Sie sind auf Seite 1von 49


Basic Poses
Standing Poses 1-2
Forward Bends 3
Restoratives 4
Twists 5
Balance Poses 6
Back Bends 7

More Yoga Poses 8-14
Basic Breathing, Meditation & Breathing 15

Themed Classes
Animal Kingdom Curriculum 16-25
Kids on the Move Curriculum 26-30
Ocean Yoga Curriculum 31- 40

Sun Salutations 41
Games 42-45
Chair Yoga & Yoga Movement 46
Benefits of a Yoga practice 47
Surf Board Template 48


Forward Bends
Forward bends open the lower back and legs while stretching the spine. These poses can
help to calm and activate and help regulate the endocrine system.



Twists are cleansing poses. They clear the mind and body by creating space. They activate
blood flow through all the organs and squeeze out the toxins.


Balance Poses

Balance poses strengthen the core and help extend coordination, help with attention span
and focus.

Back Bends

Back bends are great energizers and give flexibility to the spine, hips shoulders and organs.
Back bends can also bring up emotions which are trapped in the body, let them know this is


More Yoga Poses

Crooked Branch
Rain Drop
River Bend
Partner Back Stretch
Partner Twist


Bow: Lie on tummy, bend knees, arch back as you grab onto your ankles.

Candle: Start on back with legs up in the air, bring hands under hips while lifting your
legs and hips up toward the sky, use your hands to help with balance.

Cactus: Stand in mountain, bring one arms up slightly bending at elbow above head, other
arm lower with elbow bent more.

Crooked Branch: Lie on back, both legs together bent to one side, arms out straight on
both sides shoulder level, look toward the back, try to keep both shoulders on the floor.

Flower: Stand in mountain, bring the sole of one foot up to the opposite thigh, bring arms
up above head, hands together to make a circle.

Plank: Start on hands and knees, straighten out legs so you are on your toes, elbows

Pretzel: Sitting bend your right leg so your foot is by your outer thigh, then bend your
other leg over the top of the right leg trying to bring it toward the outer thigh, try to line up
the knees stacked on top of one another.

Plow: Lie on back with arms at your sides and legs up in the air, bring your legs over your
head and try to touch the floor with your toes.

Rain Drop: Lie on your side, try to touch your toes with your hands.

Roadrunner: Start on hands and knees, bring right leg forward, knee bent, back leg
comes back straight, place hands on either side of leg or both to the inside if belly is in the

Slide: Sit with legs straight in front, arms are behind, fingers facing toward you, lift up
your hips up slightly.

Staircase: Lie on back with head on the other persons tummy. (partner or group)

Partner Back Stretch: Sit back to back with legs in easy pose, bring arms up above head
and hold hands, now take turns leaning forward so the other person is getting a backward

Sunbird: Start on hands and knees, straighten one leg behind you, bring the opposite arm
up straight out front, try to make yourself level.

Partner Twist: Sit with backs together in easy pose, interlock elbows and twist side to


Volcano: When to use: When you feel like bursting or exploding, use the volcano to let off
steam. How to do: Sit in a chair or stand up. Place your palms together at your heart center
(Namaste pose). Breathe in as you watch your hands rise up over your head. Breathe out as you
explode your arms outward. Make big, blasting volcano noises. Lower your arms to your sides
and return your hands to the Namaste position. Repeat the sequence several times, erupting like a

Windmill: Stand in mountain with one arm above head and one arm in front of hips
hands facing inward, rotate arms like a windmill.
1 2


Basic Breathing
Balloon Breath: How to do: Sit on your heels and inflate your balloon (your tummy and
lungs). Take little sips of breath, and raise your arms upward little by little until they are
over your head. When youve sipped as much air as you can, your balloon is filled.
Game: You and your child can inflate your balloons together. Time it so you fill up at the
same time. Fly around together in a hot-air-balloon dance and then deflate in a gentle heap.
How many times can you go up, up and away, and come back down?

Basic Sitting Meditation
Sit in easy pose in a group circle, rest hands on knees, with eyes closed up to 5 minutes
depending on the age of the children. Tell them this is the time to clear your mind so you
can work out solutions to your problems. Use this quiet time to think about positive ways
to solve your problems, may be it is as easy as just being more understanding of someone.

Basic Relaxation
Bean Bag Relaxation: Refer to page
Bean bag Relaxation with story telling: You start a story and they add on to it one at a
time, this is great for children 5-8 Years.

