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EDUC 122 Curriculum & Pedagogy

Dr. Beisser
Miss Stangs &
Miss Streleckis
Unit Plan

#a$le o%
Content Standards & &ationale'''''
(. )*
Unit "oals &
Descri(tion'''''''....(. +
Bulletin Board E,(lanation'''''''
(. +
Summati-e .ssessment E,(lanation'..
'..(. /
Summati-e .ssessment'''''''..(.
0 *11
Throughout the unit, students are expected to show a wide range of knowledge
and skills. The unit spans several content areas and thus the standards for the unit
represent a diverse range of skills, content, and subject areas. Each lesson within the
unit focuses on a various component within the state of Iowa, including maps, climate,
population, government officials, and tourism, but does so through different standards
and content areas. The standards were taken either from the Iowa Common Core or the
National Council of Teachers of athematics !NCT". The standards listed below
appear in the order the lessons are taught and included within the unit plan.
The standards based on geographic tools and anal#$ing maps are appropriate
for the lesson topic of mapping. In the lesson, students are asked to include the
important components and landmarks of Iowa on their map, as well as items such as a
compass, title, and a legend. %or the lesson related to finding the averages of various
populations in Iowa the students were asked to take real world data and appl# it to a
math skill !finding mean". In order for students to successfull# do so the# have to have a
strong foundational knowledge of addition and division and must build and use multiple
math techni&ues to calculate the averages. Therefore the selected standards from the
NCT are relevant to the written lesson. %or the lesson focusing on science and the
weather and climate in Iowa the standards focusing on understanding weather align
nicel# with the rationale as to wh# we have seasons in Iowa. 'oth the standards and
lesson focus on movement and interaction of air masses and the measurable &uantities
of temperature and wind, this can all contribute to a change in seasons. The standard
that aligns with the (ocial (tudies lesson on important government officials in Iowa is
understanding the differences among local, state, and national government and the
roles of the various levels and people. )hile the lesson focuses solel# on Iowa and our
government officials, this still aligns with the standard. It would not be the sole wa# of
meeting the standard, however it builds the foundational and background knowledge to
springboard into learning more in depth about the national government. %inall#, the last
lesson allows students to wrap up all the various components of Iowa into where and
wh# someone should visit. The standard that aligns with this assignment and lesson is
stating their opinion and supporting it with facts and details.
)hile each of the lessons aligns with a completel# different set of standards,
each of them are important to a students overall understanding of the state of Iowa and
in meeting the standards and expectations for fourth grade students. Iowa serves as the
overarching and connecting piece of the unit and then vital information is distrusted
throughout and essential skills are learned.
*nderstand the use of geographic tools to locate and anal#$e information about people,
places, and environments !Iowa Common Core".
*nderstand the concepts of title, legend, cardinal directions, distance, grids.
*nderstand the use of data sources, atlases, data bases, grid s#stems, charts,
graphs, and maps to generate, manipulate, and interpret information.
Standards &
*nderstand the representations of major ph#sical and human features on maps
and globes.
Connections !NCT"
*nderstand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to
produce a coherent whole
+ecogni$e and appl# mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics
*nderstand and appl# knowledge of weather and weather patterns !Iowa Common
)eather is alwa#s changing and can be described b# measurable &uantities
such as temperature, wind direction and speed and precipitation.
,arge masses of air with certain properties move across the surface of the earth.
The movement and interaction of these air masses is used to forecast the
*nderstand the differences among local, state, and national government !Iowa
Common Core".
*nderstand the roles of local, state and national government and the roles of
representative leaders at these levels such as ma#or, governor and -resident.
).../.)rite opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
and information !Iowa Common Core".
Introduce a topic or text clearl#, state an opinion, and create an organi$ational
structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer0s purpose.
-rovide reasons that are supported b# facts and details.
,ink opinion and reasons using words and phrases !e.g., for instance, in order to,
in addition".
-rovide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
This unit is about the stud# of the state of Iowa. This is a social studies unit to
begin with, but will be stretched across the content areas to give students a more all1
encompassing understanding of the state. Throughout the course of the unit, students
will gain valuable knowledge and skills, both based on content and social abilit#.
(tudents will expand their knowledge in the areas of Iowa maps, climate, finding
averages, important figures in Iowa government, and tourism. The# will also be
expected to develop social skills in terms of working in a group and working well with
others. The following goals are the main focus of the unit and are aligned with the
objectives written for each individual lesson.
/. (tudents will gain a better geographic understanding of Iowa and the purpose,
use, and la#out of maps.
