all respects in future also" 'n addition! both installer and
the recipient must sign and eep copies of some formal documents with regard to the
satisfactory performance! handing over and the guarantees for future"
-01 Co$pletion Certificate
#he completion certificate is usually needed by the installer to get his funds released from some
other funding agency such as a ban; whereas the guarantee(s) from the manufacturers and the
installers are needed more by the owner-recipient; so that he can oet services and parts to be
replaced if something goes wrong during the guarantee period" #hese two types of documents
must be written in clear and precise language to avoid any ambiguity" 3n indicative proforma
shown in 3nne%" 7"0 may be used for the final certification" #he manufacturer/installer must also
provide all drawings! catalogues! figures! setches! maps! a copy of feasibility study and a well-
prepared and useful operation and maintenance manual to the owners"
-02 7uarantee!
#wo or more guarantees may have to be provided by the manufactures! installers and suppliers
of e$uipment! depending upon where the e$uipment has been ac$uired and by who"
#he manufacturers)! for e%ample! would have to provide guarantees for a prescribed period (eg"!
one year)! that the e$uipment would be repaired free of charge including replacement of parts if
the machine or a part/unit fails within this period; e%cept if the failure is caused by improper or
careless use 5 of the e$uipment by the operators" Esually! the guarantee is also provided for the
-arts/components obtained from the maret or from other manufacturers such as penstoc pipes!
bearings! bearing housing! couplings! belts! etc"
.imilar guarantees should also be provided about the civil wors (if constructed by a
contractor/installer) and about the transmission and distribution lines"
3 sample guarantee document is shown below which may be modified! rewritten or Enproved to
accommodate all the relevant components or units" #his guarantee is meant for the turbine!
generator and coupling system; but other items can also be added"
#he following e$uipment supplied/manufactured by NNNNNN" is hereby guaranteed by the
undersigned for a period of 0; months; if it breas down or fails to perform satisfactorily to
produce the rated output" #he supplier/manufacturer hereby undertaes to repair such parts and
replace the faulty parts! so that its performance gives the rated outputs" #his guarantee!
however! would be void if the failure of a component was caused by improper
handling/operation! carelessness or an accident"
(0) NNNNN (type) turbine NNNNN & capacity! NNNNN mm dia" rotor!
NNNNN bearings manufactured by NNNNN ((ountry)" .haft diameter
NNNNN mm! bearing housing NNNNN (type! mae! country)"
(;) 2enerator NNNNN (type)! NNNNN phase NNNNN (rpm) with
brushes/brushless! with/without 3L/ NNNNN (manufacturer name and country)!
capacity NNNNN L3! NNNNN
(:) ; Pulleys NNNNN mm dia C NNNNN mm dia; NNNNN mm shaft dia" and
NNNNN mm dia"! NNNNN (material); having NNNNN grooves NNNNN
(type) ey"
(<) NNNNN L belts NNNNN (manufacturer C country)! nominal length
NNNNN; %-section area NNNNN mm
! NNNNN (material)
(.ignature of guarantor)
*esignation F NNNNNNNNN"
.#3MP )rganisation F NNNNNNNNN
Anne; 201
Li!t of Tool! and Other ,aterial! for In!tallation of ,.P Sche$e
Particulars /e$uired (heced #ic when
Mes 1o
.panner sets (/ing and )pen)
.lide wrench
.crew driver sets (Philips and plain)
Pipe wrench
6ile set (/ound C 6lat)
.teel ruler
Measuring tape (:B m)
@evel (.pirit C .tring)
Hand drill machine
.mall bench vice
Lice grip
3llen ey set
Punches for maing holes
2rease gun
-aring puller
&ire -rush
Hac saw
4mery papers (different grades)
Paint brush
*ifferential chain
*reep pin
Portable welding machine
(ommon pliers
1ose pliers
&ire cutter
@ine tester
.afety belt for climbing the pole
2as solder
(rimping tool
&ire puller
6re$uency meter
Libration meter
'nsulation tester
#ri s$uares
(row bar
MasonOs trowel
.pirit level
-oring rods
3bney level
Plum bob
Other ,aterial!
(ement (1eeded $uantity)
.ealing materials
*oors! windows
(orrugated iron sheets
6uses (different siAes)
-allast heaters (if not available with 4@()
Anne; '01
/ecord Sheet for Perfor$ance Te!t! for ,.P Tur1ine 7enerator
#urbine typeF
(ontroller typeF
/ated output
Micro hydro Pro+ect
4fficiency/)utput test results
#est done byF
@oad (&) Loltage! L (urrent! ' #urbine
1et head
output (&)
(Lr% 'rG Ly %
'y G Lb % 'b
/ M - / M -
Anne; -01
A Propo!ed Profor$a for .anding O&er and Ta8ing o&er a ,,.P
Plant 4Co$pletion Certificate5
To 1e filled 12 the authori!ed repre!entti&e of the In!taller0
A0 7eneral Infor$ation
Plant 1ameF NNNNNNNNN"" /ated (apacity (&)F NNNNNNNNNNN"
Plant @ocation (describe) NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN
)wner nameF NNNNNNNNN"" @ead Person F NNNNNNNNN""NNNNN
B0 Co$pletion of Ci&il 6or8!
