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Tel : 044 - 66442222 Mobile : 9171072896

Email id :
ebsi!e: """.supremeseafood.i#
$age 1 - %
&.'o (escrip!io# Tamil 'ames )ole &!ea*s+,-T
'o" .ou ca# order /0E&, M1TT2' for 'E3T (45 (eli6er. 0s.+7g 0s.+7g
Fresh Mutton with Bone (Chops, Curry Cut, Ribs) 550
Fresh Boneless Mutton (Keema/Minced) 50
!aya "e#s ($ %et) &50
89- /9&,E&
$ Kin# 'ish Bi# ( to )*# %i+e ,an-iram .50 $&50
& Kin# 'ish Cubes (/ail !ortion) ,an-iram $000
0 %ea bass Kodu1a )&5
( 2ri#inal %eabass 3sal Kodu1a )50
5 /ra1elly 0*# up !arai (40 40
) Blac* !om'ret Bi# %i+e 500# to $55*# Blac* ,awaal .00
Blac* !om'ret Medium 000#6500# Blac* ,awaal )00
. Baracudda 500 6 &000#ms %heela (5 )0
4 7mperor 0006500 #ms ,illa meen 000 (5
$0 7mperor 500 #ms up ,illa meen 500 50
$$ Mahi6Mahi !arla ($0 550
$& "i1e Murrel ,iral 55
&M4:: /9&,E&
$0 8umbo "ady Fish Kilan#an )0
$( "ady Fish Bi# Kilan#an bi# 550 50
$5 "ady Fish %mall Kilan#an %mall (00 )00
$) 8apnese thread bream Bi# %an*ara Bi# (05 540
$ 8apnese thread bream %mall %an*ara %mall (00 5&5
$. 3ncho1y Bi# 9ethili 055 ()0
$4 3ncho1y %mall 9ethili 000 (00
&0 :ndian mac*eral )/. 3ylai 0)0 (40
&$ %il1er Belly Bi# Karapodi 000
&& %il1er Belly %mall Karapodi $50
&0 %ardine Mathi $&5 &50
&( Fish ;ead ;&eer /is)< &eabass< Emperor< 8aracudda< Tra6ell.= $5 0&5
&5 !et Food $00
&) !rawn ;ead $50
E32T9> /0E&, &E4/22( ;$ra"#s=
& 8umbo /i#er !rawns )6$0pcs/*# Bi# 7ral $)50
&. 8umbo /i#er !rawns $56&0pcs/*#/Flower !rawns &0 pcs/*# Bi# 7ral $000/400
&4 Bi# /i#er !rawns &)600pcs/*#/Flower !rawns 00 pcs/*# Bi# 7ral 400/.50
00 Bi# /i#er !rawns 0$6(0pcs/*# 7ral 00
0$ 8umbo !in* !rawns $56&0pcs/*# Bi# 7ral 400
0& Bi# !in* !rawns &)600pcs/*# Bi# 7ral .00
00 Bi# !in* !rawns 0$6(0 pcs/*#/Flower !rawns (0 pcs/*# 7ral )00/55
0( 8umbo <hite !rawns $56&0pcs/*# Bi# 7ral $000
05 Bi# <hite !rawns &5600 pcs/*# Bi# 7ral 400
0) Bi# <hite !rawns (0 pcs/*# 7ral 00
1pda!ed o# 09.06.14
,ome (eli6er. 0a!es - $rices 6alid from 09.06.2014 - 1%.06.2014
/rom ?a#@2014 e6er. M2'(45 "ill be )olida.< )o"e6er .ou ca# call A place order for #eB! da.
'o" .ou ca# order /0E&, M1TT2' for 'E3T (45 (eli6er.
