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D|g|ta| Learn|ng Inventory

1. What too|s, software, operat|ng systems, and equ|pment are ava||ab|e |n your schoo|
and c|assroom? (Inc|ud|ng but not ||m|ted to: v|deoconferenc|ng, stream|ng, photo
shar|ng s|tes, v|deo shar|ng s|tes, document shar|ng s|tes, podcasts, b|ogs, w|k|s, soc|a|
network|ng s|tes, etc.)
a. Lach Leacher ls equlpped wlLh elLher a lapLop or a deskLop compuLer per
personal preference.
l. All compuLers are lmaged wlLh MlcrosofL Cfflce and Adobe programs.
b. Lvery classroom, resource room, and sLudy hall has anywhere from 2 Lo 6
deskLop compuLers wlLh lnLerneL access for sLudenL use, dependlng on Lhe
classroom Leacher's needs.
c. A ma[orlLy of Leachers and all admlnlsLraLors have been lssued an lad.
d. AddlLlonally, Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe bulldlng has access Lo a wlfl connecLlon.
e. romeLhean 8oards have been lnsLalled ln every classroom, mosL conference
rooms and all compuLer labs.
f. 1here are mulLlple compuLer labs avallable for whole-class use lncludlng: four
(4) compuLer labs equlpped wlLh elLher deskLop compuLers or Lhln cllenLs, and
Lwo (2) Mac labs. Cne Mac lab ls a ulsLance Learnlng lab compleLe wlLh
vldeoconferenclng equlpmenL.
g. 8esldes Lhe labs, Lhe llbrary medla cenLer has 10 compuLers, lncludlng 4 Macs,
and offers boLh a lapLop carL and an lad carL wlLh 13-23 devlces avallable for
Leachers Lo slgn ouL and use ln Lhelr classrooms.
h. CurrenLly under consLrucLlon ls a S1LM room above Lhe llbrary whlch wlll have
mulLlple lnLeracLlve dlsplays, an advanced 8edCaL sound sysLem, sLudenL pods
for breakouL sesslons, an lad carL, a lapLop carL, and wlreless prlnLers.
l. CLher equlpmenL avallable for use from Lhe llbrary lncludes: dlglLal cameras,
dlglLal vldeo cameras, nooks, klndles, layaway devlces, flash drlves, mlnl
lapLops, and full slze lapLops.
[. 1he dlsLrlcL subscrlbes Lo Safarl MonLage,, as well as 22
educaLlonal daLabases
k. 1he dlsLrlcL uses School1ool, an onllne sLudenL managemenL sysLem and parenL
porLal LhaL lncludes: sLudenL and parenL conLacL lnformaLlon, sLudenLs'
schedules, aLLendance, grades, lLS, dlsclpllnary referrals, medlcal alerLs, and
parenL messaglng.
l. All sLudenLs ln grades 9-12 are provlded a school-monlLored emall accounL
Lhrough Caggle.neL
l. Caggle lncludes an onllne locker for savlng and accesslng elecLronlc
m. 1he dlsLrlcL recenLly lnLroduced Launchpad whlch allows Leachers remoLe access
Lo Lhelr folders and documenLs saved on Lhe school's P: drlve.
n. 1wo addlLlonal shared neLwork folders have been creaLed for faculLy and sLaff
l. SLaff Shared urlve
ll. SLaff SubsLlLuLe urlve for savlng elecLronlc maLerlals for subsLlLuLe
Leachers Lo access wlLhouL glvlng subsLlLuLes full neLwork permlsslons
or access Lo Leachers' folders
2. now does your schoo| make use of schoo| and]or teacher webs|tes?
