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The Official Publication Of Healing Touch Program

July 2006 Issue no. 2
InThis Issue:
Energy Healing - p 7
Taking a Healing Touch Level 1 Class - p9
An Orchid Named Healing Touch - p 18
Jay's Story - p 24
July 2006 Energy Magazine 2
Table of Contents
HTP Contact Directory
A Letter from the Program Director
Reader Feedback
Our Contributors
Energy Healing - Your Bodys First Choice
by Nina Lockwood
Taking a Healing Touch Level 1 Class - Whats it all about?
How Healing Touch Changed My Life
An Interview with Bill Mentgen by Lisa Mentgen-Gordon
An Orchid Named Healing Touch
by Joy Black
Featured Healing Touch Instructor
An Interview of Rita Kluny
Jays Story
by Kimberly Garcia
The Healing Touch International Foundation
by Bonnie Kelley Morrow
Sonic Soul
by Dale Matthies
The 2006 Healing Touch Class Schedule
13 18
21 28
July 2006 Energy Magazine 3
HTP Contact Directory
Contact your Instructor or any Certified Healing Touch Instructor
P.O. Box 701531
San Antonio, TX 78270
210.653.0127 office & fax
General Info
Classes in your area
Student Questions
Web Support
Instructor/Coordinators Info
Scheduling Classes
HTP Sponsored Classes
Web Scheduling Changes
Class Supplies Ordering
Instructor Agreements
Instructor Support
Instructors in Training
Instructor Advancement
Introduction Classes
Instructor Quality Assurance
Healing Touch Curriculum
International Instructor Support
International Business Support
Energy Magazine Contact Info
Billy Courtney, Editor
Deborah OSheerin, Assistant Editor
Energy Magazine would love to hear your comments!
cover photo of Amberlynn Hutchings by Chris Gordon
P.O. Box 16189 Golden, Colorado 80402
Phone 303-989-0581
Fax 303-985-9702
Web Site:
July 2006 Energy Magazine 4
Greetings from Cynthia Hutchison
Healing Touch Program Director
Welcome to our second issue of Energy Magazine ! If you havent read our
inaugural issue released on June 1st, please go back to it soon. Youll be glad you did.
One of the main missions of this magazine is to share facts and personal stories about how Healing Touch has changed
lives. When newly introduced to something like Healing Touch, the mind of the person who hears about an incident or
two makes a note of it and that a positive response was experienced. When people hear more stories, the mental notes
often become a true curiosity with a desire to hear more resulting often in the question Can something like Healing
Touch help me (or my loved one)?
As I have experienced with many skeptics over the years, sometimes a conversation or introductory class on Healing
Touch just plants the seed for later revisiting, when the time is ripe to receive. The good news is that it is not our job to
prove the benefits of Healing Touch to our community. This knowing lightens our load, for the work of HT will speak
for itself without our need to struggle for words and explanations. Our calling is to just do the work! as our founder,
Janet Mentgen, urged us. Janet used to say Its not our hands that get us into trouble its our mouths! So take the
pressure off yourself to prove the value of this modality and just go about your work in a quiet and humble way then
see what happens! No need to preach ... instead just answer questions or offer interested persons a sample of the work.
Janet was a big fan of the well-known saint, Francis of Assisi (who gave us the Prayer of St. Francis). One of his lesser-
known quotes is Preach the gospel at all times Use words when necessary. A good thought to contemplate as to
how this relates to our Healing Touch work.
So, in addition to doing the work, share your own personal experiences and answer questions. Please use this maga-
zine as a forum to share other peoples stories and help facilitate the belief that we exist beyond the borders of our skin,
and that as compassionate practitioners we can positively influence the health of those who are open to receiving Healing
Happy Reading!
See you next time.
Cynthia Hutchison
July 2006 Energy Magazine 5
Reader Feedback
I woke up this morning to the first issue of Energy Magazine in my mailbox
and I couldn't wait to open it up! It is, of course, my passion ~ the coming
together of the endless internet possibilities and disseminating information about
Healing Touch. And WOW ~ I'm so impressed. You did a beautiful job with content
and presentation. It is clearly reflective of the hard work you all have been doing in
the reorganization process. You all deserve an applause!

-Marilee Tolen RN, HNC, CHTP, CHTI

The new magazine is wonderful! It is yet another valuable resource from
the Healing Touch organization to those of us who are envisioning a suc-
cessful career in Healing Touch. The articles are informative, interesting and
inspiring. I eagerly look forward to future issues. Thank you so much!

-Katie Oberlin, CHTP

Energy Magazine is fantastic.

-Keela Marshall
I've already read most of the first issue, and can see that it will be a quali-
ty publication. In particular, I enjoyed the story of the Tampa woman who
became Healing Touch Coordinator in the hospital in which she had worked as a
nurse. Just by sharing and demonstrating the benefits of Healing Touch, she
helped create a wonderful opportunity for herself and those whom she eventual-
ly taught and treated. I look forward to future issues.

-Joy Black
The new magazine looks fabulous! What a great accomplishment.
I'm impressed with the entire quality of the magazine, it's ease of use and the
wonderful articles.