M2'(45 ,2:9(45
'o" 2ur $roduc!s are also a6ailable a! -20ME9 M407ET 2u!le!s a!< 7ilpau* A M.lapore
To place order call from 6.C0 am !o 9.C0 pm o# all da.s< (eli6er. up!o 4 pm EBcep! Mo#da.s
Tel : 044 - 66442222 Mobile : 9171072896
Email id :
ebsi!e: """.supremeseafood.i#
$age 2 - %
&.'o (escrip!io# Tamil 'ames )ole
&*E++ ,-&*E& .s./0g .s./0g
37 Sea Crab 4-5 pcs/kg Nandu 510
38 Sea Crab 8-10 pcs/kg Nandu 470
39 3 Spotted Crab 8-10 pcs/kg Nandu 400
40 Red Sea Crab 2-3 pcs/kg Nandu 400
41 Crab Meat 1250
42 Ca!s 40/50pcs/kg "Saturda# or Sunda#$ 300
43 Musses 40/50pcs/kg "Saturda# or Sunda#$ 300
44 Musses Meat "Saturda# or Sunda#$ %00
45 &#ster 10pcs/kg "Saturda# or Sunda#$ 300
&*E++ ,-&*E&1$ra"#s2 $eeled/de3ei#ed
4% '()te *ra+ns Med)u! 90/100 Count ,ra 550 950
47 *)nk *ra+ns Med)u! 90/100 Count ,ra 425 850
48 -o+er *ra+ns Med)u! ,ra 425 850
49 .)ger *ra+ns Med)u! ,ra 425 850
50 .)ger *ra+ns 50/%0 Count ,ra 550
51 '()te *ra+ns 50/%0 Count ,ra 550
52 *)nk *ra+ns 50/%0 Count ,ra 450
53 '()te *ra+ns S!a/-o+er *ra+ns S!a ,ra 450 850/750
54 *)nk *ra+ns S!a ,ra 375 700
55 .)ger *ra+ns S!a ,ra 375 700
4T*E. $.4(56T& .s./0g &!ea7s .s./0g
5% *arrot -)s( 100 - 200 g!s 1&easo#al2 /)) Meen 150 250
57 *arrot -)s( 200 - 500 g!s 1&easo#al2 /)) Meen 225 325
58 *arrot -)s( 500 g!s 0p 1&easo#al2 /)) Meen 400 %00
59 R)bbon -)s( 1 700 g!s S)2e 14# .e8ues!2 3aa) 250 400
%0 4gar 4gar Str)ps "100 5 3egetar)an$ 4bo6e 100g!s 2000
%1 4gar 4gar Str)ps "100 5 3egetar)an$ 7eo+ 100g!s 2200
%2 Croaker *anna 300 425
%3 Muet Nagara) 250 400
,.E&* 9TE. ,-&*E&
%4 Cuta/Rog(u 250
%5 *ear Spot 300g S)2e /ar)!een 555
%% *ear Spot 200g S)2e /ar)!een 530
%7 *ear Spot 100g S)2e /ar)!een 350
%8 8)sa 1 500 g!s S)2e 1&easo#al2 425
%9 8)sa 500 to 1 kg S)2e 1&easo#al2 %50
5pda!ed o# 09.06.14
*ome (eli3er: .a!es - $rices 3alid from 09.06.2014 - 1%.06.2014
,rom ;a#<2014 e3er: M4'(9= "ill be )olida:> )o"e3er :ou ca# call ? place order for #e@! da:
'o" :ou ca# order ,.E&* M5TT4' for 'EAT (9= (eli3er:
M4'(9= *4+-(9=
'o" 4ur $roduc!s are also a3ailable a! B4.ME- M9.0ET 4u!le!s a! 9d:ar> 0ilpau7 ? M:lapore
To place order call from 6.C0 am !o 9.C0 pm o# all da:s> (eli3er: up!o 4 pm E@cep! Mo#da:s
Tel : 044 - 66442222 Mobile : 9171072896
Email id :
ebsi!e: """.supremeseafood.i#
$age % - &
'.(o )escrip!io# Tamil (ames *ole $er $iece
E+,T-. /-0E /,1'TE2' 3,rder ,#e da4 i# 5d6a#ce7 2s.89g 2s.
