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}anelle Woouin

Seconuaiy Nethous
0nit Plan: Nattei anu its Inteiactions

Naiiative Essay

Theie aie a few aiguments behinu the ieasons foi teaching science anu often times I
align my ieasoning with acquiiing skills. Science is a tentative stuuy. With new
technology anu iueas new questions aiise. By applying science piactices stuuents
leain to auapt. Nany of my lessons within this unit utilize inquiiy-baseu instiuction.
When stuuents ueiive concepts those iueas become theii own assisting in long-teim

Inquiiy-baseu instiuction has many levels that aie categoiizeu by the amount of
stiuctuie oi teachei involvement that is piesent. At the beginning of each week I
stait a new topic within the unit. As the week piogiesses as well as the unit theie is
less paiameteis on the stuuents, anu I am less obviously involveu (moie of a guiue).
It is my goal when stuuents leave theii post-seconuaiy euucation they have
uevelopeu exceptional pioblem-solving skills. I avoiu using "cookbook" labs
because I finu that stuuents uon't leain the puipose behinu the lesson. Stuuents
simply follow uiiections to ieceive points. If stuuents aie given a pioblem to solve
as an open investigation they not only gain puipose but the skill of cieating theii
own pioceuuie, which ieflects how ieal science woiks.

When uesigning a unit plan it is best to stait with the iequiieu cuiiiculum
stanuaius. I useu the Iowa Common Coie anu the Next ueneiation Science
Stanuaius (NuSS). NuSS I finu to be a ieliable iesouice. The stanuaius not only
incluue significant concepts, like mattei anu uensity that aie a founuation foi othei
content, but also the skills that aiu in the leaining of science. The leaining objectives
foi this unit aie to challenge stuuents' communication skills, cieate anu uevelop
iueas, anu come to unueistanu concepts thiough investigation that pioviues
eviuence to justify theii conclusions.

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Within my assessment poition of this unit theie is an example of a pie-assessment.
The pie-assessment questions aie simplei veisions of what is founu on the
summative. Both assessments use open, shoit answei-baseu questions. Ny belief is
that stuuents neeu to leain how to oially, anu in wiiting, become effective
communicatois. This type of exam pioviues piactice foi quality wiiting using the
teiminology leaineu within the unit. Also I want stuuents to show what they know
not what they can iecognize oi guess, which is why I avoiu multiple-choice exams.
The way I wiote the summative exam questions weie intentional. I feel they took
concepts uiscusseu but applieu them in new ways to stietch stuuents' ZPB.

In auuition to the summative exam I auueu an essay. The puipose behinu the essay
was to challenge stuuents' thinking, make them piactice using out of class iesouices,
impiove wiitten communication skills, anu lastly, it was a goou way to have
stuuents stuuy foi the exam. I gave multiple options foi the essay so stuuents hau a
choice while knowing stuuents with lowei unueistanuing woulu choose the easiei
of the piompts.

Anothei way I uiffeientiateu foi stuuents was thiough infoimal questions uuiing
uiscussion uays. Labs anu the gioup challenge pioblem uay weie othei times I
uiviueu stuuents uue to theii neeus. This woulu make it easiei to spenu time with
the lowei unueistanuingabsent stuuents at one place anu one time. Bowevei, it
uoes not omit them fiom highei oiuei thinking activities. It is impoitant that eveiy
stuuent expeiiences giowth anu gains new skills.

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Bepenuing on the type of instiuction being implementeu theie aie uiffeient
classioom management techniques I woulu use. Fiom the beginning I woulu have a
lab safety policy so stuuents know theii expectations. Also with labs it is impoitant
to mouel how to use equipment. Noueling uecieases the amount of stuuent
questions, mateiials being bioken, anu incieases ueepei thinking with the content
iathei than being woiiieu about lab setup.

No mattei what lesson is being taught I uo not talk ovei stuuents. When I am giving
instiuction oi anothei stuuent is shaiing an iuea the class is to be iespectful. If
stuuents aie talking uuiing uiscussion most often I use wait time oi pioximity to iiu
the behavioi. I uo anticipate some issues with the whiteboaius. If a stuuent is
misusing the mateiials they get one waining befoie it is taken away. When I take
the mateiials I simply walkovei anu take them. The stuuent knows why, anu if you
focus solely on one stuuent it gives a chance foi otheis to uisengage. The most
impoitant iuea to keep in minu is just being awaie (with-it-ness) anu to keep
moving about the ioom.

