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Americans call COOKBOOK a book with recipes. British people call it COOKERY BOOK.
1 Recipe comprehension. Infering the meaning of words. Comprendre une recette. Trouver le
sens des motst inconnus!.
1.1 "Bread and B#tter $#dding". Comprehension % &aking an acco#nt of the recipe.
(Comprhension et compte-rendu de la recette!
1.' (rammar) the imperati*e L'impratif!
1.+ $resposition ,o*er,. la prposition ,o*er,!
1.- ./op chef0 1 Radio programme. Oral Comprehension % step b2 step instr#ctions.
' E3plaining and instr#cting in the kitchen. Expliquer et donnez des instructions en cuisine!
m#st4 m#stn,t4 ha*e to4 don,t ha*e to
+ 5hat is cooking6 chef7 Cooking *erbs.
8es *erbes de pr9paration c#linaire.
- Reading and making an acco#nt. (Lire et faire un compte-rendu)
"&i3 snail porridge6 sardine sorbet and 2o# ha*e a :at ;#ck"
< A#tocorrection
1. Recipe comprehension. Infering the meaning of words. Comprendre une recette. Trouver le sens
des motst inconnus!.
Commence= > partie de step 11. Remplace= les "t#" par "*o#s"
1.1 "Bread and B#tter $#dding". ?nderstanding % &aking an acco#nt of the recipe.
(Comprhension et compte-rendu de la recette!
Leavin the prepared puddin to soa! for half an hour "efore #ou "a!e it is the !e# to ensurin a
"rilliant result.
Preparation time: 10min, plus 30min soaking;
cooking time: 45-55min
300cals, 14g fat, 35g carbohydrate per sering; seres !
$% (&oz) "utter' softened
( slices )hite "read
&$ (*oz) each currants and sultanas
+ medium es
$(,ml carton full-fat mil!
$% (&oz) liht muscovado suar
-inch of round mixed spice
Bread and Butter Pudding
1. $reheat the o*en to 1@ABC 1CABC fan o*en! mark -.
8ightl2 grease a 1.1 litre ' pint! o*enproof dish with a little of the b#tter. ?se the rest to
spread e*enl2 o*er the bread then c#t each slice in half diagonall2.
Arrange in the dish6 each slice slightl2 o*erlapping the last6 and sprinkle the c#rrants and
s#ltanas o*er the top.
'. Beat together the eggs6 milk6 s#gar and gro#nd mi3ed spice in a bowl then po#r o*er the
bread. 8ea*e to soak for +Amin.
+. Bake in the o*en for -<D<<min or #ntil the p#dding is golden brown b#t still slightl2 moist
in the centre.
Eer*e with a dri==le of single cream.
.ood /ouse!eepin' 0arch &%%&. 1 .ood /ouse!eepin23ational 0aazine Compan#.
1.1.1B8ook at the doc#ment and answer the F#estions b2 ticking the right bo3. 4"servez
l5ensem"le du document et rpondez aux questions en cochant la rponse approprie.!
5hat is it abo#t7 G food
G sports
G m#sic
5hat t2pe of doc#ment is it7 G an inter*iew
G a letter
G a recipe
5hat is it7 G a salad
G roastbeef
G a dessert
5hat sort of dessert is it7 G an ice cream
G an apple pie
G a bread and b#tter p#dding
5here is it from7 G A#stralia
G (reat Britain
G :rance
:ill in the sentences below with the help of the table and with the following words. HCompltez les
phrases ci-dessous en vous aidant du 6C0 et en utilisant les mots suivants!
p#dding 4 food 4 recipe 4 dessert
/his doc#ment is abo#t IIIIIII It is a IIIIIII from (reat Britain.
/hisIIIIIII. is a bread and b#tter IIIIII
-our vous entra7ner 8 la prise de parole en continu' rpondez 8 chaque question du 6C0
prcdent par une phrase compl9te puis coutez l'enreistrement pour vous auto-corrier.
:ecommencez ;usqu'8 ne plus faire d'erreurs' m<me de prononciation. =ttention 8 la prononciation
des mots recipe JKresipiL et dessert JdiK= M tL
1.1.'B Complete the sentences with the following words) Compltez les phrases en utilisant les
mots suivants) )
te3t 4 photo 4 name 4 maga=ine
/his doc#ment is a recipe from a IIIIIIII p#blished in &arch 'AA'.
