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Experimental analysis of drilling damage in thin carbon/epoxy plate using

special drills
R. Piquet
, B. Ferret, F. Lachaud, P. Swider
Laboratoire de Genie Mecanique de Toulouse, Institut Universitaire de Technologie Paul Sabatier, Departement de Genie Mecanique et Productique, 50
chemin des mara chers, 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Received 11 August 1999; received in revised form 1 March 2000; accepted 22 March 2000
The aim of this study is drilling with a twist drill and a specic cutting tool of structural thin backing plates in carbon/epoxy. Drilling with a
twist drill of the bolts holes to x a stiff plate reinforcement in front of the damage leads to defects and damages at the entrance, on the hole
wall and at the plate exit.
The possibility to manufacture carbon/epoxy with a conventional cutting tool was analysed and the limits of the twist drill were shown.
Consequently we dened a specic cutting tool. Series of comparative experiments were carried out using a conventional twist drill and this
specic cutting tool. The results showed the capabilities of the specic cutting tool because several defects and damages usually encountered
in twist drilled holes were minimised or avoided (entrance damage, roundness and diameter defects and plate exit damage). 2000 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword: Drilling
1. Introduction
The using of composite parts is increasing within the
design of plane structural elements. For such structures
high performance carbon/epoxy material are mainly used.
For denitive assembling or structural temporary repairs,
the permanent joints are achieved using bolts and it has
been veried that the reliability of assembling is sensitive
to the quality of the bolt holes.
The possibility to machine with a conventional tool,
generally used to metals, was examined. Afterward, the
causes of various damages, observed on a hole, were
analysed. These observations allowed us to dene a specic
tool better adapted to this type of drilling. Then, the machin-
ing behaviour of this specic tool was compared with that of
a double uted conventional drill. Lastly, the holes drilling
are observed.
2. Damages analysis caused by a twist drill
The use of a twist drill, for the drilling of the bolt holes in
thin carbon/epoxy composite without backing plate, cause
damages. The failure behaviour of epoxy matrix and carbon
bres is brittle. In the general context of machining compo-
site materials Konig [1] and Guegans [2] studies reveal that
the general machining conditions applied to metals can
be applied to composite materials with a thermosetting
plastic matrix. It is therefore possible to drill composite
structures using a conventional twist drill (Fig. 1).
Moreover, given the possibilities of shocks particularly
in the case of carbon/epoxy, tools should be tough and
wear-resistant [25]. Given the machining constraints,
only conventional and micrograin tungsten carbide,
natural diamond splinters and synthetic diamonds
(PCD) can be used.
Drilling with cutting tools leads to defects and damage at
the plate entrance, exit and in the hole wall. The hole inlet
defect (Fig. 2) is linked to the material, to the tool, and to the
cutting conditions (F
and F
). Guegan [2] and Ho-Cheng
[6] show that there is a peel effect of plies along the edge of
the major drill cutting edges which takes place the moment
the tool tip [7] encounters the rst ply. This defect increases
with the rake angle [7] (g) and tends towards ply detach-
ment. The chip thus formed tends to turn backwards with the
action of the ank (Ag) [7]. The resulting load pushes onto
the hole edge via the bres which connect the chip to the rest
of the ply. At this instant, the bonding strength applied by
the matrix under the ply is the only force which can resist
Composites: Part A 31 (2000) 11071115
1359-835X/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S1359-835X( 00)00069-5
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 33-562-258-722; fax: 33-562-258-
E-mail address: (R. Piquet).
delamination. Delamination occurs if the localised peel
force is greater than that allowable for ply delamination.
To check the nominal drilling diameter Guegan [2]
explains that the bres are bent by the action of the drills
cutting edge. A facet appears along the cut bre which is
inclined in relation to the direction of the minor cutting
edges [7] of the tool. This bending is caused by elastic
deformation of the bre akin to buckling. The return to
the initial position, after a brittle shear failure, causes tigh-
tening around the drill. As a consequence, the drilled
diameter is less than the drill diameter (Fig. 3). The drill
material also contributes to this phenomenon, as the cutting
radius of the bit increases with wear.
