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Holy Cross of Davao College

Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City

Math 5 (Algebra) Project
Chapter VI and VII

Submitted by:
Balanghig, Edward John
Clima, Yvony
Ticong, Jemerlyn
Tabaque, Jamaica
Alcano, Shella Mae

Submitted to:

Mr Romil Torrejos
Math 5 Instructor

1. Solve linear equations in one variable;
2. Translate verbal phrases into algebraic expressions or mathematical
3. Solve different types of word problems.

An equation is a statement that expresses the equality of two
mathematical expressions. Examples include:

x+2=7, 2y
+ 3y = 2, x
= -3 and (a+b)
+ 2ab + b

In particular, note that each equation has an equality sign. A solution of
an equation that involves a single variable is any value of the variable that
makes the equation true. Thus x = 5 is a solution of x + 2 = 7 and y = -2 is
a solution of 2y
+ 3y = 2. On the other hand, the equation x
= -3 has no
real solution.

To solve an equation means to find all its solutions. In this chapter we only
consider equations that can be expressed in the form of ax + b = 0 where
a and b are constant with a 0. Such equations are called linear
equations in x. The properties of the equality guarantee that there is
always a unique solution of such equations.

Example 1: Solve for x + 7 = 3

x + 7 = 3 By Addition Property of Equality, this equation is equivalent to
(x +7) + (-7) = 3 + (-7), or
x = -4

Example 2: Solve for x in 3x + 17 = 4x

Again, by Addition Property of Equality, the following is obtained:
3x + 17 + (-4x) = 4x + (-4x), or
-x + 17 = 0
-x + 17 + (-17) = 0 + (-17)
-x = -17

Then by Multiplication Property of Equality, the only solution x = 17, is

Example 3: Solve for y: 8y + 3 = 7

By the Addition Property of Equality
(8y = 3) + (-3) = 7 + (-3), or

The Multiplication Property of Equality shows that the previous equation is
equivalent to

Therefore, the only solution is y =

Note that the solution obtained can be always be checked by substituting
in the original equation. For example, y = is indeed a solution of 8y + 3
= 7 since 8 +3 = 7

Instead of applying the addition and multiplication properties of the
equality, one can use the process of transposition that is illustrated in the
next example.

Example 4: Solve for p in 12p + 6 = 10p 4

To solve for p, 6 on the left must be eliminated. Thus, it is transposed to
the right by becoming -6. So the new equation is now 12 p = 10p 10.

Now, the 10p on the right side must go with 12 p; so 10 is transposed to
the left, becoming 10;

12p 10p = -10 or
2p = -10

Finally the 2 in 2p must be eliminated. It can be transposed to the right,
changing into :

p = -10
p = -5


One sure way of solving equations containing fractions is to get rid of the
denominators by multiplying the whole equation by the least common

Example 1: Solve for x:

The LCD is 12, so we can solve the equation as follows:

2x - 3x = 240
-x = 240
x = -240

Therefore, x = -240

Example 2: Solve for x

The LCD is 4x, thus

7 5x = 6x 4
-5x 6x = -4 7
-11x = -11, or
x = 11


The procedure for solving a linear equation in one variable can also be
used to solve for a particular variable in terms of others in literal
equations as illustrated in the next examples:

Example 1: Solve for a: a + b = y

a = y-b

Example 2: Solve for x: bx + c = a

bx = a c

Example 3: Solve for l: P = 2l + 2w

P 2w = 2l or 2l = P 2w
So, l = (P 2w)


Before going into word problems, it is important to see how certain
phrases and statements can be translated mathematically. The examples
that follow illustrate some commonly used expressions.


1. Five increase by a number:
If y = the number, then the phrase is the same as 5 + y

2. The sum of m and n:
Therefore: m + n

3. The product of five and the sum of x and y:
Therefore: 5 (x + y)

4. Thrice a number diminished by five is 14.
If x = the number, the equation is 3x 5 = 14

5. A number decreased by 10 is 20.
If m = the number, then m 10 = 20

6. Twice the sum of x and y increased by 6 is 25.
In this case the equation is 2 (x + y) + 6 = 25


The following steps may be helpful in solving a word problem:
1. Choose a variable to represent an unknown quantity then write the other
unknowns (if there are any) in terms of the variable.
2. Form a table or draw a figure if appropriate. Then form the given
information, write an equation that involves the variable.
3. Solve the equation.
4. Check the answer you obtained in the original words of the problem.