At the top left of the page6 there is a IIIII
At the bottom of the page6 there is the IIIIII of the recipe and a IIIIIII
1.1.+B Read the te3t F#ickl2. /hen p#t the following headings in the bo3es below representing the <
parts of the te3t. Lisez le texte rapidement puis placez les expressions suivantes dans les cadres ci-
dessous' reprsentant les cinq parties du texte ))
the ingredients 4 the method 4 technical information 4 the chefKs secret 4 the title
/here are fi*e parts in the te3t6 and a photo to ill#strate the dessert.
1.1.-B(i*e the following information in :rench #sing the doc#ment. H>onnez les indications
suivantes en fran?ais en vous rfrant au document!.
Temps de prparation @ .........................................
Temps de cuisson @ ...............................................
Temprature du four @ ..........................................
3om"re de portions @ ...........................................
3om"re de calories par portion @ .........................
6uantit de raisse par portion @ ..........................
6uantit de lucides (h#drate de car"one) par portion @ ................................................................
1.1.<B Yo# are doing shopping to make this recipe. &ake the list of the ingredients in English6 then
in :rench. 5rite the F#antities 2o# need to make the dessert for si3 people. (Aous faites vos courses
pour prparer cette recette. Bta"lissez en anlais puis en fran?ais la liste des inrdients. Cndiquez
alement les quantits ncessaires 8 la ralisation de ce dessert pour six personnes.
Anglais Dran?ais
N#antit2 Ingredients Cnrdients 6uantits
'<g 1o=! c#rrants :aisins de Corinthe &$
'<g 1o=! s#ltanas :aisins de Em#rne &$
11CB:ind in the te3t the following *erbs in the imerati*e" :etrouvez dans le texte les ver"es
suivants 8 l5impratif! (exemple ) preheat O prchauffez!.
.................................................... Futilisez
.................................................... Fcoupez
.................................................... Fparsemez
.................................................... F"attez
.................................................... Fversez
.................................................... Olaissez tremper
.................................................... Fcuisez au four
1.1.C. :ind in the te3t the following words) :etrouvez dans le texte les mots suivants!)
four 2 plat 2 "ol
Encadrez la prposition oer dans le texte et les verbes auxquels elle est associe puis proposez
deux traductions possibles de ce mot.
4n trouve o*er dans les expressions ) spread e*enl2 o*er the bread 4 sprinkle the c#rrants and
s#ltanas o*er the top 4 po#r o*er the bread
o*er implique un mouvement de survol' au -dessus de quelque chose.
=ttention' quand on l'emploie dans l'expression .o*er there0 elle sinifie ;uste@ Gl8 "asH
Irite the ma;or staes in the recipe )ith short and simple sentences usin ver"s in the imperative'
the preposition 'over'' and the technical voca"ular# a"out the specialit#.(:diez les randes tapes
de la recette sous forme de phrases courtes et simples en utilisant
des ver"es 8 l5impratif' la prposition over ainsi que le voca"ulaire technique concernant votre
spcialit.) <A > PA words ma3im#m!.
Ei le travail de rdaction vous sem"le trop difficile' compltez le texte ci-dessous afin de daer
les tapes principales de la recette @
$reheat the IIIII mark -!. (rease the dish with IIIII Epread the b#tter
IIIII the bread. C#t the slices of IIII in half diagonall2. Arrange the IIIII in
the dish. Eprinkle the c#rrants and IIIII o*er the top. Beat the eggs6 milk6 IIIII and
spices in a bowl. IIIII the mi3t#re o*er the bread and lea*e IIIII for +A mn.
IIIII in the o*en for -< mn. Eer*e with cream.
Ei vous n'avez pas trouv par vous-m<me les mots manquants' retrouvez-les parmi les mots s#i*ants)
s#gar 4 b#tter 4 po#r 4 o*en 4 o*er 4 slices 4 s#ltanas 4 bread 4 bake 4 to soak
Write in English the recipe of your favourite dessert, reproducing hat you have learnt in the
recipe before. :diez en anlais la recette de votre dessert prfr en vous inspirant de celle que
nous venons d5tudier!.
#ns$er the follo$ing %uestions in &nglish $ith short and simple full sentences" (:pondez en
anlais aux questions en faisant des phrases courtes et simples mais compl9tes).
'o it orally too.(Daites le aussi 8 l'oral)
1. 5hat is the name of this dessert7
'. 5hat are the ingredients7
+. 5hat is the ke2 to ens#ring a brilliant res#lt7 Hquel est la cl pour assurer un rsultat
-. 5hat can 2o# ser*e with this dessert7
<. Is it a t2pical British dessert7 5h27
1.-. ./op chef0 1 Radio programme
(ituation) "/op chef"is a radio programme. /hree people are present) the host Hle prsentateur!6 a
caller H un auditeur qui appelle! and the chef. the chefH the cook!.
