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East Jamaica Conference

Communication Department
74 Constant Spring Road P.O. Box 181 Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I.
!"# $8 7 % & ' (4 )10%1 )* + ,ax $87%& '(4)0(%*. -).ai"# !/cc o m m 0n ic a ti on 1 ! / c s d a . c o m
2!3sit!# 4 t tp #55! / c s d a . c o m
60g0st *0+ (014
o# 6"" Pastors+ -"d!rs+ 7!ad!rs and C40rc4 .!m3!rs
Sinc!r! C4ristian gr!!tings8
P"!as! s!! important dat!s and !9!nts o: t4! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! o: S!9!nt4)da; 6d9!ntists 3!"o2.
(1) Schedule For Introduction of Pastors on August 30, 2014

P"!as! s!! t4is 2!!<!nd=s sc4!d0"! :or t4! introd0ction o: Pastors to t4!ir n!2 districts.
P"!as! 3! r!mind!d t4at t4! pastor>s assignm!nt and appointm!nt to t4! c40rc4 and district 2i""
ta<! !::!ct on S!pt!m3!r 1+ (014 !9!n t4o0g4 t4! o::icia" Insta""ation C!r!mon; 2i"" ta<! p"ac!
at a "at!r dat! in co""a3oration 2it4 t4! "!ad!rs4ip o: t4! c40rc4.

Person to Do Introduction Nae of Pastor District
(!gn " St# Andre$)
Dr. Eric Nathan -
Pastor Leabert
District #1 North Street
Pastor Glenville Carr
Pastor !anson
District #$ Rollington Town
Stadium Community
Metro Mission
Pastor Leabert
Williams- %fternoon
Pastor %#rian
District #& Kings Chapel
Johnson Town
Port Royal
Pastor Leonar#
'teele - Morning
Pastor Neville
District # ( Harbour View
Bull Bay
reen Vale View
Harbor Height
Dr. Meric Wal)er-
Pastor *evin
District #+ Ken!ot
Pastor Linton
Williams - Morning
Pastor %nthon"
District #- Tren!h Town
Regent Street
"hit#eld Town
Hannah Town
Pastor Devon
.sbo/rne -
Pastor !ollan#
District #1 Heroes Cir!le
Cross Roads
El#er Wal#on Wright-
Pastor Enro"
District #3 Ma!edonia
reenwi!h Town
%mara Road
El#er Doma"ne G"les
Pastor Carl
&istri!t '( )rnold Road
'ister *athleen
D/n)le" - Morning
Pastor .4en
District #1+ Sandy Par*
Spanish Chur!h
Dr. Meric Wal)er -
Pastor Ce#ric)
District #$6 New Ha+en
Ri+erton Meadows
El#er Cla/#ette
Genas - Morning
Pastor Melvin
District #$& $+erton Par*
Ro!* Hall
Burnside Valley
ua+a ap,
Pastor Carl
Pastor Cornell
District #$( Shortwood
Ja!*-s Hill
Barbi!an Company
El#er Philli0 Castell
Pastor %nthon"
District #$+ .loren!e Hill
/awren!e Ta+ern
Peat Hill
Tom-s Ri+er
Pastor Dane 2letcher
- %fternoon
Pastor Carl 7roo)s District # $1 olden Spring
Mount James
Clar*-s Hill
Stony Hill
Ri+er View
Brandon Hill
Person to Do Introduction Nae of Pastor District
(St# &hoas)
Pastor Linton
Williams - %fternoon
Pas. 8omean
&istri!t '01 Sea2orth
&an+er-s Pen
"hite Hall
(2) S'ecial Night of Pra(er ) !encot SDA %hurch ) August 30, 2014
4! C40rc4 is in9it!d to a sp!cia" nig4t o: pra;!r on 60g0st *0+ (01* 3!ginning at ?#*0 pm
t4ro0g4 to 10#00 pm at t4! K!ncot S@6 C40rc4 24!n 2! 2i"" 3! pra;ing to Aod :or t4!
o0tpo0ring o: Bis spirit.
It 2i"" 3! a sp!cia" occasion 24!r! t4! n!2 "!ad!rs4ip o: t4! c40rc4 2i"" p!tition t4! t4ron!
o: Aod to2ards pr!paring t4! c40rc4 to2ards maximiCing :or mission. 6"" ar! in9it!d.
(3) Notices fro *aaica +nion %onference (*A,+)
3, 4! ,ami"; .inistri!s @!partm!nt o: J6.D pr!s!nts .!n=s Con9!ntion 0nd!r t4!
t4!m! E6d9!ntist .!nF6g!nts o: C4ang! "!ading to a 3rig4t!r :0t0r!.G .ain
Sp!a<!r H Pastor -9!r!tt Bro2n+ J6.D Pr!sid!nt. Ot4!r sp!a<!rs+ @r. -ric Iat4an+
Pr!sid!nt H -JC and @r. r!9or Aard!n!r+ Pr!sid!nt H ICD. P"!as! s!! :";!r 3!"o2.
6"so+ Watc4 9id!o promo :rom Pr!sid!nt -ric Iat4an . C"ic< 4!r!
(4) -oen.s ,inistries De'artent