Example 1: Find three consecutive even integers whose sum is 72.

Let x be the first number.
Then the next two given integers will be x + 2 and x + 4 respectively. Their
sum is therefore x + (x + 2) + x + 4. But it is also given that their sum is 72.
The following linear equation is then obtained.

x + (x + 2) + x + 4 = 72
This equation is solved as follows:
3x + 6 = 72
3x = 72 6
3x = 66
3x = 22

Therefore, x + 2 = 24 and x + 4 = 26. Now, these values clearly solve the
original problem that is 22, 24, and 26 are consecutive even integers
and their sum is 72. Therefore the answers are 22, 24, and 26.

Example 2: When the smaller of the two consecutive integers is added to three
times the larger, the result is 43. Find the smaller integer.

Let x be the smaller integer.
Then the larger integer is x + 1. The first sentence of the problem is now
translated into the equation x + 3 (x + 1) = 43 which can be solved:

x + 3x + 3 = 43
4x = 43 3
4x = 40
x = 10

Therefore, x + 1 = 11. Now, substituting in the original problem shows that
the solutions are correct. So the integers are 10 and 11.

Note: When you work with consecutive integers, the following may be helpful.

Three consecutive Variables
integers x, x + 1, x + 2
odd integers x, x + 2, x + 4
even integers x, x + 2, x + 4

Example 3: In an algebra test, the highest score was 42 points more than the
lowest. If the sum of the two scores was 138, find the highest score.

Let x be the highest score.
Then the lowest score is x 42.Since the sum of the two scores is 138,

x (x 42) = 138
2x = 138 + 42
2x = 180
x = 90

Thus, x 42 = 28. It can be checked that the values obtained solve the
original word problem. Therefore, 90 is the highest score.

In solving mixture problems it is usually helpful to form a table. It is also
important to note the following fact:
When two or more solutions are mixed, the amount of a certain
ingredient in the final mixture is equal to the sum of the amounts of
the same ingredient in the different parts.

Example 1: How many liters of pure alcohol must be added to 10 liters of water
to be able to produce a solution that is 25 % alcohol?
Let x = the number of liters of pure alcohol to be added. The
following table can be formed.

100% water 100% alcohol 75% water
25% alcohol
Total volume
(in liters)
100 x (10 + x)
Amount of
(in liters)
0 x .25 (10 + x)

The equation suggested by the comment at the start of 6.3.2, is:
0 + x = 0.25 (10 + x)
which can solved
x = 2.5 + 0.25x
x - 0.25 x = 2.5
0.75 x = 2.5
x = 3 1/3

Therefore, 3 1/3 liters of pure alcohol is needed.

Example: A chemist would like to produce 700 gallons of a solution that is
28% acid, but only solutions that have 30% acid and 20% acid,
respectively are available. How many gallons of the 30% and 20%
acid solutions must be mixed to be able to obtain the desired

Let x be the number of gallons of the 30% solution. Since the final solution
is to contain 700 gallons, the 20% solution should have a total volume of
700 x gallons. In table form:
30% acid 20% acid 28% acid
Total volume x 700 - x 700
Amount of acid
(in gallons)
0.3x 0.2 (700 x) 0.28 (700)

The equation is therefore:

0.3x + 0.2 (700 x) = 0.28 (700)
which is solved below:
0.3x + 140 0.2x = 0.28 (700)
0.3x + 140 0.2x = 196
0.3x 0.2x = 196 140
0.1x = 56
x = 560
700- 560 = 140

It can be shown that the answers check if substituted in the word problem.
Therefore 560 gallons of 30% acid solution and 140 gallons of 20% acid
solution must be mixed.


Example 1: A farmer can plow a field in 2 days using a hand tractor. His
brother, by using hand plow and a carabao can plow the same field
in 8 days. How many days will be required for the plowing if they
work together?