When I was uesigning this unit I kept in minu my philosophy as a teachei. I want my
stuuents to be actively leaining anu to excite them about science. Bowevei, it is
impoitant to keep the lesson aligneu with the stanuaius. If stuuents aie not
leaining content then the lesson becomes iiielevant. 0veiall, I feel I cieateu a unit
that gave challenges anu fosteieu the skills I want my stuuents to walk away with.
Unit Title: Matter and Interactions Instructor: Janelle Woodin
Grade level: 8
grade physical science
Length of unit: 3 weeks
Stage 1 Desired Results

Enduring Understandings/Generalizations:

The atom is a basic unit of matter made up of protons,
electrons, and neutrons.
Atoms can join together to form molecules, held together by
There are 3 main physical states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas
Matter cannot be created or destroyed therefore; mass of a
system must remain constant.
Going from solid to liquid to gas the energy level goes up as
well as space between particles, which means the degree of
structure between particles becomes less.
Density is the ratio of mass/volume. (A substances mass per
unit volume)
Essential Questions:

How does the way a substance appears and behaves help determine
its identity?
What are the fundamental part of an atom and what about them
affects the behavior of an atom?
As elements or compounds undergo phase changes from solid to
liquid to gas what is happening in terms of energy and particle
How could two objects have the same density if one had a greater
As two substances interact, the reactants, to form a new substance,
the product, what happens to the amount of matter?
What are the indicators of a chemical change?
What is the different between a chemical change and a physical

Knowledge & Skills Acquisition
Learning Goals: (use of Next Generation Science Standards and Iowa Common Core)

undersLand Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe aLom and lLs behavlor

MS.S. 1.1 uevelop models Lo descrlbe Lhe aLomlc composlLlon of slmple molecules and exLended sLrucLures.

MS.S. 1.2 Analyze and lnLerpreL daLa on Lhe properLles of subsLances before and afLer Lhe subsLances lnLeracL Lo deLermlne lf a chemlcal
reacLlon has occurred.

MS.S. 1.3 CaLher and make sense of lnformaLlon Lo descrlbe LhaL synLheLlc maLerlals come from naLural resources and lmpacL socleLy.

MS.S. 1.4 uevelop a model LhaL predlcLs and descrlbes changes ln parLlcle moLlon, LemperaLure, and sLaLe of a pure subsLance when
Lhermal energy ls added or removed.

MS.S. 1.3 uescrlbe how Lhe LoLal number of aLoms does noL change ln a chemlcal reacLlon and Lhus mass ls conserved.

Lssay (summaLlve) SLandards:

SLudenL ls able Lo [usLlfy and supporL ldeas uslng quallLy evldence

SLudenL ls able Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely uslng proper organlzaLlon and convenLlon

Students will know

Physical property/change
Chemical property/change
Bonding (Covalent/Ionic)
Octet Rule
Melting point
Boiling point
Conservation of matter

Students will be able to

ulsLlngulsh beLween physlcal and chemlcal properLles of
pure subsLances
undersLand and form bonds beLween aLoms uslng Lhe
knowledge of Lhe ocLeL rule.
erform denslLy calculaLlons and draw models Lo represenL
undersLandlng (ex. lf mass remalns Lhe same and volume
lncrease Lherefore denslLy decreases)
Lxplaln whaL denslLy means ln Lerms of parLlcles ln a
8ecognlze a change ln maLLer as a physlcal or chemlcal
change based on evldence
uescrlbe Lhe moLlon of parLlcles ln dlfferenL phases of maLLer
Lxplaln Lhe role of heaL energy ln phase changes
lnLerpreL a phase change graph


Everyday class: journals, pen/pencil, individual white boards, dry erase markers, index cards (start-ups or exit tickets), i-

Labs/Demos: clear containers, wax paper, toothpicks, water, density cubes (same size, different material cubes), test
tubes, hot plate, Bunsen burners, flint starters, wire gauze, rings & ring stands, beakers, lighter, pop can, ice, H2O2
(hydrogen peroxide), HCl, Zinc, PDB, baking soda, and corn starch, graduated cylinder, and various oil types.