1. 4! missionari!s to B!"iC! 4a9! r!t0rn!d sa:!";. 4an<s to ;o0r pra;!rs and s0pport. 6
r!port 2i"" :o""o2 soon.
2# /ittle is uch $hen 0od is in it# &ea e1ers $e still need (our
contri30tion. W! "oo< :or2ard to r!c!i9ing sam! :rom ;o0 as som! missionari!s
sti"" n!!d assistanc! in c"!aring t4!ir !xp!ns!s.
3# 6r! ;o0 int!r!st!d in r!"axation and r!stJ
@o ;o0 2ant to sp!nd "!ss and g!t mor! o0t o: ;o0r 9acationJ
@o ;o0 2ant to !xp!ri!nc! a "itt"! p!rsona"iC!d .- tim! in t4! sandJ
I: ;o0 ans2!r!d ;!s to an; o: t4! a3o9!+ ca"" 781)1?%? imm!diat!"; to 3oo< ;o0r
r!tr!at spac!. 4!r! 2i"" 3! no seinars# 4is 2i"" 3! straight rela2ation :rom
40rsda;+ Octo3!r 1% H .onda; Octo3!r (0+ (014+ :or t4os! 24o ar! int!r!st!d in
3od;+ mind and so0". Kind"; ca"" or 9isit t4! o::ic! to ma<! ;o0r pa;m!nts IOW.
Ko0r JL+ DS L or cr!dit cards 2i"" 3! acc!pt!d. @on=t 3! ca0g4t napping. a<! ;o0r
c4i"dr!n+ spo0s!s+ :ami"; and :ri!ndsJ
(3) Notices fro the %hildren.s ,inistries De'artent

1. C. t!am m!m3!rs <ind"; not! t4at t4is d!partm!nt 4as ta<!n on a 3road!r scop! and 4as
3!!n r!nam!d H %hildren and Adolescents ,inistries.
1, Par!nt tips :or *
and 4
M0art!rs ar! in t4! NBS pac<ag!.
0, (014 O (01? .issionari!s+ com! 4!"p in t4! spr!ad o: t4! gosp!" t4ro0g4 t4! sa"!
o: .!tro .ission cr0sad! @N@s. 6 s0rpris! a2aits ;o0 :or !9!r; sa"! ;o0 ma<!.
Ca"" t4! C4i"dr!n=s and Ko0t4 .inistri!s @!partm!nts :or d!tai"s.

4, Coming soon8 *e$els Father %hild Affair. B!gin to promot! t4is. Watc4 t4! pr!ss
:or d!tai"s. R!m!m3!r to in9it! som! non S@6 :at4!rs.
5, 4! missionari!s to B!"iC! 4a9! r!t0rn!d sa:!";. 4an<s to ;o0r pra;!rs and
s0pport. 6 r!port 2i"" :o""o2 soon.
6, @ir!ctors+ i: ;o0 ar! int!r!st!d in 4a9ing a "i9! r!port :rom t4! missionari!s at ;o0r
c40rc4 p"!as! contact t4! %hildren, Adolescents and 4outh ,inistries

(5) Notice fro the Fail( /ife De'artent

1. Ca""ing a"" train!d p!rsonn!" in co0ns!"ing+ m!diation+ BR :rom Con!s 1)4 to a9ai"
t4!ms!"9!s to assist 2it4 t4! t!am o: co0ns!"ors 24o 2i"" :orm part o: t4! cor! :or o0r
,ami"; .inistri!s. 7!t 0s 2or< 24i"! it is da;. 4! nig4t com!t4 24!n no man can

(. Kind"; 2atc4 t4! pr!ss :or dat! and tim! :or t4! pr!)marita" co0ns!"ing s!ssions t4at
2i"" 3! 4!"d in ;o0r Con! on a mont4"; 3asis. 6"" p!rsons int!r!st!d in or 24o int!nd to
!n/o; a manag!a3"! r!"ations4ip ar! as<!d to p"an to ma<! 0s o: t4!s! s!ssions.