/he following words are present in the con*ersation. Yo# m#st prono#nce them properl2 to
#nderstand them when other people are speaking. Les mots suivant sont prsents dans
l'enreistrement. Aous devez les prononcer correctement pour les reconna7tre quand d'autres
personnes les utilisent!
8isten and repeat4 &ind the stress too.(Ecoutez et rptez en faisant attention 8 l'accent aussi)
4a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4i)4 4M 4 4e 4 4 4
4 fla M 4
4 b tM 4
4 gM 4
4*M n lM4
4t n4
(un moule!
4 m kst M 4
4Mn t l4
4 pri hi t4
4bi t4
4bM l4
4 gM ldMn4
4be k4
(cuire au
4spr d4
8isten to the con*ersation. Yo# can follow it on the scrip below if necessar2. HEcoutez la
conversatiuon. Aous pouvez suivre sur le script ci-dessous si ncessaire.!
Qost) 5elcome to o#r programme ./op chef0 5ho is there7
Caller) Qi6 m2 name is :arah and I need help. I need to make a special cake for m2 niece. ItKs her
Qost) /hatKs greatR 8etKs talk abo#t the ingredients first. Is there an2 milk in 2o#r fridge7
Caller) &mmI 8et me see. Yes6 there is.
Qost) Qow m#ch milk is there7
Caller) A litre.
Qost) Ok. ;o 2o# ha*e eggs7 Yo#Kll need three eggs.
Caller) Yes. I ha*e half a do=en.
Qost) 5hat abo#t b#tter7 Is there some b#tter7
Caller) Yes. Qow m#ch do I need7 I ha*e onl2 'AA gr.
Qost) OkR Yo# need 'AAgr of b#tter. And is there flo#r7
Caller) 5ellI I ha*e allDp#rpose flo#r.
Qost) Ok. Eo 2o# can make a special cake for 2o#r niece.O#r chef6 S#d26 will tell 2o# the
ingredients )
S#d2) /he ingredients are)
- c#ps of allDp#rpose flo#r.
'AA gr. of b#tter
' c#ps of s#gar
+ eggs
' c#ps of milk
/wo spoonf#l of *anilla e3tract
Qost) Tow :arah6 S#d2 will tell 2o# the cooking instr#ctions.
:irst6 preheat the o*en.
B#tter a cake tin.
Add b#tter in a bowl
Add s#gar grad#all2 and beat s#gar and b#tter together.
Add eggs6 one at a time. &i3 for two min#tes.
/hen add the milk and flo#r. Beat e*er2thing together.
Add the *anilla e3tract and mi3.
$o#r the mi3t#re into the cake tin.
Bake for -A min#tes and #ntil the tops are golden and a knife comes o#t clean.
Optional! Epread ;#lce de 8eche o*er the cold cake.
Qost) /hanks for calling #s :arahR ;o 2o# think 2o# can do the cake for 2o#r nieceKs birthda27
Caller) Yes6 I can do itR /hank 2o# *er2 m#chR
Qost) Yo# are welcomeR /hat was ./op Chef0 5e meet again ne3t &onda2R
Order the pict#res. 8isten again if necessar2 and if it,s too diffic#lt6 #se the script. 4rdonner les
imaes. : couter l'enreistrement et si c'est trop difficile' utiliser le script.!
b#t a Cake pan for
Correct order) aIII bIII cIII dIII eIII fIII gIII hIII iIII
#ns$er the %uestions by circling a" b" or c" (:pondez aux questions en entourant a. ". ou c.)
1. . 5hose birthda2 is it7
a. :arah b. Qer nephew d. Qer niece.
'. 5hat does :arah want to make7
a. A chocolate cake b. A special cake. c. A dessert.
+. Qow m#ch milk does :arah need7
a. A litre b. A c#p c. /wo c#ps.
-. Qow man2 eggs does :arah ha*e7
a. three eggs. b. :o#r eggs c. Ei3 eggs.
<. Qow man2 eggs does :arah need7
a. three eggs. b. :o#r eggs c. Ei3 eggs.
C. 5hich list of ingredients is more similar to :arahKs cake7
a. 8IE/ A
' c#ps of allDp#rpose flo#r.
