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Chancellor State College


Brechtian Drama Script:
Rest in Pieces

Rest in Pieces

Roles (6 actors required)
- Narrator/doubles as Daughter
- Dog/doubles as Father
- Father/doubles as Dog
- Cat/doubles as Mother
- Mother/doubles as Cat
- Doctor
- Vet
- Teenager (continually rhymes to create an air of insanity)
- Daughter (doubles as narrator)

- Narrator: The actor playing the Narrator will wear a stereotypical ghost costume, a white sheet with Narrator
written in black on it. The Narrator, when speaking, will remain entirely still with no exaggerated movement,
and refuse to look at the audience, instead keeping the head directed down.

- Daughter: To signify that the actor has stopped playing the Narrator, the actor will remove the white sheet to
reveal a groomed business woman, dressed in feminine shoes, a white blouse and black slacks. The white blouse
is symbolic for the good and peace she feels she is bringing to t he world through means of morality, which she
remains passionate about and holds close to her heart. Movements will be apologetic yet proud.

- Dog: The dog will wear dog ears and a tail. Dog will speak with an occasional woof in every sentence to
remind the audience that the actor playing Dog is in fact a Dog. When playing Dog, the actor will pant and let
his tongue loll out, and crawl on their hands and knees. Movements will be energetic and playful.

- Father: To signify that the actor has stopped playing Dog and has become Father, the actor will remove the dog
tail/ears and stand on two feet. Father will walk with a hunched back, carry a walking stick, and speak with a
wheeze, to reinforce his aged state. Movements will be slow and pained.

- Cat: The actor playing Cat will wear cat ears and a tail. Cat will speak with an occasional meow in every
sentence to remind the audience that the actor playing Cat is in fact a cat. Whilst playing Cat, the actor will
kneel and sit back on their feet, and hold their paws/hands up under their chin. Cat will carry a ball of string
around. Movements will be graceful and feminine.

- Mother: To signify that the actor has stopped playing Cat and has become Mother, the actor will shed the cat
ears and tail and rise to stand on both feet. Mother, like Father, will walk with a hunch, but wear a shawl, to
reinforce her aged state. Movements will be slow and pained.

- Doctor: The actor playing Doctor will wear a white lab coat and carry a clip board to signify his profession.
Doctor will wear glasses to signify intelligence, and the actor will walk with their head held high to imply a
sense of confidence and high status. Movements will however be frustrated, purposeful and calculated.

- Vet: The actor playing vet will wear a flannel shirt, symbolic for a farm worker/animal lover. Vet will carry a
briefcase containing a single long, green needle which will be used to administer the medication which will
euthanize animals. Movements will be sad, humble and sympathetic.

- Teenager: The actor playing Teenager will present themselves as totally psychotic, with a sing-song lullaby
voice. Teenager will be dressed in an ironed-to-perfection collared shirt, and long pants. Movements will be
jerky, rushed, and violent.
Brechtian Techniques Used:
Alienation Loss or lack of sympathy, this is achieved through the narrator introducing each scene with a diary
entry, and directly addressing the audience. The narrator also uses signs to indicate either scene 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
Narration The Narrator introduces each scene ensuring a sound use of Brechtian theatre.
Where the action is explained before it occurs either through a narrator or through signs on the stage, held or
projected The catch-cry of Dying with or without dignity is projected across the stage at the death of each
appropriate character.
Episodic structure each scene introduction is set in an episodic style, days from diary entries are read to the
Non naturalistic passing of time differs greatly from that of which would be used in conventional theatre.
Visible/Obvious staging Actors remain onstage scenes change or relocate props.
Image Projections: The images projected behind the narrator are not over emotionalised, depending on the death
of the character the image projected onto the backdrop will either be a plain animal grave/headstone or a human
Song/Dance/Poetry The actor who plays teenager uses poetry as means of alienation as everyday characters
avoid speaking in such ways. Doctor and Vet also beat on drums to symbolise slow or fast heart beats, and stop
to symbolise the death of the character.
Multiple Roles: Many actors will double as other roles.
Repeated lines/Catch-Cry:
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust Rest in Peace Signifies the actor has been euthanized to experience a pain free
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Rest in Pieces Signifies the actor has died a natural, agony filled death.
Dying with(out) Dignity When an actor playing either Mother, Father or Daughter dies, the phrase Dying
without Dignity will roll across the heart monitor in grey - a colour symbolic for regret. When an actor playing
either Dog or Cat dies, Dying with Dignity will be projected against the backdrop of the stage in white, a colour
symbolic for peace.