The roundness error is due to the materials anisotropy.
For each angular position of the drills cutting edge in rela-
tion to bre orientation, there exists a different relative rein-
forcement direction (Fig. 3). If we take the case of a
unidirectional laminate ply, the drilling corner tool will, at
a certain moment in time, shear the material along the bre
axis at 0, then following an increasing angle up to 90. This
cycle is repeated four times per revolution. In addition to
shearing (Fig. 3), the bres in the 090 zone are loaded by
compression whereas those between 90180 are under
tension. A difference has to be distinguished between the
various types of bre behaviour depending on the angular
position of the drills cutting edge. At 90, the bres bend
the most and so their shrinkage by elastic deformation
R. Piquet et al. / Composites: Part A 31 (2000) 11071115 1108
Fig. 1. Conventional double uted twist drill characteristics.
Fig. 2. Hole inlet defect.
Fig. 3. Hole defects observed in a uni-directional plate, where D is the
diameter in practica, D
the real diameter, and D
the theorical diameter.
caused by the action of the cutting edge makes the hole
narrower, and it becomes elliptical. The angle between the
large diameter of the ellipse and the bre axis is 90. This
phenomenon may be supposed identical in the case of the
lay-up sequence of multidirectional plies, although the
zones considered are different depending on material thick-
ness. All these phenomena have been checked experimen-
tally by Arola [8].
The pulled surface (R
) is affected by the tools material,
anisotropy and the type of loading. Konig [1] points out that
the least favourable direction is to be found between 20 and
45, as the bres in this zone receive a compression loading
superimposed on the shearing action caused by the cutting
edge. The roughness is minimal when the bres are between
0 and 90.
The narrowing of the hole around the two minor cutting
edge create friction which causes localised heating as the
carbon/epoxy composite is thermically insulating as a
whole. An abnormally high temperature of the hole can
cause local damage to the epoxy matrix, if the temperature
reaches or exceeds the glass transition temperature (T
). In
addition, the Fibredux 914 epoxy matrix used in experi-
ments contains thermoplastic nodules which, when affected
by high temperature, can become rubbery and stick to the
cutting edge of the cutting tool. The transversal conductivity
(l) of the carbon/epoxy can be calculated by using Spring-
ers [9] or Farmers [10] models. These models require the
calculation of l being the thermal conductivity of the
composite perpendicular to the bres, l
is the matrix ther-
mal conductivity, l
the thermal conductivity of bres
orthogonal to their direction and V
bre volume fraction.
The use of a conventional twist drill is limited when
drilling thin composites without a backing plate. The rela-
tively large range of the non-cutting chisel edge [11] is its
main drawback. When the active part of the drill approaches
the last laminate plies, beyond the critical thrust stress
greater than the ply cohesion force, cracking forms and
then spreads (Fig. 4). Crack propagation remains on the
plane and frequently starts in a matrix-rich zone. Adhesion
failure in this matrix leads to bending and delamination of
the remaining plies. It is therefore extremely useful to try
to dene a specic tool geometry to improve composite
3. Denition of a specic tool
The reference tool is the double uted twist drill [12]
whose reference dimensions are given by the ISO 3002-2:
E66-504 standard [7]. Although possessing a cutting radius
) [7] of the cutting edge greater than diamond, economic
considerations have led us to use micrograin tungsten
carbides which are tougher than ordinary carbides and
equally hard. Tool selection is made from a range of two-
gure numbers between 0.1 and 40, depending on the tough-
ness or resistance to wear required. Machining carbon/
epoxy plates requires the K20 rating as the tool must be
both tough and wear-resistant.
Grinding the drill with the two conical sides of the clear-
ance (DIN1897) gives a cutting angle (g
) and a clearance
angle (a
) which are variable along the two cutting edges
[7]; the non-cutting chisel edge represents 20% of the drill
diameter. A two slope grinding of the clearance face enables
the angular defects of the preceding drill to be corrected.
