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The Mark

A Student Pub|ication
Vo|ume || . . . No. 5 TU|S|AY, S|PT|VP|| 2, 20I4 ||||-ish
!"#$ &$'("$)
You know a|| that writ-
ing you've done in schoo| A||
those count|ess assignments Pa-
pers about c|assic |iterature, pa-
pers about historic revo|utions,
papers about the ro|e o| c|assic
|iterature in historic revo|utions.
Papers ,mis)interpreting what
some poet tru|y !"#$% by this
or that when he's simp|y too dead
to te|| us otherwise. You know, the
rhetorica| non sequitur that is the
co||ege essay. The kind o| writing
that may take you hours, days,
weeks to comp|ete, on|y to end
up in the depths o| |ong-|orgotten
|o|ders the purgatory o| your
desktop computer the contents
o| which were read twice, may-
be three times, by a c|assmate
and a teacher, then |e|t digita||y
stagnant, and |itera||y recyc|ed.
We||, consider that your
practice. Now do something rea|
with it. Write |or your student
newspaper. Share your ideas with
the community. Write about Quest
happenings, write about |oca| hap-
penings, write about wor|d hap-
penings. Ta|k about sports, review
events, and voice your opinion.
See that sorry-|ooking
crew in the 'newsroom' above
Anachronisms aside, it's a pretty ac-
curate portrait. we're short-sta||ed
and under-|unded ,yes, we wou|d
|ike to pay you, but, no, we can't). ||
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you're interested in writing, join us.
Pecause, at the end o|
the day, when the co||ee's co|d, the
beer's gone, and the |ast ox|ord
comma has been argued to ob|ivi-
on, we'|| have created something to
share, something as tangib|e |or you
as it is |or her, and them, and with
it comes more than the conven-
tiona|, post-essay |ee|ing o| com-
p|etion. And that |ee|ing is one you
might just |ind to your |iking. Ca|| it
what you |ike. | ca|| it actua|ization.
So bcrc`s obo/ yoo nccJ
/o /noo. oc roJocc o ncosocr
/|/c /b|s oncc o non/b (/y|co//y
/oncr onJ ncos|cr,/boob), oc`rc
/oo/|n /or or|/crs, cJ|/ors, bo/o
robcrs, t|Jcorobcrs, onJ /o//s
|n/crcs/cJ |n nor/c/|n,J|s/r|ho/|on,
onJ /noncc, oc ncc/ o/ 7n on
/bc /rs/ TocsJoy o/ ctcry h/oc/ |n
/bc cono/cr /oh (ACS1) /or o s/o
ry ncc/|n /o|cs orc /|s/cJ onJ
or|/crs, oss|ncJ, /bcn yoo botc
oroonJ /oo occ/s /or rcor/oc (|/
yoo`rc nco /o joorno/|s/|c or|/|n,
oc`// o|r yoo o o|/b o scc/|on cJ
|/or), |n occ/ /brcc oc o /broob
o scr|cs o/ cJ|/s sohs/on/|tc,
/|nc, onJ coy, onJ oh/|co/|on |s
on o//Joy o//o|r (10on on/|/ con
/c/|on) on /bc /os/ SonJoy o/ /bc
h/oc/, o/so |n /bc cono/cr /oh
co//cc |s rot|JcJ, c|orc//cs
J|scoorocJ,onJ hccr...obo/ hccr'
See you tonight at Ipm.
*+') ,-)(.
Set the scene. You're a
nineteen-year-o|d wannabe poet
who has just |inished his |irst year
at Quest. Your mind has been
bent into an un|ami|iar, uncom-
|ortab|e, and tota||y |ascinating
new shape. You are in the midst
o| a more-than-minor existentia|
crisis, and you have |our months
o| |reedom and a bit o| cash to
b|ow. What shou|d you do |
don't know, but here is what | did.
|irst o||, you need to
know that books create and ru|e
my wor|d. Pasing my |i|e's phi|os-
ophy and actions on books has a|-
ways |ed to adventure instigating
as many prob|ems as it reso|ves,
whi|e providing entertainment. A
book |eads to change o| action
that then |eads to another book. |t
began with Tbc \or/J AccorJ|n
/o Gor, then to Frco/onon|cs,
next to Tbc L|///c Pr|ncc, to \o|/
|n /or GoJo/ and Tbc S/roncr.
Tbc S/roncr is what |
had on my mind this summer. Way
back when | |irst read it, | came
to the conc|usion that nothing
matters and that we shou|d a|| do
whatever we want because, | don't
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We |eave Quest with
high expectations. Apri| comes,
we say our goodbyes hugging
one another wist|u||y and then
set o|| on our respective summer
adventures, which sure|y wi|| be
trans|ormative and spontaneous
and |and us in a|| sorts o| jazzy and
unexpected scenarios that we wi||
|ater recount with great nosta|gia.
Vaybe | shou|dn't try to speak |or
everyone, but |ooking ahead to
the three and something months
that | wou|d spend in Quebec,
|earning |rench ,which | expected
wou|d mean mastering |rench)
and p|unging into sma|| town
|rench Canadian cu|ture ,which |
anticipated wou|d invo|ve p|enty
o| cobb|estone and possib|y e|e-
gant cigarette smoking), my hopes
were quixotic. We||, can't you te||
| spent my |irst |ive weeks
o|| in the sma||-ish ,rough|y 55,000
peop|e) town o| 1onquire, in the
Saguenay/|ac-Saint-1ean region. ||
your on|y impression o| Quebec
is Vontrea|, as was mine, then
know that the rest o| the prov-
ince is quite di||erent. |t is |ranco-
phone, very |rancophone, and
o|ten exc|usive|y |rancophone.