&eir constructed Mes/1o" #ype F NNNNNNNNN"" @ength (m)F NNNNNNNNN""
*istance between weir and intae mouth (m)F NNNNNNNNN""
'ntae type F NNNNNNNNN"" .iAe F NNNNNNNNN"" (m)
(anal type F NNNNNNNNN"" K J .ection F NNNNNN @ength (m) NNNNNNN
3re length sections of different types Q Mes/1o" *escription and length NNNNNNNNN""
*esign flow (@/s) NNNNNNNNN""
(ontrol 2ate type C .iAe F NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNN"
*esilting basins (1o")F NNNNNNNNN"" .iAe F NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNN""""
(onstruction typesF NNNNNNNNN"" @ocationF NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNN"""
6lushing .ystems F Mes/1o" 1oF NNNNNNN"" (onstruction typeF NNNNNNNNN""
.pillwaysF 1o" NNNNNNNNN"" (onstruction typeF NNNNNNNNN""NNNNN
2ate providedQ Mes/1o" 2ate type and .iAeF NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNN"""
6orebay siAe (@ % & % H! m) NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNN""
#rash rac type and siAe NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN"
6lush gate type and siAe NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN""
*isilting basin attachedQ Mes/1o #ype C .iAe NNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNN"""
Penstoc gate providedQ Mes/1o" NNNNNNNNN"" #ype C .iAe NNNNNNNNN""
Penstoc material NNNNN"" #ype NNNNNN"" *iameter (m) NNNNNNNNNN"
@ength NNNNN 6langed pieces (1o") NNNNN #hicness NNN"" Lent pipeQ Mes/1o"
4%pansion 9oints (1o") NNNNNN""NNNNNN"" #ype NNNNNN""NNNNNN""
-ends (1o) NNNNNN""NNNNNN"" #ype C *escription NNNNNN""NNNNN"
2ross Head (m) NNNNNN""NNNNNN"" 1et Head (m) NNNNNN""
Lalve ProvidedQ Mes/1o" #ype NNNNNN""NNNNNN""
Manufacturers (1ame C 3ddress) NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNN"""
Powerhouse siAe (@ % & % H) NNNNNN"" (onstruction type NNNNNN""NNNNN
/oof type NNNNNN"" *oors 1o" NNNNNN"" &indows 1o" NNNNNN""NN
#ail race type NNNNNN""NNNNNN"" @ength NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNN
(ivil wors completed satisfactorilyQ Mes/1o
3ny leaage! earth movement from or around any of the civil worsQ Mes/1o
)ther Problems during commissioning of civil wors (describe)F NNNNNN""NNNNN"
#o what e%tent they were overcomeQ NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNN""
Te!t /e!ult! for Ci&il Con!truction
6low measured in (analQ Mes/1o" 6low (0/s) NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNNNN"""
Pressure gauge installed in Penstoc Q Mes/1o" Pressure at full flow (Kg/cm
&eir performing satisfactorilyQ Mes/1o" 'f no! what needs to be done NNNNNN""NNN"""
.ettling basins performing satisfactorilyQ Mes/1o" 'f no! what needs to be done NNNNNN""
3ll flushing systems performing satisfactorily Q Mes/1o"
'f no! what should be done NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNNNNN"""
6orebay C its accessories performing satisfactorityQ Mes/1o"
'f no! describe problem and solution NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNN
's penstoc and its accessories performing satisfactorilyQ Mes/1o"
'f no! describe problem and solution NNNNNN""NNNNNN""NNNNNNNNNN""
C0 In!tallation of Electro($echanical E#uip$ent
#urbine type NNNN /otor dia" (m) NNNNNN /ated capacity (&) NNNNNNNN
/ated speed (rpm) NNNNN /unaway speed (rpm) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
-earing type NNNNNNNN .iAe NNNNNNNN Manufacturer NNNNNNNN"""
Te!t /e!ult! 4Tur1ine5
's turbine properly installedQ Mes/1o" 'f no! describe problem and remedy NNNNN"""
&as rated speed achievedQ Mes/1o" 'f no! suggest remedy NNNNNNNNNNNNNN"""
&as rated power achievedQ Mes/1o" 'f no! describe problems and remedies NNNNNNNN
3ny other problemQ Mes/1o" *escribe C suggest remedies NNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
#ype NNNN .ingle/three phase" /ated L3 NNNN! /ated speed (rpm) NNNNNNN
/ated voltage (v) NNNNNN 3L/Q Mes/1o" #ype NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
2enerator properly installedQ Mes/1o" 'f no! describe problem and remedy NNNNN""
4@( ProvidedQ Mes/1o" #ype NNNN Manufacturer and (ountry NNNNNNNN
(oupling/Pulley siAes NNNNNNNN .peed ratio NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Power #ransmission type (if different) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
(ontrol Panel 'nstruments and 1o" provided (*etails) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
Main switch type NNNNNNNN 6uses type C 1o" NNNNNNNNNN
)ver-voltage cutout NNNNNNN )ver-current cutout NNNNNNNNN
4arthing system (describe) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
3ll instruments and indicatorrs woring properlyQ Mes/1o
'f no! describe problem C remedy NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
Te!t re!ult! 47enerator5
&as rated electrical power achievedQ Mes/1o" 'f no! describe problem C solution NNNNN""