The three slope, or cruciform grinding (DIN1412C) has the
same advantages, but brings into existence of a facet or third
clearance linked to the machining of the chisel edge which
improves cutting and increases ease of penetration. This
drill is usually used in industry to drill composite plates.
These modications are unfortunately insufcient to reduce
the defects caused by drilling thin carbon/epoxy plates, in
the working conditions shown in Fig. 4.
From a consideration of the above points, and an analysis
of the defects, it is possible to dene a specic tool for
composite drilling. To be more rigorously compatible with
the twist drill, this tool is made of micrograin tungsten
carbide (K20 rating). To reduce, or eliminate the entrance
defect (Fig. 2) Konig [1] and Guegan [2] show that a small
rake angle (max 6) prevents the rst plate ply from lifting
up and tearing off. A greater number of cutting edges
R. Piquet et al. / Composites: Part A 31 (2000) 11071115 1109
Fig. 4. Exit defect in a hole drilled in a composite without a backing plate.
Fig. 5. Specic tool geometry for OP1 and OP2.
increases the length of tool/part contact, thus facilitating the
removal of heat produced by unlubricated machining. In
fact, the thermal conductivity l of the carbon/epoxy test
plates is equal to 30 W m
, and that of tungsten
carbide l
is greater than 120 W m
. It is the tool
itself that mainly removes the heat produced by machining.
In this case, the highest angle (k
) [7] is reduced, and
reaches a value close to 70 in order not to weaken the
tool [2,11]. A maximum angle of 118 is initially necessary
for the main cutting edges which are not very deep then 70
for the minor cutting edges. Having between three and six
cutting edges improves tool control without undue friction
of the chamfers on the hole wall. Three main cutting edges
together with three chamfers of the minor cutting edge with-
out ank, are enough to evacuate the heat produced and to
improve tool rigidity, thus preventing it following the
direction of the bres. Hole circularity is likewise improved.
The three secondary cutting edges are concave in shape in
order to decrease the pulled surface effect (R
). When the
drill approaches the end of the plate, the last few plies bend
and then tear off (Fig. 4). Konig [1], Guegan [2], Ho-Cheng
[6] and Jain [14] have demonstrated that this defect is linked
to tool geometry and more specically to the chisel edge
dimensions. It becomes necessary therefore to eliminate the
chisel edge completely by machining supplementary cutting
From an investigation of various tool suppliers, we have
been able to identify and select two tools with a cutting
geometry close to the specic tool. These are designated
in Fig. 5 as OP1 and OP2. Both are made of K20 rated
micrograin tungsten carbide, comprising three cutting
edges with a rake angle equivalent to zero which is likely
to cause vibrations during machining. The OP2 tool has a
cutting geometry similar to that proposed by Roy Meade
[11]. OP1 tool: 3 cutting edge, 59 for the major cutting
edge and variable to 0 for the minor cutting edges, twist
and rake 0, clearance 6, chamfer angle 0.
OP2 tool: 3 cutting edges, 59 for the major cutting edge
and variable to 0 for the minor cutting edge, twist and rake
0, clearance 6, no chamfer.
Experimental procedure based on the Taguchi experi-
mental plan has led us to choose between these two tools
Fixed parameters are those linked to
Cutting. no lubrication, and chips are vacuum extracted,
the drill is controlled by an operator-held drilling gun,
feed rate is manually and not controlled. Corresponding
to drilling temporary structural repairs on aircraft or
when making sub-assemblies.
Drilling. pneumatic portable, rotation speed N is equal to
3100 rpm.
The material to be machined: a rst plate of ten plies
[90/ 45/0/45/0]
, and a second of 12 plies
[90/ 45/0/0/45/0]
The variable parameters or factors are show in Table 1.
Hole conformity criteria are the inlet defect, the diameter,
visualising of the cylindrical surface generated, the round-
ness error and the exit defect.
