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Name: !

esslca Zakhary
Course]Grade: Spanlsh l, 9
Un|t 1|t|e: Culenes somos? (Who Are We?)
This unit includes topics of local and global significance, inviting students deep cognitive, social, and emotional engagemenL. lL also glves
students the skills they need to investigate the world, recognize perspectives, and communicate ideas, which are Lhree of Lhe four global
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Stage 1 Des|red kesu|ts
Coal 1: ln Lhe LargeL language, sLudenLs wlll
engage ln conversaLlons, provlde and obLaln
lnformaLlon, express feellngs and emoLlons,
and exchange oplnlon. (1.1)
Coal 2: resenL lnformaLlon, concepLs, and
ldeas Lo an audlence of llsLeners on a varleLy
of Loplcs. (1.3)
Coal 3: uemonsLraLe an undersLandlng of Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe pracLlces, producLs,
and perspecLlves of Lhe culLure sLudled. 8egln
Lo experlence songs, sLorles, games,
LradlLlonal celebraLlons, arL, llLeraLure, fllm,
and oLher producLs of Lhe culLures belng
sLudled. (2.1, 2.2)
Coal 4: Acqulre lnformaLlon and recognlze Lhe
dlsLlncLlve vlewpolnLs LhaL are only avallable
Lhrough Lhe forelgn language and lLs culLures.
use new lnformaLlon and perspecLlves Lo
expand sLudenLs' personal knowledge. (3.2)
Coal 3: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe
naLure of language Lhrough comparlsons of
Lhe LargeL language and Lhe naLlve language.
Students will be able to independently use their learning to
11: 8especL and value dlverslLy among varlous culLures of Lhe Spanlsh-speaklng world.
12: CommunlcaLe wlLh an e-pal or peer ln Lhe school ln slmple Spanlsh, dlscusslng names and
13: lnvesLlgaLe dlfferenL ways of llfe and Lhe conLrlbuLlons of oLher culLures Lo Lhe world aL
large and Lhe soluLlons Lhey offer Lo Lhe problems of humanklnd.
Students will understand that
u1: CLher culLures have dlfferenL ways of
namlng people - lncludlng LradlLlons for
namlng bables, havlng mlddle names, Lhe
orlgln of lasL names (surnames) and Lhe
number of names a person has.
u2: CLher culLures someLlmes have dlfferenL
core values, bellefs, and senses of ldenLlLy,
e.g. lndlvlduallsLlc, communal, famlllal, and
Lherefore Lhlnk of Lhemselves dlfferenLly and
behave somewhaL dlfferenLly Lhan Amerlcans
u3: ulverse culLures can also share slmllar
core values and may noL always be as
LC1: WhaL does a name mean/say abouL a
LC2: Who are you? Pow do you know? Where
dld you geL Lhls ldenLlLy from?
LC3: Where dld your flrsL, mlddle, lasL
name(s) come from? WhaL could lL say abouL
you? uo you "flL" your name?
LC4: WhaL are Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences
beLween Lhe way people recelve names ln
your culLure and oLher culLures?
LC3: WhaL ls Lhe lmporLance of knowlng Lhe
LradlLlons and values of oLher culLures?