-Jacquie Beveridge, CHTP

June 2006 Energy Magazine 6
Our Contributors
Nina Lockwood, MSW, CHTP, ART, is an Energy Healing Practitioner certified in Healing
Touch, Touch for Health Kinesiology and Anatomical Reflex Therapy. Her article Energy
Healing - Your Bodys First Choice gives an introduction to how energy healing works and
how it relates to our bodies.
Bill Mentgen, CFO and President of Healing Touch Program, talks with his sister, Lisa
Mentgen-Gordon, CEO of HTP, about his experiences growing up with energy healing, how
it continues to affect his life and his vision for the future of Healing Touch Program in How
Healing Touch Changed My Life.
Joy Black, a Healing Touch Level 3 student, tells of her journey into and with Healing Touch
in her article An Orchid Named Healing Touch. Joys husband, Allen a hobbyist orchid breed-
er, has recognized the importance of Healing Touch in Joys life and has named his newest
orchid hybrid Healing Touch.
Kimberly Garcia, RN, CHTP/I, is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner/Instructor. She
is currently the Healing Touch Coordinator at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa, Florida. Her
article, Jays Story, tells the amazing recovery of Jason, an 18 year old High School student,
whose life was changed in the blink of an eye when he was hit by a drunk driver on the way
home from a family vacation.
Rita Kluny, RN, CHTP/I, lives in Austin, TX and has been enthusiastically
spreading Healing Light throughout the World since 1990. Rita is the first to be
interviewed in what will be a regular feature in Energy Magazine. Read about her
experiences as a nurse, Healing Touch student, practitioner and instructor in
Featured Healing Touch Instructor.
Dale Matthies, CHTP, is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner. Long before learning the
art of hands-on healing, Dale became interested in the healing power of sound and music.
His article Sonic Soul talks about the power of music in our lives and how we can use it to
alter or enhance our moods and how it can be incorporated into Healing Touch treatments.
There is growing research
documenting the health-promoting
benefits of energetic healing, The
benefits include stress relief,
increased wound healing and illness
recovery; pain reduction and allevia-
tion of side effects associated with
anesthesia, radiation treatment and
chemotherapy. In fact, touch thera-
pies such as Healing Touch, Reiki and
Therapeutic Touch are some of the
most widely used energy-based ther-
apies being incorporated into hospi-
tals and clinics, especially in the field
of oncology. There are even energetic
healing techniques that you can
choose to receive when facing sur-
gery that can reduce anxiety, stimu-
late relaxation, stabilize blood pres-
sure and normalize respiration.
In traditional western medi-
cine various forms of energy pro-
duced by the body (heat, electricity,
magnetism, light and sound) are rou-
tinely measured by medical devices.
They reveal information about how
well your body regulates itself and
maintains health. Most of us are
familiar with equipment such as CAT
scans, MRIs, EKGs, EEGs, lasers and
x-rays which emit one form of energy
while measuring another form of
energy. Standard medical treatment
is then based, to a large degree, on
the findings of these machines, and
involves the use of drugs, surgery or
other medical devices which involve
stimulation of the affected area with
pulsed electrical or magnetic fields.
Energetic healing takes a dif-
ferent approach. First, the practition-
er uses his or her hands to assess
your energy system. Then, energy
is transmitted directly by the practi-
July 2006 Energy Magazine 7
Energy Healing
The human body is full of pulsing, life-giving
and life-enhancing energy. Traditional western
medicine and even health insurance companies
are gradually acknowledging this through the
increasing use of complementary and alterna-
tive medicine (known as CAM therapies). Energy healing is
one of the modalities within CAM therapies and is known by
different names, including: Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch,
Reiki, Energy Medicine, Acupuncture, and Kinesiology. There
are many more. They use different techniques yet have the
same objectives. But what are they referring to? And why
should it matter to you?
by Nina Lockwood MSW, CHTP, ART
tioners hands to your body (rather
than using machines) to stimulate
the healing process. In fact, the
frequency of electromagnetic
energy which emanates from the
practitioners hands has been
measured to be comparable to the
Pulsed Electro Magnetic
Frequency Device (PEMFs) used
by modern medicine to jump-start
healing in bone and soft tissue.
Instead of focusing on bio-
logical forms of energy, energy
healing focuses on the flow of
energy through the energetic
anatomy of the body. There are
energy centers (known as
chakras), energy lines (called
meridians) and energy fields (the
biofield or aura). They form the
network through which your body
receives, processes and reveals
the information with which it func-
tions on all levels physical, men-
tal, emotional even spiritual. Once
an assessment of the energy flow
has been made, an energy healing
session focuses on removing any
blockages and encouraging a
return to health.
Energetic healing comple-
ments traditional medical care. It
is safe, non-invasive, drug free
and has no side effects. It has the
potential to provide you with relief
when more conventional
approaches come up short. And
for those of you who currently
enjoy good health, energy healing
can help you maintain wellness,
simply and naturally.
Ninas Bio
Nina Lockwood, MSW, CHTP, ART
is an Energy Healing Practitioner
certified in Healing Touch, Touch
for Health Kinesiology and
Anatomical Reflex Therapy. She
has a private practice in the
Saratoga Springs, NY area focusing
on recovery from illness and injury.
Nina also teaches workshops on
Energy Self-Care Techniques. She
can be reached at 518-791-5120 or and
July 2006 Energy Magazine 8
Energy Healing
Healing Touch Advanced Practice 1 & 2
If you are ready to take your practice to a new level, then an Advance Practice class is for you!
Advance Practice 1 & 2 courses are developed specifically to help you to master your Healing Touch skills and practice.
Advanced Practice 1 Schedule
Date Location Instructor
12/9-10/2007 Sarasota, FL To Be Announced
Advanced Practice 2 Schedule
Date Location Instructor
9/24/2006 Racine, WI Cynthia Hutchison
12/3-4/2006 Sarasota, FL Judy Turner
They [AP techniques] bring other dimensions into the work which enhance balancing and healing capabilities. I use
these techniques all of the time and appreciate the depth with which they allow me to communicate with clients.
- Theresa Foster, CHTP, CIMI
Who can take an Advance Practice class?
If you have taken Healing Touch Level 3 or above you can take an Advance Practice class. These classes are taught
independently of each other and AP 1 is not a prerequisite for AP 2.
Special Offer
- $150 Per class (normally $200)
- Connect at a deeper level to the incredible work called
Healing Touch
- Receive 8-10 CE contact hours
- Instructional materials included
- Room and board not included
Book NOW for a day you will cherish for the rest of your life!
How to register:
Or Call: 303-989-0581

July 2006 Energy Magazine 9
HT Level 1 Class
Taking a Healing Touch Level 1 class is a personal adventure into your heart and soul! It
invites you to explore who you are, what you believe, and what you can actually do with your
hands to facilitate a healing response in others.
A Healing Touch Level 1 class is for the person who wants to enhance wellness in themselves
and the lives of people they care about by using the gift of energetic touch. Learning Healing
Touch will enable you to offer comfort and relief when nothing else seems to help. You will pos-
sess a life-changing gift that you can give over and over again, once you have mastered sim-
ple, easy-to-learn steps and techniques that support health and facilitate the healing process.
Healing Touch is a complementary (or integrative) energy therapy that can be used in conjunc-
tion with traditional therapies or as a stand-alone treatment. Healing Touch utilizes light or
near-body touch to clear, balance and energize the human energy system in an effort to pro-
mote healing for the mind, body and/or spirit.
The goal of Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the human energy system by
creating an optimal environment for the bodys innate tendency for healing to occur. As one
certified practitioner commented It is a heart-centered collaboration between the practitioner
and client.
Healing Touch supports the integration of the healing arts with conventional medical
approaches. The Healing Touch philosophy, techniques and program facilitate health and
healing by restoring harmony and balance to the bodys energy system. The educational cur-
riculum focuses on the use of the mind and heart as instruments of healing, utilizing scientific
principles based on research* and combined with effective, yet gentle, simple, techniques.
Healing Touch has been actively researched since its inception and has been granted research
funding from many medical centers, universities and other supporters of Integrative Medicine,
including the National Institutes of Health (Office of Complementary-Alternative Medicine).*
Healing Touch is now being utilized in over 25 hospitals nationwide and is becoming increas-
ingly validated in the healthcare community.
Healing Touch teaches very simple techniques that can make a remarkable difference to
those receiving it. Documented research indicates that the benefits of Healing Touch go
beyond merely treating symptoms, and addresses underlying causes of illness.
What is
Healing Touch?
Taking a
Healing Touch
Level 1 Class Whats it all about?
I am impressed with the integrity and credibility of the Healing Touch
Program. I plan to incorporate into my clinical practice the reminder of
how powerful and special {it is} to be of service to others with love and energy."
-Student, Asheville, NC, June 2006

What can
Healing Touch do
for my family,
friends and me?
July 2006 Energy Magazine 10
HT Level 1 Class
Results can range from:
Reduction of pain, anxiety and stress
Faster recovery from injury
Accelerated post-operative recovery and improve mobility after surgery
Decreased depression
Reduced effects of trauma, chronic pain and post traumatic stress
Enhanced quality of life
Support with the dying process.
Support for withdrawal from substance abuse
Immune system strengthening and support
Symptom relief associated with chemotherapy
Deeper sense of spiritual connection.*
Our founder, Janet Mentgen, BSN, RN, HNC, CHTP/I, believed that anyone could learn
how to facilitate healing in others.
The Healing Touch Programis open to all individuals desiring an in-depth understanding of
healing work using energy-based principals. Our classes have included nurses, physicians,
body therapists, counselors, psychotherapists, other healthcare professionals, clergy and spir-
itual leaders, hospice personnel and other individuals interested in helping others in their com-
munity, loved ones and themselves. In addition, nurses and other healthcare professionals
who take Healing Touch classes can earn Continuing Education credits+.
The most common phrase one hears from people who bring Healing Touch into their
community is: Healing Touch changed my life! Why do people say this? Because
Healing Touch encourages students to experience life in a new way, a way that opens
one up to a wider and deeper view of life, a way that brings compassion and new under-
standing to one's relationships and a way of realizing our potential to facilitate healing in
others, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
When you complete Level 1, you will walk away feeling different excited, hopeful and
motivated and looking forward to sharing what you have learned with friends, family,
and colleagues.
Who is the
Healing Touch
Program for?
What should I
expect in a
Level 1 class?
I was "hooked" on Healing Touch shortly after taking my Level 1 class.
A client who had head-to-toe hives from an allergic reaction was
relieved (of her hives) after receiving Magnetic Clearing. I continue to be humbled
and awed at the profound healing that is possible with this work.
-Rosann Geiser, RN, MSN, CHTP/I, Healing Touch Instructor, Appleton, Wisconsin, United States