Scene 1:
Diary/Scene 1 Sign (for Narrator)
Ball of string (for Cat)
Steering wheel (Teenager will hold and use to represent a car)
Blankets (for Cat)
Phone (for Daughter)
Brief Case (for Vet)
Green Needle (for Vet)
Small Hand-Hel d Drum (For Vet)
Scene 2:
Diary/Scene 2 Sign (for Narrator)
Shopping Basket (for Mother)
Steering Wheel (for Teenager)
Clip Board (for Doctor)
Heart Monitor (for Doctor)
Phone (for Doctor)
Hospital Gurney (for Mother)
Clock (for Daughter)
Small Hand-Hel d Drum (For Doctor)
Scene 3:
Diary/Scene 3 Sign (for Narrator)
Toy (for Dog)
Phone (for Daughter)
Brief Case (for Vet)
Green Needle (for Vet)
Small Hand-Hel d Drum (For Vet)
Scene 4:
Diary/Scene 4 sign (for Narrator)
Walking Stick (for Father)
Wallet (for Father)
Clip Board (for Doctor)
Phone (for Doctor)
Hospital Gurney (for Father)
Clock (for Daughter
Small Hand-Hel d Drum (For Doctor)
Scene 5:
Diary/Scene 5 Sign (for Narrator)
Clip Board (for Doctor)
Hospital Gurney (for Daughter)
Calender (for Doctor)
Small Hand-Hel d Drum (For Doctor)

Scene 1:
Narrator introduces the scene, reading from a diary entry in one hand, and holds a sign saying scene 1 from
the other. Daughter, a middle aged woman and a member of parliament is very close t o both her parents and
her pets. She has a cat and a dog. Teenager sees Cat sitting by the road and purposefully swerves and hits Cat.
Daughter finds Cat on the road. Her beloved Cat is suffering from external and internal injuries and is likely to
die. Daughter takes Cat to Vet, where Daughter listens to Cat beg to be put to sleep to end the unbearable pain.
Vet advises that this is the only thing he can do for Cat. Daughter agrees and Cat is put to sleep.

Narrator: (Enter stage left, holds up sign, a pet cemetery with animal headstones is projected onto the backdrop)
Hello, Audience. Im here to read to you. Dear Diary. It is the 2
of February 2012. Today, my cat was hit by a
car. I found her on the road. Her white ribs were poking through her bloodied skin, one of her eyes was crushed
to sticky jelly, and she was crying. Vet told me to put her down, and I agreed, because no-one deserves to feel
that pain. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Rest in Peace, Cat (Exits stage left)

Teenager: Teenager enter stage right, driving the imaginary car and holding the steering wheel) What a lovely
day for a drive, sure beats going for a stride.
Cat: (Enter stage left with string) Meow, a sunny spot and some string, how wonderful it is to be a cat.
Teenager: Whats that over there! A cat, a cat, a cat, oh I do declare! Look out kitty, Im going to run you
over (Make evident swerving gesture) Oh what good fun, now that youre all-a-squish, youll be anguished!
(Cat meows pitifully, Teenager exit stage left)

Daughter: (Enter stage left) Cat, come and get your dinner! I know youre hungry. Here, puss, puss, puss!

Cat: (quietly cries) Meow, help me

Daughter: What? Where on earth are you? (looks over at the ground, notices a disfigured shape on the ground
screams) CAT! Cat, oh no, no, no, no! (runs over to Cat) This cant be happening, my Cat! Look at your poor
little broken body I told you! I told you not to sit by the road! My Cat (gently peels Cat off of the ground,
holds Cat in lap, phones vet) Vet! I need you, come quickly, please, its Cat, shes been hit by a car oh her
eye, and her ribs, please Vet, you have to save her! Thank you, hurry, please! (Runs to fetch blankets from off
stage left, comes back, wraps Cat in blankets)

Vet: (Enter stage right) Hello? Take me to the patient! (Notices Cat and Daughter) Im here!

Daughter: Oh thank god, Cats, here, she needs you, I wrapped her in blankets to keep her warm but shes
crying and mewling, please Vet, please make her stop hurting, I cant stand to see her like this!