Let x = the number of days it will take to plow the field if they work
together. Then the following table can be formed:

Farmer with
hand tractor
Brother with
Farmer and
No. of days 2 8 x
Part of work
done in one day
1/8 1/x

The values on the third row are obtained by taking the reciprocal of those
on the second. Such should be the case, for example the farmer takes 2
days to finish the work and so after 1 day, he has finished only of the
work. In the same way, his brother can finish 1/8 of the work in the day.
Therefore, if they work together, their combined work in one day is + 1/8
of the entire work. But this should be 1/x as the entry on the lower right
+ 1/8 = 1/x
and if 8x is multiplied,
4x + x = 8
So, 5x = 8 and x= 8/5 or 1 3/5 which can be checked in the original
problem. Therefore, it will take 1 3/5 days to finish plowing the field
if the two work together.


When a body is moving in a path at constant speed, the body travels
equal distances in equals intervals of time. This motion is referred to as
uniform motion. The rate or speed of the body in its path is defined as
the distance traveled in one unit of time.

Thus, if
r = the rate or speed
d = the distance traveled, and
t = the amount of time that elapsed
d = r t

Example 1:
Brain-Brain walked from point A to another point B along JP Laurel St. at
the rate of 3 km per hour. As soon as he reached B, he went back to A
this time on a jeep that averaged 57 km per hour. How far is A from B if
the entire trip took him 2/3 of an hour?

It is important to see that there are two sets of d, r and t referred to in the
problem the first being the walk from A to B and the second the ride
back. But these two are related in the following way:

The time spent on the two adds up to 2/3 hours. And the distances
covered are equal.

Let x = the distance (in km) between A and B

Since d = r t, it follows that

A to B B to A
Distance x x
Rate 3 57
Time x/3 x/57

Since the total time spent is 2/3 of an hour, the following equation holds:

Which is solved as follows

19x + x = 38
20x = 38
x = 1.9

After checking on the original problem, it can be concluded that the
distance A and B is 1.19 kms.


In solving investment problems, the following formula is used:
I = P r

This formula computes the annual simple interest (I) that is earned by an
investment of amount P (for principal) at the interest rate r

Example 1: A Davao businessman invested part of 110 at 12% interest rate and
the rest at 10%. If the two investments earned the same interest,
determine how much was invested in each.

Let x = the amount (in pesos) invested at 12%. Then the following table
can be formed:

12% interest 10% interest
Principal X 110,000 x
Rate 0.12 0.10
Interest 0.12x 0.10 (110,000 x)

As the 2 investments earned the same interest,
0.12x = 0.10 (110,000 x)
The equation can be solved:
0.12x = 0.10 (110,000 x)
0.12x = 11,000 0.10x
0.22x = 11,000
x = 50,000 and
110,000 x = 60,000

It can be checked that these values solve the original problem.


Example 1: The sum of the present ages of two children is 18. Six years from
now the age of the older child will be twice the age of the younger
brother. Find the present ages.
Let x = present age (in years) of the younger child.
Then the following table can be formed.

Present age Age 6 years from
Younger child x x + 6
Older child 18 x (18 x) + 6

From the given information,
(18 x) + 6 = 2 (x + 6)
Thus: 24 x = 2x + 12
-3x = -12
x = 4 and
18 x = 14

It can be verified that these values solve the original problem. Therefore
the younger child is now 4 years old while the other child is 14.

Example 2: An antique jar is 45 years older than an exact copy. In 13 years, the
older jar will be four times as old as the copy will be then. Find the
present ages of the jars.

Let x = present age (in years) of the antique jar.
Then the table below is formed from the information given.
Present age Age 13 years hence
The exact copy X X + 13
Antique jar 45 + x (45 + x) + 13

Also, (45 + x) + 13 = 4 (x + 13)
And so: 58 + x = 4x + 52
-3x = -6
x = 2 and 45 + x = 47
Therefore, the antique jar is 47 years old and the copy is 2 years old.

Example 1: The perimeter of a certain rectangle is 16 times the width. The
length is 12 centimeters more than the width. Find the width of the
Recall the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle (in centimeters).
Then the length l and width w:

P = 2l + 2w

Let w = width of the rectangle (in centimeters). The length is w + 12
cm,. This the perimeter is

P = 2 l + 2 w = 2 (w +12) + 2w

But the first sentence of the problem says that

P = 16w


16w = 2 (w + 12) + 2w
16w = 2w + 24 + 2w
16w 4w = 24
12w = 24
w = 2

Therefore, the width is 2 cm.