a. Cur school uses Lhe maln webslLe, hLLp://, as Lhe cenLer for
lnformaLlon for our enLlre school communlLy. 1hls comprehenslve slLe ls used
for posLlng:
l. All dlsLrlcL calendar daLes lncludlng:
1. 8oard of LducaLlon MeeLlngs
2. MonLhly LvenL Calendar
3. ALhleLlc Calendar
4. A8Cu uay Calendar
ll. ulsLrlcL Cfflce lnformaLlon
1. 1ax lnformaLlon
2. School 8eporL Card
3. Mlsslon and vlslon
lll. 8ulldlng speclflc lnformaLlon for Lhe hlgh school and elemenLary
1. laculLy and SLaff ulrecLorles
2. lood Servlces
3. AdmlnlsLraLlve Cfflces
4. ALhleLlc and SLudenL Pandbooks
lv. PealLh Cfflce
v. 1ransporLaLlon lnformaLlon
vl. SLudenL CrganlzaLlons and 1SC
vll. 8esources for laculLy and SLaff
1. rofesslonal uevelopmenL Log
2. SLaff orLal
a. Leave 8equesLs
b. ayroll
c. 8equlslLlons
d. ulsLrlcL forms and documenLs
vlll. Cnllne 8esources for SLudenLs and arenLs
1. CasLle Learnlng
2. lCSS Sclence
3. khan Academy
4. School1ool
3. Caggle - sLudenL emall sysLem
lx. 1eacher WebslLes - 9 ouL of 40 Leachers have a class webslLe Lhrough
1oolbox ro, however, only 3 of Lhe 9 Leachers are seml-acLlve ln
updaLlng Lhese slLes, lncludlng Lhe Llvlng LnvlronmenL Leacher, Lhe
lnsLrumenLal Muslc Leacher and Lhe ALhleLlc ulrecLor. 1oolbox ro was
developed by Lhe local 8CCLS branch - 8oards of CooperaLlve
LducaLlonal Servlces (n? SLaLe).
3. now are you current|y ut|||z|ng techno|ogy for |earn|ng?
a. l make use of my classroom's romeLhean 8oard on a dally and hourly basls, lL ls
Lhe hub for our classroom. l use lL Lo pro[ecL Lhe dally ob[ecLlve and agenda for
each perlod, lL ls also used for dlsplaylng fllpcharLs, owerolnL presenLaLlons,
vldeos, webslLes, class dlscusslon boards, samples of wrlLlng, and oLher relevanL
medla. lncluded wlLh Lhe romeLhean 8oard ls a class seL of AcLlvoLes, whlch
allow sLudenLs Lo LexL ln answers for formaLlve assessmenLs, and a documenL
camera for pro[ecLlng a llve lmage from my desk. l have used Lhe documenL
camera Lo model wrlLlng sLraLegles.
b. l use my classroom lad and revlew appllcaLlons such for sLudenLs
recelvlng supporL Lhrough Academlc lnLervenLlon Servlces. l also use Lhe lad Lo
lnvenLory my classroom llbrary books, sLudenLs lndependenLly access l8ookshelf
on Lhe lad Lo slgn books ln and ouL from Lhe classroom.
c. l frequenLly use my flve classroom deskLop compuLers for sLudenLs ln AlS classes
Lo access or oLher sLaLe assessmenL revlew maLerlal. AddlLlonally,
Lhese compuLers are used LhroughouL Lhe day when oLher sLudenLs wlsh Lo
work on Lyplng essays or presenLaLlons durlng Lhelr sLudy halls. l have also
recenLly used Lhese compuLers as a sLaLlon wlLhln Lhe classroom for vlewlng
documenLarles onllne durlng a pro[ecL-based unlL.
d. CfLen, l slgn ouL Lhe lad carL from Lhe llbrary for sLudenLs Lo use ln class durlng
lessons LhaL requlre onllne research.
e. 8oLh my Lngllsh 11 and ACL llrsL ?ear Lxperlence classes are enrolled ln whlch ls a free, onllne revlew slLe where Leachers and sLudenLs can
creaLe dlglLal flashcards and play revlew games wlLh Lhe flashcard Lerms and
f. AddlLlonally, boLh Lngllsh 11 and ACL llrsL ?ear Lxperlence classes uLlllzed Lo upload word documenLs for elecLronlc gradlng and plaglarlsm
prevenLlon. also provldes a dlscusslon forum whlch l currenLly use
wlLh Lhe llrsL ?ear Lxperlence class Lo accllmaLe Lhem Lo Lhe experlence of
onllne collaboraLlon and a hybrld course.
g. SLudenLs ln my classes are expecLed Lo use Lhelr Caggle emall accounLs regularly
Lo recelve communlcaLlon and dlrecLlons, especlally durlng lnsLances of pro[ecL-
based learnlng. SLudenLs are provlded Llme ln class Lo use Lhe classroom
compuLers or lads Lo access Lhelr Caggle accounLs lf Lhey do noL have lnLerneL
access ouLslde of school.
