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Preparation of Papers for IFAC Conferences & Symposia:

Use Title Case for Paper Title

First A. Author*. Second B. Author !r.**
Third C. Author***
*National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305
US !Tel" 303#555#5555$ e#%ail" author& 'oulder(nist(go)*(
**Colorado State Uni)ersity, +ort Collins, CO 805,3 US !e#%ail"
author&la%ar( colostate(edu*
*** -lectrical -ngineering .e/art%ent, Seoul National Uni)ersity,
Seoul, 0orea, !e#%ail" author&snu(ac(1r*2
A"stract: These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IFAC conferences( Use this
document as a template to compose your paper if you are using Microsoft 3ord 6.0 or later. Otherise!
use this document as an instruction set. "lease use this document as a #template$ to prepare your
manuscript. For su%mission guidelines! follo instructions on paper su%mission system as ell as the
Conference e%site. There is a very small %lan& line immediately a%ove the a%stract! do not delete it' it
sets the footnote at the %ottom of this column.
0ey4ords: Include a list of ()*0 &eyords! prefera%ly ta&en from the IFAC &eyord list.
This document is a template for Microsoft 3ord versions 6.0
or later. If you are reading a paper version of this document!
please donload the electronic file! ifacconf.doc. If your
paper is intended for an IFAC event, please contact the editor
of the meeting concerning accepta%le ord processor formats
for that particular event. Please do not put any runnin#
header$footer or pa#e num"er in the su"mitted paper.
.ou can type over sections of ifacconf.doc or cut and paste
from another document and then use mar&up styles. The pull)
don style menu is at the left of the Formatting Tool%ar at the
top of your /ord indo 0for e1ample! the style at this point
in the document is #Te1t$2. 3ighlight a section that you ant
to designate ith a certain style! and then select the
appropriate name on the style menu. The style ill ad4ust
your fonts and line spacing. Do not change the font sizes or
line spacing to squeeze more text into a limited number of
pages. Use italics for emphasis' do not underline.
5(5 su'section
5ifurcation6 "lot of local ma1ima of 1 ith damping a
decreasing 0Fig. *2.
To insert images in /ord, position the cursor at the insertion
point and either use Insert 6 7icture 6 +ro% +ile or copy the
image to the /indos clip%oard and then -dit 6 7aste
S/ecial 6 7icture 0ith #Float over te1t$ unchec&ed2.
IFAC ill not do any final formatting of your paper. .our
manuscript should %e 7camera)ready.8 "age limits vary from
conference to conference. "lease o%serve the page limits of
the conference for hich your paper is intended. Please do
not modify mar#ins. If you are creatin# a document on
your o%n please o"ser&e the mar#ins as listed in Ta"le '.
Fig. *. 5ifurcation6 "lot of local ma1ima of 1 ith damping
a decreasing.
5(, nother Su'section
Te1t of the su%section.
9. ",OC:-U,: FO, "A":, ;U5MI;;IO+
,(5 8e)ie4 Stage
"lease use this document as a #template$ to prepare your
manuscript. For su%mission guidelines! follo instructions on
paper su%mission system as ell as the Conference e%site.