The degree of difculty of the various parameters are
shown in Table 2. The only signicant interaction is the
state of the tool with plate thickness (parameters A and
B). The size of Taguchis table is L8, as the number of
variables is equal to seven. Changing a worn drill is the
R. Piquet et al. / Composites: Part A 31 (2000) 11071115 1110
Table 1
State of variable parameters
Variable parameters Condition 1 Condition 2
Tool condition New Worn
Plate thickness (mm) 2.8 3.36
Pre-drilled hole 3.3 mm Yes No
Hydraulic damper Yes No
Operator O1 O2
Table 2
Level of difculty of the variable parameters
Parameters Condition 1 Condition 2 Level of difculty
A Tool condition New Worn Very difcult
B Thickness (mm) 2.8 3.6 Difcult
C Pre-drilled Yes No Difcult
D Damper Yes No Difcult
E Operator O1 O2 Easy
Table 3
Using Taguchis L8 table to check drilled diameter
Tool condition Thickness Interaction Pre-drilled hole Operator Damper Diameter
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.500
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 9.250
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 8.500
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 9.000
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 8.750
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 8.000
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 7.000
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 7.750
Average 8.344
most limiting factor as it implies a long and painstaking
procedure. The thrust force of drill F
can be controlled
by a hydraulic damper xed to the drill. All the pre-drilling
holes are drilled with a 3.3 mm wide twist drill to minimise
the possible chisel edge effect. In order to observe wear
inuence on the hole geometry, worn (OP1) and (OP2)
tools are used. A plan of experiments is applied to each
tool (OP1, OP2) and to each variable factor. Taguchis
table relative to the hole diameter drilled with the OP1
tool is shown on Table 3. Each line of Table 4 contains a
mark out of ten given to each of the parameters to be
checked. OP1 tool has been selected as its average mark
is the highest. Planes and radius values of the specic tool
(OP1) are not provides by the tool manufacturer. This tool is
a product from the G.M.I company (9 rue Buffault 75009,
Paris, France).
4. Experimental study during machining
The machining behaviour of this specic tool is compared
with that of a conventional twist drill. Fig. 6 gives the
dimensions of the carbon/epoxy test plates (T300/914) as
well as their positioning on the table of a CNC milling
machine. Machining stresses are measured by means of a
Kistler 9272 piezo-electric dynamometer with four compo-
nents (F
, F
, F
and M
) connected to a Kistler 5019A
multi-input charge amplier. The characteristics of the
specic tool OP1 and the twist drill with cruciform grinding
(DIN1412C) designated as F2 are shown in Table 5. For
certain tests, a pre-drilling hole was pierced using a twist
drill (DIN1412C) designated as F3 in order to monitor the
effect on the nal hole quality.
In accordance with the experiments carried out by Jain
[14], the spindle rotation speed is 1200 rpm. Three tests per
tool were carried out with a constant feed rate throughout
the plate thickness (Table 6). A supplementary test per tool
was carried out with a variable decreasing feed rate depend-
ing on the tip on the position in the material thickness (Table
7). Holes ( 4.8 mm) were drilled without lubrication with
new and used tools, with or without pre-drilling hole. Tables
6 and 7 values are estimated with Jain [14] values.
In the case of drilling with a double uted twist drill, the
thrust force F
and the global moment M
can be expressed
by means of relations (1) and (2) [13]:
fD 1
where F
is the thrust force in N, K the corrective coefcient
(effect of sharpening), K
the specic cutting coefcient in
MPa, f the feed rate per rotation in mm, D the drill diameter
in mm.
where M
is the global moment in N m and K
the specic
cutting coefcient in N m mm
. Coefcients K
and K
dened experimentally.
Moment M
results from machining moment M
by the two main cutting edges of the drill and from moment
, caused by friction between the two chamfers of minor
R. Piquet et al. / Composites: Part A 31 (2000) 11071115 1111
Table 4
Experimental results for drilling hole
Tools OP1 OP2
Diameter 8.340 6.280
Circularity 8.750 4.410
Cylinder surface 8.910 6.100
Entry defects 8.125 6.625
Exit defects 7.375 6.625
Average 8.300 6.010
Fig. 6. Experimental setup.