LC6: Pow can your new global perspecLlves
on ldenLlLy and names help you connecL wlLh
Coal 6: 8ecognlze LhaL oLher culLures use
dlfferenL paLLerns of lnLeracLlon and can apply
Lhls knowledge Lo Lhelr own culLure. Compare
slmple paLLerns of behavlor, ldenLlfy dlfferenL
culLures' bellef/value sysLems, observe
cusLoms of dlfferenL reglons and counLrles.
Coal 7: use Lhe LargeL language boLh wlLhln
and beyond Lhe school seLLlng, acqulre
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe LargeL language and
culLure (3.1)
Coal 8: Show evldence of becomlng llfelong
learners by uslng Lhe language for personal
en[oymenL and enrlchmenL, wrlLe slmple
leLLers or emalls ln Lhe LargeL language Lo Lhe
Leacher and/or classmaLes (or peers abroad).
dlfferenL as Lhey seem.
u4: undersLandlng dlfferenL perspecLlves
from oLher culLures allows us Lo look more
lnLrospecLlvely aL ourselves and recognlze our
own perspecLlves beLLer.
a person from a dlfferenL (Spanlsh-speaklng)
culLure and parLlclpaLe ln mulLlculLural
communlLles near your home?
Students will know
k1: 1he way Lhey recelved Lhelr own names
k2: Pow Lo communlcaLe who Lhey are ln
Spanlsh (lncludlng varlous grammar and
vocabulary concepLs llke "ser" and words for
famlly members).
k3: 1he perspecLlve/culLure Lhey come from,
and how lL shapes Lhelr ldenLlLy.
k4: 1he perspecLlve/culLure of anoLher person
from a dlfferenL counLry (e-pal), and how lL
shapes hls/her ldenLlLy.
k3: 1he slmllarlLles and dlfferences beLween
Lhelr own perspecLlves and Lhe oLher person's.
k6: Any parLlcular namlng/ldenLlLy formlng
rlLuals or cusLoms relaLed Lo Lhe LargeL culLure
(e.g. bapLlsm, Laklng faLher's flrsL name as
Lhelr mlddle name)
Students will be skilled at
S1: Analyzlng Lhelr own perspecLlve and
personal hlsLory.
S2: lnLervlewlng Lhelr parenLs/guardlans on a
speclflc Loplc and recordlng answers.
S3: SynLheslzlng lnLervlew lnformaLlon lnLo a
coheslve summary
S4: llndlng and uslng rellable sources on Lhe
lnLerneL Lo access relevanL lnformaLlon on Lhe
S3: Summarlzlng lnformaLlon found on Lhe
lnLerneL durlng research, avoldlng plaglarlsm
S6: uslng varlous forms of Lechnology Lo
creaLe presenLaLlons on a Loplc (ower olnL,
rezl, vldeo, eLc.)
S7: CollaboraLlng wlLh a group (of sLudenLs
speaklng wlLh sLudenLs from Lhe same
S8: ueveloplng and glvlng an lnLeresLlng, well-
organlzed presenLaLlon wlLh a group
S9: WrlLlng an e-pal ln anoLher counLry (ln
S10: 8elaLlng Lo and parLlclpaLlng ln oLher
culLures and self-reflecLlng on ldenLlLy and
personal perspecLlves
Stage 2 - Lv|dence
Lva|uat|ve Cr|ter|a Assessment Lv|dence
1. uemonsLraLes ablllLy Lo develop lnslghLful, 18AnSlL8 1ASk(S): (3-4 weeks LoLal 10 class perlods of 90 mlnuLes)
crlLlcal-Lhlnklng quesLlons Lo lnLervlew famlly
members abouL Lhe hlstory behind students
names, famlly, and culLural LradlLlons