What's great is the amount of hands-on experience and how quickly I

got a good sense of how this works... (The instructors) did a great job of
getting us together and getting everyone to practice quickly and effectively."
-Student, Sharp-Coronado Hospital, Coronado, CA, May 2006

July 2006 Energy Magazine 11

HT Level 1 Class
You can positively impact the life of a person with your new Healing Touch skills. What
would that be worth to you? Can you even put a price on it? What if you could ease pain
or reduce stress in your mother, spouse, friend or child? Mastering Healing Touch tech-
niques is priceless when you consider how it could impact the lives of the people around
you. Now is the time for you to elevate your personal growth to the next level. Now is
time to make a difference!
Twelve techniques that you can use immediately
How to use your hands and heart to foster healing in others and in yourself
How to open your heart and spirit to everyone you know in a healing way
What your energy anatomy looks like
How your energy anatomy is connected with your mind, body and spirit
What other peoples energy feels like
How to relieve pain and calm emotions in yourself and others
How to clear up energetic blockages that affect us negatively
How to maintain balance in your own energy system so that you can thrive instead of
just survive
Personal development skills that will foster your personal and professional growth
How to share this exciting work in your community
How to tap into resources that you can share with friends and colleagues that demonstrate
the scientific validity of Healing Touch
The Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics that make the Healing Touch Program a pro-
fessional, certified program.
1. Enroll Now! To begin, you simply enroll in a Level 1 class. Healing Touch classes are typi-
cally all day Saturday and Sunday and may include a Friday evening. Find a Healing Touch
class in your area on our website at: After completing Level
1 you are ready to begin using and practicing the skills you learned in class on yourself, fami-
ly and friends. You can enroll over the phone, by fax, mail or online!
2. Attend an Introduction to a Healing Touch Class! If you are not yet ready to make a week-
end commitment for a Level 1 class, come to an introductory class see a demonstration
practice the basic skills explore the potential of Healing Touch ask questions and then
enroll in a Level 1 class.
3. Check out our website! Go to and sign up for your free,
one-year subscription to Energy Magazine , our new electronic publication. You will learn how
energy medicine and Healing Touch can change your life and the lives of your patients and
loved ones. *Research available at
How can I get
What is the value
of taking a
Healing Touch
Level 1 class?
What will I learn?
The most helpful area of learning for me was ... the importance of self-care.
It (the class) was wonderful, supportive, fun, interesting, loving. I enjoyed this
format so much! I have learned many things in Healing Touch Level 1. Together with
other things I have learned on my own ... I am truly different - more whole and healed in
body, spirit and being!"
-Student, Daytona FL, June 2006