Other class Ideas
Read a story and they can do the poses that coordinate.
Let everyone do their favorite pose.
Use music to play yoga freeze: Play music, when you stop it they have to freeze in a yoga

Animal Kingdom Yoga Poses
2 Birds on a Wire and Bird Pose
Down Dog
Dog Tail
2 Frogs on a lily pad
Basking Frog
Stink Bug


Bee: Squat down and place hands over eyes, make a buzz sound.

2 Birds on a Wire: Facing each other, hands together lift one leg back bent at the knee
other leg is straight.

Deer: Sit with the sole of one foot on the inside of the opposite thigh of the leg that is bent

Eagle: Stand in mountain, bring one foot around the calf of the opposite leg, bring arms
up with elbows bent, twist arms around and try to bring hands together.

2 Frogs on a lily pad: Frog Pose holding hands for balance.

Rabbit: Sit on your knees, bring hands together behind you, lean forward so your head
goes toward the floor, raise arms up to form ears.


Pigeon: Sit on knees, bring one leg back straight, use arms to balance.

Mouse: Sit on knees, lean forward head to mat and arms out straight.

Dog Tail Wag: Start on hands and knees, scrunch right hip toward right shoulder, now the
left side.

Cobra: Lie on tummy with hands next to chest, feet together with legs straight, lift upper
body by straightening arms but keep hips on the mat.

Earthworm: Lie down on tummy bring arms out forward, legs together and roll over and

2 Fish: 2 kids in fish pose but feet are touching.

Squirrel : Standing pose legs together, hands together in front of chest like holding a nut and
bend the knees, bring tailbone straight down like you are going to sit in a chair.

Armadillo: ( Tumble Weed) Sit on bottom, bring knees to chest, bring arms around legs,
clasp hands in front of shins so you are curled up in a ball.

Monkey: Start standing lean over touch hands to mat.

Duck: Start standing with heels together and toes pointing out to the sides, squat down
with knees wide apart, put hands down in front of feet.


Butterfly: Sit with soles of the feet together, hold with hands.

Dragonfly: Sit with legs spread apart, bring hands forward for the stretch.

Half Dragonfly: Sit with the sole of one foot to the inside of the opposite thigh, reach for
toes. Modify by using a strap.

Lion: Sit on knees back on heels, bring arms forward stick out tongue.

Cat: Start on hands and knees, arch back, head and tail bone go toward mat.

Cow: Start on hands and knees, bend back downward and tummy toward mat, head and
tailbone point up to sky.


Swan: Start on tummy and hands next to chest, bend the knees and arch the back,
straighten the arms as you try to bring your head toward your feet.

Locust: Lie on tummy elbows bend hands next to chest, legs out straight, lift one leg up
and hold.

Owl: Stand on toes, lean forward with hands back behind back and out straight.

Relaxation & Breathing

Basking Frog: Sit with knees bent heels to the outside of the thighs, now lie back.

Have the kids close their eyes while doing count breathing. Inhale to the count of 4 and
exhale to the count of 4 for up to 2 minutes, then stretch the legs out and remain lying down
for another 2-3 minutes.

Breathing Exercise in Cobra Pose (see page 20)
Hissing Breath
Breathe in deeply through nose, on the exhale thorough mouth making a s sound like you
are hissing.

Other Class Ideas
Have races with yoga poses
Tell a Story with coordinating yoga poses
Make animal masks or animal yoga eye pillows
Color pictures of animals, have them draw a picture of that animal in that pose


Kids on the Move

Bear Walk (walking on all fours in bear pose)
Tumble Weed (also rocking horse)
Bike (pedaling)
Row Boat
Draw Bridge
Bunny hop
Car races
Crab walk (walking in crab pose)
Elephant walk (walking in elephant pose)
Roller Coaster
Superman (flying)
Slithering Cobra Pose (races)
Wheel Barrow races
Yoga Jacks
Split Candle

Draw Bridge:(1) Lie on back, bring legs up toward sky, tighten tummy and back down.
Partner Pose: by placing the feet together about way down then as you raise up your legs
the bridge is open and as you both lower the bridge is closed.
Game: Use as the partner pose, let the kids pretend they are boats as they walk through the
bridge closing and opening.

Gate: Kneeling with one leg out to the side, hand on the mat on the same side as knee,
reach over to bring other arm over head to lean to the side. Partner moving gate put two
kids side by side with upper hands touching, they can bring the arm down closing and back
up to open.
Game: Let the kids try to walk though before the gate is closed.

Rowboat: Sit with feet together legs spread out, hold hands and take turns
leaning back and fourth.

Rollercoaster: Pretend you are riding a rollercoaster, coming down the hill, to
the side and backwards going up a hill.