Table 5
Description of tools used during the experiments
Name (mm) Operation Flutes k
() g () a () Twist () Grinding
OP1 4.8 Final version 3 59 (major); 590 (minor) 0 6 0 Specic
F2 4.8 Final version 2 59 6 6 25 3 slope
F3 3.3 Pre-drilling 2 59 6 6 25 3 slope
Table 6
Constant feed rate
Feed rate per revolution
(f) (mm/rev)
0.05 0.125 0.2
cutting edges on the hole wall:
The theoretical curves of force F
and moment M
in rela-
tion to the position of the tools active part in the test piece
are shown in Fig. 7. Force F
as well as machining moment
are zero when the tip of the tool is in x
(Fig. 7). They
increase in a non-linear fashion until reaching, when the tip
is in x
, a maximum value which remains constant until the
tip reaches x
. From then on, they decrease in a non-linear
fashion to reach zero when the tip is in x
and when the drill
emerges from under the plate to reach x
, and during its
rapid return, F
and M
remain at zero until the tip of the
drill is in x
Friction between the two chamfers of minor cutting edges
and the hole wall creates a friction moment M
tional to the cutting edge surface in contact with the hole
wall. This moment which appears when the drill tip is in x
increases linearly until the tool corner it reaches in x
. It
remains constant until the tip is in x
and decreases linearly
to reach zero when the tip is in x
Experimental curves (Fig. 8) relative to F2 drill show a
similarity with the theoretical curves (Fig. 7). In contrast,
the experimental curve of F
relative to the specic tool
OP1 (Fig. 9) shows no similarity with the theoretical
curve. In fact, the tip of the drill had emerged from the
plate even though its nominal diameter was not even at
the approach of the hole inlet (Fig. 10). A size control of
the different holes was carried out using a comparator.
5. Defects and damages observations
For both OP1 and F2 tools, the slight construction in the
90 direction appears in very few cases, and its value can be
ignored (5 mm). This is due to the low value of the cutting
radius r
to the micrograin carbides used instead of
conventional carbides.
R. Piquet et al. / Composites: Part A 31 (2000) 11071115 1112
Table 7
Decreasing feed rate
No. of plies 120 21 22 23 24
Feed rate
(f) (mm/
0.050 0.025 0.009 0.002 0.001
Fig. 7. Drilling efforts; theoretical results.
Fig. 8. Experimental results (drill F2 and f 0:05 mm=rev:
Fig. 9. Comparison of the thrust force between OP1 tool and F2 drill f
0:05 mm=rev and thickness plate of 3 mm).
5.1. Constant feed rate
With a new tool, macroscopic observation reveals that the
drillings obtained by an F2 drill cause damage at the plate
entrance and exit (Fig. 11) which are reduced to a minimum
by pre-drilling. The same is true for the surface state, bre
and matrix stripping on the hole walls. Only those holes
obtained by pre-drilling are within the tolerance range.
The specic tool OP1 causes no damage at the plate
entrance and exit (Fig. 11). It enables the hole to be drilled
within tolerance limits with an improved surface state. For
this tool, a re-drilling hole is thus unnecessary. For the both
F2 and OP1 tools at a feed rate per revolution of 0.2 mm,
maximum F
stresses are high. These stresses, linked to
maintenance conditions, lead to major plate displacement,
which are the cause of roundness errors generated by the
minor cutting edges. The lateral cross section of the zone
comprised between point B and the nominal diameter (Fig.
10) of the OP1 tool increases the elliptical aspect of the
defects. When the feed rate per rotation is 0.125 mm, corre-
sponding to the thickness of a unidirectional laminate ply,
both F2 and OP1 tend to lift up the rst ply in the plate. The
greatest damage is caused by the cutting edge angle of the
F2 tool.
5.2. Decreasing feed rate
The F2 drill gives better results. Pre-drilling improves
hole quality. Fibres do not peel away at the plate exit and
the drilled hole diameter is within the tolerance range. The
OP1 tool is able to machine within the tolerance range,
although a ash appears at the plate outlet. When the feed
rate is very low, the extent of the contacts between the
cutting edges and the material drilled creates a signicant
amount of friction leading to an abnormal temperature
increase along the hole wall (Fig. 10).
