Sie sind auf Seite 1von 14

+---1_Programming Languages

| | Become An Xcoder.pdf
| | Beginning Xcode.chm
| | Debugging by Thinking - A Multidisciplinary Approach (Digital, 2004).chm
| | GCC - The Complete Reference (McGraw Hill-2002).pdf
| | GCC Manual.pdf
| | GDB Quick Reference for version 4 (199.pdf
| | GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool (New Riders-2000).chm
| | GNU Press - Debugging with GDB.pdf
| | Hacking Vim.pdf
| | Introduction to FP.pdf
| | Professional WCF Programming - Wrox.pdf
| | Sed & Awk.pdf
| | The Developer's Guide to Debugging (Springer, 200.pdf
| | Visual Studio Hacks - Tips & Tools For Turbocharging The IDE.chm
| | VS-KB-Brochure-CPP-A4-HiRez.pdf
| | VS-KB-Brochure-CPP-Letter-HiRez.pdf
| | VS-KB-Brochure-CSharp-A4-HiRez.pdf
| | VS-KB-Brochure-CSharp-Letter-HiRez.pdf
| | VS-KB-Brochure-FSharp-A4-HiRez.pdf
| | VS-KB-Brochure-FSharp-Letter-HiRez.pdf
| | Why Programs Fail - A Guide to Systematic Debugging.pdf
| | Xcode 3 Unleashed.pdf
| |
| +---C
| | Expert C Programming.pdf
| | Illustrating C.pdf
| | Learn C on the Mac.pdf
| | Let Us C - Yashwant Kanetkar.pdf
| | The C Programming Language.pdf
| |
| +---C Sharp and .NET
| | | .NET Performance Testing and Optimization - The Complete Guide.pdf
| | | Accelerated C# 2010.pdf
| | | Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming.pdf
| | | C# Bible.pdf
| | | C# Primer, A Practical Approach.pdf
| | | C# Your Visual Blueprint for Building .NET Applications.pdf
| | | CSharp Language Specification.doc
| | | CSharp Language Specification.htm
| | | CSharp Yellow Book.pdf
| | | Customizing Microsoft .NET Framework CLR.chm
| | | Debugging Applications for Microsoft .NET and Microsoft Windows.chm
| | | ecma-335.pdf
| | | Effective C# - 50 Specific Ways to Improve your C#.pdf
| | | Essential C# 4.0.pdf
| | | Essential LINQ.pdf
| | | Essential Windows Communication Foundation.pdf
| | | Framework Design Guidelines.pdf
| | | Introducing .NET 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010.pdf
| | | Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C#.pdf
| | | Pro LINQ.pdf
| | | Professional.LINQ.pdf
| | | Programming C# 4.0.pdf
| | | Programming WCF Services.pdf
| | | WCF 4.0 Multi tier Services Development with LINQ to Entities.pdf
| | |
| | +---CLR via C#
| | | CLR via CSharp 3rd Edition - Jeffrey Richter.pdf
| | | Sample Codes.7z
| | |
| | +---Head First C#
| | | Head First C#.pdf
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | +---Pro C# 2010 and .NET 4 Platform
| | |
| | | Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform.pdf
| | |
| | \---Professional C# 4 and .NET 4
| | c48_online only.pdf
| | c49_online only.pdf
| | c50_online only.pdf
| | c51_online only.pdf
| | c52_online only.pdf
| | c53_online only.pdf
| | c54_online only.pdf
| | c55_online only.pdf
| | c56_online only.pdf
| | c57_online only.pdf
| | Code.7z
| | Professional C# 4 and .NET 4.pdf
| |
| +---C++
| | | Accelerated C++ 2000.pdf
| | | ANSI-ISO C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook.pdf
| | | Beyond the C Standard library - An Introduction to Boost.chm
| | | Bjarne Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language Special Edition.pdf
| | | Blunden - Virtual Machine Design and Implementation in C++.chm
| | | C++ Coding Standards; 101 Rules, Guidelines and Best Practices 2005.chm
| | | C++ Primer.chm
| | | C++ Template Metaprogramming - Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost
and Beyond.chm
| | | C++ Templates - The Complete Guide.chm
| | | Conger - Creating Games in C++.chm
| | | Core C++ - A Software Engineering Approach.pdf
| | | Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++ 3 Ed.pdf
| | | Effective C++ - 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs.chm
| | | Exceptional C++ 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solution
s 2000.chm
| | | How Not to Program in C++ 2003.chm
| | | Inside the C++ Object Model.chm
| | | Modern C++ Design - Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied.chm
| | | More Effective C++ - 35 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
| | | Pratical C++ Programming.pdf