*. B-6.S) 6"" c40rc4!s ar! 3!ing as<!d to s!"!ct and s!nd t4! nam!s o: ( ma"!s $on!
3!"o2 ag! 1% and t4! ot4!r 17 and o9!r to 3! train!d as B-6.S Pr!sid!nt :or ;o0r
c40rc4 as 2!"" as Cona" coordinators.

4. Fellowship, family and faithfulness to Aod is t4! r!ason 2! pa0s!F Our October
2014 retreat is :or t4os! 24o ar! int!r!st!d in r!"axation and r!/09!nation o: 3od;+
mind and so0". Kind"; ca"" or 9isit t4! o::ic! to ma<! ;o0r :irst r!tr!at d!posit. Ko0r JL+
DS L or cr!dit cards 2i"" 3! acc!pt!d. @on=t 3! ca0g4t napping. a<! ;o0r c4i"dr!n+
spo0s!s+ :ami"; and :ri!nds. .or! d!tai"s 2i"" :o""o2.

(6) Notices fro the 7ducation De'artent

1. Needed# Sa9anna)"a)mar Big4 O Pr!parator; Sc4oo"+ a S!9!nt4)da; 6d9!ntist instit0tion+
0rg!nt"; s!!<s a Spanis4 t!ac4!r :or its 4ig4 sc4oo".

P Bac4!"or>s d!gr!! in Spanis4 and5or S!condar; !ac4!r -d0cation 2it4 !mp4asis in Spanis4
P .0st 3! <no2"!dg!a3"! o: and committ!d to t4! p4i"osop4;+ princip"!s and mission o: t4!
S!9!nt4)da; 6d9!ntist c40rc4 in !d0cation and gi9! 2itn!ss to t4!s! 9a"0!s in 4is54!r
pro:!ssiona" and C4ristian "i:!.
o app";+ p"!as! s!nd ;o0r doc0m!nts $co9!r "!tt!r and r!s0m!& as attac4m!nts
to resues8ncu#edu#9 2it4 t4! s03/!ct "in! S:P ) S'anish&eacher#
(. Kind"; not! contact in:ormation :or t4! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! Pr!parator; Sc4oo"s and
Kings2a; Big4 Sc4oo" a"ong 2it4 t4! t0ition cost p!r t!rm.

S!hool7 *ings4a" !igh
)ddress7 38931 %sbourne Road:
Kgn, 5
Prin!ipal7 Mr, Jaron "hitely
Tel,7 ;(16910<( s!hool=
;?aronwhitely>yahoo ,!om 9
,/ition9 :&-;+66.66 Per ,erm
S!hool7 *ings4a" Pre0.
)ddress7 38931 %sbourne Road:
Kgn, 5
Vi!e Prin!ipal7 Mrs, Kaydene Pusey9Bernard
Tel,7 ;(16910<(= s!hool ;@459
3816A51<94@08= personal
;*ingswayhighandprep>gmail,!om= s!hool
;!happaB*ay>yahoo,!om= personal
,/ition9 :&-;(+6.66 Per
S!hool7 Miramar *in#er-Pre0. S!hool7 Ne4 !o0e Pre0.
)ddress7 1 Miramar &ri+e: Morant
Prin!ipal7 Mr, ., $, Bingahm
Tel,7 ;438953<6= personal
,/ition9 :1&;666.66 Per
)ddress7 56 James Street:
Prin!ipal7 Mr, /ambert .orrest
Tel,7 ;(119658<= s!hool ;@009
3<(<A<569(408= personal
$mail7 ;newhopeprep>yahoo,!om=
s!hool ;2orrest,lambert>gmail,!om= personal
,/ition9 :$-;666.66 Per ,erm
S!hool7 Woo#for# Pre0.
)ddress7 "ood2ord P,%,: St,
Prin!ipal7 Mr, &a+e M!Neish
Tel,7 ;0109(531= personal
$mail7 ;dashie1886>yahoo,!om=
,/ition9 :16;666.66 Per

