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1.Acupressure Travel Bands
As an acupuncturist, the one security blanket you have is that you can put needl
es in yourself to treat acute conditions e.g. sickness or migraine, to give inst
ant and immediate relief. Even THINK about going near a plane, and all sharp obj
ects, including your gorgeous, magic, special little needles are out of the ques
tion. Cue freaking out. Ok, when I calmed down, I realised acupressure was my ne
w best friend.
So called travel bands are available from Boots (in the UK), and most pharmacies,
or online heck, I even lost one of my wrist bands on the first leg of my homewar
d bound journey, and managed to pick up a replacement in Singapore airport!
You wear them like wrist bands, and they have a plastic half-sphere on the insid
e. They work by stimulating an acupuncture point called Pc 6 or neiguan, which is
translated as inner gate. The deep pathway of the channel goes directly through th
e stomach, which harmonises and settles the organ, keeping Qi (energy) down, ins
tead of it rising up which causes you to feel (or actually be) sick. Having acup
uncture on this point BEFORE you go can also help massively.
The main time I remember thinking I might actually vomit on the flight from Heat
hrow to Singapore (to then go on to Brisbane), I looked at my wrist bands and th
ey had moved off the Pc 6 point a small adjustment, and the nausea ceased again.
It is important to get the point location exact, else these bands wont work for
you I have a sheet on my website that I give to patients before they travel, jus
t to make sure they are guided properly to putting the bands on correctly.
I also used a second pair of the bands on my feet to stimulate the acupuncture p
oint Kid 1 to ground my energy DOWN as much as possible, whilst being up in the ai
r! And an acupressure plaster on He 7, to help calm my anxiety and nerves. Acupr
essure really rocks!
2. Homeopathic Remedies
Before I travelled, I went to see my fabulously lovely homeopath, Jill Roarty, s
o that I could have a range of remedies tailored to my needs and my personality.
The main one for altitude sickness was Coca, and it works like a dream! I had a
special jet lag formula, and a strong dose of arnica, to take whilst on the fli
ght, to help the adjustment to the new time zone I didnt have ANY jet lag when I
arrived in Australia! Plus a couple of other remedies to help with my anxiety, f
ear of freaking out when trapped inside the airplane for 14 hours etc and I was ok!
3. Flower Remedies or Essences
Bach Rescue Remedy is a staple in my first aid kit, and the smaller flight friend
ly bottle (double check when you buy) definitely went in to the flight survival pa
ck, to calm the nerves. This was especially useful in the airport BEFORE the flig
ht. And it seemed only fitting to have an Australian Bush Flower Essence in ther
e too, especially as I was flying to Aus! The TRAVEL essence was perfect, and I to
ok it before, during and after the flights. It helps energetics wise, when youre
in such close proximity to strangers when travelling, as well as tiredness, jet
lag, adjusting to new places and time zones.
4. Aromatherapy
I also had two bespoke remedies blended for me by great aromatherapist Jo Partri
dge. They come in flight friendly rollerball vials. One was very calming, with ros
e, geranium and a couple of others. It was great when the nerves started to cree
p up, I just dabbed some on my wrists, so the oils could be absorbed easily. The
other blend had very grounding scents including vetiver and lavender. This agai
n helped to keep my Qi down, despite being up in the air!
5. Throat Sprays
I am always treating patients who have had a fabulous holiday, but come home wit
h a sore throat, or a cough / cold they have picked up on the plane. Too many pe
ople in very close proximity, and the re-circulated air, does nothing for keepin
g well. I pre-empt this, and ensure my throat is supported, reducing the likelih
ood of nasties getting in and setting up camp. Higher Nature Colloidal Silver is
good at sterilising the air around you on a plane I spritzed this around my face
and seating area every few hours, as well as directly spraying the back of my th
roat to kill any bugs that I might be breathing in. Additionally, the A.Vogel echi
nacea throat spray is fabulous for boosting and supporting the immune system, pl
us sage is antibacterial and soothes any soreness.
6. Skin Hyrdation
Apart from drinking TONS of water on the plane make sure you buy a large bottle
once you have gone through security, especially if youre headed on long-haul I us
ed the deliciously scented face mist from Liz Earle. Its for mature or very dry s
kin but dont let that put you off, it is natural and exactly what your poor dehyd
rated skin requires and need I say, NO makeup is essential.
7. Fear of Flying Audios
One last thing that wasnt in my travel survival pack as such, but it really helped
to prepare me before the long-haul flights, both to AND from Australia Flying Wi
thout Fear audios and books. I really cannot recommend them highly enough. They
dispel all the common misconceptions did you know there are no such thing as air
pockets?! They go through all the various sounds you might hear onboard, so you
dont jump to the conclusion that the clunk you just heard is the wing about to f
all off! And they gave me my mantra of 24hrs turbulence is NOT dangerous, it is J
UST uncomfortable. My goodness, that got me through it!

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