| | | The Art of C++ 2004.chm
| | | The C++ Standard Library Extensions - A Tutorial and Reference.chm
| | | The Design and Evolution of C++.pdf
| | | Vandevoorde,Stroustrup - C++ Solutions - Companion to C++ Programming Lang
uage 3e (AW, 199.djvu
| | |
| | +---STL
| | | | Designing Components with the C++ STL.pdf
| | | | O'Reilly Network_ What Is an Iterator in C++, Part 1.pdf
| | | | O'Reilly Network_ What Is an Iterator in C++, Part 2.pdf
| | | | STL Manual.pdf
| | | | The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---STL Documentation
| | | | STL Documentation.7z
| | | |
| | | \---STL Source
| | | STL Source.7z
| | |
| | \---Thinking in C++
| | +---Thinking in C++ Vol 1
| | | Thinking in C++ Vol 1.7z
| | |
| | \---Thinking in C++ Vol 2
| | Thinking in C++ Vol 2.7z
| |
| +---Erlang
| | Pragmatic Programming Erlang.pdf
| |
| +---F Sharp
| | | Expert FSharp 2.0.pdf
| | |
| | \---Beginning F Sharp
| | Beginning F Sharp.pdf
| | build.fsx
| | src.7z
| |
| +---Haskell
| | Haskell - The Craft of Functional Programming, 2ed (Addison-Wesley, 1999) by
| | Haskell - The Craft of Functional Programming, 2ed (Addison-Wesley, 1999) by
| | Learn You a Haskell for Great Good.pdf
| | The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming.pdf
| | Why Functional Programming matters.pdf
| | YAHT - Yet Another Haskell Tutorial.pdf
| |
| +---Java
| | Core Java - Vol 1 - Fundamentals.pdf
| |
| +---Lisp
| | | A Practical Theory of Programming - Eric C.R. Hehner.pdf
| | | An Introduction To Programming In Emacs Lisp, 2Nd Ed - Robert J. Chassell.
| | | ANSI Common Lisp - Paul Graham.pdf
| | | Basic Lisp Techniques - David J. Cooper.pdf
| | | Common Lisp - An Interactive Approach - Stuart C. Shapiro.pdf
| | | Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition - Guy L. Steele.pdf
| | | Lisp book - Gary D. Knott.pdf
| | | LISP in small pieces - Queinnec C.djvu
| | | On LISP Advanced Techniques for Common LISP - Paul Graham.pdf
| | | Practical Common Lisp - Peter Siebel.chm
| | | Successful Lisp How to Understand and Use Common Lisp - David B. Lamkins.p
| | |
| | +---Common Lisp - A Gentle Introduction
| | | Common Lisp - A Gentle Introduction.pdf
| | | sourcecode.7z
| | |
| | \---Scheme
| | An Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation.pdf
| | Concrete Abstractions An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme - Max
Hailperin, Barbara K.pdf
| | Programming In Scheme - Eisenberg , Abelson.djvu
| | Simply Scheme Introducing Computer Science 2d ed - Brian Harvey , Matthew Wr
| | Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days - Dorai Sitaram.pdf
| | The Little Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman - 4th Ed.pdf
| | The Scheme Programming Language 3rd ed - Kent Dybvig.chm
| | The Seasoned Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman - 4th Ed.pdf
| |
| +---Objective-C
| | Learn Objective-C on the Mac.pdf
| | Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C.pdf
| | Objective C - 2.0 Programming language.pdf
| | Objective C-2.0 Runtime Reference.pdf
| | Objective-C Pocket Reference (2002).chm
| | Programming in Objective-C 2.0.pdf
| |
| +---scripting
| | +---Perl
| | | Advanced Perl Programming, 2nd Edition.chm
| | | Flynt - Perl Power - The Comprehensive Guide (Thomson, 2006).pdf
| | | Graphics Programming With Perl 2002.pdf
| | | Learning Perl Objects, References, & Modules.chm
| | | Learning Perl, 4th Edition.chm
| | | Learning Perl, 4th Edition.zi
| | | Mastering Algorithms With Perl 1999.pdf
| | | McGraw-Hill - Perl. The Complete Reference. Second Edition.pdf
| | | Object Oriented Perl 2000.pdf
| | | OReilly Mastering Perl.pdf
| | | Perl & XML 2002.pdf
| | | Perl Hacks.chm
| | | Professional Perl Programming 2001.pdf
| | |
| | +---Python
| | | Beazley - Python Essential Reference 3e (Sams, 2006).pdf
| | | Downey - Think Python - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Grean Tea,
| | | OReilly Learning Python 4th Ed.pdf
| | | Python Cheat Sheet.pdf
| | | Wrox Beginning Python.pdf
| | |
| | +---Shell
| | | Essential PowerShell.pdf
| | | Mastering PowerShell.pdf
| | | Microsoft PowerShell VBscript and Jscript Bible.pdf
