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General guide lines for Term Paper

To all the faculty members of Applied Sciences:

In addition to the guidelines given by AUUP, broad and general outlines for preparation of termpaper
report by 1
year students are given here. These guidelines can be taken into account while making
suggestions to students for preparation of report. The total number of pages in the report may be
restricted to 20 to 25 pages.

The material should not be cut & paste exercise but should show clear evidence that the student has
read the material and has written in his own language.

Format of Term Paper

1. Cover page
2. Acknowledgement by the student
3. Certificate by the faculty guide
4. Contents / Index of different components of the term paper
5. Abstract not more than 250 words
6. Introduction
6a: Definition and objective of the term paper
6b: International and national status of the work in the area
7. Methodology / observations / results
8. Discussion
9. References (Referred at appropriate places in text).

1. The front page should appear like:



Title: (.)

Submitted to


Guided By: Submitted By:

Name of Facualty Guide Name of the Student
Department Enrolment.No.
ASET. Roll No.
Department & Section.

Amity Logo
Amity University, Uttar Pradeesh

2. Second Page should be acknowledgement by the student with his/her signatures.

3. Third page should contain the certificate by the faculty guide whose format is given below:

This is to certify that Mr/Ms.., student of B.Tech. in (Department) has
carried out the work presented in the project of the Termpaper entitle .. as a
part of First year programme of Bachelor of Technology in fromAmity School of
Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh under my supervision.

Name & signature of the faculty Guide
Deptt. Of Applied Sciences
ASET, Noida.

4. Fourth page should contain the contents / Index of different components of the Term Paper.
5. Fifth page should contain the abstract of the work done in not more than 250 words and should
give the gist of the work done.
6. From sixth page onwards the student should give introduction spelling out the clear objective of
the term paper and information available in the relevant subject area of the topic.
7. After introduction should come methodology/observations / data collection for the project work.
8. The next part of the report should contain discussion / findings.
9. This part should contain conclusions drawn by the students from this term Paper.
10. The last part should give the list of references as per the format and instructions given in the guide
lines of the termpaper by the University. The references should be cited in the text at appropriate
11. If the same project has been done by two or three students, then each student should write 1 to 2
pages detailing their individual contributions to the term paper.

I hope these suggestions would help our faculty members in getting the termpaper report prepared
with uniformity.

The guide lines on preparations of termpapers by Amity University are enclosed as an attachment
to this.

Wishing you all the best.

Yours sincerely

Prof. A.L.Verma,
Head, Applied Sciences.

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