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Teaching English to Pre-teens and Teens

Final Project Rubric

This assignment is worth 50 points total. A perfect score of 50 will be one that Exceeds Target in all
categories. Plans that fall between Meets and Exceeds will receive scores of !"# points$ accordingl%$
and those that fall with in the Approaches to Meets range!will receive 0 or fewer points accordingl%.
A. &ompletion 'ne or more components of
the pro(ect are incomplete
and)or not s*bmitted b% the
Most pro(ect components are
complete and s*bmitted b%
the deadline.
The pro(ect is complete and
s*bmitted b% the deadline.
+. &ollaboration ,
*Scores will be adjusted
individually based on
documented communication with
group members and productive
contributions to the Project
Outline and Lesson Plans.
-o evidence of
comm*nication or
collaboration on pro(ect
disc*ssion threads.
Evidence of some
comm*nication after
signi.cant prompting from
gro*p members and)or
co*rse instr*ctors.
&ontrib*tions are not
prod*ctive/ feedac0 on other
gro*p members1 wor0 o2ered
solel% instead of participating
in the writing)creating of
materials/ no evidence of
revision and editing based on
Evidence of ade3*ate
comm*nication and
collaboration on pro(ect
disc*ssion threads with little
or no prompting from gro*p
members and)or co*rse
4ome prod*ctive
contrib*tions are made in
addition to o2ering feedac0
on other gro*p members1
wor0/ evidence of some
revision and editing of pro(ect
components based on
feedbac0 received.
Evidence of active and
meaningf*l comm*nication
and collaboration on pro(ect
disc*ssion threads initiated b%
&ontrib*tions are prod*ctive/
participant writes)creates
materials and gives feedbac0
on other gro*p members1
wor0/ strong evidence of
revision and editing based on
feedbac0 provided b% gro*p
mates$ co*rse colleag*es and
&. 40ill 5oc*s6
Learning Activities are
language focused and
incorporate practical
application of concepts
covered in the course with
regard to language skill
The pro(ect is not aligned
with lang*age standards and
what st*dents learn is not
relevant in terms of lang*age
development and concepts
from academic s*b(ect areas.
The pro(ect is aligned with
lang*age standards and
concepts from academic
s*b(ect areas$ b*t it ma% need
more foc*s on lang*age s0ills
or incl*de too few$ too man%$
or less relevant concepts from
academic s*b(ect areas.
The pro(ect is clearl% aligned
with lang*age standards and
foc*sed on teaching st*dents
relevant 0nowledge and s0ills
derived from co*rse goals ,
ob(ectives and 0e% concepts at
the heart of academic s*b(ect
7. Pro(ect 5oc*s6
Learning Activities are
Pro(ect and lesson plans
incl*de individ*al or gro*p
activities in which the
Pro(ect and lesson plans
incl*de a mix of individ*al or
gro*p activities in which the
Pro(ect and lesson plans
incl*de a mix of individ*al or
gro*p activities in which the
collaborative student!
centered and demonstrate
practical application of the
concepts covered in the
course with regard to Project
"ased Learning
a*dience is the teacher onl%.
Activities are dictated b% the
teacher with little or no
st*dent inp*t. 8ittle to no *se
of the elements of P+8.
a*dience is another gro*p or
the wider classroom. 4ome
aspects of the pro(ect
activities incl*de st*dent
inp*t. 4ome attempt at
appl%ing a few of the
elements of P+8.
a*dience is another gro*p$ the
wider classroom or be%ond 9in"
person or virt*al:. Man% or all
aspects of the pro(ect activities
re3*ire inp*t and action from
the st*dents. 4trong$ clear *se
of several of the elements of
E. &ontext , ;ationale
9part !:
7oes not complete all of the
pro(ect o*tline information.
7escribes pro(ect1s p*rpose
b*t lac0s detail and)or clear
rationale for implementing
the pro(ect.
&ompletes all of the pro(ect
o*tline information. 7escribes
pro(ect1s p*rpose and gives a
level of detail and rationale
that is clear and consistent.
&ompletes all of the pro(ect
o*tline information clearl% and
artic*latel%. <ives a detailed
description of pro(ect1s p*rpose
and rationale.
5. 8earning 'b(ectives
9part =:
There are no meas*rable
learning ob(ectives with
clearl% stated o*tcomes.
Missing the integration of the
fo*r s0ills 9reading$ writing$
listening$ spea0ing:
There are some meas*rable
learning ob(ectives with
mostl% clearl% stated
o*tcomes. Attempts
integration of the fo*r s0ills
9reading$ writing$ listening$
There are meas*rable learning
ob(ectives with clearl% stated
o*tcomes$ and a strong match
to the activities. &learl% applies
the integration of the fo*r s0ills
9reading writing$ listening$
<. 8earning Activities ,
9part >:
7oes not clearl% o*tline the
steps or timeline or gives an
incomplete set of steps or an
*nrealistic sched*le)timeline.
'ther teachers wo*ld have
di?c*lt% implementing
lesson plans.
There is no assessment tool
or the tool does not meas*re
progress towards master% of
identi.ed lang*age
ob(ectives targeted in
learning activities.
&learl% o*tlines most of the
steps and gives a somewhat
realistic timeline. 'ther
teachers ma% be able to
implement lesson plans.
The assessment tool
meas*res progress towards
identi.ed lang*age ob(ectives
which are not clearl% de.ned
within the A+&7 model and)or
targeted in learning activities.
&learl% o*tlines and details all
steps and has a realistic$ clear
timeline. 'ther teachers co*ld
easil% implement lesson plans.
An assessment tool meas*res
progress towards identi.ed
lang*age ob(ectives that are
clearl% de.ned within the A+&7
model and targeted in learning
@. Example Prod*ct
9part :
*#his $nal component of the
project is to create your own
individual %product& intended to
serve as a model for your
7oes not s*bmit an original
example prod*ct or example
prod*ct does not ade3*atel%
demonstrate the pro(ect1s
targeted s0ills)0nowledge.
An original example prod*ct is
s*bmitted that mostl%
demonstrates the pro(ect1s
targeted s0ills)0nowledge.
An original example prod*ct
clearl% demonstrates the
pro(ect1s targeted
Adapted from6 The +*c0 Anstit*te for Ed*cation 9=0!!:.

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