70 Live Tiger Lobster 1 to 1.5kg Size Pachai Singhi Eral 3500
71 Live Lobster 2pcs/kg Pachai Singhi Eral 3200 1000
72 Live Lobster 3 to pcs/kg Pachai Singhi Eral 3000 !00
73 Live Lobster to 5 pcs/kg Pachai Singhi Eral 2"00 700
7 Live Lobster " to 10 pcs/kg Pachai Singhi Eral 2200 300
E+,T-. :2E'; 'E5:,,)
75 #$ttle %ish 500g & 1.5kg 3,rder ,#e da4 i# 5d6a#ce7 'a(a)ba 300 50
7* +ab, -ctop$s 3,rder ,#e da4 i# 5d6a#ce7 200 375
77 Sole .ish 3,rder ,#e da4 i# 5d6a#ce7 /akk$ )een 50
7" %ish Eggs 3'ub<ec! !o 56ailabili!47 Senai 500
7! 0ro$per 1 to 3kg Size 'alavai 500
"0 0ro$per 500g to 1kg 'alavai 00
"1 0ro$per +elo1 500g 'alavai 300
"2 #hinese Po).ret 1kg $p size #heena va1aal 2100
"3 #hinese Po).ret 700 g)s $p #heena va1aal 1575
" #hinese Po).ret 500/700g #heena va1aal 100
"5 #hinese po).ret 300 & 500g)s #heena va1aal !50
"* #hinese po).ret 200 & 300g)s #heena va1aal 700
"7 2hite Po).ret 500 g)s size 3'easo#al7 2hite va1aal 1200
"" 2hite Po).ret 300g $p 2hite va1aal !"0
"! 2hite Po).ret 200/300g 2hite va1aal !30
!0 2hite Po).ret 100/200g 2hite va1aal "50
!1 3e( Snapper 4bove 2kg size 550
!2 5n(ian 6alib$t Potha 50
'EM- - E+,T-. 052-ET-E' 2s.89g
!3 5n(ian Sal)on 7 500g)s Size 'aala "5
! Skip 8ack T$na Soorai 370 500
!5 9ello1 %in T$na Soorai 15 5"0
!* Shark S$ra 570 7!0
!7 2hite S:$i( S)all ;4bove 15 pcs/kg< 'anavai 20 5!0
!" 2hite S:$i( 3ings S)all 'anavai 750
!! 2hite S:$i( +ig ;+elo1 15 pcs/kg< 'anavai 70 *!0
100 2hite S:$i( 3ings +ig 'anavai "50
101 2hite %ish =ella S$(h$)b$ 350
;ome )eli6er4 2a!es - $rices 6alid from 09.06.2014 - 1&.06.2014
:rom >a#?2014 e6er4 M,()5@ "ill be *olida4A *o"e6er 4ou ca# call B place order for #eC! da4
(o" 4ou ca# order :2E'; MDTT,( for (E+T )5@ )eli6er4
M,()5@ ;,/-)5@
(o" ,ur $roduc!s are also a6ailable a! E,2ME- M529ET ,u!le!s a! 5d4arA 9ilpau= B M4lapore
To place order call from 6.%0 am !o 9.%0 pm o# all da4sA )eli6er4 up!o 4 pm ECcep! Mo#da4s
Dpda!ed o# 09.06.14
Tel : 044 - 66442222 Mobile : 9171072896
Email id :
ebsi!e: """.supremeseafood.i#
$age 4 - %
&.'o (escrip!io# &i)e *ille!s
E+,T-. */,0E' &E1*,,( 2 -M$,/TE( 3 /s.45g
102 Atlantic Salmon 2(e#mar63 Above 1kg size 2200
103 Atlantic Salmon Portion 2(e#mar63 2350