Stage 2 Evidence (Assessment)
Types of assessment: Selected-Response (tests, quizzes); Personal Communication (interview, oral exam,
discussion); Written Response (short constructed response questions, entrance/exit slips, essays); Performance
Assessment (role-play, Simulation, labs, dramatization)

I will be using formal pre-assessment in the form of a quiz to gauge level of prior knowledge. Example questions: What is density? How
could you calculate it? What are the 3 most common physical states of matter? Which has the highest amount of energy? Give two
example of each, physical change and chemical change.

Students with high understanding will go through the same discussion but will be given less structured labs and higher challenge questions
on quizzes and tests. Days where students are in groups working on problems I would give the higher-level students more challenging
material. Example: Why can particle dots be a misleading representation of mass in density models? Answer: Different elements or compounds have
different atomic masses so one particle of a compound might be twice the mass of one particle of another compound.

Formative Assessment:
Formal assessments will include quizzes, journal entries, start-up prompts, exit tickets, whiteboard drawings/writings, informal table
discussions (I walk around, listen, and question ideas), and lab performance/writings. Performance assessment will mostly be through lab and
lab design in this unit.

Scaffolding will look different depending on the student (students with lower ZPDs I would provide sentence frames for lab write-ups) but in
a broad sense I will provide models, visually show how to setup labs, perform demonstrations for observation, display logical thought
process when making conclusions, etc.

Atom Quiz (week #1): example questions- True or False the tendency to capture electrons is an elements electronegativity, draw the
Lewis dot structure for Oxygen, What are the fundamental parts of an atom and what are the charges on them, etc.

Formative Assessment:
Formal assessments will include quizzes, journal entries, start-up prompts, exit tickets, whiteboard drawings/writings, informal table
discussions (I walk around, listen, and question ideas), and lab performance/writings. Performance assessment will mostly be through lab and
lab design in this unit.

Scaffolding will look different depending on the student (students with lower ZPDs I would provide sentence frames for lab write-ups) but in
a broad sense I will provide models, visually show how to setup labs, perform demonstrations for observation, display logical thought
process when making conclusions, etc.

Atom Quiz (week #1): example questions- True or False the tendency to capture electrons is an elements electronegativity, draw the
Lewis dot structure for Oxygen, What are the fundamental parts of an atom and what are the charges on them, etc.

Group Challenge (week #3): example questions - You have been given a mystery substance that you need to protect. Luckily you are given
a sample to test before hand. (type1)What would you test that would give you valuable information so that you know how to properly store
this substance? (type 2-3) In vile A is a clear liquid, in vile B there is another clear liquid when added together they viciously bubble and the
room starts to smell. What type of change do you think occurred? What tests/indicators could you use as evidence? Your lab team has
been given reactants A, B, and C (all liquid in form). Each weighs 1.5 grams You add them together in one uncapped beaker. After the
reaction you weigh the beaker and you only have 4.2 grams. Why is this a problem and how do you account for the loss? Conservation of
matter, and the 0.3 grams then must have released in gas form.

Summative Assessment: Two Forms. Short-answer conceptual problem-based exam AND an essay

To have students reveal their deeper understanding I will administer a short-answer/essay test that focuses on conceptual problem-based
questions. Students are expected to give a full response that includes writing, models, labels, etc to meet the units standards.

I will also have students choose 2 out of 4 questions from a prompt to write an essay using evidence from class and additional cited
resources. This is to be turned in at the end of the unit.