You wi|| not get by with |ng|ish in
1onquire, or at |east not p|easant-
|y. The demographic |igure o|ten
thrown around was that about 98
o| the popu|ation spoke |rench
and |rench on|y, which seems
about right a|ter my time there.
This was a|| through the
|xp|ore program, which the 0ov-
ernment o| Canada o||ers in the
hopes o| getting Ang|ophones
to speak |rench and vice ver-
sa. The other participants came
|rom universities a|| across Can-
ada. Some stayed in residence,
but | stayed with a host |ami|y, a
decision | cou|d not recommend
more high|y. Ve, Vonique, Serg,
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This summer | was hypnotized.
|'m not speaking meta-
phorica||y though | was hypno-
tized by the beauty o| the |rench
|anguage, which surrounded
me |or two and a ha|| months in
the water|ront town o| Trois-Pis-
to|es. |t didn't happen to me on
the St. |awrence |iver, where
the hypnotizing sunsets |ight up
the sky with bri||iant combina-
tions o| peach and rose and go|d.
No putting aside the
hypnotic e||ect o| |ce|and's spraw|-
ing vistas that change |requent-
|y |rom barren |ie|ds to striking
|ava rock mountains to mossy
hi||s threaded with crysta| c|ear
streams | was actua||y hypno-
tized by an actua| hypnotherapist.
We met in a hoste| in
Akureyri, a Northern |ce|andic
town nest|ed into one o| |ce|and's
deepest |jords, |yja|jor!ur ,pro-
nounced Jocn/cct|n/ry). |e
said he was |rom Paris ,which |
be|ieved, because we were speak-
ing in |rench) and a |i|m director
who was in |ce|and to see i| Pjork
wou|d be in his next |i|m ,at which
point | started to get suspicious),
in which the characters wou|d
be |i|med under hypnosis be-
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Py VA|||||| |0SKY
Vichae| Prown, an I8
year o|d co||ege-bound b|ack
teenager, was shot and ki||ed by
a po|ice o||icer in broad day|ight
in |erguson, a suburb o| St. |ouis,
Vissouri, on August 9. |n Staten
|s|and, New York, on 1u|y II, |ric
0ardner, a b|ack man, was ki||ed
by po|ice o||icers a|ter being put
in a chokeho|d |or a||eged|y se||ing
untaxed cigarettes. 0n August 5, in
Peavercreek, 0hio, 1ohn Craw|ord,
a b|ack man, was shot and ki||ed by
po|ice o||icers a|ter waving around
a gun he picked up o|| the she|| in a
Wa|mart. The b|ack, unarmed and
menta||y i|| |ze|| |ord was shot by
po|ice o||icers in the back on Au-
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Py A||SSAN||0 T||S|0N|
| was in the Paramount
|ote| in New York City in 1une. Vy
date and | were sweating through
our red and b|ack themed bur-
|esque get-up, standing in the e|e-
gant and rustic eighty-six year o|d
theatre that's the hote|'s atrium. |
had no idea what to expect o| what
was supposed|y audience-par-
atre, entit|ed Qoccn o/ /bc N|b/.
The ba|conies and many
e|evated dining p|ateaus that en-
compassed the b|ack stage were
crowded with New York's ritzy
post-modern high society, |arge|y
my senior. |veryone had been ad-
mitted, the bar was open, and we
tried to ming|e, not rea||y know-
ing what to do. A we|| dressed
and care|u||y groomed man in-
troduced himse|| to me and we
began to ta|k about where we
were |rom and that sort o| thing. |
noticed my date had disappeared
and then he |ooked me straight
Py 0|A|AV ST|||C|
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TU|S|AY, S|PT|VP|| 2, 20I4
The Mark |||T0||A|
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Py K|V|N P||NA
Stubborn bigots were
he|d up |or the wor|d to see and
se||ish practices were uncovered
and investigated. the sporting in-
dustry has its back against the
wa||. A|though many prominent
|igures in the ath|etic community
used this summer to perpetuate
the stereotype that the industry is
a|| about money and power, there
were some who made positive
contributions in hopes o| a more
compassionate |uture. |ike a batter
|acing three ba||s and two strikes,
with the winning run on base, the
next major event has the power
to change the game the power
to shatter or to strengthen the in-
dustry's po|itica||y |ragi|e structure.
A|ter the questionab|e
decision to ho|d the most expen-
sive Winter 0|ympics ever in So-
chi, |ussia, another g|oba| sporting
event raised many o| the same
concerns regarding the priorities
o| internationa| |eaders. Though
Prazi| is wide|y regarded as the
Vecca o| |ootba||, hosting the 20I4
|||A Wor|d Cup may not have
been in the country's best inter-
est. With a percentage o| citizens
in poverty that is, according to the
Wor|d Pank, signi|icant|y higher
than many midd|e-income coun-
tries, and some o| the wor|d's most
dangerous s|ums, the money that
Prazi| spent on security, the con-
struction o| seven new stadiums,
and the renovation o| |ive others
cou|d have been put to better use.