h. l use School1ool Lo creaLe and malnLaln my onllne grade book, accesslble
Lhrough Lhe arenL orLal. l make every aLLempL Lo uLlllze School1ool Lo lLs full
poLenLlal by aLLachlng all asslgnmenLs and exams for sLudenLs, parenLs, LuLors,
admlnlsLraLors, and oLher Leachers Lo vlew each documenL afLer Lhe daLe of
submlsslon. AddlLlonally, l have creaLed mulLlple sLudenL aLLrlbuLe keys wlLhln
Lhe grade book Lo lnform parenLs of laLe submlsslons, plaglarlsm, or Lo conflrm
recelpL of sLudenL work when l know lL wlll Lake me an exLended amounL of
Llme Lo grade Lhe work.
l. When opporLunlLles are avallable, l use Lhe ulsLance Learnlng Lab for vldeo
conferences and vlrLual fleld Lrlps.
[. When approprlaLe, l use Lhe compuLer labs for pro[ecL-based learnlng acLlvlLles.
4. Irom the ||st of g|oba| e-|earn|ng s|tes prov|ded by IkLk's 1eachers for G|oba|
C|assrooms dur|ng |ts on||ne course |n the Ia|| of 2013, the fo||ow|ng s|tes are ava||ab|e
or b|ocked by the schoo|'s f|rewa||. !"#$%&$ ()*$+ %#*,)-., % &/*$ 0%1 /(/*/%##1 2$
2#)34$5+ *$%3,$6& 6$&$67$ *,$ 6/.,* *) 6$8-$&* %33$&& *) *,$ &/*$& 9)6 $5-3%*/)(%#
:-6:)&$&; <## 6$8-$&*& *,-& 9%6 ,%7$ 2$$( %::6)7$5;
a. Skype - - 8locked
b. lLarn - - Avallable, buL some conLenL ls blocked
l. lLA8n (lnLernaLlonal LducaLlon and 8esource neLwork) ls Lhe world's
largesL non-proflL global neLwork LhaL enables Leachers and youLh Lo
use Lhe lnLerneL and oLher Lechnologles Lo collaboraLe on pro[ecLs LhaL
enhance learnlng and make a dlfference ln Lhe world.
c. ConnecLAllSchools - - Avallable
l. A number of organlzaLlons llnklng uS schools wlLh oLhers around Lhe
world are comlng LogeLher ln a new "ConnecL All Schools" Lo meeL a
very speclflc goal: Lo connecL every school ln Lhe uS wlLh Lhe world by
d. eace Corps Speakers MaLch - -
l. Speakers MaLch helps Lo connecL reLurned eace Corps volunLeers wlLh
Lhose who wanL Lo hear abouL eace Corps experlences.
e. eals - - Avallable
l. locused on Lhe k-12 markeL, eals offers elemenLary and secondary
school admlnlsLraLors, Leachers, sLudenLs and parenLs worldwlde a safe
and secure plaLform for bulldlng educaLlonal communlLles, provldlng
quallLy dlglLal conLenL and faclllLaLlng collaboraLlon for effecLlve 21sL
cenLury learnlng.
f. Clobal nomads - - Avallable
l. Clobal nomads Croup (CnC) ls an lnLernaLlonal nCC whose mlsslon ls
Lo fosLer dlalogue and undersLandlng among Lhe world's youLh. CnC
engages and empowers young people worldwlde uslng medla,
lncludlng: lnLeracLlve vldeoconferenclng, webcasLlng, soclal neLworklng,
gamlng, and parLlclpaLory fllmmaklng.
g. Cmprakash - - Avallable
l. Cmprakash ls a free onllne plaLform LhaL connecLs grassrooLs healLh,
educaLlon, and envlronmenLal organlzaLlons ln over 30 counLrles wlLh a
global audlence of volunLeers, donors, and classrooms LhaL can learn
from and supporL Lhelr work.
h. rlmary Source - - Avallable
l. rlmary Source promoLes hlsLory and humanlLles educaLlon by
connecLlng educaLors Lo people and culLures LhroughouL Lhe world and
provldes learnlng opporLunlLles and currlculum resources for k-12
l. LduLopla - - Avallable
l. and relaLed soclal medla are deslgned Lo lnsplre, lnform
and fosLer poslLlve change ln schools and dlsLrlcLs by spoLllghLlng
evldence-based sLraLegles and besL pracLlces LhaL lmprove learnlng and
engagemenL for sLudenLs.
