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Certificate Index

Certificate of Registry

International Load Line
5 Years
All Ships.Required Under LOadline convention. Subect to
Annual !ndorse"ent. International Load Line Exemption
Certificate "ust be carried #ere e$e"ptions under Loadline
%&'' protocal applies
5 Years
All tan(ers above %5)*R+ and all other ships above
,))*R+. Required under -AR.OL /01/'. Subect to
Annual and inter"ediate !ndorse"ents. +he certificate is
supple"ented by a Record of 2onstruction and !quip"ent
for ships other than Oil +an(ers 34or" A5 or a Record of
2onstruction for Oil +an(ers 34or" 65
Cargo Ship Safety Construction
5 Years
All 2ar7o ships over 5))*R+.SOLAS Require"ent.
Suple"ented by Record of 2onstruction and !quip"ent.
Subect to Annual and inter"ediate !ndorse"ents
.asen7er Ships Safety 2ertificate % Year
All .assen7er vessels. SOLAS Require"ent. Suple"ented
by Record of !quip"ent. Associated to this "ay be an
Exemption Certificate8 Special Trade Passenger Ship
Certificate8 Special +rade .assen7er Ships Space 2ertificate
as #ell as Search and Rescue 2o9operation plan8 List of
operational li"itations and :ecision Support Syste" for
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment
; Years
All 2ar7o ships over 5))*R+. Supple"ented by Record of
!quip"ent. Subect to Annual and inter"ediate
Safety Radio Certificate
% Year SOLAS Require"ent. All 2ar7o ships over 0))*R+.
:an7erous *oods -anifest per Voya7e SOLAS1-AR.OL. Any vessel carryin7 dan7erous 7oods.
:ocu"entation of authorisation
for 2arria7e of *rain
Issued to every vessel loaded in accordance #ith
International 2ode for the Safe 2arria7e of *rain in 6ul(
:ocu"ent of 2o"pliance for
Ships 2arryin7 :an7erous *oods
5 Years
SOLAS.:ocu"ent 7ivin7 evidence that construction and
equip"ent is appropriate to 7oods carried.
<o$ious Liquid Substances 5 Years
Subect to Annual and inter"ediate
SOPEP Manual
Approved by
-AR.OL. !very oil tan(er over %5)*R+ and every ship
over ,))*R+
US 2oast *uard Letter of
; Years Annual Inspections
Document of Compliance
5 Years Subect to Annual and inter"ediate !ndorse"ents.SOLAS
Safety management Certificate
5 Years Subect to inter"ediate survey
-arine "ana7e"ent A7ree"ent
2ar7o Securin7 -anual
2lass Approved. All Ships carryin7 caro7s other than solid
and liquid bul( .SOLAS.
Class Automation 5 Years
Classification Certificate: 5 Years
Subect to Annual8 inter"ediate 8 2ontinuous 32S=5 and
Special Surveys
Classification Certificate:Hull 5 Years
Subect to Annual8 inter"ediate 8 2ontinuous 32S=5 and
Special Surveys
5 Years
Subect to Annual8 inter"ediate 8 2ontinuous 32S-5 and
Special Surveys
5 Years
Subect to Annual8 inter"ediate 8 2ontinuous and Special
ry!oc"ing 5 Years
Inter"ediate to be held bet#een ;nd and 0rd anniversary
In! #ater Sur$eys
Special case survey #hich "ay replace inter"ediate doc(in7
under certain circu"stances
!$haust *as 6oiler 5 Years
Inter"ediate to be held bet#een ;nd and 0rd anniversary
Inert 7as .lant 5 Years
Oil 4ired 6oiler 5 Years
Inter"ediate to be held bet#een ;nd and 0rd anniversary
TailShaft 5 Years
Hull Thic"ness Measurements 5 Years Special surveys %st to 5th Special surveys
Intact Sta%ility !very passen7er ship and every car7o ship over ;,".
amage Control &oo"lets
4or all pasen7er and 2ar7o Ships. .lans sho#in7 #aterti7ht
boundaries8 co"part"ents etc
Minimum Safe manning

Certificates for Masters'
(fficers and )atings
S+2? &5
(il )ecord &oo"
!very Oil +an(er over %5)*R+ and every ship over ,))*R+
"ust have .art %8 Oil tan(ers over %5)*R+ "ust have part ;
*ar%age management Plan !very ship over ,))*R+ and every ship carryin7 %5 persons
*ar%age )ecord &oo" !very ship over ,))*R+ and every ship carryin7 %5 persons
ocument of Compliance +ith
the re,uirements for ships
carrying dangerous goods

A suitable docu"ent 7ivin7 evidence of construction and
Certificate of Insurance or other
financial security in respect of
ci$il lia%ility for oil pollution
!ach ship carryin7 ;)))tons or "ore of oil in bul(
Enhanced Sur$ey )eport -ile 6ul(ers and tan(ers
)ecord of (Il ischarge
Monitoring and control system
for last %alast $oyage

-AR.OL Require"ent. Record of oil content in any
continuous dischar7e
&ul" Carrier &oo"let +o prevent over stressin7 of hull
Cargo )ecord &oo" !very ship to #hich Anne$ II applies of -AR.OL8
International Pollution
Pre$ention Certificate for the
Carriage of .oxious i,uid
Su%stances in &ul"
Includin7 certificates under 6ul( 2he"ical 2ode
Proceedures and Arrangements

!vry ship certified to carry <o$ious liquid substances in
Certificate of -itness for the
Carriage of dangerous
chemicals in &u"
-andatory under Anne$ II
Certificate of -itness to carry
Li,uid *asses in &ul"

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