This a||ocation o| |unds,
which makes the rich even richer
and pushes aside the poor, is not
just characteristic o| internationa|
sporting organizations. Since its
creation in I9I0, the Nationa| Co||e-
giate Ath|etic Association ,NCAA)
has never paid its ath|etes, nor has
it a||owed them to pro|it in any
way |rom their name and |ikeness.
Since the NCAA garners mi||ions
o| do||ars in revenue |rom te|evi-
sion dea|s, and its member schoo|s
pro|it handsome|y |rom ticket and
merchandise sa|es |or the popu|ar
sports |ike basketba|| and |ootba||
a||owing the coaches to receive
a generous sa|ary in return it's
about time that something be
done to bene|it the student-ath|ete.
This summer, current
and |ormer NCAA student-ath-
|etes, as we|| as notab|e |ega| ad-
vocates, teamed up to take the
NCAA to court and they won!
Student-ath|etes may now be e|-
igib|e to receive |u||-cost scho|-
arships and medica| bene|its, as
we|| as some money |rom te|evi-
sion broadcasts and video game
representations. Un|ortunate|y,
individua| schoo|s have the |ina|
decision on whether or not to give
out these new bene|its. The |ike|y
outcome is that the privi|eged |ew
who attend the bigger schoo|s --
those that generate mi||ions o| do|-
|ars in revenue |rom their sports
teams -- wi|| receive something
more, but the scho|arships that do
not inc|ude money |or |ood and
other basic necessities wi|| remain
the status quo |or the thousands
o| other NCAA student-ath|etes.
Then, o| course, there was
|ona|d Ster|ing. A|ter exp|oring his
|ormer gir||riend's |nstagram ac-
count, the |ormer owner o| the |os
Ange|es C|ippers was secret|y re-
corded whi|e he commanded her
to re|rain |rom being photographed
with A|rican American peop|e. |e
went on to a|so |orbid her |rom
inviting them to enjoy one o| his
team's basketba|| games. |ow Ster-
|ing became the owner o| a team
that, a|ong with being based in one
o| the most cu|tura||y diverse cit-
ies in North America, is made up
o| most|y A|rican American p|ay-
ers continues to ba|||e everyone
sports |ans or not. A|ter his com-
ments went pub|ic, the NPA swi|t|y
banned him |or |i|e and demanded
that he se|| his team to a new own-
er. The recordings o| his horrib|y
ignorant statements have sparked
discussions |rom topics such as
racism in the workp|ace to the dy-
namics o| interracia| re|ationships.
|espite a|| this negativity,
there were some peop|e that man-
aged to give the sports industry
a g|immer o| hope. A |ew ath|etes
provided optimism |or a |uture
where they themse|ves can once
again use their voices to in||uence
pub|ic opinion, and take responsi-
bi|ity in righting the wrongs o| their
money-hungry superiors. Vaybe
it was because this summer cre-
ated a need |or the next Vuham-
mad A|i, who was just as much a
po|itica| activist and pub|ic |igure
as he was a heavyweight pugi|ist.
|ormer NPA great, and pioneer
o| the sky-hook, Kareem Abdu|
1abaar, wrote severa| artic|es |or
T|nc magazine this summer con-
cerning systematic racism in the
United States his most recent
=@<"A(#('-1) 7-1(E
Cdrique, and their two cats, which
were certain|y treated as |ami|y
members but whose names now
sad|y evade me. |ater, | moved
to Vontrea| to take a summer
position in a |aw |ibrary, trying
my |rench out in the workp|ace.
|abu|ous experiences
Undoubted|y. |ntire|y di||erent than
my expectations Consistent|y.
|t is a hard thing, |earn-
ing a second ,or third or |ourth, |
assume) |anguage. |rench wasn't
entire|y new |or me either |
went to schoo| in |rench immer-
sion up unti| |ourth grade. 0oing
into the program this summer, |
knew | was rusty, but sti|| sort o|
thought that a|ter spending even
a week surrounded by so much
|rench, it wou|d a|| come ||ooding
back to me in a happy burst o| |in-
guistic en|ightenment. |a|se. |t did
come back, but not without a |ot
o| e||ort, |rustration, and grapp|ing
with the se||-con|idence-b|ow that
comes with rea|izing that, at best,
you are communicating |ike a |ar
younger and |ess educated version
o| yourse||. The stories | wanted to
te||, mi|d|y comp|ex ideas | wanted
to express, and de|icate questions
| wanted to ask a|| had to wait. |or
the |irst |ew weeks, dinner con-
versations didn't extend much
|urther than exp|aining what | had
|earned in schoo| that day, asking
what my host |ami|y had done at
work, and comp|imenting the |ood.
0nia|, a|ways gnia|. A|so, no cob-
b|estones and no e|egant cigarette
Py K|N||A P||||N
smoking. Strip ma||s and rows o|
identica| houses. | strugg|ed to |ind
my way back to the house |or the
|irst coup|e o| days. What do you
use as a |andmark in the suburbs
when everything |ooks the same
| |earned a ton this sum-
mer. | wou|d not consider myse||
||uent in |rench, |ar |ess a master
o| the |anguage, and no, sma||
town Qubec is nothing |ike what
| thought it wou|d be. | was proba-
b|y |oo|ish to expect these things in
the |irst p|ace, but | wou|d be |ying
i| | said that | have |earned to have
no expectations at a||. At this point,
| know | a|ways wi||. Put how |ove|y
to know that, even when experi-
ences are wi|d|y di||erent than what
we anticipate, they can sti|| be great.
piece re|erring to the race riots in
|erguson, Vissouri. N|| p|ayers
have become spokespeop|e |or
historica||y abused communities,
name|y the |0PT community
and those who su||er |rom menta|
hea|th issues. |ope|u||y these peo-
p|e can inspire other ath|etes to
speak up |or those whose voices
are sti||ed on a dai|y basis, idea|-
|y they can be good ro|e mode|s.