'AA gr. of b#tter
1 c#ps of s#gar
' eggs
- c#ps of milk
/wo spoonf#l of *anilla e3tract
b. 8IE/ B
- c#ps of allDp#rpose flo#r.
'AA gr. of b#tter
' c#ps of s#gar
+ eggs
' c#ps of milk
/wo spoonf#l of *anilla e3tract
P. 5hat does :arah do first7
a. Bake b. $reheat the o*en c. Add milk
@. 5hat ingredient goes first7
a. /he b#tter b. the two c#ps of s#gar c. the eggs
V. Circle the correct one.
a. Add s#gar6 then eggs and mi3. b. Add b#tter6 then s#gar and mi3.
8ook at the pict#re and answer the F#estions to anticipate. ?se ma2be4 perhaps
1. 5here does it take place7
'. 5ho can 2o# see7
+. 5hat are the2 doing7
-. 5hat is their Uob in the kitchen7
Identif2 the items in the pict#re.
A knife a colander 1 a sa#cepan
Qow to do it right.
8isten to the dialog#e and answer the F#estions.
1. 5hat are the2 preparing7
'. 5hat m#st the2 do first7
+. ;o the2 ha*e to scrape the potatoes7
8isten again and complete the sentences)
1. 5e ................ ...................... prepare the l#nch *egetables.
'. :irst6 2o# ...................... wash 2o#r hands.
+. .................... them intoo little sticks.
-. ................ we .................... to scrape them7
<. /hen I,ll ..................... the onions
C. It ..................... cook forlong.
Robbie) Right. /his morning we ha*e to prepare the l#nch *egetables6 so I,ll show 2o# what to do.
:irst6 2o# m#st wash 2o#r hands o*er there in the hand basin. 8et,s start with the carrots. $eel them
like this.
;irk) Is thi ok7
Robbie) :ine. /he we ha*e to U#lienne the carrots. C#t them into little stics6 like this. I,ll do that.
Yo# sort and wash teh new potatoes. Elice the big ones in half.
;irk) ;o we ha*e to scrape them7
Robbie) To we don,t. 5e boil them with the skins on.
;irk) (ood.
Robbie) /hen I,ll chop the onions and 2o# can do the broccoli. Yo# ha*e to break it into florets and
wash it well in cold water. It m#stn,t cook for long6 onl2 fo#r or fi*e min#tes. /hen strain it into a
;irk) ok6 I,ll start.
Etr#ct#res to practiseW
m#st6 ha*e to6 don,t ha*e to6 m#stn,t
8ook at these e3amples.
Yo# m#st wash 2o#r hands before preparing food.
obligationH the speaker thinks that it is important!
Yo# ha*e to break the brocoli into florets.
obligationHit,s part of the Uob!
5e don,t ha*e to c#t them into small pieces.
no obligationH it,s not necessar2!
Yo# m#stn,t p#t b#tter in that.
prohibitionH don,t do itR!
On #tilise m#st et ha*e to po#r parler d,#ne obligation.
Ils sont s#i*is de la base *erbale d# *erbe.
On #tilise m#st dans #en sit#ation oX cel#i F#i parle pense F#e c,est important.
I m#st finish before l#nch.
On #tilise ha*e to 4 has to F#and l,obligation pro*ient d,#n rYglement6 d,#ne so#rce e3t9rie#re > cel#i
F#i parle.
5e ha*e to check the stock e*er2 da2. It,s part of the Uob!
On #tilise don,t ha*e to4 doesn,t ha*e to F#and il n,2 a pas d,obligation dans #n rYglement o# #ne
I don,t ha*e to clean the shel*es e*er2 da2 It isn,t a r#le of the Uob!
On #tilise m#stn,t F#and il 2 a #ne interdiction.
Yo# m#stn,t smoke in the kitchen. ;on,t do it!
On #tilise had to le pr9t9rit de ha*e to! po#r e3primer #ne obligation dans le pass9.
5e had to work late 2esterda2.
'.1. Complete the sentences #sing m#st6 ha*e to6 don,t ha*e to6 m#stn,t
1. Yo# .................... ha*e clean hands in the kitchen.
'. /he staff ..................... wash their hands in the food preparation sinks.
+. 5e ..................... start work at @.AAam
-. I ....................... not work! on E#nda2s.
<. 5e ...................... prepare the *egetables before 11.+A
C. Yo# ....................... lea*e food on the floor.
P. C#stomers .................... wait too long between their dishes.
@. /he kitchen porters ................. scrape the new potatoes.