S!hool7 !agle" Par) Pre0.
)ddress7 3<3Hagley Par* Road:
Kingston 33
Prin!ipal7 Mrs, $lyn Spen!e
Telephone7 (109(58< s!hool: 51<9
4@14A(@3(@85 personal
$mail7 ;hagleypar*prep>yahoo,!om=
Tuition 7 :$+; 666 Per ,erm

$du!ation Cuote7
While he possessed high intellectual endowments the life of Paul revealed the
power of a rarer wisdom,D $d, pg, 66

(;) Notice fro the Sa11ath School, Personal ,inistries " %o# Ser<ices D't#

1. W! ar! 0rging a"" S0p!rint!nd!nts O P!rsona" .inistri!s 7!ad!rs to s!nd 0s a"" r!ports
o0tstanding 3; .onda;+ S!pt!m3!r 1+ (014 ) Sa33at4 Sc4oo"+ Sma"" Aro0ps+ !tc.
(. 4! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! Comm0nit; S!r9ic!s ,!d!ration !xpr!ss!s t4an<s to t4! 4ard
2or<ing t!am m!m3!rs and c40rc4!s+ 24o ga9! t4!ir s0pport to o0r 6nn0a" ,0n @a;s on
60g0st % O 10+ (014. We are reminding all Community Services Leaders to t0rn in t4!
proc!!ds :rom tic<!t sa"!s as soon as possi3"!.
*. I6@5-JC Sc4oo" o: -9ang!"ism 6@D7 S6BB6B SCBOO7 -6CB-R R6IIIIA#
i& Sta:: m!!ting H 0!sda;+ S!pt!m3!r (+ (014 at ?#*0 p.m. at t4! -JC o::ic!
ii& Corporat! C"ass S!ssion) S0nda;+ S!pt!m3!r (8+ (014 at Ba": Wa; r!! S@6
iii& Nirt0a" Arad0ation+ Sa33at4+ Octo3!r (?+ (014
4. 4! -JC 6m3assadors Sas4ing 2i"" 3! 4!"d on S0nda;+ S!pt!m3!r 7+ (014 in t4! Con:!r!nc!=s
3oardroom at 4 p.m. cost# 6d0"ts L400 O c4i"dr!n L100 $pa; at t4! door&
?. Birt4da; gr!!tings to o0r s!niors+ 3orn in t4! mont4 o: 60g0stQ 2is4ing ;o0 good 4!a"t4 and a
3"!ss!d and p!ac!:0" (014.

(=) 4outh ,inistries De'artent

1. Wit4 t4! n!2 con:ig0ration o: som! pastora" districts+ a :!2 Cona" :!d!rations 2!r!
a::!ct!d. Dpon cons0"tation 2it4 t4! Con:!r!nc! 6dministration+ it 2as agr!!d 0pon to
"!t t4! Rona" ,!d!rations contin0! as t4!; 2!r!+ 0nti" t4! !nd o: t4! ;!ar.
(. S!pt!m3!r (0+ (014 2i"" 3! Wor"d Pat4:ind!r @a;. 6"" pat4:ind!r c"03s or c40rc4!s t4at
2i"" n!!d sp!cia"iC!d s!r9ic!s or "!ad!rs :rom t4! Ko0t4 .inistri!s @!partm!nt+ p"!as!
ma<! ;o0r r!M0!st at "!ast t2o 2!!<s 3!:or! t4! dat!+ so prop!r p"anning and
assignm!nt o: <!; "!ad!rs can 3! don!.
*. -JC Pat4:ind!r O 6d9!nt0r!r=s -xamination is sc4!d0"!d :or Octo3!r (%.
4. >I>/7 >??, Se'te1er 2014@ It=s a"most tim! :or t4! p"a;)o::s to 3!gin and Bi3"!
Boom promis!s to 3! mor! inspiring+ int!r!sting and :0n. 4! Boo<s to 3! st0di!d ar!
:osea),icah. -9!r; 6KS m0st 3! on 3oard as 2! 2ant o0r ;o0t4 to 3!com! m!n and
2om!n o: t4! WOR@888