2. (tudents will understand the process of calculating averages and an extension
for doing so in real world context.
3. (tudents will be able to articulate the difference in seasons and wh# the#
experience all four in Iowa.
.. (tudents will respectfull# articulate their opinions, take turns, listen, and
contribute their findings to a group setting.
4. (tudents will have an overarching idea of the important people in the Iowa
government and identif# what role the# pla#.
5. (tudents will be able to form an opinion, state their opinion, and support it with
additional details and facts.
The bulletin board is a wa# to encompass each individual component of the unit
and how the# are all connected back to the state of Iowa. 6 part of the objective for each
lesson is represented within the bulletin board to enforce to students that learning
across content areas can be connected. The teacher can reference the bulletin board
each time a new lesson is introduced and explaining its purpose. In addition, it will allow
visitors to the room a sneak peak as to what is currentl# at the forefront of student
learning. The students can also reference the bulletin board when needing a &uick
refresher on the la#out of the state of Iowa or for an example of a tourist destination for
their project. !(ee attached bulletin board"
Unit "oals &
Descri(tion o%
%or the summative assessment, students will be given a test re&uiring them to
compile all of their knowledge on the various aspects of Iowa and demonstrate it. The
test will asses whether or not students have met the goals and objectives based on their
performance and accurac#. (tudents will be given the opportunit# to self1assess
themselves in terms of gauging completion of social goals, in addition to providing
feedback. The feedback and assessment results will be used b# the teacher to
ade&uatel# prepare for the following #ear and make adaptations and modifications
where seen fit. If students are seen struggling across the board this will also indicate to
the teacher that there was a miscommunication or misunderstanding somewhere. The
teacher can then either elect to go back and reteach the content or throw out the scores
in that particular area. In most situations in order to meet the content standards, the
teacher should revisit what was taught and present the material in a new, different, and
more thorough manner.
1el('not sure
2!at else to
include !ere
3su((osed to $e 1
5ame6 777777777777777777777777
8o2a Unit #est
1. 9a$el t!e %ollo2ing on t!e (ro-ided ma(. &eminder6 8nclude a
title: legend: and com(ass.
Des Moines, Iowa City, Council Blufs, the Mississippi River, the
Missouri River, the Des Moines River, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota
2. Calculate t!e a-erage o% t!e %ollo2ing (o(ulations 3Be sure to
include all 2ork. &ound to t!e nearest (erson46
;ackson County6 1<:0</
Clinton County6 <:=1+
Scott County6 1/0: =<+
). E,(lain 2!y t!e in%ormation calculated in (ro$lem num$er 2
2ould $e use%ul or $ene>cial.
. Com(lete t!e %ollo2ing cause and e?ect statements.
#!e Eart!s a,is is tilted so di?erent (arts o% t!e Eart!
e,(erience 77777777777777777777777
#!e nort!ern !emis(!ere is (ointed a2ay %rom t!e sun so
t!e nort!ern !emis(!ere !as 777777777777777777777777777
8o2a is tilted 7777777777777777777 t!e sun during ;une: ;uly:
and .ugust so 8o2a is 77777777777777777777 in t!e
77777777777777777777 mont!s.
+. Descri$e t!e role one o% t!e %ollo2ing go-ernment o@cials
(lays. 8nclude t!eir title and !o2 t!eir 2ork directly im(acts you.
;anet Peterson
.ko .$dul*Samad
Matt Sc!ultA
#erry Branstad
Bim &eynolds
;ason "lass
/. Select an 8o2a tourist destination. Descri$e t!e destination and
list at least t!ree reasons 2!y someone 2ould 2ant to -isit t!ere.
8nclude its location 2it!in t!e state o% 8o2a.
0. Sel% .ssessment6 "i-e yoursel% a score on a scale o% 1 *
3 C 8 %ully agree: ) C 8 some2!at agree: 2 C 8 some2!at
disagree: 1 C 8 %ully disagree4
8 consistently (artici(ated in my grou( $y listening to t!e
t!oug!ts and o(inions o% ot!ers.
) 2 1
D!en a((ro(riate: 8 s!ared my t!oug!ts and o(inions in an
a((ro(riate manner.
) 2 1
8 asked Euestions 2!en 8 2as con%used or needed !el( and
my teac!er 2as res(ect%ul and a$le to !el(.
) 2 1
Student Feed$ack 3#!ese Euestions 2ill not a?ect your grade: $ut
2ill !el( me c!ange t!e lessons %or t!e %uture.46
D!at did you really enGoy a$out t!e unitH
D!at did you dislike a$out t!e unitH
Ine ne2 t!ing 8 learned %rom t!is unit'
Ine t!ing 8 2is! 8 2ould !a-e learned in t!is unit'
Suggestions: comments: or concerns6
http788www.cit#1data.com8cit#8Colfax1Iowa.html 1 9raph on 6verage
the1seasons8:ar;a< 1 The +eason for (easons
http788www.enchantedlearning.com8usa8states8iowa8 1 aps, facts, statistics,
and more about Iowa
http788www.iowadatacenter.org8 1 =ata on the state of Iowa 1 +esources on the state of Iowa > histor#, people, and facts 1 Iowa tourist attractions
http788kids.usa.gov8grown1ups8government8index.shtml 1 9ames and
activities for various states > an#thing from census number to the
legislative process to capitals
http7884?states.mrdonn.org8iowa.html 1 ,esson plans, games, and activities
revolving around the state of Iowa !components for both teachers and
http788www.proteacher.com8?@?//A.shtml 1 printable worksheets and ideas
for teachers when teaching about Iowa, including a printable map &ui$
http788www.ranker.com8list8books1about1the1subject1iowa8reference 1 ,ist of
books about Iowa > great suggestions for a classroom librar# or read
http788www.goodreads.com8list8show8@.BB.-icture;'ooks;6bout;aps 1
'ooks about maps to provide for students to read or to use for instruction
http788www.flocabular#.com8subjects8 1 Cideos for various subjects and
topics > includes videos for government, weather, and averages

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