July 2006 Energy Magazine 12
July 2006 Energy Magazine 13
How HT Changed My Life
Three months before she died of
cancer last September, Janet
Mentgen, founder of the Healing
Touch Program, passed her lega-
cy on to her three children, Lisa
Mentgen-Gordon, Bill Mentgen
and Lynn Gillespie. The following
interview is between Lisa, now
the CEO of the Healing Touch Program and her brother Bill,
Chief Financial Officer.
Lisa: Its been quite a year of change for the Healing Touch
Program and for us. Mom really gave us quite an amazing
organization to oversee and continue. Do you remember
the beginning, when Mom was learning about energy
medicine and practicing on us?
Bill: The three of us really grew up with the early stages of
energy medicine at home. I dont know if any one of us actu-
ally knew what was Mom was doing, but she did lots of study-
ing, writing and practicing on us as kids. I remember that I was
able to provide her with lots of practice because I was a typi-
cally active, growing boy, and as a result had many injuries. A
few significant incidents that come to mind are when I had a
model rocket accident that blew up in my face, when I broke
my back and when I was bitten by a rattle snake.
Lisa: I remember the model rocket accident. I think you
were about 12. Tell me how Mom helped you?
Bill: Thats right, at 12 I had an accident with a model rocket
that exploded in my face, giving me 2nd and 3rd degree burns.
It burned off my eyebrows and eyelashes and the hair on the
front of my head. I had flash burns on my corneas. Although I
didnt realize it at the time, Mom used her energy skills then to
help give me some immediate relief from my discomfort. The
doctors were surprised at how fast I recovered and I was back
in school a few days later. Today I have no scars or marks from
the accident.
Lisa: When did you start to notice what Mom was doing?
Bill: I think the three of us had our first realization of what was
happening was when Mom came home with this device called
a Mind Mirror. At the age of 16, I remember being hooked up
to this gadget wondering if it was going to melt my brain.
Afterward, Mom proceeded to tell me that I was equally bal-
anced in the right and left brain. I remember thinking that was
funny because I thought I only had one brain.
Lisa: Tell me about when you broke your back. Do you
remember mom helping you then?
Bill: Yes. At the age of 17 I broke my back in a three-
wheeler accident. While I was coming over a river bank the
three-wheeler flipped and landed on my chest. I had com-
pression fractures on three of my lower vertebrae. Once
again, Mom was there to administer Healing Touch. I was
in a back brace for a month and she gave me daily treat-
An Interview with Bill Mentgen
By Lisa Mentgen-Gordon
July 2006 Energy Magazine 14
How HT Changed My Life
ments for pain management and self-healing during that
entire time.
Six years later, when I wanted to join the NAVY, I was told I was
probably not eligible because of my back injury. The recruiters
requested a complete physical, plus back x-rays. After seeing
the results of my x-rays they requested the original x-rays from
my back accident because there was no evidence of any back
fracture. They told me that a back injury of that nature could not
heal this well. Like my mom, I joined the NAVY and proudly
served for five years.
Lisa: I think the episode with the snake bite was the most
frightening of all. We truly were afraid for you when this hap-
Bill: THAT was scary! I was 29. A friend and I were walking on a
piece of property we were looking to buy. Suddenly, I was struck
in the back of my right knee by a rattlesnake. Even through my
jeans the snake got one fang into my skin. We had no snake bite
kit and the nearest medical clinic was a 15-minute drive away. We
had no choice but to walk back to the truck and drive to the near-
est medical clinic. The clinic could not treat me so they sent me
to the nearest hospital.
By the time we arrived at the hospital, my lips, tongue and hands
were numb. The doctors said that it was too late for antivenom,
which could have provided the greatest relief from the toxic
effects of the bite. I was told I would just have to ride this out. I
was taken to the ICU. An IV drip was started and I was hooked
up to a heart monitor. At this point the main concern was that my
throat would swell shut and my heart would develop abnormal
rhythms. By the time Mom arrived at the hospital about two hours
had passed since the bite. Immediately after she did Healing
Touch on me my symptoms stabilized. Although my right leg did
swell up to the size of a watermelon, I did not have any further
swelling in my throat and no effect on my heart.
I stayed in intensive care for three days. Mom came and
did Healing Touch on me everyday. This helped with pain
management and to help my body get rid of the toxin. The
day I was released from the hospital, I felt well enough to
race in a mini-sprint event, which I did that evening.
Mom continued to do daily Healing Touch treatments on
First Aid for a Snakebite
Each year in the U.S., there are over 8,000 poisonous
snakebites. Poisonous snake bites are medical emergen-
cies, and they can be deadly if not treated quickly.
Getting the victim to an emergency room as quickly as
possible is the top priority, as many snakebites if proper-
ly treated will not have serious effects.
Poisonous snake bites include bites by any of the following:
cottonmouth (water moccasin)
coral snake
What do I do for initial first aid?
If you are less than one hour from the nearest emergency
room, initial treatment is relatively simple:
Try to calm the victim.
Gently wash the area with soap and water.
Apply a cold, wet cloth over the bite.
Transport to the nearest emergency facility for
further treatment.
Dont forget to use Healing Touch!
What should NOT be done after a rattlesnake bite?
Several DON'Ts are very important to remember:
DON'T apply a tourniquet.
DON'T pack the bite area in ice.
DON'T cut the wound with a knife or razor.
DON'T use your mouth to suck out the venom.
DON'T let the victim drink alcohol.
DON'T apply electric shock.
The preceding treatments will NOT help the victim and
are dangerous. Applying ice or a tourniquet can block cir-
culation, which can result in gangrene and eventual loss
of the limb due to amputation. Cutting the wound can
cause excessive bleeding. Because human mouths are
full of bacteria, sucking the venom from the wound can
cause infection, making treatment more difficult.
me. During this time she also took me to a chiropractor, who did
laser light treatments on my skin. After about three weeks I was
fully recovered.
Lisa: So would you say that having Healing Touch
available to you was helpful?
Bill: Absolutely! I think what Healing Touch did more than
anything was to help me with pain management. That kind
of relief is priceless.
Lisa: Tell me how your life has changed, in the nine
months since moms passing and now that you are fully
involved with the Healing Touch Program.
Bill: My life has changed dramatically since Mom passed in
September. I am now involved in the business side of the Healing
Touch Program as President and CFO and I also share the honor
and responsibility of carrying this program forward to the next
generation (Moms intention was for the program to last 7 gener-
ations meaning perpetually). Because of my new responsibili-
ties I felt first thing I needed to do was change was my Average
Joe thoughts about Healing Touch. To do so I felt it was impor-
tant to take a Level 1 course and find out what I didnt know, so
I signed up for a class.
I knew Carol Komitor and chose to take my first Level 1 class
from her in Highlands Ranch, Colorado in January, 2006. My
wife, Tanya, decided to join me. Most of the students in the class
were students of Carols Healing Touch for Animals (HTA) class-
es and were taking HT Level 1 to finish requirements for the HTA
program. Its a requirement I believe creates a more well-rounded
HT apprentice, one who can work with both animals and humans.
I was seeking answers for my novice mind. How does this all
work? I needed scientific evidence, stories and testimonials. I
needed something to wrap my arms around. I needed some fac-
tual basis that wasnt just a bunch of hoopla. I was looking for an
A-ha moment.
On the first day in Carols class we learned the history of the
Healing Touch Program. She then asked everyone in the class to
talk briefly about themselves and state what level they were at in
the program. We then quickly transitioned into hands-on practice
to help us experience energy.
Lisa: Did you feel or experience anything?
Bill: To my amazement I did! During our first assessment of an
energy field, I felt heat and pressure in my hands. Something I
have never experienced before.
The second day started with more exercises. Later, we did a
heart-centering meditation and then practiced the Chakra
Spread. Tanya and I partnered for both of these exercises. But
I had still not experienced an A-ha moment. Then we did the
Headache Relief Technique.
July 2006 Energy Magazine 15
How HT Changed My Life
Below: Centro Nana Nagle Health Center for women's advance-
ment in Lima, Peru. Healing Touch classes, sewing and family
health classes are held here. This center is built on top of 8 feet of
fill dirt over a garbage dump.
Above: Bill and his wife Tanya, standing with Judy Turner, CHTI with some
of the Board of Directors and staff of PROSH, the nonprofit organization in
Lima, Peru that promotes Healing Touch in all of South America.
At this point, Carol made us change partners. I received this
technique first from a female student I had never met. The
technique caused me to relax and was quite enjoyable. Then
it was my turn to apply this technique to her. About 30 sec-
onds into this technique I realized she was totally relaxed and
immersed in the treatment. That I was performing a treatment
that was so relaxing, comfortable and enjoyable to another
human made me feel fantastic. She may have been a stranger
to me, yet I could tell she felt safe enough to relax and enjoy
the work. This was a human connection I had never experi-
enced before. I felt a connection with a total stranger.
What I guess I am trying to say here is, we are all so wrapped
up in our own lives, zipping around doing this and that, pass-
ing people everywhere without eye contact, a nod, or even a