104 Smoked Atlantic Salmon 2(e#mar63 Above 1kg size 2500
105 Basa Fillet White 27ie!#am3 450
10 Basa Fillet Pink 27ie!#am3 350
E+,T-. */,0E' &E1*,,( 2 -M$,/TE( 3 'E 1//-718&
10! Frozen "aviar Black 100 gms #$erman%& 1100'100 gms
10( Frozen )alib*t Fish Fillet #+enmark& 2250
10, Frozen "od Fish Fillet #-etherland& 2250
110 Frozen Sea Bass Fish Fillet #S.ain& 2250
111 Frozen Smoked /ro*t Fillet #-etherland& 2400
E+,T-. 8-7E ./19& 2,rder ,#e da: i# 1d;a#ce3 /amil -ames Whole'kg
112 0ive $reen "rab 11kg'.iece Pachai -and* 1500
113 0ive $reen "rab 500 to (00 g Pachai -and* 1200
114 0ive $reen "rab 2.cs'kg Pachai -and* (50
115 0ive $reen "rab 3.cs'kg Pachai -and* !50
11 0ive $reen "rab 4.cs'kg Pachai -and* 50
11! 0ive $reen "rab 5.cs'kg Pachai -and* 530
11( 0ive $reen "rab 2(.cs'kg Pachai -and* 500
< 'o" 1 =our E>press (eli;er: is a;ailable !o !?e *ollo"i#g 1reas:
.?e!pe!@ Egmore@ 5ell:As@ 5ilpau6@ $urasa"al6am@ 7epper:.
< Mi#imum order /s.%00@ for free ?ome deli;er: 2E>cludi#g .er!ai# 1reas3
< 1! prese#! :ou ca# order b: !elep?o#e@ email a#d sms from 6 am !o 9.B0
pm. 7er: soo# "e are pla##i#g !o i#!roduce o#li#e orderi#g also.
< 'o" ,ur $roduc!s are also a;ailable a! !?e follo"i#g C,/ME- M1/5ET ,u!le!s
< $re;ious da: orders@ deli;er: b: 11 am.
< =o"e;er@ same da: orders are also accep!ed "i!? sui!able #o!ice period
< 1d;a#ce orders ca# be accep!ed up !o 1 or 2 "ee6s before also.
T?e deli;er: of !?e i!ems !o !?e cus!omer premises ca# be do#e from
8.00 1M !o 4.00 $M duri#g all da:s of !?e "ee6 i#cludi#g &u#da:s a#d
$ublic ?olida:s@ e>cep! M,'(1D&.
< $rices are &ubEec! !o .?a#ge "i!?ou! #o!ice accordi#g !o Mar6e! &i!ua!io#
< 1ll orders are !a6e# subEec! !o a;ailabili!: of seafood o# da: of deli;er:
Fpda!ed o# 09.06.14

=ome (eli;er: /a!es - $rices ;alid from 09.06.2014 - 1%.06.2014
M,'(1D =,8-(1D
'o" ,ur $roduc!s are also a;ailable a! C,/ME- M1/5ET ,u!le!s a! 1d:ar@ 5ilpau6 G M:lapore
To place order call from 6.B0 am !o 9.B0 pm o# all da:s@ (eli;er: up!o 4 pm E>cep! Mo#da:s
1d:ar:'o:1B@*irs! .resce#! /oad@Ca#d?i 'agar@1d:ar.8M:'e>! !o .rimso# .?a6ra.
5ilpau6:'o:20283@/aEara!?i#am &!ree!@5ilpau6.8M:'ear 9e;erl: =o!el.
M:lapore:'o:6429@2#d Mai# /oad@.-T .olo#:@M:lapore.8M:9e?i#d *ocus Caller:.