2. uLlllzes a varleLy of relevanL beglnnlng level
Spanlsh vocabulary and grammar Lo
communlcaLe effecLlvely wlLh Lhe class abouL
ldenLlLy (personallLy characLerlsLlcs, physlcal
characLerlsLlcs, name, naLlonallLy, place of
orlgln, famlly relaLlonshlps, eLc.)

3. rovldes a well-wrlLLen, lnLeresLlng
reflecLlon on personal ldenLlLy, lncludlng
anecdoLal deLalls abouL famlly lnLervlews,
showing the students individual voice

4. CommunlcaLes effecLlvely and auLhenLlcally
wlLh naLlve Spanlsh speakers ln beglnnlng
level Spanlsh abouL Lhelr ldenLlLy (asklng and
answerlng quesLlons, sharlng lnformaLlon,
3. uses lnLerneL Lools and sources effecLlvely
Lo research and communlcaLe wlLh naLlve
speakers, clLes sources of lnformaLlon
accuraLely, evaluaLes Lhe usefulness and
rellablllLy of lnformaLlonal sources on Lhe

6. LvaluaLes Lechnology Lools and resources
and chooses approprlaLe meLhods of
presenLlng research ln an lnnovaLlve,
lnLeresLlng manner

7. CreaLes lnLeresLlng, Lhorough audlovlsual
1. Create a ersona| Ident|ty rof||es: SLudenLs wlll be glven Lhe essenLlal quesLlon of
Quines somos? (Who are we?) and be asked to think about what characteristics and traits
make us who we are. SLudenLs (ln groups) wlll creaLe llsLs of Lhe characLerlsLlcs LhaL Lhey Lhlnk
deflne people as lndlvlduals (l.e. naLlonallLy, rellglon, blrLh order, hobbles/lnLeresLs) and Lhen
creaLe llsLs of LralL ad[ecLlves Lo descrlbe people ln each caLegory (nlcaraguan, CaLhollc, only
chlld, aLhleLlc, arLlsLlc). 1hen, sLudenLs wlll be Lasked wlLh looklng up Lhe Spanlsh LranslaLlons
for Lhelr llsLs and creaLlng Lhelr lndlvldual ldenLlLy proflles on Lhelr own.

2. Create an Ident|ty Interv|ew quest|on ||st: SLudenLs wlll work ln groups Lo creaLe a llsL of
lnLervlew quesLlons for famlly members regardlng Lhe orlgln of Lhelr names and ldenLlLles.
lnLervlew quesLlons should be open-ended (not yes-no questions) in order to promote
auLhenLlc conversaLlon beLween sLudenLs and Lhelr famlly members. Care should be Laken Lo
ensure students questions ask about family history, culLural rooLs, genealogy (lf known), and
how Lhe declslon was made Lo glve Lhem Lhelr names.

3. Conduct Ident|ty Interv|ews and kecord kesponses: (lor sLudenLs LhaL mlghL have dlfflculLy
conLacLlng blologlcal famlly members Lo lnLervlew, Lhey may sklp Lhe quesLlons on Lhe orlglns
of Lhelr names.) SLudenLs wlll conducL lnLervlews wlLh famlly members uslng Lhelr quesLlons
and record Lhelr answers uslng dlglLal medla (volce recorder, vldeo camera, eLc.). ln class,
sLudenLs wlll share Lhelr lnLervlews wlLh Lhelr group members ln order Lo creaLe a synLhesls of
Lhelr flndlngs and analyze slmllarlLles and dlfferences among Lhe group members. 1hey wlll
Lhen puL Lhelr group summary lnLo an audlovlsual presenLaLlon (vldeo, ower olnL/rezl),

4. Ident|ty D|scuss|ons w|th Nat|ve Span|sh-speak|ng ea|s: SLudenLs wlll flrsL creaLe and Lhen
ask Lhelr eals quesLlons ln Spanlsh abouL Lhelr names, famlly sLory, culLural rooLs, slmllar Lo
Lhe quesLlons Lhey asked Lhelr famlly members. AfLer lnLervlewlng eals, sLudenLs wlll record
answers and wrlLe a reflecLlon on how Lhe lnLervlew wenL, lncludlng any language breakdowns,
culLural mlsundersLandlngs, or llngerlng quesLlons Lhey have abouL Lhelr eals.

S. Group kef|ect|on on Ident|ty - S|m||ar|t|es and D|fferences: ln groups, sLudenLs wlll work Lo
dlscuss Lhelr personal ldenLlLy lnLervlews and Lhelr conversaLlons wlLh Lhelr eals. 1hey wlll
Lhen creaLe a comparlson charL (venn ulagram or slmllar graphlc organlzer) Lo show Lhe
slmllarlLles and dlfferences (overall) beLween Amerlcan concepL of ldenLlLy and Spanlsh-
speakers (in general).
presenLaLlons LhaL lnvlLe audlence
parLlclpaLlon and demonsLraLe deep personal

8. uemonsLraLes effecLlve organlzaLlon and
Llme managemenL durlng collaboraLlve
porLlons of Lhe pro[ecL

6. Creat|ng an Aud|ov|sua| resentat|on: SLudenLs wlll creaLe an audlovlsual presenLaLlon
deLalllng Lhe work Lhey dld, lncludlng Lhe quesLlons Lhey creaLed, Lhe resulLs of Lhelr lnLervlews,
and Lhe conversaLlons Lhey had wlLh Lhelr eals. 1he presenLaLlon should lnclude and
lnLroducLlon of each group member (made ln Spanlsh), phoLos of famlly members lnLervlewed,
eals (lf posslble), excerpLs (audlo or vldeo lf posslble) of lnLervlews, and a concluslon wlLh a
meanlngful reflecLlon puL LogeLher by Lhe enLlre group.