This past Vay, the |irst
open|y gay p|ayer was dra|ted into
the N||. |n August, the standout
p|ayer o| the |itt|e |eague Pase-
ba|| Wor|d Series was I3 year-o|d
gir| Vo'ne |avis, who pitched a
shutout against a roster o| a|| boys
and was |eatured on the cover
o| Sor/s l//os/ro/cJ a |irst |or
any |itt|e |eague p|ayer, boy or
gir|. Cou|d she ever p|ay with the
boys o| summer in Vajor |eague
Paseba|| 0n|y time wi|| te||.
Something new hap-
pens in the wor|d o| sports ev-
eryday. |n order |or the sports
industry to change its course,
ath|etes must continue to break
the mou|d and others must have
the courage to |o||ow their |ead.
cause he's a|so a hypnotherapist
,at which point | was |ike whaaat
the |uck is this guy ta|king about).
| decided that the |it-
mus test to prove whether or
not this guy was |or rea| wou|d
be to have him hypnotize me,
duh. Vy p|an was that i| he was
actua||y te||ing the truth, | wou|d
somehow get myse|| on the cast
|ist a|ongside Pjork and become
an |ce|andic/|rench ce|ebrity.
We sat in a corner o| the
bar, our beers on the tab|e in |ront
o| us, and | asked i| he wou|d take
out a stopwatch and start swing-
ing it in |ront o| my |ace. |e asked
me about a goa| that | wanted to
accomp|ish, the idea being that
the hypnosis wou|d he|p me with
the |o||ow-through. |t took me
an embarrassing|y |ong time to
identi|y a goa|, so | was re|ieved
when he suggested that maybe
| wanted to stop smoking. Yes!
That wou|d be it. | wou|d be hyp-
notized and never smoke again.
0nce that had been es-
tab|ished the sance, as he ca||ed
it, began. |e put his |e|t hand on
my right shou|der. |e to|d me to
|ocus on my breathing, to concen-
trate on the sensation o| his hand.
|e asked me a series o| questions
in rapid succession speaking the
entire time in a |ow, so|t voice.
C'est quoi |a raison que tu veux
arrter de |umer Comment vas-
in my eyes and said, Are you
a man who |ikes taking risks"
|'m not opposed to risk
taking, when the urge strikes," |
said. |e |ooked at me |or a mo-
ment |onger, and then turned away
brisk|y. Come with me," he said.
Summer break is usua||y
an opportunity |or students to vis-
it their |ami|y homes, or trave| to
new and exciting p|aces, or both.
As you've heard a thousand times,
home is where the heart is. |'ve
|ived in Permuda and drank rain
water that co||ected on the roo| o|
my |ami|y's hurricane-proo| home.
|'ve |ived in Singapore and doub|e
rode my mom's bike to Vandarin
kindergarten to daydream. Vy
heart's taken me to Switzer|and,
|ng|and, 0ermany, Vorocco, Po|iv-
ia, Peru, Cuba, and |cuador. | |ound
my heart in |ta|y, the |and where
my peop|e come |rom and |arge|y
sti|| |ive in. | grew up in the suburbs
o| Toronto, and as | grew my heart
Py A||SSAN||0 T||S|0N|
grew a|so. 0bvious|y | |ove a |ot o|
p|aces, as many o| those |ortunate
enough to see a |ew wonder|u|
ones in their time probab|y do.
When | |irst got to Quest
it was not my home. Pritish Co|um-
bia |e|t |oreign to say the |east, |ike a
di||erent country the |ikes o| which
| hadn't even conceived o| be|ore
moving out here |or schoo|. | o|ten
ta|ked |onging|y o| Toronto in those
|irst two years here. The |act that
| was disp|aced so |ar |rom the
centre o| my wor|d ,|our provinces
west, approx. 4,o00 km) in||ated the
|ee|ing that | didn't be|ong in Squa-
mish, despite my amazing experi-
ences here. A|ter my third year at
Quest, whi|e back in 0ntario pack-
ing |or schoo|, | |ina||y, absentmind-
ed|y, said to myse||, what am | go-
ing to bring back home with me"
Vaybe it was because |'d
been spending the majority o| my
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time in P.C. |ong enough to reca-
|ibrate my inner compass. Vaybe
my heart now |ies in P.C, a|ong
with 0ntario, |ta|y, and many other
p|aces to varying degrees. Vaybe
my heart grew and matured as
the sum o| di||erent cha||enging
and educationa| experiences, and
| just happened to move around
whi|e | was |iving |i|e. The point
is, just as | had no idea what the
mysterious yet personab|e gent|e-
man in the Paramount |ote| was
getting at be|ore | |o||owed him,
there's no way to prospective|y
know how you'|| respond to p|ac-
es. That isn't an extreme|y he|p|u|
or i||uminating conc|usion, | know.