(10) Notice fro the :ealth ,inistries De'artent
6ccording to t4! Ca"!ndar o: -9!nts+ B!a"t4 and B!a"t4car! -mp4asis W!!< 2i"" 3!
S!pt!m3!r (0)(7+ (014. 6"" B!a"t4 7!ad!rs ar! in9it!d to acc!ss r!so0rc! mat!ria"s :or
;o0r c40rc4 :rom t4! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! 2!3sit! 0nd!r t4! B!a"t4 @!partm!!nt.
C"ic< t4is "in< to acc!ss mat!ria"s :rom B!a"t4 -mp4asis W!!<.
(11) Notices fro the %onstituenc(

1. 4! I!2 Ba9!n S@6 C40rc4 in9it!s ;o0 to t4!ir Ko0t4 Pra;!r Con:!r!nc! on
Sa33at4 60g0st *0+ (014 3!ginning at '#00 am. A0!st sp!a<!rs inc"0d! Pastor .ic4a!"
B!nr;+ Ko0t4 @ir!ctor Jamaica Dnion Con:!r!nc! and Pastor @an! ,"!tc4!r+ Ko0t4
.inistri!s @ir!ctor+ -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc!. S!! :";!r 3!"o2 :or :0rt4!r in:ormation.
(. On S0nda;+ 60g0st *1+ (014 3!t2!!n 10.00am and (.00pm t4! K!ncot S@6 c40rc4
2i"" 3! o::!ring ,R-- m!dica" and "!ga" s!r9ic!s+ co0ns!""ing on !mp"o;m!nt+ 4!a"t4;
"i:!st;"! :!at0r!s+ coo<ing d!monstration+ spirit0a" co0ns!""ing !tc.

*. 4! 6ndr!2s .!moria" S@6 c40rc4 2i"" 3! 4osting t4! Aood Samaritan ann0a"
R0n5Wa"< n 60g0st *1+ (014 starting at %#*0 a.m. I: ;o0 4a9! not r!gist!r!d as ;!t+ its
not too "at!. R-AISR6IOI IS SI77 OP-I. P"!as! s!! :";!r 3!"o2 :or :0rt4!r
4. 4! Kings C4ap!" S@6 C40rc4 in9it!s ;o0 to t4!ir -"d!rs> @a; on 60g0st *0+ (014
24!n t4!; 2i"" 3! 2ors4iping 0nd!r t4! t4!m! S6noit!d :or 7!ad!rs4ipS. 4! da; 2i""
!nd 2it4 a grand socia". Join t4!m i: ;o0 can and p"!as! 3ring a :ri!nd.
?. 4! :0n!ra" s!r9ic! :or t4! "at! -"d!r 7!ro; 7indsa; o: t4! S0mm!rs!t S@6 C40rc4 in
St. 4omas 4as 3! s!t :or 60g0st *1+ (014 at 1#00pm at t4! Ram3"! S@6. W! !nco0rg!
t4! c40rc4 :ami"; to contin0! to gi9! t4! mora" and spirit0a" s0pport t4at is n!!d!d as
t4! :ami"; grap"!s 2it4 t4is tra/ic "oss at t4is tim! r!main c"os! to t4! :ami"; and to
contin0! to "i:t