| | | Microsoft Press Microsoft Windows PowerShell Step By Step.chm
| | | Microsoft Windows PowerShell Programming For Absolute Beginner.pdf
| | | Sams Teach Yourself UNIX Shell Programming in 24 Hours.PDF
| | |
| | \---XML
| | Professional XML (Wrox, 2007).chm
| | XML - Problem-Design-Solution.pdf
| | XML 1.1 Bible.pdf
| | XML Programming Bible.pdf
| |
| \---Windows Programming
| | Beginning Visual C++ 2010.pdf
| | COM+ Programming - A Practical Guide Using Visual C++ and ATL.chm
| | OReilly Programming WPF 2nd.Edition.pdf
| | Pro WPF in C# 2010.pdf
| | Programming Applications for Windows 4ed.chm
| | Programming Windows with MFC by Jeff Prosise 2nd Edition.chm
| | Visual C++ Optimization With Assembly Code.chm
| | WPF Unleashed.pdf
| |
| +---Introducing Windows 7 for Developers
| | Introducing Windows 7 for Developers.pdf
| |
| +---Programming Windows - Charles Petzold
| | code.7z
| | Programming Windows - Charles Petzold 5th ed.chm
| |
| +---theForgers Win32 Tutorial
| | source.7z
| | theForgers Win32 Tutorial.pdf
| |
| \---Total Training - Microsoft WPF
| | Beautiful Code.chm
| | Code Craft - The Practice of Writing Excellent Code.pdf
| | Hackers Delight.chm
| | Handbook of Floating Point Arithmetic.pdf
| | How to be a Programmer.pdf
| | Puzzles for Programmers and Pros.chm
| | Secure Programming Cookbook For C and C++.chm
| | Secure Programming with Static Analysis.pdf
| | Unicode Demystified - Addison Wesley.chm
| | What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic.pd
| | What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory.pdf
| | Writing Secure Code for Windows Vista.chm
| | Writing Secure Code.chm
| | Writing Solid Code.pdf
| |
| +---1_Assembly Language
| | | Compiling Binary Files Using A C Compiler.pdf
| | | Intel Code Table.pdf
| | | MIPS Assembly Language Programming 2003.pdf
| | | PC Assembly Language.pdf
| | | The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers.pdf
| | | The Art of Assembly Language.pdf
| | | The Assembly Programming Master Book.chm
| | | The Zen Of Assembly Language 1990 - Michael Abrash.pdf
| | | Write Great Code - Volume I - Understanding the Machine.chm
| | | Write Great Code - Volume II - Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level.pdf
| | |
| | +---Intel Manuals
| | | Intel 64 Architecture x2APIC Specification.pdf
| | | Intel SSE4 Programming Reference.pdf
| | | Intelr 64 and IA-32 Architectures Application Note TLBs, Paging structure
Caches and their Invalidation.pdf
| | | Intelr 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual.pdf
| | | Intelr 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 1 - B
asic Architecture.pdf
| | | Intelr 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2A -
Instruction Set Reference, A-M.pdf
| | | Intelr 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2B -
Instruction Set Reference, N-Z.pdf
| | | Intelr 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 3A -
System Programming Guide.pdf
| | | Intelr 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 3B -
System Programming Guide.pdf
| | |
| | +---Irvine - Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers
| | | asmWorkbook.pdf
| | | Irvine - Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers 4e.iso
| | | Irvine - Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers 4e.pdf
| | | IrvineExamplesVS2008.exe
| | | IrvineLibHelp.chm
| | |
| | +---Optimization Manual
| | | |
| | | | calling_conventions.pdf
| | | |
| | | | instruction_tables.pdf
| | | | microarchitecture.pdf
| | | | optimizing_assembly.pdf
| | | | optimizing_cpp.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---asmlib
| | | | alibcof32.lib
| | | | alibcof32o.lib
| | | | alibcof64.lib
| | | | alibcof64o.lib
| | | | alibd32.dll
| | | | alibd32.lib
| | | | alibd64.dll
| | | | alibd64.lib
| | | | alibelf32.a
| | | | alibelf32o.a
| | | | alibelf32op.a
| | | | alibelf32p.a
| | | | alibelf64.a
| | | | alibelf64o.a
| | | | alibmac32.a
| | | | alibmac32o.a
| | | | alibmac32op.a
| | | | alibmac32p.a
| | | | alibmac64.a
| | | | alibmac64o.a
| | | | alibomf32.lib
| | | | alibomf32o.lib