*rom Ha#A2014 e;er: M,'(1D "ill be ?olida:@ ?o"e;er :ou ca# call G place order for #e>! da:
'o" :ou ca# order */E&= MFTT,' for 'E+T (1D (eli;er:
Tel : 044 - 66442222 Mobile : 9171072896
Email id :
ebsi!e: """.supremeseafood.i#
$o#!ac! us for %ul& 'rder (rici#g. Mi#imum 'rder )ua#!i!* 2+ &g (age + - +
,.-o (./T0 ME-1 /s.2&g
Biryani Menu & Kiddies Party Menu :
1 Seer fish cubes (Skinless , Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces /kg
2 Mahi Mahi Cubes (Skinless , Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces /kg
3 Sea bass Cubes (Skinless , Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces /kg
!ra"ell# Cubes (Skinless , Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces /kg
5 Me$iu% &ra'ns ( (ppro) 1*0 to 1+0 pieces /kg )
* ,resh Mutton 'ith Bone
Ala Carte Menu :
- Seer fish Slices ( (ppro) 10 to 12 slices / kg )
+ Black &o%fret Slices ( (ppro) 12 to 15 slices / kg )
. &eele$ Me$iu% &ra'ns ((ppro) 1*0 to 1+0 pieces /kg )
Fish Kebab/Tikka / Fish fingers ( Skinless , Bneless !
10 Seer fish cubes (Skinless , Boneless ) 25 to 30 pieces /kg
11 Mahi Mahi Cubes (Skinless, Boneless ) 25 to 30 pieces/kg
12 Sea bass Cubes (Skinless, Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces/kg
13 !ra"ell# Cubes (Skinless, Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces/kg
Buffet Menu :
1 Seer fish Slices ((ppro) 10 to 12 slices/kg)
15 Black &o%fret Slices ((ppro) 12 to 15 slices/kg)
Fish Kebab / Tikka / Fish fingers / Bread Sli"es (Skinless ,
1* Seer fish cubes (Skinless , Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces /kg
1- Mahi Mahi Cubes (Skinless, Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces/kg
1+ Sea bass Cubes (Skinless, Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces/kg
1. !ra"ell# Cubes (Skinless, Boneless) 25 to 30 pieces/kg
20 /u%bo pra'ns 0 1rille$/fr# (Before peeling 30 pieces/kg)
21 Crab &uttu (Crab %eat)
22 2ethili 0 ,or ,ish Curr# (3ea$less) ((ppro) -0 to +0 pieces/kg)
4i"e 5iraal 0 ,or ,ish Curr# (Cubes 'ith skin an$ bone, Me$iu% slices
an$ hea$ cleane$)
6 Call us at 00**2222 or .1-10-2+.*
6 7ne kg of an# seafoo$ can be ser"e$ for appo)i%atel# 10 persons
6 &lease or$er %ini%u% one to t'o 'eeks in a$"ance
6 ($"ance a%ount of -58 is re9uire$ 'hile placing the or$er :
6 Balance one $a# before $eli"er#
6 Cancellation if an# is possible onl# before -2 hours of $eli"er# : ,or
e)a%ple if $eli"er# is on Sun$a# then cancellation if an# %ust be
$one b# prece$ing !hurs$a#
6 ;n Case $ue to natural circu%stances like c#clone , ba$ 'eather etc
if 'e are unable to suppl# , then the sa%e 'ill be inti%ate$ before 3
$a#s of the $ate of $eli"er# :
6 &rices are in$icati"e an$ nee$ to be confir%e$ 'hile placing the or$er :
6 Mini%u% 7r$er <uantit# is 25 kg an$ abo"e for each ite%:
-o" *ou ca# order 3/E,4 M1TT'- for -E5T 6.0 6eli7er*
4ome 6eli7er* /a!es - (rices 7alid from 09.06.2014 - 1+.06.2014
3rom 8a#92014 e7er* M'-6.0 "ill be :olida*; :o"e7er *ou ca# call < place order for #e=! da*

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