Put throughout my |ast summer
as a Quest undergraduate it was
this rea|ization that kept present-
ing itse|| to me, unassuming|y, as
| worried and dreamed about my
time here and where it wi|| |ead
me. |ome is how you engage with
the successes and tribu|ations o|
the decisions you make about
your |i|e. And your heart just kind
o| |o||ows you and soaks it a|| up.
tu tre di||rent aprs avoir arrt
|e to|d me to picture a moment in
the |uture when | was |inished with
smoking - where am |, what am |
doing, how do | |ee| |e to|d me
to put my hands out in |ront o| me
and |ocus the answers to a|| o| his
questions into the space between
my pa|ms. |e to|d me to c|ose my
eyes and breathe deep|y, a||owing
my hands to come together on
their own. | c|osed my eyes and
he spoke, reminding me to |ocus
my energy, visua|ize that moment,
|ee| his hand on my shou|der.
| wi|| admit, there was
a point where | was in a bit o| a
trance. When my |ingers met he
took his hand o|| my shou|der.
The sance was comp|ete. || ever
again | had the urge to smoke a||
| had to do was touch that spot
on my shou|der and the urge
wou|d dissipate - poo|, magic.
A|as, | did not get a part
in his |i|m nor did | quit smoking.
Put, as Quest's own Nessa Pryce
notes in her artic|e in 1u|y's issue
o| Sc|cn/|/|c Ancr|con M|nJ, in-
sights o|ten come |rom co||ected
experiences. So maybe one o|
these days my being kind o| hyp-
notized by maybe a compu|sive
|iar wi|| make some sort o| sense.
FG K#) #A(5#66M +M<.
1-('N"0 :M #1 #A(5#6
D-9" 7-1(E
!"65)'-1) 7-1(E

The Mark 0P-||
TU|S|AY, S|PT|VP|| 2, 20I4
Py 10N |A|V||
,-)(./-0"$1 7-1(E
Py 0|A|AV ST|||C|
FG K#) # 9"9:"$ -3 (+" 9"0'#J (+" C"$M
:"#)( (+#( A#1 9#B" #1 '))5" O#1 '))5"H #10
(+"1 )+#<" (+#( '))5" 3-$ <5:6'A A-1)59<.
know, Y0|0. Put this wasn't doing
anything to assuage my existen-
tia| crisis and, perhaps thanks to
a course that changed the way |
read ,shout out to Christian Ace-
mah), | began to wonder i| | was
reading it a|| wrong. The combi-
nation o| books, daydreaming,
back-a||ey inte||ectua|s, and hav-
ing time to burn |i||ed me with a
need to go to A|geria and get to
the heart o| whatever the |uck was
contained within those I23 pages.
||ash back A|giers,
09/0o/20I4. \oo, ooo, ooo. l
noJc |/ /o A/|crs onJ noJc |/ /o
/bc oor/ncn/ l oos sooscJ /o.
l`n boy /bc /occ ]oor/ncn/]
ctcn cx|s/s! l/`s Jc/n|/c/y |n/cr
cs/|n, |/`s ?.S0on bcrc onJ ctcn
Jr|t|n |n /bc horrcn s/rcc/s l con
/c// |/`s o roobcr or/ o/ /oon.
Tbc ho|/J|n |s Jccrc|/ onJ l`n
on /bc /b /oor o/ o 6 or 7 /oor
oo// o. Rco//y rcn|nJs nc o/
o|n /o /bc rojcc/s, ho/ Jroo
|n conor|sons |s o cbco ooy
/o Jcscr|hc ony/b|n. lc/n|/c/y
on o|n /o hc cbo//cncJ bcrc
onJ l`n s/o/cJ, ho/ o/so Jon`/
oon/ /o hc /oo/|sb/y rcc//css
/brcoJ|n /bc nccJ/c. l/`s |n/cnsc
onJ oc|rJ onJ o /|///c scory onJ
l`tc o/ no |Jco obcrc |n A/
|crs l on. \boo, oboo, oboo.
A|giers, 20/0o/20I4. l`tc
hccn /b|n/|n ohoo/ r|s/, oJtcn
8"C-65('-1 7-1(E
Py VA|||||| |0SKY
/orcs,onJ joorncys o /o/,onJ boo
yoo con /o/c joorncys hy c//|n
/o /noo sonconc (onyonc!) onJ
hy /ry|n /o scc boo /bcy scc /bc
oor/J. l /b|n/ /bo/ n|b/ hc /bc
orcs/ `joorncy` /bcrc |s. lx|s/cn
/|o/|sn oos sooscJ /o hc ny
c/oo/o/jo|//rcc corJ, onJ noo
l Jon`/ hc/|ctc |n hc|n /rccJ.
There was Tbc l/|oJ
which |ed to the Too Tc Cb|n and
ln Tbc L|b/ O/ \bo/ \c lnoo,
then Lc//crs /o o Yoon Poc/ and
1o|/ 8|rJ |o||owed by Tbc lrcon
o/ o Connon Lonooc and
Tbc Poocr o/ My/b. There were
days spent staring at the ocean's
horizon wa|king around c|ue|ess,
and nights spent searching books
|or c|ues. There was b|ack mo|d.
A|ter three days o| not being ab|e
to catch my breath in the apart-
ment and, worse, not being ab|e
to read because o| headaches, |
|ound b|ack mo|d behind a bed
in the corner o| a room, eroding
the wa||. | got what | needed. | |e|t.