| | | | asmlib-instructions.pdf
| | | | asmlib.h
| | | |
| | | | license.txt
| | | |
| | | +---measure
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | | sse3b.asi
| | | | testp.txt
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | \---objconv
| | |
| | | objconv-instructions.pdf
| | | objconv.exe
| | |
| | |
| | \---Wrox - Professional Assembly Language
| | code.tgz
| | Professional-Assembly-Language.productCd-0764579010,descCd-ERRATA.html
| | Wrox Press - Professional Assembly Language.pdf
| |
| +---2_Data Structure and Algorithms
| | | A History of Algorithms - From the Pebble to the Microchip.djvu
| | | Advanced Data Structures - Peter Brass.pdf
| | | Algorithm Design - John Kleinberg - va Tardos.pdf
| | | Algorithms - A Functional Programming Approach.djvu
| | | Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick.pdf
| | | Algorithms for Visual Design.pdf
| | | Algorithms in C - Robert Sedgewick.pdf
| | | Algorithms in C++ - Parts 1-4 - Fundamentals,Data Structure,Sorting,Search
| | | Analysis of Algorithms - An Active Learning Approach.pdf
| | | Building your own Memory Manager for C-C++ Projects.pdf
| | | Combinatory Logic in Programming.pdf
| | | Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientist 2.pdf
| | | Data Structures and Algorithms - Alfred V. Aho.pdf
| | | Data Structures and Algorithms for Game Developers.pdf
| | | Data Structures and Program Design in C++.pdf
| | | Div and Mod Functions.pdf
| | | Encyclopedia of Algorithms (Springer, 200.pdf
| | | How to Think about Algorithms (Cambridge, 200.pdf
| | | Introductin to Analysis of Algorithms - Sedgewick.djvu
| | | Introduction to Algorithms - CLR Solutions.pdf
| | | Introduction to Algorithms - CLR.chm
| | | InvSqrt.pdf
| | | Mathematics for Algorithm Analysis.pdf
| | | Mathematics for Computer Scientists (Ventus, 200.pdf
| | | Memory as a Programming Concept in C and C++.chm
| | | Memory Management Workshop.pdf
| | | More Programming Pearls - Confession of a Coder.djvu
| | | Numerical Methods, 3rd Ed. (Faires & Burden, 2002).pdf
| | | Numerical Methods.pdf
| | | Numerical Recipes, 3rd Ed.pdf
| | | Permutations.pdf
| | | Problems on Algorithms.pdf
| | | Programming Pearls.djvu
| | | The Algorithm Design Manual - Steven S Skiena.pdf
| | | Thinking Recursively - Eric S Roberts.djvu
| | |
| | +---Memory Management Algorithms and Implementation in C and C++
| | | Memory Management Algorithms and Implementation in C C++.pdf
| | |
| | |
| | \---The Art of Computer Programming
| | The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 1 - Fascicle 1 -
| | The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 1 - Fundamental Algorithms.djvu
| | The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 2 - Seminumerical Algorithms.djvu
| | The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 3 - Sorting and Searching.djvu
| |
| +---3_Computer Architecture
| | | A Practical Introduction to Computer Architecture (Springer, 2009).pdf
| | | Memory Systems - Cache, DRAM, Disk.pdf
| | | MIPS Architecture.pdf
| | | Morgan Kaufmann - See MIPS Run, 2nd Edition.pdf
| | | Programming Embedded Systems - With C And GNU Development Tools, 2nd Editi
| | | Programming the Cell Processor.chm
| | | The Computer Engineering Handbook - Vojin Oklobdzija.pdf
| | |
| | +---Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach
| | | Appendix D - Embedded Systems.pdf
| | | Appendix E - Interconnection Networks.pdf
| | | Appendix F - Vector Processors.pdf
| | | Appendix G - Hardware and Software for VLIW and EPIC.pdf
| | | Appendix H - Large-Scale Multiprocessors and Scientific Applications.pdf
| | | Appendix I - Computer Arithmetic.pdf
| | | Appendix J - Survey of Instruction Set Architectures.pdf
| | | Appendix K - Historical Perspectives and References.pdf
| | | Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach 3rd Ed.pdf
| | | Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach 4th Ed.pdf
| | |
| | +---Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface
| | | | Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface 3rd Ed
| | | | Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface 3rd Ed.
| | | | Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface 4th Ed.
| | | | MIPS Reference.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface 3rd E
d - CD
| | | \---Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface 4th E
d - CD
| | +---Learn Hardware, Firmware and Software Design (2005)
| | | Popa - Learn Hardware, Firmware and Software Design (2005).pdf
| | | Popa - Learn Hardware, Firmware and Software Design - SOURCE CODE.rar
| | |
| | \---Stack Computers - The New Wave
| | Stack Computers - The New Wave.7z
| |
| +---4_Software Engineering
| | Code Complete, 2nd Edition.chm
| | Design Pattern card.pdf
| | Fast Track UML 2.0.chm
| | High Integrity C++ Coding Standard Manual.pdf
| | Learning UML 2.0 (2006).chm
| | The Art of Agile Development.pdf
| | The Mythical Man Month.pdf
| | The Object-Oriented Thought Process 3e (AW, 200.pdf
| | Thinking Forth.pdf
| |
| +---5_Operating Systems
| | | Distributed Operating Systems - Tanenbaum.pdf
| | | Modern Operating Systems Second Edition - Andrew Tanenbaum.pdf
| | | Operating System Concepts - Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne 7th Ed.pdf
| | | Operating Systems - Design and Implementation.chm
| | | practical-file-system-design.pdf
| | | The Little Book of Semaphores.pdf
| | |
| | +---Linux
| | | | elf format.pdf
| | | | gcc inline asm.pdf
| | | | Linux - The Complete Reference.pdf
| | | | Linux Bible 2009 Edition~tqw~_darksiderg.pdf
| | | | Linux Kernel Development, 2nd Edition.chm
| | | | Linux Kernel Development.chm
| | | | Linux System Programming - Talking directly to the Kernel and C library.
