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12 3,#%$-"*#&$,4
Cne of Lhe challenges ln uslng Lhe LmulaLlon Lechnlque as a ulglLal reservaLlon sLraLegy ls LhaL
Lhe fuLure user wlll noL have Lhe ample knowledge Lo run Lhe obsoleLe Lechnology. Pence we
creaLe auLomaLlon scrlpLs LhaL can auLomaLe Lhe enLlre process of lnsLalllng Lhe sofLware on an
operaLlng sysLem wlLhouL any lnLervenLlon from Lhe user. 1hls documenL serves as a compleLe
LuLorlal Lo wrlLe Lhese scrlpLs and LesL Lhem.
52 !6+ 7+#"04
89:'%+4 lnsLall vMware WorksLaLlon/Server on a Wlndows/Llnux Machlne wlLh a Wlndows-x
vlrLual Machlne. Wlndows x has a fanLasLlc compaLlblllLy feaLure and can be successful ln
lnsLalllng many obsoleLe sofLware. ?ou can download vMware Server for free from vMware
Server uownload. 1o download vMware WorksLaLlon, you wlll need a reglsLraLlon key. lease
conLacL 8ob Penderson robh[ Lo geL Lhe key and download lL from vMware
WorksLaLlon uownload. 1he Wlndows-x vlrLual Machlne can be found aL
//l/ks/vMWare/lmages.nC8ACku/Wlndows-x-8are-lmage on splLz or Lroy. use WlnSC or
oLher ssh Lools Lo logon Lo splLz or Lroy and copy Lhe lmage Lo your local machlne. 8eware LhaL
Lhls ls a 10C8 lmage and may Lake long Llme Lo copy, especlally lf used a wlreless neLwork. 1he
sLeps Lo creaLe a new vlrLual machlne (vM) on a vMware Server and vMware WorksLaLlon can
be found aL vMware Server seLup and vMware WorksLaLlon seLup respecLlvely. 1he machlnes
3ky2wh1, splLz, Lendulkar and 3ld1wh1 ln LP328 have vMware seLup on Lhem. lease
remember Lo add mulLlple Cu drlves Lo Lhe vlrLual machlne Lo deal wlLh mulLlple dlsc seL
vl81uAL MACPlnL uL1AlLS
- SL8vlCL 8CvluL8: vMware Server Console
- vl81uAL MACPlnL: Wlndows x rofesslonal
- uSL8nAML: lucs
- ASSWC8u: vmware
-LCCA1lCn Cn M? CCMu1L8:
C:\vlrLual Machlnes\Wlndows x ro\Wlndows x rofesslonal.vmx
- LCCA1lCn Cl vM uLSk1C: C:\uocumenLs and SeLLlngs\lucs\ueskLop
-> lMC81An1: AuLo Log-ln ls Lo be enabled
- See: hLLp://
-> lMC81An1: Make sure Lo read Lhe snapshoL deLalls.
-> nC1L: lew of Lhese requlremenLs are more sulLable Lo LmulaLlon AsslsLanL buL can be
helpful ln creaLlng auLomaLon scrlpLs.
37; &/'<+4 lSC lmage ls an archlve flle for an opLlcal dlsc. 1he Cu-8CMs LhaL conLaln Lhe
sofLware or dlglLal ob[ecLs are converLed Lo Lhe lSC lmage uslng approprlaLe Lools and Lhese .lso
flles are mounLed on Lhe vMware vlrLual machlne. MaglclSC ls sofLware LhaL can converL small
dlscs Lo lSC lmage. lL can be downloaded aL MaglclSC lnsLall. Whlle operaLlng from Lhe vlrLual
machlne, Lhese lSC lmages [usL behave slmllar Lo Lhe Cu-8CMs. More deLalls on Lhe lSC lmage
can be found here. 1he dlglLal ob[ecLs LhaL we experlmenL on are converLed ln bulk wlLh help of
a program and are asslgned a 14-dlglL 8ar Code. 1he lSCs are sLored ln approprlaLe folders
under //nfs/Lroy/rald on splLz or Lroy. Access Lhem uslng WlnSC or uLLy.
="#$3#: Cnce vMware ls ready wlLh Wlndows x vlrLual machlne runnlng on lL, Lhen lnsLall
AuLolL from here on Lhe vlrLual machlne. AuLolL v3 ls a freeware 8ASlC-llke scrlpLlng language
deslgned for auLomaLlng Lhe Wlndows Cul and general scrlpLlng. 1hls llnk ls a compleLe reference Lo
AuoLlL scrlpLlng.
lnsLall Lhe lnLernaLlonal language pack on Lhe vlrLual machlne. 1o do Lhls you wlll a Wlndows x
rofesslonal dlsc, please conLacL any Wlndows sLaff seaLed ln Llndley Pall. 8ecause Lhere are
many Cu8CM lmages LhaL requlre lnLernaLlonal language llke Chlnese, !apanese eLc for Lhe seL-
up. 1o lnsLall an lnLernaLlonal language pack:
a) Co Lo SLarL! ConLrol anel ! 8eglonal and Language opLlons ! Languages ! Check
lnsLall flles for LasL Aslan Languages" and cllck Ck
b) lL Lhen prompLs Lo lnserL Lhe Wlndows x rofesslonal dlsk. lnserL Lhe follow Lhe
c) 8ebooL Lhe machlne afLer you have flnlshed lnsLallaLlon.
lnsLall Adobe 8eader x on Lhe vlrLual machlne. Many Cu8CM lnsLallaLlons need Adobe 8eader
Lo open Lhe flles. And Adobe 8eader x Lakes long lnsLallaLlon Llme. Pence lL ls a good ldea Lo
have Adobe 8eader lnsLalled on Lhe vlrLual machlne.
1he vMware Server has lnLerneL adapLer seLLlngs LhaL enable Lhe web browser usage. AuLolL,
Adobe can be downloaded on Lhe vlrLual machlne from Lhe respecLlve webslLes. ln case you
have dlfflculLy uslng Lhe browser, converL Lhe execuLables lnLo lso lmages and mounL Lhem on
Lhe vlrLual machlne and Lhen lnsLall.
1ake a snapshoL of Lhe vlrLual machlne aL Lhls polnL as shown ln llg 1.