(12) Notices fro the Pu1lic Affairs and Aeligious /i1ert( De'artent
1# !no$ing (our rights@ EC4i!: !c4nica" O::ic!r in t4! .inistr; o: 7a3o0r+ -rro" .i""!r+
sa;s t4! .inistr; 2i"" c"os!"; monitor comp"aints 0nd!r t4! imp!nding :"!xi)2or<
arrang!m!nts and ta<! appropriat! action 24!r! t4!r! ar! 3r!ac4!s.
B! a"so 2arn!d t4at !mp"o;!rs 24o s!!< to a"t!r !xisting t!rms o: a contract 2it4o0t t4!
2or<!r=s cons!nt co0"d :ac! co0rt action :or 3r!ac4 o: contract or proc!!dings t4at 2o0"d
"i<!"; !nd 0p 3!:or! t4! Ind0stria" @isp0t!s ri30na".
.r. .i""!r r!it!rat!d t4at t4! arrang!m!nts 2i"" not contra9!n! t4! rig4t o: an; 2or<!r to
2ors4ip on t4!ir da; o: c4oic!.
4! -mp"o;m!nt ,"!xi3"! Wor< 6rrang!m!nts .isc!""an!o0s Pro9isions Bi"" 2as ta3"!d in
Par"iam!nt in .arc4 and is !xp!ct!d to 3! d!3at!d n!xt mont4.G
Sour!e7 http7AAr?rnewsonline,!omAbusinessAministry9o29labour9to9monitor9EeFi9wor*9
(. W! 0s! t4is m!di0m to ad9is! m!m3!rs o: o0r c40rc4 t4at 24!r! m!m3!rs !nco0nt!r
c4a""!ng!s in sc4oo"s or t4! 2or<p"ac! as a r!s0"t o: t4!ir r!"igio0s 3!"i!:s t4at t4!s! sit0tions
s4o0"d 3! 3ro0g4t to t4! att!ntion o: t4! Pastor and R!"igio0s 7i3!rt; 7!ad!r o: t4! C40rc4 as
a :irst st!p. I: t4!r! int!r9!ntion :ai"s to !::!ct a so"0tion+ t4!n t4! matt!r s4o0"d 3! 3ro0g4t to t4!
att!ntion o: t4! Con:!r!nc! P03"ic 6::airs and R!"igio0s 7i3!rt; @!partm!nt.
In ord!r to pro9id! a dir!ct comm0nication c4ann!" to r!"at! to t4!s! matt!rs+ t4! P03"ic 6::airs
and R!"igio0s 7i3!rt; @!partm!nt o: o0r Con:!r!nc! 4a9! cr!at!d a n!2 !mai" addr!ss 24!r!
matt!rs r!"ating to t4! d!partm!nt ma; 3! s!nt. 4! !mai" addr!ss is #) par"1!/
(13) Notices fro the %ounication De'artent
1. /atest Ne$s +'date# R!ad n!2s 0pdat!s :rom 4!r! and a3road 3; :o""o2ing t4is s!ction o:
o0r 2!3sit! at #%licB here for /atest Ne$s

C4our Aeal Pur'ose is to AealiDe 0odEs Desire For 4ou,C Sa(s Fletcher
Stor; O P4otos ) 3; P4i""ip -.7. Cast!""
P03"is4!d T 60g0st (?+ (014
B0ndr!ds o: sing"!s :rom S!9!nt4)da; 6d9!ntist C40rc4!s across Jamaica gat4!r!d
at t4! Iort4 Jamaica Con:!r!nc! $IJC& Campsit! in @0ncans+ r!"a2n; to 2ors4ip+ :!""o2s4ip
and participat! in t4! ann0a" Iationa" sing"!s R!tr!at 24ic4 2as initiat!d 3; t4! ,ami";
.inistri!s @!partm!nt o: t4! Jamaica Dnion Con:!r!nc! o: S!9!nt4)da; 6d9!ntists $J6.D&.
4! con9!ntion 4ad as its t4!m!+ SSing"! 2it4 a P0rpos!S 2it4 g0!st sp!a<!r :or t4! @i9in!
Bo0r s!r9ic! 3!ing Pastor @an! ,"!tc4!r+ Ko0t4 .inistri!s @ir!ctor o: -ast Jamaica
Con:!r!nc!. $,or mor! and a0dio :rom s!rmon c"ic< 4!r!&
2. For Photo Highlights (with comments) of the Funeral Service of the
late Pastor Grover Hyatt, Click on here .
(14) Schedule of +'coing %onference Dates and 7<ents

Dates Event Location
Aug 30 $JC Night o2 Prayer Ken!ot S&)
Aug 31 ood Samaritan 5* "al*ARun )ndrews S&)
Aug 31 "or*ersG Meeting $JC Board Room
Sept 6 J)MH Men-s Con+ention NCH
Sept 7 $JC )mbassador Sashing $JC
Sept 20 "orld Path#nder &ay
Sep 27 Vision %ne Million Baptism day )ll Chur!h es
Oct 5 Communi!ation "or*shop Iones 3 9 4 $JC Board Room

Philli' 7# /# %astell
Comm0nication @ir!ctor

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