'.' Complete the te3t with m#st or ha*e to
Robbie and ;irk work in the kitchen. /he2 .................. prepare the
*egetables for #nch e*er2 morning. Also6 the2 ................... chop
onions and peel carrots. /he2 .................. wash their hands in the hand
basin before to#ching food. /he2 ............... wash the kitchen floors
e*er2 da2 and the2 ................. clean the bins reg#larl2.
/he2 ................... remember to p#t the r#bbish in the correct bins for
food or general r#bbish.
8isten to the following < sentences and repeat them. $a2 attention to the pron#nciation6 fl#enc26
Eco#te= les < 9nonc9s et r9p9te=Dles. Eoigne= la pronociation6 la fl#idit96 l,intonation. Cherche= >
imiter le loc#te#r F#e *o#s a*e= entend#.
$#t the instr#ctions in the right order.
&emori=e the cooking *erbs.
/hen e3plain the recipe alo#d with short b#t f#ll sentences .
$o#r Ztre capable de rendre compte d,#ne s#ccession d,instr#ctions. $ense= a#3 mots de liaison F#i
*ont str#ct#rer *otre prise de parole) :irst d,abord6 en premier6 a*ant to#t!6 /hen o# Te3t ens#ite6
aprYs!6 :inall2 o# at the end finalement6 > la fin!. Il fa#t a#ssi m9moriser les *erbes F#i d9cri*ent
#ne comp9tence c#linaire bien sp9cifiF#e > chaF#e fois.
(alsa erde
G add some oli*e oil to the mi3t#re #ntil smooth.
G /he chop some ancho*ies and capers and add to the herbs
G :irst6 chop the mint6 basil6 and parsle2
G Add salt and pepper and ser*e
G &i3 this with some *inegar and m#stard
8ook at the following steps6 which co#ld be #sed in an2 recipe.
ReDwrite the words in the correct order.
/he first one is done for 2o#
Read the recipe caref#ll2 &eas#re e3actl2 Collect #tensils

Eet o*en temperat#re Collect ingredients &i3 caref#ll2
Bake or cook as directed Complete preparation of ingredients
[ocab#laire. Cooking *erbs
&atch the definitions with the *erbs and then complete the recipes on the ne3t page.
Associer les *erbes anglais > le#r d9finition en fran\ais et compl9ter les recettes.
roast C#ire dans de l,ea# bo#illante
fr2 &ettre #n ingr9dient a*ec #n a#tre
boil C#ire #ne *iande o# des pommes de terre dans #n fo#r en aUo#tant de l,h#ile o# de la
add &9langer #n liF#ide o# #ne sa#ce a*ec #n obUet comme #ne c#iller en bois
peel Amener #ne c#isiniYre > #ne certaine temp9rat#re a*ant d,2 mettre #n plat
chop $resser #n citron par e3emple a*ec les main po#r en e3traire le U#s
preheat C#ire des aliments dans de l,h#ile cha#de o# d# be#rre s#r #ne so#rce de chale#r
stir Enle*er la pea# d,#n fr#it o# d,#n l9g#me
sF#ee=e Cha#ffer
heat #p Co#per en petits morcea#3
?tilise= #n *erbe de pr9paration c#linaire dans les recettes ciDdesso#s)
Recipe 1) ;#ck with orange and hone2 sa#ce
] 1 d#ck
] - tablespoons of oil
] 1 carrot6 ' onions6 + oranges
] ' teaspoons of hone2
] parsle26 pepper6 salt
1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the o*en to 1VA_ C. :irstl26 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the carrot into small
pieces and +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the onion. - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the oil in a pan and <
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the *egetables for abo#t 1A min#tes. 5hen the2 are read26 place them
with the d#ck in a roasting tin and p#t in the o*en. C^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the d#ck for abo#t
1 ho#r 1< min#tes. Te3t6 P ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^the U#ice from the oranges and mi3 it with
the hone2. 5hen the d#ck is read26 place it on a ser*ing plate and decorate with parsle2.
Recipe ') Epaghetti with marinara sa#ce
] '<Ag spaghetti
] ' tablespoons of oli*e oil
] 1.< cans of chopped tomatoes
] chopped garlic and onion
] parsle26 pepper6 salt
In a large sa#cepan6 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the onion and garlic in the oli*e oil for a few
min#tes. ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the chopped tomatoes6 salt6 pepper and parsle2 to the
sa#cepan. + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^with a wooden spoon. Cook on a low heat for abo#t +A
min#tes. In a large pan6 - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the pasta according to the instr#ctions on the
packet. &i3 the pasta with the sa#ce and < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ warm.