small hello, we forget our humanity. In this class I stopped
long enough to enjoy the Moment, a Moment to connect on
the deepest level, with a total stranger.
From this class, I was expecting scientific evidence of why
and how healing works and what I got was an experiential
A couple of days after this class I was looking at Carols HTA
website and discovered a graphic called Physiological
Response. After studying this chart I was able to make the
link in my mind that helped me understand how and why
Healing Touch energy techniques work.
Lisa: So you got your A-Ha moment?
Bill: Absolutely!
Lisa: Any other Moments?
Bill: Yes! Since then I have had the opportunity to go to Peru
and to see first-hand the effect Healing Touch has on people.
I was shown around by Healing Touch Instructors: Eilene
Kearney, Emiliana Gonzalez and Carol Reamer. For the
Peruvians that I met on this trip, Healing Touch is part of them
a part of their spirit. I watched them working with HT and it
is absolutely natural for them. I think that in the United States
we have replaced our natural ability for healing with modern
medicine. For most of us, we have lost this gift.
Peruvians, are completely at ease with using their hands to
heal; it is part of their culture. For some, this is all they have. I
believe that Peruvians could teach us how to integrate this
back into the western society.
The outpouring of gratitude for the Healing Touch Program was
so evident. While visiting a few Healing Touch centers, everyone
had stories of Healing Touch experiences. They told me how they
got involved, how HT affected them, and how they used it.
Lisa: I know that since being involved with the Healing
Touch Program my conversations with friends have
changed. Have you had any similar experiences?
Bill: Ummm well, I have had the pleasure of trying to describe
my experiences surrounding Healing Touch to a group of my
guy friends. Ive also realized that both my close friends and I,
who are all about 40-ish, are just now starting to develop our
Another realization Ive had through these conversations is
that, in my experience, our western world does not understand
spirituality, as do cultures with much more history than our
July 2006 Energy Magazine 16
How HT Changed My Life
Below: Bill and Tanya looking thru the window of a Inka Ruin in Peru.
own. We are rooted in the western medical model that scien-
tifically tests and tests. Perhaps this has contributed to our
loss of connection with our humanity. I believe addressing this
possibility is one of the most important tasks going forward
with the Healing Touch Program - and everyone we encounter
in our lives. If nothing else, I hope learning Healing Touch gives
someone the gift of a human experience. I know it has taught
me to take the time to stop and acknowledge the presence of
all beings around me.
Lisa: What makes you feel qualified to be the CFO and
President of the HTP?
Bill: I have extensive experience in business, running my own
very successful construction company, All Trades Services,
Inc. for 8 years. My background includes customer service,
accounting, project planning and management. I have the abil-
ity to make business ideas happen. My experience in the Navy
has taught me the discipline to follow through and how to be
a diplomat. Traveling internationally with the NAVY we repre-
sented the United States, we were its diplomats. I am honored
to now be a diplomat for Healing Touch. One of my strongest
qualifications is that I have 41 years of mentorship with
Janetfrom the ground up!
Lisa: What do you see in the future for the Healing Touch
Bill: I firmly believe we are just in our infancy as a program.
Our western culture is just starting to seek the mind body con-
nection. My vision is to see Healing Touch used commonly in
hospitals, clinics, hospices and homes around the world. I
have a strong desire to bring into reality Moms dream of
spreading Healing Touch worldwide. Healing Touch attracts
the most heart-centered, loving, caring, dedicated profession-
als I have ever worked with. I get the honor of working with
these dedicated individuals for building this program to bene-
fit humanity worldwide. In short I am excited to be able to take
this journey.
Lisa: Anything you would like add for a person consider-
ing their first HT class?
Bill: Healing Touch is more than learning techniques, its a
journey. It will change you spiritually. It did me.
photos printed with permission courtesy of Jack Elias
July 2006 Energy Magazine 17
How HT Changed My Life
What Healing Touch can do for you,
your family, friends, colleagues, and loved ones
How HT can advance your career
What will you learn in the HT program
Recent articles and news clips
About the history of the program and its credibility
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Continuing Education for Mind, Body and Spirit
Come visit our web site
to discover how Healing Touch can enhance your life!
Come and see what 90,000 students have already discovered!
Enroll in a class today!
July 2006 Energy Magazine 18
The Healing Touch Orchid
I came to Healing Touch through a great
loss. My fathers death in December 1999
set me on the path toward my Lifes true
work. He was a very gentle soulan
ordained ministerwho came to learn he
was better suited to intimate, one-on-one
relationships than to leading a congrega-
tion. Two months after he died, I had a rev-
elation: I was to do some kind of ministry.
Exactly what, I did not know.
An Orchid Named
This gift of direction was so powerful
that I immediately began to follow it.
I visited seminaries, thinking that per-
haps I was to do church work, even
speaking from the pulpit one Sunday.
I read books and talked openly about
what I believed was divine guidance
for my life. The loving way in which
my father made his transition drew
me to hospice work, so I became a
certified hospice volunteer.
I began to see that I, too,
was more comfortable working one-
on-one or with small groups of peo-
ple. I seriously studied Pastoral Care
and Counseling for three yearsfirst,
at a local ecumenical retreat center,
then at the Virginia Institute of
Pastoral Care, where I earned college
credits that I thought would lead one
by Joy Black
day to an advanced degree and a
new career. Because I enjoyed touch-
ing peopleholding their hands, patting
a shoulder or back, giving a hug, I came
to realize my nature was better suited to
pastoral care than counseling. I knew
that way of caring would be taboo in a
counseling situation.
Another door opened in
December 2002 when my formal
training in pastoral care and counsel-
ing afforded me the opportunity to
volunteer with the chaplains office at
a local hospital. I continue to do this
very rewarding work. I visit patients in
all stages of health, in all areas of the
hospital, and I am on call overnight
for whatever might arise.
The following winter I attend-
ed a wonderful holistic health confer-
ence in Richmond, VA. At the dinner
table, two women were discussing
Healing Touch. I had heard of it and
was very interested, but did not know
how to find a teacher. One of the
women took my business card to give
to Deny Brown, RNC, WHNP, CHTP/I,
and then gave me Denys card.
I took Level 1 with Deny in
June 2005 and was fascinated by
what I learned. The hospital chaplain
for whom I volunteered was very
open and interested in my experi-
ence. In January 2006, I drove to
northern Virginia for Level 2 with
Maureen McCracken, APRN, CS,
The stretch of Interstate 95
between Richmond and northern
Virginia I had to travel on is treacher-
ous drivingwhat should be a two-
hour trip can easily become three or
four hours. That Sunday night, driving
home in heavy rain, was amazingly
different. I sang along with the radio
all the way home. It felt as if every cell
in my body was alive and singing.
Soon after that, I realized
Healing Touch was becoming a very
important force in my life. I bought a
massage table and a cart to wheel it
around. It was an act of commitment.
In May 2006, I traveled to
Virginia Beach for Level 3 with Deny
Brown and Mari Kelley, RN, CNN,
CHTP/CHTI. This was an especially
meaningful experience. Learning how
to intentionally raise my own vibration
and begin to develop Higher Sense
Perception was humbling. This new
knowledge was a true gift. Once
again, I drove home in heavy rain, this
time feeling a very peaceful, steady
Level 3 was a real turning
point. My husband, Allen, agreed to
my idea to move some furniture in our
July 2006 Energy Magazine 19
The Healing Touch Orchid
Below: Joy and husband, Allen, holding two other varieties of Allens orchids.
I realized Healing
Touch was becoming
a very important force
in my life. I bought a
massage table and a
cart to wheel it
around. It was an act
of commitment.
home to free up space for a healing
room. It is difficult to describe the
happiness I felt as a result of his
understanding and support. The next
day I sent an e-mail to friends and
family telling them of my recent train-
ing and offering practice sessions in
the special room we were creating.
I have wonderful stories of
friends and family who have been
helped by Healing Touch. Giving
Healing Touch to others balances and
enlivens my own energy. A Healing
Touch session is a beautiful, peaceful,
life-enhancing time. It is truly a gift
to me and others.
My husband understands
this. Allen grows orchids and is a
hobbyist orchid-breeder. He knows
the joy of finding ones passion in life.
When his newest orchid hybrid
recently bloomed, he asked what I
thought of the idea of naming it after
Healing Touch. I thought it was a
lovely idea and was especially moved
by his recognition of the importance
of Healing Touch in my life.
The new orchid, officially
named BLC Healing Touch in May
2006, is shown here. From the time
Allen did the cross-pollination it took
about three years for one in the pho-
tograph to reach blooming size. Baby
seedlings grown from the original
seeds were given away to other
orchid growers long before this
blooming plant received its name.
Sadly, no more seedlings are avail-
able for sale.
My intention is to become a
Certified Healing Touch Practitioner.
That will take some time, which is
good, because the path itself is rich
and rewarding. Healing Touch is a
beautiful way to love other people.
It is also a wonderful way to ensure
healthy self-care. The practice of
Healing Touch has made my life more
focused and energized and more