Example 2: One side of a triangle is 10 centimeters longer than the shortest
side. A third side is 20 centimeters longer than the third side. If the
perimeter of the triangle is 120 centimeters, find the length of the
shortest side.

Recall the formula for the perimeter of a triangle with sides having
lengths a, b, and c namely:

P = a + b + c

Let x = the length of the shortest side (in cm). Then the other two
sides have lengths x + 10 cm and x + 20 cm respectively.

(x) + (x+ 10) + (x + 20) = 120
or 3x + 30 = 120
3x = 90
x = 30
So, the shortest side is 30 cm long.

6.3.8 RATIO

The quotient obtained by dividing two quantities is called their ratio. The
ratio of x to y is also denoted by the symbol x:y which read as x is to y. It
may also be written in the form x/y where y0.

Example 1: Divide P72.00 between Jon and Pol so that the ratio of Jons
money to Pols money is 4:5


There should be some number x for which Jons share = 4x and Pols
Share = 5x. From the given problem, it follows that
4x + 5x = 72
or 9x = 72 and
x =8 Therefore, 4x = 32, and 5x = 40.


A proportion is a statement of the equality of two ratios. This may be
written as a: b = c:d which is read as a is to b as c is to d, or a/b = c/d.
Both are equivalent to ad = bc.

Example 1: A piece of steel chain 2 feet long weighed 4 pounds. What would
be the weight of a piece of the same chain 5 feet long?

Solution: Let x be the weight of the chain (in pounds). Then


1. Direct variation

A variable y is said to vary directly as another variable x (or y is
directly proportional to x) if there is a nonzero constant k such
that y = kx. Here, k is called the constant of proportionality.

Example 1: Suppose y varies directly as x and y = 6 when x= 3
(a) Write y in terms of x
(b) Find y when x = 4

It is desired to determine the value of k un y = kx.
Since y = 6 when x = 3, 6 k 3 or k = 2
Therefore, y = 2x
Finally, if x = 4, then y = 2 4 = 8

2. Inverse variation

When y = k/x, for some k 0, y is said to vary inversely as x (or y
is inversely proportional to x)

Example 2: If y varies inversely as x and y = 4 when x = 3
(a) Write y in terms of x
(b) Find y when x = 6

This time y = k/x. Since y = 4 when x = 3,
4 = k/3 or k = 12
Therefore y = 12/x and y = 12/6 = 2 when x = 6.

3. Joint variation

If y, u, and v are variable and y = kuv, for some k 0, y is said to
vary jointly as u and v.

Example 3: The volume of a right circular cone varies jointly as the square of
the radius of its base and its height. Express this variation by an

Let V be the volume, r the radius of the base and h the height of
the cone. Then, V= kr
h, for some k 0.

4. Combined variation

If y = kn/v for some k 0, y is said to vary directly as u and
inversely as v.

Example 4: According to Newtons Law of Gravitation, force exerted by 2
particles on each other varies jointly as their masses and inversely
as the square of the distance between them. Express this variation
by an equation.

Let F be the force, m
and m
the masses of the d the distance.
Then F = km
/d for some k 0.


1. Identify and use the properties of inequalities and absolute values
2. Solve inequalities in one variable
3. Simplify expressions involving values.


One of the important properties of the real numbers is that they can be
ordered. Thus, 3 is smaller than 5 and 2 is bigger than 1. Under this
ordering the real numbers can be paired off with points on the real line

Given any 2 real numbers a and b, we write:

(i) a < b, read as a is less than b, if the point on the line
corresponding to a is on the left of the point corresponding to b:

(ii) a > b, read a is greater than b, if the point on the line
corresponding to a is on the right of the point corresponding to b:

Therefore a < b and b > a are one and the same inequality.

Aside from < and >, we also use the symbols and . We write a b, read a
us less than or equal to b if either a < b or a = b. Similarly, we write a b, read
a is greater than or equal to b if either a > b or a = b.