llg 1: SnapshoL deLalls
C8uClAL nC1L: Always Lake Lhe snapshoL when Lhe vlrLual machlne ls ln powered off sLaLe. lf
Lhe machlne ls powered on, power lL off and Lhen Lake Lhe snapshoL.
1hls creaLes a basellne LhaL has all Lhe Lools needed Lo creaLe auLomaLlon scrlpLs. 1he snapshoL
feaLure helps Lo reverL Lhe changes back Lo Lhe orlglnal snapshoL ln case anyLhlng goes wrong,
so LhaL we do noL lose our lnlLlal seLup. 1o reverL Lhe snapshoL, cllck on Lhe opLlon 8everL Lhe
SnapshoL" provlded below Lhe 1ake SnapshoL" opLlon. 1he basellne snapshoL can be modlfled
anyLlme ln fuLure Lo lnclude oLher sofLware/Lools [usL by Laklng a new snapshoL. 8uL lL ls
lmporLanL LhaL we do noL load our basellne wlLh Loo many Lools or sofLware. Cnly add Lhe Lools
Lhose are mandaLory and wlll enhance Lhe emulaLlon process.
>2 7#$%'<+4
1he lSCs along wlLh Lhelr flnal lnsLall scrlpLs and addlLlonal sofLware are sLore on Lhe AlS
sysLem aL Lhe paLh //afs/ accessed Lhrough splLz or Lroy. AlS, sLands
for Andrew llle SysLem, ls a dlsLrlbuLed neLwork flle sysLem. More deLalls abouL Lhe Andrew llle
SysLem and lLs lnsLallaLlon are dlscussed ln LmulaLlon AsslsLanL documenLaLlon. llg 2 lllusLraLes
Lhe layouL of AlS archlve.

llg 2: CrganlzaLlon of vlrLual Archlve
?2 7*%&0#&,<4
8efore sLarLlng Lo wrlLe scrlpLs, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL you do some research on Lhe dlglLal ob[ecL
llke whaL addlLlonal sofLware (AcrobaL 8eader, Culck1lme, eLc) are needed, whaL sysLem
seLLlngs need Lo be changed and so on. 1he besL way Lo gaLher Lhls lnformaLlon ls Lo browse
Lhrough Lhe dlrecLorles on Lhe Cu-8CM lmage or check Lhe read-me flles LhaL are on Lhe Cu-
8CM lmage. use AuLolL Lo wrlLe Lhe scrlpLs. AuLolL has a speclal feaLure LhaL can converL lLs au3
flle Lo an execuLable (.exe) flle LhaL can run Lhe scrlpL on any machlne LhaL does noL have AuLolL
lnsLalled on lL. So once you have Lhe scrlpL a runnlng successfully, converL Lhe .au3 flle Lo Lhe
execuLable flle. Cne sample scrlpL ls glven below:

ControlClick("Setup", "", "Button1")
WinWait("", "successfully installed")
ControlClick("", "successfully installed", "Button1", "", 2)
WinWait("CD-ROM Delos")
ControlListView("CD-ROM Delos", "", "SysListView321", "Select", ControlListView
("CD-ROM Delos", "", "SysListView321", "FindItem", "Delos"))
ControlSend("CD-ROM Delos", "", "SysListView321", "!{ENTER}")
WinWait("Delos Properties", "Shortcut")
WinClose("CD-ROM Delos")
ControlCommand("Delos Properties", "Shortcut", "SysTabControl321", "TabRight")
WinWait("Delos Properties", "Compatibility")
SendKeepActive("Delos Properties", "Compatibility")
ControlClick("Delos Properties", "Compatibility", "Button11")
ControlClick("Delos Properties", "Compatibility", "Button10")
1. AuLolL uses wlndow LlLles or oLher lnformaLlon on Lhe wlndow Lo auLomaLe Lhe
lnsLallaLlon. And lL geLs hard when Lhe wlndow names are easy Lo undersLand. AuLolL
Wlndow lnfo ls a nlce feaLure of AuLolL LhaL can capLure Lhe enLlre wlndow lnformaLlon.
2. uo noL lgnore auLorun lSCs. 1he auLorun.lnf may fall under Wlndows x. WrlLe scrlpL Lo
close all Lhe wlndows opened by auLorun and Lhen run Lhe acLual seLup flle or
execuLable on Lhe lSC.

ln general, mosL of Lhe complexlLy of Lhese scrlpLs comes from handllng speclal cases - for
example, seLLlng compaLlblllLy mode for older Wlndows programs. Conslder Lhe scrlpL above.
1he baslc seLup ls accompllshed wlLhln Lhe flrsL 6 llnes. 1he remalnder of Lhe scrlpL ls concerned
wlLh seLLlng compaLlblllLy mode for Lhe lnsLalled execuLable, and Lhen runnlng LhaL execuLable.
lew speclal cases are dlscussed below:
1@ A", B&,-$:. &, C'.# =.&', D',<"'<+ .+##&,<.4
a) llnd Lhe sulLable language. 1hls can be found ln a separaLe documenLaLlon LhaL ls
malnLalned wlLh Lhe lSC whlle converLlng Lhe Cu-8CM Lo lLs equlvalenL lSC lmage.
b) lnsLall LasL Aslan Languages Lo supporL programs ln Chlnese, !apanese, korean and
oLher Aslan languages. CLher languages llke Cerman, lrench dld noL need any
addlLlonal package.
c) Co Lo SLarL! ConLrol anel ! 8eglonal and Language opLlons ! Languages !
Check lnsLall flles for LasL Aslan Languages" and cllck Ck
d) lL Lhen prompLs Lo lnserL Lhe Wlndows x rofesslonal dlsk. lnserL Lhe follow Lhe
e) 8ebooL Lhe machlne afLer you have flnlshed lnsLallaLlon.
f) AfLer rebooLlng, go Lo 8eglonal and Language opLlons ! 8eglonal CpLlons and you
can selecL Lhe requlred language and lL wlll work.
5@ E%++&,< >9F 8&%#"'( 9+/$%G4
a) ConLrol anel ! SysLem ! Advanced ! (performance) SeLLlngs ! erformance
CpLlons ! Advanced ! cllck Change ! check no paglng flle ! cllck SeL ! cllck Ck
b) 8esLarL Lhe machlne.
>@ H&.0('G .+##&,<. I$% 1J K&# *$($% L"'(&#G4
a) Co Lo ConLrol anel ! ulsplay ! SeLLlngs ! Color CuallLy ! selecL Medlum (16 blL)
! cllck Apply ! MonlLor SeLLlngs ! Cllck ?es ! cllck Ck.
?@ M$/0'#&K&(&#G 9$-+4
a) 8lghL Cllck on Lhe flle LhaL you wlsh Lo open ln compaLlblllLy mode and cllck
b) Co Lo CompaLlblllLy opLlon and check 8un Lhls rogram ln compaLlblllLy mode for:"
and selecL Lhe rlghL opLlon from Lhe provlded llsL of operaLlng sysLems.
c) Cllck Apply and Lhen Ck.
N@ =(($*'#+ +O#+,-+- /+/$%GPQ97@
a) Co Lo C:\Wlndows\sysLem32, rlghL cllck on and go Lo roperLles!
b) SeL Lxpanded (LMS) memory and LxLended (xMS) memory Lo 16384.
c) Co Lo Mlsc and uncheck AlL+Space, AlL+Lsc and AlL+LnLer and Cllck Ck
d) 8un Lhe program from prompL.