Vet: Ill do my best, I promise. (Approaches cat, examines her) Im so, so sorry. I hate to have to tell you this,
but I dont think there is anything I can do, shes so badly damaged. There might be internal bleeding. (Vet
begins to beat away on the drum at a steady pace)

Daughter: No, please, my Cat, Ive had her since she was a kitten

Vet: Yes, and Im sorry. Its so sad. But shes beyond help. The only way to help her now is to put her to sleep,
otherwise shell die in pain. (Vet begins to beat more slowly on the drum)

Cat: But Youre a vet! Youre supposed to fix her (Clutches Cat closer)

Vet: Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.(Pace slows even more still)

Cat: Please It hurts so much. I cant stand it. Make it stop, just end it, please, meow.

Vet: This is what she wants, see? Youd be doing her a favour, giving her a choice. The right to choose to die
peacefully (continues to beat drum)

Daughter: Well theres nothing we can do, and how can I ignore her final wish? To be cruel to be kind indeed,
I suppose. I love you, Cat.

Cat: Thank you for letting me choose. You did the right thing. Goodbye. (Dying with Dignity is projected
against the stage backdrop)

Vet: (Ceases beating drum, opens briefcase, pulls out needle, injects Cat) Goodbye, Cat.

END SCENE - While the lights remain on, Cat stands, removes ear and tail, hands to Daughter and Vet who
both exit stage left. Vet returns, hands Cat shawl and shopping basket, Cat now becomes Mother. Vet exits stage
left. Mother remains frozen on stage.

Scene 2:
Narrator introduces the scene, reading from a diary entry from one hand, and holding a sign saying scene 2 in
the other. Mother is out shopping for groceries. She finishes the task and as she is crossing t he road, she is hit
by Teenager in a speeding car. Mother is mangled, and is suffering from external and internal injuries and is
likely to die. Daughter rushes to the hospital, where Doctor advises Daughter that Mother is in a great deal of
pain and is not likely to survive. Mother begs to be euthanized. Daughter cannot bear to agree to assisted
suicide and hides behind the law, reminding Mother assisted suicide is illegal. Mother continues to suffer until
she dies a horrible, pain filled death.

Narrator: (Enter stage left, holds up sign, a human cemetery with plain headstones is projected onto the stage
backdrop) Dear Diary. It is the 31
of February 2012. Today, Mother was mowed down by a car. It was a hit
and run. Her legs are shattered, her ribs are broken, her lungs and her heart are damaged beyond repair. The
Doctor said there was nothing he could do. Mother knows I helped draft the Australian anti-euthanasia laws and
begged me to change them, to let her die on her own terms. I told her no, because human life is far too valuable
to waste, even though it was what she wanted. Hours later, Mother died as she cried and cursed. Ashes to ashes,
dust to dust. Rest in Pieces Mother (Exit stage left)

Teenager: (Enter stage right Teenage, Mother unfreezes) Vroom, Vroom, Vroom! Look, over there, an old lady,
Ill sweep the road with her like a broom! (Makes obvious swerving gesture) Ive hit you with my car, and now
you wont be going very far! (Exit stage left)

Mother: (Spread-eagled on the ground) My legs, oh god, someone help me. (Lights remain on as Mother stands
and walks across the room. Doctor enters stage left with hospital gurney, clip board and heart monitor. Mother
lays on a hospital gurney)

Doctor: (Holds phone to ear briefly, puts back down) Well, Ive called your daughter. She says shell be here as
fast as she can. Dont worry. (Pats mothers hand)

Mother: Please, oh god, the pain. Cant you give me some more medicine Doctor? (Clutches at his elbow)