So, you want a conc|u-
sion There isn't one. So, what's
the |esson | don't know maybe
don't stay at sketchy p|aces, may-
be |i|e is a mess and we're a|| just
trying to pu|| ourse|ves out o| this
tang|ed web, maybe reading |eads
to troub|e, maybe reading |eads
to truth, maybe we have to |earn
and un|earn in equa| measure,
maybe we can on|y hope and try
to be use|u| and kind and honest
because there is on|y cause and
e||ect, maybe you on|y |ive once
and you need to grieve whatever
anger you harbor be|ore you can
tru|y be a|ive, maybe |'m |u|| o| shit.
*- 8"9"9:"$ '1 ;"<("9:"$
Apri|, 20I4 -- |irst im-
pressions make a|| the di||erence
and you can never start p|anning
them too ear|y, so |'d |ike to ask
every returning student to spend
the next 4I0 words thinking about
September. |n |our months, ,overl
200 new members o| the Quest
community wi|| arrive. With any
|uck, they'|| spend the next |our
years here and he|p each other to
grow and |earn. |ow you we|come
them wi|| determine both whether
they stay and how they contribute.
Vany o| us had positive
initia| experiences. Vy |irst taste
o| |i|e at Quest cemented my de-
cision to app|y. |t was |ecember
2009 and | crashed on campus the
night be|ore a preview day. There
was a pot|uck in the South kitch-
en and a jam session in the ha||-
way. |riving away |rom campus, |
knew that | cou|d |ive and thrive
in this community. Vy experience
was disproportionate|y positive.
Students |rom other in-
coming years te|| di||erent arriv-
a| stories. Some describe |ee|ing
resented by upper year students
and being treated as intruders.
|t's understandab|e, new students
impact the cu|ture, and meeting
strangers is scary -- especia|-
|y when they enter a space that
we think o| as our own. Natura|-
|y, we voice our concerns, but
conversations that b|ame |irst
year c|asses |or shi|ts in cu|ture
ignore upper years' responsibi|i-
ties and on|y create resentment.
|mbracing and voicing your |ear
o| the unknown wi|| a|ienate an
entire generation o| Quest stu-
dents and undermine your oth-
er attempts to bui|d community.
|ike most important
things, conscious|y engaging with
the incoming c|ass can be di||i-
cu|t. |t requires your time and
intention, both o| which are in
short supp|y a|ter |our months
spent working and apart |rom
|riends. | usua||y spent Septem-
ber b|ocks knocking the rust o||
o| o|d |riendships and academic
ski||s. 0etting to know |irst years
sp|its |imited attention in another
direction, but as a community the
bene|its o| we|coming the incom-
ing c|ass are too many to ignore.
September is your
chance to demonstrate your ide-
a|s. |o|ks arrive eager to |earn, and
that makes September the per|ect
time to show them the type o|
community that they are entering.
This community wi|| never be a
homogenous entity. We don't a||
work, |ive, party, and p|ay in the
same ways but we can at |east
|et the |o|ks who arrive know that
they are we|come. That we|come
can be as simp|e as acknow|edg-
ing that they exist. |t starts with
he||o, but you can take your men-
torship |urther by showing them
how you get a|ong with, and in,
this space. You can set the socia|
bar, create opportunities to ming|e,
and make this p|ace |ee| |ike home.
0ur campus community
is not a sing|e, so|id entity, it's a per-
|ormance that we put on together
every day. You have the opportuni-
ty to take on a new ro|e in Septem-
ber and to he|p the incoming c|ass
|ind theirs. 0reet them, greet each
other, and create a cu|ture o| he||os
so that when it comes time to work
and p|ay together, everyone knows
that they're on the same team.
FP5$ A#9<5) A-9.
951'(M ') 1-( # )'1.
I6"J )-6'0 "1('(MQ '(H)
# <"$3-$9#1A" (+#(
K" <5( -1 (-I"(+"$
"C"$M 0#ML
F4'$)( -33J M-5 1""0
(- B1-K (+#( :--B)
A$"#(" #10 $56" 9M
gust II in |os Ange|es, Ca|i|ornia.
This genocide o| b|ack
men is not a phenomenon speci|ic
to the summer o| 20I4. |n the Unit-
ed States, between 1anuary I, 20I2
and Varch 3I, 20I2, twenty-nine
b|ack peop|e ,2I men and I |ema|e)
were ki||ed by either po|ice 0||i-
cia|s, Security 0uards, or Se||-Ap-
pointed Keepers o| the Peace",
according to data co||ected by the
Va|co|m X 0rassroots Vovement,
P|ack |e|t Unity Network, and US
|uman |ights Network. The rea-
son these seeming|y state-sanc-
tioned murders o| b|ack men have
received so much media coverage
this summer is the |ivid respons-
es o| communities throughout
the United States and the ro|e o|
socia| media in the protests, and
even murders. |t's |ike|y that your
socia| media p|at|orms have been
swarmed with images o| po|ice-
men with dogs and A|-I5 assau|t
ri||es using tear gas against pro-
testers -- peace|u| and otherwise.