8esLarLlng Lhe vlrLual machlne ls a speclal case Loo. Many of Lhese compllcaLed scrlpLs LhaL
managed Lhe lnLrlcaLe requlremenLs of Lhe sofLware have been found Lo be very useful and re-
used ln several lnsLallaLlon scrlpLs. So we malnLaln a caLalog of Lhese useful scrlpLs and a
separaLe caLalog for exLernal sofLware lSCs LhaL has Lhe lnsLallers for sofLware llke Culck1lme
(varlous verslons) or any oLher obsoleLe sofLware LhaL ls hard Lo flnd Loday.

H+'(&,< :&#6 9"(#&0(+ 37;.4
1he dlglLal ob[ecLs may be publlshed on mulLlple Cu-8CMs where Lhere are cross-dlsk
dependences. lor example, a program on one lmage mlghL requlre access Lo a flle on anoLher
lmage. As dlscussed earller, vMware supporLs mulLlple dlsc drlves, so mounL all Lhe dlsks aL one
Llme on Lhe vMware Server/ WorksLaLlon. Slmllar sLraLegy can be applled Lo lnsLall addlLlonal
sofLware LhaL ls noL presenL on Lhe Cu-8CM lmage.

N2 !+.#&,<4
Cnce Lhe auLomaLlon scrlpLs (.exe) are ready and palred up wlLh Lhelr lSCs and addlLlonal
sofLware lSCs as shown ln llg 2, Lhen LesL Lhem uslng emulaLlon asslsLanL. 1he deLalls can be
found ln Lhe documenL for LmulaLlon AsslsLanL". lf Lhe scrlpLs work flne wlLh LmulaLlon
AsslsLanL, Lhen Lhey are ready Lo be moved Lo afs dlrecLory.

J2 H$*"/+,#'#&$,4
CreaLlng and LesLlng Lhe scrlpLs reveal so much lnformaLlon abouL Lhe dlglLal ob[ecLs, prlmarlly
Lo evaluaLe Llme-based cosLs. Pence lL ls lmporLanL LhaL we documenL every mlnuLe deLall whlle
we work on Lhe Cu-8CM lmage. 1o faclllLaLe Lhls, flll ln Lhe followlng deLalls and puL Lhls
readme flle along wlLh Lhe lSCs and Lhe scrlpL (.exe flle).
1) Cu 8ar Code
2) 1lLle
3) CovernmenL or Commerclal
4) Language
3) Cenre
6) Speclal Cases
7) ubllcaLlon uaLe
8) CperaLlng SysLem
9) AddlLlonal SofLware 8equlred
10) MeLhod followed Lo lnsLall Lhe addlLlonal sofLware
11) 1lme Laken Lo auLolL Lhe enLlre lnsLallaLlon
12) 8easons (lf more Llme lnvolved)
lf any lSC Lurns ouL Lo be bad, ln Lhe sense LhaL Lhe sofLware does noL run on Lhe Wlndows x
machlne, Lhen documenL as follows:
1) Cu 8ar Code
2) 1lLle
3) lssues
4) WhaL can be done?
3) WhaL has been done?
6) llnal SLaLus of lSC- Cood/8ad

R2 F&K(&$<%'06G
1) hLLp:// - daLabase conLalnlng governmenLal dlglLal ob[ecLs
2) hLLp://!kZW8q. - vMware Server
3) hLLp:// - vMware
WorksLaLlon uownload.
4) hLLp:// - vMware Server
3) hLLp:// -
vMware WorksLaLlon seLup
6) //l/ks/vMWare/lmages.nC8ACku/Wlndows-x-8are-lmage - paLh for vlrLual Machlne on
splLz or Lroy
7) hLLp:// - AuLo-
logln enable on Wlndows
8) hLLp:// - MaglclSC download
9) hLLp:// - uocumenLaLlon for Maglc lSC
10) //nfs/Lroy/rald - paLh Lo flnd lSCs whose lnsLallaLlon needs Lo be scrlpLed
11) hLLp:// AuLolL download.
12) hLLp:// - AuLolL compleLe reference.
13) //afs/ - AlS sLorage
14) <llnk for useful au3>
13)<llnk for useful lSCs>
16) <oLher llnks lf any>

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