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Choose the accurate items

1. Which item is accurate?

a. Kru Boy teaches English.
b. The earth goes around the moon.
c. Fire is cold.
d. Japan is not a country.
2. Which item is accurate?
a. Chumpholphonphisai is in Nongkhai.
b. Kru Boy is sixteen years old.
c. There are 76 provinces in Thailand.
d. The earth is bigger than the sun.
3. Which item is accurate?
a. Dogs have 2 legs.
b. Spiders have 8 legs.
c. Elephants dont have tails.
d. Kru Boy has 4 eyes.
4. Which item is accurate?
a. You live in a tree
b. Your English teachers name is Ben.
c. Rocks float.
d. Now you are in Phonphisai.
5. Which item is accurate?
a. The river Nile flows into Pacific Ocean.
b. The Olympic takes place every 6 years.
c. The host of World Cup 2014 is Brazil.
d. Kru Boy teaches mathematics.

6. Which item is accurate?
a. The river flows from the bottom to the top.
b. We take helicopter to school every day.
c. You speak Thai.
d. We cook food in the refrigerator.
7. Which item is accurate?
a. Your classrooms have no doors.
b. The first class starts at 8:00 a.m.
c. We finish class at 3:30 p.m.
d. Butterflies have ten legs
Read the stories/sentences and choose the
appropriate answer
8. Most of the car that Beth likes, such as the
Mercedes-Benz and the Rolls Royce are incredibly
expensive and they are difficult to repair as well.
What kind of car that Beth likes?
a. A Mercedes-Benz
b. A Rolls Royce
c. One that is difficult to repair
d. We do not know
9. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson went to Germany after
they went to Austria. Afterwards, they continued
to Yugoslavia.
When did the go first?
a. Germany
b. Austria
c. Yugoslavia

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d. We do not know
10. Paul wrote a nice letter to Susan before he wrote
a letter to the bank . Afterwards, he wrote a letter
to his cousin, Mike.
a. Paul wrote Mike after he wrote his cousin.
b. Paul wrote Mike before he wrote Susan
c. Paul wrote the bank before he wrote Susan
d. Paul wrote Susan before he wrote the bank
11. Tom arrived at seven oclock which was fifteen
minutes after the movie had begun. He has been
there for an hour now. What time is it now?
a. 7.15
b. 7.45
c. 8.00
d. 8.15
12. The author had written the book four years before
he got married.
a. He got married four years ago.
b. He needs four years to write the book.
c. He got married four years after he wrote the
d. Four years before he wrote the book, he got

Grammar Focus

13. Choose the correct sentence.
a. We are wanting to have an answer.
b. The students are thinking English is easy.
c. Look! An eagle flies over head.
d. The eagle is over there! Do you see it?
14. Choose the correct sentence.
a. Now I believe my English is better.
b. I do this exercise now.
c. This is fun. I have a good time.
d. My dad is owning two cars now.
15. Choose the correct sentence.
a. I am needing to borrow some money.
b. My family prefers chicken to red meat.
c. I'm not knowing the answer to your question
right now, but I'll find out.
d. We are having a new computer now.
16. Choose the incorrect sentence.
a. Rosa is sitting on the train right now.
b. My sister's dog dont bark.
c. Our teacher always starts class on time.
d. Look! The cat is getting up on the counter.
17. Choose the incorrect sentence.
a. Does Marie have enough money?
b. We dont like this rainy weather.
c. Mrs. Gray worry about her daughter.
d. My brother dont have enough free time.
18. Choose the incorrect sentence.
a. Does Jim drive to school every day?
b. He doesnt want to be late.
c. Anna usually has dinner at eight.
d. He always hurrys in the morning.

Read the story

In cold climates, many trees__19__their leaves in
winter. They__20__for several months. Then
they__21__new leaves and flowers in the spring.
Some trees__22__their leaves during the winter
and__23__green all year long. In some regions of the
earth, trees__24__at all. For example, some desert
areas__25__any trees. The largest area of the world
without trees__26__Antarctica. No trees__27__in

19. Choose the right verb.
a. grow
b. grows
c. lose
d. are losing
20. Choose the right verb.
a. rest
b. are resting
c. is
d. are
21. Choose the right verb.
a. eat
b. are eating
c. grow
d. are growing
22. Choose the right verb
a. give
b. are giving
c. keep
d. are keeping
23. Choose the right verb
a. stay
b. stays
c. go
d. goes
24. Choose the right verb
a. don't grow
b. are not growing
c. dont live
d. are not living
25. Choose the right verb
a. dont have
b. have
c. dont live
d. live
26. Choose the right verb
a. is
b. has
c. do
d. does
27. Choose the best verb.
a. live
b. are living
c. grow
d. are growing

Complete the sentence

28. Shhh. The baby____. The baby ____for ten hours
every night.
a. sleep / is sleeping
b. sleeps / are sleeping
c. is sleeping / sleeps
d. sleep / sleeps
29. A: ____ a lot in southern California?
B: No. The weather____usually warm and sunny.
a. Does it rain / is
b. Is it raining / gets
c. Does it rain / gets
d. Is it raining / is

30. Ali____Arabic. Arabic is his native language, but
right now he____English.
a. is speaking / speaks
b. speaks / is
c. is speaking / speak
d. speaks / is speaking

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