[. CuLreach World - - Avallable
l. An onllne neLwork and forum for educaLors Lo share overseas
experlences, besL pracLlces, and concerns regardlng global educaLlon.
k. 1he un Works - - age noL found
l. Clobal LducaLlon Conference - -
Avallable, buL some conLenL ls blocked
l. 1he Clobal LducaLlon Conference ls a collaboraLlve, world-wlde
communlLy lnlLlaLlve lnvolvlng sLudenLs, educaLors, and organlzaLlons aL
all levels. lL ls deslgned Lo lncrease opporLunlLles for bulldlng educaLlon-
relaLed connecLlons around Lhe globe whlle supporLlng culLural
awareness and recognlLlon of dlverslLy.
m. Cnllne newspapers - - Avallable
l. WebslLe wlLh llnks Lo hundreds of newspapers around Lhe world,
organlzed by reglon.
3. After po|||ng h|gh schoo| staff, |nc|ud|ng teachers, adm|n|strators and counse|ors, the
fo||ow|ng were c|ted as most the frequent|y used webs|tes and techno|ogy:
a. WebslLes
l. ulsLrlcL webslLe -
ll. School1ool - hLLps://
lll. Safarl MonLage
lv. ?ou1ube -
v. -
vl. CasLle Learnlng - hLLps://
vll. roblem ALLlc -
vlll. Capmlnder -
lx. 1he n? 1lmes Learnlng neLwork -
x. n? SLaLe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Cfflce of SLaLe AssessmenL -
xl. CulzleL -
xll. earlLrees -
xlll. romeLhean laneL -
xlv. 8eadWrlLe1hlnk -
xv. PlsLoryLeacher.neL - www.hlsLoryLeacher.neL
xvl. Coogle Maps -
xvll. Coogle news -
xvlll. Coogle lmages - hLLp://
xlx. lasLweb -
xx. College 8oard -
xxl. SLaLe unlverslLy of new ?ork -
xxll. Career Zone -
xxlll. Sheppard SofLware -
xxlv. 60 MlnuLes -
xxv. School uaLabases: Cpposlng vlewpolnLs, Croller
xxvl. Ldmodo -
xxvll. LduLopla -
xxvlll. Cnllne MeLronome - hLLp://
xxlx. hLLp://
xxx. hLLp://
xxxl. hLLp://
xxxll. hLLp://
xxxlll. hLLp://
xxxlv. hLLp://
xxxv. hLLp://
xxxvl. hLLp://
xxxvll. hLLp://
xxxvlll. hLLp://

b. SofLware or AppllcaLlons
l. MlcrosofL Cfflce SulLe
1. MS Word
2. MS owerolnL
3. MS ubllsher
4. MS Lxcel
3. MS Movle Maker
ll. Apple
1. lMovle
2. Carage 8and
3. lad AppllcaLlons
a. l8ookshelf
b. Shakespeare ln 8lLs
c. Spark noLes
d. CulzleL
e. 8lusLer
lll. Adobe
1. lnueslgn
6. Is there a system for eva|uat|ng student techno|ogy ||teracy |n your schoo|?
a. 1o my knowledge, Lhere ls noL a sysLem or assessmenL Lool for evaluaLlng
sLudenLs' Lechnology llLeracy ln our school.
7. Suggest|ons from students on the|r |deas for |ntegrat|ng techno|ogy |nto the|r |earn|ng,
gathered through an |nforma| survey.
a. Address lnconslsLencles ln Lhe ban on elecLronlc devlces ln school.