5hat do 2o# think of the recipes abo*e7
5o#ld 2o# like to tr2 them o#t7 5h24wh2 not7
[ocab#laire des termes c#linaires.
;ans le chapitre pr9c9dent6 certains termes ont d9U> 9t9 abord9s po#r d9crire #n plat.
:aites bien attention si *o#s #tilise= le *erbe a# particpe pass9 o# le *erbe > l,infinitif o# >
l,imp9ratif c,est la mZme forme en anglais6 l,imp9ratif est appel9 .infinitif sans to0!
> la nage boiled
brais9 braised
c#it > la broche roasted on the spit
c#it a# charbon de bois cooked o*er charcoal
c#it > l,9to#ff9e stewed
c#it a# co#rtDbo#illon cooked in *egetable broth
c#it a# fo#r baked
c#it a# *in blanc cooked in white wine
c#it a# *in ro#ge cooked in red wine
c#it en cocotte cooked in a casserole
frit fried
f#m9 smoked
grill9 grilled
mac9r9 macerated
marin9 marinated
miUot9 simmered
pan9 fried in breadcr#mbs
poch9 poached
sa#9 sa#t9ed
AdUectifs E3emples
Ehredded shredded cheese fromage r`p9
Eliced sliced m#shrooms champignons 9minc9s
Chopped chopped parsle2 persil hach9
&inced minced meat *iande hach9e
Cr#mbled cr#mbled r#sks biscottes 9miett9es
;iced diced ham Uambon co#p9 en d9s
Qal*ed hal*ed tomatoes tomates r9d#ites de moiti9 par pr9 c#isson!
;ried dried garlic ail d9sh2drat9
&arinated marinated salmon sa#mon marin9
;rained drained oli*es oli*es 9go#tt9es
Eoftened softened b#tter be#rre ramolli
$reDbaked preDbaked bread do#gh p`te > pain pr9c#ite
Red#cedDfat red#cedDfat meat stock bo#illon d9graiss9
:aire c#ire /o cook
:aire c#ire a# fo#r /o bake
:aire miUoter /o stew
:aire re*enir
:aire frire
/o brown
/o fr2
:aire ratir /o roast
:aire griller de la *iande /o grill
:aire griller d# pain /o toast
:aire bo#illir /o boil
:aire blanchir des l9g#mes /o blanch
Assaisonner sel6 poi*re6 9pices! /o add salt6 pepper6 spices
/o season
Agr9menter d,#ne sa#ce /o fla*o#r with sa#ce
Allonger #ne sa#ce /o thin a sa#ce
Be#rrer #n mo#le /o grease a baking tin with b#tter
Be#rrer d# pain /o b#tter
:aire la *aisselle /o do the dishes
to do the washingD#p
Ess#2er la *aisselle /o dr2 #p
Ess#2er #n plan de tra*ail! /o wipe
Eponger 1 netto2er a*ec l,9ponge /o wipe #p 1 to sponge
Ess#2er #n liF#ide /o mop #p
/o wipe off!
C#isiner 4 faire la c#isine /o cook
$r9parer le repas /o prepare the meal
Co#per /o c#t
Co#per en tranches /o slice
9mincer /o slice thinl2
Qacher de la *iande /o mince
Qacher oignon6 persil! /o chop
&o#dre6 piler6 9craser /o grind
R`per /o grate
/o shred
Epl#cher /o peel
;escribe 2o#r recipe
5ork in pairs. /hink abo#t 2o#r fa*o#rite recipe. ;escribe it to 2o#r partner.
1! QelloR Before ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2o#r *egetables
J Lfree=ing
J Lpeeling
J Lfr2ing
'! on the work s#rface6 2o#,d better ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it #p.
J Lcook
J Lwipe
J Lb#tter
+! I,d like a goat cheese pi==a6 b#t co#ld 2o# add some thinl2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m#shrooms
J Lsoftened
J Lboiled
J Lsliced
-! and e3tra ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cheese6 please7
J Lshredded
J Lblanched
J Lchopped
<! &2 cake is not bea#tif#l) I,*e forgotten to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m2 tin with b#tter.
J Lgrease
J Lpeel
J Lroast
C! It needs fo#r ho#rs for a ,pot a# fe#, to be ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
J Lgrated
J Lgrinded
J Lstewed
P! Qalf wa2 thro#gh 2o# m#st taste the meat stock and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it more if necessar2.