peaceful. I thank Janet Mentgen and
all my teachers and classmates for
this gift of giving.
Joys Bio
Joy Black works full time for a Richmond,
Virginia corporation to coordinate cre-
ative and production services on corpo-
rate communications projects. The
deadline-oriented work is a mix of big-
picture creative thinking and detail-
focused production management.
For the past several years, she
has read extensively and with great inter-
est about natural healing modalities and
made numerous lifestyle changes for
improved holistic healthphysically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She
is the oldest of five and aunt to seven.
Her own child is a fifteen year old pug,
not so creatively named Puggy, and Allen
is her dear husband of fourteen years.
Joy just completed Level 3
training. She anticipates taking Level 4
later this year and looks forward to the
year of mentoring. In the meantime, Joy
has created a soothing, peaceful, special
room in her home in which she practices
what she has learned on anyone who will
give her the opportunity. If a week goes
by without giving the gift of Healing
Touch to someone, she feels a real loss.
Her own energy and happiness is
enhanced by giving unconditional love
through the practice of Healing Touch.
There are other opportunities to share
Healing Touch at the local hospital where
she volunteers with the chaplains office.
And when she can find more time, she
hopes to also share it through a return to
the hospice volunteer work she did a few
years ago.
In addition, Joy is initiating two
creative arts group meetings in her
homeone for youth and one for adults.
With her BFA and years of experience in
the Arts, her formal studies of pastoral
care and counseling, and the sheer joy
she experiences from sharing Healing
Touch, she imagines a setting in her
future in which she can offer all of the
above to people, depending on where
they find comfort and help. What won-
derful work that would beit wouldnt
feel like work at all!
photos printed with permission courtesy of Allen Black
July 2006 Energy Magazine 20
The Healing Touch Orchid
BLC. Healing Touch is a
hybrid of Brassavola
nodosa and BLC.
Fordyce Fantasy. The
first plant to bloom had
4 wide flowers on a
plant that is only 6 tall.
This cross took under 3
years to bloom, which is
really quick for a BLC
How did you become interested or involved in Healing
I was already involved in the healing arts because I had
experienced many health issues, including back and
knee surgery. It helped me cope with my residual pain.
Eventhough I was practicing healing work without real-
ly knowing what I was doing, or even that there was
something to perceive. I did know that I received fre-
quent feedback from my clients/patients that my hands
had a lot of energy. So I continued to use them -- and
many headaches were resolved.
Then one day I received a postcard that had been for-
warded four times. Janet Mentgen was teaching a
Healing Touch class near where I lived. I took that as a
sign that I should learn Healing Touch.
When did you know you wanted to be an instructor?
Those were the pioneer days. Janet was in need of
assistants. I can't remember exactly how many classes
I helped her with, but I think it was around 8 of each
level 1-3.
Janet encouraged many of her students to become
instructors. She said she needed us as quickly as pos-
sible, because the program was growing so fast. There
was such a strong momentum going and Janet was so
enthusiastic, not only for us as a group, but for me indi-
It was exciting to be a part of the beginning of the pro-
gram. I remember once telling Janet that someday
people would be in awe when I told them that she had
been my instructor for Level 1 through Certification,
Instructor Training and Advance Practice.
What is your area of expertise?
My professional background is nursing and working with
children. For the past ten years I have worked exclusively
with newborns in Neonatal Intensive Care. I always want-
ed to be a pioneer, like Janet, so this whole frontier of
infant consciousness really calls to me; we know so little
about these precious sentient beings. It seems so little of
their spiritual and emotional needs are met by us who care
for them when they are critical or premature.
I am also a Masters candidate at the University of Spiritual
Healing & Sufism, which is basically the mystical teaching
of deepening your relationship with the Divine through the
I also have a deep passion for travel. I love experiencing
and learning to understand other cultures, philosophies,
and religions. I traveled with the Peace Corps to Costa
Rica and volunteered with Operation Smile (cleft lip and
July 2006 Energy Magazine 21
Featured HT Instructor
Rita Kluny
Featured Healing Touch Instructor:
Above: Rita Kluny, RN, CHTP/I
palate surgery), which took me to North Vietnam and to the
Philippines. I also went to Russia with Patch Adams.
Where has your journey with Healing Touch taken you?
Geographically speaking, when I first started HT took me
all over the Eastern part of the United States. Then each
area developed its own group of instructors. I really
enjoyed that time.
I taught overseas in Holland, at an Army hospital in
Heidelberg, Germany. I also assisted at the first teacher's
training in Australia.
Professionally, it really helped me to see that nursing is a
ministry and to walk my talk. So many people had asked
me how Healing Touch made a difference in babies that I
decided to develop Healing Touch for Babies. I was so
proud to announce my new program in 2000, at the HTI
Conference in Hawaii. Since then, the program has
evolved to be not only energy healing, but the whole idea
of infant consciousness and how to "hold their hearts" as
they adjust to the density of the physical world. The class
is a transformative weekend for everyone. Babies remind
us of our own purity.
Personally, HT has helped me to heal, ground, and live
without a lot of physical pain. I have about 10% of the pain
I used to have, and that makes me happy. I think that it has
also slowed down my aging process.
What is your philosophy on healing?
My philosophy: I have seen a lot of people race through
the program for the goal, and sometimes dilute their
opportunity to deepen themselves. Healing is such an
organic, holy, process that is so rich. I have always felt that
the cleaner we are the better the healing, the clearer the
transmitter, the higher the transmission. If you cannot hear
what your heart wants or needs, how can you listen to the
heart of the person coming to you?
I heard one person say, "There will never be peace on
earth if your own body is fighting, or your own mind is not
still." I have seen some people use Healing Touch in an
almost allopathic way ... like getting rid of pain, for
instance. If something is viewed as pathologic only, and
not seen as an opportunity for change, for growth, for
transformation, it isn't serving that person fully.
I am now in school, focusing on the deepening of the heart
and in strengthening my spiritual alignment. Finding the
Love within has totally transformed me as a healer, even
though my focus has been very inward. I used to be much
more external in my goals. Now I have surrendered the dri-
ver's seat to the Divine Source within.
My deepest intention is to serve, and however that plays
itself out, that I will surrender to it. That brings me a lot of
peace. And it is through this awareness I experience more
of a bowing of the heart to God and less to the bowing to
What are some of the challenges you have had related
to Healing Touch?
My challenges have been many. I am glad that people
aren't being fired for doing healing work in clinical settings,
like they used to be in the 80's.
Even though I live in Austin, which is more liberal, there has
not been much interest in the nursing community for
July 2006 Energy Magazine 22
Featured HT Instructor
below: Rita Kluny teaching a Healing Touch for Babies class.
Healing Touch. My other challenge has been finding coor-
dinators to take Healing Touch for Babies on the road.
What do you feel is your own unique contribution?
Forgive me if I sound repetitive. I feel that my own unique contri-
bution has been my work with babies. I know that a lot of heal-
ers have felt fear and caution when working with babies. Perhaps
because of my years of working with them I feel so connected to
them, so safe, so open. I guess I just know what they need. And
really, their needs are the same as ours.
Is there a pivotal or humorous story from your career as an
I always have fun teaching, and most of my students have appre-
ciated my sense of humor. One of my favorite teaching experi-
ences was years ago. I taught a Level 2 in eastern Pennsylvania.
Jean White coordinated and the location was a day care center.
The environment and the energy there was so innocent, so
whimsical, so sweet, that it just lent itself to a lot of laughter.
What kind of advice would you give a new instructor know-
ing what you know now?
Really deepen your spirituality and from that all else will follow.
Your whole perspective of healing is at stake through this step.
You cannot leave yourself out of the equation. Without this, your
level of service will not be pure. This is essential. And, have fun
with it!
Don't take yourself too seriously. I remember when the 10 of us
who started the program together went to the teacher's training.
We all brought costumes and beads... Remember, we were a
group from New Orleans! I pulled Janet aside, and asked her if
we could have a "special event" and use 15 minutes of class time
(I didn't tell her what we were up to, because I wanted her to be
surprised as well). We had such a blast!. And it broke the tension
students were having about performance anxiety.
What would you say to someone considering a Healing
Touch class?
That Healing Touch can change your life.
What is your vision for the future of Healing Touch?
I would love to see it become more prevalent in the hospital sys-
tem. I would love to teach pregnant parents how to bond with
their prenate using Healing Touch and to use it as a part of their
parenting approach.
I also think it would be great to have elders learn it. Healing Touch
is a wonderful way to contribute to family and friends and to give
to the communities they are involved with. It offers a way for eld-
ers to experience being valued.
Ritas Bio
Rita Kluny, RN, CHTP/I, lives in Austin, TX and has been enthu-