| | | | OReilly Linux in a Nutshell 6th Ed.pdf
| | | | Slackbook 2.0.pdf
| | | | Stallman - Debugging with GDB - The GNU Source-Level Debugger 9e (FSF, 2
| | | | The Design Of the Unix Operating System by Maurice J Bach.pdf
| | | | The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide.pdf
| | | | Understanding Linux Network Internals.chm
| | | | Unix Filesystems - Evolution Design And Implementation.pdf
| | | | UNIX Filesystems - Evolution, Design and Implementation.pdf
| | | | Unix Network Programming Volume 1 - The Sockets Networking API.chm
| | | | Unix Network Programming Volume 2 - Interprocess Communications.pdf
| | | | Wiley Ubuntu Linux Secrets.pdf
| | | | Wrox Press - Beginning Linux Programming.pdf
| | | | Wrox Press - Professional Linux Programming.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---Linux Device Drivers
| | | | Linux Device Drivers 2nd Edition.pdf
| | | | Linux Device Drivers 3rd Edition.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---Lion's Commentary on Unix
| | | | A Commentary on the Sixth Edition Unix Operating System.pdf
| | | | Unix Operating System Source Code Level 6.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---Understanding the Linux Kernel
| | | | Understanding The Linux Kernel, 1st Edition.pdf
| | | | Understanding The Linux Kernel, 2nd Edition.chm
| | | | Understanding The Linux Kernel, 3rd Edition.chm
| | | |
| | | \---Vim Editor
| | | au-speakingunix_vim-pdf.pdf
| | | Robbins - Learning the Vi and Vim Editors 7e (O'Reilly, 200.pdf
| | | VIM Book.pdf
| | | Vim Cheat Sheet.gif
| | | Vim Reference Manual.pdf
| | | VIM Synopsis.txt
| | | VIM User Manual.pdf
| | |
| | +---Mac
| | | Designer's Guide To Mac OS X Tiger.chm
| | | Mac OS X Internals - A Systems Approach.chm
| | | Step Into Xcode - Mac OS X Development.chm
| | |
| | \---Windows
| | | Developing Drivers with the Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation.chm
| | | Network Programming For Microsoft Windows.chm
| | | Programming The Windows Driver Model, 2nd Edition (2003) [SAMPLE FILES].zi
| | | Programming The Windows Driver Model, 2nd Edition (2003).chm
| | | The Case of the Unexplained 2010.wmv
| | | Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Kernel Changes - Part 1.wmv
| | | Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Kernel Changes - Part 2.wmv
| | | Windows 7 Developer Guide.pdf
| | | Windows Graphics Programming - Win32 GDI and DirectDraw.chm
| | | Windows Internals 5th Edition.pdf
| | | Windows NT File System Internals - A Developer's Guide (1997).pdf
| | | Windows System Programming.pdf
| | |
| | +---CRK (Curriculum Resource Kit) - Windows Internals
| | | | README.TXT
| | | | WOSI-CRK-Description.doc
| | | | WOSI-Glossary.pdf
| | | | WOSI-Grad-Syllabus.doc
| | | | WOSI-Lab-Setup.doc
| | | | WOSI-Syllabus.doc
| | | |
| | | +---Tools
| | | |
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS-A
| | | | A.1_Win-Networking.ppt
| | | | A.2_Win-SocketsProg.ppt
| | | | A.3_Win-NetwExt.ppt
| | | | A.4_Assignment_1.doc
| | | | A.4_Assignment_2.doc
| | | | A.4_Labs.pdf
| | | | A.4_Labs.ppt
| | | | A.4_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS-B
| | | | B.1_WindowsLinuxComp.ppt
| | | | B.2_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS-C
| | | | C.1_FileCommandInterop.ppt
| | | | C.2_Programming.ppt
| | | | C.3_Assignment.doc
| | | | C.3_FileCommandInterop-Quiz.pdf
| | | | C.3_Programming-Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS1
| | | | 1.1_WOSI-overview.ppt
| | | | 1.2_OS-evolution.ppt
| | | | 1.3_Win-concepts-tools.ppt
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS10
| | | | 10.1_FaultTolerance.ppt
| | | | 10.2_Assignment.doc
| | | | 10.2_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS11
| | | | 11.1_PerformanceEval.ppt
| | | | 11.2_Troubleshooting.ppt
| | | | 11.3_Assignment.doc