Doctor: Im sorry, I cant. Its illegal I would go to prison for murder (Backs away, ashamed and frustrated)
Daughter: (Enter stage left) Im here! Where is my mother! (Wheels around, distressed and disorientated)
Mother: Over here, daughter. You came
Daughter: (Rushes to mothers bedside) Of course I came Mum, I would never leave you alone.
Mother: Yes, because we love each other, dont we?
Daughter: Yes, always.
Mother: We would do anything for each other, wouldnt we?
Daughter: Yes, always.
Mother: Doctor says Im going to die. Doctor says that there is nothing he can do for me now.
Daughter: Well he hasnt tried very hard has he! (Takes mothers hands)
Doctor: Its true. Her injuries are so extensive. Surgery wont do anything for her except prolong her death.
(Doctor begins to beat on the drum at a slightly accelerated pace)
Mother: Daughter, you said you would do anything for me. Im begging you to heed that promise and let me
have my final wish. I want to die on my own terms. Im scared, Im so scared Daughter, and it hurts so very
much. Doctor says that if it were legal he could inject medicine into my blood to make it all go away.
Daughter: What? No! (Flings Mothers hands away, stands) Dont be silly Mother, thats the most ridiculous
thing Ive ever heard you say. You want me to agree to kill you? No. Besides, even if I wanted to, which I dont,
I couldnt. Its illegal Its all in the Criminal Code Act! You do understand that Im a member of
parliament I cant believe that you would jeopardise my career like this with your silly reques ts.
Mother: But you told me Cat was hit by a car, and you let her pass peacefully. Why wont you do the same
for me? Im a human. Those laws are a violation of my right to die
Daughter: No, they arent. And thats exactly it youre a human. The Australian Government values your life.
You are worth more to me than Cats was. (Turns to Doctor, menacing) Doctor, you are not to euthanize her. I
dont give you permission and neither does the law. She is old, and doddery, and confused. She doesnt have the
mental capacity to know what she wants. She is talking gibberish, because of the pain. If you do it without my
say so, I will know, and the law will send you to prison for murder.
Doctor: I understand (Raises head higher, sighs, drum beat slows)
Mother: How could you do this to me? I always gave you anything you wanted, I was a good Mother.
Daughter: Because its wrong.
Mother: You would rather I died in pain?
Daughter: You arent going to die. (Walks over to clock, take the clock off the wall, winds it forward three hours
to indicate to audience time has passed, return to Mothers bedside)
Mother: (Screaming) Please! Please make it stop! I dont want to live anymore! It hurts, oh it hurts!
Daughter: Stop being silly Mother. Youll get better.
Doctor: (Beats drum slower) Look at her heart rate, over there, yes, on the monitor. Its slowing right down.
Shes going to die, and painfully, all because of you. (Dying without Dignity rolls across the heart monitor)
Daughter: Youre delusional. (Doctor ceases drum beats, pauses briefly, exits stage right, frustrated)
Mother: (Coughing and choking as she speaks) Im in agony daughter. Youve broken my heart and my spirit. I
wont ever forgive you for letting me die like this (Wails once, and dies).
Daughter: Mother? Mother no! Wake up! Come back, please. You cant be dead but I did the right thing, I
know I did. Goodbye Mother. (Flees stage left)

END SCENE - While the lights remain on, Mother stands, wheels hospital gurney and heart monitor from the
stage, exits stage left.

Scene 3:
Narrator introduces the scene, reading from a diary entry from one hand, and holding a sign saying scene 3
from the other. Dog is playing in the front yard with his favourite toy. Teenager is walking past and picks up
Dogs toy. Dog growls at Teenager, wanting his toy back. Teenager gets angry and attacks dog. Daughter finds
Dog, and is distressed by the sight of her half-dead pet. Vet comes to see Dog and advises Daughter that Dog
needs to be put down to spare him more suffering as there are extensive internal and external injuries. Dog
agrees that this is what he wants. Daughter agrees to save her pet from the pain and Dog is put to sleep.
Narrator: (Enter stage left, a pet cemetery with animal headstones is projected onto the backdrop) Dear Diary. It
is the 14
March, 2012. Today, my Dog died. He was beaten within an inch of his life by a passer-by. I dont
know who. Dogs head had caved in, his teeth were cracked and broken, and his insides were scrambled. I called
Vet, and there was nothing Vet could do. So we put him down like Cat. It was the right thing to do. Ashes to
ashes, dust to dust, Rest in Peace Dog (Exit sage left)
Dog: (Enters stage right) Woof! This is my favourite toy; I will never get tired of it! I love playing in the yard,
Teenager: (Enter stage right, notice Dog and toy, takes toy) Now this is mine, what a nice toy! Down boy!
Dont growl, how rude! Now youre screwed (Advances towards dog, begins to beat dog)
Dog: Stop, woof, please, Im sorry! (Lays on ground in pain)
Teenager: Punchy, kicky, punchy, kicky, what a fun spree! (Gives dog a final kick, exit stage right with toy)
Dog: My toyWhere is my owner, woof, please, shell take care of me.
Daughter: (Enter stage left) Dog, Yoo-hoo! Come Dog, its time for walkies!
Dog: WoofHelp me
Daughter: (Notices Dog) Dog! Oh no, not you Dog, who did this to you! My poor Dog, look at your face, oh
theres so much blood First Cat and now you, it isnt fair! (drags dog away, phones vet) Vet! I need you again,
its Dog this time, and hes been hurt so badly, I think he isnt breathing properly! Come as quickly as you can.
(Puts phone down, hums to Dog)
Vet: (Enter stage left, running, beats drum) Im here, where is Dog?
Daughter: Just here Oh look at him Vet, how could someone do this? Make him better.
Dog: Where is my toy? I want my toy. It hurts to breathe, and I cant see properly
Vet: (Takes one look at dog, slows drum beat right down) I dont know if I can Look at him. Its a miracle
that hes still even breathing. He should be dead but he isnt. He must be suffering greatly
Daughter: (Hangs head over Dog, distressed) I was afraid you would say that. I understand. I saw how peaceful
Cat was after you put her down, I can only hope Dog gets to feel that kind of relief as well. Do what you have to,
Vet: Goodbye, Dog (Ceases to beat drum, takes out Green Needle from briefcase, injects dog, Dying with
Dignity is projected against the stage backdrop)
Daughter: Yes, Goodbye Dog.