siastically spreading Healing Light throughout the World since
1990. A nurse since 1970, Rita Kluny became a member of the
American Holistic Nurses Association in 1985. In 1988, Rita met
Janet Mentgen, founder of the Healing Touch Program, the same
year Janet was named Holistic Nurse of the Year. In 1994, Rita
was named Holistic Nurse of the Year. Rita has been teaching
Healing Touch since 1994. She has extensive experience in inte-
grating Healing Touch in the area of critically ill infants and chil-
dren. She consulted on a NIH-funded project that researched the
effects of Healing Touch on infants in neonatal intensive care. She
also teaches Healing Touch for Babies nationally through the
Healing Touch Program. Rita can be contacted by phone: 512-
350-4513, e-mail healingbabies@yahoo.comand by her web
site at
July 2006 Energy Magazine 23
Featured HT Instructor
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One lesson is that it is just
as sacred to be present when a
patient journeys to the next life as it
is when they are born into this one.
The most inspiring, profound jour-
ney I experienced with a patient
taught me the greatest lesson of all.
It taught me that reaching out with a
compassionate heart that is cen-
tered and focused on a patient,
while setting the intention for their
highest good is enough to assist
them to return from a near death
experience or back to a new life.
The patient I am speaking of
is Jason. Jason was an 18 year-old
senior in High School. He was the
star quarterback of the football team,
a vibrant outgoing young man. In
1999, just before the end of summer,
his life was tragically altered in the
blink of an eye. On the eve of his
return home from his family vacation
a drunk driver hit the car he was a
passenger in. He sustained a severe
closed head injury that rendered him
in a comatose state, one he had
remained in for 4-months prior to my
first meeting with him. The conversa-
tion between the physicians and his
parents during this time remained the
same. We are not sure if he will come
out of the coma, we can never know
which way he will go with this!
Jasons parents kept holding
on with great faith and hope and
wanted to explore every avenue for-
possible help for him. That is when
his Mother asked me to do some
energy work with him, in the form of
Healing Touch.
As I was trained in Healing
Touch, and very passionate about
incorporating this beautiful comple-
mentary healing modality into my
nursing care, I accepted the chal-
My biggest challenge was
figuring out how I would have time in
my demanding nursing schedule to
be present enough to help a young
man who had been in a coma for
such a long period of time. Knowing
that the primary ingredients in
Healing Touch are a compassionate
intention and a centered heart, I
forged ahead with the intention of
spending as much time as possible
with Jason, incorporating Healing
Touch into each exchange with him.
When I initially entered
Jasons room in the Skilled Nursing
Unit, the gaunt and pale young man
who lay before me moved my heart.
His eyes were fixed in a catatonic
July 2006 Energy Magazine 24
Student Story
Jays Story
During my 21-year nursing career I have
worked in several different specialized
areas. I have been blessed to care for
patients on both ends of the chronological
scale as well as in a wide variety of settings.
Many lessons have been bestowed upon
me through my patient care. These lessons
have taught me about human nature and
the importance of connecting with others on
a mind/body/spirit level.
by Kimberly Garcia RN, CHTP/I
gaze and his arms and legs were con-
torted and flexed toward his body. A
trail of saliva wound its way down his
cheek as his body leaned to one side.
A feeding tube in his stomach sus-
tained him nutritionally.
As I reached out to connect
with him by touching his arm, there
was no response, reflex or sign at all
that he knew I was there with him. As
I looked into his eyes it was as if
he peered right through me. I
could sense fear within him. I
thought to myself, Maybe he is
afraid to come out because he
has so much work ahead of him.
I prayed silently within myself for
direction, and then knew what I
had to do. I invited his spirit to
come out and play!
I also noticed his room
was filled with posters, pictures
and memorabilia, all depicting the
life of a vibrant, popular, adolescent
boy. I also noticed a journal con-
taining notes from all of the visitors
who had stopped by to read and
visit him at his bedside. I reminded
him that he would not be alone dur-
ing this healing journey and to help
him. He had so much support and
love from friends and family. I then
used Healing Touch interventions
with him. At the end of each time
spent with him it seemed as if
instead of looking through me he
was now looking at me. And I always
reassured him I would return again.
Following my second session,
Jason was tracking me with his eyes.
After the third session he was blinking
once for yes and twice for no. By the
end of the second week, Jason was
able to extend one contracted finger
when answering yes and two when
answering no and he was becoming
more physically mobile.
Each time I worked with Jason,
it was as if a flower was blooming. He
rapidly started progressing in his
responses. I kept reminding myself that
every extra moment with Jason was a
moment well invested. His family was
amazed at how he was just blossom-
ing back into a responsive human
being, and it encouraged me to keep
working with him as my time permitted.
After four weeks Jason was
able to participate in various therapies
and he became very busy. He had tran-
scended a catatonic state and was now
walking and feeding himself. His feeding
tube was removed. He still could not
speak, but he would look at me, strain
and groan very loudly with his mouth
partially open, as if he were trying to say
something, though no words were com-
ing out. I prayed for a tool that may help
him with this.
One day my answer came as I
was in my car listening to my Mastery
of Language tapes. Mastery of
Language teaches that our thoughts
and words create our reality because
the cells in our body hear our thoughts
and words and act and respond
accordingly. I eagerly approached
Jason with this news the next time
I saw him. Without speaking aloud
I shared the information that he
could think, I am speaking and I
am healthy, and that possibly his
body would respond accordingly.
I reminded Jason of this each
time I worked with him, and he
would enthusiastically confirm with
his crooked one finger
responseyes, he motioned, he
was thinking, I am speaking, I am
Three weeks later, when I
approached his room, the Speech
therapist, who was aware of the
extra nursing intervention I was
using with Jason, came running
out and saying, Kimberly, come
here, come here! You have to see
this! Jason was eating oatmeal,
smiling and saying, More, more.
I laughed and told Jason, Jason,
look, you did it!
Jason became so busy
between Speech, Physical and
Occupational Therapy he was too busy
for my additional nursing interventions
with him. I knew my purpose for
Jason had been fulfilled; I had invited
his spirit to come out to play. And I
had supported him and worked with
him along the way.
In the two-month period I was
blessed to work with Jason, he pro-
July 2006 Energy Magazine 25
Student Story
Each time I worked with
Jason, it was as if a flower
was blooming. He rapidly
started progressing in his
responses. I kept reminding
myself that every extra
moment with Jason was a
moment well invested. His
family was amazed at how
he was just blossoming
back into a responsive
human being, and it
encouraged me to keep
working with him as my
time permitted.
gressed from a non-responsive, cata-
tonic state with a feeding tube to nutri-
tionally sustain him, and an inability to
hold himself in an upright sitting posi-
tion or swallow his saliva, to walking,
talking and feeding himself. I had
stayed centered and focused on him
with the compassionate intention that
my presence with him was for his high-
est good, and he did the rest of the
One day I went back to visit
Jason, to see how he was progress-
ing. I found him in the break room
with friends. He smiled and chuckled
as I entered the room. Jasons
friends looked at him and asked him,
Who is she, Jason? Is she a family
member or your friend? Jason
looked at me with a crooked grin, a
defining quality for him. He touched
my arm with his hand and said,
Shes my friend.
Jason has since returned
home to his parents, and graduated
from High School.
I know that my choice to
connect with Jason on a
mind/body/spirit level, in addition to
my focused and centered intention
that each and every moment with
him be for his highest good, truly cre-
ated an optimum environment for his
body to heal. The complementary
interventions Jason received assist-
ed him in transcending catatonia and
a return to a fulfilling life. His parents,
friends, family and the healthcare
team were all grateful for my work
and support throughout his journey.
Many of them learned, and used,
Healing Touch techniques during
their visits with him.
Healing Touch is a comple-
mentary, energeti c therapy that
balances the energy in the body to
create an optimum environment for
self-healing. I am blessed to have a
full-time position as a RN and
C e r t i f i e d H e a l i n g To u c h
Practitioner/Instructor at St. Josephs
Hospital. I actively and passionately
pursue the education of bedside
caregivers in incorporating these
techniques and to change their care-
giving tasks into a compassionately
focused healing experience for
their patients and themselves.
Kimberlys Bio
Kimberly Garcia RN, CHTP/I is a
Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
/Instructor. She graduated from the
University of Evansville School of
Nursing in 1983. Her nursing back-
ground with both adult and pediatric
patients includes ICU, Ortho/Neuro,
Home Health, Acute Rehabilitation and
Pain Management. Her duties have
also included nursing management,
education and marketing. Kimberly is
currently the Healing Touch Coordinator
at St. Josephs Hospital in Tampa,
Florida. Her role includes development,
implementation and maintenance of the
Healing Touch Program, including a
Healing Touch educational program.
Kimberly is a kind, compassionate,
enthusiastic healthcare provider and
educator whose presence is both heal-
ing and inspiring.