The next two properties of inequalities are very important in solving inequalities:

1. (The Addition Property of Inequality) If a and b are any real numbers with
a < b, then a + c < b + c for any real number c
2. (The Multiplication Property of Inequality) If a and b are any real numbers
a < b and

(i) c > 0 then ac < bc,
(ii) c < 0 then ac > bc

1. Clearly, 9 < 14 and 9 + 3 < 14 + 3 and even 9 3 < 14 3. Note that
subtracting 3 is the same as adding 3, so that the addition property also
works when the same number is subtracted from both sides of an equality.
2. Also, 12 < 20, 12 2 < 20 2, and 12/2 < 20/2. Since dividing 2 is the
same as multiplying 1/2, the multiplication property also works when the
two sides of an equality are divided by the same number (that is not 0).
3. Finally, -6 < 4, -6 3 <4 3, -6/2 < 4/2 but, -6 (-3) > 4 (-3) and -6/2 > 4/-

From the definition of the other inequalities, (>, , ), the properties listed above
still hold after making the appropriate modifications. For example, if a b then
a + c b + c for any c,
ac bc if c > 0, and
ac bc if c > 0.

Any inequality that can be expressed in the form ax + b < 0, ax + b 0, ax + b
0 or ax + b 0, where a and b are constant and a 0, is called a linear
inequality in the variable x. To solve such inequality means to determine all the
values of x that make the inequality true. The set of these values is called the
solution set of the inequality.

Example 1: Solve the inequality 4 (2x - 5) < 12

We can divide both sides of the inequality by 4 (which is > 0) to get 2x 5
< 3
Adding 5 to both sides (or transposing -5 to the other side), we get 2x < 8
Finally, dividing both sides by 2 (which is > 0) will give us x <4
Therefore the solution set is {x | x <4}. This set can be graphed on the real

The points on the left of 4 are darkened. An unshaded circle is drawn at
the point corresponding to 4 to indicate that 4 itself is not part of the graph.

Example 2: Solve the inequality 2 (x 4) 8 > 2x 6

2 (x 4) 8 > 2x 6
2x 8 8 > 2x 6
Subtracting 2x from both sides and simplifying, we get -16 > -6
which is never true. Therefore the solution is empty.

The notation a < b < c is used to denote two inequalities and a <b and b <
c which are satified at the same time. In a similar way a < b c, a b < c
and a b c are defined. Note that however that the notation a < b > c or
something similar, is undefined.

Example 3: Solve the inequality and graph the solution set on the real line: 3 < -
2x + 3 7

The inequality can be solved by splitting into two, then solving these two
separately. The first, 3 < -2x + 3 can be solved as follows:
Subtracting 3 from both sides, we get 0 < -2x and transposing -2x
to the other side, we have 2x < 0. Dividing by 2, we obtain x < 0.
For the second inequality, -2x + 3 7, we get:
-2x 4 and dividing by 2 (which is < 0), x -2.
The solution set of the original therefore is:
{x | x < 0 and x -2} or {x | -2 x < 0}
In the real line, the graph will be:

A better solution can be obtained by working on the two inequalities
3 < -2x + 3 7
Adding -3, we get 0 < -2x 4
Then dividing by -2 0 > x -2, or -2 x < 0
Which gives the solution set.


The absolute value of a real number a is defined as follows:
a if a > 0,
| a | = 0 if = 0
-a if a < 0

Thus | 4 | = 4, | -3 | = -3 and | 0 | = 0. In the real line, we have:

3 4
That is | a | can be interpreted geometrically as the distance of the point a
from 0 on the real line. So | a | is never negative.

By comparing their definitions, it can be verified that for any real number a,
| a | = a

For example, (4)2 = 16 while (-3)2 = 9 = 3
In simplifying expressions with absolute values, the following properties
are important. For any real numbers a and b,

| ab | = | a | | b |, and
a a
b b (if b 0)

Example 1: Solve for x: | 2 x | = 3

From the definition of the absolute value of a number, there are exactly 2
numbers whose absolute value is equal to 3, name 3 and 3. Therefore, 2
- x = 3 or 2 x = -3. Simplifying separately, we get:

x = -1 or x= 5 (It can be verified that both actually solve the original

Example 2: Solve

Since , the equation can be rewritten:

As in example 1, it follows that
Which simplifies to
x 4 = 2 2x or x 4 = -2 + 2x
3x = 6 or -x = 2
x = 2 or x= -2

Therefore, x = 2, or -2
- E N D -

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