END SCENE While the lights remain on, Dog stands, removes ears and tail, hands to Daughter and Vet who
both exit stage left. Vet returns, hands Dog walking stick and wallet, Dog now becomes Father. Vet exits stage
left. Remain on stage frozen.
Scene 4: Narrator introduces the scene, reading from a diary entry from one hand, holding a sign saying scene
4 from the other. Father is walking home alone. Teenager jumps out from behind a bush and demands that
Father give him his money. Father refuses so Teenager assaults Father, kicking and punching him to the ground.
Father is brutalised. Daughter rushes to the hospital, where Doctor again advises Daughter that Father is in a
great deal of pain and to think carefully about the choices she should make.Daughter still cant bear to agree to
Euthanasia, and Father eventually dies in agony.
Narrator: (Enter stage left, holds up sign, a human cemetery with plain headstones is projected onto the stage
backdrop) Dear Diary. It is the 7
April 2012. Today, somebody beat Father half to death, all for the plastic in
his wallet. The Doctor said it was hours before anyone found him. His skull was bashed in, he lost too much
blood, and his organs were torn up, but he was still alive. The Doctor said there was nothing he could do to save
him. Father reminded me of how terribly mother died and begged that I show him kindness. I told him no.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Rest in Pieces Father (Exit stage left)
Teenager: (Enter stage right) Hey there, gramps! Give me your money, or on your head Ill stamps!
Father: Are you crazy? Its my pension. I need it. Leave me alone.
Teenager: Alone, he says! Youre in for it now; Ill use my fists and Ka-pow! (Begins beating Father) Take that,
there goes your blood, splat! (Exit stage left, taking Fathers wallet)
Father: My head (Falls to ground, Lights remain on as Doctor enters stage left with hospital gurney, heart
monitor and clipboard. Father stands and walks across the room, lays on a hospital gurney)
Doctor: Youre lucky someone found you. You could have died, alone and cold (Beats on drum steadily)
Father: As it is, Im going to die like that anyway. Doctor, you know what my daughter will say. She doesnt
believe in Euthanasia. Just kill me now. Just as I shall choose my ship when I am about to go for a s ail, I shall
choose my death when I am about to depart from life. I dont want to die like this.
Doctor: I cant, I just cant, Im so sorry (Ceases to beat drum, exit stage left)
Daughter: (Enter stage right running) Im here, Im here! I came as soon as I could. Who did this to you father?
Father: I dont know, I didnt get a proper look at him, now, daug-
Daughter: (Cuts across Father) I know what youre going to ask. No dad, I cant. Its morally wrong. Its just so
wrong. Its a good thing its illegal so Im not obligated to say yes to you.
Father: (Raises voice) You wouldnt let Dog suffer like I am! My life is worth less than a dogs to you
Daughter: No, thats not true. I cant do it daddy, I cant and I wont be responsible for your death.
Father: Im already dying.
Daughter: No, you arent. (Angry) Youre just like Mother, youre confused because of the pain! But dont
worry, Doctor will make you all better, and everything will be like it was before. (Daughter takes the clock off
the wall, wind it forward three hours to signify time passing)
Father: (Coughing and choking, Dying Without Dignity rolls across the heart monitor) Youre the most selfish
person I have ever known, to let me hurt like this. (Arms falls to side, dies.)
Daughter: (Crying, holding Fathers hand) No! Not again! Come back daddy, please. I dont care what anyone
says, I still did the right thing (Flees stage left)
END SCENE - While the lights remain on, Father stands, leaving hospital gurney and heart monitor on the
stage, exit stage left)
Scene 5: Narrator introduces the scene, reading from a diary entry from one hand, holding a sign saying scene