July 2006 Energy Magazine 26
Student Story
Kimberly Garcias Jays Story
received the "Nurse Excellence
Award" through the Florida
Nurses Assocation. Only 16 peo-
ple throughout the state of Florida
have received this honor. It was
presented orally to the FNA last
year during nurses week. This
story raised awareness of Healing
Touch with the FNA, and as a
result, Kimberly gave the Healing
Touch powerpoint presentation to
them for Nurses Week!
left: Kimberly presenting the story to
the Florida Nurses Association.
photo printed with permission courtesy of Kimberly Garcia
The Healing Touch International Foundation is a charitable
foundation serving the Healing Touch community. It was
established in July of 1997 by Janet Mentgen, Larry Day
and Patricia Chapman. The purpose of the Foundation is
to receive and distribute monies to assist, advance and
support the use of Healing Touch worldwide. Since 2001
the Foundation has given grants to 29 organizations total-
ing over $85,000.
Research funding has been provided to projects
focusing on self-care in mental health, use of Healing
Touch with neonates, and pain management. Funded serv-
ice projects include LifeSpark Cancer Resources (formerly
Qualife Healing Buddies Program) in Colorado), the
Healing Touch Romania project (training nurses and staff
at orphanages), San Diego Hospice and Palliative Care,
Unity Light Center project in South Africa (training staff to
assist with HIV patients), USA Para-Olympics project in
Edinburgh, Scotland and funding for a library in Peru. This
year, a new funding project was developed at the request
of Healing Touch founder, Janet Mentgen, to support train-
ing of foreign nationals as Healing Touch Instructors.
Currently, the HTI Foundation Board is composed
of Bonnie Morrow (BHN, CHTP/I), President, Sharon
Scandrett-Hibdon (BSN, MS, Phd, FNP, CS, CHTP/I,
CHN), Secretary-Treasurer, Steve Anderson (RN, BSN,
HNC), Lisa Gordon (CEO Healing Touch Program), David
Sieh (PhD, CHTP, LMT) and Nancy Wingerter (RN, BS,
CHTP/I). Visit for more informa-
tion or contact board members at the email addresses list-
ed below.
If you cannot do a service project, or choose not
to be a researcher, you can participate in the furtherance
of Healing Touch worldwide by contributing to the Healing
Touch Foundation. This can be done through your financial
support and your donation of items to the auction at HTIs
Annual Conference.
This years conference will be held in
Breckenridge, Colorado from August 31 September 3.
Please deliver your auction items to the HTI Foundation
booth in the vendor section by noon, September 1st. For
further information on how to contribute to this years auc-
tion, please contact: Roberta Davis Lewis at (714) 830-
8434 or
Putting your energy into supporting the efforts
of others who support the HTI Foundation is just as
important as actually doing a project yourself. Make the
HTI Foundation work for you by being involved in
fundraising in your community and by sharing with your
community reports, service projects and research find-
ings from HTI Foundation-supported projects.
(Information on HTI Foundation-supported projects will
be provided at the HTI conference.
Contact list for HTI Foundation Board Members:
Bonnie Kelley Morrow
Sharon Scandrett-Hibdon
Steven E. Anderson
Lisa Gordon
David H. Sieh
Nancy L Wingerter
You may also call the HTI Foundation at 281-856-8340 for
information regarding general information, service,
research or funded projects.
Thank you for your support!
July 2006 Energy Magazine 27
HTI Foundation
Spreading Healing Light Worldwide
Healing Touch International
Get Your Stuff Together For
the HTI Foundation Auction.
Together We Can Make a Difference
by Bonnie Kelley Morrow
Pipe organ was my perform-
ance instrument while I was in college.
In the church where I practiced, the
organ console was placed next to the
huge bass-tone pipes. Above my head
were several ranks of pipes that pro-
duced high-pitched flute sounds, and a
few feet away was another chest of
pipes that produced the reed and
brass sounds. In short, I was surround-
ed by pipesand I was in control of
the sound they produced.
While playing in the quiet
church, I began to notice that when I
used a mellow flute tone for a Bach
chorale, I would become sedate and
relaxed. If I used one of the trumpet-
like brassy stops for an up-tempo prel-
ude, my heart rate would increase and
I experienced a sense of being
charged. I also noticed that if I played
the large bass pipes at high volume for
extended periods of time, I would get a
headache and my stomach would
become queasy.
Throughout my working career
as a musical instrument retailer and
educator, Ive taken courses in music
therapy, the science of sound and
vibration, and the effects of sound
upon consciousness. Now I am using
what I have learned and incorporating
it within my Healing Touch practice.
Most of you have heard it said
that consciousness is a vibrating fre-
quency. When my wife, Joy, was in
training to become an MRI technolo-
gist, she was quite amazed when her
physics instructor said that the tech-
nologist must fine-tune the magnet to
the patients vibrating frequency before
the machine will be able to produce a
clear image.
Joy explained it to me: I
learned to tune the plotting frequency
of an MRI magnets computer to the
radio waves being emitted from the
nuclei of a patients hydrogen protons.
To get the attention of the atoms or
get them to run in phase I had to find
the unique frequency of that persons
atoms. They emit a signal, which is
their radio frequency. The general start-
ing frequency (for a 1 Tesla magnet) is
42.58 mega-hertz. Unless I carefully
plot the patients return frequency pat-
tern, I will not get a clear image.
Humans, I could say, are radio frequen-
cy senders and receivers.
The music you choose for your
sonic environment while you are doing
a Healing Touch session can positively
July 2006 Energy Magazine 28
Sonic Soul Food
I just received the news that I am now certified as a Healing Touch
practitioner. Yippee!
However, long before learning the art of
hands-on healing, I became interested in the
healing power of sound and music. I started
accordion lessons as a ten year-old and
noticed that while I was holding the instru-
ment against my chest, the vibrations of long,
sustained chords made me feel good.
by Dale Matthies CHTP
influence the effectiveness of your
work. Think about what you are trying
to achieve with your client. Some types
of music will engage the analytical left
brain, such as: songs with lyrics, songs
with percussive rhythms, and to a less-
er extent, very well known songs that
the client may sing along with in their
mind. This music may be a good
choice if you are trying to ease your
client into a light state of relaxation or if
your client is unfamiliar with energy
work and may be cautious about mov-
ing into a deep state of relaxation.
If you are facilitating deep
releasing, I would suggest music that
engages the clients right brain. Try
using instrumental music that incorpo-
rates unfamiliar melodies played with
flute, harp, soft string, and choral tones
without words. Mellow synthesizer
pad tones are also effective.
The pulse of the music in the
room will create an energetic synchro-
nous link between you and your client.
If the beat seems to move at about one
beat per second or slower, thats the
same pulse as a relaxed human heart
beat. This will have a calming effect
upon you and your client.
While I was working toward
Healing Touch certification, I did most
of my practice training at the Queens
Medical Center (hospital) in Honolulu.
As a volunteer I was often sent to offer
Healing Touch to patients who had not
experienced hands-on energy work
and did not know what to expect. For
those patients, who were often in their
60s or older, I frequently used record-
ings of traditional acoustic instruments
playing slow, melodic, unfamiliar
songs. I avoided new-age synthesizer
sounds just in case the patient might
associate religious stigma to the style.
My two favorite recordings for those
patients are: Sound Massage Vol. 2
(Dean Evenson) and Quiet Paths,
Fragile Beauty (Matthew Lyon and
Christine Dickinson). Both are available
For patients and clients who
are familiar with energy work and
desire a deep meditative state during
their Healing Touch session, I suggest
The Silent Path (Robert Haig Coxon) or
my own CD, Sonic Soul (Dale
Matthies). Both of these recordings
disengage the chattering left brain and
allow the client to consciously experi-
ence relaxed, dreamy, right-brain
awareness. This is the state-of-being
where the adrenal glands relax and the
lymphatic system (the bodys natural
healer) becomes more effective. While
in this state, the client may appear to
be sleeping, but in-fact, their mind may
be wide awake and yet consciously
experiencing a healing dream.
When I created my CD for
Healing Touch, I used a multiple key-
board organ that allowed me to record
all the sounds in real time. Before start-
ing the recording process, I entered
into a meditative state. By recording in
real time, it is as if the recording takes
on the imprint of the level of relaxation
that I was in at the time I recorded the
music. That energetic signature also
holds the intention for healing on the
subconscious level.
A few things to be aware of
when you are creating the sonic envi-
ronment for your Healing Touch clients:
high levels of bass are annoying to
people who are experiencing pain,
many classical orchestral pieces are
emotionally charged and may interfere
with the effectiveness of your HT ses-
sion, adjust the volume of your music
so that it is loud enough to be heard
comfortably, but not so loud that the
client is forced to focus on it.
In a future article I will be dis-
cussing the use of vocal sounds while
I am using the Healing Touch Ultra
Sound technique. My CD will be avail-
able at the Healing Touch International
Conference in Breckenridge, CO,
August 31st to September 3rd. You
may also order a CD by mail. Send
$18.00 (including postage) to: Dale
Matthies, 9151 W. Greenway Rd. #
295, Peoria, AZ 85381
photo courtesy of Dale Matthies
July 2006 Energy Magazine 29
Sonic Soul Food
The music you
choose for your sonic
environment while
you are doing a
Healing Touch
session can
positively influence
the effectiveness of
your work.
Below: Dale Matthies

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