7. resentat|on to C|assmates: SLudenLs musL presenL Lhelr pro[ecLs Lo Lhe class as a group. 1he
pro[ecL presenLaLlons wlll be grade based on a rubrlc wlLh Lhe evaluaLlve crlLerla. 1he
presenLaLlons can be made ln person or ln vldeo formaL.

C1PL8 LvluLnCL:
8. CbservaLlon and assessmenL of Spanlsh grammar and vocabulary relaLed Lo ldenLlLy durlng
ldenLlLy proflle and eal lnLervlew quesLlon wrlLlng process
9. CbservaLlon of eal conversaLlons
10. LvaluaLlon of lnLervlew resulLs
11. CbservaLlon of groups durlng collaboraLlve Llme
Stage 3 Learn|ng |an
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unlL lnLroducLlon: Chlmamanda Adlchle TED Talk The Danger of a Single Story
hLLp:// As an lnLroducLlon Lo our unlL, sLudenLs wlll vlew
Adichies TED Talk and do a quick write journal on the single stories that have been told about them due to their culture, religion, race,
socloeconomlc level, eLc. Anu abouL a slngle sLory LhaL Lhey have had of anoLher person due Lo mlsundersLandlngs.
AfLer belng posed Lhe essenLlal quesLlon of Lhls unlL - Quienes somos? - sLudenLs wlll dlscuss ln groups of Lwo or Lhree whaL makes a
person unlque and shapes hls/her ldenLlLy. 1hen Lhey wlll lndlvldually flll ouL an Identity Profile in English, wlLh quesLlons asklng baslc
lnformaLlon abouL Lhelr name, personallLy characLerlsLlcs, physlcal LralLs, eLhnlclLy, rellglon, culLure, lnLeresLs/hobbles. 1hey may add
any lnformaLlon Lhey know LhaL Lhey Lhlnk deflnes Lhelr ldenLlLy, lncludlng famlly sLrucLure, healLh, hopes and dreams, eLc. AfLer
compleLlng Lhe proflle, Lhey wlll be asslgned Lhe Lask of uslng a Spanlsh LranslaLlon webslLe Lo LranslaLe Lhe ad[ecLlves LhaL descrlbe
Lhem and flnd Lhe lnflnlLlve forms of all Lhe verbs Lhey used ln Lhelr proflle.
NPR TED Radio Hour: Identities hLLp:// SLudenLs wlll llsLen Lo Lhls broadcasL for
homework and wrlLe reflecLlons abouL ldenLlLy and whaL Lhelr [ourneys Lo become who Lhey are have been llke so far, whaL Lhelr
vertical vs. horizontal identities are, whlch ldenLlLles Lhey have embraced and whlch ones Lhey have noL. 1hen sLudenLs wlll go back
and revise their Identity Profiles after listening to this broadcast.
Span|sh |anguage |essons:
Spanish grammar lessons on the verb ser (to be) and the usage of the verb generally with permanent characteristics of people and
things (vs. estar used mostly with temporary descriptions). Students practice conjugation of ser in sentences and quesLlons relaLed
Lo ldenLlLy Lo expose Lhem Lo a varleLy of ad[ecLlves used Lo ldenLlfy people.
Lesson on descrlpLlve ad[ecLlves maLchlng nouns ln number and ln gender. racLlce uslng maklng ad[ecLlves maLch nouns ln number and
gender on (LexLbook webslLe) and a game I have created on Then they will use ser to write
descrlpLlve senLences abouL their identities and their families identities.
Lesson on con[ugaLlon of ar, -er, -lr verbs ln presenL Lense. Speclal emphasls on gustar + infinitives and nouns to express likes and
dlsllkes. SLudenLs wlll Lake Lhe lnflnlLlve verbs LhaL Lhey used ln Lhelr ldenLlLy proflles and con[ugaLe Lhem ln Lhe presenL Lense for Lhe
Spanlsh slx dlfferenL forms (verb charLs).
Lesson on sLem-changlng verbs in present tense, especially tener (to have). SLudenLs wlll pracLlce presenL Lense verb con[ugaLlon on