Chemistry- Matter & its Interactions
Each day represents a 50-minute class period

For all Discussion Students will be asked to write down questions with their answers in progressive journals (WTL). As discussion
furthers corrections or new ideas will be made in a separate color (time for self reflection), this is so when journals are turned in at the
end of the week I am able to check for growth, initial misconceptions, ideas that students struggle with, and other data to help my
teaching/ differentiation

Start-up and Exit Slips Both will be done on index cards and later taped in journals.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
(EVERY Friday Journals are
turned in and checked)
WEEK#1 Atoms 1 2 3 4 5
Students take Unit Pre-
assessment (15 min)

(paint chips with
letters/numbers) activity
that reflects how we
study and observe
natural phenomenon.
This gets at how the
science community
elements/atoms, which
make up matter.
Address nature of
science, NOS, here.
(Science is
collaborative, creative,
tentative, etc.)
Discussion of the atom.

Deriving the structure of
the atom. (What is an
atom? What does it look
like? What is it made up
of? Proton/electron/
neutron behavior? )
History of the atom/
experiments that helped
scientist form current
model. Students will
have whiteboards to
draw with. Answer
questions in journals,
corrections made in
separate colors. Address
NOS idea scientists use
models to help explain
and form ideas.
Start-up question: What
makes up the center of
the atom? And give
reasoning to why (5min)
Atom behavior (element
chip activity):
Each table will have
element chips with (ex.
H, He, C, O) contains
info: atomic number,
mass, etc. Let students
group chips together to
what makes sense.
Discuss and introduce
the octet rule/ Lewis dot
How would this effect
how atoms bond? Ex:
Oxygen has 6 e-, so
wants two more e-. H20!
Bonding/ electro-
-Water Bead Demo.
Each table will have
wax paper, toothpicks,
and a little bit of water
on the wax paper
Prompt-Why does water
bead? What do you
mean molecule
attraction? This will lead
to talking about electro-
negativity, covalent
bonds, and molecule
behavior. This will be
general for 8
level. Also important to
address the
misconception of
Review and PHET

Open class up for review
of the atom, what
question do you have
about anything we went
over this week?
(Atom Quiz)
Have students work on
PHET simulations:
Molecule Shapes and
Molecule Polarity. @
This will help students
with self-reflection and
concrete visuals of
molecules. All ideas
and notes in journals.
WEEK #2 Density 6 7 8 9 10
Go over quizzes

What is Density?
-Density demo. The
instructor will have
different density cubes
to drop in a clear
container filled with
water. (What do you
mean by particle? What
is the difference
between area and
volume? What does all
matter contain?)
Students will have
whiteboards to show
thinking. Exit Slip: If object
A & B have the same
volume & A has more
mass, which object has
more density? (5 min)

Density vs Buoyancy

Liquid Column Activity:
Each table will have
three graduated
cylinders that holds a
mystery liquid. (Colored
water and two types of
oil) Students will, in their
journals, make
observations at each
step. Pour liquid 1 into 2.
Then pour liquid 3 with
1&2. They all separate
How do you explain
what happened? Draw
how the particles are
structured inside each
liquid. What is floating?
How is this term
problematic? Informally
check journals for
students thinking.

Density Lab (most setup)

Get students collectively
to come up with lab
How could we test the
densities of random
objects? If we didnt
have an objects volume
how could we get it?
What materials would
we need for this
investigation? How are
you going to organize
your data? Address
NOS science is
creative and limited.
Groups of 3, maybe 4.
Differentiation more
advance groups have
less structured lab day
all the way to heavy
structure for low
understanding groups.
Density Lab Continued

Start-up question: Draw
and explain what is meant
by the statement, just
because an object has
more mass does NOT
mean it automatically is
more dense. (5 min)

Student will spend the
rest of the period
performing their
investigations and
writing up their lab
conclusions, testing their
level of (written)
communication skills.
Go over previous days
start-up question
(anticipating some
confusion) 5-10 min

Finish up final touches
on lab conclusions. 10-
15 minutes.
Come together as a
class to discuss data.
What materials sank in
what liquids? Where do
we see the application
in the real world? (Oil
spills, material we
choose for boats,
bridges, etc.) If you
were to continue this
type of investigation
what would you study?
What new questions do
you have? Turn in labs
*Introduce/give rubric
for Unit Essay*

WEEK#3 States of Matter 11 12 13 14 15
Review density 5-10 min.
Turn back labs.

