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The hip is a multi-axial joint, supported heavily by strong and large muscles. The most
common areas of injury are the groin, hip flexors and hamstrings. trains and tears to
these muscles are common in hoc!ey and running.
The mechanism of injury of a hamstring strain is !nee extension "hile the hip is flexed.
The hamstrings are difficult to support because of it#s use as a t"o joint muscle. Hip
flexors are often strained from an over extension of the hip. The groin $adductos% are
overstretched during hip extension $hip externally rotated% "ith excessive abduction.
The techni&ue of choice to support the groin and hip flexors is the Hip pica techni&ue
$"ith small modifications depending on the muscle needing the support
The purpose of this techni&ue is to the support the adductors of the hip or the hip flexors.
The elastic natural of the tensor helps pull the hip bac! into adduction "hen it is abducted
thus lessening the about of "or! the groin muscles have to perform. .ith the hip flexor
hip spica the elastic nature of the tensor "ill help pull the hip bac! into extension.
Have the person stand "ith legs shoulder "idth apart. The injured leg#s !nee is flexed by
placing the heel on a boo!. The hip is internally rotated.
Hip 0lexors
The person is places in the same position except the foot is up on box about 1 to 23
inches high. The hip is lightly internally rotated
T"o 1 inch tensors or one double length tensor
2.6 or 3# adhesive tape
donut pad $from rubatex% placed over the tear $not al"ays necessary%
7-)+T P(7 ()7 ()'H-,
(pplication of donut pad can be placed over the sight of the tear. $)ot sho"n%
tart the tensor on the front of the thigh
'ircle the thigh once as an anchor belo" the level of the injury
.rap around the thigh over the injury sight $usually high up in the groin%. -verlap the
anchor by half
)-TE8 (l"ays "rap the tensor lateral to medial $to"ards the inside of the thigh%
9ring the tensor through the groin, around the thigh
(s the tensor comes from the posterior side to the lateral side of the thigh angle up
to"ards the opposite iliac crest.
.rap the tensor up over the iliac crest to the posterior side of the body
.rap across the bac!, bac! to the lateral aspect of the thigh.
,epeat the process through the groin one or t"o more times
'lose off by "rapping around the thigh.
'lose off the end of the tensor by applying several strips of adhesive tape.
:ou can also close off the hip spica by using elastic tape follo"ing the same
directions as the tensor.

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