Create Iam||y Interv|ew uest|ons: SLudenLs wlll Lhen be gulded on how Lo creaLe and conducL lnLervlews for Lhelr famlly members Lo
lnvesLlgaLe more abouL Lhelr ldenLlLles. 1hey wlll use n8 SLory Corps age on CreaL CuesLlons: hLLp://
SLudenLs wlll read Lhrough Lhe llsLs of quesLlons and creaLe Lhelr own llsL Lo ask famlly members abouL speclflc Loplcs.
Students will read online articles about names around the world: Baby Naming Practices from Around the World
hLLp://; Personal names around the world
hLLp://; Naming Children: Traditions in 13 different countries
hLLp://, Spanish naming customs
hLLp:// and lnclude a quesLlon abouL Lhelr names ln Lhelr famlly lnLervlew.
Interv|ews: SLudenLs wlll learn how Lo use dlglLal volce recorders and/or fllp cameras (whaLever we can geL from Lhe medla cenLer or
dlsLrlcL Lechnology llbrary), medla cenLer speclallsL wlll Leach sLudenLs how Lo work wlLh Lhe Lechnology. 1hen sLudenLs wlll Lake Lhe
Lechnology home and record Lhelr lnLervlews wlLh Lhelr famlly members. SLudenLs who are noL able Lo lnLervlew Lhelr famlly members
musL have a dlscusslon wlLh me abouL whaL Lhey plan Lo do Lo research Lhelr ldenLlLles ln furLher depLh.
ea| commun|cat|on: ln preparaLlon for ldenLlLy dlscusslons, sLudenLs wlll wrlLe shorL emalls Lo eals wlLh baslc lnLroducLory
lnformaLlon abouL Lhemselves and quesLlons for Lhelr eals abouL baslc lnformaLlon (name, age, clLy, famlly members, hobbles,
lnLeresLs, eLc.). 1hen sLudenLs wlll Lhen begln emalllng Lhelr eals lndependenLly.
ea| commun|cat|on: Students will write their Identity Profile in Spanish and either record Lhemselves readlng lL aloud or connecL
wlLh Lhelr eal Lhrough Skype and read Lhelr proflles llve.
ea| commun|cat|on: SLudenLs wlll lnLervlew Lhelr eals abouL Lhelr ldenLlLles, asklng quesLlons ln Spanlsh slmllar Lo Lhe ones Lhey
answered on Lhelr Identity Profiles. Depending on the partner class that we coordinate with on, Lhe conversaLlons may Lake
place parLly ln Spanlsh, parLly ln Lngllsh.
Group D|scuss|on and Compar|son Charts: AfLer eals conversaLlons, sLudenLs wlll parLlclpaLe ln class ln small group dlscusslons (2-3
sLudenLs) Lo share how Lhe conversaLlons wenL and whaL Lhey learned. As a group, Lhey wlll creaLe comparlson charLs Lo compare and
contrast their identities with their ePals identities.
rez| Demo: SLudenLs wlll learn how Lo creaLe rezls (medla cenLer speclallsL wlll Leach). 1hen sLudenL groups wlll work LogeLher Lo
creaLe a rezl Lo share wlLh Lhe class whaL Lhey learned abouL Lhelr own ldenLlLles and how Lhey compare Lo Lhelr eals. rezls should
lnclude phoLos, vldeos, quoLaLlons from eals, famlly members, and end wlLh a concluslon abouL ldenLlLy LhaL Lhe groups come up wlLh
Group presentat|ons: SLudenLs wlll glve Lhelr compleLed presenLaLlons Lo Lhe class, and share Lhelr concluslons abouL ldenLlLles. AfLer all
presenLaLlons are glven, Lhe groups will reflect on what they can do with the new appreciation they have for each others identities or
how they can work to make others more aware of the similarities and differences between their cultures and their ePals cultures.

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