Aside |rom being a hu-
man who va|ues the |i|e o| other
humans, | had a unique stake in
the racia||y charged murders this
summer. | was a member o| the
media, the very beast that can
make an issue an issue" and then
shape that issue |or pub|ic con-
sumption. | interned |or Sojourner
Truth with Vargaret Prescod", a
radio show on KP|K, a |os Ange-
|es Paci|ica radio station. The radio
station is historica||y progressive
and po|itica||y |e|t-|eaning, and the
show itse|| |ocuses on how current
events a||ect women, communities
o| co|or, and other communities.
|t |o||ows that the |ata| po|ice en-
counters across the United States
and the vio|ent riots in |erguson
were our top priority news story.
Vy responsibi|ities re-
garding the protests were re-
search-oriented unti| |ze|| |ord's
murder sparked outraged in the
|os Ange|es community. Vy as-
signment then became in-the-
|ie|d coverage o| the organized
march against a state-sanctioned
murder in downtown |os An-
ge|es, as we|| as the subsequent
occupation o| the streets out-
side the |AP| headquarters.
Un|ike the |erguson ri-
ots, the protests in |os Ange|es
were remarkab|y peace|u|. Po|ice
o||icers rode around on bicyc|es,
stopped tra||ic to a||ow the march
to proceed sa|e|y, and passed out
water bott|es to the overheated
protesters. Protesters made |ervent
speeches, sported picket signs,
and |aid down in the midd|e o|
the downtown |os Ange|es tra||ic.
That being said, as | ran around
N|C0|AS 0|0ZC0-VA|||V|A
N|C0|AS 0|0ZC0-VA|||V|A
N|C0|AS 0|0ZC0-VA|||V|A
interviewing protesters, there was
a strong sentiment in |avor o| the
more vio|ent actions taken by the
|erguson rioters. The |os Ange|es
residents at the protest seemed ir-
reconci|ab|y disi||usioned with the
|aw en|orcement o||icers and the
United States' justice" system on
the who|e. Protesters said, it's on|y
a matter o| time be|ore the peace-
|u| protests prove to be un|ruit|u|,
and we'|| have to speak to ,the o|-
|icersl in their |anguage. vio|ence".
These were the voicings
o| individua| protesters. |owever,
the organizer, The |os Ange|es
Peop|es Vedia, ensured that the
|ocus o| the march was so|idarity
with the |ord |ami|y, who had asked
|or a peace|u| protest. Sti||, | can't
he|p but wonder when vio|ence
is going to erupt in |os Ange|es.
0ur history o| upheava| inc|udes
the Watts |iots o| 'o5, the Chicano
Voratorium o| I9I0, and the |od-
ney King |iots o| I992, amongst
many other rebe||ions. Things are
not peachy in my home city. 0ur
rate o| income inequa|ity is one o|
the highest in the United States, we
are in an o||icia| state o| emergency
due to the unprecedented drought,
our unemp|oyment is through
the roo|, our home|ess popu|ation
is peaking at a staggering 5I,I3I
peop|e, our wor|d-renowned state
schoo| ,UC|A) on|y |ets whites
and Asians enro|| ,b|acks are a|-
|owed in i| they p|ay some b-ba||
and win some championships, o|
course), and to top it a|| o||, un-
armed b|ack, brown or menta||y
i|| men are being murdered by
the very peop|e they pay with
their tax do||ars to keep them sa|e.
| know the story. |t's easy
to get caught up in the madness o|
university |i|e, it's easy to |ee| sa|e
and sound in beauti|u| Pritish Co-
|umbia, it's easy to turn the other
cheek. Put don't. Ta|k about these
issues, research them, and keep
your eyes pee|ed, |e||ow c|ass-
mates. Something |arge is upon us.
Yoo noy no/|cc /bo/ /b|s |s /bc scconJ /|nc /b|s or/|c/c bos ocorcJ |n /bc Vark.
Tbc rcoson /or /b|s |s no/ on/y oor /otc /or Mr.Forncr, oc`rc |n/roJoc|n o nco scr|cs o/
orcb|to/ or|/|n /bo/ rcno|ns cr/|ncn/, onJ co//|n |/ Fron /bc Voo//. ltcry noo onJ
/bcn, crbos ctcn non/b/y, oc`// o// sonc/b|n /ron /bc Jos/y Vark //|n coh|nc/s
onJ rcoh/|sb |/ /or yoor cnjoyncn/.Tbon/s /o Zocb lcrsbnon /or /bc |Jco.
The Mark
CA||A| ||AN, F,76.*47$4;'7":
10NAT|AN V0N 0||N|||V, F,76.*47$4;'7":
A||SSAN||0 T||S|0N|, @"2% F,76.*
ZAC|A|Y K||S|VAN, G97$7.$ F,76.*
K|N||A P||||N, <*6% H ;/36/*" F,76.*
K|V|N P||NA, I9.*6% F,76.*
|. VA||S W|NT||S, J*.,/B67.$ )#$#8"*
KGLM<@ LGII1 )",7# N/*/
TA|| A1A||, O$#B675" P.*"78$ ;.**"%9.$,#$6
TU|S|AY, S|PT|VP|| 2, 20I4
The Mark |0CA|
;5)+' ;"1
A |avourite o| students and |oca|s
a|ike, Sushi Sen is the go-to p|ace
i| you're craving sushi. Apparent|y,
even Vancouver residents make
the drive up to Squamish to eat at
Sushi Sen.
The restaurant can be busy at
times, so expect a wait i| you are
dining at peak hours. Ca||ing in
your order and picking it up is
a|so an option.
|n any case, the point is this. i| you
are |ooking |or sushi in Squamish,
Sushi Sen is your best bet.