J Lseason
J Lfr2
J Lmop
@! 5hat abo#t a breakfast with a good c#p of coffee6 an orange U#ice and three slices of
J Ltoasted
J Lblanched
J Lboiled
V! and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bread 7
J Lb#ttered
J Lsoftened
J Lcr#mbled
1A! Be caref#l R Yo#r cream is trickling down the sides of the sa#cepan. (i*e me a sponge to
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ before m#m,s arri*al.
J Lwashing it #p
J Lmop it #p
J Lwhip it #p
O*en /emperat#res
D 8ook at the descriptions of temperat#res below.
D /he2 sa2 if a n#mber of degrees are hot or cold
D $#t the words 4colo#rs from the list in the correct spaces
the words can be #sed twice!
*ool +airly ,ot -oderate ,ot ,ot .ery ,ot
&/&*012* * 3#( -#14 'escription
1-A 1 *ool
1<A ' *ool
1CA + +airly ,ot
1@A - -oderate ,ot
1VA < -oderate ,ot
'AA C ,ot
''A P ,ot
'-A @ .ery ,ot
1ecipe #bbreiations
An abbre*iation is a shortened form of a word or some letters from that word are #sed.
+or e5ample: 6Post 7ffice8 is often shortened to 6P78"
# name like 0imothy can be shortened to 0im"
5e do the same with man2 words in recipes.
Kilogram Kg
(ram g
&illilitre ml
8itre ltr
;egrees Cels#is C
/ablespoon tabsp.
/easpoon tsp.
Recipe Costing
/he selling price of a dish incl#des the cost of ingredients % labo#r cost % profit margin.
Eelling price H cost of ingredients % labo#r cost % profit margin % hidden costs les cobts cach9s!
5hat are the hidden costs7 Can 2o# gi*e e3amples 7
power for cooking6 safe storage6 lighting ) 9lectricit9 po#r la conser*ation6 l,9clairage
water for washing6 cooking6 cooling and cleaning ) l,ea# po#r la*er6 c#isiner6 refroidir6 n9tto2er
packaging6 crocker26 c#tler2 ) conditionnement *aisselle6 co#*erts!
ingredient weight loss d#ring cooking ) perte de poids des ing9rdients pendant la c#isson!
cost of premises6 ins#rance) cobt des lie#36 ass#rance
initial and replacement cost of eF#ipment) cobt de l,9F#ipement cobt initial et de reno#*ellement!
ad*ertising) p#blicit9!
In short6 we can sa2 that the price of a dish incl#des man2 things.
-. British food best in the world.
A British resta#rant that ser*es bacon and egg ice cream has been *oted the
best place in the world to eat. /he :at ;#ck resta#rant6 near 8ondon6 was at the
top of Resta#rant maga=ineKs list of /he 5orldKs <A Best Resta#rants. /he
owner and head chef Qeston Bl#menthal opened his resta#rant ten 2ears ago.
Qe has F#ickl2 de*eloped a rep#tation for e3perimental and #niF#e dishes. Qis
men# incl#des leather6 oak and tobacco chocolates6 sardine on toast sorbet6
snail porridge6 and mo#sse dipped in liF#id nitrogen. Qe ta#ght himself how to
cook and is now famo#s for this new st2le of cooking6 which is called
.molec#lar gastronom20. It mi3es chemistr26 ph2sics6 food and fla*o#r to make
#n#s#al taste combinations. Britain6 the home of fish and chips6 is famo#s for
tasteless and boring food. Qowe*er6 it seems things are changing) in addition to
the :at ;#ckKs award6 8ondon was named in &arch b2 (o#rmet maga=ine as
the (o#rmet Capital of the 5orld.
/op ten world resta#rants)
1. /he :at ;#ck6 Bra26 Berkshire
'. El B#lli &ontUoi6 Epain
+. /he :rench 8a#ndr26 Yo#nt*ille6 California
-. /ets#2aKs6 E2dne26 A#stralia
<. (ordon Ramsa26 8ondon
C. $ierre (agnaire6 $aris
P. $er Ee6 Tew York
@. /om Aikens6 8ondon
V. Sean (eorges6 Tew York
1A. Et Sohn6 8ondon
1. /he doc#ment is an ....................... taken from the website of the .........................
'. /he (#ardian is a famo#s ...........................................
+. /his article was posted on the Internet on ......................................
-. /he Uo#rnalist is ............................................
<. /he headline reads .....................................
C. It is like the instr#ctions of a .................................... b#t it,s *er2 strange.
P. /here is a s#bheadline. It reads .........................................
@. /he article is abo#t the fact that............................................................................. in the world
in 'AA<.