l. SLudenLs are noL allowed Lo possess cellphones or LableL compuLers on
Lhelr person durlng Lhe school day. uevlces are Lo be locked ln Lhelr
lockers from 7:30am-3:03pm. Powever, sLudenLs are allowed Lo
possess and use e8eader devlces such as klndles and nooks LhroughouL
Lhe day. SLudenLs expressed frusLraLlon over Lhe facL LhaL such devlces
work Lhe same as LableLs and phones and can access Lhe lnLerneL and
modes of elecLronlc communlcaLlon vla Lhe school's wlfl neLwork, a
prlmary reason behlnd bannlng phones and LableLs, yeL e8eaders are an
excepLlon Lo Lhe rule. SLudenLs use e8eader appllcaLlons wlLhln Lhelr
LableLs or phones and would llke Lhe same readlng and access prlvllege
Lo be exLended Lo lnclude such usage. AddlLlonally, sLudenLs would llke
Lo be able Lo use Lhe Lechnology LhaL Lhey already own Lo compleLe
asslgnmenLs whlch requlre Lhem Lo creaLe vldeos or podcasLs durlng Lhe
school day, lnsLead of havlng Lo walL for equlpmenL Lo be avallable
Lhrough Lhe llbrary. llnally, sLudenLs who have parLlclpaLed ln llve vldeo
conferences or vlrLual fleld Lrlps ln our ulsLance Learnlng Lab expressed
Lhey would appreclaLe more of Lhose Lypes of opporLunlLles because
Lhe personal connecLlons Lhey felL beLween Lhemselves and Lhe
presenLers made for a more purposeful and auLhenLlc learnlng

8. 1oo|s that are not present|y ava||ab|e that wou|d he|p ach|eve d|str|ct ob[ect|ves, as
|dent|f|ed through an |nforma| facu|ty survey:
a. AlmosL unanlmously, Leachers reporLed a need for more professlonal
developmenL on Lechnologlcal resources. A few years ago we were conslsLenLly
recelvlng professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles as new Lechnology emerged,
lncludlng 1oolbox ro, Lhe locally developed Leacher webslLe program.
Powever, no follow-up Lralnlng ls Lyplcally provlded beyond Lhe lnlLlal
lnLroducLlon Lo mosL Lechnology lnlLlaLlves wlLhln Lhe dlsLrlcL. lnsLead, Leachers
are expecLed Lo explore resources lndependenLly and learn how Lo use Lhe
Lechnology durlng prep Llme or Llme ouLslde of Lhe school day. Many Leachers
expressed a sLrong lnLeresL ln lncorporaLlng podcasLs, vldeo producLlon and
edlLlng, and blogglng ln Lhelr classes, however, mosL feel overwhelmed and
shorL on Llme under Lhe currenL changes and rapld lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
Common Core SLandards and assessmenLs. AddlLlonally, more Leachers would
llke Lo have a class webslLe or blog, buL would llke professlonal developmenL
Lralnlng and Llme Lo be dedlcaLed Lo such Lasks. lL has been approxlmaLely 3
years slnce 1oolbox ro was launched and Lhere has been no furLher Lralnlng
opporLunlLles desplLe a slgnlflcanL sLaff Lurnover.
b. Lngllsh Leachers expressed an lnLeresL ln havlng more access Lo e-books or
books ln oLher elecLronlc formaLs such as ul for elecLronlc annoLaLlon. Also,
Lhe Lngllsh Leachers would llke formal Lralnlng on Adobe.
c. 1he dlsLrlcL may wlsh Lo reconslder Lhe currenL compuLer labs and deLermlne
wheLher lL would be more effecLlve Lo have more moblle labs of lapLops or lads
raLher Lhan separaLe compuLer labs LhroughouL Lhe bulldlng. A slgnlflcanL
amounL of lnsLrucLlonal Llme ls losL when Leachers musL LranslLlon sLudenLs
from Lhelr classroom Lo a compuLer lab, whlch may be on Lhe opposlLe slde of
Lhe bulldlng. Cnce ln Lhe lab, compuLers are ofLen slow Lo log on Lo Lhe school's
neLwork so sLudenLs are prone Lo engage ln off-Lask behavlors whlle walLlng for
compuLer access. Moblle carLs sLocked wlLh a class seL of lapLops allow sLudenLs
and Leachers a fasLer sLarLup wlLh mlnlmal loss of lnsLrucLlonal Llme.
AddlLlonally, all carLs could be equlpped wlLh a wlreless prlnLer. under Lhe
currenL seLLlng, sLudenLs musL leave Lhe classroom Lo reLrleve prlnLed
documenLs ln an offlce or copy room.
d. More user-frlendly elecLronlc resources (appllcaLlons) Lo help sLudenLs wlLh
learnlng dlsablllLles.

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