&+"$" (- =#( '1 ;>5#9')+
;5)+' ?-"9-1
Sushi 0oemon is a reasonab|e
a|ternative to Sushi Sen, especia||y
when you're not inc|ined to wait
ha|| an hour |or a tab|e, you want
something a tad cheaper ,just
a tad), or you simp|y want to
switch things up. Sushi 0oemon
is a so|id sushi p|ace in downtown
Squamish. Their bento boxes
are supposed to be pretty good,
too, and are under 8, so pretty
=))"1A" -3 G10'#
|ssence o| |ndia is |ocated just
down the hi|| |rom Quest Uni-
versity, and they are we|| known
around campus |or their de|icious
|ood. They were c|osed |or a
whi|e |or re|urbishment, but now
they are open and |ooking better
than ever. Their |amb rogan josh
,I5.50) is a popu|ar dish, and |or
vegetarians | was recommended
the da| makhani ,I3.00).
R')6# ;K""()J 8")(#5$#1( S
/"#( ;+-<
Pis|a is a |ess know |ndian
restaurant in Squamish, but it is
an equa||y de|icious, and s|ight|y
cheaper, a|ternative to |ssence o|
|ndia. |t is |ami|y-owned and, |'ve
been to|d, quite authentic. The
peop|e are |ove|y, and, in addition
to serving |ood, they a|so have
a mouth-watering se|ection o|
traditiona| sweets.
D-K" ;-510 R$"K'1I 7-E
Vore in|orma||y known as the
Prew Pub", |owe Sound Prew-
ing Co. is a great p|ace to grab a
drink and some |ood. 0r... more
than one drink since their beer
is exce||ent. The pub is spacious,
and has one main dining room
and one more casua| pub area.
Student |avourites inc|ude the ha||-
o|| pizza on Wednesdays, per|ect
|or ends o| b|ocks. The Prew Pub
wi|| occasiona||y have |ive music,
sometimes even |eaturing Quest
Py 10||AN |0SS
& CA||A| ||AN
Tbc Sco /o S/y onJ |/s s/coJy /oo o/ /ro//c cnsorcs /bo/ Soon|sb o|// o/ooys botc o J|tcrsc co//cc/|on
o/ /os/ /ooJ jo|n/s /|n|n /bc b|booy. looctcr, /or /bosc obo /noo obcrc /o /nJ /bcn, Soon|sb bos
sonc rc//y ooJ rcs/ooron/s onJ co/cs /bo/ con so/|s/y o tor|c/y o/ crot|ns.Tb|s |s Tbc Mor/`s \bcrc
/o lo/ |n Soon|sb/|s/, o sc/cc/|on o/ oor /otor|/c /occs /o co/ or roh o co//cc.
7+"3 R'I !H)
Whi|e meandering up to the Ca| on a Sunday morning is great, it's a|so
nice to get a break |rom campus ,and the ca|). That's where Che| Pig
|'s comes in. This downtown Squamish joint has co||ee and big break-
|asts |eaturing pancakes, potatoes, bacon, sausage, and eggs. They a|so
se|| tasty, home-baked bread, inc|uding cranberry sourdough which is
Zehyr Cnfe, Sun0ouer
R#B"$M 7#3"J S *+" 2"0I"
These three ca|es are |ocated right
in downtown Squamish, and whi|e
they a|| have their di||erent specia|-
ties, they are equa||y good p|aces
to get a co||ee and a hea|thy ,or
not so hea|thy) snack.
T"<+M$ is known |or its de|icious
vegetarian and vegan options and
they make a wonder|u| chai |atte.
Sun0ouer hnhery is the p|ace
|or pastries and bread i| you're
in the mood |or some com|orting
|ood on a rainy day. The gigantic
cinnamon ro||s a|one are worth
the trip down the hi||.
*+" 2"0I" is a newer addition to
main street. You can pick a com|y
chair by their |arge windows, or a
tab|e in the spacious back room
near the stage where they occa-
siona||y have |ive entertainment.
/#I) UU 4$'"0 7+'AB"1 #10
/"@'A#1 7#1('1#
Vags 99 de|inite|y deserves a
shout out. |t's a bit out o| the
way, |ocated a|ong the highway
past downtown Squamish, and it's
s|ight|y ec|ectic, but it sure is good.
| opt |or a burrito with pu||ed
pork. The pork is tender and
moist, and the burrito is |u|| o| rice,
beans, and some veggies. |t comes
wrapped in tin |oi| and the burrito
manages to stay intact pretty
we||, which is a|ways a p|us when
you're eating a burrito.
|'ve heard good things about the
|ried chicken, too, and it seems
pretty sizeab|e and crispy.
2-A#C-$" 4--0 *$5AB #10 *+" 76-50:5$)( 7#3"
|ocated right at the bottom o| the hi||, The C|oudburst Ca|e is the per|ect
spot to grab a co||ee and do a |itt|e homework when you need a mo-
ment away |rom campus. And i| you happen to get hungry mid-essay,
|ocavore |ood Truck is parked right outside, ready to provide some o|
the best sandwiches | have had in a |ong, |ong time.
That conc|udes the Vark's Where to |at in Squamish" |ist.
Puon Appetito!
V|CT0||A C||VK0. V|CT0||AS|00|S|C||TS.C0V

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