+ote that conferences impose strict page limits! so it ill %e
%etter for you to prepare your initial su%mission in the camera
ready layout so that you ill have a good estimate for the
paper length. Additionally! the effort re<uired for final
su%mission ill %e minimal.
,(, +inal Stage
Authors are e1pected to mind the margins diligently.
Conference papers need to %e stamped ith conference data
and paginated for inclusion in the proceedings. If your
manuscript %leeds into margins! you ill %e re<uired to
resu%mit and delay the proceedings preparation in the
,(3 7age %argins
All dimensions are in centimeters.
Ta"le '. Pa#e mar#ins
"age Top 5ottom =eft>,ight
First ?.( 9.( *.(
,est 9.( 9.( *.(
It is very important to maintain these margins. They are
necessary to put conference information and page num%er for
the proceedings.
,(9 +igures and 7.+ Creation
All figures must %e em%edded in the document. /hen you
include the image! ma&e sure to insert the actual image rather
than a lin& to your local computer.. As far as possi%le! use
standard "-F conversion tools Ado%e Acro%at or @hostscript
give %est results. It is important that all fonts %e
em%edded>su%setted in the resulting "-F.
,(5 Co/yright +or%
IFAC ill put in place an electronic copyright transfer system
in due course. "lease (do not) send copyright forms %y mail
or FAA. More information on this ill %e made availa%le on
IFAC e%site.
?. MAT3
If you are using /ord, use either the :icrosoft -;uation
-ditor or the :athTy/e add)on for e<uations in your paper
0Insert 6 O'<ect 6 Create Ne4 6 :icrosoft -;uation or
:athTy/e -;uation2. #Float over te1t$ should not %e
B. U+IT;
Use either ;I as primary units. Other units may %e used as
secondary units 0in parentheses2. This applies to papers in
data storage. For e1ample! rite #*( @%>cm
0*00 @%>in
An e1ception is hen :nglish units are used as identifiers in
trade! such as #?.( in dis& drive.$ Avoid com%ining ;I and
C@; units! such as current in amperes and magnetic field in
oersteds. This often leads to confusion %ecause e<uations do
not %alance dimensionally. If you must use mi1ed units!
clearly state the units for each <uantity in an e<uation.
The ;I unit for magnetic field strength = is A>m. 3oever! if
you ish to use units of T! either refer to magnetic flu1
density B or magnetic field strength sym%oliCed as D0=. Use
the center dot to separate compound units! e.g.! #AEm
(. 3:="FU= 3I+T;
5(5 +igures and Ta'les
Figure a1is la%els are often a source of confusion. Use ords
rather than sym%ols. As an e1ample! rite the <uantity
#MagnetiCation!$ or #MagnetiCation :!$ not 4ust #:.$ "ut
units in parentheses. -o not la%el a1es only ith units. As in
Fig. *! for e1ample! rite #MagnetiCation 0A>m2$ or
#MagnetiCation 0A m
2!$ not 4ust #A>m.$ -o not la%el a1es
ith a ratio of <uantities and units. For e1ample! rite
#Temperature 0F2!$ not #Temperature>F.$
Multipliers can %e especially confusing. /rite
#MagnetiCation 0&A>m2$ or #MagnetiCation 0*0
A>m2.$ -o
not rite #MagnetiCation 0A>m2 *000$ %ecause the reader
ould not &no hether the top a1is la%el in Fig. * meant
*6000 A>m or 0.0*6 A>m. Figure la%els should %e legi%le!
appro1imately G to *9 point type.
5(, 8eferences
Use 3arvard style references 0see at the end of this
document2. Footnotes should %e avoided as far as possi%le.
"lease note that the references at the end of this document are
in the preferred referencing style. "apers that have not %een
pu%lished should %e cited as #unpu%lished.$ CapitaliCe only
the first ord in a paper title! e1cept for proper nouns and
element sym%ols.
5(3 ''re)iations and crony%s
-efine a%%reviations and acronyms the first time they are
used in the te1t! even after they have already %een defined in
the a%stract. A%%reviations such as IFAC! ;I! ac! and dc do
not have to %e defined. A%%reviations that incorporate periods
should not have spaces6 rite #C.+.,.;.!$ not #C. +. ,. ;.$
-o not use a%%reviations in the title unless they are
unavoida%le 0for e1ample! #IFAC$ in the title of this article2.
5(9 -;uations

+um%er e<uations consecutively ith e<uation num%ers in
parentheses flush ith the right margin! as in 0*2. First use the
e<uation editor to create the e<uation. Then select the
#:<uation$ mar&)up style. "ress the ta% &ey and rite the
e<uation num%er in parentheses. To ma&e your e<uations
more compact! you may use the solidus 0 > 2! the e1p function!
or appropriate e1ponents. Use parentheses to avoid
am%iguities in denominators. "unctuate e<uations hen they
are part of a sentence! as in
. 2 0 2 0 2 H H 0 e1p
2I 9 0 > J 2 ! 0
0 9 *
0 9

d r > r > ? ?
r d dr r +
i i <

5e sure that the sym%ols in your e<uation have %een defined
%efore the e<uation appears or immediately folloing.
ItaliciCe sym%ols 0T might refer to temperature! %ut T is the
unit tesla2. ,efer to #0*2!$ not #:<. 0*2$ or #e<uation 0*2!$
e1cept at the %eginning of a sentence6 #:<uation 0*2 is K$
5(5 Other 8eco%%endations
Use one space after periods and colons. 3yphenate comple1
modifiers6 #Cero)field)cooled magnetiCation.$ Avoid dangling
participles! such as! #Using 0*2! the potential as calculated.$
JIt is not clear ho or hat used 0*2.I /rite instead! #The
potential as calculated %y using 0*2!$ or #Using 0*2! e
calculated the potential.$
A parenthetical statement at the end of a sentence is
punctuated outside of the closing parenthesis 0li&e this2. 0A
parenthetical sentence is punctuated ithin the parentheses.2
Avoid contractions' for e1ample! rite #do not$ instead of
#don8t.$ The serial comma is preferred6 #A! 5! and C$ instead
of #A! 5 and C.$
6. CO+C=U;IO+;
A conclusion section is not re<uired. Although a conclusion
may revie the main points of the paper! do not replicate the
a%stract as the conclusion. A conclusion might ela%orate on
the importance of the or& or suggest applications and
=ist of references arranged alpha%etically according to first
author! su%se<uent lines indented. -o not num%er references.
"u%lications %y the same author0s2 should %e listed in order
of year of pu%lication. If there is more than one paper %y the
same author0s2 and ith the same date! la%el them a! %! etc.!
e.g. Morris et al( 0*LL0a! %2. "lease note that all references
listed here must %e directly cited in the %ody of the te1t.
5ron! F.! 3arris! M.@.! and Other! A.+. 0*LLG2. +ame of
paper. In +ame0s2 of editor0s2 0ed.2! Na%e of 'oo1 in
italics, page num%ers. "u%lisher! "lace of pu%lication.
;mith! ;.:. 0900B2. Na%e of 'oo1 in italics! page or chapter
num%ers if relevant. "u%lisher! "lace of pu%lication.
;mith! ;.:. and Mones! =.N. 0900G2. +ame of paper. Na%e of
<ournal in italics, volume 0num%er2! page num%ers.
Appendi1 A. FI,;T A"":+-IA
Appendi1 5. ;:CO+- A"":+-IA

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