1 2

Walking Caterpillar: sit behind one another and move forward using your legs
and bottom.

Bunny Hop: Start in Mountain, bend at the knees, bring hands in front with bent
wrists, now hop. Game: Get into a line and play follow the lead bunny.

Tumble Weed: Tuck knees into chest, wrap arms around legs, curl up and roll back
and forth.

Wheel: Start with back on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on mat and arms back by head,
lift up body by making your arms and legs straighten up while arching the back.

Wheel Barrow: One child is standing, the other child gets into plank pose and the
standing child picks up the feet of the child on the floor, the child on the floor walks on
his/her hands and the standing child follows carrying their feet. (no Pic)
Game: Have races in the Wheel Barrow Pose.

Split Candle: Start in Candle Pose, then move your legs like you are walking.

Washer: Sit in easy pose, place hands on shoulders and twist the upper body to each side.

Slithering Cobra: Lie on tummy, with legs out straight, place hands at sides of chest with
elbows up, lift your upper body keeping hips on the mat, straighten the arms, arch the
back, keep shoulders down away from ears. (Your elbows can be slightly bent)

Walking Meditation with breathing
Walk briskly while swinging arms the opposite your legs. While walking concentrate on
breathing evenly in and out for 1-3 minutes.

Ending Session
Stand in Mountain pose with hands in prayer pose at hearts center and say I am creative, I
am unique, I am talented, I follow directions.

Other Ideas for Class
Blind fold the kids, play music and let them dance (trance dance)

Ocean Yoga
Alligator Pose
Bike Pose
Bird Pose
Beach Ball Sunrise
Boat Pose
Clam Pose
Crab Pose
Crocodile Pose
Dolphin Pose
Fish Pose
Jelly Fish
Kite Pose
Mermaid Pose
Palm Tree Pose/Partner Pose
Snail Pose
Sea Shell Pose
Stingray Pose
Seal Pose
Sea Turtle Pose
Sea Horse Pose
Sand Angel Pose
Sand Castle (Group Pose 3/4 children)
Sail Boat Pose (modification of Tug Boat Pose)
Swimming Shark Pose
Swimming Superman Pose
Surfing Warrior Pose (surf board mat needed)
Star Fish Pose
Tug Boat Pose

Added Yoga Poses for Ocean Theme

Palm Tree Pose: (1) Stand with one knee bent behind, 1 arm above you head and the
other out just above shoulder level, bend wrists.
Partner Pose: (2) Stand back to back, bring one bent knee up to the side (tree pose) and
arms going the opposite way and move your arms.

1 2

Bike Pose: Lie on your back, with hands behind head, bring bend both knees, circle legs
like riding a bike.

Alligator Pose: Alligator Pose: Lie on your back with legs together, twist them to one
side and then back to the other like a swinging tail.

Mermaid Pose: Lie on your tummy, bend you knees and cross them
behind you. (Advanced)

Crocodile Pose: Lie on tummy, hands at sides of chest and bend knees to
bring legs up together. For snapping crock hold arms out straight and chomp with open
and closed hands.

Sea Turtle Pose: Start on hands and knees, bring bottom down to mat between feet and
elbows back between knees with forearms on the floor and head down.

Snail Pose: Sit on your heels, lean forward head to mat and arms up for antennas.
Partner Pose: Have one person as bottom of snail and one on top for the shell.

Sea Shell Pose: Sit in pretzel pose, twist to the back by putting arm over leg.
Game: Ask the kids to name different kinds of sea shells.

Bird Pose: Stand with one knee bent back and hands are together in
front of chest.

Clam Pose: Lie on your side, bend knees together, open and close knees.

Dolphin Pose: Start on elbows and knees slide your body forward so your head comes
closer to your hands, then side back. (swimming motion)
1 2

Surf Warrior Pose: Turn one foot facing forward, one out to side, bend front knee and
bring arms straight out to the sides, turn and look forward.
Game: Move around like you are trying to stay on a surf board, but keep your feet still.
Yoga Art: Use paper, cardboard to make surf boards and decorate them.


Sand Angel Pose: Lie on your back with arms next to sides and legs together straight(1),
bring arms out to side and legs slide out wider(3) arms come up to the sides of your head
and legs out wide(4) now return to start by going backward.
1 2

3 4

Crab Pose: Start by sitting, place hand behind you and knees bent with feet on the floor,
lift hips up.
Game: Have Crab Races or use your foot to try to knock others down.

Fish Pose: (1) Advanced; Lie on your back, legs straight, bring arms together at tummy,
push up tummy by bending back and bring top of head to floor. (2) Both in fish pose but
toes are touching.