2 from the other. Daughter is in hospital having developed bowel cancer. The disease has progressed so that
she cannot speak, and is in immense amounts of pain. Doctor stands over her bed, talking to himself about how
unfortunate it is that she doesnt believe in Euthanasia because if she did then she wouldnt have to suffer up
until she died. Daughter communicates to the audience that she has changed her mind, she wants to be put to
sleep like Dog and Cat, she cant stand the agony. Eventually Daughter dies, vomiting faecal matter and blood.
Narrator: (Enter stage left holding up sign, a human cemetery with plain headstones is projected onto the stage
backdrop) Dear Diary. It is the 17
May, 2012. I developed Bowel Cancer. Ive been in hospital for months. My
cells are dying. Doctor says theres nothing he can do but prolong my death. I begged him to euthanize me. He
reminded me I was the one that helped it to remain illegal. He wont, no matter what I say, because he says Im
not myself because of the pain, and he already knows I oppose assisted suicide. I died choking on my own blood
and faeces. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, may I rest in pieces (Exit stage left)
Daughter: (Enter stage right, lays on hospital gurney clutching stomach, calls out ) Doctor?
Doctor: (Enter stage left, beats drum slowly) The results are positive. Im sorry, you have Bowel cancer.
Daughter: No (Doctor rips several months away from the calendar which is by the hospital gurney to signify
months passing, returns to bedside)
Doctor: (Sarcastic) Its so sad to see that this has happened to you, and so suddenly as well. Its such a shame to
see your life deteriorating away before my eyes, day by day. Stage 4 of Colon Cancer, how awfully terrible
(Rhythmically hits drum)
Daughter: (Desperate) Doctor, please, I know I said euthanasia is wrong, but I cant stand this anymore. Im
terminally ill, I have secondary cancers in my liver, abdominal area and lymph nodes in my neck and one in my
kidney measuring five by seven centimeters. I also have a lesion on my uterus. How is it humane to let me carry
on? I only want to avoid a slow, painful death. I was wrong, so, so wrong to ever deny a rational person the right
to die. Why wont you just help me? Ive changed my mind (Begins to weep)
Doctor: (Folds arms) Because mercy killings are illegal. You were the one that helped write the Euthanasia laws,
werent you? Section 311 of the Criminal Code Act states aiding suicide by any person who
(a) Procures another to kill himself or herself; or
(b) Counsels another to kill himself or herself and thereby induces the other person to do so; or
(c) aids another in killing himself or herself is guilty of a crime, and is liable to imprisonment for life.
Recognise that? This is your doing. I couldnt help you, even if I wanted to. It is because of your own ignorance
that you will have to die by the law that you wrote. Youll die painfully, like your mother and father.
Daughter: I know, and Im sorry. I wish I was never responsible for putting my parents through that. I now
know how they feel The agony. (Raise voice, panicking) But youre a Doctor; its your job to help me, so
help me!
Doctor: No. As a Doctor I have a legal care of duty in which I must ensure that I apply standards of ethical
acceptability throughout my practices, but how can I do this when my patients continue to suffer from physical
and emotional agony, only to later die? For over 700 years, common law traditions have punished, disapproved
or outlawed mercy killings. You had a chance to change that, but you didnt. (Ceases to beat drum, Doctor exits
stage right)
Daughter: (Gagging and coughing, feign vomiting) Im sorry, Im sorry, Im so sorry! (Dying without Dignity
rolls across the heart monitor, Daughter weeps quietly and then dies)
Doctor: (Enters stage, feels for a pulse) Time of death, 13:15, Wednesday, fifth of June. Rest in Pieces.

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