Thrust force and machining moment curves F
and M
(Fig. 8) caused by F
and F
drilling tools agree with the
theoretical curves shown in Fig. 7. This is not the case for
the OP1 specic tool, which possesses a higher number of
cutting edges, and a different geometry in the working
section. Fig. 10 shows the different geometrical congura-
tions of OP1 and F2. The drilling tip of OP1 (segment AB)
has reached the lower edge of the thin plate whereas its
nominal diameter (point D) has not approached the upper
edge, the thrust force F
of the OP1 drilling tool is less than
that obtained for the F2 drill (Fig. 9). With F
at a maximum
for the OP1 drilling tool, the tip no longer pushes against the
last few laminate plies, thus reducing the risk of delamina-
tion to a minimum.
In the case of decreasing feed rate, the chip machined by
each cutting edge is less than the minimum shaving, as the
radial cut is linked to a relatively small point angle (Fig. 12)
The cutting edge of the drilling tool pushes more material
ahead to a ash at the hole exit. Cutting conditions must
therefore take into account tool geometry, and feed rate for
each cutting edge and each revolution. This feed rate must
be increased when point B on the main cutting edge is clear
of the plate. Relation 3 gives the feed rate value to be
programmed in ( f
) as a function of the minor cutting
edge geometry (curved segment BCD) in order to maintain
constant shaving thickness (Fig. 12).

sin k
n 4
R. Piquet et al. / Composites: Part A 31 (2000) 11071115 1113
Fig. 10. Geometrical comparison between F2 and OP1 working section.
Fig. 11. Inlet and exit hole defects.
where n is the number of cutting edges and k
the cutting
edge angle of the drilling tool.
Two sets of the experiments have been carried out using
OP1 drilling tools:
constant feed rate values between 0.5 and 62.5 mm per
cutting edge;
variable feed rate per cutting edge as a function of when
the main cutting edges reach the under edge of the plate.
The last few plies are delaminated by the drill tip creates
an identical maximum thrust in both case (Fig. 13). As soon
as point B on the main cutting edge is clear of the plate, feed
rate is varied and the thrust force F
drops by 50%. When
feed rate is variable, thrust F
and moment M
curves are
comparable to the theoretical curves, and new moment
distribution can be observed. A machining torque is added
to the friction torque, which reduces overheating and
extends the life of the drilling tool. The both cases, the
holes are within the tolerance range, with no evidence of
delamination or ashing at the plate exit for a feed rate per
cutting edge per rotation of less than 45 mm.
6. Conclusion
This research has analysed the effects of drilling tool
geometry on the drilling quality of thin carbon/epoxy plates.
For certain given cutting conditions, it emerges that the
geometry of the drills working section plays a decisive
role in the defects and damage observed when drilling
thin carbon/epoxy plates without a backing plate. For a
conventional double uted twist drill to give good
results on these plates, it is necessary to pre-drill a
hole in order to neutralise the chisel edge effect and
to lubricate the machining process. A decreasing feed
rate improves drilling quality, but leads to increased
wear and machining time.
The OP1 specic drilling tool dened from experimental
plans can give excellent results provided that drilling is
directly carried out without the pre-drilling. Machining
conditions can further be improved by applying a variable
feed rate in relation to its geometry. This procedure, which
requires the use of a CNC drilling machine, should help
resolve the problems related to the simultaneous drilling
of metal/composite lay-up hybrids.
R. Piquet et al. / Composites: Part A 31 (2000) 11071115 1114
Fig. 12. Kr inuence on the machining conditions.
Fig. 13. Experimental comparison of F
and M
versus feed rate par cutting
We wish to thank R. Toppan, head of the S.I.D.M.I (Soci-
ete Industrielle Aeronautique du MidiCornebarrieu
France) for his nancial assistance, and also P. DUBOURG
(IUT Paul Sabatier31 ToulouseFrance) for his invalu-
able contribution to our study. This work was made during a
contract with a manufacturer on structural temporary repairs
(Centre Technique des Materiaux et Structures de la Direc-
tion Generale de LArmement).
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