1 2

Tug Boat Pose: Start sitting with legs bent in front, grasp hands, put one foot at a time on
each others and each of you straighten your leg and lean back to balance on your sit bones.

Modification: Sailboat Pose

Swimming Shark Pose with Fin: Lie on tummy, bring arms back behind the back and
touch fingers together to form a fin, head is straight, heels are pointing upward.

Beach Ball Sunrise: Start with ball above your head #1, around to the side #2, down in
front #3 and up to other side #4 up to #1 position.
1 2 3

Swim Pose: Lie on tummy with arms and legs stretched out, kick feet and move arms in
swimming motion. If you have made surfboards use them under you to swim to catch a
wave then jump up into Surf warrior.

Seal Pose: Advanced; Lie on tummy with hands beside chest, legs spread apart behind
you, lift up your upper body while straightening the arms.

Stingray Pose: Lie on your tummy with arms back lifted up and legs lifted up together.
(also shark without the fin)

Sea Horse Pose: Lie on your side with knees bent forward together and shoulders coming
forward and head bent down to form the letter S.

Sand Castle Pose: Have 2 parents stand opposite each other and 2 children stand
between them to form a circle hold hands to make castle.

Kite Pose: Start in Mountain pose, bring arms out to the sides and lift one foot behind
bending at the knee.

Floating: Lie on your surfboard or mat to float in the water, feel the waves under your

Jelly Fish: Lie on back with arms and legs up in the air, move them slowly different ways
like they are floating in water.

Ocean Yoga Meditation:

Star Fish Pose: Lie on your back with arms out to sides and legs spread so your body is
relaxed like a star finish lying still on the sand or on a rock in the warm sun. Instruct the
kids to close their eyes.

Explain that taking time to lie all stretched out on your back is a way to feel good if you are
upset, and need quiet time to think of ways to be happy again with your friends and family.

Relaxation Clench and Relax Muscles
Have the kids clench up then relax their muscles: face, arms, tummy, legs and toes then the
whole body at once, do not forget to roll the head to the right and then the left.

Breathe in and out evenly breathe in 2 counts and out 2 counts for 1 minute.

Ending Session
Stretch arms out above head and legs out, wiggle fingers and toes, open eyes, then sit in
easy pose, bring hands to prayer pose at hearts center and say I am happy, I am strong, I
am confident in myself, I am clam.

Other Ideas for Class
Have races with the animal poses.
Color Pictures of Coordinating animals.
Tell a Story that has coordinating poses.
Make a Surf board and decorate it.

Sun Salutations



Mirror Yoga
Stand or sit across from each other and have l person lead doing poses while the other person
tries to mirror the movements.

Shadow Yoga
In Shadow yoga the teacher does not speak, just does the poses and the kids follow. If you can
make it so your shadow reflects on the wall.




Eagle Wisdom Pose

Table and Chairs Pose
One Person is in table pose, others are in chair pose around the table, as a game you can
play music and stop it and they chair kids have to switch positions at the table.

Snakes under a Bridge
Some kids are in Down Dog Pose or Wheel Pose and others are slithering cobras crossing
under the bridge.

Challenge Pose
3s a Crowd Pose: Downward Facing Dog, Upward facing Dog and Flat Tire Poses.


Benefits of a Yoga Practice

Kids have lots of energy and they need to have a way to work it out so they can be more
focused and calm. Yoga provides this and the benefits of exercise on the body, promotes
proper breathing, meditation for the mind and relaxation to restore the body.

Yoga can also be used to awaken you if you are feeling sluggish by providing more oxygen
in your blood and gets your circulation going.

Yoga is Non-competitive
Everyone can do yoga, feel good about it and help each other with it. It is not a goal focused
practice, it is a self process-focus.

Yoga creates balance, flexibility and quietness
Kids must slow down, find their center and become present in the movement of yoga. When
doing yoga they release tension and toxins as this happens they feel more relaxed and focused so
they can participate fully.

Tips For Teaching Yoga to Kids
Listen to the kids they will come up with great new ideas for yoga classes.
Have fun!
Kids sometimes need to modify a pose, this is fine as long as they are not going to get hurt.
Remind kids to breath in the pose not hold the breath.
Keep knees above the ankle when bent in standing poses.
Posture: Chest lifted, stomach in, spine long, Head inline with torso, chin relaxed.
Balance Poses are easier if they focus on a object in front of them.

Yoga Principles
See the Positive in you and others
Be Tolerant and Share
Be Honest and tell the truth
Be Disciplined and work hard
Be Peaceful and Show Kindness
Be respectful and responsible


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