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Class 10 - Science - Ch1 - Chemical Reactions & Equations 8+20+12

1 Mark
Q1: A chemical reaction involves in
a. Only breaking of bonds
b. Only formation of bonds
c. Both breaking and formation of bonds
d. None of these
Q2: A balanced chemical equation alays obeys
a. !a of conservation of mass
b. !a of thermal equilibrium
c. !a of conservation of energy
d. All of the above
Q": #ingle dis$lacement reaction involves:
a. O%idation
b. &eduction
c. &edo%
d. 'eating
Q(: #tring of ants) bees contain
a. *ormic acid
b. +inegar
c. #uccinic acid
d. ,ommon #alt -Na,l.
Q/: #ome stale food gives a bad taste and a bad smell because
a. ,orrosion
b. 0is$lacement
c. 'eating
d. &ancidity
Q1: A red bron gas is released on heating lead nitrate. 2t is an
e%am$le of
a. ,ombination reaction
b. O%idation reaction
c. 0ecom$osition reaction
d. &eduction reaction
Q3: 4he sign 5 indicates
a. release of gas
b. dissolution of gas
c. formation of a $reci$itate
d. loering of tem$erature
Q6: 7hat are the coefficients of the correctly balanced
8 *e2O" 9 8 ,O : 8 *e 9 8 ,O2
-a. ;) 2) 2) "
-b. 1) ") 2) "
-c. 1) 2) 2) 2
-d. 2) 1) () "
2 Marks
Q6: 7hy do gold and silver do not corrode8
Q<: 7hat do you mean by balanced chemical equation8
Q1;: 0efine rancidity.
Q11 7rite the ty$e of reactions in the folloing:
i. &eaction beteen an acid and a base
ii. &usting of iron
Q12: =ive an e%am$le of decom$osition reaction here energy is su$$lied in form of light.
Q1": 7hy does co$$er vessel acquire green coating in rainy season8
Q1(: 7hat is the name of the gas hich burns ith a $o$ sound8 =ive one use of it.
Q1/: 7hy is 'ydrogen $ero%ide stored in colored bottles8
Q11: Name the o%idi>ing agent and reducing agent in the folloing equation.
"?nO2-s. 9 (Al-s. : "?n-s. 9 2Al2O"-s.
Name a reducing agent that may be used to obtain manganese from manganese dio%ide.
Q13: =ive to e%am$les from everyday life situations here redo% reactions are taking $lace.
3 mark
Q16: 2n electrolysis of ater) hy is the volume of gas collected over one electrode double that of gas collected over the other
Q1<: 7hy should a magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in air8
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Q2;: A%$lain ho res$iration is an e%othermic reaction.
Q21: 7hat factors influence the rate of chemical reaction8
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Q22: 0efine Andothermic reaction giving e%am$le.
Q2": A silver are is ke$t in a solution of ,u#O( -aq.. 7hat change do
you e%$ect8
Q2(: Name one metal hen $laced in ferrous sul$hate solution ill
discharge its green colour. 7rite a chemical equation and state the
reasons also.
Q2/: 7hy do e a$$ly $aint on iron articles8
Q21: A solution of a substance BBCBB is used for hite ashing
-i. Name the substance BBCBB and rite its formula
-ii. 7rite the reaction of the substance BBCBB named in -i. above ith
Q23: 7hy is it im$ortant to balance a chemical equation8 7rite an
e%am$le for skeleton equation and one e%am$le for balanced equation.
Q2<: 7hat are the coefficients of the correctly balanced equation8
8 Ba,l2 9 8 Al2-#O(." : 8 Ba#O( 9 8 Al,l" -aq.
-a. 1) 1) 1) 2
-b. ") 2) ") 2
-c. ") 1) ")2
-d. 2) 1) 1) 2
Q";: 7hat is the colour of *e#O(.3'2O crystals 8 'o does this colour
change u$on heating 8 =ive balanced chemical equation for the
Q"1: Quick like -,aO @ ,alcium O%ide. reaction ith ater is regarded
as e%othermic. A student mi%es these to $roducts in a test tube and
touches its side surface. 7hich of the folloing statement correctly
describes the studentBs observation8
-a. 4he test tube becomes cold due to release of heat energy.
-b. 4he test tube becomes hot due to release of heat energy.
-c. 4he test tube becomes hot due to absor$tion of heat energy.
-d. 4he test tube becomes cold due to absor$tion of heat energy.
Q"2: 4he decom$osition of vegetable matter into com$ost is an
e%am$le of DDDDD.
-,hoose the correct o$tion..
-a. endothermic reaction.
-b. e%othermic reaction.
Q"": 7rite a balanced chemical equation to re$resent the folloing
2ron reacts ith steam to form 2ron-22)222. o%ide and hydrogen gas.
Q"(: 2dentify the substance o%idi>ed) substance reduced) o%idising
agent and reducing agent.
?nO2 9 (',l : ?n,l2 9 2'2O 9 ,l2
Q"/: Bromine gas -Br2. reacts ith #odium ,arbonate -Na2,O". in
aqueous solution and gives sodium bromide -NaBr.) sodium bromate
-NaBrO". and carbon@dio%ide gas. 'o many number of sodium
bromide molecules obtained in the balanced chemical equation.
Q"1: A numismatist -coin collector. has been collecting gold coins)
silver coins and co$$er coins for a long time. One day he observed a
black coating on silver coins and green coating on co$$er coins. 7hat
chemical $rocess is res$onsible for these coatings. Also name the
chemical formula of the black and green coatings.
Q"3: ?ethane gas -,'(. hen burns ith o%ygen -O2. gives carbon
dio%ide and ater. 7rite the balanced chemical equation and $rovide
the folloing information in terms of reactants and $roducts in the
-a. no. of molecules
-b. no. of moles
-c. molar mass
-d. total mass of reactants and $roducts
7hat does statement -d. infer8
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