Physical Change vs
Chemical Change
Physical states of water
activity. (Glass bowl,
glass container, water,
ice, hot plate) Shows
water heating, vapor
rises, vapor condenses,
Physical Change vs
Chemical Change

Half discussion, half
demo day.
What were the
indicators of a physical
change? (Make list)
What do you think it
means to make a
In Group Challenge
Problem Activity

Review chemical
change. Chemical vs
Physical Indicators.
(Make both lists)

Review for Unit Test

Have students go over
their journals, labs,
quizzes, etc. Each
student must write down
at least 3 questions. (~5
What ideas are still
unclear or what
questions do we need to
Unit test

Essay Due (checks for
understanding but also
a form of study aid for
the exam)
and then forms rain.
What does the particle
structure look like for
solids, liquids, and
gases? (draw model)
Which holds the most
energy? Breaking bonds
takes energy, which
determines compounds
melting, boiling points.
Phase change graph
chemical change?
What do you predict
chemical change
indicators will be?
Conservation of matter.
React to products mass
is never lost merely
Perform 5 demos 3
chemical, 2 physical.
Have students write
down observations in
journals. (Before, during,
&after) Have them
leave journals to check.

Students will be broken
into groups of 2-3. Each
group will be given an
envelope with 3
application questions in
it. Envelope 1 is the
greatest difficulty down
to 3 with the least
difficult. (Example
questions look on stage
2) Each student will be
responsible for their own
write-up to be turned in
at the end of class.
address? Go over
these. Use whiteboards

Good time to address
last minute questions
about the essay.

If extra time have
students work in groups
of 2-3 answering one
anothers questions and
further study, walking
around giving students
one on one if needed.
16 17 18 19 20

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Name ______________________________ Period _______ Date _________

Choose two of the following prompts to write about. This paper should be double
space and 1-2 pages in length. Your answer must be in complete sentences and use
proper sentence structure. Use terminology we have gained throughout this unit to
clearly articulate your ideas. To justify your answer use evidence from class and
outside resources however; make sure to cite your sources. Make matter really
matter! " Good luck

1. A strip of magnesium metal is ignited using a lighter wand. The result
is an intensely glowing white light. As the burning of the metal
subsides, a white powder-like substance now appears replacing the
smooth ribbon of metal. How do you explain what happened?

2. A small amount of baking soda is place on a template. Several drops of
Vinegar are added to the powder. The resulting reaction leaves none of
the powder like substance. It appears to have disappeared. How can
you explain what took place.

3. The statue of liberty was originally constructed of brilliant bronze
copper. To look at the Statue now, it has a predominating greenish
color to it. How could you explain what has been happening. .

4. A beaker is filled one-third full of sugar. A layer of highly concentrated
sulfuric acid is poured on the top. Over a period of seconds, you notice
a substantial change in the look of the sugar. It becomes darkened and
begins to bubble up and form a stiff black material, which vents a strong
vapor. Upon the completion of the reaction, you take a knife to the
substance and notice it crumbles like a fine powder. How do you
explain what happens?

Give this extra information to students with lower proficiency: Be
sure to use terms such as, physical change/properties, chemical
change/properties, reactivity, reactants, products, evidence of reaction,
evolving of a gas, color change, density, and texture.

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Supports ideas
with quality
Unclear ideas.
Lacks evidence or
evidence does not
align with ideas;
arguments don't
stand up to
Writing has
evidence and/or
logic to their
There is an
attempt to use
and/or evidence
to build a case
but it is mostly
There is a clear
use of
and/or cited
evidence from
a credible
source. Most of
the evidence is
of good quality
and fits with
the ideas of the
Obvious use of other
credible sources
with citations to
back up the writer's
assertions. All
evidence is directly
tied to the thesis in
an effective manner
and supports the
thesis/points of

using proper

The paper is very
hard to follow.
No sense of order
or flow. Reader
loses a sense of
what the writer is
trying to convey.

Paper contains
numerous errors.
Little convention
Justification is
attempted but
strays off topic
or bounces

Limited control
of convention
with some
ideas followed
by a clear
Has a
between ideas.
Control of
most writing
with 5-3 errors.
There is a clear
justification and the
writer connects each
point with
transitions. The
paper is logical in its
flow and direction.

Strong convention
application with 2-0

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