V. Complete the sentence with the words below.
bottomD ;#ckD firstD chickenD listD
In the headline6 the :at .................. refers to a resta#rant ,there are capital letters. It,s a proper
name!. In the ranking................. at the ...................... of the page6 we can see /he :at ;#ck
comes .................... It is a good name beca#se a fat d#ck also refers to a big ........................ R
/R?E 4 :A8EE) 8ook at the articleKs headline and g#ess whether these sentences are tr#e or false)
A British resta#rant ser*es bacon and egg ice cream. / 4 :
A British resta#rant won the title of best resta#rant in the world. / 4 :
/he head chef cooks traditional English dishes. / 4 :
/he head chef st#died at a :rench cooking school. / 4 :
Britain is the home of fish and chips. / 4 :
8ondon was named as the go#rmet capital of the world. / 4 :
:ind the answers in the te3t.
1. 5here is the resta#rant located7
'. 5ho is the owner of the resta#rant7
+. 5hen did he open his resta#rant7
-. Qow did he de*elop his rep#tation7
<. 5hat do 2o# call this gastronom27
C. Can 2o# gi*e some dishes on the men#7
P. Can 2o# gi*e a famo#s British dish7
@. 5here is the go#rmet capital of the world7
Entracne=D*o#s > r9pondre a#3 F#estions s#i*antes. $rene= le temps de pr9parer *os r9ponses.
?tilise= #n dictionaire si besoin.
1. ;o 2o# agree with what 2o# read 7 ZtesD*o#s d,accord a*ec ce F#e *o#s a*e= l#7!
'. 5o#ld 2o# like to eat at the :at ;#ck resta#rant7
+. ;o 2o# think .molec#lar gastronom20 will become pop#lar7
-. ;o 2o# think 2o#r co#ntr2Ks food is the tastiest in the world7
<. 5hatKs the strangest thing 2o#K*e e*er eaten7
/he doc#ment is abo#t food. It is a recipe. It is the recipe of a dessert. It,s a British desert. It,s a
bread and b#tter p#dding. It,s a desert from (reat Britain.
/his doc#ment is a recipe from a maga=ine p#blished in &arch 'AA'.
At the top left of the page6 there is a te3t
At the bottom of the page6 there is the name of the recipe and a photo
/emps de pr9paration ) 1A,
/emps de c#isson ) .-< <A,
/emp9rat#re d# fo#r ) 1@AB
Tombre de portions ) si3
Tombre de calories par portion ) +AA
N#antit9 de graisse par portion ) 1-g
N#antit9 de gl#cides h2drate de carbone! par portion ) +<g
11<B preheat6
o*en6 dish6 bowl
$reheat the o*en mark -!. (rease the dish with fat Epread the b#tter o*er the bread. C#t the
slices of bread in half diagonall2. Arrange the slices in the dish. Eprinkle the c#rrants and s#ltanas
o*er the top. Beat the eggs6 milk6 s#gar and
spices in a bowl with the mi3t#re o*er the bread and lea*e to soak for +A mn.
"a!e in the oven for L$ mn. Eerve )ith cream.
1 - C P ' + V 1A < 11 @ 1'
m#st6 m#stn,t6 ha*e to6 don,t ha*e to6 ha*e to6 m#stn,t6 m#stn,t6 don,t ha*e to
ha*e toD ha*e toD m#stD ha*e toD ha*e toD m#st
mop it #p
'! work s#rface H plan de tra*ail
+! goat cheese H fromage de chY*re
shredded cheese H fromage r`p9sto
stock H bo#illon
articleD (#ardianD British newspaperD 1V April 'AA< nineteen of April two tho#sand and fi*e!D
Richard SinmanD "&i3 snail6 porridge6 sardine sorbet6 anbd 2o# ha*e a fat ;#ck"D recipeD?K *illage
resta#rant*oted best in worldD a British resta#rant was *oted best resta#rant
1. It,s located near 8ondon6 in England
'. /he owner is Qeston Bl#menthal
+. Qe opened his resta#rant ten 2ears ago.
-. Qe de*elopped his rep#tation b2 e3perimenting #niF#e dishes.
<. &olec#lar gastronom2
C. leather6 oak and tobacco chocolates6 sardine on toast sorbet6 snail porridge6 and mo#sse
dipped in liF#id nitrogen are dishes on the men#.
P. :ish and chips
@. the go#rmet capital of the world was 8ondon in 'AA< when the article was written.

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