4@( tested and operatedQ Mes/1)" M(-/M((- operated C testedQ Mes/1o"
&hole circuit tested within powerhouseQ Mes/1o" e%plain problem and remedy NNNNNN"
3ny misalignmentQ Mes/1o" 'f Mes! describe NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
3ny vibrationQ Mes/1o" 'f Mes! describe NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"""
3ny high temperature Q Mes/1o" 'f Mes! describe NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
3ny loose beltsQ Mes/1o" 'f yes! describe NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
4ndurance test doneQ Mes/1o" *uration (hrs") NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
'f no! describe problem and remedy NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
3ny problem during earthing continuity checs for generator! 4@(! control panelQ Mes/1o"
*escribe problem (if any) and remedy NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
's fre$uency meter installed Mes/1o" 'f Mes! fre$uency range (HA) NNNNNNNNNNN"
*escribe problem with fre$uency (if any) and remedy NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
*" #ransmission @ine 'nstallation
Main transmission line length (m) NNN &iring system single/three phase! three/four wires
poles 1o" NNNNNN #ype NNNNNNNN .iAe (@ % & % H) NNNNNNN
@ightening arrestors! 1o" NNNNNNNNNN #ype NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
-ranch #ransmission/*istribution lines! 1o" NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
(i) (ii) (ii)
@engths of each branch NNNNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNNN
.ingle/three phase NNNNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNNN
@ightening arrestors; 1o" NNNN"" Poles! 1o "NNNNN 'nsulators! 1oNNNNN
#est /esults
Have all wires been inspected/tested for proper installation including +ointing! continuity and
resistance! sagging! etcQ Mes/1o" *escribe problem (if any) and remedy NNNNNNNNN"
Have any other problems been noticed with wires! poles! nearby trees! buildings! etcQ Mes/1o"
*escribe problem and remedy (if any) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
E0 Training
#raining conducted for prospective operators and managers during 'nstallation and
(ommissioningQ Mes/1o" 'f no! describe problem and remedy/'f yes! give details NNNNN""
3dditional training during the first supervised operational phase conductedQ Mes/1o" 'f no!
describe problem and remedy/'f yes! give details NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN""
*escribe the overall assessment of training absorbed by the personal to gain satisfactory
Le&el of e;perti!e gained 4Tic85
Person 1ame .atisfactory 3cceptable @ow 1egligible
)perator 0 NNNNNNNNN NN NN" N""" NN
)perator ; NNNNNNNNN NN NN" N""" NN
)perator : NNNNNNNNN NN NN" N""" NN
*escribe reasons for low or negligible gains and suggest remedy NNNNNNNNNNNN
F0 O&erall Certificate of Sati!factor2 Co$pletion of all A!pect! of In!tallation Proce!!
(ertificate that all the aspects of the 'nstallation process have been completed satisfactorily in
accordance with the agreed specifications" 3ll the defects and problems encountered during the
commissioning phase have been removed and no problem is anticipated in future" #his certificate
applies to the following completed components"
Co$pleted Co$ponent! Signature 12 In!taller Signature 12 /ecipient
(ivil wors
4lectro-mechanical 4$uipment
#ransmission @ines
(ommissioning C #esting
(ertified further that all the relevant documents including; operations and maintenance manual!
drawings! specifications (eg"! for bearings)! maps/setches and feasibility/survey report; have
been provided to the owner/manager/authorised recipient"
.igned by another prominent village leader *ateF NNNNNNN""
1ame! Position C 3ddress NNNNNNN""NNNNNNN""NNNNNNN""NNNN""
D0(.igned by 3uthorised /epresentative of 'nstallers) *ateF NNNNNNNNNNN""
1ame! Position and 3ddress NNNNNNNNNNN""NNNNNNNNNNN""NNN"
D0 1ote" 'f different aspects have been completed by different in installers (eg"! civil wors!
transmission lines) then they should all sign at such spaces introduced in a modified
/eference! and Further /eading
@auter+ung! H"! and .chmit! 2"! 0787" RPlanning for 'ntae .tructuresO" *eutsches Sentrum for
4ntwiclungstechnologien (23#4)! 2#S! 4schborn! 2ermany"
'nversin! 3"! /"! 078:" RMicro-Hydropower .ourcebooO" 1/4(3 'nternational 6oundation!
&ashington *"("
Harvey! 3"; -rown! 3"; Hettiarachi! P"; and 'nvesin! 3"! 077:" RMicro-Hydro *esign ManualO"
'ntermediate #echnology *evelopment 2roup ('#*2)! E"K"
&altham! M"! 077<" R4lectrical 2uidelines for Micro-Hydro-4lectric 'nstallationsO" '#*2!
4nergy .ystems 2roup! 078?" RMicro-Hydro #raining (ourseO" Lol" 0 and ''! *epartment of
Mechanical 4ngineering! 4dinburgh Eniversity/1apier (ollege! E"K"

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