| | | | 11.3_Labs.ppt
| | | | 11.3_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS12
| | | | 12.1_WMI-scripting.ppt
| | | | 12.2_Registry.ppt
| | | | 12.3_Assignment.doc
| | | | 12.3_Labs.pdf
| | | | 12.3_Labs.ppt
| | | | 12.3_Registry-Quiz.pdf
| | | | 12.3_WMI-Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS2
| | | | 2.1_Win-Structuring.ppt
| | | | 2.2_Win-CoreSysMechanisms.ppt
| | | | 2.3_Win-Personalities.ppt
| | | | 2.4_Win-API.ppt
| | | | 2.5_Assignment.doc
| | | | 2.5_Demos.ppt
| | | | 2.5_labs.pdf
| | | | 2.5_Labs.ppt
| | | | 2.5_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS3
| | | | 3.1_ConcCritSectSema.ppt
| | | | 3.2_Win-TrapSynch.ppt
| | | | 3.3_Win-AdvancedSynch.ppt
| | | | 3.4_Win-SynchIPC.ppt
| | | | 3.5_Assignment.doc
| | | | 3.5_Labs.pdf
| | | | 3.5_Labs.ppt
| | | | 3.5_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS4
| | | | 4.1_ConceptProcThread.ppt
| | | | 4.2_ProcThreads.ppt
| | | | 4.3_ProcThreadInternals.ppt
| | | | 4.4_ThreadScheduling.ppt
| | | | 4.5_AdvancedScheduling.ppt
| | | | 4.6_Assignment_1.doc
| | | | 4.6_Assignment_2.doc
| | | | 4.6_Demos.ppt
| | | | 4.6_Labs.pdf
| | | | 4.6_Labs.ppt
| | | | 4.6_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS5
| | | | 5.1_MemManagMultiprog.ppt
| | | | 5.2_WinMemManagFundamentals.ppt
| | | | 5.3_WinAddrTranslation.ppt
| | | | 5.4_WinPhysMemManagement.ppt
| | | | 5.5_Assignment_1.doc
| | | | 5.5_Assignment_2.doc
| | | | 5.5_Demos.ppt
| | | | 5.5_Labs.ppt
| | | | 5.5_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS6
| | | | 6.1_IO-Principles.ppt
| | | | 6.2_Win-IOComp.ppt
| | | | 6.3_Win-IOProc.ppt
| | | | 6.4_Assignment.doc
| | | | 6.4_Labs.pdf
| | | | 6.4_Labs.ppt
| | | | 6.4_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS7
| | | | 7.1_SecProblem.ppt
| | | | 7.2_Win-SecComp.ppt
| | | | 7.3_Win-SecDesc.ppt
| | | | 7.4_Assignment.doc
| | | | 7.4_Labs.pdf
| | | | 7.4_Labs.ppt
| | | | 7.4_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---UnitOS8
| | | | 8.1_Filesyst-Conc.ppt
| | | | 8.2_NTFS.ppt
| | | | 8.3_NTFS-Encryption.ppt
| | | | 8.4_NTFS-Recovery.ppt
| | | | 8.5_Win-FileDir.ppt
| | | | 8.6_Assignment_1.doc
| | | | 8.6_Assignment_2.doc
| | | | 8.6_Labs.pdf
| | | | 8.6_Labs.ppt
| | | | 8.6_Quiz.pdf
| | | |
| | | \---UnitOS9
| | | 9.1_RT-Vocabulary.ppt
| | | 9.2_RT-Windows.ppt
| | | 9.3_WinXP-Embedded.ppt
| | | 9.4_Quiz.pdf
| | |
| | +---Sysinternals Old Site - With Some Source Code
| | | Sysinternals Old Site - With Some Source Code.7z
| | |
| | +---Sysinternals Video Library
| | | Sysint_1.avi
| | | Sysint_2.avi
| | | Sysint_3.avi
| | | Sysint_4.avi
| | | Sysint_5.avi
| | | Sysint_6.avi
| | |
| | +---Windows Server 2008 Inside Out
| | | Windows Server 2008 Inside Out.7z
| | |
| | \---Windows via CC++
| | Sample Codes.7z
| | Windows via CC++.chm
| |
| \---Video Lectures
| \---Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
| Lecture-10a - Compilation.avi
| Lecture-10b - Storage Allocation and Garbage Collection.avi
| Lecture-1a - Overview and Introduction to Lisp.avi
| Lecture-1b - Procedures and Processes; Substitution Model.avi
| Lecture-2a - Higher-order Procedures.avi
| Lecture-2b - Compound Data.avi
| Lecture-3a - Henderson Escher Example.avi
| Lecture-3b - Symbolic Differentiation; Quotation.avi
| Lecture-4a - Pattern Matching and Rule-based Substitution.avi
| Lecture-4b - Generic Operators.avi
| Lecture-5a - Assignment, State, and Side-effects.avi
| Lecture-5b - Computational Objects.avi
| Lecture-6a - Streams, Part 1.avi
| Lecture-6b - Streams, Part 2.avi
| Lecture-7a - Metacircular Evaluator, Part 1.avi
| Lecture-7b - Metacircular Evaluator, Part 2.avi
| Lecture-8a - Logic Programming, Part 1.avi
| Lecture-8b - Logic Programming, Part 2.avi
| Lecture-9a - Register Machines.avi
| Lecture-9b - Explicit-control Evaluator.avi

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